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STRUCTURAL BEHAVIOUR OF INTERLOCKING HOLLOW BLOCKCONCRETE WALL WITH OPENING SUBJECTED TO AXIAL ANDECCENTRIC LOADSBYLABEED AHMED MOHAMED AL-QAATABIrhesis Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies, University Putra Malaysia, InPartial Fulfillment the Requirement for the Degree of Master of ScienceJune 2008

Abstract of thesis presented to the senate of Universiti Putra Malaysiain fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Science.STRUCTURAL BEHAVIOUR OF INTERLOCKING HOLLOW BLOCKCONCRETE WALL WITH OPENING SUBJECTED TO AXIAL ANDECCENTRIC LOADSLabeed Ahmed MohamedJune 2008Chairman: Professor Waleed A. X. Tlanoon, PhdFaculty:EngineeringThe use of structural masonry may result in cheaper and faster construction ofstructures compared with the conventional approach of framed building construction.In Malaysia the supply of houses by both public and private is still far from meetingthe demand especially in low cost housing sector. Hence the search for fast, safe andeconomical masonry system becomes a necessity to meet the demand for housing inMalaysia. Interlocking block system is promoted, as a new building technique thatmay result to more economical construction. The main concept of interlockinghollow block system is the elimination of the mortar layers and instead the blocks areinterconnected through providing key connection (protrusion and groove). The use ofinterlocking load bearing hollow blocks in building construction will speed up theconstruction process as a result of the elimination of mortar layers. Furthermore, dueto the self-aligning features of the interlocking hollow blocks, the walls can beassembled much faster by unskilled workers compared to mortar masonryconstruction.

Putra block is an interlocking block system used in the construction of load bearingwall (Waleed et aL(2005)). The structural behavior of the walls constructed usingPutra block was presented by Jaafar et al. (2006) and Waleed et al. (2007). Thestructural behavior of interlocking hollow blocks load bearing wall is not fullyexplored due limited research on its structural response under the applied load tillfailure. Moreover, the effect of window opening on the structural response of theinterlocking wall especially on the stress distribution in the wall and its failuremechanism are not yet addressed and require special sttention for safe and accuratedesign of walls.This study presents experimental testing of interlocking hollow block walls havingwindow opening under concentric and eccentric vertical compressive load. Theexperimental testing focuses on the effect of different layout of the reinforcedstiffener around the opening on the structural response of the wall and its failuremechanism.Eight wall panels having dimemion of 1.5 m x 1.6 m (length x height) with arectangular opening occupying 20% of the wall area were assembled using Putrablock. The specimens are differing in the layout of reinforced stiffener around theopening. These wall specimens were subjected to a vertical load of 0 mm, 40 mrn,and 55 rnm eccentricities. The response was investigated in terms of deformationcharacteristics, strain variation, failure load and failure mechanism.The results indicate that the responses of interlocking hollow block wall withopening are similar to the bonded masonry system. The presence of window opening

of an area equal to 20% of the surface area of the wall may reduce the axialefficiency of the interlocking wall up to 50% of the solid wall capacity. Furthermore,the layout of the stiffeners plays a significant effect in the structural response of theinterlocking wall and leads to completely different failure mechanism of the wall.

Abstrak tesis yang dikemukakan kepada senat universiti Putra Malaysia sebagaimemenuni keperluan untuk ijazah master sainsKELAKUAN STRUKTUR DINDING KONKRIT BLOK BERONGGABERKUNCI DENGAN BUKAAN DI BAWAH BEBANAN PAKSI DAN SIP1OlehLabeed Ahmed MohamedJun 2008Pengerusi; Professor Waleed A. M. Thanoon, PhdFakulti: KejuruteraanPerggunaan masonri struktur membolehkan pemblnaan struktur yong lebih murahdan cepat jika dibandingkan dengan pendekatan tradisional pembinaan bangunanberangka. Di Malaysia, pembinaan mmah oleh sektor awam dan swasta masih belummemenuhi permintaan terutama di dalam sektor perumahan kos rendah. Oleh itu,pencarian untuk sistem masonri yang cepat, selamat dan ekonomi menjadi satukeperluan untuk memenuhi permintaan perumahan di Malaysia. Pengenalan kepadasistem blok berkunci sebagai teknik bangunan baru yang dapat menyurnbang kepadapembinaan lebih berekonomi. Konsep utama sistem blok bermgga berkunci ialahpenyingkiran lapisan mortar dan sebaliknya blok adalah disarnbung berterusanmelalui hubungan kunci (unjuran dan liang). Penggunaan blok berongga berkuncidalam perbinaan bangunan akan mernpercepatkan pembinaan akibat penyingkiranlapisan mortar. Tambahan pula, disebabkan blok berongga berkunci yang bolehmemadan antara sendiri, dinding boleh dibina dengan lebih cepat oleh pekerja tidakmahir jika dibandingkan dengan pembinaan masonri mortar.

Blok Putra ialah sistern blok berkunci yang digunakan dalam pembinaan dindingtahanan bebanan (Waleed et.al, 2005) kelakuan struktur dinding yang dibina denganblok Putra telah dikaji oleh (Jaafar et. al, 2006) dan (Waleed et al. 2007). Kelakuanstruktur dinding tahanan bebanan blok berongga berkunci masih belum lagi dikajisepenuhnya disebabkan kajian terhad ke atas tindakbalas struktur di bawah bebanankhidmat sehingga kegagalan.Tambahan pula, kesan bukaan tingkap ke atastindakbalas struktur dinding berkunci terutama yang melibatkan agihan tekanan didalam dinding dan mekanisme kegagalannya masih belum lagi diberi perhatian danini memerlukan perhatian khas bagi rekabentuk dinding yang selamat.Kajian ini mengenai ujian secara eksperimen ke atas dinding blok berongga berkunciyang mempungai bukaan tingkap di bawah bebanan mampatan paksi dan sipi. Ujiansecara eksperimen memberi tumpuan kepada kesan pelbagai susunan pengukuhmeneguhkan di sekeliling bukaan ke atas tindakbalas struktur dinding danmekanisme kegagalannya.Lapan panel dinding berdimensi 1.5m x 1.6m (pmjang x tinggi) dengan bukaansegiernpat tepat yang memenuhi 20% keluasan dinding telah dipasang dengan blokPutra. Spesimen adalah berbeza dari segi susunaan pengukuh di sekeliling bukaan.Spesimen dinding ini telah didedahkan kepada bebanan menegak dengan kesipian 0mm, 40 mrn dan 55 mm. Tindukbalas telah dikaji dari segi ciri kegagalan, variasiketegangan, bebanan gaga1 dan mekanisme kegagalan.Keputusan eksperimen menunjukkan tindakbalas dinding blok berongga berkuncidengan bukaan adalah sama dengan sistern masonry terikat. Kehadiran bukaan

tingkap dengan keluasan 20% daripada luas mukaan dinding mungkin mengurangkankecekapan paksi dinding berkunci sehingga 50% kapasiti dinding tanpa bukaan.Tambahan pula susunan pengukuh mernainkan kesan signifikan di dalam tindakbalasstruktur dinding berkunci dan mernbawa kepada mekanisme kegagalan dinding yongberlainan sama sekali.vii

ACKNOLDGEMENTIn The Name of Allah Most Gracious Most MercifulAlhmdulillah Rab alalameen who helps me to achieve my thesis. In this occasion Iwould like to express my deep thanks and gratitude to Prof. Dr. Waleed A. Thanoonand Prof. Dr. Mohd Saleh B. Jaafar for their valuable help and encouragement theyintroduced it to me during their supervision. I will keep remembering their kindtreatment and valuable advice.My deep thanks to Prof Dr. Jarnaloddin Noorzaei for his help.In this occasion great thanks should be express for the member of the examinationcommittee who spent their valuable time in reading my thesis and evaluate it.Thanks to structural laboratory staff for their assistance.I would like to express my deep gratitude to my parents, wife and brother for theirkind support.Vlll

I certify that an Examination Committee has met on 17 June 2008 to conduct thefinal examination of Labeed Ahmed Al-qaatabi on his Master of Science thesisentitled "Structural Behavior of Interlocking Hollow Block Concrete Wall withOpening Subjected to Axial and Eccentric Loads" in accordance with UniversitiPertanian Malaysia (Higher Degree) Act 1980 and Universiti Pertanian Malaysia(Higher Degree) Regulations 1981. The Committee recommends that the student beawarded the Master of Science.Members of the Examination Committee were as follows:Mohd Amran Mohd Salleh, PhDLecturerFaculty of EngineeringUniversiti Putra Malaysia(Chairman)Ir. Abang AbduUah Abang AhProfessorFaculty of EngineeringUniversiti Putra Malaysia(Internal Examiner)Ir. SaLihudin HassimLecturerFaculty of EngineeringUniversiti Putra Malaysia(Internal Examiner)Taksiah A. Majid, PhDAssociate ProfessorFaculty of EngineeringUniversiti Sains Malaysia(External Examiner) r o f e s s o rdebutyDeanSchool of Graduate StudiesUniversiti Putra MalaysiaDate: 26 August 2008

This thesis was submitted to the Senate of Universiti Putra Malaysia and has beenaccepted as fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Science. Themembers of the Supervisory Committee were as follows:Waleed A. M. Thanoon, PhDProfessorFaculty of EngineeringUniversity Putra Malaysia(Chairman)Mohd Saleh B. Jaafar, PhDAssociate ProfessorFaculty of EngineeringUniversity Putra Malaysia(Member)Jamaluddin Noorzae, PhDAssociate ProfessorFaculty of EngineeringUniversity Putra Malaysia(Member)AINI IDERIS, PhDProfessor and DeanSchool of Graduate StudiesUniversiti Putra MalaysiaDate: 11 September 2008

DECLARATIONI declare that the thesis is my original work except for quotations and citations whichhave been duly acknowledged. I also declare that it has not been previously, and isnot concurrently, submitted for any other degree at Universiti Putra Malaysia or atany other institution.LABEED AHMED MOHAMEDDate: 12/8/2008

TABLE OF VALDECLRATIONLIST OF TABLESLIST OF FIGURESLIST OF ION1.1Introduction1.2Problem Statement1.3Objectives1.4Synthesis1.5Layout of ThesisLITERATURE REVIEW2.1Introduction2.2Conventional Block System2.2.1Prism2.2.2Wall PanelInterlocking Hollow Block System2.3.1Prisms2.3.2Interlocking Wall PanelsShear WallMETHODOLGY3.1Introduction3.2Interlocking Hollow Block3.3Materials and Equipments3.3.1Materials3.3.2EquipmentsComputer AnalysisExperimental Program3.5.1Individual Block3.5.2Prismxii

Wall PanelRESULTS AND DISCUSSION4.1Introduction4.2Individual Block Strength4.3Water Absorption4.4Prism Test4.5Structural Behavior of Interlocking Block Walls4.5.1Compressive Strength4.5.2Deformation Characteristics4.5.3Load Strain Relation4.5.4Failure Mode of Panels4.5.5Load Steel Strain RelationCONCLUSIONS5.1General5.2Recommendation for the future workREFERENCESAPPENDICESBIODATA OF THE STUDENTLIST OF PUBLICATIONS.Xlll

LIST OF TABLESTablePage3.1The physical properties of Putra block.3-23.2Materials description3-53.3Shown the Size of Each Model and the Different in the Stress3-9Group SpecimensThe Ratio of the Compressive Strength of the Prism to the IndividualBlock Unit Zifferent PrismComparison between the Strength of the Panelsxiv

LIST OF FIGURESFiguresPageSingle-Block Specimens and Two- and Three-Block Prisms Tested.2-3Modes of Failure for Unfilled Single-Block Specimens2-4Modes of Failure for Filled Single-Block Specimens2-4Modes of Failure for:(a) Unfilled Three-Block Prism Compressed Normal to Bed Face;(b) Unfilled Two-Block Prism Compressed Parallel to Bed Face2-6Modes of Failure for:(a) Filled Three-Block Prism Compressed Normal to Bed Face;(b) Filled Tow-Block Prism Compressed Parallel to Bed FaceFailure Modes for Hollow Concrete Masonry Prisms:(a) Strong Mortar; (b) Weak MortarSummary of Wallette and Loading TypeLinear Potentiometer Displacement Transducer (LPDT) Arrangementsfor Series 1 Test2-12Typical web splitting Occurred in the Hollow Blocks beneath theBond Beam2-13Typical Failure Mode of Wallette under Eccentric Concentrated Load(e 64 rnrn)2-14Vertical Cracking and Face-Shell Spalling of Wallette under 2-15Concentric Concentrated Load on the end column (Plate length 160mm)Local Crushing-Splitting of Wallette under Concentric ConcentratedLoad on the End Column (Plate Length 80 mm)2-15Failure Mode of Wallette under Eccentric Concentrated Load on theEnd Column (e 32 mm, Plate Length 160 rnm).2-16Failure Modes of Wallette under Concentrated Load on the MiddleColumn: (a) Concentric; (b) Eccentric, e 32 mm; and(c) Eccentric, e 64 mm2-17The Specimens in the Layout of the StiffenersCompressive Stress-Strain Curves of Masonry Prisms

Typical Cracks in Masonry PrismsFailure Mode for Putra Block PrismsCross-Section of the Wall SpecimensTest Set-up for Concentrated Axial Load TestTest Set-up for Transverse Load TestCracks due to the uneven bed surfaces of the unitsDifferent Layouts of Tested Wall SpecimensComparison between Bounded and Unbourdzd VJalls2.25Reduction Factors Due to Eccentric Load in Bounded and UnboundedWallsCrack Patterns of Un-stiffened Wall Specimens at FailureCrack Patterns of Selected Wall Specimens in Group B at FailureCrack Patterns of Selected Wall Specimens in Group C at FailureFull-scale wall for laboratory tests with wall dimensionsCrack pattern in a non-plastered wall (a) and in a plastered wallDifferent Types of Putra interlocking Hollow BlockDetails of the Different Units of Putra BlockStress Distribution of the Full Scale ModelStress Distribution of the Model 1Stress Distribution of the Model 2Stress Distribution of the Model 3Interlocking Block in the Compression Testing MachinePrismThe Position of the Stiffener in Each GroupThe Test Setup for the Experimental Testing of the Wall PanelsThe Boundary Condition at the Bottom of the Wall Panelsxvi2-30

The Boundary Condition at the Top of the Wall PanelsThe Position of the Dial Gauge for Determine the VerticalDeformation3-17The Position of the LVDT and Dial Gauge at the top of the Wall Panel3-18The Position of the LVDT and Dial Gauge at the Bottom of the WallPanel3-1 8The Arrangement of the Strain Gauges on the Wall PanelVariation of Strength with Weight for Stretcher UnitVariation of Strength with Weight for Corner UnitVariation of Strength with Weight for Half UnitThe Normal Distribution Curve for the Different Types of Putra BlockUnitSplitting Failure for the Stretcher UnitCrushing Failure for the Stretcher UnitPrismFailure Mode of Un-grouted PrismsFailure Mode of Grouted PrismsVariations of Wall Panel EEciency due to Eccentricity and Stiffener 4-12Effect for Group A and Group DThe Effect of the Opening on the Efficiency of the Wall PanelLateral Deformation at Load 91 KNLateral Deformation of Group A at the Failure LoadLateral Deformation of Group D at the Failure LoadLateral Deformation of Wall Panels, Group ALateral Deformation of Wall Panels, Group DVertical Deformation of Wall Panels with e 0.0 mmVertical Deformation of Wall Panels With e 40 mmxvii

Vertical Deformation of Wall Panels with e 55 rnrnLoad Strain Relation for Panel A1Load Strain Relation for Panel B1Load Strain Relation for Panel C1Load Strain Relation for Panel D lLoad Strain Relation for Panel A2Load Strain Relation for Panel D2Load Strain Relation for Panel A3Load Strain Relation for Panel D3The Failure Mode of Wall A1 at Different Load StageThe Failure Mode of Wall B1 at Different Load StageThe Failure Mode of Wall C1 at Different Load StageThe Failure Mode of Wall Dl at Different Load StageThe Failure Mode of Wall A2 at Different Load StageThe Failure Mode of Wall A3 at Different Load StageThe Failure Mode of Wall D2 at Different Load StageThe Failure Mode of Wall D3 at Different Load StageStress Strain Relation for the Top Horizontal Stiffener,Wall Panel A1Stress Strain Relation for the Top Horizontal Stiffener,Wall Panel A2Stress Strain Relation for the Top Horizontal Stiffener,Wall Panel A3Stress Strain Relation for the Top Horizontal Stiffener,Wall Panel B1Stress Strain Relation for the Bottom Horizontal Stiffener,Wall Panel B1Stress Strain Relation for the Top Horizontal Stiffener,Wall Panel C1xviii

Stress Strain Relation for the Vertical Stiffener,Wall Panel C1Stress Strain Relation for the Top Horizontal Stiffener,Wall Panel DlStress Strain Relation for the Bottom Horizontal Stiffener,Wall Panel D 1Stress Strain Relation for the Vertical Stiffener,Wall Panel DlStress Strain Relation for the Top Horizontal Stiffener,Wall Panel D2Stress Strain Relation for the Bottom Horizontal Stiffener,Wall Panel D2Stress Strain Relation for the Vertical Stiffener,Wall Panel D2Stress Strain Relation for the Top Horizontal Stiffener,Wall Panel D3Stress Strain Relation for the Bottom Horizontal Stiffener,Wall Panel D3Stress Strain Relation for the Vertical Stiffener,Wall Panel D3xix

ABBREVIATIONsaturated weight of specimen, kg,dry weight of specimen, kg,lab environment weight of specimen, kgnet volume of specimen, m3compressive strength of the block, N/mm2compressive strength of the prism, N / m 2eccentricity of the load, rnmthickness of the wall, mm

CHAPTER IINTRODUCTION1.1 IntroductionInterlocking hollow block masonry systems were developed recently to reduce theconstruction time of traditional bonded masonry system. The main feature ofinterlocking hollow block masonry system is the replacement of mortar layercommonly used in bonded masonry with interlocking keys (protrusion andgrooves).The interlocking hollow block masonry system has self-aligning features enablingeasy assemblage by unskilled workers. Furthermore, the elimination of mortarlayers will reduce the cost, construction time and enhance the structural behaviorcompared to traditional masonry system.Putra block is an interlocking hollow block masonry system used in theconstruction of load bearing wall. It was developed by Housing Research Centreat UPM (Waleed et al. (2005)). The structural behavior of prisms, small wallpanel constructed by using Putra blocks system was presented by Jaafar eta1.(2006).Extensive research has been carried out to investigate the compressive strength ofthe system under concentric and eccentric loading using, individual blocks,prisms, walls. Shear characteristic of the system have been investigated using a

modified triplet test setup under different pre-compression loads. Full scale wallswere assembled using Putra block and tested under axial eccentric loads byWaleed et al. (2007). Furthermore, finite element programmed was developed andused to study the structural behaviour of interlocking hollow block system(Walled et a1.(2007)).1.2 Problem StatementThe above experimental and theoretical analyses of interlocking hollow blockmasonry system using Putra blocks showed that the structure response ofinterlocking hollow block masonry system is similar to traditional bondedmasonry system. However, the effect of window opening on the structuralresponse of the Putra block interlocking hollow block masonry system was not yetaddressed and investigated. It requires a special attention for safe, accurate andeconomical design of the system. This study presents experimental testing ofinterlocking hollow block walls having window opening under axial and eccentricvertical load.1.3 Objectives1. To determine the structural response of interlocking hollow block masonrywall having window opening using Putra block under axial and eccentricvertical load.

2. To determine the effect of different layouts of stiffeners around the windowopening on the structural behavior of the interlocking hollow block masonrysystem.1.4 Scope and LimitationsThe following are the scope of this research:1- The structural response are evaluaied based on the deformationcharacteristic, stress distribution, failure load, and failure mechanism ofinterlocking hollow

In The Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful . This thesis was submitted to the Senate of Universiti Putra Malaysia and has been . submitted for any other degree at Universiti Putra Malaysia or at any other institution. LABEED AHMED MOHAMED Date: 12/8/2008 . TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ABSTRACT ABSTRAK

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