LTP Study Guide - Learn Thai Podcast

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Learn-Thai-Podcast.comlearn Thai quickly & easily with video and audio lessonsLTP Study GuideThe fast and efficient way to learn Thai

Learn-Thai-Podcast.comlearn Thai quickly & easily with video and audio lessonsIntroductionImagine for just a minute what it will be like when you have mastered theThai language.Imagine what possibilities open up for you as soon as you can communicateand understand Thai people around you. Fewer misunderstandings and morefriendly people with smiling faces who pay you respect for the effort that youhave put in learning their language.Speaking Thai opens doors and hearts, impresses people, and is easier thanyou might think. This study guide sums up some well established methods oflearning languages and shows you how the can helpyou to achieve this goal.First of all, do not worry. Everyone can learn Thai. Often people have a hardtime starting to learn Thai because they do not know where to begin.Mastering the Thai language is like building a house. There are someelements that you need to make it work.

Learn-Thai-Podcast.comlearn Thai quickly & easily with video and audio lessonsWhat you need to learn Thai successfullyTo master have to be motivated. (your foundation)to learn on a regular basis. (your schedule)understand the grammar and structure of Thai. (your plan)learn vocabulary & train your listening skills. (your raw materials)and finally just speak and practice. practice. (your actions!)Building the foundationThere are two crucial things that will help you to stay focused andachieve success in learning Thai. One of them is your level ofmotivation and the other is persistence.Your motivation to learn ThaiEverybody has different motivations for learning Thai. You might want tolearn Thai to communicate better with your partner, to talk to local Thaipeople while visiting Thailand or because you live here. One thing that willhelp you to stay focused is to visualize the outcome. How will your life havechanged for the better after you can speak and understand Thai?Take two minutes and visualize some situations in which you will benefitgreatly from speaking Thai. Try to imagine these situations as vividly aspossible and enjoy the positive emotions that will come along.Start now!

Learn-Thai-Podcast.comlearn Thai quickly & easily with video and audio lessonsWhenever you feel that your motivation is fading, repeat this little exerciseand it will help you to get motivated again.Also keep in mind that after you have learned Thai it will be with you for alifetime. Learning a new language is a continuous self-improvement project,and once you have mastered it you will reap the benefits of your effortforever!Staying focused: Your Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. HydeAnother tip that will help you to stay motivated is to become more aware ofthe messages you send yourself about you as a learner.Every one of us is a bit like Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde. Dr. Jeckyll is the goodguy, and Mr. Hyde is the lazy guy who tries to sabotage our efforts.Unfortunately every human has both of these sides and to be successful it isimportant that you deal with them correctly.Listen to your internal chatter and you might catch some messages that willtell you “I’m too stupid to learn Thai”, “I’m just not talented enough to learnlanguages”.Whenever you hear this negative self talk you know it’s Mr. Hyde talking toyou. He is the guy who tells you to just sit down and watch TV this eveninginstead of doing the things you have planned. He might be the guy who tellsyou to stop reading this study guide because you “already know all this” or“it won’t help you anyway”.Don’t worry, even though you will not get rid of Mr. Hyde there are severalways that will make him easier to control and better to deal with.

Learn-Thai-Podcast.comlearn Thai quickly & easily with video and audio lessonsDealing with Mr. HydeHere are some of the major things Mr. Hyde will use to sabotage your effortsto learn Thai: Negativeism: Pointing out why you can’t do it, looking for problemsand hurdles, telling yourself its not for you. Escapeism: Finding other things to do that will stop you from learning. Procrastination: Looking for prerequisites, trying to justify why youdon’t have time right now.Don’t get seduced by Mr. Hyde. You are just now taking the first steps toachieve your goal. So what can you do when you catch one of these negativemessages from Mr. Hyde?Replace it with positive self talk. By replacing self-defeating messages withpositive, specific, present tense messages, you will find that you can staymotivated and achieve what you plan much more easily.You have to tell yourself exactly what you want to do, as if you were alreadydoing it. Along with positive self talk, visualize how you feel after you havefinished your daily Thai practice. You’ll be one step closer to mastering theThai language!Here is a great quote from Calvin Coolidge (30th president of the UnitedStates):“Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent willnot: Nothing is more common than unrewarded talent. Educationalone will not: The world is full of educated failures. Persistence aloneis omnipotent.”

Learn-Thai-Podcast.comlearn Thai quickly & easily with video and audio lessonsMaking learning Thai a habitSome things take a lot of self discipline while other things seem to beeffortless - almost automatic. It takes energy to remember and then tomotivate yourself to do something.Actions that have become habits consume far less energy. Learning alanguage is similar to learning a new sport. Training on a regular basis willhelp you to make the fastest progress.If you develop a habit of learning Thai, you will ensure that you learn on aregular basis and therefore achieve your goal much more quickly than if youjust learn every few weeks for a couple of hours.It will help you to make speaking and understanding Thai become morenatural because you get used to listening and speaking Thai, and you canreview lessons if needed on a daily basis.

Learn-Thai-Podcast.comlearn Thai quickly & easily with video and audio lessonsTry this:If you can not spend 20 minutes a day on learning Thai, try to take advantage of our multiple lesson formats and learn with our audio lessons whiledriving to work or watch a video lesson while waiting for the subway.How do you create new habits? Be as specific as possible. “I want to learn Thai every day” is good but“I want to learn Thai every day for 15 minutes after I have my dinner”is much better. Be realistic about how much you want to learn. A session of 20 – 30minutes learning Thai every day will give you good results quickly andis more efficient than learning an hour 2-3 times a week. Shortersessions are also easier to establish as a habit than longer ones. The hardest part of doing something is getting started. If you realizeyou have problems learning for 20 minutes every day start with shortersessions of just 5 or 10 minutes and increase it whenever you feelcomfortable with it. Connect your new habit of learning Thai with a trigger. Somethingthat reminds you to do it. This can be any other habit you alreadyhave. “I will learn Thai every day after I walk the dog” or “I will learnThai every day after I watch the 9 o’clock news”. Use external reminders like notes, alarms, or anything else that helpsyou to remember to do it in the first few weeks until learning Thaibecomes part of you daily routine.You will see that after you have started and get used to your new habit oflearning daily it will get easier, and as soon as you see the success in learningThai you will even look forward to learning more.

Learn-Thai-Podcast.comlearn Thai quickly & easily with video and audio lessonsGeneral tips to stay focused and achieve your goals Create a pleasant learning environment if possible. If you learn athome make yourself your favorite coffee or tea and enjoy it whilelearning. Use our variety of formats to learn while commuting to work or whilegoing for a walk in the park. For example, watch the video at home,listen to the audio version of the lesson while driving. Remember why you want to learn Thai. Visualize the day you speakThai fluently. Do whatever it takes to establish your habit in the first few weeks. Itwill get easier as soon as you become used to this part of your dailyroutine. Reward yourself after your learning sessions. Pat yourself on your backand celebrate every success, no matter how small. Another great way to learn faster is to do a quick review of what youhave learned before going to bed. Just go through one lesson and let itsink into your long term memory while you sleep. Just get started with your learning sessions and you will see how easyand fun it can be to learn Thai.

Learn-Thai-Podcast.comlearn Thai quickly & easily with video and audio lessonsLearning Techniques: What’s the best way to masterthe Thai language?There are many ways to master the Thai language. It is up to you what kindof tools you choose. To relate this to the house building metaphor,technology has changed drastically over the last 20 years and while manythings remain the same, (a house is a house) we are lucky to have new toolsand methods to let us achieve our goals more quickly and easily (build thehouse).Become familiar with new technology and formatsthat can make your life easierYour time is precious and studying with books is not the only way or the bestway to learn a language today. Many people are still scared of new technology and miss out on a lot of innovations that could make their lives easier.Ten years ago, using the Internet, a computer, or any kind of software wasmuch more complicated than it is today. That you read this study guidealready shows that you have all skills to fully capitalize on the benefits newtechnology can provide you to learn Thai quickly and easily.Try using our audio and video lessons to learn Thai with all your senses andexperience for yourself how well you can learn with this approach.If you do not want to enjoy our lessons online or on your computer youmight want to get a new cell phone or portable media player so you canenjoy our lessons everywhere. We have video tutorials on our site that showyou exactly how to set everything up and easily use our lessons on the go.

Learn-Thai-Podcast.comlearn Thai quickly & easily with video and audio lessonsRe-wiring your brain: The power of chunkingCreating chunks of information saves you a lot of time while learning.Why? Because it is much easier for your brain to understand and rememberchunks than just simple bits of information.Have a look at the following numbers and try to remember them:006695974547Wouldn’t it be much easier to remember them if they were grouped?0066 9597-4547You learn by storing information in your long term memory and everythingyou learn has to pass through your short term memory before it gets there.That is the problem. The average human can just keep 7 ( -2) things in his orher short term memory at any given time. That is not much, butchunking can help you greatly to learn faster and more efficiently.Here is an example from our course of how you can learn three words bylearning one. The word is “napkin” but the word by word translation is:fabric “to wipe” mouthnapkinผ้า เช็ด ปากphâa chét pàakfabric “to wipe” mouth

Learn-Thai-Podcast.comlearn Thai quickly & easily with video and audio lessonsChunking & word by word translationsAll phrases and sentences in our lessons come with word by wordtranslations. Here is an example:Thai food is cheaper than Japanese food.อาหาร ไทย ถูก กว่า อาหาร ญี่ปุ่นaa-hăan thai thùuk kwàa aa-hăan yîi-pùnfood Thai cheap “more than” food JapaneseBy learning a sentence and its word by word translation you will not onlyremember the words more easily but also get a natural feel for the Thaisentence structure. You basically learn two essential things at the same time.Let’s take this concept a bit further.Creating constructsYou can also combine bigger chunks of information or more complexconcepts by learning several aspects of a language, such as grammar andvocabulary, or reading and writing at the same time.This means, for example, you learn some words and then use them with thenew grammar rules you just learned. This connects different concepts in yourbrain to constructs that are easier to remember. As a result you learn fasterand enable your brain to access stored information more easily in the future.On a very basic level, this can mean you learn the rules concerning how touse adjectives in Thai sentences as well as several example sentences andwords. That is what you do at the beginner level of our course for example.From there on we expand the constructs step by step. You will come acrossother rules and more words and before you know what happened you canspeak and understand basic Thai!

Learn-Thai-Podcast.comlearn Thai quickly & easily with video and audio lessonsThe sensory side of learningStudies have found three basic learning styles. You will probably favor oneor a combination of two or even three of them. If you know your preferedlearning style and use material that caters to this style you can make fasterprogress and learn more easily.Visual Learners:If you are a visual learner you like to see what you learn. You often think inpictures and you learn better by viewing videos or transcripts instead of listening to audio files. While you were in school you might have preferred totake notes to help you to absorb the information.Auditory Learners:If you are an auditory learner you learn best by listening to audio files, payingattention to verbal lectures and repeating things aloud.Kinesthetic Learners:If you are a kinesthetic learner you learn best with a hands on approach.Instead of reading a manual you might just try things out for example. Itsounds as if people who favor the kinesthetic learning styles are at an disadvantage when it comes to learning languages, but this is not the case (readon to learn why).

Learn-Thai-Podcast.comlearn Thai quickly & easily with video and audio lessonsHow to make the most out of your preferred learningstyle(s) while learning ThaiTo learn in the most efficient way possible you should try all our differentformats (audio, video, transcripts) for yourself and then decide what makessense for you. As mentioned before, most people prefer a mix of severalstyles.While learning a language some things are very important to do regardless Whenever you can, speak out loud. This helps you in multiple ways.First of all you spot mistakes in your pronunciation and you train yourself to make the right sounds. Knowing how something should sounddoesn’t mean you can actually make this kind of sound. Anotherbenefit is that you get used to hear yourself speaking. This will helpyou to be confident enough to speak to native Thai speakers, will letyou speak more naturally and will improve your listening skills! Turn learning into play. This is a great way for anyone to learn Thai,but it is especially helpful for kinesthetic learners. Take speaking outloud a step further and act out what you say. Take one of our conversation lessons or just one of the example sentences and try to say itwith emotion. Yes, it might sound funny, weird, or maybe evenaggressive, but it will make remembering information much easier. Try to come up with your own word associations. “ù-bàt-hèt”( อุบัติเหตุ ) means “accident” in Thai. Think about what you mightdo whenever you are involved in a car accident that was caused bysomeone else who was driving irresponsibly. You might scream at him,“You butthead!” This might not be polite, but any association nomatter how weird it is, will help you to remember information muchmore easily. (Actually weird associations will be easier to rememberthan “normal” ones.)

Learn-Thai-Podcast.comlearn Thai quickly & easily with video and audio lessonsExpose yourself to different difficulty levels of ThaiIn some respects, learning Thai is similar to training your muscles, in this casenot your Som-tum muscles (yummy!) but your Thai language muscles.In order to get better it is important to challenge yourself while learning alanguage.In language learning theory experts speak about two forms of languageinput (or exposure) that are essential for a successful learning experience: Finely tuned input describes language that is matched to yourcurrent level of comprehension. Finely tuned input is important to helpyou understand concepts and specific points of a language. We usethis, for example, in grammar and word usage lessons to explain howyou use certain words or apply grammar rules. Roughly tuned input describes language that stretches yourboundaries of knowledge to include authentic language the way it isspoken by regular people. This is the real workout part in our conversation and review lessons in which you train your Thai using the toolsyou have aquired in the vocabulary lessons and the know how youhave developed in the grammar and word usage lessons.So if you learn Thai, make sure to always include both finely tuned input androughly tuned input in your practice.The LTP Premium Course HD increases the level of difficulty from lesson tolesson with both finely and roughly tuned input. The best thing about this isyou can set the pace yourself.

Learn-Thai-Podcast.comlearn Thai quickly & easily with video and audio lessonsSay the right thing at the right time. Prescriptiveversus descriptive rules for grammar & word usage.You probably want to speak Thai more like a native Thai speaker instead ofsounding like a tourist who just picked up a phrase book. Speaking like anative Thai speaker might surprise (or even shock!) some Thais but that is allpart of the fun.Because languages are alive, not every grammar rule that was made in thelast few decades or centuries is still used. Prescriptive rules are grammarrules that are “correct”, and you will find in Thai language textbooks.Descriptive rules, however, are the real deal the way grammar and wordsare actually used by native Thai speakers. It is important to know and learnboth.Especially in Thai there is a huge difference between word usage in formalsituations and informal situations. Knowing both, prescriptive and descriptivegrammar rules will not only make your Thai sound more natural but also helpyou to understand the context of a conversation (and respond accordingly). Most Thais, regardless their social status, speak often in an informalway. Formal Thai is usually spoken by TV show hosts, news reporters,politicians (and other public figures), people giving a speech orpresentation or if people speak to their superiors.If you learn to read and write Thai with us you will also see that most writtenThai (similar to other languages) is written in formal Thai and according toprescriptive “correct” Thai grammar.You will learn the differences in word usage and grammar rules in all ourlessons to be prepared to speak real Thai in whatever situation. Knowingformal and informal Thai is an important and often overlooked factor inlearning Thai.

Learn-Thai-Podcast.comlearn Thai quickly & easily with video and audio lessonsSpeak & understand Thai. Learn to listen.You might have listened to one of our pronunciation lessons about the fivetones in Thai. Jo, the female Thai speaker in our lessons, speaks all five tones,one after another and sometimes they sound like they are almost the same.This condition might be called having a “farang ear”. Unfortunately mostwestern people were not trained to hear the small differences in pronunciation that can make a huge difference in the meaning of Thai words. Sowhat can we do to improve our listening skills?As with any good training method, variety is the key. Here are two strategiesthat we use throughout the course to help you improve your listening skills: Top down or listen first strategies rely on what you know ab

LTP Study Guide The fast and efficient way to learn Thai. learn Thai quickly & easily with video and audio lessons Introduction Imagine for just a minute what it will be like when you have mastered the Thai language.

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