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ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA PARISH250 Revere Street Est. 2001 Revere, MA 02151 Tel: (781) 289-1234/8873Fax: (781) 289-6394WEBSITE: Email:

ST. ANTHONY OF PADUAApril 11, 2021AdministratorPray for All the Soul in Purgatory:)UDQFHV /H%ODQF (OHQD ³ HOHQ 'H)HR 3K\OOLV 3DOHUPRRev. Karunaya Xavier ArulrajExt-17 OEHUW ³ OE\ XULJHPPDMasses this WeekParochial VicarRev. Maria Antony Heniston WashingtonExt-13Sunday, April 11, In Church8:00Deceased Members of The Belmonte andCapillo Families by Anna & Santi10:00Thomas Riordan by family12:00Dina Coccimiglio-Ferrera (6th Anniversary)by familySenior DeaconJoseph A. BelmonteExt-11Administrator of Faith FormationDonna FelzaniExt. 22781-289-1234 Ext- 22Monday, April 12, In Church7: AM12:PMTuesday, April 13, In Church7: AM12:PM Luigi & Nellina Giammarco by Laura & JohnFinance & Operation ManagerMaryann Giorgio781-289-1234 Ext-10Wednesday, April 14, In Church7: AM12:PM Orsola, Laura, Giovanna Giammarco byMassesThursday, April 15, In Church7:AM12:PM Maria Salvatore & Concetta D’Amato byLaura & JohnFriday, April 16, In Church7:AM12:PM Antonio, Maria & Anna Lardieri by daughterand sister-in-lawSaturday, April 17, In Church9:AM Community Mass4:PM Gloria DeMartino by husband & daughterMasses next Sunday April 18, In Church8:00Anna, Ernest & Alec Bruzzese andFrank & Esther DeLena by family10:00Josephine Marotta by family12:00 Teresa DeGirolanio (1st Anniversary)by familySaturday, 4:00 PMSunday: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM & 12:00 NoonHoly Day: (Eve 4 PM) 7 AM, 12 Noon & 7 PMDaily: 7AM and 12:00 NoonEvery Friday 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Adoration & BenedictionConfessionsWill be down on Tuesdays and Thursday by appointment onlyplease call the rectory to make an appointmentSacrament of Baptism:Baptism will be done every Saturday and Sunday at 2:00 PMClasses for Parents and Godparents will be held on the FirstThursday of every month from 7:00 PM until 8:00 PM on(ZOOM)These are the three ways you can register through our websiteat stanthonysrevere.orgemail:, or call the rectory.Sacrament of Marriage:Preparation for Christian Marriage begins at least one yearprior to the planned date of the Wedding. Couples contemplating marriage please go on-line to to¿QG RXW GDWH DQG WLPH IRU 7UDQVIRUPHG LQ /RYH 2

DIVINE MERCY SUNDAYNews from the wheel-House³7KRXJK WKH PRXQWDLQV EH VKDNHQ DQG WKH KLOOV EH UHPRYHG \HW my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant ofSHDFH EH UHPRYHG VD\V WKH /RUG ZKR KDV FRPSDVVLRQ RQ \RX (Isaiah 54/10)Hi Everybody,How are you? Hope life is treating you better and you arestaying safe and healthy. I pray that God may favor youand your family.Divine Mercy Sunday: This weekend April 11, 2021 weare celebrating the “Divine Mercy Sunday” In our catholic church, Divine Mercy is a devotion to Jesus Christassociated with the apparitions of Jesus to Saint FaustinaKowalska of Poland. When we ask the question why thechurch is asking us to celebrate “the Divine Mercy” rightafter celebrating the Easter? We get to know that God’smercy as the key element in the plan of God for our salvation and it was through mercy that God gave his only sonfor the redemption of mankind, after the fall of Adam. Jesus died and rose again to offer us the mercy of God. Thecelebration of “His Divine Mercy” compels us to make apositive response to love and mercy of God. In the prayersWKDW IRUP WKH &KDSOHW RI 'LYLQH 0HUF\ ZH ¿QG WKUHH PDLQ themes to the Divine Mercy devotion: to ask for and obtainthe mercy of God, to trust in Christ’s abundant mercy, and¿QDOO\ WR VKRZ PHUF\ WR RWKHUV DQG DFW DV D FRQGXLW IRU God’s mercy towards them. In short, the primary focus ofthe Divine Mercy devotion is the merciful love of God andWKH GHVLUH WR OHW WKDW ORYH DQG PHUF\ ÀRZ WKURXJK RQH¶V own heart towards those in need of it. The mercy of Godis not offered to us as a single gift rather with another giftthat is grace to make a good response to His love. Max Lucado, one of the American authors talks about this mercyand grace. He says, “The difference between mercy andgrace is; Mercy gave the prodigal son a second chance.Grace gave him a feast”. I believe, he has beautifully explained both the gifts namely mercy and grace. God offers His mercy in a generous way that we may in turn offer it generously to others even though someone doesn’tdeserve like the prodigal son. “Be merciful just as yourheavenly Father is merciful” (Lk 6/36). Well, this Sundayright after the 12 Noon Mass, here at St. Anthony’s we aregoing to have the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament andthe divine mercy chaplet prayer service. Every year we doit that we may receive the blessings of Jesus. I encourageyou to attend and enjoy the fruits of the prayer service thatis His unfailing and unshaken love and be graced to sharewith others especially the needy.Pope’s prayer intention for April: ‘For fundamental humanrights’ Pope Francis says, “Defending fundamental humanrights demands courage and determination.” He is referringto “actively combatting poverty, inequality, the lack of work,land and housing, and the denial of social and labor rights.”He calls us to us pray for those who risk their lives while¿JKWLQJ IRU IXQGDPHQWDO ULJKWV XQGHU GLFWDWRUVKLSV DXWKRUitarian regimes and even in democracies in crisis, that theyPD\ VHH WKHLU VDFUL¿FH DQG WKHLU ZRUN EHDU DEXQGDQW IUXLW Kindly add this intention to your prayer list. When you pray,\RX PDNH DQ DFWLYH GLYLQH VKDUH LQ WKH ¿JKW DJDLQVW DOO WKH powers that deny the fundamental rights of all the people. &DOOHG WR EH &R :RUNHUV 5HÀHFWLRQV RQ /D\ 0LQLVWU\ 6W John’s Seminary of our archdiocese of Boston is offering aseminar on May 1, 2021 for the Lay to get motivated andstrengthened to be co-workers in the ministry of our Lord.Those who want to give your time for Lay ministry are encouraged to attend. For more info, please call either the pastoral center of archdiocese of Boston or St. John’s Seminary.Thank you.Volunteers Needed: We know that to keep our church asa safe place for worship we sanitize before and after eachservice. To do that good job we need volunteers. If you areplanning to offer your time kindly call to the rectory on Monday to give your name to our parish business manager, Ms.Maryann. I tell you that it will be great community serviceand I greatly appreciate it. Thank you.Well, here goes the bell calling me to go and hold the Wheel.Before I go let me say, “God bless you” and also assure youof my continual prayers for your greater good!Your Administrator,Fr. XavierThe Spanish prayer group of our parish is doing an hourspecial adoration at the chapel from 3:00 PM – 4:00 PMon Divine Mercy Sunday. Please feel free to join them.3

DIVINE MERCY SUNDAYFAITH FORMATION NEWSSaturday Community Mass April 17, 2021 at 9:AMAlleluia, Alleluia! Christ is Risen! Happy Second Sundayof Easter and the Feast of Divine Mercy!I hope that you had a blessed Easter! Thank you to all ofthe Faith Formation catechists and volunteers who serve ourparish at the Masses, and especially for their service duringall of the beautiful Holy Week and Easter Masses!This weekend, all students in our Faith Formation program have received their online lessons from Project Nazareth. Our First Communion students should be working onChapters 3 and 4 in their text and study guide. We’re keepLQJ RXU ¿QJHUV FURVVHG WKDW ZH ZLOO EH DEOH WR JDWKHU LQ SHUson in early May with our First Communion children for anin person session as we get closer to the celebration of FirstPenance and First Communion. We’ll keep in touch! 2XU &RQ¿UPDWLRQ VWXGHQWV VKRXOG EH ZRUNLQJ RQ WKHLU 15.OHVVRQV IURP WKHLU VSULQJ V\OODEXV &RQ¿UPDWLRQ VWXGHQWV 16.have received their Sponsor and Name Choice packets and 17.WKH\ DUH GXH WR EH UHWXUQHG WR WKH )DLWK )RUPDWLRQ RI¿FH QR ODWHU WKDQ 0D\ QG &RQ¿UPDWLRQ VWXGHQWV ZLOO KDYH 18.their next ZOOM session on Sunday evening May 2nd with 19.a round-table presentation on “Where Do I Go From Here?” 20.a look at how to keep the gifts of the Holy Spirit alive and 21.strong in their adult lives. Please make sure to mark your 22.calendars.23.24.Looking ahead to May: Francesca Forcellati, one of our&RQ¿UPDWLRQ FDQGLGDWHV DQG D VWXGHQW DW 5HYHUH LJK 25.6FKRRO ZLOO EH KRVWLQJ D FORWKLQJ GULYH WR EHQH¿W ³&UDGOHV WR Crayons” in mid-May. She did an amazing job in NovemberGRLQJ D IRRG GULYH WR EHQH¿W WKH 5HYHUH )RRG 3DQWU\ DQG DV a student ambassador to Project 351, will have a two nightdrop off event to accept donations. “Cradles to Crayons” is acharity that supports children in need. New and very “gentlyused” clothing for infants through older children is urgently needed. Please consider making a donation! We’ll havemore information as we get closer to May!Have a beautiful week, and know that you are always in myprayers!Donna Felzani4Vincent & Catherine NapoliLucy DeMasseRev. Edward J. GaudetteGalla Family by son WilliamPhilip LaCascia & Carol LaCasciaWhite by familyBobby, Vinnie and All the Souls inPurgatorySpecial prayers for Joel Colegrove byfamilyGina & Antonio Pepe by The Pepe FamilySusan E. D’Angelo Bouchard by familyGenesio Spina by familyMitchell C. Tobin by familyDino Carfagnini by The Tollis FamilyAnna & Armando Mastrogiovanni by childrenJoseph Oppito by St. AnthonyGina Tata by Peter Marino & familyBernard Cincotta by The Pepe FamilyAnthony J. Toomey by Kathy Mogan& Mary AlbinoAssunta Spadano by Tony & Theresa TraniellaThomas Sena by St. AnthonyJon Mitchell by St. AnthonyTina Baker by St. AnthonyAll Souls and All Saints by Maria RosaCristiano & Maria Do Canto by daughter MariaRose Mary A. “Rosie” Nolan by Boo & ElenaBrown and familyFrances LeBlanc by Elsa & Ken Lennon


DIVINE MERCY SUNDAYSanctuary CandleApril, 2021DonatedIn Loving MemoryOfMary & Bob McGillicuddybyJohn McGillicuddyEucharistic HostsApril, 2021DonatedIn Loving MemoryofThe Belmonte & Capillo FamiliesbyAnna & Santi BelmonteThe Altar WineApril, 2021DonatedIn In Loving MemoryofArmando Di LandobyLoving DaughterAmanda Di Lando6

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. Commercial. Residential. RenovationsBUONFIGLIO FUNERAL HOMEPAUL BUONFIGLIO & SONS - 284-9494314 Proctor Avenue, RevereIn Memory ofNicola & QuintinoSacco781-284-3376 www.buonfiglio.com128 Revere Street, Revere781-284-7756773 Broadway Revereby Wife, Daughters, Sister-In-Law & NiecesIn Loving Memory ofJulie & Jake Perrier- Ruth PenachioTorretta's NSHIPPizzaSeafoodPHYSICAL THERAPY781-284-9400William J. Squires Jr. P.T.Open Daily: 10am – 10:30pmFast & Convienient! order online at!169 Squire Road, Revere, MA 02151 Located on RTE 60close to Northgate info@nicksbistrorevere.comHablamos Español(617) 846-5609CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANINGErnie Manfra, General ManagerFree Estimates Call NowOffice: 617-567-2926Cell: 617-593-4532BUILDING MINDS & CHANGING LIVESONE STUDENT AT A TIMEYour gift today provides low-incomestudents in greater Boston with criticalsupport during times of crisis.You can helpCSF students thriveamidst the COVIDpandemic. today.617-818-7260 CELLcraigmpitzi@gmail.comCall or Txt me for free home pricing!Listing Specialist offering professional photos,aerial photography, floor plans, and home websitevinsauto@gmail.com195 American Legion Hwy, Revere %URDGZD\ 8QLW /\QQ¿HOG 0 BEACHPOOLS781-233-264410 Bennett HwyRoute 1N, SaugusPoolOpeningsLaw Office ofSTEPHEN F. REARDON57 Putnam StreetWinthrop, MACraig M. Pitzi REALTOR U-HAUL AUTHORIZED DEALERBrake/AC and Heat Service /Tune-Ups / Starters / And more.RealtorPhone: 781-696-4651 1HƂEG 978-530-4433Email: amy.scicc@kadhomes.comwww.KadHomes.com1501 Main Street Suite 41 Tewksbury, MA 01876for your Office or BusinessSince 1978The Catholic SchoolsFoundationIn Memory ofSalvatoreTorrettaAmy ScicchitaniCLEANING SERVRTANICEAPComplete Janitorial ServiceS652 Winthrop Ave., Revere“Committed Service Honoring Memories &Traditions One Family at a Time”Changing Lives one door at a timePERSONAL INJURY, REAL ESTATEESTATE PROBATE, WILLS & TRUSTSCRIMINAL DEFENSE & SMALL BUSINESS781-284-4900160 WINTHROP AVENUE, REVEREsfreardon11@aol.comFREE CONSULTATIONROOFVinsAuto.com781-284-8073DISCOVER THE CATHOLIC DIFFERENCELIFE INSURANCE DISABILITY INCOME INSURANCE LONG-TERM CARE INSURANCE RETIREMENT ANNUITIESRely on the Knights of Columbus to protect your family’s future.Greg Prentice, Field Agent, FIC978-969-1672 gregory.prentice@kofc.orgDONOR FELL THROUGH!LIFE INSURANCE DISABILITY INCOME INSURANCE LONG-TERM CARE INSURANCE RETIREMENT ANNUITIESſ3/( 6( (/3 6 9( /,)(ſVazza “Beechwood” Funeral HomeCONTACT: SAVELICIA@GMAIL.COMKIDNEY TRANSPLANT DONOR NEEDED!781-284-1127 262 Beach St. RevereFor Advertising call 617-779-3771www.vazzafunerals.comPilot BulletinsBLOOD TYPE “O”POSITIVESaint Anthony of Padua, Revere, MA4868

14. Joseph Oppito by St. Anthony 15. Gina Tata by Peter Marino & family 16. Bernard Cincotta by The Pepe Family 17. Anthony J. Toomey by Kathy Mogan & Mary Albino 18. Assunta Spadano by Tony & Theresa Traniella 19. Thomas Sena by St. Anthony 20. Jon Mitchell by St. Anthony 21. Tina Baker by St. Anthony 22. All Souls and All Saints by Maria Rosa 23.

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This section contains a list of skills that the students will be working on while reading and completing the tasks. Targeted vocabulary words have been identified. There are links to videos to provide students with the necessary background knowledge. There is a Student Choice Board in which students will select to complete 4 out of the 9 activities. Student answer sheets are provided for .