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If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at,r,t,",0',.INTRODUCTION" ". ',/' , f":.:0'.'"(i ".,., : AUG 1 \977\:" .1 ACQU Si"iONS.\Entries have been divided on the basis of subject matteremphasis:(1) abstracting services--journals abstracting world-wideliterature on all or selected criminal justice issues(2) criminology alfd criminal j'tlstice journals--journalsthat cover the spectrum of criminal justice issues(3) law journals--journals that focus on criminal lawand its application(4) university law reviews--journals published by lawschools that generally treat all legal issues(S) law enforcement and police journals--journals concentrating on law enforceme:!t issues and activities(6) correctional journals--journals addressed to variousaspects of the correctional system'(7) journals on juvenile delinquency and the juvenile-journals on criminal justice issues affecting juveniles, and on the ,causes and treatment of delinquency(8 )journals on victimology--journals emphasizing thevictim and his place in the criminal justice syste (9 ). behavioral journals--journals emphasizing SOCiology,social work, psychiatry, psychology, and medicine thatfrequently contain information pertinent to thecriminal justice system(10 )journals on related social issues--journals concentrating on alcoholism, drug abuse, homosexuality andsuicide.''('ctD\rBECTOBY. 4? .11 (ofCriminal Justice Journals ,t :;pttlJ "",\h".A. ;-:' \. '.- ' I ' ''' COr :} ,"t J.1 ·l:.f'to:.tfr" : -1 : '::J) ';: - ' Oo ';InlL6t' .'o.The fc)llowing Direo tory of Criminal Jus tice .'Tournals wascompil.ed by" the Information Cencer,or tRe National CouncIL onCrime and Delinquency, from journals received by the NCCDLibrary. The annotated listing includes journals published byand for various groups with an interest in the criminal justicesystem. The journals included in general deal exclusively orpredominantly with criminal justice issues and'many focus on onespecific aspect of the criminal justice'system, such as correctionor the police. The majority-of the journals listed are u.s.publications. Included are selected fore.ign journals that aremost likely to b of interest to an American audience.,'. , II'II.orllt'.\J :).' lsion of JusticeC(Y).Uro.:."'"1I\Q,".,f).' Each bibliographic citation contains the journal title,Publisher and address, frequency of publication and subscriptionInformation, and a brief' annotation. The annotation describesthe ssues emphasized by eaph journal, mentions items of specialinterest, and includes topics of recent articles to indic te thescope of the publication. The follo\'ting abbreviations have beenused to indicate freq,uency of publication: A-annual, B-every twomonths, M-monthly, Q-quarterly,,,.and T- three. t mSl.s,.n!3r year.Fented to theand Crime pre'Vcnt1or.lItheIj1onalCoun. il on, Cl"ime smd Del1nquenoy.,l,'s"Clontto Project #75 TA O) OOl.T""CIDTI'.CAL tJ.SSIS"'.l'ANCE pL.A.NNINGCOMPllEllENSIVE;.,0'" VERY SYSTEM II&. DELrI'.n"StEP 31981"···.,. -·-NdI1 '," . . 11 . I,.

.).;I'.Dissemination of this Directory to the c iminal jUsticeplann1ng and operating agencies in Virginia, 1s one phase ot a,comprehens1ve range of technioal assistanoe serv1ces be1ngdeveloped and 1nst1tuted qy the D1v1s1on ot Just10e and Cr1mePrevent1on. Compan1on bibliograph1es in this serles ot threeannotated list1ngs will include seleoted Criminal JUsticeD1reotories and Crim1nal Jus tioe Newsle tters.--. "'".'.;'.U.S. Department of JusticeNational Institute of Justice\IThis document has been reproduced exactly as received from Iheperson or organization originating it. Points of view or opinions slatedIn this document are those of the authors and do. not nec ssarilyrepresent the official position or policies of the National Institute ofJustice.Permission to reproduce thisgranted byI j 'gI. material has been,Public Domain/National Counc lon Crime and Delinquencyto the National Criminal Just/ce Reference Service (NCJRS).FUrther reproduction outside of the NCJRS system requires permission of the owner.-.-- - .-'"-- .'-

.'.,tABSTRACTING SERVICES.CRIMINOLOGY AND CRIMINALJUSTICE JOURNALS.i.Abstracts on CriminoloAota Criminolosica. A: 5. University of Montreal Press,Case Postale 6128, Montreal101, Quebeo ) l .' t(. '(I ' Ii'' / " '"'\."'\,(formerly Excerpta3/US) uwer B.V., Box :/:' -.".An annual bilingual (English/Frenoh) review of anti-socialbehavior. Each issue contains a monograph, two to threetheoretical or empirical articles, and a critical examination of the Canadian justice system in the Judicial, police,and correction seotors. An artiole on comparative oriminological research analyzes pertinent research projects.Summaries appear in English, French, Spanish, German,- and'Russian. Recent' issues have concentrated on robbery andviolenoe and middle class delinquenoy.An international abstraoting servioe emphasizing Europeanliterature on the etiology of orime and delinquenoy, theoontrol and treatment of offenders, oriminal prooedure, andthe administration of justioe. Eaoh issue is indexed byauthor and subjeot. Annual oumulated indexes and a list ofjoul als regularly abstraoted appear in the final issue of. eaoh year.t;'Abstracts on Police Scienoe. B; fl.' 144.25Box 23. Deventer, The Netherlands( 55/US) IQ.uwer B.V. .An international abstraoting servioe emphasizing Europeanliterature on polioe soienoe, the forensio soienoes, andforensio medicine. Eaoh issue is indexed by subjeot a .dauthor. Annual oumulated indexes and a list of journalsregularly abstraoted appear in the final issue of eaoh year Aota Criminologiae et Medicinae Legalis Japonica. JapaneseAssociation of Criminology, Tolqo Medical and DentalUniv rsity, l-Chome, Yushima, Bunkyo-Ku, Tokyo, JapanArticles and research stUdies 'on criminol'ogy and theforensic sciences. The emphasis is on Japanese studies;included are English, French, and German articles.','.' Crime and Deling,u.ency Literature. Q; 25. National Council onCrime and Delinquency, Continental Plaza, 411 HackensackAvenue, Hackensack, N.J. 07601and New Zealand Journal ofnonmembers. Sout do m Press, 32Victoria, 3001, Australia ustralianQ; A9/Melbourne "General criminological journal containing original papersand book reviews. Emphasis is on criminology in Australiaand New Zealand. Indexed aru1ually. Recent topics haveincl·uded patterns of New South Wales, recidivist youth, the deterrent effect of fines and probation,inGcrnational terrorism, and the possible criminal use ofatomic or biochemical materials.An international abstracting servioe emphasizing currentUqS. literature on law and the courts, law enforcement andthe police, juvenile delinquency and the delinquent, crimeand the offender, correction, drug abuse, and related socialissues. In addition to abstracts, contains a section highlighting ne,'l research findings and unusual and imaginati vaprogramsj literature reviews on specific subjects, such ashidden crime, victimless crime. diversion. and depopulatingthe jailsj and questions and answers on inquiries of wideinterest. Detailed subject lndex in each issue, oumulatedannually.,- Elritish Journal of Criminology. Qi .-;(,9.50, 23.50 (u.S.) Stevens& Sons Limited" 11 New Fetter Lane, London Ec4p 4EE, IDlgland.In U.s.: Fred B. ,Rotnman & Co., 57 Leuning Street, SouthHackensack, N.J. 07606c "(.\Emphasizes delinquency and deviant social behavior. Containsarticles, notes, and extensive reviews of new publications.A reference section lists new peripdical citations in criminology, penology and ·social \'lOrk, psychiatry, psychology,and SOCiology, as well as official (Her Majesty's StationeryOff ce) publications.Annual index. Reoent topics have included British areal studies of crime, a follow-up study ofbright delinquents, juvenile delinquency among Asians andhalf-Asians, and 'becoming prostituted.

- .I,.'California Youth Author1tl Quarterly. Q: 3: 'California YouthAuthority, 714 "P" ' 5t;reet, Saoramento, Calif. 95814Articles on all aspects. of criminal justic ,' recently including lie detection, women in correction; the dilemma ofsecuri ty, youth ce,nte:r. research problems, and Los Angelespolice departm.ent di v'ersion program!' No t nec,essarily restricted to California although many articles discussCalifornia projects and programs.Canadian Journal of Criminologl and Corrections (formerlyCanadian Journal of Corrections). Q; 10, 7/students.Canadian Criminology and Corrections Association, .55Parkdale' Avenue, ottawa KlY lE5, Ont rio, CanadaContaining both theoretical and practical articles, thisjournal is an information source for criminological work andthlnking in Canada. Contains book reviews and the ,workingpapers of the Law Reform Commission of Canada. Bilingual(English/French). Indexed, annually. Recent articles havebeen on confidentialitr in correctional institutions,.mentally abnormal offenders in a Toronto jail, probat oneffectiveness in Alberta, a classification of the asocialpersonality, and American military deserte;rs in Canada.Crime and Delinquency. Q; 25. National Council on Crime andDelinque cy, Continental Plaza, 411 Hackensack Avenue,Hackensack, N. J. 07601(Information on all aspects of the criminal justice system,including juvenile, family, and criminal courts; lat;; enfort e ment; and correctional institutions. Articles with abstracts,book reviews, a lis t'ing of books received, and :lews briefsand notes. Publishes NCCD policy statements and index. Representative articles have discussed imprisonment for the llondangerous offender, the death penalty.corr ctional study in higher education, the 'medical modelof delinquency, pre-arrest diversion, and racial discrimination in urban police departments., Annual article on legislation and court decisions.Crime and Social Justice: A Journal of Radical Criminology.lwice yearly; 107institutions, 6IIndividua1s. 101Havila.nd Hall, University of California, Berk.eley,. Calif. 94720((The only radical journal of criminology in the U.S., committed to a search for socialist solutions to the crimeproblem Articles on topics' such as the repression of criminology, prospects for a radical criminology in the UnitedStates, and LEAA--a case study in the development of an industrial complex. Includes book reviews, l,ists publicationsrece1ved, and publishes course outlines accompanied by anextensi survey of the l1terature or an annotated biblio raphy ."'\I'Crime Punishment and Correction (Misdaad Seraf en Hervorming).T; R.2 (' 4. 50/US) Na,'EIOr.i'al Insti tute for 'Crime Preventionand Rehabilitation of Offenders, P.O. Box 10005, Ca,peTown 7905, South Africa' .Bilingual (English!Afrilcaans) international cr1minologyjournal. Articles and bool{; reviews. Recent topics:sentenc1ng--the training of judicial officers, 1nvestigation and prosecution of crime, corporal punishment andjuvenile justice, victimology, crime and the African prisonreform in Sweden and Denmark, and a symposium on the cause9 f crime in urban society.'Crim 1l010sie.Atmual or s7mi-annual; .: 8. Les Presses de1'Universite de Montreal, 'Case Poscale 6128. Montreal 101,Quebec, Canada'A theme-oriented rev1ew emphasizing d1fferent criminaljustice issues. The most recent concentrates on juveniledelinquency in Quebec.Criminologist. Q; 3 ( 8/us); by subscription only to officialor professional organizations in law enforcement, criminology,law, forensic sCience, and medic,ine; no t sold or distributedto the general public. Forensic Publishing Co., 9 Old Bailey,London EC99 lAA, EnglandAuthoritative views on all matters related to crime andcriminology, emphasizing the police. law. forensic science,and criminology. Articles, brief book reviews, and casenotes. Recent articles: post-mortem identification, forensicpathology, assessment of 'a doctor as a forensic Witness, ananalysis of child murderers, and the pathologist and sexualcrime.Criminolo : An InterdisciDlina":' Journal (formerlyCriminologica. Q; 20 institutions. 15!individuals.Sage Publications, Inc., 275 South Beverly Drive. BeverlyHills, Calif. 90212The official publicatiop of the American SOCiety of Crimin .ology, this jounlal is interdisciplinary in nature and is devoted to crime and deviant behaVior as found in SOCiology,psychology, psychiatry, law, and social worl{;, as well asurban deSign, systems analYSis, and decision theory. Theemphasis is on empirical research and scientific methodology.Also included are articles ,which revie\" the literature or .deal with theoretical issues. Contains articles with abstracts'and short research notes. Recent articles: the female homicide Victim, behaVioral approaches to treatment incrime and delinquency, prlsonization as an inhibitor ofeffecttve resocialization, and a st.atic-descriptlve mo'del offield superVision.

--'9.',/International Revt. of Criminal Policy. Irregular; 6.United Nations, Department of Social Affairs, New York.N.Y. 10017Federal Probation. Q; free. Ad.ministrative Offioe of theUnited states Courts, Supreme Court Building:, Washington,D.C. 20544Disousse,s applied criminological sciences,' in English,French. or Spanish. A recent issue was devoted to humanresources in the policy of the prev ntion and control ofcrime and treatment. of offenders, including research andutilization of manpower in social defense, major nongovernmental organizations l'J'orking in social defense, and recentinternat;ional meetings dealing wi th criminal policy.All phases of preventive and oorreotional acbivities indelinquenoy and orime. Regular seotions review legislation,oontain abstracts of professional periodicals, and givepersonnel and conference news. Extensive book reviews. Recent articles: the mentally retarded probationer, the federal probation system, an inmate grievanoe mechanism, andeducation for correctional careers.(Indian Journal of Criminology. TWice yearly: 6.street, adras 600 010, IndiaIssues in Criminolop.:y. rrwice yearly; 8/lib,raries and insti tutions, 6!inaivlduals. University qf California School ofCriminology, 101 HaViland Hall, Berkeley, Calif. 947205, ValliammalThe.official publication of the Indian Society ofCriminology, this journal publishes articles on all aspeotsof criminology, the criminologioal sciences (criminal biology, psychology, sociology, and penology), and the subsidiary sciences (forensic science, forensic mediCine, andjudicial psychology). The majO''city of artioles concentrateon India. Recent topics: ethics of licensing brothels,diagnosis and correctional services in crime, legal aid,personality patterns among delinquents, and the functionsof the juvenile court in India.A social scienoe journal in the ,H,rea of criminology andcorrection, with E.t.rticles and book reviews. Recent topicshave inoluded oharmeling la ryers--the careers of publicdefendersj gang youth and hustling--the psychology of survival; racismj prisoners' rights; a.nd the' eugenics movement-some inSights into the institutionalization of rac;tsm.Il'Interna ti,onal Annals of CriminologY., C.\nnales In te rna tionales deCriminologi 7Anales Inter ionales de Criminolo ia).TWiceyearly; Tith membership. International Society of Criminology,4, rue de Mondovi, 75001 Paris, France. In' U.S.: c/o MarvinWolfgang, Center for Studies in Criminology and Criminal la'l'r,Univ,ersity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pat '19104All international journal for the disseminatlon of new informa.tion. ideas, and methods to criminal justice academiciansand practitioners. Covers all aspects of the criminal just ce system, emphasizing lntegrattng the functioning of theindividual elements of the system. Of special interest arepapers reflecting the application ot:' neN' discip.i.ines oranalytic wethodologies to criminal justice problems, Contains artlcles wi th abstrac ts, boolt reviews, notes t currentpublications abstracts, a list of publications received, andAcademy of Crj,minal Jus tice Sciences neW's and notes. Recenttopics: measurement problems in official and survey crime!'ates, ef'fects of increased secu ity on prison violence,and a stacist.ical analysis of urbe.n homicide.A compendium of writings, with text in English, French, andSpa:nish, on all aspects of criminology, such as clinical andtherapeutic applications, legislation, statistics, education,and prevention. Book reviews./Inte:t;llablonal Journal o,f C1.i'iminolo y and PenC!. . Q; . 8 060, ij 3·50/US)Academic Press Limited 2I}-2o-0val Road, LondonNWl, England. In u.s.: Academic Press. Inc 111 FifthAvenue, New York, N.Y. 10003Articles on all aspec ts of criminology and penology. Bool reviews. Recent topic : racial-ethnic identification inprisons, work release in Belgium, the homosexual as a crimevictim the delinquent label and its effect on future behaVior, and ltThi te-collar crime. :I"".\':tJournal of Crimina Jus tic . ,Q; 25/j"ndi Vidual's 1 lO/students.Pergamon Press, Inc Ml :lxwell House, Fairvi,ew Parle, Elmsford,N.Y. 10523

" lands Tijdschrift voor Criminolosie.Q; f. 37.50/insCltutions, f. 26.501individuals" J.A. Boom en Zoon,Hoofdstraat 87, eppel, The Netherlands.TournaI o'r Criminal law and CriminologY'. Q; 18 .50/insti tuttons,: l.5!individuals, 4li9!law students.Williams and Wilkins Co.,428 East Preston street, Baltimore, Md. 21202" iJComprehensive, in-depth coverage of criminologY' and criminaljustice topics. (1) A criminal law section analyzes allissues in this area with articles by authorities as well asstudel'lt cODlments. Recent a.nalyses have included proceduralsafegual s for involuntary civil commitments of the mentallyill and the exclusion of young adults f om juries . Includedin this section are a review of recent trends in criminallaw and an annual Supreme Court review.(2) A criminologysection emphasizes reports of orfginal research. Rece tpapers have discussed the 'research and policy implicat ons,of general prevention, the effect of incarc rating juvenileoffenders on reducing crime, self-reported delinq,uency-.a. compari.son of structured interviews and self-administeredchecklists, and an assessment of work furlough as an alternative to inoarceration. Included in this section a:;reoccasional symposia such as one recently published on themeasurement of delinquency. (3) A seotion of brief r searchnotes is intended to provide as much exposure as possible tothe resul ts of current research in orim:l.nology t oriminal law,and related. fields. Notes have reported research eXaminingthe eff ct of institutionalization on a delinquent's selfconcept and public opinions toward legal sanctions for violentcrime. (4) A book review section contains both articlelength and shorter reviei'Ts.(Nord.lsk Tidss\crift for Kriminalvidenslcab. 3 or 4 issues peryear; Kr 36. G.E.C. Gad, Copenhagen K, DenmarkThe journal of the Scandinavian ASSOCiation of' Criminalists.Emphasizes criminology and criminal justice issues in theScandinavian countries. Text in Danish, Norweigan, andSwedish.Prison Jo·urnal. Trr'1ice yearly; 2. Pennsylvania Prison SOCiety,Social Building, Room 302, 311 South Juniper Street,Philadelphia, Pa. 19107Each issue focuses on and cri ti·.::ally exam'ines one aspect ofcriminology or penology, such as the death penalty, prison,education, preventive detention and bail, and key issues incorrection--behavior modification, parole, alternatives totraditional institutions. Book reviews. Annual index.Suaderni di Criminologia Clinica. Q; L 5000. Ministero diGrazia e GUistizia, Via Arenula, 11, Rome, ItalyJournal of Researc h in Crime and Delinquency:. Twice yearly; 10.- National Council on Crime' and Delinquency, ContinentalPlaza, 411 Hac l ensac lr. Avenue, Hac kensac I tN. J. 07601Discusses criminological problems and the administration ofprisons. Articles are in Italian, with summaries in Italian,English, French, German, and Spa.nish. Articles. book reviews, news notes, and case diSCUssions.

Sage Publications, Inc., 275 South Beverly Drive. Beverly Hills, Calif. 90212 The official publicatiop of the American SOCiety of Crimin . ology, this jounlal is interdisciplinary in nature and is de voted to crime and deviant behaVior as found in SOCiology, psycholog

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