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ENGLISH FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSESENGLISH FOR MECHANICAL ENGINERINGEditor:HartonoPenerbit Universitas Muhammadiyah MalangEnglish for MechanicalAnimal HusbandryEngineringUMMI

ENGLISH FORMECHANICAL ENGINEERINGHak Cipta @ Santi Prastiyowati, Riski Lestiono, Khoiriyah, Khoyyimah,Prasetyono Herdianto, Rahima Fitriati. Februari 2017Hak Terbit pada UMM PressPenerbit Universitas Muhammadiyah MalangJl. Raya Tlogomas No. 246 Malang 65144Telepon (0341) 464318 Psw. 140Fax. (0341) 460435E-mail: ummpress@gmail.comhttp://ummpress.umm.ac.idAnggota APPTI (Asosiasi Penerbit Perguruan Tinggi Indonesia)Cetakan Pertama, Febuari 2017ISBN : 978-979-796- 246-3x; 450 hlm; 16 x 23 cmRe-setting, Layout & Design Cover : Ahmad Andi FirmansahEditor : HartonoHak cipta dilindungi undang-undang. Dilarang memperbanyak karya tulis inidalam bentuk dan dengan cara apapun, termasuk fotokopi, tanpa izin tertulisdari penerbit. Pengutipan harap menyebutkan sumbernya.IIUMMEnglishEnglishfor Mechanicalfor Animal HusbandryEnginering

Sanksi Pelanggaran Pasal 1 13Un dan g-Undang Nomor 28 Tahun 20 14tentang Hak Cipta(1) Setiap Orang yang dengan tanpa hak melakukan pelanggaran hak ekonomi sebagaimanadimaksud dalam Pasal 9 ayat (1) huruf i untuk Penggunaan Secara Komersial dipidanadengan pidana penjara paling lama 1 (satu) tahun dan/atau pidana denda paling banyakRp100.000.000 (seratus juta rupiah).(2) Setiap Orang yang dengan tanpa hak dan/atau tanpa izin Pencipta atau pemegang HakCipta melakukan pelanggaran hak ekonomi Pencipta sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal9 ayat (1) huruf c, huruf d, huruf f, dan/atau huruf h untuk Penggunaan SecaraKomersial dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 3 (tiga) tahun dan/atau pidanadenda paling banyak Rp500.000.000,00 (lima ratus juta rupiah).(3) Setiap Orang yang dengan tanpa hak dan/atau tanpa izin Pencipta atau pemegang HakCipta melakukan pelanggaran hak ekonomi Pencipta sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal9 ayat (1) huruf a, huruf b, huruf e, dan/atau huruf g untuk Penggunaan SecaraKomersial dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 4 (empat) tahun dan/atau pidanadenda paling banyak Rp1.000.000.000,00 (satu miliar rupiah).(4) Setiap Orang yang memenuhi unsur sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (3) yang dilakukandalam bentuk pembajakan, dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 10 (sepuluh)tahun dan/atau pidana denda paling banyak Rp4.000.000.000,00 (empat miliar rupiah).English for MechanicalAnimal HusbandryEngineringUMMIII

PREFACEEnglish for Mechanical Engineering is written to fulfill students’ needsto learn English as a preparatory for job communication. This book isdesigned to provide an opportunity to develop students’ English skills morecommunicatively and meaningfully.It consists of twenty eight units. Each unit presents reading,writing, and speaking section. Reading section consists ofpre- reading, reading comprehension and vocabulary exercises related tothe topic of the text. In writing section, some structures and sentencepatterns are completed with guided writing exercises. Meanwhile, inspeaking section, students are provided with models and examplesfollowed by practical activities which are presented in various ways. Inaddition, students are also equipped with listening comprehension skillwhich is presented in a separate textbook. The materials have beenarranged and graded in accordance with their language levels.Above of all, to improve the quality of this textbook, criticism andsuggestions for better editions are highly appreciated.IVUMMEnglishEnglishfor Mechanicalfor Animal HusbandryEnginering

TABLE OF CONTENTSUUNIT 1 WHAT IS A MECHANICAL ENGINEERING?Writing Daily ActivitiesTelling Daily ActivitiesUNIT 23913KINEMATICS - DESIGN OF MECHANISMS:INTRODUCTIONWriting a TipGiving a Tip202530HOW DOES AN AIR CONDITIONERWORK?Writing a SuggestionGiving a Suggestion384348THE DIFFERENTIATION BETWEENMECHANISMS AND SIMPLE MACHINESWriting an AnnouncementGiving an Announcement555966UNIT 5WHAT IS SOLAR ENERGY?Writing a PosterPresenting a Poster768186UNIT 6ENERGY CONVERSIONWriting an AdvertisementPromoting a ProductUNIT 3UNIT 4English for MechanicalAnimal HusbandryEnginering97103110UMMV

UNIT 7HOW DO DIESEL ENGINES WORK?Writing an Invitation LetterInvitation People117125134UNIT 8INTRODUCTION AND PROPERTIES OFFLUIDSWriting an E-MailMaking an Appointment142145152UNIT 9BIOFUELS: WHAT ARE THEY?Writing a Formal and Informal LettersAsking and Giving Direction158163170UNIT 10MOVE OVER, R2-D2! NASA ALREADY HASPLENTY OF ROBOTS IN SPACEWriting a Complaint LetterComplaining181186189HYDRAULIC AND PNEUMATIC POWERSYSTEMSWriting a Progressive ActionTelling a Progressive Action198204208METHODS OF MANUFACTURINGPLASTICWriting a Planned AgendaTelling a Plan216220223UNIT 11UNIT 12UNIT 13VIUMMSIMPLE STEPS FOR STARTING TO DO QUALITYCONTROL231Writing a Procedure237Telling a Procedure242EnglishEnglishfor Mechanicalfor Animal HusbandryEnginering

UNIT 14HOW IS WASTE TREATED AND DISPOSEDOFF?Writing a Past ExperienceTelling a Memorable Past Experience250253258UNIT 15POLYMER VS PLASTICWriting a Compare Contrast ParagraphPresenting Comparision and Contrast266270275UNIT 16WHAT IS A NUCLEAR REACTOR?Writing a Descriptive TextDescribing a Place283288292UNIT 17THE SCOTTISH INVENTOR: JAMES WATTDescription a Famous FigureDescribing a Famous Figure300404310UNIT 18METHODS OF MANUFACTURINGPLASTICSWriting a Company ProfilePresenting a Company Profile318321328UNIT 19ENGINE COOLING, AIR-INTAKE AND STARTINGSYSTEM336Writing a Report Paragraph341Presenting a Report Text345UNIT 20WHAT IS A HYBRID CAR?Writing an Expository ParagraphPerforming Clasroom Mini DebateEnglish for MechanicalAnimal HusbandryEnginering349354358UMMVII

UNIT 21THE MOTOR CARWriting a Narrative ParagraphTelling a StoryUNIT 22GENSET LOCOMOTIVE – GREEN SWITCHINGLOCOMOTIVE382Writing a Short Autobiography387Self-Introduction391UNIT 23LUFFING-JIB CRANES VS TOWER CRANESWriting a Curriculum VitaePresenting a CV400404410UNIT 24A STEAM ENGINEWriting an Application LetterPerforming a Job Interview420423430UNIT 25EVERYDAY EXAMPLES OF THE FIRST ANDSECOND LAWS OF THERMODYNAMICSWriting an Interview GuideReporting an Interview441445451UNIT 26FAILURE ANALYSISWriting an Argumentative TextGiving an Opinion460465470UNIT 27A TECHNICAL DRAWING CAREERWriting a Persuasive ParagraphPresenting a Campaign475480484VIIIUMM365371375EnglishEnglishfor Mechanicalfor Animal HusbandryEnginering

UNIT 28WHAT ARE SOME OF THE ECO-FRIENDLYTECHNOLOGIES?Writing a Speech ScriptDelivering a Speech ScriptBibliographyEnglish for MechanicalAnimal HusbandryEnginering493497502505UMMIX

XUMMEnglishEnglishfor Mechanicalfor Animal HusbandryEnginering

ObjectivesAfter completing this unit, students are expected to master threelanguage skills:1. Reading Students are able to find the main idea of the text. Students are able to find explicit information from the text. Students are able to find implicit information from the text. Students are able to find word definition related to the text. Students are able to relate information to their life.2. Writing Students are able to write daily activities.3. Speaking Students are able to tell daily activities.English for Mechanical Enginering1

2English for Mechanical Enginering

Unit 1Before reading the text, have a look at the following cut picture anddo some activities based on these instructions.1. Work in groups of three of four students.2. Combine those cut pictures into a complete picture.3. Discuss with your groups what the picture describes.4. One of the members in your group should present the result ofyour discussion in front of the class.Let’s read.WHAT IS A MECHANICAL ENGINEERING?Mechanical engineering plays a dominant role in enhancing safety,economic vitality, enjoyment and overall quality of life throughout theworld. Mechanical engineers are concerned with the principles of force,English for Mechanical Enginering3

energy and motion. The men and women who work as mechanicalengineers are professionals with expert knowledge of the design andmanufacture of mechanical systems and thermal devices and processes.Some examples of products and processes developed by mechanicalengineers include engines and control systems for automobiles andaircraft, electric power generation plants, lifesaving medical devices andconsumer products ranging from air conditioners to personal computersand athletic equipment. They also design the machines that massproduce these products. Virtually, every aspect of life is touched bymechanical engineering. If something moves or uses energy, amechanical engineer was probably involved in its design or production.Recently, the explosive development and expansion in computertechnology has literally changed the face of mechanical engineering. Thedrawing board has given way to computeraided-design (CAD), andsophisticated computational software tools have enabled mechanicalengineers to develop efficient solutions to complex technical problems.For example, the emerging high-tech field of nanotechnology isattracting mechanical engineers to design ultra-miniature machines andtiny implantable medical devices that navigate the human bodysearching for disease and damaged tissue. Also, the growing concern forthe planet and the quality of life for future generations have spurredcontinuing efforts by mechanical engineers to design resource-efficientand recyclable equipment. Moreover, they also develop equipment andprocesses to clean-up existing environmental problems and prevent theirreoccurrence. These technologies and a host of others will have an impact on lives in the 21st century, and their development and refinementrequire the skills, intuition and creative ability of mechanical engineers.At the same time, mechanical engineers are expected to understand andconvey the real-world consequences of technology developmentalternatives to decision-makers and the public.Moreover, industrial sectors in which mechanical engineers havetraditionally made substantial contributions include aerospace,automotive, chemical, computer and electronics, construction, consumerproducts, energy, engineering consulting and government, mechanicalengineers also play an important role. In addition, the medical andpharmaceutical industries present exciting opportunities for mechanicalengineers to join forces with the life sciences. Even the entertainment4English for Mechanical Enginering

industry relies heavily on mechanical engineers for special effects andamusement park equipment. The vast majority of this work is done inthousands of companies ranging from large multi-nationals to small,local firms. Job functions and responsibilities range from product andproduction design engineering and systems design to power plantoperations, quality control and project management.With experience and further education, some mechanical engineersmove into legal or management positions that build upon their scientificand technical skills and expertise. Others choose the path of scholarlyresearch and teaching. The work of the mechanical engineer is diverseand worldwide, and the careers of mechanical engineers are marked byan important common factor - continuous learning.Adapted from: Anonymous. 2015. What is Mechanical Engineer.Vocabulary list in context:amusement park (n) : large area with many special machines that youcan ride on, such as roller coasters and merry -goroundsenhancing (v): improvingimplantable (adj): pertaining to a devicemotion (n): process of moving or the way that someone orsomething movesrefinement (n): repairscholarly (adj): well designed and complicatedspurred (v): encouragedsubstantial (adj): importantthermal (adj): heatedvirtually (adv): practicallyEnglish for Mechanical Enginering5

Task 1Arrange the jumbled letters into a meaningful word. Use theprovided clue, and find it on the above text. Number one hasbeen done for you.No.Scrambled letter1.e – y–r–g– e– n2.c– r–m– a–u–f– n– t–a– u–e3.s – g–d– n– e–i4.e–i– q–e– p–m–t–n–uWordsCluesThe capacity of a physicalE N E RGYsystem to do work.The process to produce goods in a large numbers, usually in afactory by using machinesTo make or draw plans for something, for example clothes,machines or buildingsThe set of necessary tools, clothing, etc. for a particularpurposer– c–c–a–l–e– able to be recycledl–b–e–yThe human effort in science,engineering and business to flye–o–a–p–s–e6. in the atmosphere of Earth– a–r–c(aeronautics) and surroundingspace (astronaustics)A motorized vehicle consistinga –u– t–m– e–i of four wheels and powered ny7.–b–o –l–uan internal engineThe work of building oro– c– s–n– u–o8. . making something, especially– i– c–r – t–n– tbuildings, bridges, etc.A series of instructions thats– t–e–r–f– w–9. directs computer to performo– aspecific tasks or operationsIt deals with electrical circuitsthat involve active electricalcomponents such as vacuume–l– t–c–o–e–tubes, transistors, diodes and 10.i – s–c–r– nintegratedcircuits,andassociated passive electricalcomponentsandinterconnection technologies.5.6English for Mechanical Enginering

Task 2Tick (Ö ) T (True) if the statement reflects the information in theabove text. F (False) if it contradicts the information, or NG(Not Given) if it is not found in the above text. If it is false, writethe correct statement. Number one has been done for you.No.123456789StatementsT FMechanical engineers are not capable of the designandmanufactureofmechanical systems andthermaldevicesandprocesses.Mechanical engineers havean unimportant role inentertainment industry.None of the athleticequipment is touched bymechanical engineers.Working on managementposition,mechanicalengineers improve theirscientific and technicalskills.Mechanical engineers haveno responsibility to createsustainable products.For developing automobileproducts,mechanicalengineers only work onengines.Some mechanical engineersprefer to contribute theirknowledge in educationfield such as teaching.Intuition is not merelynecessary for a mechanicalengineerMechanicalengineerscollaborate closely withmedical scientists in lifesciences.Technology of computerEnglish for Mechanical EngineringNGCorrectionMechanical engineers areprofessional in the design andmanufacture of mechanicalsystems and thermal devicesand processes. 7

10sciences.Technology of computeraided-design (CAD) ismeaningful for human life. Task 3Complete the following mind map with the appropriateinformation provided in the above text. .The challenges in the 21stcentury . . . . . It concern on . . . . What mechanical engineers doon industrial sectorsThey contributes on Current developmentof mechanicalengineeringMechanicalEngineeringWhat mechanical engineers doon products and processes Kinds ofindustrial sector 8 English for Mechanical Enginering

Let’s write.WRITING DAILY ROUTINEDaily routine refers to activities that people usually do every day orcontinuously. In connection with daily routine, basically there are severalregular activities for a day, a week, a month, a year in home, campus,office, and so on.Study the following example of daily routine.I wake up at 6 o’clock. I get up at 6.50 a.m. I make a cup oftea and iron my clothes. I have a shower and get dressed. Iusually wear jeans, a blouse, a jumper or cardigan and bootsin the winter, or a shirt and blouse in the summer. I pack mybag with all my working stuffs. I then put on my coat andleave the house. I always walk to the bus stop. I catch the busat 8.15 a.m., and then I pay my fare and sit down. It takesabout 45 minutes to get to my destination three miles away.I get off the bus and walk to the Mitsubishi CentralCompany.Day to day, I love my job. As a mechanical engineeringtechnician, I design my work at my desk, build prototypes,and test the prototype to failure. Once a week, I work withvendors to manufacture my prototypes. Sometimes, I travelto the world to manufacturing facilities to ensure my designis implemented properly. In the afternoon, I take a breakfor lunch at 12.30 p.m. I eat a baguette or sandwich at thelocal cafe. I sometimes do some shopping before I come backto my office. Then, I make phone calls, mark my employees’work, do the laundry. Then, I go on Facebook, or watchTV, and about 11 p.m. I go to bed.English for Mechanical EngineringAdverb offrequencyUsingsimplepresenttense9

We use the Simple Present Tense to write about habits and routines.It is important to write daily activities, especially to have a well-orderedlife. However, there are some other rules necessary to use in writing thedaily activities.Present SimpleForm:S verb object I/we/they/you likes tea.He/she/it likes tea.S don’t/doesn’t verb object I don’t like tea.She doesn’t like tea.Do/Does S verb object?Do you/we/they/I like tea?Does he/she/it like tea?http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/Task 4Label what each the persons in the following pictures is doing.Number one has been done for you.10English for Mechanical Enginering

Task 5Then, complete the following chart using the verb in the Task 4.Jeremy’s Daily RoutineHi, my name is Jeremy. I’m 28 years old and I’m a manager ofmachine maintenance department at Toyota Incorporation. Every day,I get up at 5:00 o’clock then I . At 6:00 a.m. Ito go to my office. After that, at 7:00 a.m. I start to . WhenI have a project with my clients, I my work in front ofthem. I often with my colleagues during coffee break.At home, before I go to bad, I and around08:00 p.m.Task 6Look at the following example.11get up at 6 o’clock.Then, I take a bath. After that, I accompany mya mechanicalengineeringtechnicianwife to buy some vegetables at the traditionalmarket. While my wife is preparing some foodsfor our breakfast, I check my work on my desk.Sometimes, I continue my work such asdrawing the machine design. At 7 o’clock, I eatbreakfast. Then, I go to my office by train. Iwork starting from 8 o’clock.English for Mechanical Enginering11

Describe, in a paragraph, the daily routine following professions.Number one has been done for you.12English for Mechanical Enginering

Task 7Complete the following chart of your daily routine.My Daily Routinehttp://thumbs.dreamstime.com/Then, write your daily routine in a paragraph.My daily routine as a student of Mechanical Engineering Departmentstarts at 5 o’clock in the morning. Every day, ILet’s speak.TELLING DAILY ROUTINEAfter studying how to write your daily routine in the previoussection, you are going to learn how to talk about your daily routine. Inspeaking about daily routine, you need also to pay attention to the use ofthe simple present tense. Here are some common expressions to expressyour daily routine:English for Mechanical Enginering13

I usually .I . everyday.Every weekend, my family and I .I . twice a day.My friends and I . every morning.I often .Have a look at the following example of telling daily routine.Hi, Dahlia. It seems thatyou have a hectic day.What do you usually doin a day?I usually get u

UNIT 3 HOW DOES AN AIR CONDITIONER WORK? 38 Writing a Suggestion 43 Giving a Suggestion 48 UNIT 4 THE DIFFERENTIATION BETWEEN MECHANISMS AND SIMPLE MACHINES 55 Writing an Announcement 59 Giving an Announcement 66 UNIT 5 WHAT IS SOLAR ENERGY? 76 Writing a Poster 81 Presenting a Poster 86 UNIT 6 ENERGY CONVERSION 97

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