Laborato RANK Office Visit New Est RANK DOB: Ph Sicias .

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Date of service:Patient name:Waiver?Inssrance:Ssbscriber same:Gros #:Co a :Accosnt#:Ph sicias name:Address:Phone:DOB:RANKOffice visitMinimalProblem focssedEx andad roblem focusedDetailedComprehensiveCom rehensive (nem atient)Si nificant, se arate serviceWell visit 11-45-1112-1718-3940-6465 Medicare reventive serviPaPelvic & breastProstate/PSATobacco counsalin /3-10 mmTobacco connselin b 10 mmWelcome to Medicare examECG w/Walcoma to MedicareFlexible si moidoscoHamoccult, uaiacFlu shotPneumonia shotConsultationb rao claaraEx andad roblam focusedDetailedCnm rahansivabmndcom leCnm rahansive/hi h com leOther servicesAfter posted hoursEvanin bweekend a nintmeHome health certificationHome health recertificationPost-n fnllom-uProlon edb3O-74 mmS ecial re orts/formsDmnabilit bWnrkers cnmRadioloNewEst9921199201 9921299202 9921399203 9921499204 9921599205-25-25NewEst99381 99391993B2 9939299383 9939399384 9939499385 9939599386 9939699387 99024993S49908099455Diagnoses234Next office ns:Ph sician si naturePRND WMYRANKOffice roceduresAnoscoAudiomatrCarumen removalCol oscoColponcopy w/biopsyECG, w/inter retationECG, rh thm striEndometrial bio sFlexible si moidoscoFlaxiblasi moidosco w/bio sFracture care, cast/splintSite:NebulizerNebulizar damn5 irometrS iromatr , re and notT m anomatrVanactomSkin rocedurenBurn cara, initial16000Foral n hod skin, sim Ia10120Fnrai n hod skin, cnm lax10121I&D, abscess10060l&D, hamatoma/saroma10140Laceration repair, simpla120Site:Size:Laceration repair, layered120Site:Size:Lesion, bin s ,one11100Lesion, bin s ,each add’I11101Lesion, destruct., beni n, 1-14 17110Lesion, destruct., remal., sin Ia 17000LenIon,destruct, ernaL,ea.add’l 17003Lesion, excision, benign114Site: Size:Lesion, excision, malignant116Site: Size:Lesion, arm bcuttin , nne11055Lesion, arm bcuttmn ,2-411056Lesion, shave113Site: Size:Nail removal, artial11730Nail removal, wbmatrix11750Skin ta , 1-1511200MedicationsAm icillmn, u to SOOmJ0290B-12, a to 1,000 mcJ3420E me brine, u to lmlJ0170Kenalo , lOmJ3301Lidocamne, lOmJ2001Normal saline, 1000ccJ7030Phener an, u to SOmJ2550Pro antarona, lSOmJIOSSRoce bin, 250mJ0696Testosterone, 200mJ1OBOTi an, u tn 200 mJ3250Toradol, lSm11885Miscellaneous servicesPrevioss balance:Toda ‘schar as:Toda ‘s a ment: check#Balance sLaboratoVesi unctsreBlood lucona, monitorin deviceBlood lacuna, visual di stickCBC, m/ auto differentialCBC, mb aato differentialCholesterolHemoccult, uaiacHemoccult, immunoasnaHemo lobin A1CLi id analLiver analKOH re (skin, hair, nails)Metabolic anal, basicMetabolic anal, com rahansivaMononucleosisPra nanc , blondPra nanc , urineRenal analSedimentation rateStra , ra IdStra cultureStra ATBUA, com late, non-automatedUA, mbn micro, non-automatedUA, w/ micro, non-automatedUrine colon countUrine cultura, rasum tiveWet mountbKOHVaccinesDT, 7DTPDtaP, 7Flu, 6-35 monthuFlu, 3 Ha A, adultHe A, ed/adol, 2 doseHe B, adultHa B, ed/adol 3 doseHa B-HibHib, 4 doseHPVIPVMMBPnenmnnia, 2 yPneamnnia cons ate, Td, 7VaricellaImmunizations & lWectionsAller en, oneAller en, multi le1mm admmn, one1mm admmn, each add’I1mm admin, mntrananal, one1mm admmn, mntrananal, each add’llnectinn, nint, smallInaction, oint, intermediateInaction, oint, maorInaction, therb rn hbdiaInaction, tnSu liener S11790471904729047390474206002060S206109077220552

infectious & Parasitic Diseases800.9 Herpesvirsl infection, unspecitiedA60.9 Anogenital herpesviral intection802.9 Zoster without complications827.00 Gammaherpesviral mononucleosiswithout complicstion827.01 Gsmmaherpesvirsl mononucleosis withpolyneuropsthy827.02 Gammaherpesviral mononucleosis withmeningitis827.09 Gammaherpesvirsl mononucleosis withother complications827.10 Cytomegaloviral mononucleosis withoutcomplications827.11 Cytomegalovirsl mononucleosis withpolyneuropathy827.12 Cytomegalovirsl mononucleosis withmeningitis827.19 Cytomegaloviral mononucleosis withother complication827.80 Other infectious mononucleosis withoutcomplication827.8t Other infectious mononucleosis withpolyneuropathy827.82 Other infectious mononucleosis withmeningitis827.89 Other infectious mononucleosis withother complication827.90 Infectious mononucleosis, unspecifiedwithout complication827.91 Infectious mononucleosis, unspecifiedwith polyneuropathy827.92 Infectious mononucleosis, unspecifiedwith meningitis827.99 Infectious mononucleosis, unspecifiedwith other complicationJ02.0Streptococca pharyngitisJ03.00 Acute strepto occal tonsillitis,unspecifiedJ03.01 Acute recurrent streptococcal tonsillitisJ02.0Streptococcal sore throat897.8 Other viral agents as the cause otdiseases classified elsewhere807Viral wartsNeopiesmsBenign NeoplasmsD49.2 Neoplasm of unspecified behavior obone, soft tissue, and skinD23.9 Other benign neoplasm of skin,unspecifiedEndocrine, Nutritional & Metabolic DisordersEndocrineEtO.8 Type 1 diabetes mellitus withunspecified complicationsEtO.9 Type 1 diabetes mellitus withoutcomplicationsEt 1.8 Type 2 diabetes mellitus withunspecified complicationsEt 1.9 Type 2 diabetes mellitus withoutcomplicationsE05.90 Thyrotosicosia, unspecified withoutthyrotoxic crisis or stormE03.9 Hypothyroidism, unspecifiedMetabolic/OtherMt 0.9 Gout, unspecifiedE78.0 Pure hypercholeaterolemiaE78.2 Mised hyperlipidemiaE66.tDrug-induced obesityE66.9 Obesity, unspecifiedE66.3 Overweight866.09 Other obesity due to escess caloriesBlood DiseasesD64.9 Anemia, unspecifiedMental DisordersF41 9 Ansiety disorder, unspecifiedP90.0 Affenfion deficit hyperactivity disorder,predominantly inattentive typeF90.9 Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder,unspecified typeP03Unspecified dementiaP33 9 Major depressive disorder, recurrent,unspecifiedNervous System & Sense Organ DisordersNervous System Diseases056.00 Carpal tunnel syndrome, unspecifiedsideG56.Ot Carpal tunnel syndrome, right sideG56.02 Carpal tunnel syndrome, left sideG40.90 Epilepsy, unspecified, not intractable040.901 Epilepsy, unspecified, not intractable,with status epilepticus040.909 Epilepsy, unspecified, not intractable,without status epilepticus043.90 Migraine, unspecified, not intractable044.039 Episodic paroxysmal hemicrania, notintractable Episedic paroxysmalhemicrania NOSG44.049 Chronic paroxysmal hemicrania, notintractable Chronic paroxysmalhemicrania NOSEye D seasesHtO.9 Unspecified conjunctivitisH53.10 Unspecified subjective visualdisturbancesH53.1 1 Day blindnessEar DiseasesH61 .20 Impacfed cerumen, unspecified earH61 .2t Impacted cerumen, right earH6t 22 Impacted cerumen left earH61 23 Impacted cerumen bilateraH60.00 Abscess of external ear, unspecifiedearH60.01 Abscess of right external earH60.02 Abscess of left external earH60.03 Abscess of external ear, bilateralH60.10 Cellulitis of external ear, unspecifiedearH60.1 1 Cellulitis of right external earH60.12 Cellulif is of left external earH60.13 Cellulitis of external ear, bilateralH60 311 Diffuse ofif a externa, right earH60.312 Diffuse otit a externa, left earH60.313 Diffuse of its externa, bilateralH60.319 Diffuse otit a externa, unspecified earH60.32 Hemorrhagic otitis externaH60.321 Hemorrhagic otitis externa, right earH60.322 Hemorrhagic otitis externa, left earH60.323 Hemorrhagic otitis externa, bilateralH60.329 Hemorrhagic otitis externa, unspecifiedearH60.391 Other infective otitis exferna, right earH60.392 Other infective otitis externa, left earH60.393 Other infective otitis externa, bilateralH60.399 Other infective otitis externa,unspecified earH66.OOf Acute suppurafive otifis media withoutspontaneous rupture of ear drum, rightearH66.002 Acufe suppurative of if is media withoutspontaneous rupture of ear drum leftearH66.003 Acute suppurative otitis media withoutspontaneous rupture of ear drumbilateralH66 004 Acute suppurative otitis media withoutspontaneous rupture of ear drum,recurrenf, right earH66.005 Acute suppurative ofitis media withoutspontaneous rupture of ear drum,recurrent, left earH66 006 Acute suppurative otitis med a withouspontaneous rupture of ear drumrecurrent, bilateralH66.007 Acute suppurafive otitis media withoutsponfaneous rupfure of ear rum,recurrenf, unspecified earH66.009 Acute suppurafive otitis media wifhoutspontaneous rupture of ear drum,unspecified earCirculatory SystemArrythmias148.0At rial fibrillationCardiac120.8Other forms of angina pectoris120.9Angina pectoris, unspecified125.701 Atherosclerosis of coronary arterybypass grsft)a), unspecified, withangina pectoris with documentedspasm125.111 Atherosclerotic heart disease of nativecoronary artery with angina pectoriswith documented spasm125.118 Atherosclerotic heart disease of nativecoronary artery with other forms ofangina pectoris125.119 Atherosclerotic heart disease of nativecoronary artery with unspecified anginpectoris125.708 Atherosclerosis of coronary arterybypass graft(s), unspecified, with otherforms of angina pectoris125.709 Atherosclerosis of coronary arterybypass graft(s), unspecified, withunspecified angina pectoris125.711 Atherosclerosis of autologous veincoronary artery bypass graft(s) withangina pectoris with documentedspasm125.718 Atherosclerosis of autologous veincoronary artery bypass graft(s) withother forms of angina pectoris125.719 Atherosclerosis of autologous veincoronary artery bypass graft(s) withunspecified angina pectoris125.721 Atherosclerosis of autologous arterycoronary artery bypass graft(s) withangina pectoris with documentedspasm125.728 Atherosclerosis of autologous arterycoronary artery bypass graft(s) withother forms of angina pectoris125.729 Atherosclerosis of autologous arterycoronary artery bypass graft(s) withunspecified angina pectoris125.731 Atherosclerosis of nonautologousbiological coronary artery bypassgraft(s) with angina pectoris withdocumented spasm125.738 Atherosclerosis of nonautologousbiological coronary artery bypassgraft(s) with other forms of anginapectoris125.739 Atherosclerosis of nonautologousbiological coronary artery bypassgraft(s) with unspecified angina pectoris125.751 Atherosclerosis of native coronaryartery of transplanted heart with anginapectoris with documented spasm125.758 Atherosclerosis of native coronaryartery of transplanted heart with otherforms of angina pectoris125.759 Atherosclerosis of native coronaryartery of transplanted heart withunspecified angina pectoria125.761 Atherosclerosis of bypass graft ofcoronary artery of transplanted heartwith angina pectorix with documentedspasm

125.768 Atherosclerosis ot bypsss grsft ofcoronary artery of transplanted heartwith other forms of sngins pectoris125.769 Atherosclerosis of bypsss grsft ofcoronsry srtery of trsnsplsnted heartwith unspecified sngins pectoris125.791 Atherosclerosis of other coronary arterybypass graft(s) with angina pectoriswith documented spasm125.798 Atherosclerosis of other coronary arterybypass graft(s) with other forms ofangina pectoris125.799 Atherosclerosis of other coronary arterybypass graft(s) with unspecified anginapectoris150.9Heart failure, unspecified135.0Nonrheumatic aortic (valve) stenosis135.1Nonrheumatic aortic (valve)insufficiency135.2Nonrheumatic sortic (valve) stenosiswith insufticiency135.8Other nonrheumatic aortic valvedisorders135.9Nonrheumatic aortic valve d sorder,unspecified139Endocarditis and heart valve disordersin diseases classified elsewhere125.9Chronic ischemic heart disease,unspecifiedVascularR03.0 Elevated blood-pressure reading,without diagnosis of hypertension110Essential (primary) hypertension195.1Orthostatic hypotension173.9Peripheral vascular disease,unspecified180.9Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis ofunspecified site187.2Venous insufticiency (chronic)(peripheral)187.9Disorder of vein, unspecifiedRespiratory SystemLower Respiratory TractJ45.909 Unspecified asthma, uncomplicatedJ45 998 Other asthmaJ20.0Acute bronchitis due to MycoplasmapneumoniaeJ20.1Acute bronchitis due to HemophilusinfluenzaeJ20.2Acute bronchitis due to streptococcusJ20.3Acute bronchitis due to cossackievirusJ20.4Acute bronchitis due to parsinfluenzavirusJ20 5Acute bronchitis due to respiratorysyncytial virus20 6Acute bronchit s due to rhnovi rueJ20 7Acute bronchitis due to echovirus20 8Acute bronchitis due to other specifiedorganisms,J20 9Acute bronchitis unspecified44 9Chronic obstructve pulmon ry diseaseunspecifiedJ18 8Other pneumonia, un pecgjdoroaniamJ18.9Pneumon a, un pecif ed o gp j Upper Respiratory TractJ02.8Acute pharyngitie due to other specifiedorganismsJ02.9Acute pharyngifa unspecifiedJ30.0Vaeomotor rhinitieJ30.9Allergic rhinitia, unspecifiedJOl 90 Acute sinusitis, unspecifiedJ01.91 Acute recurrent sinusitis, unspecifiJ01.80 Other acute sinusitisJOl 81 Other acute recurrent sinusitis06 9Acute up r r spiratory infection,unspecifiedDigestive SystemK92.tMelena1 59.00 Constipation, unspecified1 57.30 Diverticulosis of large intestine withoutperforation or abscess without bleeding1 57.50 Diverticulosis of both small and largeintestine without perforation or abscesswithout bleedingK57.90 Diverticulosis of intestine, partunspecified, without perforation orabscess without bleedingK57.20 Diverticulitis of large intestine withperforation and abscess withoutbleedingK57.40 Diverticulitis of both small and largeintestine with perforation and abscesswithout bleeding1 57.52 Diverticulitis of both small and largeintestine without perforation or abscesswithout bleeding1 57.80 Diverticulitis of ntestine, partunspecified, with perforation andabscess without bleeding1 57.92 Diverticulifis of intestine, partunspecified, without perforation orabscess without bleeding1(29.70 Gasfritis, unspecified, without bleeding1(29.90 Gastroduodenifis, unspecified, withoutbleeding1(52.8 Other specified noninfectivegaatroenteritis and colitisK52.9 Noninfective gastroenteritis and colitis,unspecifiedK21 .9 Gaefro esophageal ref lux dianawithout esophagitia184.20 Unspecified hemorrhoids withoutcomplication1(58.0 Irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea1(58.9 Irritable bowel syndrome withoutdiarrheaGenltourlnsry SystemUrinary System DiseasesN20.2 Calculus of kidney with calculus ofureterN20.9 Urinary calculus, unspecifiedN30.00 Acute cysfitie without hematur aN30.01 Acute cyatitie with hematuriaR3t .0 Gross hematuriaR3t .1Benign essential microscopic hematuriaR3t .2 Other microscopic hematuriaR3t .9 Hematuria, unspecifiedN28.9 Disorder of kidney and ureter,unspecifiedN29Other disorders of kidney and ureter ndiseases classified elsewhereN39.0 Urinary tract infection, site not specifiedMale Genital Organ DiaeasesN52.01 Erectile dysfunction due to arterialinsufficiencyN52.02 Corporo-venous occlusive erectiledysfunctionN52.03 Combined arterial insufficiency andcorporo-venous occlusive erectiledysfunctionN52.1Erectile dysfunction due to diseasesclassified elsewhereN52.2 Drug-induced erectile dysfunctionN52.31 Erectile dysfunction following radicalprostatectomyN52.32 Erectile dysfunction following radicalcystectomyN52.33 Erectile dysfunction following urethralsurgeryN52.34 Erectile dysfunction following simpleproetatectomyN52.39 Other poet-surgical erectile dysfunctionN53.8 Other male sexual dysfunctionN53.9 Unspecified male sexual dysfunctionF52.21N41 .9Male erect lIe disorderInflammatory disease of prostate,unspecifiedBreast DiseasesN63Unspecified lump in 4Genital Organ DiseaaesPersonal history of cervical dysplasiaInflammatory disease of cervix uteriDyaplasia of cervix uteri, unspecifiedAcute vaginitisSubacute and chronic vaginitisAcute vulvitisSubacute and chronic vulvif isAbscess of vulvaDisorders of MenstruationN9f .0 Primary amenorrheaN91 .1Secondary amenorrheaN91 .2 Amenorrhea, unspecified1(95.9 Unspecified menopausal andperimenopausal disorderN92.0 Excessive and frequent menstrualiwith regular cycleN92.1Excessive and frequent menstrual iwith irregular cycleH94.4 Primary dysmenorrheaH94.5 Secondary dysmenorrheaN94.6 Dysmenorrhea, unspecifiedN92.1Excessive and frequent menefruatiwith irregular cyclePregnancy, Childbirth046.90 Antepartum hemorrhage, unepecifiunspecified trimesterZ39.2Encounter for routine postpartumfollow-upZ33.1Pregnant state, incidentalZ34.00 Encounter for supervision of normalfirst pregnancy, unspecified trimesterZ34.01 Encounter for supervision of normalfirst pregnancy, unspecified trimesterZ34.02 Encounter for supervision of normalfirst pregnancy, second trimesterZ34.03 Encounter for supervision of normalfirst pregnancy, third trimesterV22.1Prenatal care, normal, other pregnancy234.80 Encounter for supervision of othernormal pregnancy, unspecifiedtrimesterZ34.81 Encounter for supervision of othernormal pregnancy, first trimesterZ34.82 Encounter for supervision of othernormal pregnancy, second trimesteZ34.83 Encounter for supervision of othernormal pregnancy, third trimesterZ34.90 Encounter for supervision of normalpregnancy, unspecified, unspecifiedtrimesterZ34.91 Encounfer for supervision of normalpregnancy, unspecified, first trimesterZ34.92 Encounter for supervision of normalpregnancy, unspecified, secondtrimesterZ34.93 Encounter for supervision of normalpregnancy, unspecified, third trimesterSkin, Subcutaneous TissueL70.0Acne vufgariaL70.1Acne conglobalaL70.3Acne tropicsL70.4Infantile acneL70.5Acne excoriée des jeunea fillesL70.8Other acneL70.9Acne, unspecifiedL73.0Acne keloidL57.0Actinic kerstosisL03.90 Cellulitis, unspecifiedL03.91 Acute lymphangifis, unspecified

L03.129 Acute lymphangitis of unspecified partof limbL03.1 19 Cellulitis of unspecified pert of limbL98.3Eosinophilic ccl ulitis [Wells]L23.9Allergic confect dermefif is, unspecifiedceuse(.24 9lmtsnt confacf dermatitis unspecifiedcause(25 9Unspecified confect dermatitis,unspecified causeL30.0Nummular dermatifisL30.2Cutaneous sufosensitizationL30.8Other specified dermafit isL30.9Dermatitis, unspecifiedL20 8Other afopic dermatitisL20.81 Atopic neurodermefifisL20.82 Flexurs eczemaL20.83 Infantile (acute) (chronic) eczemaL20.84 Intrinsic (allergic) eczemsL20.89 Other atopic dermatitisL20.9Atopic dermatitis, unspecifiedL21 .8Other seborrheic dermatitisL60.0fngrowing nail835.1linen unguiumL44.9Papulosqusmous disorder, unspecifiedL45Papulosqusmous disorders in diseasesclassified elsewhereL98.9Disorder of the skin and subcutaneoustissue, unspecifiedL40.0Psoriesis vulgarisL40.1Generalized pustular psoriasisL40.2Acrodermatitis continuaL40.3Pustulosis palmaris et plantarisL40.4Outtate psorissisL40.8Other psoriasisL4D.9Psorissis, uns ecifiedL71 .0Perioral derma tieL71.1RhinophymaL71 8Other rosecesL71 9Rosacea, unsoecified.L72.0Epidermal cystL72.1Trichodermal cystL72.2Steetocysfoma multiplexL72.8Other follicular cysts of the skin andsubcutaneous tissueL72.9Folliculer cyst of the akin andsubcutaneous tissue, unspecifiedL82.0Inflamed seborrheic kerafosisL82.1Other seborrheic kerstosisL98.491 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of skin ofother sites limited to breakdown of skinL98.492 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of skin ofother sites with fat layer exposedL98.493 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of skin ofother sites with necrosis of muscleL98.494 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of skin ofother sites with necrosis of boneL98.499 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of skin ofother sites with unspecified severityL50.9Urticarie unspecifiedMusculoskeletal & Connective TissueGeneralMt2 9 Arthropathy, unspecifiedM60.80 Other myositis, unspecified siteM60.81 1 Other myositis, right shoulderM60.81 2 Other myositis, left shoulderM60.8t9 Other myositis, unspecified shoulderM60.821 Other myositis, right upper armM60.822 Other myosifis, left upper armM60.829 Other myositis, unspecified upper armM80.831 Other myositis, right forearmM60.832 Other myosifis, left forearmM60.839 Other myositix, unspecified forearmM60.841 Other myositis, right handM60.842 Other myositis, left handM60.849 Other myosifis, unspecified handM60.851 Other myositis, right thighM60.852 Other myosifis, left .879Other myositis, unspecified thighOther myositis, right lower legOther myositis, left lower legOther myositis, unspecified lower legOther myositis, right ankle end tootOther myositis, left ankle and footOther myosifis, unspecified ankle andfootM60.88 Other myositis, Other siteM80.89 Other myositis, multiple sitesM60.9 Myositis, unspecifiedM7g.t MyalgiaM7 .7 FibromyalgisMl 5.9 Polyosfeoarthritis, unspecifiedMt 9.90 Unspecified osteoarthritis, unspecifiedsiteM81 .8 Other osteoporosis without currentpathological fractureM05.70 Rheumatoid arthritis with rheumatoidfactor of unspecified site without organor systems involvementM05.71 Rheumatoid arthritis with rheumatoidfactor of shoulder without organ orsystems involvementM05.71 1 Rheumatoid arthritis with rheumatoidfactor of right shoulder without organ orsystems involvementM05.712 Rheumatoid arthritis with rheumatoidfactor of left shoulder without organ orsystems involvementM05.719 Rheumatoid arthritis with rheumatoidfactor of unspecified shoulder withoutorgan or systems involvementM05.721 Rheumatoid arthritis with rheumatoidfactor of right elbow without organ orsystems involvementM05.722 Rheumatoid arthritis with rheumatoidfactor of left elbow without organ orsystems involvementM05.729 Rheumatoid arthritis with rheumatoidfactor of unspecified elbow withoutorgan or systems involvementM05.73 Rheumatoid arthritis with rheumatoidfactor of wrist without organ or systemsinvolvementM05.731 Rheumatoid arthritis with rheumatoidfactor of right wrist without organ orsystems involvementM05.732 Rheumatoid arthritis with rheumatoidfactor of left wrist without organ orsystems involvementM05.739 Rheumatoid arthritis with rheumatoidfactor of unspecified wrist without organor systems involvementM05.74 Rheumatoid arthritis with rheumatoidfactor of hand without organ or systemsinvolvementM05.741 Rheumatoid arthritis with rheumatoidfactor of right hand without organ orsystems involvementM05.742 Rheumatoid arthritis with rheumatoidfactor of left hand without organ orsystems involvementM05.749 Rheumatoid arthritis with rheumatoidfactor of unspecified hand withoutorgan or systems involvementM05.75 Rheumatoid arthritis with rheumatoidfactor of hip without organ or systemsinvolvementM05.751 Rheumatoid arthritis with rheumatoidfactor of right hip without organ orsystems involvementM05.752 Rheumatoid arthritis with rheumatoidfactor of left hip without organ orsystems involvementM05.759 Rheumatoid arthritis with rheumatoidfactor of unspecified hip without organor systems involvementM05.76 Rheumatoid arthritis with rheumatoidfactor of knee without organ or systemsinvolvementM05.761 Rheumatoid arthritis with rheumatoidfsctor of right knee without organ orsystems involvementM05.782 Rheumatoid arthritis with rheumatoidfactor of left knee without organ orsystems involvementM05.769 Rheumatoid arthritis with rheumatoidfactor of unspecified knee withoutorgan or systems involvementM05.77 Rheumatoid arthritis with rheumatoidfactor of ankle and foot w thout organ orsystems nvolvementM05.771 Rheumatoid arthritis with rheumatoidfactor of rght ankle and foot withoutorgan or systems involvementM05.772 Rheumatoid arthritis with rheumatoidfactor of left ankle and foot withoutorgan or systems involvementM05.779 Rheumatoid arthritis with rheumatoidfactor of unspecified ankle and footwithout organ or systems involvementM05.7g Rheumatoid arthritis with rheumatoidfactor of multiple sites without organ orsystems involvementM05.80 Other rheumatoid arthritis withrheumatoid factor of unspecified siteM05.81 1 Other rheumatoid arthritis withrheumatoid factor of right shoulderM05.81 2 Other rheumatoid arthritis withrheumatoid factor of left shoulderM05.8t 9 Other rheumatoid arthritis withrheumatoid factor of unspecifiedshoulderM05.82 Other rheumatoid arthritis withrheumatoid factor of elbowM05.821 Other rheumatoid arthritis withrheumatoid factor of right elbowM05.822 Other rheumatoid arthritis withrheumatoid factor of left elbowM05.82g Other rheumatoid arthritis withrheumatoid factor of unspecified elbowM05.83 Other rheumatoid arthritis withrheumatoid factor of wristM05.83t Other rheumatoid arthritis withrheumatoid factor of right wristM05.832 Other rheumatoid arthritis withrheumatoid factor of left wristM05.839 Other rheumatoid arthritis withrheumatoid factor of unspecified wristM05.84 Other rheumatoid arthritis withrheumatoid factor of handM05.841 Other rheumatoid arthritis withrheumatoid factor of right handM05.842 Other rheumatoid arthritis withrheumatoid factor of left handM05.84g Other rheumatoid arthritis withrheumatoid factor of unspecified handM05.85 Other rheumatoid arthritis withrheumatoid factor of hipM05.851 Other rheumatoid arthritis withrheumatoid factor of right hipM05.852 Other rheumatoid arthrifis withrheumatoid factor of left hipM05.859 Other rheumatoid arthritis withrheumatoid factor of unspecified hipM05.86 Other rheumatoid arthritis withrheumatoid factor of kneeM05.861 Other rheumatoid arthritis withrheumatoid factor of right kneeM05.862 Other rheumatoid arthritis withrheumatoid factor of left kneeM05.869 Other rheumatoid arthritis withrheumatoid factor of unspecified kneeM05.87 Other rheumatoid arthritis withrheumatoid factor of ankle and foot

M05.871 Other rheumatoid arthritia withrheumatoid factor of right ankle andtootM05.872 Other rheumatoid arthritia withrheumatoid factor of leh ankle and tootM05.87g Other rheumatoid arthritia withrheumatoid factor of unspecified ankleand tootM0589 Other rheumatoid arthritia withrheumatoid factor of multiple aitesM05.9 Rheumatoid arthritia with rheumatoidfactor, unspecifiedM06.00 Rheumatoid arthritia withoutrheumatoid factor, unapecitied aiteM06.Ot Rheumatoid arthritia withoutrheumatoid factor, ahoulderM06.0t 1 Rheumatoid art hritia withoutrheumatoid factor, right shoulderM06.012 Rheumatoid arthritia withoutrheumatoid factor, left ahou derM06.019 Rheumatoid arthritia withoutrheumatoid factor, unapecified shoulderM06.021 Rheumatoid arthritia withoutrheumatoid factor, right elbowM06.022 Rheumatoid arthritia withoutrheumatoid factor, left elbowM06.029 Rheumatoid arthritia withoutrheumatoid factor, unapecifled elbowM06.03 Rheumatoid arthritis withoutrheumatoid factor, wristM06.031 Rheumatoid arthritia withoutrheumatoid factor, right wriatM06.032 Rheumatoid arthritia withoutrheumatoid factor, left wriatM06.039 Rheumatoid arthritis withoutrheumatoid factor, unapecitled wriatM06.04 Rheumatoid arthritia withoutrheumatoid factor, handM06.041 Rheumatoid arthritia withoutrheumatoid factor, right handM06.042 Rheumatoid arthritia withoutrheumatoid factor, left handM06.049 Rheumatoid arthritia withoutrheumatoid factor, unspecified handM06.05 Rheumatoid arthritia withoutrheumatoid factor, hipM06.051 Rheumatoid arthritia withoutrheumatoid factor, right hipM06.052 Rheumatoid arthritia withoutrheumatoid factor, left hipMo6.osg Rheumatoid art hritia withoutrheumatoid factor, unspecified hipM06.06 Rheumatoid arthritis withoutrheumatoid factor, kneeM06.06f Rheumatoid arthritis withoutrheumatoid factor, right kneeM06.062 Rheumatoid arthritis withoutrheumatoid factor, left kneeM06.069 Rheumatoid arthritia withoutrheumatoid factor, unapecitied kneeM06.07 Rheumatoid arthritia withoutrheumatoid factor, ankle and tootM06.071 Rheumatoid arthritia withoutrheumatoid factor, right ankle and footM06.072 Rheumatoid arthritia withoutrheumatoid factor, left ankle and footM06079 Rheumatoid arthritia withoutrheumatoid factor, unapecitied ankleand tootM06.08 Rheumatoid arthritia withoutrheumatoid factor, vertebraeMo6.og Rheumatoid arthritia withoutrheumatoid factor, multiple aiteaM06.1 Adult-onaet Still’a diaeaaeM06.2 Rheumatoid buraitiaM06.20 Rheumatoid buraitia, unspecified aiteM06.21 Rheumatoid buraitia, shoulderNf06.21 1 Rheumatoid buraitia, right ahoulderM06.21 2 Rheumatoid buraitia, left shoulderM06.21 g Rheumato d buraitia, unapecifiedahoulderM06.22 Rheumatoid buraitia, elbowM06.221 Rheumatoid bursitis, right elbowM06.222 Rheumatoid bursitis, left elbowM06.22g Rheumatoid buraitia, unspecified elbowM06.23 Rheumatoid buraitia, whatM06.231 Rheumatoid bursitis, right wriatM06.232 Rheumatoid buraitia, left wristM06.239 Rheumatoid buraitia, unapecifled whatM06.24 Rheumatoid buraitia, handM06.241 Rheumatoid buraitia, right handM06.242 Rheumatoid buraitia, left handM06.249 Rheumatoid buraitia, unapecified handM06.25 Rheumatoid buraitia, hipM06.251 Rheumatoid bursitis, right hipM06.252 Rheumatoid buraitia, left hipM06.25g Rheumatoid buraitia, unspecified hipM06.26 Rheumatoid bursitis, kneeM06.261 Rheumatoid bursitis, right kneeM06.262 Rheumatoid bursitis, left kneeM06.269 Rheumatoid bursitis, unspecified kneeM06.27 Rheumatoid bursitis, ankle and footM06.271 Rheumatoid bursitis, right ankle andtootM06.272 Rheumatoid bursitis, left ankle and tootM06.279 Rheumatoid bursitis, unspecified ankleand tootM06.28 Rheumatoid bursitis, vertebraeM06.29 Rheumatoid bursitis, multiple sitesM06.30 Rheumatoid nodule, unspecified siteM06.31 Rheumatoid nodule, shoulderM06.31 1 Rheumatoid nodule, right shoulderM06.312 Rheumatoid nodule, left shoulderM06.31g Rheumatoid nodule, unspecifiedahoulderM06.32 Rheumatoid nodule, elbowM06.321 Rheumatoid nodule, right elbowM06.322 Rheumatoid nodule, left elbowM06329 Rheumatoid nodule, unspecified elbowM06.33 Rheumatoid nodule, wristM06.331 Rheumatoid nodule, right wristM06.332 Rheumatoid nodule, left wristM06.339 Rheumatoid nodule, unspecified wristM06.34 Rheumatoid nodule, handM06.341 Rheumatoid nodule, right handM06.342 Rheumatoid nodule, left handM06.349 Rheumatoid nodule, unspecified handM06.352 Rheumatoid nodul

H53.10 Unspecified subjective visual disturbances H53.1 1 Day blindness Ear Diseases H61 .20 Impacfed cerumen, unspecified ear H61 .2t Impacted cerumen, right ear H6t 22 Impacted cerumen left ear H61 23 Impacted cerumen bilatera H60.00 Abscess of external ear, unspecified ear H60.01 Abscess of right external ear

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