Atlas Spirit Week!By: Brenda PaVolume 18, Issue 5May 2022Atlas Spirit Week!1-4Welcome!5Atlas Out & About5Risky Business6Atlas Gives Back!7Submit your articles, picturesor suggestions to:kribilla@atlasinsurance.comCORE n the month of May, ourOffice Activities Committee(OAC) held its first Atlas SpiritWeek! We had five fun filleddays to dress according toeach day’s theme.First, we started off with Magical Monday. Can you guess who are theDisney Fanatics? Then came Team Up Tuesday, we represented ourfavorite sports team. As you can tell in the pictures, this was a popularday. Everyone had their favorite team to represent! For WackyWednesday, we got to wear silly socks and a crazy hat. And to get overhump day Wednesday, we added a sweet treat for the afternoon.Sweet Creams came in and they featuring the flavors of ube-be babyand strawberry shortcake which made it even more delightful with asweet end to the day! On Thursday, it was Twin or Dynamic Duo Day.Among the few, we spotted twins, super heroes, secret agentsand even a pair of dinosaurs from Jurassic Park. Last but not least,Flashback Friday to the 80’s was a totally awesome way to end SpiritWeek. Thank you to everyone who participated!
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Page 5Welcome, Rubierose!Please welcome our newest employee Rubierose Cacho.Rubierose will be an Account Manager I in our BenefitsUnit. The majority of her working experience comes fromHMSA Blue Cross Shield where she was an AccountImplementation Consultant and an Electronic EnrollmentSpecialist. Welcome to the Atlas Ohana!Atlas Out & AboutOur Oahu account executives hadthe chance to wind down andEnjoy some drinks and pupusduring their celebratory Pau HanaSession!Lokahi‘ Imi ‘ IkeThe Employee Benefits team at Atlas Insurance hadthe opportunity to participate in the Waikiki Healthfair that happened earlier this month! The in-personpresentations were a success and our team was onfire answering questions throughout the event!
Page 6Maintaining Health Insurance Benefits onDisabilityBy: Adrene ThompsonAre employers required to maintain health insurance benefits for employees who areout on disability such as workers’ compensation leave, long term disability and TDI?There is no straight up answer and it greatly depends on whether the employee isalso eligible for Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) leave or other state medicalleave, and if not, what the eligibility requirements of the insurance plan are forcontinued participation.If the injured employee on workers’ compensation (WC) is also eligible for FMLAleave or other state medical leave that protects health insurance benefits, thoseprotections will run concurrently with the WC leave, and the employee’s healthinsurance will continue under the same terms as prior to the leave. The employercontinues to pay its portion of the premium, and the employee continues to pay hisor her portion. Employers cannot increase the portion of the premium because anemployee is on FMLA leave.If the employee is not eligible for FMLA leave, then the employer will need to reviewthe eligibility requirements of its health insurance plan. Most plans will require anemployee to be “working X hours or more per week,” with no exceptions for leaveoutside of FMLA leave. If that is the case, being on WC leave will mean the employee isworking zero hours, and therefore, is not eligible to participate in the plan on thesame terms as prior to the leave. In this case, this is a COBRA event, due to reductionof hours, and COBRA should be offered. If, however, the plan’s eligibility requirementsallow for coverage during such leaves of absence, then the employer would followthose guidelines in keeping the employee onthe plan and for how long.Once FMLA leave or other state leaves areexhausted, employers should again referenceeligibility requirements under the plan. If theemployee is not able to return to work and is nolonger eligible for coverage due to his or herreduction in hours, COBRA should be offered.
Page 7Atlas Gives Back!The Atlas Insurance Agency Foundation continuously gives back throughout the yearwith corporate sponsorships or straight donations to organizations/ non-profits.Please don’t forget that Island Holdings will match your personal donation to a 501C3 1.00 for 1.00, up to 500 per employee. Contact Dana Tokioka for more details. 10,000 5,000 2,000
Atlas Spirit Week! 1-4 Welcome! 5 Atlas Out & About 5 Risky Business 6 Atlas Gives Back! 7 Submit your articles, pictures or suggestions to: CORE VALUES Pono Lokahi Alaka'I Ho'okele Kakou Imi'ike Volume 18, Issue 5 May 2022 In the month of May, our Office Activities Committee (OAC) held its first Atlas Spirit Week!
(prorated 13/week) week 1 & 2 156 week 3 130 week 4 117 week 5 104 week 6 91 week 7 78 week 8 65 week 9 52 week 10 39 week 11 26 week 12 13 17-WEEK SERIES* JOIN IN MEMBER PAYS (prorated 10.94/week) week 1 & 2 186.00 week 3 164.10 week 4 153.16 week 5 142.22 week 6 131.28 week 7 120.34
The Holy Spirit 1. The Holy Spirit 2. The Personality of the Holy Spirit 3. The Deity of the Holy Spirit 4. The Titles of the Holy Spirit 5. The Covenant-Offices of the Holy Spirit 6. The Holy Spirit During the Old Testament Ages 7. The Holy Spirit and Christ 8. The Advent of the Spirit 9. The Work of the Spirit 10. The Holy Spirit Regenerating
Week 3: Spotlight 21 Week 4 : Worksheet 22 Week 4: Spotlight 23 Week 5 : Worksheet 24 Week 5: Spotlight 25 Week 6 : Worksheet 26 Week 6: Spotlight 27 Week 7 : Worksheet 28 Week 7: Spotlight 29 Week 8 : Worksheet 30 Week 8: Spotlight 31 Week 9 : Worksheet 32 Week 9: Spotlight 33 Week 10 : Worksheet 34 Week 10: Spotlight 35 Week 11 : Worksheet 36 .
DEMONIC SPIRITS IDENTIFIED IN SCRIPTURE OLD TESTAMENT Jealous Spirit Evil Spirit Lying Spirit (2 Chron. 18:22) Wounded Spirit (Prov. 18:14) Haughty Spirit (Prov. 16:18-19) Spirit of Slumber (Is. 29:10) Spirit of Whoredoms/Harlotry (Hos. 4:12) Familiar Spirit (Deut. 18:10) Spirit of Jealousy (Num. 5:14) Spirit of Heaviness (Isaiah 61:3)
28 Solving and Graphing Inequalities 29 Function and Arrow Notation 8th Week 9th Week DECEMBER REVIEW TEST WEEK 7,8 and 9 10th Week OCTOBER 2nd Week 3rd Week REVIEW TEST WEEK 1,2 and 3 4th Week 5th Week NOVEMBER 6th Week REVIEW TEST WEEK 4,5 and 6 7th Week IMP 10TH GRADE MATH SCOPE AND SEQUENCE 1st Week
Year 4 negative numbers. digit numbers by one digit, integer Year Group Y4 Term Autumn Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Number – place value Count in multiples of 6, 7, 9. 25 and 1000. digits using the formal writt
WRM –Year 6 –Scheme of Learning 2.0s Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 tumn Number: Place Value N
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