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Natural HealthCare Tipsby Nicole Michelle

Natural Healthcare TipsNicole Michelle

Table of ContentsChapter 1 2 Ingredients To Purify Kidneys and Liver Naturally . 1Chapter 2 Best Antibiotic Survival Capsules . 2Chapter 3 How To Get Rid Of Tiny Bumps On Your Face. 4

NATURAL HEALTH CARE TIPSChapter 12 Ingredients recipe to purify your Kidney and Liver Naturally!A simple and easy to use Juice remedy for natural detoxification.Parsley and cilantro are potent hers which has incredible health benefits. They bothare different herbs.Ingredients: ½ cup of chopped coriander (not too small use stalk as well) ½ cup of chopped parsley (not too small use the stalk as well) 300 ml of waterInstructions:Wash leaves thoroughly and place them in a pan. Put in water and let boil for 10minutes (the time it takes to eliminate the chlorophyll), strain and let cool.Drinking one cup daily is enough to eliminate toxins and purify the body.1

NATURAL HEALTH CARE TIPSChapter 2Best Antibiotic Survival CapsulesThis Natural Antibiotic will kill any infections in the body. This plant basedremedy is the best choice to fight against candida, it has a powerful antiviral andantifungal formula, increase blood circulation and lymph flow in all parts of thebody. It’s best to wear gloves during preparation.Ingredients:24oz apple cider vinegar (always use organic)¼ cup finely chopped garlic¼ cup finely chopped onion2 fresh peppers, the hottest you can find (be careful with the cleaning – weargloves)¼ cup grated ginger2 tablespoon grated horseradish2 tablespoon turmeric powder or pieces of turmeric rootPreparation:Combine all ingredients in a bowl, except for the vinegar. Transfer the mixture to amason jar. Pour in some apple cider vinegar and fill to the top. Close tightly andshake well. Keep jar in a cool and dry place for two weeks. Shake well severaltimes a day.TIP: Eat a slice of orange, lemon or lime after you take the tonic to ease burningsensation. Gargle and swallow. Do not dilute with water as it will reduce the effect.2

NATURAL HEALTH CARE TIPSTake 1 tablespoon every day to strengthen immune system when fighting a cold. Ifyou struggle against a more serious disease or infection, take 1 tablespoon of thetonic 5-6 times a day.3

NATURAL HEALTH CARE TIPSChapter 3How to get rid of tiny bumps on face.Step one – cleansingWash your face properly with a gentle cleanser before starting this treatment.Whenever you wash your face massage your face with the cleanser for 2 minutesin order to make sure your face is completely clean and wash off with warm water.Always tap your face dry with a clean face towel.Step two – TonerAfter cleansing you need a very good toner that can balance your skin’s ph levels.Using apple cider vinegar works really well for that purpose. Use a pure ACVpreferably Braggs. Take a clean bottle and fill 3/4th of it with water, fill the restwith apple cider vinegar. Remember the water ration is 3:1. Now shake it well, youcan store in room temperature area until it finishes. It won’t expire. Applyimmediately after cleaning your face. Apple cider vinegar can be used as a toner totreat bumps on your face because of its anti-inflammatory properties. Use once aday preferably at night.Step three - Facial spray2 green tea bags and 1 cinnamon stick. Take a pot and put the tea bags and thecinnamon sticks into it. Add hot water until it boils. Add ingredients to a spraybottle. It can be stored there for a month. Use after using ACV toner. Use as manytimes as you’d like.Step four – MoisturizingYou’ll need one Aloe Vera gel plant and vitamin E oil. Take a clean container andadd 2 teaspoons of Aloe Vera gel and also 1 vitamin E capsule. Mix both of themtogether well. It should come out creamy. Afterwards, apply all over your face4

NATURAL HEALTH CARE TIPSespecially where the bumps are located. This mixture also works well withsoothing acne and eczema. Apply day and night before going to bed.Follow all steps above daily until the bumps disappear which usually take acouple of days.5

Using apple cider vinegar works really well for that purpose. Use a pure ACV preferably Braggs. Take a clean bottle and fill 3/4 th of it with water, fill the rest with apple cider vinegar. Remember the water ration is 3:1. Now shake it well, you can store in room te

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