C113: DEMO OF IMS (EQHSMS- QMS 9001-2015, EMS-14001-2015 And OHSAS .

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C113: DEMO OF IMS (EQHSMS- QMS 9001-2015, EMS-14001-2015 and OHSAS 18001) INTERNAL AUDITOR TRAINING PPT PRESENTATION KIT Price 360 USD Buy: itortraining-presentation.htm C113- CONTENTS OF IMS (EQHSMS) INTERNAL AUDITOR TRAINING PPT PRESENTATIONS TRAINING KIT IMS (EQHSMS) Internal Auditor Training Présentation kit (Editable) Sr. No. The entire PPT presentation kit has 9 main files as below PPT Presentation 1. Document of Details No. of Slides 1. Overview of IMS (EQHSMS) 43 2. QMS Principals 12 3. QMS 9001:2015 requirements 83 4. EMS 14001:2015 requirements 72 5. OHSAS 18001:2007 requirements 65 6. EQHSMS Internal audit 32 7. Steps for EQHSMS Internal audit 57 8. Verification Matrix 11 9. Accident Investigation System 14 Total no. of slides 389 2. A trainer's guide and hand outs and editable form to understand IMS (EQHSMS) subject well in 7 chapters and 1 tables Approx. 85 Pages in Ms. word 3. Work-shops and Case studies to evaluate effectiveness of training. 08 workshops and 03 case studies 4. Audit checklist – Requirements wise for all 3 standards and department wise 5. Audit records 6. Sample risk template 7. Sample EQHSMS certified Internal Auditor training certificate copy to be given as per sample after solving case studies and work shops www.CertificationConsultancy.com Approx. 1000 audit questions 05 file in Ms. word 01 template in Ms. excel 01 file in Ms. word E mail Sales@certificationconsultancy.com Tele: 91-79-2656 5405 Page 1 of 6

C113: DEMO OF IMS (EQHSMS- QMS 9001-2015, EMS-14001-2015 and OHSAS 18001) INTERNAL AUDITOR TRAINING PPT PRESENTATION KIT Price 360 USD Buy: itortraining-presentation.htm Topic wise number of slides:Sr. No. Title of Slides No of Slide 1. Overview of IMS (EQHSMS) 43 2. QMS Principals 12 3. QMS 9001:2015 requirements 83 4. EMS 14001:2015 requirements 72 5. OHSAS 18001:2007 requirements 65 6. EQHSMS Internal audit 32 7. Steps for EQHSMS Internal audit 57 8. Verification Matrix 11 9. Accident Investigation System 14 Total No. of Slides 389 Part - 1. Presentation: Under this directory further files are made in power point presentation as per the chapter listed below. Topic wise Power Point presentation in 11 modules as listed below. 1. Overview of IMS (EQHSMS) system It covers Overview of IMS (EQHSMS) system, benefits and summary of overall system and requirements and overview of all 3 systems 2. ISO 9001:2015 principles It covers 7 principles of quality management system based on ISO 9001:2015 and covers all details how such principles to be considered in making the system. 3. QMS 9001:2015 requirements It covers QMS systems specifications, Requirements, to establish the QMS, It gives explanation for many new concepts and given in plain English for easy understanding of revised changes given in ISO 9001:2015 and many places examples and guidelines for implementation are given 4. EMS ISO 14001:2015 requirements It covers EMS systems specifications, Requirements, to establish the EMS, It gives explanation for many new concepts and given in plain English for easy understanding of revised changes given in ISO 14001:2015 and many places examples are given. www.CertificationConsultancy.com E mail Sales@certificationconsultancy.com Tele: 91-79-2656 5405 Page 2 of 6

C113: DEMO OF IMS (EQHSMS- QMS 9001-2015, EMS-14001-2015 and OHSAS 18001) INTERNAL AUDITOR TRAINING PPT PRESENTATION KIT Price 360 USD Buy: itortraining-presentation.htm 5. OHSAS 18001:2007 requirements It covers OHSAS systems specifications, Requirements, to establish the OHSAS, It gives explanation for many new concepts and given in plain English for easy understanding of revised changes given in OHSAS 18001:2007 and many places examples are given. 6. EQHSMS internal Audit It covers internal audit process, audit question techniques and guidelines for internal audit as well as auditor criteria. 7. Steps for EQHSMS Internal Audit It covers steps to carry out EQHSMS system internal audit based on ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and OHSAS 18001:2007. 8. Verification Matrix It covers part of audit the verification should be done in the areas to ensure good auditing and verification system for safety. 9. Accident Investigation System There is a title slide for Accident investigation system as per OHSAS 18001 and quantifying matrix for the same. Part - 2. A trainer's guide and handouts in editable form to understand IMS (EQHSMS) subject well:This topic covers write up for the ready reference to the participant for understanding and reading the subject to get in depth knowledge on the subject It is given in word. You may also use it for further reading and circulations within audience Chapter Section No. Overview to ISO 9001:2015 QMS and ISO 14001:2015 EMS and OHSAS 18001 1. QMS 9001:2015 changes and requirements 2. EMS 14001:2015 changes 3. Summary of OH&S Management System Requirements 4. ISO 9001:2015 QMS and ISO 14001:2015 EMS and OHSAS 18001 Internal audit 5. Principals of Quality Management System-ISO 9001:2015 6. ISO 9001 and 14001 and OHSAS 18001 EQHSMS audit records 7. Tables 8. Table - 1 Documented information Summary against ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 requirements 9. Chemical Chart www.CertificationConsultancy.com E mail Sales@certificationconsultancy.com Tele: 91-79-2656 5405 Page 3 of 6

C113: DEMO OF IMS (EQHSMS- QMS 9001-2015, EMS-14001-2015 and OHSAS 18001) INTERNAL AUDITOR TRAINING PPT PRESENTATION KIT Price 360 USD Buy: itortraining-presentation.htm Part – 3. Work-shops 6 and Case studies to evaluate effectiveness of training 06 workshops and 03 case studies:This topic covers workshops and case studies to evaluate effectiveness of training. Each participant needs to solve this work shop and case studies after undergoing the training. After successful completion of work shop and case studies the ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and OHSAS 18001:2007 and IMS (EQHSMS) system. For each areas 2 workshops each of 10 questions will be given. Also 3 casestudies of live real life examples are included. Part - 4. IMS (EQHSMS) audit checklist:The ready to use IMS (EQHSMS) audit questions as below. 1. 2. 3. 4. QMS ISO 9001:2015 requirement wise questions EMS ISO 14001:2015 requirement wise questions OHSAS 18001:2007 requirement wise questions Department wise audit questions for IMS –EQHSMS system Part - 5. IMS (EQHSMS) audit records:This topic covers audit records to carry our internal audit of IMS (EQHSMS) system and 5 forms are given. Part - 6. Sample risk template:The ready to use risk template in editable form is given to prepare the risk document for the organization. It is given in excel and can be use as ready to use template. Part - 7. Sample Copy of IMS (EQHSMS) Internal Auditor Certificate:Sample IMS (EQHSMS) Internal Auditor training certificate copy. This sample certificate helps to create training certificate for participants after completing the EQHSMS Internal Auditor training using our training kit. www.CertificationConsultancy.com E mail Sales@certificationconsultancy.com Tele: 91-79-2656 5405 Page 4 of 6

C113: DEMO OF IMS (EQHSMS- QMS 9001-2015, EMS-14001-2015 and OHSAS 18001) INTERNAL AUDITOR TRAINING PPT PRESENTATION KIT Price 360 USD Buy: itortraining-presentation.htm Chapter-2.0 ABOUT COMPANY Global manager group is a progressive company and promoted by a group of qualified engineers and management graduates having rich experience of 25 years in system certification consultancy and management areas. The company serves the global customers through on-site and off-site modes of service delivery systems. We offer a full range of consulting services geared towards helping all types of organizations to achieve competitiveness, certifications and compliance to international standards and regulations. So far we had more than 1900 clients in more than 45 countries. Our readymade training and editable document kit helps the client in making their documents easy and make them complying to related standard faster with the establishment of best processes. It helps the organization to make the best system with process improvement concepts and helps the organization to get best performances in terms of reduction in costing, efforts and get the things done timely with Quality product. Thus it helps the organization to give full value for money and pay back of our product is less than 2 month. 1. Our promoters and engineers have experience of more than 1900 companies globally for management training, ISO consultancy, process improvement concept implementation and ISO series consultancy. We had clients in more than 45 countries. 2. Highly qualified 40 team members (M.B.A., Degree engineers) and owner is having rich professional experience (since 1991). 3. We have 100% success rate for global standards certification including ISO of our clients from reputed certifying body and branded image and leading name in the market. 4. Suggest continual improvement and cost reduction measures as well as highly informative training presentations and other products gives payback within 2 months against our cost. 5. So far more than 50000 employees are trained by us in ISO series certification in last 20 years. 6. We had spent more than 30000 man-days (100 man years) in preparing ISO documents and training slides. 7. Our product gives lot of opportunity for process improvements and gives full benefits to the users. Global Manager Group is committed for: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Personal involvement & commitment from first day Optimum charges Professional approach Hard work and update the knowledge of team members Strengthening clients by system establishment and providing best training materials in any areas of management to make their house in proper manner 6. To establish strong internal control with the help of system and use of the latest management techniques. www.CertificationConsultancy.com E mail Sales@certificationconsultancy.com Tele: 91-79-2656 5405 Page 5 of 6

C113: DEMO OF IMS (EQHSMS- QMS 9001-2015, EMS-14001-2015 and OHSAS 18001) INTERNAL AUDITOR TRAINING PPT PRESENTATION KIT Price 360 USD Buy: itortraining-presentation.htm Chapter-3.0 USER FUNCTION 3.1 Hardware and Software Requirements A. Hardware: Our document kit can be better performed with the help of P3 and above computers with a minimum 10 GB hard disk space. For better visual impact of the power point Document you may keep the setting of colour image at high colour. B. Software used in Document kit Hand-outs written in Ms Office 2007 and window xp programs. You are therefore required to have office 2007 or above with window xp and later and Presentation made in power point programs you are therefore required to have office 2003 and office 2007. 3.2 Features of Document kit:- It will save much time in typing and preparation of presentation alone. Written in Plain English Easily customized by you to add audio clips in the local language etc to prepare presentation for any other groups and user can easily customize it for own use. Good guide for training of all the group members for IMS (EQHSMS) certified Internal Auditor training. User-friendly and easy to learn. Developed under the guidance of experienced experts. www.CertificationConsultancy.com E mail Sales@certificationconsultancy.com Tele: 91-79-2656 5405 Page 6 of 6

Punyam Management Services Pvt. Ltd. Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master title style Punyam Click to edit Master text styles –Click to edit Second level Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Third–level » Fifth level Fourth level Fifth level 10/31/2015 10/31/2015 GMG 1 1 Copyrights 2015 @ I Global Manager Group sales@globalmanagergroup.com 1

Punyam Management Services Pvt. Ltd. Punyam Click to edit Master titleTRAINING style DEMO OF EQHSMS AUDITOR Click to edit Master title style Click to editPRESENTATION Master text stylesKIT –Click to edit Master styles OHSAS 18001:2007) (Based on QMS 9001:2015, EMStext 14001:2015, Second level Second level Third level Fourth level Third–level Product Code: C113 » Fifth level Fourth level Fifth level Price: 360 USD www.CertificationConsultancy.com 10/31/2015 10/31/2015 GMG 2 2 Copyrights 2015 @ I Global Manager Group sales@globalmanagergroup.com 2

Punyam Management Services Pvt. Ltd. Punyam QMS Structure ClickISOto9001 edit2015 Master title style Click to edit Master title style PLAN DO Click to edit Master text styles –Click to edit Second level Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Third–level » Fifth level Fourth level Fifth level 4 Context of the organization 5 Leadership Understanding the organization and its context 6 Planning 7 Support Leadership and commitment Actions to address risk and opportunity Needs & Expectations of interested parties Quality policy Quality objectives and planning Scope of management system Roles, responsibilities and authorities QMS and its processes Planning of changes 8 Operation CHECK 9 Performance and evaluation ACT 10 Improvement Resources Operations of planning and control Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation Nonconformity and corrective action Competence Requirements for products and services Internal audit Continual improvement Awareness Design and development of product and services Management review Communication Documented information Control of external provision of products, processes and services Production of goods and provision of services Release of products and services Control of Nonconforming outputs 10/31/2015 10/31/2015 GMG 3 3 Copyrights 2015 @ I Global Manager Group sales@globalmanagergroup.com 3

Punyam Management Services Pvt. Ltd. EQHSMS Internal Context Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master title style Relationshi p with internal stake holders Organizatio n Culture Governanc e Click to edit Master text styles –Click to edit Second level Master text styles Second level Third level Internal Fourth level Third–level Context » Fifth level Fourth level Fifth level Decision making process Organizatio nal Structure Current Roles & Resp. Process maturity Current system and tools Strategy Resource levels 10/31/2015 10/31/2015 GMG Punyam Current capabilities 4 4 Copyrights 2015 @ I Global Manager Group sales@globalmanagergroup.com 4

Punyam Management Services Pvt. Ltd. Structure Standards as per ISO 14001:2015 Click toof edit Master title style Punyam Click to edit Master title style 9 Performance evaluation 10 Improvement Click to edit Master text styles –Click to edit Second level Master text styles 8 Operation level Second Third level Fourth level Third–level 4 Context of the organization » Fifth level Fourth level 7 Support Fifth level Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation Internal audit Management review General Nonconformity and corrective action Continual improvement Operational planning and control Emergency preparedness and response Understanding the organization and its context Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties Determining the scope of the environmental management system Environmental management system Resources Competence Awareness Communication Documented information 6 Planning Actions to address risks and opportunities Environmental objectives and planning to achieve them 10/31/2015 10/31/2015 GMG 5 Leadership Leadership and commitment Environment policy Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities 5 5 Copyrights 2015 @ I Global Manager Group sales@globalmanagergroup.com 5

Punyam Management Services Pvt. Ltd. OHSAS 18001:2007 requirements Click to edit Master title style Punyam Click to edit Master title style CLAUSE OFstyles CAUSE Click to edit MasterTITLE text NO. –Click to edit Second level Master text styles GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 4.1 Second level Third level POLICY Fourth level 4.2 Third–OH&S level » Fifth level PLANNING 4.3 Fourth level 4.3.1 Fifth PLANNING level FOR HAZARD IDENTIFICATION, RISK ASSESSMENT AND DETERMINING CONTROL 4.3.2 LEGAL AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS 4.3.3 OBJECTIVES AND PROGRAMME 10/31/2015 10/31/2015 GMG 6 6 Copyrights 2015 @ I Global Manager Group sales@globalmanagergroup.com 6

Punyam Management Services Pvt. Ltd. Click toEmergency edit Masterplan title style Click to edit Master title style Punyam Click to edit Master text styles Reporting procedure –Click to edit Master text styles Second level Evacuation procedure & drills Second level Third level Facility layout and alternate routes, walk bays Fourth level Third–level Color codes - system, pipelines » Fifth level Fourth level Protection of vital equipment, material Fifth level Control center and mobile command center Investigating expert team and CPA planning Government / Corporate / internal notification Cleanup & disposal procedure 10/31/2015 10/31/2015 GMG 7 7 Copyrights 2015 @ I Global Manager Group sales@globalmanagergroup.com 7

Punyam Management Services Pvt. Ltd. Verification matrix physical inspection tour Click to edit Master title style Q.Click No. Characteristics to edit Master title style 1. Punyam General Workplace condition Clickd.toLadders edit Master text styles –Click to edit Master text Proper general condition [ nostyles corrosion, missing bolts, rungs, Second level dents, bends]; Second level Third level Safety feet in serviceable condition; Unpainted and free of grease and oil; –level Fourth level Third One »person on ladder at a time; Fifth level Fourth level Properly positioned and tied in at top; Doors blocked open, locked or guarded if in front of ladder; Fifth level Supported in place against window openings; 10/31/2015 10/31/2015 GMG 3" extension above roof is used for access to roof / platform; Defective ladders have danger tags affixed; Metal ladders not used in electrical areas; Both rails supported; Fixed ladders have landing platform every 20" or as locally prescribed and cages as prescribed. 8 8 Copyrights 2015 @ I Global Manager Group sales@globalmanagergroup.com 8

Punyam Management Services Pvt. Ltd. TipsClick to trained EQHSMS internal auditor to edit Master title style Punyam Click to edit Master title style 1. Auditor is always fact finder and not fault finder. Theto auditor for effectiveness of system, process approach 2.Click editlooks Master text styles and not only records. –Click to edit Master text styles Second level 3. Auditors 4 Key boundaries Second level and ISO 9001:2015 and OHSAS 18001-2007 level a. Third ISO 14001-2015 –level Fourth level Third Requirements » Fifth level b. Own written documented information Fourth level c. Customer requirements Fifth level d. Statutory & Regulatory requirements (Compliance obligations) 4. Audit methodology a. Interview People b. Verify Records c. Witness verification/ Process Checking 10/31/2015 9 10/31/2015 Copyrights 2015 @ I Global Manager Group sales@globalmanagergroup.com 9 9 GMG

Punyam Management Services Pvt. Ltd. EQHSMS Internal titleAudit style Steps Click to edit Master Click to edit Master title style 1. Audit Plan Punyam 2. Develop Checklists Click to edit Master text styles –Click to edit Second level Master text styles 3. Opening Meeting Second level Third level Fourth level Third–level 4. Gather » Fifth level Evidence Fourth level Fifth level 5. Record Results 6. Closing Meeting 7. Audit report 10/31/2015 10/31/2015 GMG 1010 Copyrights 2015 @ I Global Manager Group sales@globalmanagergroup.com 10

C113: DEMO OF IMS (EQHSMS- QMS 9001-2015, EMS-14001-2015 and OHSAS 18001) INTERNAL AUDITOR TRAINING PPT PRESENTATION KIT Price 360 USD Buy: itortraining-presentation.htm Chapter-4.0 BENEFITS OF USING OUR PRESENTATION KIT By using these slides, you can save a lot of your precious time while preparing the EQHSMS internal audit training course materials for in-house training programs. To provide you with the Presentation Materials and hand-outs that you need for an effective presentation on EQHSMS internal audit training, what it is, and what it requires Present the basics of EQHSMS internal audit training to Management or other groups To deliver EQHSMS training in a group, using a PowerPoint presentation and create in house IMS certified internal auditor team. Take care for all the section and sub sections of EQHSMS internal audit training and give better understanding at all the levels during EQHSMS internal audit training implementation and sharpen the EQHSMS internal audit training requirements for all employees within organization. For purchase Click Here www.CertificationConsultancy.com Contact Us E mail Sales@certificationconsultancy.com Tele: 91-79-2656 5405 Page 15 of 15

ISO 9001:2015 QMS and ISO 14001:2015 EMS and OHSAS 18001 Internal audit 6. Principals of Quality Management System-ISO 9001:2015 7. ISO 9001 and 14001 and OHSAS 18001 EQHSMS audit records 8. Tables Table - 1 Documented information Summary against ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 requirements 9. Chemical Chart

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