Showing You’re A Daisy - GSVSC

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Showing you’re aDaisyVests, 19.50Choose from:XXS/XS (4–5/6–6X)S/M (7–8/10–12)Plus M (10 1/2 – 12 1/2) 3.25 2.50 2.50 3.50 2.50 6.50 1.95 ea. 1.95/set 3 4 4 8.50 3 ea. 3 ea.Family Cookie Pin 3 ea. 3 ea. 3 ea. 3 ea. 3 6Tunics, 19.50Choose from:S/M (6–7)L/XL (8–10)

Showing you’re aBrownieVests, 20.50Choose from:Small (6–8)Medium (10–12)Large (14–16)Plus Small (8 1/2)Plus Medium (10 1/2 – 12 1/2)Plus Large (14 1/2 – 16 1/2) 3.25 2.50 2.50 6.50 2 .50 2 3.50 1.95 ea.Choose from: 1.95/set 3 4 3 4 3 ea. 3 ea. 3 ea.Sashes, 9 6Family Cookie Pin 3RegularExtra Long

Showing you’re aJuniorMembership Pins, 2.50Choose from:TraditionalContemporary 2.50 6.50 3.25 2 2.50 1.95 ea. 8 1.95/set 2.50 3 3.50 2 1.75 6 4Family Cookie Pin 3 ea. 3 ea.Choose from:Medium (10–12)Large (14–16)Extra Large (18–20)XXL (20 1/2 – 22 1/2) 3.50 4 3 ea.Vests, 21.50 3 3Sashes, 9Choose from:RegularExtra Long

Showingyou’reaGirl Scout Ambassador VestGirl Scout Ambassador SashCadette 2.50 6.50 2 1.95 ea. 1.95/set 6.50 3 3100th Anniversary PinAmerican Flag PatchGirl Scout Council Indentification SetAmbassador Insignia TabWorld Trefoil PinTroop CrestGirl Scout Gold Award,Silver Award andBronze Award PinsTroop NumeralsMembership Stars and DiscsGirl Scout Membership Pin10 Year Award PinMembership Numeral GuardBridge to Girl ScoutAmbassador Award PatchJourney Summit Award PinsBridge to Girl ScoutSenior Award PatchAmbassador Journey AwardPins and Badges 3.25 2.50 8 ea.terWalfal 2.50 3.50 3.50 9; 3arYearYe 3 1.75 5 ea. 5 4 4 4 ea. 3 ea. 3 ea. 3 ea.Bridge to Girl ScoutCadette Award PatchBrownie WingsTorch AwardsCounselor in Training (CIT) I Award PinCounselor in Training (CIT) II Award PinVolunteer in Training (VIT) Award PinMy Promise, My Faith PinsSenior Journey AwardPins and Badges 9; 3Cadette Journey AwardBadges 6ithr FadossabaAm12PinPlace your Journeyawards above yourbadges. 3Safety Award Pin 4Cadette Leadership in Action 3 ea.CookieCookieSale ActivityFamilyPin Pin(LiA) Award BadgesAmbassador CommunityService BarAmbassador Service to GirlScouting BarGirl Scout Ambassador BadgesIf your awards and badgesdon’t fit on the front of yourvest or sash, you can wearthem on the back.Girl Scout Senior BadgesGirl Scout Cadette BadgesVests, 28Choose from:Small (5/6–7/8)Medium (9/10–11/12)Large (13/14–15/16)XL (17/18–19/20)1X (18–20)2X (22–24)3X (26–28)Sashes, 11Membership Pins, 2.50Choose from:Choose from:RegularExtra LongTraditionalContemporary

Showingyou’reaGirl Scout Ambassador VestGirl Scout Ambassador SashSenior 2.50 6.50 2 1.95 ea. 1.95/set 6.50 3 3100th Anniversary PinAmerican Flag PatchGirl Scout Council Indentification SetAmbassador Insignia TabWorld Trefoil PinTroop CrestGirl Scout Gold Award,Silver Award andBronze Award PinsTroop NumeralsMembership Stars and DiscsGirl Scout Membership Pin10 Year Award PinMembership Numeral GuardBridge to Girl ScoutAmbassador Award PatchJourney Summit Award PinsBridge to Girl ScoutSenior Award PatchAmbassador Journey AwardPins and Badges 3.25 2.50 8 ea.terWalfal 2.50 3.50 3.50 9; 3arYearYe 3 1.75 5 ea. 5 4 4Bridge to Girl ScoutCadette Award PatchBrownie WingsTorch AwardsCounselor in Training (CIT) I Award PinCounselor in Training (CIT) II Award PinVolunteer in Training (VIT) Award PinMy Promise, My Faith PinsSenior Journey AwardPins and Badges 9; 3Cadette Journey AwardBadges 6ithr FadossabaAm12PinPlace your Journeyawards above yourbadges. 3Safety Award Pin 4Cadette Leadership in Action 3 ea.CookieSale ActivityFamily CookiePin Pin(LiA) Award BadgesAmbassador CommunityService Bar 4 ea.Ambassador Service to GirlScouting Bar 3 ea. 3 ea. 3 ea.Girl Scout Ambassador BadgesIf your awards and badgesdon’t fit on the front of yourvest or sash, you can wearthem on the back.Girl Scout Senior BadgesGirl Scout Cadette BadgesVests, 28Choose from:Small (5/6–7/8)Medium (9/10–11/12)Large (13/14–15/16)XL (17/18–19/20)1X (18–20)2X (22–24)3X (26–28)Sashes, 11Membership Pins, 2.50Choose from:Choose from:RegularExtra LongTraditionalContemporary

Showingyou’reanGirl Scout Ambassador VestGirl Scout Ambassador SashAmbassador 2.50 6.50 2 1.95 ea. 1.95/set 6.50 3 3 3 1.75 5 ea. 5 4 4 4 ea. 3 ea. 3 ea. 3 ea.100th Anniversary PinAmerican Flag PatchGirl Scout Council Indentification SetAmbassador Insignia TabWorld Trefoil PinTroop CrestGirl Scout Gold Award,Silver Award andBronze Award PinsTroop NumeralsMembership Stars and DiscsGirl Scout Membership Pin10 Year Award PinMembership Numeral GuardBridge to Girl ScoutAmbassador Award PatchJourney Summit Award PinsBridge to Girl ScoutSenior Award PatchAmbassador Journey AwardPins and Badges 3.25 2.50 8 ea.terWalfal 2.50 3.50 3.50 9; 3arYearYeBridge to Girl ScoutCadette Award PatchBrownie WingsTorch AwardsCounselor in Training (CIT) I Award PinCounselor in Training (CIT) II Award PinVolunteer in Training (VIT) Award PinMy Promise, My Faith PinsSenior Journey AwardPins and Badges 9; 3Cadette Journey AwardBadges 6ithr FadossabaAm12PinPlace your Journeyawards above yourbadges. 3Safety Award Pin 4Cadette Leadership in Action 3 ea.CookieCookieSale ActivityFamilyPin Pin(LiA) Award BadgesAmbassador CommunityService BarAmbassador Service to GirlScouting BarGirl Scout Ambassador BadgesIf your awards and badgesdon’t fit on the front of yourvest or sash, you can wearthem on the back.Girl Scout Senior BadgesGirl Scout Cadette BadgesVests, 28Choose from:Small (5/6–7/8)Medium (9/10–11/12)Large (13/14–15/16)XL (17/18–19/20)1X (18–20)2X (22–24)3X (26–28)Sashes, 11Membership Pins, 2.50Choose from:Choose from:RegularExtra LongTraditionalContemporary

World Trefoil Pin Girl Scout Gold Award, Silver Award and Bronze Award Pins Senior Journey Award Pins and Badges Cadette Journey Award Badges Ambassador Journey Award Pins and Badges Girl Scout Ambassador Vest Girl Scout Ambassador Sash Membership Numeral Guard Girl Scout Membership Pin Journey Summit Award Pins 2.50 6.50 2 1.95 ea. 1.95 .

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