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50 MANNING PLACEBIRMINGHAM, AL 35242205.664.7707MALE NUTRITIONAL HEALTH FORMNAME AGE TODAY’S DATE M/D/YBIRTH DATE M/D/Y WEIGHT HEIGHT OCCUPATIONADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIPPHONE(S) EMAIL ADDRESS1. What are your health goals? Please rank them in order of priority.A)B)C)2. What is the reason for this consultation?3. At the completion of our first consultation together, how will we know if we were successful? What is thesingle most important thing we must accomplish?LIFESTYLE INDICATORS1. Do you consume any of the following? Check the appropriate answer. meaning “less than” meaning “greater ned Carbs:NoneWhite Flour:Milk/Dairy Products:NoneJuice:NoneMeat/Fish: 2 drinks/day 2 drinks/dayor stopped recently M/D/Y 2 cups/day 2 drinks/day twice/day twice/dayNone twice/dayRarely 2 cups/day 2 drinks/day twice/day twice/day twice/day twice/day once a weekor stopped recently M/D/Yor stopped recently M/D/Yor stopped recently M/D/YNo2. Do you smoke cigarettes/cigars or use nicotine gum or other stimulants? twice/dayEverydayYes, amount3. What do you do for stress relief?4. Sleep Circle one.No Stress12345678910Extreme Stress5. Mindset Circle one.No Stress12345678910Extreme Stress6. Personal relationships Circle one.No Stress12345678910Extreme Stress7. Occupational Circle one.No Stress12345678910Extreme Stress8. Finances Circle one.No Stress12345678910Extreme Stress9. How many times a week do you exercise?What was the date of your last physical exam?10. List medications you are currently taking:11. Any known drug allergies?12. Do you or have you used hormone replacement therapy?When?NoDosage?If Yes, what?13. List natural supplements, herbs, remedies, including athletic performance supplements you are currently taking14. List any significant health issues (diabetes, surgeries, heart disease, etc)

50 MANNING PLACEBIRMINGHAM, AL 35242205.664.7707MALE NUTRITIONAL HEALTH FORMSIGNS & SYMPTOMSSEVERITY (check one)COMMENTSLow mood / teSevereAnxietyMildModerateSevereAnger / aggressionMildModerateSevereDiscouragement / pessimismMildModerateSevereDecreased interest in activities / relationshipsMildModerateSevereDecreased initiative / motivation / driveMildModerateSevereDecreased productivity at workMildModerateSevereConcentration problemsMildModerateSevereMemory problemsMildModerateSevereFoggy thinkingMildModerateSevereIncreased fatigueDecrease in strength / e in athletic performanceMildModerateSevereDecreased lean muscle massMildModerateSevereMuscle soreness / weaknessMildModerateSevereBody / joint achesMildModerateSevereWeight lossMildModerateSevereWeight gainMildModerateSevereIncreased fat on hips / breasts / thighsLow blood sugar / eet cravings (carbs/chocolate)MildModerateSevereCaffeine / stimulant cravingsMildModerateSevereSalt cravingsConstant hungerMildMildModerateModerateSevereSevereElevated cholesterolMildModerateSevereElevated blood pressureMildModerateSevereDigestive problemsHead hair lossMildMildModerateModerateSevereSevereNeed to shave less frequentlyMildModerateSevereBody hair lossMildModerateSevereDry skin / thinning skinMildModerateSevereDecreased spontaneous morning erectionsMildModerateSevereLowered libidoErectile Dysfunction (ED)MildMildModerateModerateSevereSeverePain with ejaculationMildModerateSevereFrequent need to urinateMildModerateSevereUrination is delayed/strained/incompleteMildModerateSeverePain with urinationMildModerateSevereBlood in the ateSevereBone loss/osteoporosisOther2/10

50 MANNING PLACEBIRMINGHAM, AL 35242205.664.7707MALE NUTRITIONAL HEALTH FORM3/10SYMPTOM SURVEYOnly check symptoms that apply. MILD occurs rarely, MODERATE occurs several times a month, SEVERE constantABCDAcid food upsetsMildModerateSevereStrong light irritatesMildModerateSevereGet chilled, oftenMildModerateSevereUrine amount reducedMildModerateSevere“Lump” in throatMildModerateSevereHeart pounds after retiringMildModerateSevereDry mouth-eyes-noseMildModerateSevere“Nervous” stomachMildModerateSevereModerateSeverePlus speeds after mealsMildModerateSevereAppetite reducedMildKeyed up - fail to calmMildModerateSevereCold sweats oftenMildModerateSevereCut heals slowlyMildModerateSevereFever easily raisedMildModerateSevereGag easilyMildModerateSevereNeuralgia-like painsMildModerateSevereUnable to relax, startles easilyMildModerateSevereStaring, blinks littleMildModerateSevereExtremities, cold clammyMildModerateSevereSour stomach frequentlyMildModerateSevereJoint stiffness after arisingMildModerateSevereBreathing irregularMildModerateSevereMuscle-leg-toe cramps at nightMildModerateSeverePulse slow; feels Butterfly” stomach, crampsMildModerateSevereGagging reflex slowMildEyes or nose wateryMildModerateSevereDifficulty swallowingMildModerateSevereEyes blink oftenMildModerateSevereConstipation/diarrhea alternatingMildModerateSevereEyelids swollen, puffyMildModerateSevere“Slow starter”MildModerateSevereIndigestion soon after mealsMildModerateSevereGets “chilled” infrequentlyMildModerateSevereAlways hungry; “lightheaded” oftenMildModerateSeverePerspire easilyMildModerateSevereDigestion rapidMildModerateSevereCirculation poor, sensitive to coldMildModerateSevereVomiting frequentMildModerateSevereSubject to colds, asthma, bronchitisMildModerateSevereHoarseness frequentMildModerateSevereEats when nervousMildModerateSevereHeart palpitates if meals delayedMildModerateSevereExcessive appetiteMildModerateSevereAfternoon headachesMildModerateSevereHungry between mealsMildModerateSevereOvereating sweets upsetsMildModerateSevereIrritable before mealsMildModerateSevereSleeping few hrs; difficulty falling asleepMildModerateSevereSevereGet “shaky” if hungryMildModerateSevereCrave candy or coffee in afternoonsMildModerateFatigue, eating relievesMildModerateSevereDepression moods: aded” is meals delayedMildModerateSevereAbnormal craving for sweets/snacksMildModerateSevereHands/feet go to sleep, numbnessMildModerateSevereMuscle cramps worse in exercise/“charley horses”MildModerateSevereSigh frequently, “air hunger”MildModerateSevereShortness of breath worse on exertionMildModerateSevereAware of “breathing heavily”MildModerateSevereDull pain in chest/left arm, worse on exertionMildModerateSevereHigh altitude discomfortMildModerateSevereBruise easily, “black and blue” spotsMildModerateSevereOpens windows in closed roomMildModerateSevereTendency to anemiaMildModerateSevereSusceptible to colds and feversMildModerateSevere“Nose bleeds” frequentMildModerateSevereAfternoon “yawner”MildModerateSevereNoises in head or “ringing ears”MildModerateSevereGet “drowsy” oftenMildModerateSevereBreastbone “tightness” on exertionMildModerateSevereSwollen ankles worse at nightMildModerateSevere

50 MANNING PLACEBIRMINGHAM, AL 35242205.664.7707MALE NUTRITIONAL HEALTH FORMEFG12344/10DizzinessMildModerateSevereSkin peels on foot solesMildModerateSevereDry SkinMildModerateSeverePain between shoulder bladesMildModerateSevereBurning FeetMildModerateSevereUse laxativesMildModerateSevereBlurred VisionMildModerateSevereStools alternate from soft to wateryMildModerateSevereModerateSevereItching skin and feetMildModerateSevereHistory of gallbladder attacks or gallstonesMildExcessive falling hairMildModerateSevereSneezing attacksMildModerateSevereFrequent skin rashesMildModerateSevereDreaming, nightmare type bad dreamsMildModerateSevereBitter/metallic taste in mouth in morningsMildModerateSevereBad breath (halitosis)MildModerateSevereBowel movements painful or difficultMildModerateSevereMilk products cause distressMildModerateSevereWorrier, feels insecureMildModerateSevereSensitive to hot weatherMildModerateSevereFeels queasy; headache over eyesMildModerateSevereBurning or itching anusMildModerateSevereGreasy foods upsetMildModerateSevereCrave sweetsMildModerateSevereStools light-coloredMildModerateSevereLoss of taste for meatMildModerateSevereIndigestion 1/2-1 hr after eating; up to 3-4 hrsMildModerateSevereLower bowel gas several hrs after eatingMildModerateSevereMucous colitis or “irritable bowel”MildModerateSevereBurning stomach sensations, eating relievesMildModerateSevereGas shortly after eatingMildModerateSevereCoated tongueMildModerateSevereStomach “bloating” after eatingMildModerateSeverePass large amounts of foul-smelling ard SevereHeart palpitatesMildModerateSevereCan’t gain weightMildModerateSevereIncreased appetite without weight gainMildModerateSevereIntolerance to heatMildModerateSeverePulse fast at restMildModerateSevereHighly emotionalMildModerateSevereEyelids and face twitchMildModerateSevereFlush easilyMildModerateSevereIrritable and restlessMildModerateSevereNight sweatsMildModerateSevereCan’t work under pressureMildModerateSevereThin, moist skinMildModerateSevereIncrease in weightMildModerateSevereMental sluggishnessMildModerateSevereDecrease in appetiteMildModerateSevereHair coarse, falls outMildModerateSevereFatigue easilyMildModerateSevereHeadache upon arising wear off during the dayMildModerateSevereRinging in earsMildModerateSevereSlow pulse, below 65MildModerateSevereModerateSevereSleepy during dayMildModerateSevereFrequency of urinationMildSensitive to coldMildModerateSevereImpaired hearingMildModerateSevereDry or scaly skinMildModerateSevereReduced teSevereFailing memoryMildModerateSevereHeadaches, “splitting or rendering” typeMildModerateSevereLow blood pressureMildModerateSevereDecreased sugar toleranceMildModerateSevereIncreased sex driveMildModerateSevereAbnormal thirstMildModerateSevereTendency to ulcers, colitisMildModerateSevereBloating of abdomenMildModerateSevereIncreased sugar toleranceMildModerateSevereWeight gain around hips or waistMildModerateSevereWomen: menstrual disordersMildModerateSevereSex drive reduced or lackingMildModerateSevereYoung girls: lack of menstrual functionMildModerateSevere

50 MANNING PLACEBIRMINGHAM, AL 35242205.664.7707MALE NUTRITIONAL HEALTH FORMG56HI5/10DizzinessMildModerateSevereIncreased blood ereSugar in urine (not diabetic)MildModerateSevereHot flashesMildModerateSevereIncreased blood teSevereWeakness, dizzinessMildModerateSeverePoor circulationMildChronic fatigueMildModerateSevereSwollen anklesMildModerateSevereLow blood pressureMildModerateSevereCrave saltMildModerateSevereNails, weak, rigidMildModerateSevereBrown spots or bronzing of skinMildModerateSevereTendency to hivesMildModerateSevereAllergies - tendency to asthmaMildModerateSevereArthritic tendenciesMildModerateSevereWeakness after colds, influenzaMildModerateSeverePerspiration increaseMildModerateSevereExhaustion - muscular and nervousMildModerateSevereBowel disordersMildModerateSevereRespiratory reMorbid fearsMildModerateSevereSkin sensitive to touchMildNever seems to get wellMildModerateSevereTendency toward derateSevereHeadacheMildModerateSeverePoor reCraving for uscular reDepression; feelings of dreadMildModerateSevereInability to concentrate; confusionMildModerateSevereModerateSevereNoise sensitivityMildModerateSevereFrequent stuffy nose; sinus infectionsMildAcoustic hallucinationsMildModerateSevereAllergy to some foodsMildModerateSevereTendency to cry without reasonMildModerateSevereLoose jointsMildModerateSevereHair is coarse and/or thinningMildModerateSevereProstate troubleMildModerateSevereLack of energyMildModerateSevereUrination difficult or dribblingMildModerateSevereMigrating aches and painsMildModerateSevereNight urination frequentMildModerateSevereTire too reAvoids activityMildModerateSeverePain on inside of legs or heelsMildModerateSevereLeg nervousness at nightMildModerateSevereFeeling of incomplete bowel evacuationMildModerateSevereDiminished sex driveMildModerateSevereSYMPTOM SURVEY GRADINGF DigestionA Sympathetic DominanceG Endocrine1 Hyperthyroid2 HypothyroidB Parasympathetic Dominance3 Hyperpituitary4 HypopituitaryC Sugar Handling5 Hyperadrenal6 HypoadrenalD CardiovascularH B ComplexE LiverI Male

50 MANNING PLACEBIRMINGHAM, AL 35242205.664.7707MALE NUTRITIONAL HEALTH FORM6/10SLEEP HABITS1. How well do you sleep? Check one.WellTrouble falling asleepTrouble staying asleepInsomniaHow long has this been happening?2. How many hours do you sleep at night on average?3. Do night sweats wake you up?NoYes, how often?4. Do you wake up tired?Yes, how long has this been happening?No5. Is your room completely dark when you sleep at night? (no night light, street lamp, TV, etc.)NoYes6. Do you get at least 30 minutes of outside daylight time, several days each week?NoYesREPRODUCTIVE1. Have you had a vasectomy?NoYes, when?2. Have you had a reverse vasectomy?NoYes, when?3. Have you experienced symptoms related to the vasectomy?NoYes, explain4. Do you have a history of prostate problems?NoYes, explain5. Date of last Prostate Exam M/D/YMost recent PSA resultsDate M/D/YNUTRITIONAL ID QUESTIONNAIRECircle one answer per question. When complete, count the number of A, B, and C answers to discover your Base Nutritional Plan.1. If you had a full schedule for your morning and had to be at your peak until lunch, knowing that you would have no opportunity to snackor reach for a stimulant such as caffeine to keep you going; which of these breakfast choices would give you the highest sustained energy?A) Eggs, with bacon or sausage, and a small amount of hash brownsB) Almost any meal will give me the energy I needC) Something light such as fruit, toast, yogurt or a protein shake would allow me to enjoy peak energy, without any need or desire for a snack2. What are your thoughts about salt?A) Love it, would add it often if I thought it was good for me and love vehicles for salt such as chips, pretzels, etc.B) I could take it or leave itC) I don’t like it — I often find foods too salty3. If you have ever been on a juice or water fast for any length of time how did you react?A) I reacted terribly; low energy, anxious, and starvingB) I could fast if necessaryC) I thrived when fasting and could do this regularly4. At Thanksgiving dinner, when the turkey plate is being passed around, which would you prefer?A) I would reach for a thigh or a leg- I prefer the tasteB) Either light or dark meat would be pleasurableC) I prefer white meat and am sometimes repulsed by fattier dark meat

50 MANNING PLACEBIRMINGHAM, AL 35242205.664.7707MALE NUTRITIONAL HEALTH FORM7/105. If you had a full schedule for your afternoon and had to be at your peak until after dinner, knowing that you would have no opportunity tosnack or reach for a stimulant such as caffeine to keep you going; which of these lunch choices would give you the highest sustained energy?A) I would prefer a burger with cheese and maybe a small spinach salad with dressing to provide the energy needed for my afternoonB) Almost any meal will give me the energy I needC) My energy would excel if I consumed a large salad with either some cheese or a small chicken breast as a protein6. You are given the choice of a lighter fish such as tilapia or a heavier fish such as salmon at your local seafood.A) I would generally chose salmon over a lighter fishB) Either would work for me depending on the dayC) I would prefer the lighter tilapia over heavier seafood such as salmon7. If you are out for a celebratory dinner and you are going to eat desert with no guilt attached; which would you choose?A) I would prefer a piece of cheesecakeB) Either cheesecake or a dish of mixed berries would work for meC) I would prefer something lighter such as a dish of mixed berries8. How do you feel about eating dessert?A) I love it and would eat it often if I could get away with itB) I can take it or leave itC) I really do not like desert except on rare occasions9. If I would consume sweets on their own such as candies, cookies or cakes I would feel.A) That this would create some negative feeling and possibly cravings for more sweetsB) That this would not create significant challenges for me but I may not be at my bestC) That it would not have any negative effects and may actually satisfy my appetite10. If you had a full schedule for your evening and had to be at your peak until bedtime, knowing that you would have no opportunity to snackor reach for a stimulant such as caffeine to keep you going; which of these dinner choices would give you the highest sustained energy?A) A small filet or broiled salmon with green beans or asparagus covered in butter or olive oilB) Almost any meal will give me the energy I needC) It would be best if I ate a light protein such as orange roughy or chicken breast with a large salad or vegetables such as broccoli or zucchini,with a small amount of butter or olive oil11. I experience the most significant weight gain when.A) I over consume grains, breads and pastasB) I typically gain weight whenever I eat too much food of any kind- I see no noticeable difference based on fat or grain productsC) I over consume fat12. If you consumed a cup of caffeinated coffee on an empty stomach; how would you feel?A) This would make me feel anxious, jittery and / or hungryB) I could take it or leave itC) I do well on coffee as long as I do not drink too much13. If I skip a meal I will feel.A) Anxious, jittery, and weak, depressed or have other negative symptomsB) I would simply have normal hunger pangsC) That this would not bother me and I may often forget to eat

50 MANNING PLACEBIRMINGHAM, AL 35242205.664.7707MALE NUTRITIONAL HEALTH FORMScoringFor every A chosen add 1 pointFor every B chosen add 0 pointsFor every C chosen subtract 1 pointNumber of A answers Number of B answers Number of C answers 8/10-Your Score If your score is between 6 thru 14, you would begin your Base Nutritional Plan as a Protein TypeIf your score is between -5 thru 5, you would begin your Base Nutritional Plan as a Mixed TypeIf your score is between -14 thru -6, you would begin your Base Nutritional Plan as a Veggie TypeGLUTEN QUESTIONNAIREGluten intolerance has been found to be most common among people of Irish, English, Scottish and Scandinavian, and Eastern European. Often timesit is assumed that gluten intolerance is a food allergy, but it is not. It is actually an autoimmune process, which affects an alarming percentage of thepopulation. The most significant symptoms are weight gain, fatigue and depression. The following test is a diagnostic tool to help you to understandthe symptoms and signs that are likely to go along with gluten intolerance.1. Do any of the following apply to you? Check all that apply.Overly sensitive to physical & emotional pain, cry easilyMuscle or joint pain or stiffness of unknown causeDifficulty relaxing, feel tense frequentlyTendency to over consume alcoholTendency to overeat sweets, bread, carbsCravings for sweets, bread, carbohydratesFemale hormone imbalance (PMS, menopausal symptoms)Weight gainDifficulty gaining weightUnexplained fatigueEat when upset, eat to relaxMigraine like headacheAbdominal pain / cramping“Love” specific foodsFood allergies / sensitivitiesDifficulty digesting dairy productsUnexplained digestive problemsIntestinal gasConstipation / diarrhea of no known causeAbdominal bloating or distentionUnexplained skin problems/rashes2. Have you suffered from any of the following conditions?AllergiesIrritable bowel syndromeBulimiaIron deficiency / anemiaOsteoporosis / bone lossChronic fatigueAnorexiaUlcerative colitisCandidaLactose intoleranceDepressionCrohn’s diseaseRosaceaDiabetesHypoglycemiaScoringCount the number of checked (“yes”) responses If your score is 4 or Less, your potential for gluten intolerance is: Not likelyIf your score is between 5 thru 8, your potential for gluten intolerance is: SuspectedIf your score is 9 or more, your potential for gluten intolerance is: Very likely

50 MANNING PLACEBIRMINGHAM, AL 35242205.664.7707MALE NUTRITIONAL HEALTH FORM9/10RELEASE AND WAIVERWe require a 48-hour notice to cancel a Consultation appointment. If you do not give 48-hour notice you will be charged a 200 cancellation fee. Pleasenote that we schedule patients every hour for appointments therefore, if you are more than 30 minutes late you will be asked to reschedule and thelate fee of 150 will be applied. Your time will not be extended past the scheduled appointment time. Preparing to be available 5-10 minutes before yourscheduled appointment time will allow you to be ready to receive the information about your health in a relaxed manner. Please do not schedule yourappointment when you are driving or having to manage other responsibilities. You will need to be able to take notes and be undistracted.I specifically authorize All Natural Family Doc to create a health analysis and to develop a natural, complementary health improvement program for mewhich may include dietary guidelines, nutritional supplements, environmental suggestions, and or support in understanding my personality and how Irespond to emotional stressors, etc. in order to assist me in improving my health, and not for the treatment, therapy, or “cure” of any disease or mentalaffliction. I understand that this is not a method for “diagnosing” or “treating” any disease including conditions of cancer, AIDS, infections, or othermedical conditions and that these are not being tested for or treated. No promise or guarantee has been made regarding the results of our consultationsor any natural health, nutritional or dietary programs recommended, simply we are creating safe natural programs for the purpose of bringing about amore optimum state of health. I understand that I am to adhere to the program guidelines. These guidelines have been fully laid out before me anddiscussed in detail. If I do not fully comply, I understand that this will greatly impact my results and success. I have read and understood the foregoing.This permission form applies to subsequent visits and consultations.REGARDING PAYMENT AND AUTHORIZATION TO TREATI understand and agree that there is no insurance coverage for any sessions between Dr. Jessica Dietrich-Marsh and myself. I understand and agree thatall services rendered to me are charged directly to me and I am personally responsible for payment. I also understand that if I terminate, any fees forprofessional services rendered to me will be immediately due and payable. To agree to arbitration for any disputes. Understand that the office maychoose the arbitrator and both parties agree to abide by the arbitrator’s decision. To waive the right of notice or exemption within the state of Alabama orany other state in regard to personal property allows one and one half (1.5%) per month to any balance owed. In the event of default to also payreasonable collection charges, attorney fees, and court costs.ALL NATURAL FAMILY DOCCONSENT FOR PURPOSES OF TREATMENT, PAYMENT, AND HEALTHCARE OPERATIONSI,consent to the use and disclosure of my Protected Health Information to All Natural Family Doc(“the practice”) for the purpose of providing treatment to me, for the purposes relating to the payment of services rendered to me, and for the practice’sgeneral healthcare operations purposes. Healthcare operations shall include but are not limited to, quality assessment activities, credentialing, businessmanagement, and other general operating activities. I understand that the practice’s diagnosis or treatment of me may be conditioned upon my consentas evidenced by my signature on this document.For purposes of this consent, “Protected Health Information,” means any information including my demographic information, created or received by thepractice, that relates to my past, present, or future physical or mental health or condition, the provision of health care to me; or the past, present, or futurepayment for the provision of health care services to me; and that either identifies me or from which there is a reasonable basis to believe the informationcan be used to identify me.

50 MANNING PLACEBIRMINGHAM, AL 35242205.664.7707MALE NUTRITIONAL HEALTH FORM10/10I understand I have the right to request a restriction on the use and disclosure of my Protected Health Information for the purposes of treatment,payment, or healthcare operations of the practice, but the practice is not required to agree to these restrictions. However, if the practice agrees to arestriction that I request, the restriction is binding on the practice.I understand that I have a right to review the practice’s Notice of Privacy Practices prior to signing this document. The Notices of Privacy Practicedescribes my rights and the practice’s duties regarding the types of uses and disclosures of my Protected Health Information. I have the right to revokethis consent, in writing, at any time, except to the extent that the physician or practice has acted in reliance on this consent.Patient name Please printPatient SignatureRepresentative name Please printRepresentative SignatureDescription of representative’s authorityDate M/D/Y

Excessive falling hair Frequent skin rashes Bitter/metallic taste in mouth in mornings Bowel movements painful or difficult Worrier, feels insecure Feels queasy; headache over eyes Greasy foods upset Stools light-colored Loss of taste for meat Lower bowel gas several hrs after eating

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