News Corp Australia1.Brisbane Metro Media Kit FY17METRO MEDIA KITEffective March, 2017ADVERTISING SALESFor advertising enquiries please contact yourNews Corp Australia account manager or phone 07 3666 6988The Courier-Mail and The Sunday Mail audiences aremore valuable than ever. They have a stable readershipat scale reaching 1,920,000 Queenslanders.Source: emma conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, 12 months ending June 2016, All people 14 . Last four weeks net.
News Corp Australia2.Brisbane Metro Media Kit FY17IndexADVERTISING SPECIFICATIONSWELCOME3OUR BRANDS4-19Sections by dayLetter from The Courier-Mail EditorThe Courier-Mail sectionsLetter from The Sunday Mail EditorThe Sunday Mail sections567-161718-21PRINT ADVERTISING OPTIONSHIGH IMPACT ADVERTISING OPTIONSDIGITAL ADVERTISING OPTIONSDesktopMobileTabletDigital IntegrationNEWS CORP STUDIOS – QLD22-2425-3031-353233343536-37EGN - layout restrictionsTabloid, Stitch & trimNewspaper magazineTV GuideRealestate & HOMEStellarMaterial specificationsDisplay deadlinesClassifieds deadlinesDigital sizes & deadlinesAD-NOTE AND INSERT SPECIFICATIONSAd-notes deadlines and conditionsInserts quantities and 3-655455-65WelcomeOur BrandsPrintHigh ImpactDigitalNews Corp StudiosBrisbaneAdvertising SpecsTERMS & CONDITIONS66-69Adnote & Insert SpecsDIGITAL ADVERTISING GUIDELINES70-72Terms & ConditionsCONTACTS73-74Digital AdvertisingGuidelinesContacts214 06-15 M46965
News Corp Australia3.Brisbane Metro Media Kit FY17Newspaper audiences are more valuable than everMore Australians do more with us. We’re part of their lives, their fun, work, relaxation, learning and hobbies.We’re in homes, in kitchens, on coffee tables, on laps and in hands. We connect with more people across print, web, broadcast, mobile and tabletwith more depth, breadth and purpose than any other media organisation - our brands play a key role in the lives of Australians.WelcomeOur BrandsNewspaper audiences are more valuable than ever. If it is scale you need, reach morethan 3 million people who read The Courier-Mail or The Sunday Mail via print or digitalplatforms. That’s 63% of the state (4 week readership*).Newspapers are the MOST TRUSTED paid medium , offering your business anenvironment of influence to drive your advertising results. Newspapers are also great teamplayers; case studies show newspaper advertising significantly drives better campaignresults when added to TV campaigns - increasing call-to-action, recall and brand familiarity.Further, newspaper advertising drives further research and enquiries online.We’re constantly innovating to offer our readers and advertisers world-class productsand solutions.Talk to one of our News Corp Australia advertisers experts today for a tailored advertisingsolution across print, digital, social, video, integration or content.PrintHigh ImpactDigitalNews Corp StudiosBrisbaneAdvertising SpecsAdnote & Insert SpecsTerms & ConditionsDigital AdvertisingGuidelinesinfluence teamwork scaleContactsPrint AdvertisingInnovationsSources: *emmaTM conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, June 2016, Nielsen Digital Ratings June 2016, All people 14 .; 2015 Nielsen Global Trust in Advertising Report, Australian data; ¹Source: energy ads switch on print power/Dec 2015; ²News Corp QLD Modelling; ³Millward Brown for NewsWorks (UK) across 5000 respondents - Advertising Measure Call to Action “gives me a reason to go out and buy % top 2 box.
News Corp Australia4.Brisbane Metro Media Kit FY17WelcomeOur BrandsPrintHigh ImpactOur BrandsDigitalNews Corp StudiosBrisbaneAdnote & Insert SpecsTerms & ConditionsDigital AdvertisingGuidelines
News Corp Australia5.Brisbane Metro Media Kit FY17Sections by daySectionsMonTuesWedThursFriSatbody soulSunüBUSINESSüüüüüüCareers with üüüüüüüüEscapeüFactor XüInspireNRL season DigitalüMoneyüPrime SiteüüQueensland hed OnüAdnote & Insert SpecsüWeekend ExtraüWeekend ShopperQBM (Queensland Business Monthly)News Corp StudiosBrisbaneAdvertising SpecsTravel (appears in Qweekend)Inserted MagazinesPrintHigh ImpactüHOME GROUNDQConfidentialOur BrandsüHitmoneysaverHQWelcomeTerms & ConditionsüMonTuesWedThursFriSatSunDigital AdvertisingGuidelinesContactsLast Friday monthly*QweekendüRealestate & HOME magazineüStellarüTV Guideü*QBM publishes on the last Friday of every month except December and January HOME GROUND publishes Thursdays weekly during the NRL season only.
News Corp Australia6.Brisbane Metro Media Kit FY17Letter from the EditorTHE COURIER-MAILLike a loyal family member, The Courier-Mail is at the heart of Queensland.WelcomeWe’re there for all the moments that matter, whether they make you cry, laugh or gasp in shock.And, importantly, we’re always there to fight for Queenslanders.Our BrandsWe have a long and proud legacy of campaigning to make the state a better place for our readers.Today we do that in a bright, engaging and edgy manner in print, on tablet, mobile phone and desktop atevery hour of the day.With more journalists than anyone else in the state, we have the experience and quality to make a differenceto lives and tell the stories that matter and lead the state every day. From uncovering the latest politicalscandal, to providing the best food reviews, and sometimes just telling the stories that bring a smile to yourface, we are Queensland’s favourite source for news, sport, lifestyle, culture and business.PrintHigh ImpactDigitalThat’s why, every four weeks 3,013,000 people are reading The Courier-Mail and The Sunday Mailin print and online.News Corp StudiosBrisbaneLachlan HeywoodEditor of The Courier-MailAdvertising SpecsAdnote & Insert SpecsTerms & ConditionsDigital AdvertisingGuidelinesContactsSource: emmaTM conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, 12 months ending June 2016, Nielsen Digital Ratings June 2016, All people 14
News Corp Australia7.Brisbane Metro Media Kit FY17EXCLUSIVE BIKIES UNITE TO CAMPAIGN FOR LABOR I P2THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 2016 // 1.50 INCL GST // COURIERMAIL.COM.AUTHE COURIER-MAILThe Courier-Mail has long been the favourite newspaper of Brisbane and Queensland.We deliver the latest breaking news that is driving the publicagenda. Dedicated sections make it easy for our readers tonavigate the latest breaking news, headlines and issues of theday with smart, savvy, affluent and relevant content.NEVERGETS OLDACCORDING to their critics, they were past theirprime. Too old to win another Origin. And yet thisgreatest generation of Maroons proved again lastnight that age has not wearied them, as they putNSW to the sword 26-16 – securing their 10thseries win in 11 years.Six of the Maroons who ran on to Suncorp Stadium were aged over 30, compared to just four ofthe Blues. And while the Blues were on top for periods in the first half, the Queenslanders dominateda pulsating second 40 minutes – yet again provingwrong former NSW coach and commentator PhilGould, who had said the Maroons were “nowherenear as formidable as . in previous seasons”.This is because we share the aspirations and values of ourreaders, and a love for this city and state. With our fresh, clean,modern design, The Courier-Mail is better positioned thanever to deliver the best daily combination of news, sport,celebrity and business coverage, in printed and digital form.Advertisers can connect with a large Queensland audienceevery day.Leverage the power of our well-known and trusted brand toensure your products reach our readers regularly, in a highlytrusted environment.WelcomeOur BrandsPrintPrintFULL COVERAGE IN SPORTWebTablet MobileFormatDay of PublicationCirculation*Readership NewsprintMonday - Friday (Avg.)147,122603,000Saturday179,149589,000High ImpactDigitalSource: emmaTM conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, 12 months ending June 2016. *ABC, Apr - Jun 2016.News Corp StudiosBrisbaneCOURIERMAIL.COM.AUAdvertising SpecsThe essential part of any Queenslander’s day.Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, provides: Up to the minute, local, national and international news Expert analysis on local current affairs Direct access to Queensland’s most respected journalists A rich news experience through video and picture galleries Lifestyle, shopping, fashion and entertainment news, activitiesand events, with online style gurus and bargain huntersAdnote & Insert Specs An important voice for the community, with interactive pollsand surveys, user blogs, comments, videos and picturegalleries Extensive sports coverage, now powered by Fox Sports,including unique video and picture galleriesThe audience on is engaged and active,and you can choose from a range of placements that enablespecific targeting of your nominated market segment.Unique AudiencePage ViewsPage Views Per PersonTime Per Person1,450,00017,688,0001220:41Source: Nielsen Digital Ratings, July 2016Terms & ConditionsDigital AdvertisingGuidelinesContacts
News Corp Australia26 BUSINESSMONDAY SEPTEMBER 5 2016 COURIERMAIL.COM.AULIAM WALSHEVEN as banks enjoy a periodof low problems with dudloans, parts of Queensland areshowing an ongoing rash ofdebt troubles.The mining slowdown andtight economic times are toblame for some stressed homeand personal loans, accordingto financial accounts publishedin the latest results season.Financial counsellors havealso noted people strugglingafter losing high-paying jobsand having bought priceyhomes during boom times.Some bankers are also seeing a decreased appetite forborrowing in regional andcentral areas, even as thesoutheast grows.But bankers stress problemloans overall remain low andspeak optimistically aboutQueensland.“We’re seeing that growth iscontinuing but we’re seeing ashift,” said Cindy Batchelor,executive general manager forNAB Business.Ms Batchelor said, from asmall-medium enterprise perspective, there was a shift frommining activities more intoservices industries, althoughshe added the caveat thesemight produce lower-incomejobs. “Tourism is a bright spotin Queensland,” she said.Still, NAB has taken an increased collective provision formining, setting aside moneyGROWTH: Cindy Batchelorfor problem debts, and Commonwealth Bank’s resultsshowed Queensland andWestern Australia at the top ofstates in which home mortgages repayments had blown outpast 90 days.Those arrears were risingbut are still small, below 1 percent of that loan book.Another part of Commonwealth’s results said homeloan stress in those two stateswas “mainly due to miningtowns”. “Personal loan arrearsremain elevated mainly due toeconomic worsening in WAand Queensland,” it said.Toowoomba-based Heritage Bank chief executivePeter Lock said problem borrowers were very small. WhileHeritage was not seeing anyhot spots, upticks in stress formortgage or personal loanswas in mining towns, he said.Bundaberg-based AuswideBank said lending had retreated in its “traditional centraland north Queensland” markets, which was linked to unemployment and static ordeclining house prices, whileloan growth was occurring inthe state’s southeast.Australian Financial Security Authority statistics indicatea rising level of Queenslandersgoing bankrupt or enteringdebt agreements. There were8912 personal insolvency casesin the year to June, reversing adownward trend since 2012.That was when the resourcesboom started cooling.Financial Counsellors’ Association of Queensland president Jon O’Mally said manyfactors were at play, includingthe mining downturn.People who had borrowedon high incomes and againstassets highly valued in themining era – such as resourceera towns – were struggling,he said.He thought bank lendingpractices had improved andthe institutions were takingpositive steps in terms of dealing with financial stress.But Mr O’Mally was concerned about areas includingan increasing number of loanbrokers who were putting inincorrect details, sometimes todeliberately trick lenders intolending money. “We’ve seenfalsification, not identifyingcorrect expenses,” he said.RBA tipped to hold fire on rate cutTHE Reserve Bank is likely tohold its benchmark interestrate steady at its next meeting,with the main focus on potential signals of future moves.All 13 economists in anAAP survey expect thecash rate to be held at itsall-time low of 1.5 per centwhen the central bank’sboard meets tomorrow.The futures market indicatesthechance of a ratecut is just 5per cent.The RBA has cut interestrates twice in the past fourmonths but the cuts are yet toshow up in official data.“We expect the RBA to holdsteady and point out thatit is waiting to see thefull effects of the cutsthat have just been delivered,” HSBC chiefeconomist Paul Bloxham said.CommonwealthBank economist GarethAird said the focuswould be on a state-ment from RBA GovernorGlenn Stevens (pictured),which will be his last.“On that score, we will belooking for the governor’s latest views on the housing market, labour market and (a)CapEx survey,” Mr Aird said.Royal Bank of Canada chiefeconomist Su-Lin Ong said a“period of stability seems likelyto stretch into next year”. Shesaid the language in the RBA’spost-meeting statement will“likely border on plain and provide little forward guidance”.The Courier-Mail Business section is for young, urbanprofessional Australians who want to keep up with business,the economy, marketplace and workplace trends. TheBusiness section provides readers with:PICKING PROFITS FROMINSURANCE WRECKJACINDA TUTTYENGINEERING consultancy outfit Censeohas emerged from the troubled insuranceclaims firm Stream Group, whose main Australian operations collapsed last year.Stream’s Australian operations wereplaced into liquidation with debts in excess of 11 million, with liquidators blaming poorstrategic management and a lack of workingcapital among reasons for the failure.But Censeo, a profit-making business, survived and has been re-privatised through amanagement buy out by Brisbane entrepreneur Kate Middleton.The business facilitates the insurance industry, by providing engineering reports andconsultancy in the event of a disaster or damage.Ms Middleton worked as a consultant forStream and negotiated a sale of the businessafter slashing operating costs and improvingmargins to prove the business could be salvaged.“Even though Stream was a completemess, it was still doing well,” Ms Middletonsaid. “After a few months of really immersingmyself in the business and seeing what wasand wasn’t working, I asked the board toallow me an opportunity to prove Censeocould be a success.”She cut operating costs by 40 per cent,shutting down the office front and created aremote workforce while moving the businessonto a more agile and cost-effective cloudbased job management platform.It provided a segue to buy out the businessherself, a deal believed to be worth 1 million.Ms Middleton is now working to bringnew insurance clients on board and coax others back to the business. She aims to growrevenue up to 75 per cent in the next 18months with a turnover of 4.5 million.“Having a tech-based mindset within anestablished and traditional industry gives usa unique selling point,” she said. Daily business news and information. Unique stories covering the companies you know and thebrands you care about.the ASX 200 futures pointingto a 35-point gain in themarket today.“We should be in for a decent rise . largely reversing a43-point fall that we saw onFriday,” Dr Oliver said.Elsewhere, an update ofAustralia’s trade deficit is expected to show it remains“deep in deficit territory”, DrOliver said.The GDP data for the Junequarter, to be released onWednesday, is likely to showgrowth dipping to 0.4 per cent,as weakness in mininginvestments and trade figuresfall from earlier unsustainable highs, but the annual Commentary and analysis on the marketplace by respectedauthorities.Our unique content and business news helps readers to makesense of major economic and business trends. We arm ourreaders with the tools they need to make smart choices acrossinvestments, their careers and professional lives.growth rate could increase, DrOliver said.“Overall the picture will beone of reasonable economicactivity if you cut through thevolatility caused by exportvolumes,” he said.Internationally the US is infor a quiet week, led by the Labour Day public holidaytoday, while the EuropeanCentral Bank is expected toleave monetary policy on holdin a meeting on Thursday.Increased attention will beon China as the country releases trade data and hosts theG20 summit, but the meetingusually has little impact onmarkets, Dr Oliver said.PrintWebTablet MobileFormatDay of PublicationCirculation*Readership NewsprintMonday - FridaySaturday147,122179,149283,000372,000Source: emma conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, 12 months ending June 2016, M-F net and Sat last 4 weeks. *ABC, Apr-Jun 2016.CAREERS WITH SEEK20,2016OFF TOA GOODSTARTJOIN OUR PUSH TO GIVEMORE YOUNGSTERS THEOPPORTUNITY TO WORKCareers with SEEK provides career as well as job huntingCareers with SEEK makes it easy to access potentialnews, advice and trends to enhance the value and readingemployees via multi-channel recruitment touch-points toexperience of employment advertisements in the classifiedsattract the best candidates for their roles. Available in bothsection of The Courier-Mail. More than just jobs, editorial aimsprint via News Corp Australia’s metropolitan papers andto inform and help job seekers achieve more in their career,SEEK’s online employment offering to reach the largest pool ofincluding those who are happy in their jobs but are open tojob seekers.opportunities if they arise.A WORLD OFCONNECTIONSP2DEMAND SURGEFOR NURSINGP10P12SQL DEVELOPERYOU’RE IN DEMANDEPV are an established business and a leader in the mechanical repair, inspection and serviceof EWPs, cranes, trucks, plant and equipment. Well respected in the industry they have recentlyexpanded and require a qualified Workshop Manager to oversee their Brisbane operation.Immediate start.Attractive salary.Brisbane CBD fringe.You will manage all aspects of a busy workshop whilst servicing existing customers andconfidently prospecting for new business opportunities. Your role will include peoplemanagement, scheduling of service and repair work, client liaison, quoting new business andmanaging budgets.This is an excellent opportunity for a skilled and motivated SQL Developer to join a rapidlygrowing software development company. Working in their Brisbane based development teamyou will work collaboratively with clients to understand business requirements and developeffective software solutions.Your success in this role will be attributed to your previous experience in a service/workshopmanagement capacity. You will have previous management experience and be trade qualifiedwith a sound mechanical and electrical aptitude and be experienced working in the mobile plantor access equipment service industry.You are an analytical problem-solver with demonstratedexperience in requirements gathering. You possess in-depthknowledge of SQL Server, SSRS and SSIS and have extensiveexperience developing complex T-SQL code. You havedemonstrable experience partnering with clients to delivervaluable solutions in a timely manner. Additionally, knowledgeof financial/capital markets will be viewed favourably.On offer is an integral leadership position that will play a key part in the growth of theQueensland business.Contact Vicki Cotterill at 07 3349 Matthew Graham at 07 3243 & Insert SpecsTerms & ConditionsDigital AdvertisingGuidelinesContactsAGENTS AREHOME & HOSEDWORKSHOP MANAGERMANAGE EFFECTIVE OPERATIONSHigh ImpactAdvertising SpecsHelping Australians build better careers.AUGUSTOur BrandsNews Corp StudiosBrisbaneBCME01Z01MA - V1SAT U R D AY,WelcomePrint Snapshots of key indicators and quick briefs on all newsmaking headlines.Gains on overseas markets likely toplump up Australian share prospectsTHE share market is tipped tomake a strong start to a busyweek of data releases on theback of gains on Wall Street.US and European marketsrallied on Friday after lowerthan expected US jobs data reduced the chance of an interest rate rise by the US FederalReserve, AMP Capital chiefeconomist Shane Oliver said.“The odds are, because ofthose benign jobs numbers,that the Fed will hold off raising rates in September. Thatof course saw the sharemarketrally,” Dr Oliver said.Also bolstering the chancesof a positive start is a jump inoil and iron ore prices withBUSINESSBusiness news that matters.MUTUAL BANKSHAVE A RECIPEFOR SUCCESSMONEY SAVER HQ, P33Mine slumpchallengefor banks8.Brisbane Metro Media Kit FY17PrintFormatDay of PublicationNewsprintWebTablet MobileCirculation*Readership Monday - Friday ource: emma conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, 12 months ending June 2016, M-F net and Sat last 4 weeks. *ABC, Apr-Jun 2016.
News Corp Australialiftout inside9.Brisbane Metro Media Kit FY17careerswithAUGUST 6, 2016CARSGUIDEWhere smart people buy and sell cars.Back in thebig league 420K Hondatakes onEurope’ssupercarheavyweightsThe Carsguide lift-out publishes every Saturday inThe Courier-Mail, while the Carsguide section publishesweekly in the Sunday Mail. It is Queensland’s mostauthoritative publication on new and used vehicles, focusingon manufacturers, car dealers (new, used and demonstrators)and luxury vehicles (new and used).advice, what’s on, car reviews and industry issues are includedevery week in this informative, must-read publication.Carsguide is the premier marketplace for Queenslanderslooking to buy a new, used or luxury car.WelcomeOur BrandsExpert editorial coverage of new cars, gadgets and gizmos,PrintWebTablet MobilePrintGRAND PRIX MAZDA ASPLEY’Sst1birthdaycelebrationsOUR NEW SHOWROOM TURNSONE!Come celebrateincredibleDrive Away DealsFormatDay of PublicationCirculation*Readership NewsprintMonday - Friday (classifieds)147,122357,000Saturday and Sunday179,149433,000For the entiremonth of August!ASPLEY1441 GYMPIE ROADPHONE: 3263 5333V1 - BCME01Z01CGCABOOLTURE1-5 SPITFIRE COURTPHONE: 5431 4900WE’VE GOT THENORTHSIDE ImpactDigitalSource: emma conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, 12 months ending June 2016, M-F net, Sat and Sun last 4 weeks. *ABC, Apr-Jun 2016.News Corp StudiosBrisbaneINSPIREAdvertising SpecsIgniting minds.News Corp Australia is passionate about the education ofchildren and our next generation of readers. Inspire aims toimprove students’ current events knowledge, critical thinkingskills and reading comprehension via news of the world“always relevant” non-fiction topics.Designed to reach out to students, teachers, parents and theeducation community it is an ideal environment and excellentopportunity for advertisers seeking to create awareness ordeliver a product to this market segment.The Inspire lift-out publishes every Tuesday inThe Courier-Mail and throughout Queensland in all News Corpmetropolitan and regional newspaper editions including CairnsPost, The Townsville Bulletin and Gold Coast Bulletin.Adnote & Insert SpecsTerms & ConditionsDigital AdvertisingGuidelinesContactsPrintFormatDay of PublicationCirculation*Readership 4-page lift-outTuesday147,122562,000Source: emma conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, 12 months ending June 2016, host publication. *ABC, Apr-Jun 2016.
News Corp Australia10.Brisbane Metro Media Kit FY17HITIf it’s hot and happening, it’s in Hit.Hit keeps our readers in the loop, providing comprehensivecoverage of what’s on and what’s big in entertainment. Hitentertains readers every Thursday in The Courier-Mail. A local gig guide, Hit is an ideal section for advertisers toengage with consumers interested in a wide variety ofentertainment options. Hit features the latest movie and music news and reviews.Reach an audience who are in a decision making frameof mind and are actively searching for experiences to filltheir leisure time. Hit conducts the best national interviews, showcases what’shot and who’s topping the music charts. Information on the biggest touring bands and performersand in-depth coverage on the latest up and comers.WelcomeOur BrandsPrintPrintFormatDay of PublicationCirculation*Readership NewsprintThursday147,122271,000Source: emma conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, 12 months ending June 2016, last 4 weeks. *ABC, Apr-Jun 2016.High ImpactDigitalNews Corp StudiosBrisbaneHOMENEW BUILD S . NEW STYLE S . NEW TRENDSAU G U S T. 2 0. 2 0 1 6Advertising SpecsQueensland’s best new developments.HOME is a dedicated section for new developments andHouse and Land of every kind and reaches more than400,000 potential buyers every 4 weeks. This fresh,colourful and easy to read lift-out is situated on the flipside ofthe popular Realestate magazine inserted in The Courier-Mail(Saturday).Editorial opportunities are available to support coverage of thedevelopment to further engage and motivate the reader andour front covers feature homes built by Queensland buildersand showcase the latest trends and designs that keep readersinformed about what is available.The content is targeted to engage readers whether they areactively in the market for new property, or simply feeding theirinterest in a new development or House & Land.ROOFTOP TERRACES OVERLOOKINGBRISBANE’S CITY SKYLINE IS A DRAWCARD TO THISNEW INNER-CITY DEVELOPMENTTerms & ConditionsDigital AdvertisingGuidelinesContactsPrintDESIGNER HOMESWHITE SERIESAdnote & Insert SpecsWebTablet MobileFormatDay of PublicationCirculation*Readership NewsprintSaturday179,149415,000Source: emma conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, 12 months ending June 2016, last 4 weeks. *ABC, Apr-Jun 2016.
MONEYSAVERHQ 39COURIERMAIL.COM.AU MONDAY AUGUST 22 2016moneyHQsaverSUPPORT: Parents help kids save for home deposit11.Brisbane Metro Media Kit FY17News Corp AustraliaMONEYSAVERHQBe your own financial advisor.GET EVEN: Don’t give the banks more than you have toBe your ownsuper heroYou have a choice between the future you decide foryourself or the future the government pension choosesfor you, writes Anthony KeaneA CAPE and shiny suit look flash,but you don’t need them to become asuper hero.All you need is time, imagination,an ability to embrace the specialpowers that superannuationdelivers, and a willingness to takecontrol of your future.The power of compound interest,once described by Albert Einstein asthe eighth wonder of the world,works wonderfully well withsuperannuation because your moneyis locked away for decades – providingplenty of time to keep reinvestinginterest and other income.The Australian Securities andInvestments Commission’ website has acompound interest calculator thatillustrates this power. Putting away 500 a month – a typical employercontribution for an average incomeearner – grows to 614,000 over30 years. Only 180,000 of thatis from deposits and almost 434,000 is from interest.However, this power alsocan be like Kryptonite formany super fund members.Finance commentatorDavid Koch says peopleoften ignore superbecause the money fromtheir employer goes intotheir fundautomatically so theydo not make aconscious decisionto invest.“Just under 10 per centof your salary every monthgets diverted to yoursuperannuation – 10c inevery dollar you earn,” hesays.“That’s a lot of yourmoney. It’s fast becomingAustralia’s biggest asset. That’swhy you need to take aninterest and make sure it’s inthe right hands, being invested andmanaged properly. It’s your future.”Koch says the best ways to takecontrol of your super are to readyour annual statement, compareyour fund’s performance and feeswith similar funds, and understandyour investment options.Imagining your future can createpowerful changes, but is somethingthat many of us never do.Patrick Canion, a certifiedfinancial planner at ipac says, whileyour super fund providesprojections about how your savingsmay grow, calculators are better waysto predict the final size of your superbalance, and how long it will last.“No one is going to care moreabout your future than you do, sowhy dismiss it?” he says.“If you don’t know where yourcurrent path is taking you, how canyou make a change?“There are only two futures – thefuture you choose, and the futurethe government chooses for youthrough the pension.”The No. 1 goal for retirees is totravel, so imagine yourself as“Business Class Man” (or Woman),Canion says.A 68-year-old client of his travelsoverseas several times a year –always flying business class –largely because he took control ofhis super early.One of super’s biggest powers isits low tax rates.“It is the one legal tax shelter thatremains for the average person,”Canion says.He says you are never too old tostart boosting super through salarysacrifice, one-off deposits such astax refunds, and investing in assetsthat focus on growth.“Look hard at where your moneyis invested,” he says. “Don’t just takesomeone else’s choice.”moneysaverHQ is the largest single Australian mediabrand focused on money in Australia. With a distinctiveand straightforward tone, it helps readers decipher currentdomestic, business, economic and small business financeissues in a jargon-free, friendly’s leading personal finance expert, and our nationalCost of Living Editor, John Rolfe.It also brings the best deals across a whole range of financialand other services, such as credit card costs, home and carinsurance, private medical insurance and power bills.moneysaverHQ appears every Monday in The Courier-Mail.“moneysaverHQ is not just about informing and educating onmoney matters, it’s also about action. To get those deals doneto benefit everyone.” David KochPrintPrintV1 - BCME01Z02MAWebTablet MobileFormatDay of PublicationCirculation*Readership NewsprintMonday147,122289,000FRIDAY AUGUST 5 2016 COURIERMAIL.COM.AURARE FINDWhen opportunity knocked HallsBrowns Accountants owner Alliso
PRINT ADVERTISING OPTIONS 22-24 HIGH IMPACT ADVERTISING OPTIONS 25-30 DIGITAL ADVERTISING OPTIONS 31-35 DesktopTERMS & CONDITIONS 32 Mobile 33 Tablet 34 Digital Integration 35 NEWS CORP STUDIOS - QLD 36-37 ADVERTISING SPECIFICATIONS Welcome38-52 EGN - layout restrictions 39 Tabloid, Stitch & trim 40-41
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