Essex County Special Transportation System

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Joseph N. DiVincenzo, Jr.Essex County ExecutiveESSEX COUNTYBoard of Chosen FreeholdersBritnee N. Timberlake, President I District 3Brendan W. Gill, Vice President I Freeholder-At-LargePatri cia Sebold, Freeholder-At-LargeRufu s I. Johnson, Freeholder -At -LargeLebby C. Jones, Freeholder-At-LargeRolando Bobadilla, District 1Wayne L. Richardson , District 2Leonard M. Lu ciano , District 4Cynt hia D. Toro, District 5SPECIAL TRANSPORTATIONSYSTEMINFORMATION GUIDE1'"n Mi(Co unl)'Department of Citizen ServicesAnibal Ramos, Department Directo rDivision of Senior ServicesJaklyn DeVore, Divi sion Director900 Bloomfield AvenueVerona, NJ 07044973 -395 -8375Unio nCount)·www.essexcountynj.orgeputtfll!1 8 eK (Jow1f!i. g{h tv.,. ).Joseph N. DiVincenzo, Jr.Essex County Executiveand the Board of Chosen Freeholders51)0115Putting Essex County Seniors First!121

The Essex County Special Transporta tion System is a valuable resource tha tprovides senior citizens and handi capped residents with safe tran sporta tion to an d from their medical ap pointm ents . We are pleased to offe rthis service to he lp this very spe cialpopulat ion live independently.-j o s e p h N DiVincenzo, Jr.Essex County ExecutiveNON-DISCRIMINATIONThe ESSEX COU NTY SPECIAL TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMOperates its programs and services without regard to race, color, or national origin inaccordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, asamended. Any person whobelieves that she or he has been aggrieved byany unlawful discriminatory practiceunder Title VI may file a complaint in writing to the ESSEX COUNTY SPECIALTRANSPORTATION SYSTEM. To file a complaint, or for more information on ESSEXCOUNTY SPECIAL TRAN SPORTATION SYSTEM'S obligations under Title VI writeto: the DIVISION OF SENIOR SERVICES , 900BLOOMFIELD AVENUE VE RI NA NJ,07044 . or visit Transportation services provided by thisagency are in whole or part funded throughfederal funds received through NJ TRANS IT and as an individual you also have the right to file your complaint under Title VI toNJ TRANSIT by writing to: New Jersey Transit Customer Service - Title VI Division,One Penn Plaza East, Newa rk, NJ 07105.If information is needed in another language,contact 973-395-8375 OR 973-395-8365/8367.POLITICA DE NO DESCRIMI NACIONMISSION STATEMENTTo improv e th e quality of life and support the indepe nde nceand dignity of Essex County's older adul ts and disable d pe r sons , through provis ion of pri ority serv ices . To provide sa fe,reliab le, co nve nien t an d cost-effective transp ortation ser vices , with a skilled team of employees , wh o ar e d edicated toour clients ' needs and committed to excellence of service.2 CPuttfl'!l 8 eK COUllt!1 g{/l tDEL SISTEMA DE TRANSPORTACIO N DELCONDADO DE ESSEX. EL SISTEM A DETRANSPORTE ESPECIAL DELCONDADO DE ESSEX, PROVEE SUS SERVICIOS SINDISTINCION DE RAZA, COLOR, NACIONALIDAD U ORIE NTACION SEXUAL ORI GE N EN CONFOR MIDAD CO N EL CAPITULO VI DE LA LEY DE DERECHOS CIVI LES ENM ENDADA EN 1964.CUALQUIER PERSONA QUE CREE HAYA SIDO DESCRIM INADA DEBE/ PUEDEPRESE NTAR UNA QUERELLA POR ESCRITO Y DIRIGIRLA AL SISTEM A DETRANSPORTACI ON ESPECIAL LOCALISADO EN EL 900 DE BLOOMFIELD AVE NUE, VERONA, NEW JERSEY 07044, 0 AL CORREO ELECTRONICOWWW.ESSEX-COUNTYNJ .ORGLOS SERVICIOS QUE PROVEE LA AGENCIA SON TOTAL 0 PARC IALMENTE FI NANCIADOS CON FONDOS FE DE RALE S RECIBIDOS POR MEDIO DE NEW JER SEY TRANSITUSTED TAMBI EN PUEDE PRES ENTAR SU QUEJA ESCRI BIENDO A: NEW JERS EYTRANSIT, SERVICIO AL CLi ENTE BAJO EL CAPITULOVI A ESTA DIRECCIO N: ONEPENN PLAZA EAST, NEWARK, NEW JERSEY 07105 .51 NESECITA INFORMACION EN OTRO IDIOM A POR FAVOR LLAME A LOS 51 GUIENTES NUM EROS11

WE VALUE YOUR INPUTEss ex County Special Transp ortati on reserve s the rightt o refu se a rid e to any consumer of the transp ortationsystem where th e policy is vio lat ed or the safety of thetr an s portati on system is com p ro m is e d .The following cond uc t will NOT be tolerated !The Essex County Sp ecial Transportation System valuesyour comments. We en cou rage all of our riders to callin with sugge stions , accolades and any co m pl aints.When something occurs th at you feel is no t right, don ot hesitate to contac t the Transp or tation System . R UDENESS TO ANY DRIVER , FELLOW CONSUM ER OR STAFFPLEASE HAVE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: FIGHTI NG AND/OR D ISRUPTIVE BEHAVIOR INTOXI CATION (APPEARAN CE OR ODOR) P ERSONAL HYGEINE ISSUES INSECT INFESTATIONS M ISUSE OR ABUSE OF THE SYSTEM OR STAFF A NY DETRIMENTAL BEHAVIORS THAT COMPROMIS E THE SAFEOPERATION OF T HE VEHICLES OR THE SAFETY AND WELL-BEINGOF FELLOW CONSUMERSViolations CAN result in immediate refusal of transpor tation . An in vestigation will be initiated and customerwill h ave th e opp ortunity to d iscuss iss ues before thefina l actio n is d e te r m ined .Date, time & lo cation when the incident o ccu rr ed Drive r's Nam e (The d river is required to have theirname p osted and to introduc e t hemse lves) Explanation of what h ap p en ed (be thorough) Who was in volved Where di d the incident take pl ace The name of any witnesses The number of peop le on the bus, if possibleSCHEDULING APPOINTMENTSCall 973-6 18 -1280 to di sc uss any problems encoun tere d while u s ing ou r tra n s p ortatio n servi ce . Mr. CurtisBlake -Supervis or/ Mr. An drew Bu rk e-Gen eral ManagerCa ll Ess ex Cou n ty Spec ial Tran sportati on Op erated byTrans dev Trans p ortation a t 973 -618-1280Com pl aints can also be made in wr it ing to:ESSEX COUNTY DIVISION of SENIOR SERVICESr""-- lMonday through Frida y 8 a.m, - 3 p .m.Call 'N' Ride ISchedu ling mu st b e done n o earlier than 14days prior and no Later than 2 days p rior tothe appointm ent date .APPOINTMENTS WILL NOT BE SCHEDULED ON THEDAY TRANSPOR TA TION IS NEEDED.4 TRANSPORTATION OFFI CE900 Bloomfield Avenue , Verona NJ 0 70 44To as sis t us in addre ss ing the matter , you should provideyour contact information. This will be held and used in con fidence . Be assure d that reprisals of any kind will NOT takepla ce. You r information will assist us in making th e EssexCount y Special Trans portation Syst em a better transporta tion sys tem for you, the reside nts of Ess ex County.9

TRANSDEV TRANSPORTATIONAt Trans dev, formerly kn own as Veolia Transportation ,the cre do is simple , Uncompro mising Safety. Assuringthe safety and peace of mind of our passengers is ourprimary concern. Transdev use s a variety of tools, d e signe d to create and maintain a true safety culture,which make safe and secure operations the top priorityfor all empl oyee s.Transdev's Group Safety Managemen t Sys tem is usedto measu re , analyze, communicate, audit and continu ally chall en ge em p loye es thro ughou t the company. AtTrans dev, we re ly on a te am of global experts an d na tional safety managers who constantly expand ourknowledge bas e in areas s u ch as security, redu ction ofemployee and passenger injuries , training of staff , reg ulation an d procedure con trol. Our succes s is meas ured by how safely we transport our passengers everyday . All Sen iors age 60 and older All permanently disable d adults age 18 and old erwith verification from Soci al Security Any NON-MEDICAID , disabled individual age 18 andolderTRAVEL DAYS & HOURSTransportation for Medical Appointmentsis available ONLY on:Monday-Friday10:00a.m to 4:00p .m.(*Any Medicaid Client requiring medical tran sportationservices shou ld call Loqisticare at 1-866-527-99 33)At Tran s d ev , we b elieve in:"Safety First, Service Always ."Transportation for All Other Types of Appointments(Food shopping, visitations, hair salons, banking andall other personal needs)Are available on a "First Call, First Available" basis.MEDICAID CLIENTS MAY APPLY FOR THESE SERVICES!V10 BILlTY10IN .r-IRE DsvYOU3

THEAThe Essex Coun ty Divisio n of Sen ior Services h as been id enti fi ed by the State of New Je rsey as the Local AGING AND DIS ABLED RESOURCE CENTER (ADRC) for Essex Cou n ty.The Division 's ADRC Inform ation and Ass is ta nce Unit is th ecentral source for information and referral for older adult sand disabled in d ividuals in Essex Cou n ty. By ca llin g Es sexCounty ADRC at 9 7 3-395 -8 36 5/ 8367/ 8 368/83 85 or 1-8 77 222 -3 737 , older adults a n d di sa bled indi vidu al s , thei r fa mi lies and o t h er concerned individuals can obtai n in fo rma tionabo ut referra l linkage to community ser vi ces for olde r adultsa nd disab led res ide n ts . I ndi vid uals w i th hearing impa ir men ts m ay call th e New Jersey Relay Service (71 1 VjTIY) toaccess i n f o r m a tio n .Divi sion Pro grams to as s is t family ca regivers include theRespit e Pro gram and the Jersey Assis tance for CommunityCaregi vers (JACC). The ses programs are ac ces sed t hroughthe Division 's ADRC Informatio n and Ass istance Unit Staff.OTHER SERVICESEs s ex County Special Transportationprovides transp ortation services to:o All Nutrition Congregate Meal siteso Farmers Markets held throughou t t h e summero Gro up Tr ips (Payment Required)o Dia lysi so Phys ical Th erapyo Doc tors Appointmentso Non-competitive Em p loymento Food Shoppingo Ha ir Salo no Banko County Even tso Ev en in g Mall Shopping8GETTING PICKED UPThe Essex Coun ty Spe cial Transportation System of fe rs a Curb to Cu rb ser vice . This means the drive r willonly assist ride rs on and off the vehicle. If you needad dit ion al assistan ce getting to and from your home ,to the cur b or to the place of your appointment , youmust discus s this when you are making your reserva tion s o every re asonable effort can be made to assi styou. If you h av e an ass istant he or s he must be withyou when the bus ar rives .A rider 's pickup time will be d etermined at the timeyou make the reservation for travel. You must be ready15 minutes before the scheduled pi ckup time . For ex ample a 9:15am pickup , the rider can expect the busbet ween 9:00am- 9:30am . Upon the drive r's arriva l inthe picku p window, the driver will wait ONLY 5minut es befo re marking the ri der as a no -show andcontinu in g on to their next pickup .RETURNING HOME When you sch edu le your appointment, youwill agree to a return pick-up time th at willt b e adhered to. If you finish your appoint \ .: ment early , the driver cannot come bef ore th e agreed upon time.If your appointment will exceed the agreed upon time ,you MUST call th e dispa tch offi ce ASAP to arrange for adifferent pick-up time to av oi d any delays . 5

ESSEX COUNTY SPECIAL TRANSPORTATION VEHICLESThe County of Essex has a fleet ofdifferent sized vehicles to a ccom modate all of our residents trans por t at ion need s .There are 36 vehicles in the fl eetcurrently, t h e largest is a 33 pas senger 'Front Lift' equipped vehi cle.Our tran sp ortation u n it con tinuallym onitors the n eeds of t he r e s id entsof Essex County an d work s closelyQ l wit h Federal and State age n ci e s t oensure that we are modernizing thefleet to meet thos e needs .6Several vehicl es were purchasedthrough the Sen ior Citizens DisabledRidership Transportation AssistanceProgram (SCDRTAP) and vehicles areal so provided through the FederalUrban Tr an sp ortat i o n programknown a s the 531 0 pro gram.,R'\ I7

Transportation for Medical Appointments . is available ONLY on: Monday-Friday 10:00a.m to 4:00p.m. (*Any Medicaid Client requiring medical transportation services should call Loqisticare at 1-866-527-9933) Transportation for All Other Types of Appointments (Food shopping, visitations, hair salons, banking and all other personal needs)

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