Children’s Day/Book Day El Día De Los Niños/El Día De Los .

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Día!April 30, 2012 30 de abril del 2012Children’s Day/Book DayEl día de los niños/El día de los librosMany Children, Many Cultures, Many BooksMuchos niños, muchas culturas, muchos librosK’sen ChildrCMYDay YCY10:49:34 AMkDay MMY12/9/2011niños / El díadlosEl díaCCM1librososeldeFinal Dia Logo March 9 2006 whitetext.pdfooApril 30 BThis book list was created in part by the Quicklists Consulting Committee, Association for Library Service to Children, a division of the American Library Association; the Children’s and YoungAdult Services Committee of REFORMA, the National Association to Promote Library and Information Services to Latinos and the Spanish-Speaking; Oralia Garza de Cortes, Latino Children’sLiterature Consultant; Paula Gonzales, Children’s Librarian Harris County Public Library and Professor, Lone Star College; Freda Mosquera, Column Editor, School Library Journal;and Jamie Campbell Naidoo, Ph.D., Assistant & Foster-EBSCO Endowed Professor, School of Library & Information Studies, University of Alabama.

Let the reading celebrationbegin @ your library !¡Que comience la celebraciónde la lectura en tu biblioteca !April 30 marks a special day in the lives of children. April 30 is El día de losniños/El día de los libros or Children’s Day/Book Day, known as “Día.” It is aday to celebrate children and books! Día reflects a library’s commitment toinclude and celebrate a variety of cultures year-round. On April 30, aroundthe country, an annual, special celebration of linking children to books, homelanguages and cultures is held at schools, libraries, museums, churches,parks, and bookstores. But Día also provides a wonderful opportunity forparents to promote the power of books and reading to their own children.Every day of the year can be “Día,” a day for linking all children and books!El 30 de abril marca un día especial en las vidas de los niños. El 30 de abril es“El día de los niños/El día de los libros” o Children’s Day/Book Day, conocidocomo el “Día”. ¡Es un día para rendirles homenaje a los niños y a los libros!El “Día” es reflejo del compromiso de las bibliotecas para incluir y celebraruna amplia gama de culturas durante todo el año. El 30 de abril se realiza unacelebración especial de vinculación de los niños con los libros, los idiomasy culturas originales, en escuelas, bibliotecas, museos, iglesias, parques ylibrerías de todo el país. Pero el “Día” también proporciona una maravillosaoportunidad para que los padres les den a conocer a sus propios hijos elpoder de los libros y de la lectura. Cada día del año puede ser un “Día”, ¡undía para vincular a todos los niños con los libros!By including books in the celebration, families can begin to developnew habits that will instill a love for books and reading in children.Reading daily to your child for at least twenty minutes can become afamily tradition. Children will enjoy the experience and grow to love andappreciate books. You can also include food, music, crafts, dance, poetryand games as you nurture the love for books at the heart of the celebration.Parents, Here areSome Helpful Hints Begin reading together when your child is born. It’s never too earlyto read to your baby. When you hold your baby close and look at abook together, your baby will enjoy the snuggling and hearing yourvoice as well as the story. Feeling safe and secure with you whilelooking at a book builds your baby’s confidence and love of reading. Being a toddler is all about action. Everyday experiences are fullof opportunities to engage in conversation, sing silly songs anddevelop language skills. Toddlers need to move, so don’t worry ifthey act out stories or just skip, romp, or tumble as you read tothem. They may be moving, but they are listening. Read to your child every day. Make this a warm and loving timewhen the two of you can cuddle close. Build your child’s vocabularyby talking about interesting words and objects. Involve your childin the reading by asking him/her to point out objects, talk about thepictures, or repeat common words. Decide on a regular reading time each day, such as after meals or atbedtime. Choose a comfortable place to sit, such as a rocking chair,away from distractions. Read with expression; vary the pace of yourreading. Reread your child’s favorite books whenever asked. Be a role model; let your child see you reading, whether it’s a book,newspaper or magazine. Tell stories about your family and culture.Write a family story book together.For more informationabout Día, please contact:Association for Library Service to Children,a division of the American Library Association800/545-2433 extension http://dia.ala.orgAl incluir los libros en la celebración, las familias pueden comenzar acrear nuevos hábitos que inculquen en los niños el amor a los libros ya la lectura. Leerle diariamente a su niño por lo menos durante veinteminutos diariamente, puede convertirse en una tradición familiar. Los niñosdisfrutarán la experiencia y crecerán para amar y apreciar los libros. Ustedtambién puede incorporar comidas, música, artesanía, bailes, poesía yjuegos cuando fomente el amor a los libros como centro de la celebración.Padres, aquí tienen algunosconsejos útiles Comiencen a leer juntos en cuanto nazca su hijo. Nunca esdemasiado temprano para leerle a su bebé. Cuando lo cargue y mirenjuntos un libro, su bebé disfrutará estar cerca de usted y escuchar suvoz, así como el cuento que le lee. Sentirse protegido y seguro conusted mientras mira un libro, crea en su hijo la confianza y el amor ala lectura. Ser parvulito equivale a estar activo en todo momento. Lasexperiencias cotidianas tienen abundantes oportunidades para iniciaruna conversación, para cantar canciones divertidas y crear destrezasdel lenguaje. Como los párvulos necesitan estar en movimiento,no se preocupe si el suyo representa cuentos o salta, retoza o davolteretas mientras usted lee. Aunque se mueva incesantemente, estáescuchando. Léale a su hijo todos los días. Haga que la lectura se convierta enun momento cálido y de cariño en el que los dos puedan abrazarse.Construya el vocabulario de su hijo o hija hablándole acerca depalabras y objetos interesantes. Dele participación en la lecturapidiéndole que señale objetos, que hable acerca de las ilustraciones,o que repita palabras comunes. Establezca un horario regular de lectura diaria, como después de lascomidas o a la hora de dormir. Escoja un sitio cómodo para sentarse,como una mecedora, en un sitio donde no haya nada que desvíe laatención. Lea con expresividad, cambie el ritmo de la lectura. Léalesus libros favoritos cada vez que se lo pida. Dé el ejemplo haciendo que el niño le vea leer, ya sea un libro, unperiódico o una revista. Cuéntele historias de su familia y su cultura.Escriban juntos un libro de cuentos familiares.

Parents, Your Libraryis Your Partner Padres, la biblioteca essu mejor colaboradoraAsk the children’s librarian for book, music and movie selections.Visit the public library regularly, and often.Pídale libros, música y selecciones de películas apropiadas al bibliotecario obibliotecaria de la sección infantil.Visite la biblioteca pública regularmente y con frecuencia.Register your child for a library card; it’s never too early.Inscriba a su hijo para que tenga una tarjeta de biblioteca. Nunca esdemasiado temprano para que la tenga.Ask about scheduled story hours for babies, toddlers andpreschoolers, after school programs, and summer readingprograms. Many libraries offer bilingual story hours.Averigüe si hay horas del cuento programadas para bebés, parvulitos y en edadpreescolar, así como después del horario escolar, y si hay programas de lectura enverano. Muchas bibliotecas ofrecen horas del cuento bilingües.Borrow library materials to celebrate Día at home! Choose a craft book and make a Mexican paper flower fromtissue paper or fold paper into origami cranes.¡Solicite materiales de la biblioteca para celebrar el Día en casa! Select an international cookbook for kids and make mouthwatering recipes from Brazil, India, Spain or Thailand withyour child. Escoja un libro de artes manuales y haga una flor mexicana de papelcon papel de seda, o doble hojas de papel para hacer grullas deorigami (arte japonés de doblado de papel). Check out music from around the world and dance in thekitchen while playing instruments made from pots and pans. Seleccione un libro de cocina internacional para niños y cree sabrosasrecetas de Brasil, India, España o Tailandia con su hijo. Read award-winning books written by authors about life inother countries or from cultures different from your own. Solicite música de diferentes partes del mundo y baile en la cocina,mientras toca “instrumentos” hechos con sus propias cacerolas yutensilios para cocinar. Celebrate holidays like Chinese New Year’s, Thanksgiving,Day of the Dead or Kwanzaa. Talk about how these holidaysare the same or different from those celebrated in yourhome.Suggest ideas to your librarian for celebrating Día. Create bilingual book displays. Lea libros de escritores premiados acerca de la vida en otros países, ode culturas diferentes a la suya. Celebre festividades como el Año Nuevo Chino, el Día de Acción de Gracias,El Día de los Muertos o Kwanzaa. Hable con su hijo acerca de cómo estasfestividades son similares o diferentes a las que ustedes celebran en casa.Sugiérale ideas al personal de biblioteca para celebrar el día. Plan a family literacy fair at the library. Display posters and banners that celebrate other languages. Plan a book parade of titles from around the world. Crear muestras de libros bilingües. Planificar una feria familiar de alfabetismo en la biblioteca. Mostrar carteles y banderines que le rindan homenaje a otros idiomas. Host an international storytelling festival. Planificar un ‘desfile” con libros títulos de todo el mundo. Have an ethnic cooking demonstration. Invite multicultural performers and artists to present at thelibrary. Organizar un festival internacional de narración de cuentos. Organizar una demostración de comida típica. Invitar a artistas y animadores multiculturales para que haganpresentaciones en la biblioteca.Children’s Day/Book Day Book ListAges Birth–4Batres, EthelPin PonIllustrated by the authorPiedra Santa, 20099789992213513Campoy, F. IsabelMi día de la A a la ZIllustrated by Sandra LavandeiraAlfaguara, 20099781598209426Cowell, 辦?/ What Shall We Do withthe Boo-Hoo Baby?Illustrated by Ingrid GodonMantra Lingua, 20029781852697938(Chinese/English)Dubuc, MarianneIn Front of My HouseKids Can Press, 20109781554536412Gonzalez, Maya ChristinaMis colores, mi mundo/My Colors, My WorldIllustrated by the authorChildren’s Book Press, 20079780892392346Grossman, Rena D.Llévame/Carry MeTranslated by María A. FiolStar Bright Books, 20109781595721990Guy, Ginger Foglesong¡Bravo!Illustrated by René King MorenoGreenwillow Books, 20109780061731808See the Dia website for morebook titles at www.dia.ala.orgHambleton, LauraChameleon Swims–Tac Ke Hoa BoiIllustrated by the authorMilet, 20059781840594478VietnameseLuna, JamesThe Runaway Piggy/El cochinitofugitivoIllustrated by Laura LacámaraTranslated by Carolina VillarroelPaw Prints, 20119781448775767Katz, Karen¡Cu-Cú, Bebé!: un libro desolapas interactivas y divertidasIllustrated by the authorSimon & Schuster/Libros ParaNiños, 20099781416979388McQuinn, AnnaLola Loves StoriesIllustrated by RosalindBeardshawCharlesbridge, 20109781580892582

Children’s Day/Book Day Book ListMenon, RadhikaLine and Circle/lakeer aur goleIllustrated by Trotsky MaruduParrots Books, 20069788181463050HindiPatricelli, LeslieHigher! Higher!/¡Más alto! ¡Másalto!Illustrated by the authorCandlewick Press, 20119780763649982Ruiz, CeliaLéeme un cuentoIllustrated by Pilar CamposSusaeta, 20109788430566969Shoulders, MichaelGoodnight Baby BearIllustrated by Teri WeidnerSleeping Bear Press, 20109781585364718Smith, LaneIt’s a Little BookIllustrated by the authorRoaring Brook Press, 20119781596437586Tafolla, CarmenFiesta BabiesIllustrated by Amy CórdovaTricycle Press, 20109781582463728Thompson, LaurenCuaquitoIllustrated by Derek AndersonSimon & Schuster/Libros ParaNiños, 20109781416998945Uzon, JorgeHello, Baby!Illustrated by the authorGroundwood Books, 20109780888999665Weill, Cynthia and K.B. BassechesABeCedarios: Mexican Folk ArtABCs in English and SpanishIllustrated by Moisés and ArmandoJiménezCinco Puntos Press, 20079781933693132Yates, LouiseDog Loves BooksIllustrated by the authorAlfred A. Knopf, 20109780375964497Ages 4-8Ada, Alma Flor & F. Isabel CampoyTen Little Puppies/Diez perritosIllustrated by Ulises WensellTranslated by Rosalma ZubizarretaHarperCollins/Rayo, 20119780061470431Addasi, MahaThe White Nights of RamadanIllustrated by Ned GannonBoyds Mills Press, 20089781590785232Amado, ElisaWhat Are You Doing?Illustrated by Manuel MonroyGroundwood Books, 20119781554980703Brown, MonicaWaiting for the BiblioburroIllustrated by John ParraTricycle Press, 20119781582463537Anaya, RudolfoLa Llorona: The Crying WomanIllustrated by Amy CórdovaTranslated by Enrique R. LamadridUniv. of New Mexico, 20119780826344601Bursztyn, DinaThe Land of Lost Things/El paísde las cosas perdidasIllustrated by the authorPiñata Books, 20119781558856905Argueta, JorgeArroz con leche: Un poema paracocinar/Rice Pudding: A CookingPoemIllustrated by Fernando VilelaGroundwood Books, 20109780888999818Carretero, MónicaLa familia bolaIllustrated by the authorCuento de Luz, 20109788493824044AtinukeAnna HibiscusIllustrated by Lauren TobiaKane Miller, 20109781935279730Baca, AnaTía’s tamalesIllustrated by translatorTranslated by Noël ChiltonUniv. of New Mexico, 20119780826350268Baker, JeannieMirrorIllustrated by the authorCandlewick Press, 20109780763648480Barner, BobThe Day of the Dead/El día de losmuertos: A Bilingual CelebrationIllustrated by the authorTranslated by Teresa MlawerHoliday House, 20109780823422142Berne, JenniferCalvin Can’t Fly: The Story of aBookworm BirdieIllustrated by Keith BendisSterling, 20109781402773235Bertrand, Diane GonzalesAdelita and the Veggie Cousins/Adelita y las primas verduritasIllustrated by Christina RodriguezTranslated by Gabriela BaezaVenturaPiñata Books, 20119781558856998Bottner, BarbaraMiss Brooks Loves Books!(And I Don’t)Illustrated by Michael EmberleyAlfred A. Knopf, 20109780375846823Brimner, Larry DaneTrick Or Treat, Old ArmadilloIllustrated by Dominic Cat alanoBoyds Mills Press, 20109781590787588Casanova, MaryThe Day Dirk Yeller Came to TownIllustrated by Ard HoytFarrar, Straus and Giroux, 20119780374317423Christelow, EileenFive Little Monkeys Reading in BedIllustrated by the authorClarion Books, 20119780547386102Cofer, Judith Ortiz¡A bailar! Let’s Dance!Illustrated by Christina AnnRodriguezPiñata Books, 20119781558856981Colón, EdieGood-bye, Havana! Hola, New York!Illustrated by Raúl ColónSimon & Schuster/Paula Wiseman, 20119781442406742Cox, JudyCarmen Learns EnglishIllustrated by Angela N. DominguezHoliday House, 20109780823421749Croza, LaurelI Know HereIllustrated by Matt JamesGroundwood Books, 20109780888999238DePalma, Mary NewellThe Perfect GiftIllustrated by the authorScholastic/Arthur A. Levine, 20109780545154024Diaz, DavidDe colores/Bright with ColorsIllustrated by the authorMarshall Cavendish, 20119780761459347Dorros, ArthurMamá and MeIllustrated by Rudy GutierrezHarperCollins/Rayo, 20119780060581602El Libro de las fábulasAdapted by Concha CardeñosoIllustrated by Emilio UrberuagaCombel Editorial, 20109788498254990See the Dia website for morebook titles at www.dia.ala.orgFlett, JulieOwls See Clearly at Night:A Michif Alphabet/Lii yiiboonayaapiwak lii swer: L’alfabetdi MichifSimply Read Books, 20109781897476284(Michif/English)Fromental, Jean-LucOops!Illustrated by Joëlle JolivetTranslated by Thomas ConnorsAbrams, 20109780810987494Garcia, CristinaThe Dog Who Loved the MoonIllustrated by Sebastiá SerraSimon & Schuster/Atheneum, 20119781442430891Gilani-Williams, FawziaNabeel’s New Pants: An Eid TaleIllustrated by Proiti RoyMarshall Cavendish, 20109780761456292González, Lucia M.The Storyteller’s Candle/La velita de los cuentosIllustrated by Lulu DelacreChildren’s Book Press, 20089780892392223Hole, StianGarmann’s StreetIllustrated by the authorTranslated by Don BartlettEerdmans, 20109780802853578Houston, GloriaMiss Dorothy and her BookmobileIllustrated by Susan Condie LambHarperCollins, 20109780060291556I am the BookEdited by Lee Bennett HopkinsIllustrated by YayoHoliday House, 20119780823421190Isadora, RachelSay Hello!Illustrated by the authorPutnam, 20109780399252303(Includes “Hello” in ninelanguages, plus English)Khan, HenaNight of the Moon: A MuslimHoliday StoryIllustrated by Julie PaschkisChronicle Books, 20089780811860628Lacámara, LauraFloating on Mama’s Song/Flotando en la canción de mamáIllustrated by Yuyi MoralesHarperCollins/Katherine Tegen, 20109780060843687Lachtman, Ofelia DumasPepita and the Bully/Pepita y lapeleoneraIllustrated by Alex Pardo DeLangeTranslated by Gabriela Baeza VenturaPiñata Books, 20119781558856899Laínez, René ColatoFrom North to South/Del norte al surIllustrated by Joe CepedaChildren’s Book Press, 20109780892392315Lazo Gilmore, Dorina K.Cora Cooks PancitIllustrated by Kristi ValiantShen’s Books, 20099781885008350Lee-Tai, AmyA Place Where Sunflowers Grow/Sabaku ni saita himawariIllustrated by Felicia HoshinoTranslated by Marc Akio LeeChildren’s Book Press, 20069780892392155JapaneseLin, GraceThanking the Moon: Celebratingthe Mid-Autumn Moon FestivalIllustrated by the authorAlfred A. Knopf, 20109780375861017López, SusanaThe Best Family in the WorldIllustrated by Ulises WensellKane Miller, 20109781935279471Mair, J. SamiaThe Perfect GiftIllustrated by Craigh HowarthIslamic Foundation, 20109780860374381Marx, TrishKindergarten Day USA and ChinaPhotographs by Ellen B. SenisiCharlesbridge, 20109781580892193McQuinn, AnnaMy Friend JamalPhotographs by the authorIllustrated by Ben FreyAnnick Press, 20089781554511235Medina, MegTía Isa Wants a CarIllustrated by Claudio MuñozCandlewick Press, 20119780763641566Meng, CeceI Will Not Read This BookIllustrated by Joy AngClarion Books, 20119780547049717Miranda, ConchitaLos latidos de YagoIllustrated by Mónica CarreteroCuento de Luz, 20109788493781446

Children’s Day/Book Day Book ListMora, PatBook Fiesta! Celebrate Children’sDay/Book DayCelebremos El día de los niños/Eldía de los librosIllustrated by Rafael LópezHarperCollins/Rayo, 20099780061288777Nivola, Claire A.Planting the Trees of Kenya:The Story of Wangari MaathaiIllustrated by the authorFarrar, Straus and Giroux, 20089780374399184Paul, Ann WhitfordTortuga in TroubleIllustrated by Ethan LongHoliday House, 20099780823421800Pavón, MarLa gallina CocorinaIllustrated by Mónica CarreteroCuento de Luz, 20109788493781460Pérez-Reverte, ArturoEl pequeño hoplitaIllustrated by Fernando VicenteAlfaguara, 20109786071105929Price, MaraGrandma’s Chocolate/El chocolate de abuelitaIllustrated by Lisa FieldsTranslated by Gabriela Baeza VenturaPiñata Books, 20109781558855878Ramirez, AntonioNapí funda un pueblo/Napí Makes a VillageIllustrated by DomiTranslated by Elisa AmadoGroundwood Books, 20109780888999658Rayner, CatherineAugustus et son sourire/Augustus and His SmileIllustrated by the authorTranslated by Annie ArnoldMantra Lingua, 20089781846113512FrenchRodríguez, Antonio OrlandoCuento del sinsonte olvidadizo/Tale of the Forgetful MockingbirdIllustrated by Enrique MartínezEdiciones El Naranjo, 20109786077661160Rose, Naomi C.Tashi and the Tibetan Flower CureIllustrated by the authorLee & Low Books, 20119781600604256Ruiz-Flores, LupeThe Battle of the Snow Cones/La guerra de las raspasIllustrated by Alisha GambinoTranslated by Amira PlascenciaPiñata Books, 20109781558855755See the Dia website for morebook titles at www.dia.ala.orgRumford, JamesRain SchoolIllustrated by the authorHoughton, 20109780547243078Woodson, JacquelinePecan Pie BabyIllustrated by Sophie BlackallPutnam, 20109780399239878Engle, MargaritaThe Firefly Letters:A Suffragette’s Journey to CubaHenry Holt, 20109780805090826Park, Linda SueA Long Walk to Water:Based on a True StoryClarion Books, 20109780547251271Sacre, AntonioA Mango in the Hand: A Story Toldthrough ProverbsIllustrated by Sebastiá SerraAbrams, 20119780810997349Zepeda, GwendolynI Kick the Ball/Pateo el balónIllustrated by Pablo TorrecillaTranslated by Gabriela Baeza VenturaPiñata Books, 20119781558856882Hill, Laban CarrickDave the Potter: Artist, Poet, SlaveIllustrated by Bryan CollierLittle, Brown, 20109780316107310Partridge, ElizabethDogtag SummerBloomsbury Books, 20119781599901831Santillan, SuzanneGrandma’s Pear Tree/El peral de AbuelaIllustrated by Atilio PerniscoRaven Tree Press, 20109781934960806Seki, SunnyThe Tale of the Lucky CatIllustrated by the authorEast West Discovery Press, 20079780966943757(Available in English and eightbilingual editions: Arabic, Chinese,Japanese, Korean, Hmong, Tagalog,Spanish and Vietnamese.)Shields, GillianLibrary LilyIllustrated by Francesca ChessaEerdmans, 20119780802854018Sneve, Virginia Driving HawkThe Christmas Coat: Memories ofMy Sioux ChildhoodIllustrated by Ellen BeierHoliday House, 20119780823421343Soetoro-Ng, MayaLadder to the MoonIllustrated by Yuyi MoralesCandlewick Press, 20119780763645700Tonatiuh, DuncanDiego Rivera:His World and OursIllustrated by the authorAbrams, 20119780810997318Vamos, Samantha R.The Cazuela That the FarmMaiden StirredIllustrated by Rafael LópezCharlesbridge, 20119781580892421Velasquez, EricGrandma’s GiftIllustrated by the authorWalker, 20109780802720825Wimmer, SonjaLa coleccionista de palabrasIllustrated by the authorCuento de Luz, 20119788493824068Winter, JeanetteNasreen’s Secret School:A True Story from AfghanistanIllustrated by the authorSimon & Schuster/Beach LaneBooks, 20099781416994374Ages 8-12Ada, Alma Flor & Gabriel M.ZubizarretaDancing Home/Nacer bailandoSimon & Schuster/Atheneum, 20119781416900887Alvarez, JuliaHow Tía Lola Ended Up Starting OverAlfred A. Knopf, 20119780375869143Ancona, George¡Olé! flamencoLee & Low Books, 20109781600603617AtinukeThe No. 1 Car SpotterIllustrated by Warwick JohnsonCadwellKane Miller, 20119781610670517Brown, MonicaPablo Neruda: Poet of the PeopleIllustrated by Julie PaschkisHenry Holt, 20119780805091984Burgan, MichaelBreaker Boys: How a PhotographHelped End Child LaborCapstone/Compass Point Books,20129780756544393Cervantes, JenniferTortilla SunChronicle Books, 20109780811870153Cottrell Boyce, FrankThe Unforgotten CoatPhotographs by Carl Hunter andClare HeneyCandlewick Press, 20119780763657291De Anda, DianeThe Monster in the Mattress andother stories/El monstruo en elcolchón y otros cuentosTranslated by Josué GutiérrezGonzálezPiñata Books, 20119781558856936Ellis, DeborahNo Ordinary DayGroundwood Books, 20119781554981342Amazing FacesEdited by Lee Bennett HopkinsIllustrated by Chris K.SoentpietLee & Low Books, 20109781600603341Husain, ShahrukhThe Wise Fool: Fables from theIslamic WorldIllustrated by Micha ArcherBarefoot Books, 20119781846862267Krishnaswami, UmaThe Grand Plan to Fix EverythingIllustrated by Abigail HalpinSimon & Schuster/Atheneum, 20119781416995890Lai, ThanhhaInside Out and Back AgainHarperCollins, 20119780061962783Lamadrid, Enrique R.Amadito and the Hero Children/Amadito y los niños heroesIllustrated by Amy CórdovaTranslated by the authorUniv. of New Mexico, 20119780826349798Llosa, Mario VargasMi primer Mario Vargas Llosa:Fonchito y la lunaIllustrated by Marta Chicote JuizAlfaguara Infantil, 20109786071105912Martínez, RuebenOnce Upon a Time: TraditionalLatin American Tales/Habiauna vez: cuentos tradicionaleslatinoamericanosIllustrated by Raúl ColónTranslated by David UngerHarperCollins/Rayo, 20109780061468957McCall, Guadalupe GarciaUnder the MesquiteLee & Low Books, 20119781600604294Nelson, KadirHeart and Soul: The Story ofAmerica and African AmericansIllustrated by the authorHarperCollins/Balzer & Bray, 20119780061730740Nivola, Claire A.Orani: My Father’s VillageIllustrated by the authorFarrar, Straus and Giroux/FrancesFoster, 20119780374356576Reedy, TrentWords in the DustScholastic/Arthur A. Levine, 20119780545261258Resau, LauraStar in the ForestIllustrated by Gary BlytheDelacorte Press, 20109780385737920Ryan, Pam MuñozThe DreamerIllustrated by Peter SísScholastic, 20109780439269704Santiago, Wilfred21: The Story of Roberto ClementeFantagraphics Books, 20119781560978923Schmidt, Gary D.Okay for NowClarion Books, 20119780547152608Shang, Wendy Wan-LongThe Great Wall of Lucy WuScholastic, 20119780545162159Sheth, KashmiraBoys without NamesHarperCollins/Balzer & Bray, 20109780061857607Tonatiuh, DuncanDiego Rivera: His World and OursIllustrated by the authorAbrams, 20119780810997318Tougas, Shelley MarieLittle Rock Girl 1957: How aPhotograph Changed the Fight forIntegrationCapstone/Compass Point Books, 20129780756544409Welsh, M.L.Mistress of the StormRandom House/David FicklingBooks, 20119780385752442Ages 12-upAdoff, ArnoldRoots and Blues: A CelebrationIllustrated by R. Gregory ChristieClarion Books, 20119780547235547Baratz-Logsted, Lauren and LouisaMay AlcottLittle Women and MeBloomsbury, 20119781599905143

Children’s DayBook Day Book ListBernier-Grand Carmen T.Diego: Bigger Than LifeIllustrated by David DiazMarshall Cavendish, 20099780761453833Restrepo, BettinaIllegalHarperCollins/Katherine Tegen,20119780061953422Brosgol, VeraAnya’s GhostIllustrated by the authorRoaring Brook Press/FirstSecond, 20119781596437135Sáenz, Benjamin AlireLast Night I Sang to theMonsterCinco Puntos Press, 20099781933693583Leaving Glorytown: OneBoy’s Struggle Under CastroEdited by Eduardo F. CalcinesFarrar, Straus and Giroux,20099780374343941Chambers, VeronicaFifteen CandlesHyperion, 20109781423123620Edwardson, Debby DahlMy Name Is Not EasyMarshall Cavendish, 20119780761459804Engle, MargaritaThe Firefly Letters:A Suffragette’s Journey toCubaHenry Holt, 20109780805090826Esperon, Maria GarciaCopo de algodon /Cotton BallIllustrated by Marcos AlmadaRiveroEdiciones el Naranjo, 20109786077661177Gonzalez, Christina DiazThe Red UmbrellaAlfred A. Knopf, 20109780375861901Johnson, LouAnneMuchachoAlfred A. Knopf, 20099780375861178Khan, RukhsanaWanting MorGroundwood Books, 20099780888998583McKay, Sharon E.Thunder over KandaharPhotographs by Rafal GerszakAnnick Press, 20109781554512669Mora, PatDizzy in Your Eyes:Poems About LoveAlfred A. Knopf, 20109780375843754Saldaña Jr., RenéA Good Long WayPiñata Books, 20109781558856073Schmatz, PatBluefishCandlewick Press, 20119780763653347Stork, Francisco X.The Last Summer of theDeath WarriorsArthur A. Levine Books/Scholastic, 20109780545151337Tafolla, CarmenThe Holy Tortilla and a Potof Beans: A Feast of ShortFictionWings Press, 20089780916727499Williams, MichaelNow Is the Time for RunningLittle, Brown, 20119780316077903Williams-Garcia, RitaOne Crazy SummerAmistad, 20109780060760885WebsitesCheck these websites for ideas and suggestions for celebrating Many Children, ManyCultures, Many Books, as well as resources for bilingual learning.Americas Book Award for Children’s and Young Adult n for Library Service to Children, the national home for Díahttp://dia.ala.orgBirth to Six Where Children Love Language and Learn about each Other¡Colorín ions/diaCoretta Scott King Book pientsThe Jane Addams Children’s Book jacba.shtmlLiteracy Center, Play and Learn in English, French, German, and Spanish Lisa’s World, International Music & Culture American Youth Services Literature yate/ a Native Organizationwww.oyate.orgPat Mora, founder of Día and renowned children’s authorwww.patmora.comPBS Kids Pura Belpré a/belpremedalReading is Fundamental Place, The Public Library of Charlotte Mecklenburg Countyhttp://www.storyplace.orgDía!April 30, 201230 de abril del 2012

Final Dia Logo March 9 2006_whitetext.pdf 1 12/9/2011 10:49:34 AM Children’s Day/Book Day El día de los niños/El día de los libros Many Children, Many Cultures, Many Books Muchos niños, muchas culturas, muchos libros Día! April 30, 2012 30 de abril del 2012

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