Event Risk Assessment Guide - UWA

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Event RiskAssessment GuideAN EVENT MANAGER’S GUIDE TO COMPLETING A RISK ASSESSMENTWhy is an event risk assessment important?Where to startAn essential part of planning an event involves:ÌÌ identifying potential hazards;ÌÌ assessing the risks associated with these hazards; andÌÌ putting measures in place to eliminate or reduce thelikelihood of these risks.This document contains information for Event Managers onhow to undertake a risk assessment. Background informationabout the hazard identification and risk management process,important definitions, examples of hazards, and guidelines onhow to measure the likelihood and consequences of risks areprovided.It is your responsibility as an Event Manager to manage the riskassessment process before, during and after an event.While events differ in factors such as their purpose, size andvenue, all events conducted through the University of WesternAustralia’s (UWA) Student Guild require a risk assessment. Thiswill enable appropriate measures to be put in place to minimiseor remove the risks prior to the event. In addition to achievingthe objectives of the event (e.g. networking, fundraising andskill development), the aim is to conduct a safe, enjoyable andsuccessful event without incident.Event Managers have a critical role in managing the riskassessment process to maintain UWA’s positive reputation,and maximise the health and safety of guests, staff, volunteers,contractors and the wider community. A well-completed riskassessment also reduces the chance of property damage, whichcan be costly and erode any profit an event has made.The University is committed to ensuring that its staff and studentsdeliver safe and enjoyable events; both on and off the Crawleycampus. The UWA Student Guild will only approve events to runif a risk assessment has been completed and the Event Managercan adequately demonstrate the strategies they will use to deliverthe event safely, responsibly, and in accordance with relevantlaws and University policies.The University’s Event Risk Assessment Plan template is thedocument to accompany this Guide. Event Managers should usethis template in the planning stage of their event.A great time to complete the Event Risk Assessment Plantemplate is when filling out the UWA Event Management Plan(available at ).Due to the varying nature of events, it is impossible to foreseeall potential hazards. While this document provides examples ofcommon hazards, Events Manager need to identify additionalhazards and their risk by talking to other people involved in theorganisation and delivery of the event.

What process do I need to follow? an Event Manager, you should read this document tounderstand the UWA Student Guild’s risk assessmentprocess.Download a copy of the Event Risk Assessment Plantemplate from . The template is available in Part D: The University ofWestern Australia – event planning and management forms.Identify relevant potential hazards associated with the eventand list these in the template.Identify and list in the template the strategies that will be putin place to remove or minimise the identified hazards (i.e.control the likelihood and/or impact).Use the Risk Assessment Tables in this document to assessthe likelihood, consequence and risk rating associated witheach hazard. Fill these details into the template.6.You must sign the template as acceptance that to the bestof your knowledge, all relevant hazards have been identified,that the residual risk level is satisfactory and that theproposed risk control strategies will be implemented.7.Provide a copy of the template to the Events Manager at theUWA Student Guild for review and approval at least 7 daysprior to a minor event or at least one-month prior to a majorevent. If unsure whether the event is classified as minor ormajor, contact the Events Manager as soon as possible.ÌÌ Acopy of the completed Event Management Planshould be submitted with the Event Risk AssessmentPlan.ÌÌ Completedforms should be emailed to the StudentGuild Events Manager at events@guild.uwa.edu.au. Ifapproved, the Events Manager will sign and return theEvent Risk Assessment Plan.ÌÌ Ifmore information is required, the Events Manager willcontact you.8.Retain an approved copy of the Event Risk Assessment Planon file and refer to this before, during and after the event.Share this document with your Event Planning Committee ifthis supports better management of the event.Further informationFor more information about the event risk assessment process orfor assistance with completing the Event Risk Assessment Plan,contact the UWA Student Guild Events Manager on (08) 64882291 or email events@guild.uwa.edu.au.Additional information about risk management and managingUWA events is available from the following sources:SourceUWA Student GuildUWA Health Promotion UnitUWA SecurityUWA Risk ManagementDivisionUWA Legal Services vernance/riskwww.legalservices.uwa.edu.au

A summary of the risk management processHazardA hazard is something with the potential to cause harm.RiskRisk is the effect of uncertainty on objectives (e.g. the objectivesof an event).Risk managementRisk management is the process of identifying hazardsand controlling risks. The risk management processinvolves four main steps:1. risk assessment;2. risk control and risk rating;3. risk transfer; and4. risk review.Risk assessmentRisk assessment is the first step in the risk management process.It involves identifying potential hazards. Event Managers shouldconsider four categories when identifying event hazards:ÌÌ human (e.g. guest numbers, type of guests, staff andvolunteer experience, availability of health and securitypersonnel);ÌÌ natural (e.g. event location, condition of the event venue,transport and parking availability);ÌÌ environmental (e.g. weather, waste management); andÌÌ technological (e.g. equipment safety, availability of utilities).Risk controlWhen potential hazards have been identified, Event Managersshould devise strategies to eliminate or reduce the chance ofthe risks occurring. There are five methods that can be used toeliminate or reduce risk:Risk ratingOnce the risk control strategies have been identified, a risk ratingcan be determined for each hazard. A risk rating is based on twofactors:ÌÌ likelihood (i.e. the possibility of the risk occurring once riskcontrol strategies have been put in place); andÌÌ consequence (i.e. what could happen and the severityafter allowing for the risk control strategies in place).Risk transferEvent Managers may identify significant risks that cannot bemanaged within existing resources and capabilities. When thisoccurs, the Event Manager should contact the UWA StudentGuild Events Manager for advice.Risk reviewThis is the final step in the risk management process. It involvesreviewing each of the preceding steps over the course of theevent to ensure that risks are being adequately managed. It alsoenables new risks to be identified and controlled.Event Managers should direct any questions regarding therisk assessment process to the UWA Student Guild EventsManager via email at events@guild.uwa.edu.au or phone6488 2291.Risk assessment tables: Likelihood,consequence and risk ratingEvent Managers should use the following three tables whencompleting the Event Risk Assessment Plan template.1. EliminationThe hazard is removed entirely.E.g. If the electric cables from public announcementequipment are a tripping hazard, hire a cable-freesystem.Remember that the ‘Likelihood’ and ‘Consequence’ scoresand the ‘Risk Rating’ must be applied after considering theplanned risk control strategies.2. SubstitutionReplace the hazardous system, material or processwith one that presents a lower risk.E.g. If the event is conducted on a summer’s day,provide large marquees or shade sails.Likelihood3. EngineeringChange the physical characteristics of the venue,environment or equipment used.E.g. Provide ramps if guests in wheelchairs will beattending the event.4. AdministrativeEnsure safe operating procedures have beenimplemented.E.g. If required, ensure that bar staff have beentrained in the Responsible Service of Alcohol.5. ProtectiveEquipmentEnsure suitable safety equipment is available.E.g. Provide free sunscreen at events conductedduring the day.To assist in the development of risk control strategies, EventManagers are encouraged to talk to other people involved inplanning and delivering the event.LevelDescriptorDescriptionAAlmost certainIs expected to occur in mostcircumstancesBLikelyWill probably occur in mostcircumstancesCPossibleMight occur at some timeDUnlikelyCould occur at some timeERareMay occur but only in exceptionalcircumstances

ConsequenceÌÌ Consequences come in many forms. For UWA StudentGuild events, the major consequence categories are Safety,Financial, Media coverage (i.e. reputation) and Compliancebreaches (i.e. breaking the law).ÌÌ EventManagers should allocate a score to each of theseconsequence areas using the impact scales provided in thetable below. These impact scales may need to be tailored ifyour event is very large, risky or unusual in its nature. Contactthe UWA Student Guild Events Manager if this is the case.ÌÌ Somerisks have multiple consequences. If you have a scorein more than one category, you should use the highest scoreto determine the risk consequence rating.Impactscale levelDescriptorSafetyFinancial1InsignificantFirst aid required 1002MinorRoutine medicalattention required3ModerateSerious injury4MajorMultiple injuries5CatastropheFatality 100to 500 501to 1,000 1,001to 10,000 10,001to 50,000Media CoverageCompliance breachesLocal press(1 day)Not applicablePress(1 week)Minor breach - no interaction with regulatoror grant bodyTV local/state(temporary)Breach of regulations - informal warning orinteraction with regulator or grant bodyTV local/state(extended)Formal warning from regulator or grant bodyWidespread national(short/extended)Proposed or successful prosecution of UWAstudents/staffRisk emeMediumHighHighExtremeExtremeC (possible)LowMediumHighExtremeExtremeD (unlikely)LowLowMediumHighExtremeE (rare)LowLowMediumHighHighA (almost certain)B (likely)Remember that the scores are applied after considering the effect of the planned risk control strategies. Be realistic inassessing the effect of your risk control strategies on the underlying risk.

Examples of hazardsThe following table provides Event Managers with examples of hazards. Also provided are corresponding risk control strategies that maybe put in place.This list is not exhaustive. As an Event Manager, you should use these examples as a starting point in the risk assessment process.Discussion should then take place with other people involved in planning and delivering the event to identify other relevant hazardsspecific to the nature of your event.Event areaEvent siteBump in/bump outEquipmentExamples of hazardsExample controlsVenue not available due to inclement weather (e.g.flooding)ÌÌArrangea back-up venue in advancea strategy in place to notify guests and personnel of the venuechangeCollision risk with vehicles and personnel on the eventsiteÌÌImplementAccidents during construction of marquees (e.g. falling,incorrect installation leading to injuryÌÌUsePublic announcement system failsÌÌArrangeInjury to guests coming into contact with equipmentÌÌEnsureÌÌHavea low speed limit on sitetimes when vehicles can be on siteÌÌEnsure a qualified First Aid officer is on siteÌÌSchedulea qualified contractorthe manufacturer’s installation guidelinesÌÌEnsure a qualified First Aid officer is on siteÌÌFollowto have a back-up system availablepotentially dangerous equipment is locked awayequipment is lock protectedÌÌEnsure cables are coveredÌÌEnsureActivitiesHealth and safetyCertain activities cannot be offered due to weatherconditionsÌÌHavea list of alternative activities availableNoise from the event impacts local residents andbusinessesÌÌEnsureSexual assault of a guestÌÌEnsuresound levels do not exceed permissible limitslocal residents and businesses about the eventÌÌPre-informall staff have undertaken appropriate trainingqualified First Aid and security staffÌÌEnsure alcohol is served according to RSA guidelinesÌÌProvide safety messages on tickets and at the venueÌÌEmployFood poisoningÌÌFollowÌÌEnsureWeatherEvent parkingfood safety guidelinesfood vendors have current trading permitUnauthorised entry leading to disruption and potentialphysical violenceÌÌEmployqualified security stafftickets are issued to guestsÌÌIssue all personnel with identification (ie. wristbands)Extreme weather effects on guests and personnel - e.g.heat exhaustion, heat stroke, fainting and sunburnÌÌMoveNot enough parkingÌÌProvideÌÌEnsurethe event indoorsshade is availableÌÌProvide free drinking water and sunscreenÌÌRegularly remind guests and personnel to drink water and reapplysunscreenÌÌensurefree bus servicestaxi services of the eventÌÌArrange additional parking venuesÌÌEncourage guests and personnel to use public transportÌÌNotifyEvent staff andvolunteersVolunteers do not turn upÌÌArrangeStaff and volunteers are not adequately trainedÌÌViewfor more volunteers than necessarypersonnel qualifications prior to the eventpersonnel to access relevant training programsÌÌAssistUtilitiesElectrocution when power is being installedÌÌUsePower goes out during the eventÌÌHavea qualified and experienced contractora generator availableaccess to authorised personnel onlyÌÌRestrictWaste managementExcess litter on siteÌÌProvideÌÌEmployNot enough toiletsÌÌHireadditional binsextra cleaning staff during and after the eventadditional toilets for the eventsign post the toiletsÌÌClearlyEvent goalsThe event format does not achieve the goals of the eventÌÌLinkthe event activities to the event goalan Event Management Plan to ensure clear event goals areidentifiedÌÌPrepare

Risk is the effect of uncertainty on objectives (e.g. the objectives of an event). Risk management Risk management is the process of identifying hazards and controlling risks. The risk management process involves four main steps: 1. risk assessment; 2. risk control and risk rating; 3. risk transfer; and 4. risk review. Risk assessment

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