1 Rocks And 1 Rock And Weathering Weathering

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sx05 TE (nc6-4A).fm Page 108 Monday, June 6, 2005 10:44 AMSection11Rocks andWeatheringObjectivesAfter this lesson, students will be able toG.4.1.1 Explain how weathering anderosion affect Earth’s surface.G.4.1.2 Identify what causes mechanicalweathering and chemical weathering.G.4.1.3 Describe the factors that determinehow fast weathering occurs.Rocks and WeatheringReading PreviewKey Concepts How do weathering and erosionaffect Earth’s surface? What are the causes ofmechanical weathering andchemical weathering? What determines how fastweathering occurs?Key TermsTarget Reading SkillRelating Cause and Effect Explain thatcause is the reason for what happens. Theeffect is what happens because of the cause.Relating cause and effect helps studentsrelate the reason for what happens to whathappens as a result.AnswerPossible answers:oxygenwateracid rain weathering erosion uniformitarianism mechanical weathering abrasion ice wedging chemical weathering oxidation permeableTarget Reading SkillRelating Cause and Effect Acause makes something happen. Aneffect is what happens. As you read,identify the causes of chemicalweathering. Write them in a graphicorganizer like the one below.Teaching Resources Transparency G11CausesEffectPreteachBuild BackgroundKnowledgeChemicalweatheringL2Old HeadstonesAsk students whether anyone has seen oldheadstones in a cemetery. Ask: How wouldyou describe the difference between a newheadstone and one that is one hundredyears old? (A typical answer might describethe old headstone as rounded and crumblingwith a faded inscription.) Invite students tospeculate about what processes change aheadstone through the years.L1Skills Focus Drawing conclusionsMaterials 2 fizzing antacid tablets,2 beakers, warm water, plastic stirring rod,plastic bowl, stopwatchTime 10 minutesTips Demonstrate how to grind up a tabletby using the stirring rod in a plastic bowl.Have students use warm water from the108How Fast Can It Fizz?1. Place a fizzing antacid tablet in a small beaker. Then grind upa second tablet and place it in another beaker. The wholetablet is a model of solid rock. The ground-up tablet is amodel of rock fragments.2. Add 100 mL of warm water to the beaker containing the wholetablet. Then stir with a stirring rod until the tablet dissolvescompletely. Use a stopwatch to time how long it takes.3. Add 100 mL of warm water to thebeaker containing the ground-uptablet. Then stir until all of theground-up tablet dissolves. Time howlong it takes.Think It OverDrawing Conclusions Which dissolvedfaster, the whole antacid tablet or theground-up tablet? What variableaffected how long it took each of themto dissolve?Imagine a hike that lasts for months and covers hundreds ofkilometers. Each year, many hikers go on such treks. They hiketrails that run the length of America’s great mountain ranges.For example, the John Muir Trail follows the Sierra Nevadamountains. The Sierras extend about 640 kilometers along theeastern side of California. In the east, the Appalachian Trail follows the Appalachian Mountains. The Appalachians stretchmore than 3,000 kilometers from Alabama to Canada.The two trails cross very different landscapes. The Sierrasare rocky and steep, with many peaks rising 3,000 meters abovesea level. The Appalachians are more rounded and gently sloping, and are covered with soil and plants. The highest peaks inthe Appalachians are less than half the elevation of the highestpeaks in the Sierras. Which mountain range do you think isolder? The Appalachians formed more than 250 million yearsago. The Sierras formed only within the last 10 million years.The forces that wear down rock on Earth’s surface have hadmuch longer to grind down the Appalachians.108 tap. If stopwatches are unavailable, studentscan observe a second hand on a watch orwall clock.Expected Outcome Typical dissolvingtimes are 30 seconds for the whole tabletand 10 seconds for the ground-up tablet.Think It Over The ground-up tabletdissolved faster than the whole tablet.Inferences will vary. Some students mightcorrectly suggest that the ground-up tablethad more surface area exposed to waterthan the whole tablet did and thereforedissolved faster.

sx05 TE (nc6-4A).fm Page 109 Monday, June 6, 2005 10:44 AMWeathering and ErosionThe process of mountain building thrusts rock up to thesurface of Earth. There, the rock is exposed to weathering.Weathering is the process that breaks down rock and othersubstances at Earth’s surface. Heat, cold, water, and ice all contribute to weathering. So do the oxygen and carbon dioxide inthe atmosphere. Repeated freezing and thawing, for example,can crack rock apart into smaller pieces. Rainwater can dissolve minerals that bind rock together. You don’t need to go tothe mountains to see examples of weathering. The forces thatwear down mountains also cause bicycles to rust, paint to peel,sidewalks to crack, and potholes to form.The forces of weathering break rocks into smaller andsmaller pieces. Then the forces of erosion carry the pieces away.Erosion (ee ROH zhun) is the removal of rock particles bywind, water, ice, or gravity. Weathering and erosion worktogether continuously to wear down and carry away therocks at Earth’s surface. The weathering and erosion thatgeologists observe today also shaped Earth’s surface millions ofyears ago. How do geologists know this? Geologists make inferences based on the principle of uniformitarianism (yoon uhfawrm uh TAYR ee un iz um). This principle states that thesame processes that operate today operated in the past.There are two kinds of weathering: mechanical weatheringand chemical weathering. Both types of weathering act slowly,but over time they break down even the biggest, hardest rocks.InstructWeathering andErosionFIGURE 1Effects of WeatheringThe jagged peaks of the SierraNevadas (bottom) formed withinthe last 10 million years. The moregently sloping Appalachians (top)have been exposed to weatheringfor 250 million years.Inferring How can you tell thatthe Sierra Nevadas formed muchmore recently than theAppalachians?What is the difference between weathering anderosion?Teach Key ConceptsL2Effects of WeatheringFocus Remind students that weathering anderosion take place slowly over long periodsof time.Teach Ask: How much longer hasweathering acted on the AppalachianMountains than on the Sierra NevadaMountains? (More than 240 million yearslonger) Do you think that in another240 million years the Sierra NevadaMountains will look like the AppalachianMountains? (Answers will vary. Manystudents will say yes.)Apply Have students give other examples ofweathering and erosion in nature. Examplesinclude the Grand Canyon and many of therock formations that exist in other nationalparks, such as Canyonlands, Bryce Canyon,and Arches. learning modality: logical/mathematicalIndependent PracticeL2Teaching Resources Guided Reading and Study Worksheet:Rocks and WeatheringStudent Edition on Audio CDMonitor Progress 109Differentiated InstructionL1English Learners/BeginningComprehension: Key Concept Explainand clarify the meaning of weatheringby asking students to write the wordweathering in a circle. Then have them listfactors that contribute to weathering (heat,cold, and so on) around the circle as youread through the section. learningmodality: logical/mathematicalEnglish Learners/Intermediate L2Comprehension: Key Concept Studentscan expand on the activity described inBeginning by using the words they havewritten around the circle in a sentence.Students can take cues from the visualsin the text to compose their sentences.learning modality: logical/mathematicalL2Oral Presentation Call on students toclassify examples as either weathering orerosion. Give each student a brief, generaldescription of an example of weathering oran instance of erosion, without usingtechnical terms.AnswersFigure 1 The Appalachians are more worndown than the rugged mountains of theSierra Nevada.Weathering is a process thatbreaks down rock and othermaterials on Earth’s surface, and erosion isthe movement of rock particles by wind,water, ice, or gravity.109

sx05 TE (nc6-4A).fm Page 110 Monday, June 6, 2005 10:44 AMMechanical WeatheringFIGURE 2Teach Key ConceptsMechanical weathering affects all the rock onEarth’s surface.Forming Operational Definitions Study theexamples of mechanical weathering, then write adefinition of each term in your own words.L2Causes of Mechanical WeatheringFocus Point out that all kinds of mechanicalweathering have the same effect: breakingapart rock.Teach Discuss the five types of mechanicalweathering shown in Figure 2, and havevolunteers describe the pictures and typesof weathering in their own words. Ask:In which of the different types is thecomposition of rock different aftermechanical weathering occurs? (None;in each case, the composition of the rockremains the same.)Apply Ask: What are some examples ofeach type of mechanical weathering thatyou have seen? (Students might have seenvery smooth, rounded rocks at a beach, anexample of abrasion; they might have seencracks in sidewalks because of freezing andthawing or plant growth.)Forces of Mechanical WeatheringIceFreezing and ThawingWhen water freezes in a crackin a rock, it expands and makesthe crack bigger. The processof ice wedging also widenscracks in sidewalks and causespotholes in streets.Release of PressureAs erosion removes material from thesurface of a mass of rock, pressure onthe rock is reduced. This release ofpressure causes the outsideof the rock to crackand flake off likethe layers ofan onion.Animal ActionsAnimals that burrowin the ground—including moles,gophers, prairiedogs, and someinsects—loosen andbreak apart rocksin the soil.learning modality: logical/mathematicalTeaching Resources Transparency G12Mechanical WeatheringMechanical WeatheringIf you hit a rock with a hammer, the rock may break intopieces. Like a hammer, some forces of weathering break rockinto pieces. The type of weathering in which rock is physicallybroken into smaller pieces is called mechanical weathering.These smaller pieces of rock have the same composition as therock they came from. If you have seen rocks that are cracked orsplit in layers, then you have seen rocks that are undergoingmechanical weathering. Mechanical weathering works slowly.But over very long periods of time, it does more than weardown rocks. Mechanical weathering eventually wears awaywhole mountains.L1Materials two pieces of sandstone,newspaperTime 5 minutesFocus Tell students that this activity willdemonstrate mechanical weathering.Teach As students watch, have a volunteerrub two pieces of sandstone together over asheet of newspaper. Students will observethat particles fall on the paper.Apply Ask: What kind of mechanicalweathering does this model? (Abrasion)How could such abrasion occur in nature?(Water or wind could carry sand particles intorock, grinding part of it away.) learningmodality: logical/mathematical110110

sx05 TE (nc6-4A).fm Page 111 Monday, June 6, 2005 10:44 AMPHSchool.comFor: More onweatheringVisit: PHSchool.comWeb Code: cfd-2021Students can review weathering in an onlineinteractivity.Help Students ReadL1Comparing and Contrasting Thistechnique helps students identify similaritiesand differences of processes or things. Havestudents read about mechanical weatheringand chemical weathering. After they haveread the appropriate passages, have eachstudent draw a Venn diagram that includesways that the two types of weathering aresimilar and different.AbrasionSand and other rock particles that arecarried by wind, water, or ice can wearaway exposed rock surfaces likesandpaper on wood.Wind-driven sand helpedshape the rocks shown here.Plant GrowthRoots of trees and other plants entercracks in rocks. As roots grow, theyforce the cracks f t dissolves andremoves material broken down by weathering.Math Skill Making and interpreting graphsFocus Review with students what each axismeans and how the graph is structured.Point out that line graphs are a good way toshow changes over time.Teach Ask: What change is being shownover time? (The thickness of stone lost toweathering) Why would weathering reducethe thickness of the stone? (Because theexposed surfaces of stone dissolve duringweathering)11410Rate of Weatheringlearning modality: logical/mathematicalAnswers1. Time in years2. The thickness of stone lost to weathering3. Stone A lost about 8.5 millimeters; stoneB lost slightly more than 4 millimeters.4. Stone A weathered at a faster rate.5. They were exposed to different climateconditions.Weathering Rates of LimestoneThickness of Stone Lostto Weathering (mm)Teach Key ConceptsClimate Climate refers to the average weather conditions inan area. Both chemical and mechanical weathering occur fasterin wet climates. Rainfall provides the water needed for chemical changes as well as for freezing and thawing.114 Differentiated InstructionL1English Learners/BeginningComprehension: Ask Questions Tohelp students understand factors that affectthe rate of weathering, distribute arewritten, simplified version of the contenton this page and the next. Then askstudents simple questions that can beanswered directly from the rewrittentext. learning modality: logical/L2English Learners/IntermediateComprehension: Ask Questions Havestudents read the simplified paragraph thatyou prepared for Beginning. Then challengestudents to explain various observations:the inscription on a limestone headstone isless readable than the one on a graniteheadstone; rock weathers faster in wetclimates. learning modality: logical/mathematicalmathematical

sx05 TE (nc6-4A).fm Page 115 Monday, June 6, 2005 10:44 AMMonitor ProgressL2AnswersFigure 5 Marble weathers faster.Rainfall increases the rate ofweathering by providingwater that causes chemical changes as well asfor freezing and thawing.GraniteAssessMarbleReviewing Key ConceptsChemical reactions occur faster at higher temperatures.That is why chemical weathering occurs more quickly wherethe climate is both hot and wet. Granite, for example, is a veryhard rock that forms when molten material cools inside Earth.Granite weathers so slowly in cool climates that it is often usedas a building stone. But in hot and wet climates, granite weathers more rapidly and eventually crumbles apart.FIGURE 5Which Rock Weathers Faster?These two tombstones are aboutthe same age and are in the samecemetery, yet one has weatheredmuch less than the other.Inferring Which type of stoneweathers faster, granite ormarble? Explain.How does rainfall affect the rate of weathering?1Section 1 AssessmentTarget Reading Skill Relating Cause and Effect Refer toyour graphic organizer about the causes of chemicalweathering to help you answer Question 2 below.Reviewing Key Concepts1. a. Defining What is weathering?b. Defining What is erosion?c. Predicting Over millions of years, how do weatheringand erosion change a mountain made of solid rock?2. a. Defining What is chemical weathering?b. Comparing and Contrasting Compare and contrastmechanical weathering and chemical weathering.c. Classifying Classify each as chemical or mechanicalweathering: freezing or thawing, oxidation, waterdissolving chemicals in rock, abrasion, acid rain.3. a. Identifying What are two factors that affect the rate ofweathering?b. Relating Cause and Effect A granite monument isplaced outside for 200 years in a region with a cool, dryclimate. What would its rate of weathering be? Explain.Ice in a Straw Demonstrate onetype of weathering for your family.Plug one end of a drinking strawwith a small piece of clay. Fill thestraw with water. Now plug the topof the straw with clay. Make surethat the clay plugs do not leak.Lay the straw flat in the freezerovernight. Remove the straw thenext day. What happened to theclay plugs? What process producedthis result? Be sure to dispose ofthe straw so that no one will use itfor drinking.Chapter 4 1151. a. Weathering is the process that breaksdown rock and other substances at Earth’ssurface. b. Erosion is the movement of rockparticles by wind, water, ice, or gravity.c. The processes of weathering and erosionslowly wear away the solid rock of themountain.2. a. Chemical weathering is the processthat breaks down rock through chemicalchanges. b. Both types of weathering wearaway rock. Mechanical weathering causesrock to change physically, but chemicalweathering causes the composition of rockto change. c. Freezing and thawing,mechanical; oxidation, chemical; waterdissolving chemicals in rock, chemical;abrasion, mechanical; acid rain, chemical3. a. Type of rock and climate affect the rateof weathering. b. Granite weathers veryslowly in cool, dry climates. Warmth andmoisture increase the rate of weathering.ReteachL1Have students name the five kinds ofmechanical weathering and give an exampleof each.Performance AssessmentL2Skills Check Have students make acompare-contrast table that includesevery agent of mechanical and chemicalweathering.Teaching Resources Section Summary: Rocks and Weathering Review and Reinforce: Rocks andWeathering Enrich: Rocks and WeatheringL1Ice in a StrawEncouragestudents to try this model of ice wedgingat home. Tell them to use a plastic straw.After freezing the straw overnight,students will observe that the ice hasforced one or both of the clay plugs outof the straw because water expands whenit freezes.115

sx05 TE (nc6-4A).fm Page 116 Monday, June 6, 2005 10:44 AMRock ShakeL2Prepare for InquiryKey ConceptMechanical weathering and chemicalweathering break down rock into smallerpieces.Skills ObjectivesAfter this lab, students will be able to interpret data about whether acid or watercauses more weathering of limestonepieces calculate t

Section 1 Rocks and Weathering Objectives After this lesson, students will be able to G.4.1.1 Explain how weathering and erosion affect Earth’s surface. G.4.1.2 Identify what causes mechanical weathering and chemical weathering. G.4.1.3 Describe the factors that determine how fast weathering occurs. Target Reading Skill Relating Cause and Effect

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