Travel: Approvals, Rules, And Classes/Policies Travel Service Guide

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Travel: Approvals, Rules,and Classes/PoliciesTravel Service GuideIncludes Professional Travel: travel classes, class features (edit classes), approvals,rules, policy violation reasons, Vendor Exclusions Standard Travel: travel policies, travel features, approvals, rules, policyviolation codesLast Revised: April 7, 2021Applies to Concur Travel: Professional/Premium edition TMC Partners Direct Customers Standard edition TMC Partners Direct Customers

ContentsApprovals, Rules, and Classes/Policies .1Section 1: IMPORTANT – About this Guide .1Section 2: Overview.1Lowest Logical Fare . 2Dual Fare Display . 2Important – Approval. 2Section 3: Professional and Standard Travel .2Terminology Differences . 3Section 4: Travel Class/Policy .3Travel Rules, Rule Actions, and Policy Icons . 3Travel Rules . 3Rule Actions . 4Policy Icons. 5Travel Class/Policy Selection by Admins . 9Professional Travel . 9Standard Travel . 10Travel Class/Policy Selection by Users . 11Professional Travel . 11Standard Travel . 11Violation Reasons/Multiple Violation Reasons . 11Benefits and Considerations . 11Professional Travel . 12Standard Travel . 13Information Available to Travel Users . 14Travel Integrated with Request . 14Section 5: Approvals – Features . 15Active and Passive Approval. 15Definition. 15Approval Deadline Calculation . 15Same-Day Travel . 18When Approval is NOT Supported . 18Approval Workflow Options . 19Professional Travel . 19Standard Travel . 20Email . 20Approval via Email – Professional Travel Only . 21Travel Vacation Reassignment. 22Approval Queue Management – Professional Travel Only . 22Queues . 22Travel: Approvals, Rules, and Classes/Policies Travel Service GuideLast Revised: April 7, 2021 2004 - 2022 SAP Concur All rights reserved.i

Auto-Cancel . 23Professional Travel . 23Standard Travel . 23PNR Finishing . 23Section 6: Approvals – What the User Sees . 24Typical Approval Scenario . 24Instant Purchase Scenario . 28Section 7: Approvals – What the Approver Sees . 30Typical Approval Scenario . 30Instant Purchase Scenario . 31Section 8: Approvals – Changes. 31Changes Before Approval/Rejection . 31Changes After Rejection . 32Changes After Approval . 33Section 9: Approvals – Offline (Agent Booked). 34Overview . 34Queues . 35Finishing . 36General Remarks . 36Known Limitations . 37Travel Integrated with Concur Request. 37Section 10: Approvals – TripLink. 37Section 11: Approvals – Reports . 37Section 12: Rules – General Information, Categories, Rule Action Hierarchy, BestPractices, and Tips . 38Pre-Defined and Custom Rules . 38Rule Categories . 38Rule Action Hierarchy . 39Enforcement Order . 39Run Order. 39Best Practice: Tips for Creating and Activating Rules . 40Section 13: Configuration – Professional Travel. 42Overview . 42This Section . 42Lowest Logical Fare (LLF). 42Access Travel Policy Administration. 43Travel Class . 44Create a New Travel Class . 44Clone an Entire Travel Class . 46iiTravel: Approvals, Rules, and Classes/Policies Travel Service GuideLast Revised: April 7, 2021 2004 - 2022 SAP Concur All rights reserved.

Delete an Entire Travel Class . 47Class Features . 48Enable Class Features . 48Approval Workflow. 51Define the Approval Workflow . 51Rules . 52IMPORTANT! . 52Modify and Enable Existing Rules . 52Clone (Replace or Copy) Travel Rules Across Rule Classes . 54Use Travel Rule Builder. 58Use Track Changes . 62Policy Violation Reasons . 63Add a New Policy Violation Reason . 63Edit Policy Violation Reasons . 64Deactivate or Activate a Policy Violation Reason . 64Create a Custom Violation Reasons Type . 65Section 14: Configuration – Standard Travel . 66Overview . 66This Section . 66Benchmark Lowest Airfare . 66Policy . 66Edit a Travel Policy Name . 66Create a New Policy . 67Delete a Policy . 68Travel Features . 70Enable Travel Features . 70Approvals . 71Assign an Approver/Manager. 71Rules . 72IMPORTANT! . 72Enable and Modify Existing Rules . 72Define Custom Rules . 74Violation Reasons . 78Add a New Policy Violation Reason Manually . 79Edit Policy Violation Reasons Manually . 80Deactivate or Activate Policy Violation Reasons Manually . 82Add, Edit, and Deactivate Policy Violation Reasons Via Import . 84Section 15: Appendix A – Travel Integrated with Request . 86Overview . 86Rule Actions. 86Background. 87Rule Actions . 88PNR Finishing . 89Force Finishing before Approval . 89Policy Compliant Remarks . 89Travel: Approvals, Rules, and Classes/Policies Travel Service GuideLast Revised: April 7, 2021 2004 - 2022 SAP Concur All rights reserved.iii

Offline (Agent-Booked) Approvals . 89Travel Integrated with Request: Workflow Diagrams . 90Offline . 90Online . 91Section 16: Appendix B – Vendor Exclusions (Professional Travel Only). 93Professional and Standard Travel . 93Best Practice . 93IMPORTANT . 93Configuration . 94Exclude a Travel Vendor . 94Section 17: Appendix C – Glossary . 96ivTravel: Approvals, Rules, and Classes/Policies Travel Service GuideLast Revised: April 7, 2021 2004 - 2022 SAP Concur All rights reserved.

Revision HistoryDateRevision Notes/CommentsJanuary 14, 2022Updated the copyright year; no other changes; cover date not updatedApril 7, 2021Added note under the Typical Approval Scenario topic in the Approvals – Whatthe User Sees sectionJanuary 12, 2021Removed reference to deprecated Travel Service Guide in Configuration –Professional Travel sectionNovember 2, 2020Updated Approval Deadline Calculation topic within the Approvals – FeaturessectionMarch 23, 2020Added note to Approval via Email – Professional Travel OnlyAdded best practice to Changes Before Approval/RejectionAdded appendix – GlossaryAdded note to Same Day TravelAdded text to Best Practice: Tips for Creating and Activating RulesMarch 05, 2020Corrected TSG setting name “Allow Immediate Cancel of non-air/rail trips thatare rejected”January 15, 2020Added information about Approval via Email featureUpdated copyright to 2004 - 2020June 20, 2019Removed "Concur" from the cover; no other changes; cover date not updatedJune 12, 2019Updated description for Approval hold queueMay 21, 2019Added information about Dual Fare Display under the Overview sectionMarch 10, 2019Updated the copyright; no other changes; cover date not updatedJanuary 29, 2019Added more information about Allow/Display MessageDecember 18, 2018Updated the screen shot the Edit Classes (Professional) and Travel Featurestab (Standard)December 14, 2018Clarified the information in the Changes After Rejection sectionDecember 11, 2018Removed Hand Baggage Only Fares settingDecember 3, 2018Added a note about limiting the number of declined options that appear if auser selects an out-of-policy rateOctober 17, 2018Added a note that approval – either passive or required – are not supportedwith alternate GDS bookingsJuly 30, 2018Added information about custom violation reason typesJuly 1, 2018Added: More definition around the rule actions use when Travel is integrated withRequest More definition in the Force Finishing before Approval sectionTravel: Approvals, Rules, and Classes/Policies Travel Service GuideLast Revised: April 7, 2021 2004 - 2022 SAP Concur All rights reserved.v

DateMay 14, 2018Revision Notes/CommentsAdded: A note about emails Information about the British Airways Hand Baggage Only settingApril 2, 2018Added more information about Train complianceDecember 22, 2017Complete revision; added several new sectionsviTravel: Approvals, Rules, and Classes/Policies Travel Service GuideLast Revised: April 7, 2021 2004 - 2022 SAP Concur All rights reserved.

Approvals, Rules, and Classes/PoliciesSection 1: IMPORTANT – About this GuideBe aware of the following: Infinite variables: Certain scenarios have an infinite number of variables orextremely unusual circumstances, like rare cancellation or refund situations.So, not all scenarios can be presented in this guide. Also, certain processesmay be influenced by third- or fourth-party providers. In some cases, youmust contact the provider directly. User interface, fees, rates, schedules: When other providers change theiruser interface (for example, web site) or their fees/rates/schedules, they areunder no obligation to make SAP Concur aware of those changes. If a screensample in this guide is outdated because of a change made by a provider, wewill update that screen sample when we become aware of the change and atour earliest convenience. Permissions: A company's admin may or may not have the correctpermissions to manage the feature described in this guide. If an admin needsto manage this feature and does not have the proper permissions, theyshould contact the company's SAP Concur administrator.Also, the admin should be aware that some of the tasks described in thisguide cannot be completed by the company. In this case, the client mustcontact their TMC (if a TMC provides their support) or SAP Concur (if SAPConcur provides their support).Section 2: OverviewThis document describes the ways in which Concur Travel can assist a company inenforcing its travel policy. It includes information about: Travel classes/policies, which are the "containers" for the travel rules andother travel class features Pre-trip approval options in Concur Travel Company travel rules: How to create and manage How they are used to enforce compliance How enforcement issues are communicated to usersTravel: Approvals, Rules, and Classes/Policies Travel Service GuideLast Revised: April 7, 2021 2004 - 2022 SAP Concur All rights reserved.1

Lowest Logical FareLowest Logical Fare (LLF) is part of the travel class and is closely associated withrules. It is mentioned in this guide but is not covered in detail. For complete details, refer to the Lowest Logical Fare (LLF) / BenchmarkLowest Airfare Travel Service Guide.Dual Fare DisplayAll fares displayed in Dual Fare Display are subject to approvals, rules, and policiesindividually. For more detailed information on Dual Fare Display, refer to the Dual FareDisplay (Sabre Only) Travel Service Guide.Important – ApprovalBe aware that approval – either passive or required – is not supported with alternateGDS bookings. For information about alternate GDS, refer to the Alternate GDS BookingsTravel Service Guide.Section 3: Professional and Standard TravelThis guide discusses both Professional and Standard Travel. In those cases where afeature applies to one but not the other, that difference is noted.2Travel: Approvals, Rules, and Classes/Policies Travel Service GuideLast Revised: April 7, 2021 2004 - 2022 SAP Concur All rights reserved.

Terminology DifferencesThough the features discussed in this guide are generally the same for Professionaland Standard Travel, the terminology may differ.EditionProfessionalDefinition / DescriptionStandardTravel class (alsoknown as ruleclass or travelrule class)Travel policy"Container" for the various travel rules and travelfeatures that are used to enforce the company's T&Epolicies and guidelinesClass featuresTravel featuresGeneral features associated with each class/policy,such as allowing users to book ground transportation(limos) or user-supplied hotelsLowest LogicalFare (LLF)BenchmarkLowest AirfareClient-defined parameters that Travel uses todetermine the lowest airfare within those parametersEvery Travel user is assigned to a travel class/policy.LLF/Benchmark is mentioned but is not coveredin detail in this guide. Refer to the Lowest Logical Fare (LLF) /Benchmark Lowest Airfare Travel Service Guide.Section 4: Travel Class/PolicyA company can have more than one travel class/policy, which allows the company toprovide different travel-related options to different sets of employees. For example,the company may have a travel class/policy specifically for executives, a differentone for sales staff, and yet another for everyone else in the company.Travel Rules, Rule Actions, and Policy IconsTravel RulesConcur Travel provides many default rules, for example, to define the maximumallowable cost of a rental car, the highest allowable class of service (First class,Business class, etc.), the required use of preferred vendors, etc. Customers cancustomize and activate any of these rules. In addition, customers can create customrules using Travel Rule Builder. For information about creating and managing rules, refer to the configurationinformation in this guide.Travel: Approvals, Rules, and Classes/Policies Travel Service GuideLast Revised: April 7, 2021 2004 - 2022 SAP Concur All rights reserved.3

Rule ActionsWhen defining a travel rule, the admin defines the rule action taken if the rule isbroken. The rule actions described below apply to most – but not all – rules:Rule ActionGeneral definition (more detail on the following pages)Require ApprovalThe user can book this segment and tickets will be issued if theuser's manager/approver approves the entire trip before theticketing deadline.Require Passive ApprovalThe user can book this segment and tickets will be issued if theuser's manager/approver does not reject it before the ticketingdeadline.(Standard Travel Passive Approval)Notify ManagerThe user can book this segment with no restrictions. In addition,a notification email is sent to the user's manager/approver.Log for ReportsThe user can book this segment with no restrictions. In addition,the booking information is saved for reporting purposes.Show, but Do Not AllowThe search result appears to the user, but it cannot be selected.This way, the user knows the search returned all possibleoptions, but the result is out-of-policy and cannot be chosen.Admins can use messaging to educate the traveler about whythe desired option is out-of-policy.NOTE: Concur Travel recommends using this rule action insteadof Hide Results (defined below).Hide ResultsThese out-of-policy results do not appear to the user in thesearch results.NOTES: When using this rule action with hotels, the hotel property isnot hidden from results; only the rates are hidden. The userwill see a message that indicates that no rates are available. For more information, refer to the Best Practice: Tipsfor Creating and Activating Rules section of this guide. For customers using the travel configuration setting toEnforce LLF based on User's Chosen Flight, this ruleaction should not be used with Lowest Logical Fare (LLF)rules. Allow/Display MessageFor information about Lowest Logical Fare, refer to theLowest Logical Fare / Benchmark Lowest Airfare TravelService Guide.The user can book this segment with no restrictions. In addition,a message is displayed to the user.TRAVEL INTEGRATED WITH REQUESTTwo additional rule actions are specific for Travel integrated with Concur Request.!4IMPORTANT: Do not use these two options before reading the TravelIntegrated with Request appendix in this guide.Travel: Approvals, Rules, and Classes/Policies Travel Service GuideLast Revised: April 7, 2021 2004 - 2022 SAP Concur All rights reserved.

Rule ActionGeneral definitionRequire Pre-approval &LogThis option is used when Request is integrated with Travel.Require Pre-approval &NotifyThis option is used when Request is integrated with Travel.Policy IconsDuring the booking process, a policy icon appears to the left of the blue (price)selection button – as applicable – on the search results pages. In Policy: If the search result provides only one fare/rate, then there is noicon if it is in policy.If there are multiple fares/rates, then the green check markthe expanded view to indicate the rate is within policy.icon is used inIf the user selects this option, no further action is required; the usercompletes the booking as usual. Rule Action – Allow / Display Message: The blue informationiconindicates that the option is in policy but with additional information.The text message with the information displays if the user clicks the icon.There is an additional green check mark icon displayed together with adefault text message to clearly indicate that the option is in policy:Travel: Approvals, Rules, and Classes/Policies Travel Service GuideLast Revised: April 7, 2021 2004 - 2022 SAP Concur All rights reserved.5

Rule Actions – Log for Reports and Notify Manager: The yellow cautionicon indicates a rule violation, meaning that the selected option (flight, car,etc.) is not within policy.For these options: The violated rule, similar to the one below, displays if the user clicks orhovers over the icon. If the user actually selects this out-of-policy option: 6 The rule information also appears in the policy violation popup. The user must provide a reason for selecting this out-of-policyoption.The user completes the booking; the booking is sent to the agency asusual for ticketing.Travel: Approvals, Rules, and Classes/Policies Travel Service GuideLast Revised: April 7, 2021 2004 - 2022 SAP Concur All rights reserved.

The admin had configured the rule with either the Notify Manager or Logfor Reports rule action. So: For the Notify Manager rule action, Concur Travel sends an email tothe user's manager/approver but no action is required. For the Log for Reports rule action, the information is saved forreporting.Either way, the email and reporting information include the reason statedby the user for selecting this out-of-policy option, as well as the lowerpriced options the user could have selected.NOTE: The customer can use the Limit options turned down forApproval module property to limit the number of declined optionsthat appear in the approval email, reports, and the Travel PolicyViolation window. Refer to the Concur Travel: Module PropertiesUser Guide for more information. Rule Actions – Require Approval / Passive Approval: Similar to above,the yellow caution icon indicates a violation of a rule and the additional text(such as "This fare requires approval") alerts the user that approval isneeded. The selected option (flight, car, etc.) is out-of-policy and the entiretrip requires approval by the user's manager/approver.Travel: Approvals, Rules, and Classes/Policies Travel Service GuideLast Revised: April 7, 2021 2004 - 2022 SAP Concur All rights reserved.7

For these options: The violated rule displays if the user clicks or hovers over the icon. If the user actually selects this out-of-policy option: The rule information also appears in the policy violation popup. The user must provide a reason for selecting this out-of-policyoption. The user can complete the booking; however, the entire trip must beapproved before it is sent to the agency for ticketing – or in the case ofRequire Passive Approval, must be rejected prior to the approval deadlineto avoid the trip being sent to the agency for ticketing. Concur Travel sends an email to the manager/approver, encouragingprompt action. The email includes the reason stated by the user forselecting the out-of-policy option, as

Travel policy "Container" for the various travel rules and travel features that are used to enforce the company's T&E policies and guidelines Every Travel user is assigned to a travel class/policy. Class features Travel features General features associated with each class/policy,

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