THE FUTURE OF CONTINENTAL SCIENTIFIC DRILLINGU.S. PERSPECTIVEProceedings of a workshop June 4-5, 2009 Denver, ColoradoD O S E C C W O R K S H O P P U B L I C AT I O N 1
Front Cover: Basalts and rhyolites of the Snake River Plainat Twin Falls, Idaho. Project Hotspot will explore theinteraction of the Yellowstone hotspot with the continentalcrust by sampling the volcanic rocks underlying the plain.Two 1.5 km holes will penetrate both the surficial basaltand the underlying rhyolite caldera-fill and outflow deposits. A separate drill hole will explore the paleoclimaterecord in Pliocene Lake Idaho in the western Snake RiverPlain. In addition to the understanding of continent-mantleinteraction that develops and the paleoclimate datacollected, the project will study water-rock interaction,gases emanating from the deeper curst, and the geomicrobiology of the rocks of the plain. Once scientific objectivesand set, budgets are developed, and funding is granted,successful implementation of projects requires carefulplanning, professional on-site staff, appropriate equipment, effective logistics, and accurate accounting.Photo by Tony WaltonThe authors gratefully acknowledge support of the National ScienceFoundation (NSF EAR 0923056 to The University of Kansas) andDOSECC, Inc. of Salt Lake City, Utah.Anthony W. Walton, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KansasKenneth G. Miller, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J.Christian Koeberl, University of Vienna, Vienna, AustriaJohn Shervais, Utah State University, Logan, UtahSteve Colman, University of Minnesota, Duluth, Duluth, MinnesotaStephen Hickman, US Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CaliforniaWill Clyde, University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshireedited by Cathy Evans.covers and design by mitch favrow.document layout by Pam Lerow and Paula Courtney.
THE FUTURE OF CONTINENTAL SCIENTIFIC DRILLING,A US PerspectiveEXECUTIVE SUMMARYMany fundamental and exciting scientific problems can only be solved by drilling. Problems for which drillingis essential encompass a wide range of themes: global environmental and ecological change; geodynamics,including related earthquake and volcano hazards; the geobiosphere; and natural resources and relatedenvironmental concerns. Intellectually coherent topics lie within these themes or cross theme boundaries.Themes include geologic records of coupled climate, sea level, and environmental change; history of themagnetosphere; melting processes of mantle plumes and their interaction with continental crust; fault andearthquake source mechanics; evolution of volcanic systems; extraterrestrial impact structures and processes;subsurface ecosystems; ground water; hydrothermal processes, geothermal energy and ore deposition; and CO2sequestration, to mention a few. Drilling is necessary to access, for example, key structures, rock bodies andactive processes that are not exposed, but lie within range of the drill bit; time series where surface outcrops areunavailable or not usable; or fluids and microbes at depth.The future of scientific drilling was considered at a workshop in Denver, Colorado, on June 4 and 5, 2009. Theworkshop emphasized the future of drilling under US auspices, although it had international participation. Thegoal of the workshop was to identify key scientific issues that could be addressed by drilling and to foster newscientific drilling projects within the US-based community, in cooperation with the International ContinentalScientific Drilling Program (ICDP).Drilling into continental sediments and rocks complements drilling in ocean basins. The continental recordpotentially extends our knowledge of deep time to the Archean, while ocean drilling generally providesinformation only back to the age of the oldest oceanic crust. Continental drilling can elucidate uniquelycontinental processes and structures, as well as provide alternate but complementary views to observationsmade in the oceans. However, many problems require drilling in both the continental and oceanic realms, socooperation and coordination between the continental and marine drilling community is critical.The community interested in continental scientific drilling is large, intellectually engaged, and thematicallydiverse. It is important to foster this community and to promote intellectual discourse among members withdiffering but potentially syngergistic interests. It is also important to reach outside the drilling communityto groups that use different methods to approach the same problems. For example, most drill holes have thepotential for investigating the subsurface microbial community, but this capability is underutilized. Manyprocesses within the Earth’s interior are investigated by geophysics, analog studies, and modeling as well asthrough samples and data from drilling. The general view of the workshop participants was that collaborationshould be encouraged with such parallel groups as well as within the scientific drilling community whereverpossible and appropriateAs drilling is expensive, it is important to identify objectives carefully and to optimize individual campaignsor holes. Optimization requires planning at two levels. At one level it is necessary for specialists in particularresearch topics to optimize available technology and research opportunities to develop key projects that havesignificant potential to advance the science in their particular discipline using as many different tools andexperimental approaches as possible. At a different level, individual drilling projects are very expensive andthus require development of a broadly based community of specialists in diverse fields who will make useof the samples and data from the drilling project. Such planning should include efforts to bring forth themaximum involvement of interested parties, including those from disciplines outside the traditional bounds ofthe geosciences. Both individual drilling projects and general research themes can benefit from technologicaladvances to obtain better samples, downhole measurements and long-term monitoring that enable a wide arrayTHE FUTURE OF CONTINENTAL SCIENTIFIC DRILLING: A U.S. PERSPECTIVE1
of cutting-edge scientific issues to be addressed in a broader range of environments. Close interactions betweenscientists, drilling contractors, and designers of tools and equipment are necessary to continuously advance thescience that can be addressed through drilling.The workshop came to several recommendations for the community interested in drilling in continentalenvironments.First, the continental drilling community must broaden itself by educating other geoscientists in theadvantages of drilling as a means of getting key samples and data for important problems.Second, the community must develop a broadly based science advisory committee that acts to focusthe community, provides scientific leadership, and invites participation by all interested parties withinthe Earth sciences.Third, that science advisory committee must encourage disciplinary planning workshops that havestrong participation of parallel groups not traditionally involved in drilling in addition to members ofthe continental drilling community.Fourth, the community should identify general needs for technological advances in capabilities orfacilities and work together to meet those needs.Fifth, the community should develop instrumentation and protocols for use of drill holes in long-termmonitoring of active processes at depth.Sixth, there should be well-established routes to carrying out preliminary site characterization studies tofacilitate development of scientific and operational plans for drilling projects and to verify that the sitesselected for these projects are optimal for achieving their scientific objectives.Seventh, the community must provide open and ready access to all data, cores, and publications thatresult from drilling after appropriate moratorium periods through public databases, repositories, sitereports and publications in the general literature. Cooperation with ocean drilling in these activities isdesirable.Finally, a facility is necessary to assist PIs in preparing realistic drilling plans and cost estimates forproposals. This facility should also have the capabilities to carry out successful drilling campaigns,including operational and support staff, logistics, drilling equipment and suitable on-site laboratories.The facility can provide staff support for community activities, and should be managed in coordinationwith technological, database and other support capabilities currently provided by the ICDP and IODP.The authors gratefully acknowledge support of the National Science Foundation (NSF EAR 0923056 to TheUniversity of Kansas) and DOSECC, Inc. of Salt Lake City, Utah.Anthony W. Walton, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KansasKenneth G. Miller, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J.Christian Koeberl, University of Vienna, Vienna, AustriaJohn Shervais, Utah State University, Logan, UtahSteve Colman, University of Minnesota, Duluth, Duluth, MinnesotaStephen Hickman, US Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CaliforniaWill Clyde, University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire2THE FUTURE OF CONTINENTAL SCIENTIFIC DRILLING: A U.S. PERSPECTIVE
THE FUTURE OF CONTINENTAL SCIENTIFIC DRILLING:A U.S. PERSPECTIVEAnthony W. Walton1, Will Clyde2, Steve M. Colman3, Stephen Hickman4, Christian Koeberl5,Kenneth H. Miller6, and John Shervais7INTRODUCTION: EXCITING SCIENCE THROUGH DRILLINGDiscovering new life forms, understanding how faults and mantle plumes operate, deciphering climate changeand its effects on the biosphere, describing the processes of bolide impact and astrobleme formation, and documenting instability in the orbits of Mars and the Earth (Fig. 1) are some of the topics where vital informationcan only come through drilling into continental sediments and rocks. Drilling projects offer an opportunity foraddressing multiple topics in single efforts—origin of magmas and diversity of the geobiosphere in a singleproject or both Pleistocene climate records and impact crater formation from a single lake. The various cores,fluid samples and measurements from the deep subsurface are of interest not only to geochemists, mineralogists, petrologists, sedimentologists, and geobiologists who study them, but also to specialists who use different methods to approach the same problems—seismologists, tectonicists, and experimental petrologists, forexample. Therefore, drilling is a means of uniquely addressing key geologic problems that are the focus ofinvestigations by several different specialties either within the drilling community or in parallel communities.Figure 1. Wavelet spectra in time for orbital interactionswithin the Solar System for Late Triassic, derived from longcored stratigraphic records (Olsen and Kent, 1999), andNeogene, based on current celestial mechanics (Laskar etal., 2004). The interaction of Venus and Jupiter appears tobe close to constant at 405 Ka, but the Earth-Mars interaction has shifted from about 1.75 Ma in the Triassic to about2.37 Ma in the Neogene because of chaotic diffusion in thegravitational interaction between the two planets. Drillingof long sedimentary records can test fundamental models ofthe dynamics of the solar system, produce insolation curvesfor any arbitrary time period, tune isotopic decay constants,constrain the possible Velikovskyish behavior (Batygin andLaughlin, 2008) of the inner planets, and, ideally, test generalrelativity itself. (courtesy of Paul Olsen)Drilling, including planning for and operating drilling projects, is not in the normal spectrum of skills taughtto geoscientists during their education; most of us do best when concentrating on the science we know ratherthan dealing with technical and management issues in an unfamiliar field. Drilling projects require specializedequipment and personnel, neither of which are available at most universities or research institutions. Samplesand data from drilling projects require careful storage and curation because they will have value to other investigators in the future, and the expense of reproducing them is prohibitive.The broad interest in drilling projects and the requirements for management, personnel, equipment, and retention of materials mean that those interested in such projects should act as a community to make the process ofdeveloping and implementing drilling projects as straightforward as possible and to get the maximum possiblereturn for the rather large investments required.University of Kansas, Lawrence, KansasUniversity of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire3University of Minnesota, Duluth, Minnesota4U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California5University of Vienna, Austria6Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey7Utah State University, Logan, Utah12THE FUTURE OF CONTINENTAL SCIENTIFIC DRILLING: A U.S. PERSPECTIVE3
To further that community, and to publicize the fundamental and exciting science achievable with samplesand measurements from drilling projects, a workshop,The Future of Continental Scientific Drilling: A U.S.Perspective (FSCD), took place in Denver, Colorado,June 4–5, 2009. The workshop strove to bring togethera diverse representation of U.S. scientists whose research depended upon materials from drilling and included some international representatives and a number of scientists whose main interest lay with parallelgroups, such as the Incorporated Research Institutionsfor Seismology (IRIS) and the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP). The workshop was well attended(55 participants registered, Appendix) and featuredexcellent keynote presentations and lively discussion.This document is a summary of the deliberations andconclusions of the workshop.THEMES AND TOPICSDrilling is a tool for obtaining samples or emplac-ing instruments to provide data that is applicable to abroad and diverse range of geologic problems (Harmsand Emmermann, 2007; IODP, 2001). Continentaldrilling uniquely provides highly resolved, unweathered records from the subsurface. Drilling projectsalso allow emplacement of monitoring equipment andcollection of subsurface fluid or biological samples.Information from continental drilling projects not onlystands on its own but complements information fromocean drilling, seismology, surface measurements andsamples, or other sources.ThemesFour themes encompass the range of continental scientific drilling (CSD): 1) aspects of the history ofEarth, climate, and life, broadly grouped as globalenvironmental and ecological change; 2) the Earth asan operating system, loosely geodynamics; 3) the geobiosphere of the present day; and 4) the interaction ofhumanity and the Earth through understanding naturalresource systems and related environmental concerns(Table 1).Each of the themes has a number of topics to whichdrilling has provided key information or where it hasthe potential to do so. The topics, or certain groupings of them, are natural organizing foci for planningworkshops that rank scientific priorities, identify particular steps toward solving them, and promote collaboration with parallel communities. Table 1 lists aselection of such topics; others certainly exist or areemerging as the science advances. Furthermore, top-4ics are not of necessity rigidly or uniquely assigned toparticular themes.Global Environmental and Ecological ChangeGlobal Environmental and Ecological Change is atheme that deals with the history of the Earth in thebroadest sense and its biota, mainly through studiesof time series that are based optimally on drill cores.Such history has been a major focus of investigationfor over two centuries, but modern insights and techniques now provide more detailed information andallow more sophisticated analyses. Furthermore, ourunderstanding of Earth history may affect our viewof the future, especially our view of climate change.Within GEEC (if it may be called that), two initiativesemerged from the workshop.The first initiative involves high-resolution climate records obtained from lake sediments, especially fromlong-lived lakes that record Plio-Pleistocene history(see breakout report by Colman and Johnson). Otherancient systems also may provide similar resolution.Although the lake sediments contain climate proxies—not direct measurements—of temperature, windfield, and precipitation, new and emerging tools makeinterpretation of the proxies ever more robust and useful, and the records are accurate to decadal or even annual scale under ideal circumstances. A clear overlapexists between lake cores as records of climate historyand their importance as a source of information on theprocess and rate of evolution of lacustrine biota (seebreakout report by Cohen, Michel, and Wilke). Detailed paleoclimate records from lake sediments andon-land sites may shed insight onto the factors thatinfluenced evolution of humans, their ancestors, andassociated faunas, as in the case of African lakes (seebreakout report by Cohen, Campisano, and Feibel).In addition, lake records also contain informationabout the history of the Earth’s magnetic field, a topicin geodynamics (see breakout report by Stoner).The second initiative focuses on Deep Time records. In a longer-term sense, GEEC includes studyof Deep Time, extending back through all sequencesof supracrustal rocks. Here the records are generallyless precise—Milankovitch or millennial scale commonly—than those of recent lakes, but they do contain important information about the Earth from timeswhen boundary conditions were quite different fromthose of today. In addition, Deep Time continentalrecords, which in individual cores may cover 10 Maor more, are the only sedimentary source of information for pre-Jurassic events and for detail of pre-Cretaceous events because of the subduction of oceanicTHE FUTURE OF CONTINENTAL SCIENTIFIC DRILLING: A U.S. PERSPECTIVE
TABLE 1. Themes and Topics for Continental Scientific ordsGlobalEnvironmental andEcological ChangeDeep-TimerecordsPlio-Pleistocene climate recordsEvolution in isolated lake systemsClimate and evolution of hominins and associated faunas(History of the magnetosphere)Climate historySea-level historyPaleoceanographyAtmospheric historyCryospheric history from near-field sub-ice recordsStratigraphic architecture and crustal deformationEvolution and extinctionDynamics of the Solar SystemContinents as the only source of information for pre-Late Jurassichistorical records(History of the magnetosphere)(Antarctic deep time records)GeodynamicsImpact processes and structuresCrustal evolutionHotspots, mantle plumes, and large igneous provincesProcesses and hazards at volcanoesFault mechanicsHistory of the magnetosphereIce sheet history and nofossilsNatural resourcesystems and relatedenvironmentalconcernsHydrothermal resources and ore depositsGround waterHydrocarbonsCO2 sequestrationlithosphere. Topics of particular interest include pastclimates, the history of the atmosphere, evolutionaryhistory, stratigraphic architecture and crustal deformation, the Earth’s magnetic field, sea level history(Fig. 2), and paleoceanography (see breakout reportby Miller and Clyde). Deep Time records can evenconstrain orbital dynamics of the Solar System (Fig.1). Drilling in the Antarctic, such as is conducted orproposed by ANDRILL, provide unique Deep Timerecords, potentially including an extensive history ofthe Antarctic Ice Sheet (see breakout report by Powelland Vogel).GeodynamicsGeodynamics—broadly, the way the Earth works, inPeter Wyllie’s (1976) phrase—has also been a topic ofdiscussion and study for centuries among geologistsand philosophers. For this area of research, drillingcan provide samples and measurements that reveal thetime sequence of events related to a particular process,the composition of subsurface fluids, the rate of strain,the composition
Drilling into continental sediments and rocks complements drilling in ocean basins. The continental record potentially extends our knowledge of deep time to the Archean, while ocean drilling generally provides information only back to the age of the oldest oceanic crust. Continental drilling can elucidate uniquely
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Chính Văn.- Còn đức Thế tôn thì tuệ giác cực kỳ trong sạch 8: hiện hành bất nhị 9, đạt đến vô tướng 10, đứng vào chỗ đứng của các đức Thế tôn 11, thể hiện tính bình đẳng của các Ngài, đến chỗ không còn chướng ngại 12, giáo pháp không thể khuynh đảo, tâm thức không bị cản trở, cái được
Le genou de Lucy. Odile Jacob. 1999. Coppens Y. Pré-textes. L’homme préhistorique en morceaux. Eds Odile Jacob. 2011. Costentin J., Delaveau P. Café, thé, chocolat, les bons effets sur le cerveau et pour le corps. Editions Odile Jacob. 2010. Crawford M., Marsh D. The driving force : food in human evolution and the future.
Le genou de Lucy. Odile Jacob. 1999. Coppens Y. Pré-textes. L’homme préhistorique en morceaux. Eds Odile Jacob. 2011. Costentin J., Delaveau P. Café, thé, chocolat, les bons effets sur le cerveau et pour le corps. Editions Odile Jacob. 2010. 3 Crawford M., Marsh D. The driving force : food in human evolution and the future.