STORM FLEX 047, 086, & 141 SERIESS T ORM FLEX 0 47 & 08 6M I NI A T U R E A S S E M B L I E SWith 0.055" and 0.096" (1.40 mm and2.44 mm) diameters, durable construction,and low profiles in SMA SP configuration,Storm Flex miniature cables offer superiorelectrical performance in a trouble-free,compact assembly.IDEAL WHEN:nnnnDevelopment of complicated semi-rigidcable drawings is prohibitive from astandpoint of time or cost.Expensive SMA right-angle connectorsmay be prohibitive from a standpointof cost.F E A TU R E SB E NE F I TS Solid PTFE dielectric High compression resistance andgreater durability Ultra-high strength, multilayerouter braid Eliminates cable breakageassociated with repeatedbending and handling 0.055", 0.096", & 0.160"(1.40 mm, 2.44 mm, &4.06 mm) diameters Provides alternatives to 0.047",0.086", & 0.141" (1.19 mm, 2.18mm, & 3.58 mm) semi-rigid cable –eliminating costs associated withtime-consuming cable layout Wide range of low profile SMA,GPO , and GPPO connectors Storm Flex cables can beconfigured to solve toughpackaging challengesInstallation of other miniature cableassemblies has caused expensive orhard-to-find failures.Need it NOW? We stock Storm Flex 047, 086, & 141 Expressassemblies in a number of popular lengths, all terminated with18 GHz SMA male connectors.High density devices require stable,miniature cable assemblies for connectionduring test.For applications requiring custom lengths or connector options, thestandard Storm Flex 047, 086, & 141 lines can be configuredto meet your unique requirements.S T O RM F LEX 14 1Combining flexibility and durability with alarger diameter (0.160"/4.06 mm), StormFlex 141 maintains excellent electricalcharacteristics through multiple flexures andoffers a high strength flexible replacementfor RG 402 semi rigid cable.High value microwave andelectronic interconnect
STORM FLEX SPECIFICATIONSSTORM FLEX 086047Cable 06505026.5Attenuation–Nominal @ 18 GHz (dB/ft)1.940.940.60Attenuation–Nominal @ 26.5 GHz (dB/ft)2.421.170.76Attenuation–Nominal @ 50 GHz (dB/ft)3.521.71–Shielding Effectiveness (dB, 0-18 GHz)*– 85 or better– 90 or better– 90 or betterAvailable(except Express)Available(except Express)Available(except Express)0.100/2.540.187/4.750.320/8.13Connector Retention(lbs/kg min), straight pull10/4.5410†/4.54†40/18.14Connector Retention(lbs/kg min), right angle 3.4/43.95–54 to 125–54 to 125–54 to 125Diameter (in/mm)Max Frequency (GHz)Phase MatchingMinimum CenterlineBend Radius (in/mm), staticWeight (grams/ft & /m)Operating Temperature Range ( C)* Based on a 14"/355.6 mm assembly with SMA SP connectors† 30 lb/13.61 kg straight and 20 lb/9.07 kg right angle pull strength can be achieved by using assembly p/n 910-0505. Consult Storm for details.Ultra Durability & Low Profiles Lower CostsWhen lowering costs, saving space, or greater durability is needed, look to Storm Flex assemblies. Due to the extremely strongconstruction, all Storm Flex assemblies can withstand multiple flexures immediately behind the connectors without breaking ordegrading. The benefit: fewer failures and reduced rework. In addition, the low profiles attainable using Storm Flex 047 and086 with SMA straight plug connectors make Storm Flex miniature assemblies the ideal alternative to expensive SMA rightangle connectors.Ultra Low ProfileStorm Flex 047Low ProfileStorm Flex 086*Storm Flex 141†One of the lowest profilesavailable in the industry.0.440"/11.18 mm0.330"/8.38 mm0.300"/7.62 mm1.095"/27.81mm0.985"/25.02 mm0.905"/22.99 mm0.625"/15.88 mm0.510"/12.95 mm0.450"/11.43 mmReference PlaneReference Plane* Dimensions shown typical of 910-0202 configuration.† Dimensions shown typical of 920-0202 configuration.The bend dimension with RA connectoris 0.541"/13.74 mm (from referenceplane to top of connector)Reference PlaneSpecifications subject to change without
STORM FLEX CABLE ATTENUATION DATA400B U L K C A B L E AT T E N U AT I O N ( d B / 1 0 0 ' ) X350FLERM047STO300250200STORM150100STORM FLEX FLEX141500086Maximum05101520253035404550FREQUENCY (GHz)For cable assembly insertion loss, call us or visit our Web site, CONSTRUCTIONStorm Flex 047Storm Flex 086 & 141A Solid silver-plated copperclad steel center conductorA Solid silver-plated copperclad steel center conductorBSolid PTFE dielectricBSolid PTFE dielectricCHigh coverage, silver-platedcopper ribbon braidCHelically wrapped silverplated copper foil shieldD High coverage, silver-platedstainless-steel braidD High coverage, silver-platedhigh strength alloy braidEEExtruded FEP jacketExtruded FEP
STORM FLEX 047 & 086When you need it NOW! Storm Flex 047 and 086Express assemblies—in the lengths listed below and terminatedwith 18 GHz SMA male connectors—are available off-the-shelfusing the listed part numbers.STORM FLEX 047CONNECTOR COMBINATIONPART NUMBERS*O R D E R I N G I N F O R M A T I O N : Storm Flex 047 ExpressCONNECTOR OPERATING FREQUENCY50 GHz40 GHz2 GHz 10 GHz 18 GHz18 GHz26.5 GHzVSWR, Typical OGP OGPOPGPAAMASMSSSMRAJ2.4 mm SP4040 2140 0340 3040 0240 2240 0640 094040 GHzGPPO SJ2140 2121 0321 2130 0221 2122 0621 0921SMA SP0340 0321 0303 0330SSMA SP3040 2130 0330 3030 0230 2230 0630 0930SMA SP0240 02210230 0202 0222 0206 0209GPPO RAJ2240 21222230 0222 2222 0622 0922GPO SJ0640 06210630 0206 0622 0606 0609GPO RAJ0940 09210930 0209 0922 0609 090918 GHzLength (in/mm) 202-0088.00/203.200.471.071.48INSERTION LOSSNominal (dB)JSJRASPSPSJSPSP OmmPGP2.450 GHz26.5 GHz1.07:1 1.15:1 1.15:1Part Numberw/ SMA M FLEX 086CONNECTOR COMBINATIONPART NUMBERS*O R D E R I N G I N F O R M A T I O N : Storm Flex 086 ExpressCONNECTOR OPERATING FREQUENCY50 GHzVSWR, TypicalPart Numberw/ SMA SPLength (in/mm) 0.125/3.18SJJRASJSJSPSP POGP OGP OGPASMASMMASPSP18 GHzSSASMmm26.5 GHz18 GHz26.5 GHz2.450 GHz2 GHz 10 GHz 18 GHz1.05:1 1.10:1 1.16:1INSERTION LOSSNominal (dB)2.4 mm SP 4040 0340 3040 0240 0440 0640 0740 4.54.50/114.300.180.380.54SMA SP0340 0303 0330910-0202-0055.00/ SP3040 0330 3030 0230 0430 0630 0730 2130910-0202-0066.00/152.400.210.470.66SMA SP02400230 0202 0204 0206 0207 0221910-0202-0077.00/177.800.240.520.74SMA SJ04400430 0204 0404 0406 0407 0421910-0202-0088.00/ SJ06400630 0206 0406 0606 0607 0621910-0202-0099.00/228.600.280.630.89GPO RAJ07400730 0207 0407 0607 0707 0721910-0202-01010.00/254.000.310.690.97GPPO SJ21402130 0221 0421 0621 0721 2121CONNECTOR CODESSPStraight PlugSJStraight JackRAJRight-Angle Jack* Other connector styles available, including 2.9 mm & BNC; consult GPO and GPPO are registered marks of Corning Gilbert
STORM FLEX 141When you need it NOW! Storm Flex 141 Expressassemblies—in the lengths listed below and terminated with18 GHz SMA male connectors—are available off-the-shelfusing the listed part numbers.STORM FLEX 141CONNECTOR COMBINATIONPART NUMBERS*O R D E R I N G I N F O R M A T I O N : Storm Flex 141 ExpressCONNECTOR OPERATING FREQUENCY26.5 GHz2 GHz 10 GHz 18 GHz12 GHz18 GHzVSWR, TypicalSMANPRASPSJ†SP†SP12 GHzSMA SP†AAA18 GHzSMSMSM26.5 GHz0303Part Numberw/ SMA SPLength (in/mm) 0.125/3.18920-0202-0066.00/152.401.03:1 1.06:1 1.10:1INSERTION LOSSNominal (dB)0.160.340.48SMA SP†0202 0204 0250 0205920-0202-01010.00/ SJ0204 0404 0450 0405920-0202-01212.00/304.800.240.550.78N SP0250 0450 5050 0550920-0202-01414.00/355.600.270.620.88SMA RAP0205 0405 0550 0505920-0202-01616.00/406.400.300.690.98† Center conductor of cable used as contact.For 26.5 GHz SMA SP connector with separate contact,use connector combination part numbers below:26.5 920-0202-018920-0202-024SP26.5 GHzSMA SP1212CONNECTOR CODES18 GHzSMA SJ0412SPStraight PlugN SP1250SJStraight Jack0512RAPRight-Angle Plug12 GHzSMA RAP* Other connector styles available; consult Storm.O R D E R I N G I N F O R M A T I O N : Part Number DesignationCABLEDESIGNATORCONNECTORCOMBINATION PART NUMBER900/910/920EXAMPLES:SEE TABLESASSEMBLY LENGTH*IN INCHESSEE EXAMPLESJacket option for Storm Flex 086 only: To order polyurethanejacket in place of standard FEP, use Cable Designator 910P.900-0622-048 Storm Flex 047, GPO SJ to GPPO RAJ(assembly operates to 18 GHz), 48 inches920-0204-014 Storm Flex 141, SMA SP [with center conductor of cableused as contact] to SMA SJ (assembly operates to 18 GHz), 14 inches910-0303-006 Storm Flex 086, SMA SP to SMA SP(assembly operates to 26.5 GHz), 6 inches920-0412-014 Storm Flex 141, SMA SJ to SMA SP [with separate contact](assembly operates to 18 GHz), 14 inches910P-0404-024 Polyurethane jacketed Storm Flex 086,SMA SJ to SMA SJ (assembly operates to 18 GHz), 24 inches*Assembly length is measured from the end of straight connectors and from thecenterline of right-angle
STORM FLEXCABLE ASSEMBLIES BUILT FOR USE . . . BUILT TO LASTBuilt to be durable, Storm Flex products provide consistent performancewith flexure out-performing leadingcompetitors when put to the test.THE FLEXIBILITY TO HANDLE TIGHT BENDS.DURABILITY YOU CAN RELY ON.PERFORMANCE TESTED.1.901.901.80VSWR vs. FLEXURE through 26.5 101.00CHANGE IN VSWRCHANGE IN VSWR1.70CHANGE IN VSWR1.701.601.501.40B1.30CHANGE IN VSWR1.901.201.601.50STORM FLEX 1.40Competitor A1.301.20Competitor BA1.10STORM FLEX 1.101.501.601.00Competitor C1.001.401.30VSWR @ 30 flexuresVSWR @ 0 flexures1.20 90 degree bends directly behind the connector @ 0.50"/12.7 mm radius1.101.00PHASE vs. FLEXURE @26.5 GHz161614161014864201212108642100860.05STORM FLEX 426.5 GHz0.150.1Tel 630.754.3300Fax 630.754.35000.20.05Toll Free 888.347.8676storm microwave@teledyne.comINSERTION LOSS vs. FLEXURE @26.5 GHz0.25I N S E RT I O N L O S S S H I F T, d B10221 Werch DriveWoodridge,Illinois 605170.250.2C0.20.15B0.10.05ASTORM FLEX 0.15www.teledynestorm.com0AS9100/ISO0.1 9001 REGISTERED0630x 90 degree bends directly behind the connector @ 0.50"/12.7 mm radiusI N S E RT I O N L O S S S H I F T, d B0.1840I N S E RT I O N L O S S S H I F T, d BI N S E RT I O N L O S S S H I F T, d B0.15CB100start0.250.212220.25A14P H A S E S H I F T, D E G R E E S12P H A S E S H I F T, D E G R E E SP H A S E S H I F T, D E G R E E S14P H A S E S H I F T, D E G R E E S16Approved for Public Release 17-0040.0505/170start26.5 GHz30x 90 degree bends directly behind the connector @ 0.50"/12.7 mm radiusTest data based on Storm Flex 086 cable.
BULK CABLE A TTENUA TION (dB/100') Maximum CABLE ATTENUATION DATA STORM FLEX 047 STORM FLEX 086 STORM FLEX 141 For cable assembly insertion loss, call us or visit our Web site, STORM FLEX CABLE CONSTRUCTION 630.754.3300 n Storm Flex 047
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