Bio 10 3.1 What Is Ecology? -

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NameClassBio 10 3.1 What Is Ecology?Studying Our Living Planet1. What is ecology?2. What does the biosphere contain?3. How are human economics and ecology linked?Use the diagram to answer Questions 4–5Date

4. Label each level of organization on the diagram.5. Explain the relationship between ecosystems and biomes.Biotic and Abiotic Factors6. Use the terms in the box to fill in the Venn diagram. List parts of the environment thatconsist of biotic factors, abiotic factors, and some components that are a mixture of ological Methods7. Why might an ecologist set up an artificial environment in a laboratory?8. Why are many ecological phenomena difficult to study?9. Why do ecologists make models?Apply the Big idea10. What makes a planet living? Explain your answer by comparing Earth with Mars.

NameClassDate3.2 Energy, Producers, and ConsumersPrimary Producers1. What do autotrophs do during photosynthesis?2. Can some organisms survive without energy from the sun? Explain your answer.3. Can organisms create their own energy? Explain your answer.Consumers4. Complete the table about types of heterotrophs.Types of HeterotrophsTypeDefinitionHerbivoreExamplescows, rabbitsHeterotroph that eats animalshumans, bears, pigsOmnivoreDetritivoreDecomposerHeterotroph that consumes the carcasses ofdead animals but does not typically kill themitself5. What is a consumer?

NameClassDate6. How would you categorize a consumer that usually catches and eats prey, but also eatsdead animal carcasses?Apply the Big idea7. What role do producers play in establishing Earth as a living planet?3.3 Energy Flow in EcosystemsFood Chains and Food Webs1. Complete the table about feeding relationships.Feeding RelationshipsRelationshipFood ChainFood WebDescription

Use the food chain to answer Questions 2–4.2. Draw arrows between the organisms to show how energy moves through this food chain.Write producer, herbivore, or carnivore under each organism.3. Explain how energy flows through this food chain.4. What would happen to this food chain if a disturbance caused a serious decline in theshark population?5. VISUAL ANALOGY What role does energy play in the diagram, and how is itrepresented?36

NameClassDateTrophic Levels and Ecological PyramidsWrite True or False on the line provided.6. Primary consumers always make up the first trophic level in a food web.7. Ecological pyramids show the relative amount of energy or matter containedwithin each trophic level in a given food web.8. On average, about 50 percent of the energy available within one trophic levelis transferred to the next trophic level.9. The more levels that exist between a producer and a given consumer, thelarger the percentage of the original energy from producers is available to thatconsumer.Use the diagram to answer Questions 10–17.Match the organism with its trophic level. A trophic level may be used more than once.OrganismTrophic Level10. algaeA. primary producer11. grasshopperB. first-level consumer12. marsh grassC. second-level consumer13. marsh hawkD. third-level consumer14. plankton-eating fish15. ribbed mussel16. shrew17. zooplankton

NameClassDate18. Complete the energy pyramid by writing the source of the energy for the food web andhow much energy is available to first-, second-, and third-level consumers.For Questions 19–21, complete each statement by writing the correct word or words.19. A pyramid of illustrates the relative amount of living organic matteravailable at each trophic level in an ecosystem.20. A pyramid of shows the relative numbers of individual organisms atthe trophic levels in an ecosystem.21. A pyramid of shows the relative amounts of energy available at thetrophic levels of a food chain or food webApply the Big idea22. Identify which type of ecological pyramid best traces the flow of matter through anecosystem. Explain your answer.38

NameClassDate3.4 Cycles of MatterRecycling in the BiosphereFor Questions 1–3, write True if the statement is true. If the statement is false,change the underlined word or words to make the statement true.1. The four elements that make up over 95 percent of the body in mostorganisms are oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen, and hydrogen.2. Matter moves through an ecosystem in cycles.3. Chemical and physical processes include the formation of clouds andprecipitation, “burning” food, and the flow of running water.4. VISUAL ANALOGY The illustration draws ananalogy between the way energy drives matter tocycle in an ecosystem and the way water causes awaterwheel to turn. Give an example of anotheranalogy that could be used to show therelationship between energy and the cycles ofmatter.5. Explain why Earth is considered a closed system.6. How might building a new highway affect the cycles of matter?The Water Cycle7. What role do plants play in the water cycle?

NameClassDate8. THINK VISUALLY Draw a diagram explaining the water cycle. Label the processesinvolved as biological or physical/chemical.Nutrient Cycles9. Complete the chart about the carbon cycle.Processes That Cause Carbon to Moveinto the AtmosphereProcesses That Cause Carbon to Moveout of the espirationthe release of CO2 andother gases into theatmosphere through ventsin Earth's crustDescription

For Questions 10–12, write the letter of the correct answer on the line at the left.10. The carbon in coal, oil, and natural gas came fromA. the combustion of fossil fuels.B. the remains of dead organisms.C. carbon-fixing bacteria in swampsoil.D. carbon dioxide dissolved in ocean water.11. How does most of the carbon in an organism’s body return to theenvironment after the organism dies?A. Decomposers break the body down into simpler compounds.B. Heat from the sun causes the carbon in the body to evaporate.C. Geological processes cause the body to turn into a fossil fuel.D. Rainwater dissolves the carbon in the body and carries it to the ocean.12. Human processes mainly contribute to theA. release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.B. decrease of the total amount of carbon found on Earth.C. depletion of carbon dioxide reserves in the atmosphere.D. increase in the amount of carbon contained in rock materials.Write True if the statement is true. If the statement is false, change the underlined wordor words to make the statement true.13. Nitrogen, in the form of ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite, is found in thesoil.14. Nitrogen fixation is the process in which certain bacteria convertnitrogen gas into nitrates.15. Denitrification is the process by which some soil bacteria convertnitrates into nitrogen gas.16. All organisms require nitrogen to make amino acids, which in turn areused to build carbohydrates.17. Phosphate is released as rocks and sediments wear down.18. Plants absorb phosphate from the soil or from water.19. Phosphorus is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere.20. Organic phosphate is taken up by producers during photosynthesis andreleased by cellular respiration.as21. Phosphorus forms part of the important life-sustaining molecules suchDNA and RNA.22. Plants absorb phosphorus from the atmosphere or water.23. List and describe the biological steps in the nitrogen cycle.

24. What is atmospheric nitrogen fixation, and how does it affect organisms?25. How do humans add nitrogen to the biosphere?26. Which parts of the phosphorus cycle are geological processes?Nutrient LimitationUse the diagram of the interlocking nutrients to answerQuestion 27.27. VISUAL ANALOGY The visual analogy comparesinterlocking gears to the major nutrients— potassium,phosphorus, and nitrogen. What other “gears” would beaffected if these gears stopped working together?28. If a nutrient were in short supply in an ecosystem, how might it affect an organism?29. When is a substance a limiting nutrient?

Apply the Big idea30. Compare and contrast the flow of energy through an environment with the flow of matterthrough that same environment.4.2 Niches and Community InteractionsThe Niche1. What is a niche?2. Give an example of resources a squirrel might need.3. Three different warbler species live in the same tree. One species feeds at the top of thetree, the second species feeds in the middle part of the tree, and the third species feeds atthe bottom of the tree. Do all three species occupy the same niche? Explain.

NameClassDateCompetitionFor Questions 4–8, write True if the statement is true. If the statement is false, changethe underlined word or words to make the statement true.4. Competition occurs when organisms attempt to use the same resources.5. Competition between members of the same species is known asinterspecific competition.6. The competitive exclusion principle states that no two organisms canoccupy exactly the same niche in exactly the same habitat at exactlythe same time.7. If two species of bacteria are grown in the same culture, one specieswill always outcompete the other.8. Members of the same species tend to divide resources instead ofcompeting over them.Predation, Herbivory, and Keystone SpeciesWrite the letter of the correct answer on the line at the left.9. A lion eating a zebra is an example ofA. herbivory.C. predation.B. habitat destruction.D. a keystone species.10. A cow eating grass is an example ofA. herbivory.C. habitat destruction.B. predation.D. a keystone species.11. A keystone species is one thatA. eats a mixture of plants and animals.B. is introduced into a community after a major disturbance.C. causes the amount of diversity in a community to decrease.D. helps to stabilize the populations of other species in the community.Symbioses12. Complete the table about main classes of symbiotic relationships.Main Classes of Symbiotic escription of Relationships

Match the example with the type of relationship. A relationship type may be used morethan once.Example13. a tick living on the body of a deer14. a bee eating a flower’s nectar and picking up theflower’s pollen15. a barnacle living on a whale’s skin16. a tapeworm living in a person’s intestines17. an aphid providing food to an ant in exchange forprotectionApply the Big idea19. How do keystone species illustrate the interdependence oforganisms living in a community? Give an example.Type of RelationshipA. mutualismB. commensalismC. parasitism

NameClassDate4.3 SuccessionPrimary and Secondary Succession1. What is ecological succession?2. What is primary succession?3. When a disturbance changes a community without removing the soil, what type ofsuccession follows?4. Describe the process of succession in an ecosystem.5. Why does secondary succession typically proceed faster than primary succession?6. Use the Venn diagram to compare the two types of ecological n

NameClassDate7. The panels show changes taking place in an ecosystem after a volcano erupts and coversan area with rock and ash. Number each panel in the order that changes occur. Then,under each panel, write a description of the changes taking place.

NameClassDateClimax CommunitiesFor Questions 8–10, complete each statement by writing the correct word or words.8. After a natural disaster occurs in a healthy ecosystem, secondary succession will causethe ecosystem to return to its original.9. The clearing of a rain forest is the example of a(n)enough to prevent the original climax community from reforming.10. During primary succession,determining which pioneer species arrives in an area first.drasticplays a large role in11. What are the two kinds of disturbances that change ecosystems? Give an example ofeach.Apply the Big idea12. Many biotic and abiotic factors determine how quickly ecological succession can cause aclimax community to develop in an area. Complete the graphic organizer by adding twofactors that contribute to the development of a climax community.No majordisturbancesoccurringDevelopmentof a ClimaxCommunity56

4.4 BiomesThe Major BiomesFor Questions 1–4, complete each statement by writing the correct word or words.1. The side of a mountain range that faces the wind often receives morethan the downwind side of the same range.2. A(n)is a group of terrestrial communities that covers a large area andis characterized by certain soil andconditions and particular types ofplants and animals.3. Organisms within each biome can be characterized byto live and reproduce successfully in the environment.that enable them4. In a tropical rain forest, the layer formed by the leafy tops of tall trees is called theand the layer of shorter trees and vines is called the.5. THINK VISUALLY In the box below, draw and label a diagram showing how acoastal mountain range can affect a region’s climate.

NameClassDateUse the graph to answer Questions 6–9.6. Complete the climate diagram by adding labels to the bottom and both sides of the graphto show what the variables are.7. Describe what a climate diagram summarizes.8. Explain what the line plot on a climate diagram shows.9. Explain what the vertical bars on a climate diagram show.

10. Complete the table about some of Earth’s major biomes.Some Major BiomesBiomeClimate and SoilPlants and Animalswarm year-round with wet anddry seasons; rich soilplants: tall, deciduous trees; succulentsanimals: undergo estivation or migrationTropical rainforestcold, dark winters and short,soggy summers; permafrostplants: ground-hugging plantsanimals: birds and mammals that cantolerate the harsh conditionsTemperategrasslandlow precipitation with variabletemperaturesplants: short growth cycles, cactianimals: adaptations to quickly lose bodyheat and regulate body temperatureBoreal forest

NameClassDateOther Land Areas11. What is the main cause for variation of abiotic and biotic conditions on a mountain?12. Describe the conditions you would most likely find on a mountain in the Rocky Mountains asyou moved from the base to the mountain’s summit.13. Which producers can be found in the polar ice regions?14. Which animals can be found in the northern polar region?Apply the Big idea15. How are the plants and animals found in a biome related to the biome’s climate? Give at leasttwo examples to support your answer.

NameClassDate4.5 Aquatic EcosystemsConditions Underwater1. What are the four main factors that affect aquatic ecosystems?2. What does the depth of the water determine?3. What distinguishes the photic zone from the aphotic zone in an aquatic ecosystem?Freshwater EcosystemsFor Questions 4–10, complete each statement by writing the correct word or words.4. The three main categories of freshwater ecosystems areand.,,5. Flowing-water ecosystems originate from underground water sources in.6. Circulating water in lakes and ponds distributesthroughout the system.,, and7. Plankton is a general term that includes bothand.8. An ecosystem in which water either covers the soil or is present at or near the surface of thesoil is called a(n).9. Freshwater wetlands purify water by10. The three types of freshwater wetlands are.EstuariesWrite the letter of the correct answer on the line at the left.11. Estuaries form whereA. a lake evaporates.B. a river meets the sea.C. a river becomes dammed.D. a wetland becomes filled in.12. The salinity of estuary water isA. equal to the salinity of river water.B. less than the salinity of river water.C. less than the salinity of ocean water.D. greater than the salinity of ocean water.pollutants.,, and

NameClassDate13. Shallow estuaries allowA. freshwater wetlands to merge with the estuary.B. large marine mammals to hibernate in the estuary.C. sunlight to reach the benthos to power photosynthesis.D. salt to sink to the bottom of the estuary.14. Temperate estuaries characterized by salt-tolerant grasses above the low-tide lineand seagrasses below water are calledA. bogs.B. salt marshes.C. mangrove swamps.D. freshwater wetlands.Marine Ecosystems15. Complete the diagram by adding labels for each marine zone. Then shade in the aphotic zone.16. Complete the table about the type of organisms living in each ocean zone.Marine Life by Ocean ZoneZoneLife Formskelp forests, coral reefsbarnacles, seaweed, starfishlarge marine mammals such as whales, chemosynthetic bacteria

NameClassDateApply the Big idea17. Which type of marine ecosystem do you think supports the least life? Explain your answer.5.1 How Populations GrowDescribing PopulationsFor Questions 1–5 complete each statement by writing the correct word or words.1. Theis the area in which a population lives.2. Population density is theof individuals per unit area.3. How the individuals are spaced in their range is a population’s4. Growth rate is how quickly a population5. To find thein size.of a population, count the number of males and females of each age.Population GrowthFor Questions 6–10, write True if the statement is true. If the statement is false, change theunderlined word or words to make the statement true6. If the death rate is less than the birthrate, the population is likely to shrink.7. Immigration increases population size.8. Young animals may immigrate from the place where they were born to establishnew territories.9. A high birthrate and immigration decrease population size.10. Populations grow if more individuals are born than die in a period of time.

11. THINK VISUALLY The dots in the box represent individuals in a population with a randompattern of distribution. Use arrows and dots to show what will happen to this population ifemigration is greater than immigration. (Assume birthrate and death rate are equal.) On thelines below, explain your drawing.Exponential Growth12. Describe the conditions in which exponential growth occurs.13. Can exponential growth occur in a population of organisms that take a long time toreproduce? Why or why not?14. Complete the graph by drawing the characteristic shape of exponential population growth.

NameClassDate15. What letter is used to refer to the characteristic shape of an exponential growth curve?Logistic Growth16. Complete the graph by drawing the characteristic shape of logistic population growth.17. What letter is used to refer to the characteristic shape of the logistic growth curve?18. When real-world populations of plants and animals are analyzed, why do they most oftenhave the logistic growth curve?19. What does the term carrying capacity refer to?

NameClassDate20. Complete the table to name and explain three phases of logistic growth. Use the terms growthrate, population size, and carrying capacity in your explanations.Phases of Logistic GrowthPhasePhase nameExplanation123Apply the Big idea21. What is an example of a limiting factor that humans use to control the carrying capacity of anenvironment for a particular type of organism? Explain your answer.

NameClassDate5.2 Limits to GrowthLimiting FactorsFor Questions 1–6, write True if the statement is true. If the statement is false, changethe underlined word to make the statement true1. Limiting factors determine the immigration capacity of a population.2. A limiting factor controls the growth of a population.3. Limiting factors operate when growth is exponential.4. Populations grow too large in the absence of limiting factors.5. Competition is an example of a limiting factor.6. Population size can be limited by factors such as predation.Density-Dependent Limiting Factors7. What is a density-dependent limiting factor?8. When do density-dependent factors operate most strongly?9. What are four density-dependent limiting factors?Use the graph to answer Questions 10–13.10. What happened to the number of wolves on Isle Royale between 1975 and 1985?11. What happened to the moose population when the number of wolves was low?

NameClassDate12. What is the relationship between the moose and the wolves on Isle Royale?13. Is the number of moose on the island a density-dependent or density-independent limitingfactor for the wolf? Explain your answer.Density-Independent Limiting Factors14. What term describes a limiting factor that affects all populations in similar ways,regardless of population size?15. What is the usual response in the population size of many species to a densityindependent limiting factor?16. Complete the graphic organizer with examples of density-independent limiting factors.PopulationSizecan be limited bydensity-independentfactors such as

NameClassDateApply the Big idea17. A population continues at a stable size for many years. Suddenly, in a single season, thepopulation size drops by half. Is the cause more likely to be density-dependent, densityindependent, or both? Explain your answer.5.3 Human Population GrowthHistorical OverviewFor Questions 1–5, write True if the statement is true. If the statement is false,change the underlined word or words to make the statement true.1. Over the last 1000 years, the size of the human population hasdecreased.2. Since the 1800s, human population growth has been logistic.3. The human population has increased because birthrates have dropped.4. The combination of low death rates and high birthrates led toexponential growth.5. Charles Darwin suggested that human populations are regulated by war,famine, and disease.6. Complete the table below to explain how each factor affected the size and growth rate ofthe human population over the last 10,000 years.Factors That Affected Human Population GrowthCauseAgricultureImproved health care and medicineImproved sanitationBubonic plagueIndustrial RevolutionEffect

NameClassDatePatterns of Human Population Growth7. THINK VISUALLY Complete the diagram below by adding the information for stagesII and III of the demographic transition. Draw bars to represent the birthrate and the deathrate and describe the stages on the lines provided. Stage I is done for you.

NameClassDateUse these age structure diagrams to answer Questions 8–11.8. Which country has gone through the demographic transition? How do you know?9. Which country do you predict will experience a slow and steady growth rate in the nearfuture? Why?10. Which country is most likely to grow exponentially in the near future? Why?11. Suggest three factors that might slow population growth in Rwanda.Apply the Big idea12. Explain why human population size is likely to increase in the twenty-first century, butnot as rapidly as it did in the twentieth century.

What is primary succession? 3. When a disturbance changes a community without removing the soil, what type of succession follows? 4. Describe the process of succession in an ecosystem. 5. Why does secondary succession typically proceed faster than primary succession? 6. Use the Venn diagram to compare the two types of ecological succession. Primary

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