Virginia Commonwealth UniversityVCU Scholars CompassTheses and DissertationsGraduate School2006Healing Interior: Using Eastern Design Principlesin Hotel DesignYunJu Lee KohVirginia Commonwealth UniversityFollow this and additional works at: of the Art and Design Commons The AuthorDownloaded from Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate School at VCU Scholars Compass. It has been accepted for inclusion in Thesesand Dissertations by an authorized administrator of VCU Scholars Compass. For more information, please contact
HealingI n t e r i o r : Using Eastern Design Principles in Hotel DesignYunJu Lee KohDefense Date : 24 April 2006Master of Fine Arts, Interior EnvironmentsVirginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia
Healing Interior:Using Eastern Design Principles in Hotel DesignThesis submitted to the faculty of the school of the Arts atVirginia Commonwealth University in partial fulfillment of therequirements for the degree of Master of Fine Arts in Design,Interior Environments.Approved byLucinda Kaukas Havenhand, Thesis AdvisorDepartment of Interior Design, School of the ArtsCamden Whitehead, Thesis Design AdvisorDepartment of Interior Design, School of the ArtsW. Kevin Wyllie, Thesis ReaderDepartment of Interior Design, School of the ArtsDr. Sharran F. Parkinson, Department ChairDepartment of Interior Design, School of the ArtsDr. Richard Toscan, DeanSchool of Graduate StudiesDr. F. Douglas Boudinot, DeanSchool of Graduate StudiesYunJu Lee KohRichmond, Virginiaiii
AcknowledgementsI would like to thank my husband, and my daughter,Michelle, whose tremendous love and support madethis journey possible.Thank you to my family and my family-in-law ent in my abilities.Thankyoutomythesisadvisor,LucindaKaukas Havenhand, thesis Design Advisor, CamdenWhitehead, and thesis reader, W. Kevin Wyllie,department chair, Dr. Sharran F. Parkinson, andfaculty at Virginia Commonwealth University, fortheir guidance.
AbstractThe main goal of this thesis is to explore howinterior spaces in hotel designs can provide a lessstressfulenvironmentandpromotehealthandharmony by using Feng Shui Principles. It will firstdiscuss the principles of Feng Shui and general hoteldesign, and then move on to demonstrate how theapplication of Feng Shui principles can be used tocreate a hotel environment that encourages healthand harmony in its occupants. This project willdemonstrate principles that not only can be appliedto hotel space, but also can be practiced in any otherinterior space. This thesis, therefore, demonstratesnew possibilities for how “care of the self” isdelivered and received through design.v
ContentIntroduction1Eastern Design PrinciplesIntroducing Feng ShuiUnderstanding Feng ShuiUnderstanding the Principles of Feng ShuiInterior Design with Feng ShuiThe Eight TrigramsThe East / West Theory3456778Understanding Hotel InteriorHotel Building Types and HistoryInterior Hotel DesignFront of the HouseBack of the HouseOther issues in Hotel Design91113141718The ProjectLocationGround Floor - LobbyGuestroom FloorFire GuestroomEarth GuestroomMetal GuestroomWater GuestroomWood GuestroomExhibition 200621232735394347515559BibliographyVita6163vii
Today’s society is rife with illness.It can beThe main goal of this thesis is to explore howexpected, therefore, that people will desire spacesinterior spaces in hotel designs can provide a lessthat enhance their well-being. This thesis asks thestressfulquestion:surroundingharmony by using Feng Shui Principles. It will firstenvironment impact our health? And can we improvediscuss the principles of Feng Shui and general hotelour health just by being around our everydaydesign, and then move on to demonstrate how thesurroundings?application of Feng Shui principles can be used toHowmuchcanourSince illness and stress are related, spaces thathouse ill people or their relatives would benefit fromdesigns that lessen stress and improve ones’ feeling2of wellbeing. It is normal for the hospitalized patientto have many visitors, some that need to stay closeby for an extended period of time. Since therelatives of long-term patients may easily weakenenvironmentandpromotehealthandcreate a hotel environment that encourages healthand harmony in its occupants. This project willdemonstrate principles that not only can be appliedto hotel space, but can be practiced in any otherinterior space. This thesis, therefore, demonstratesnew possibilities for how “care of the self” isdelivered and received through design.their bodies from stress related to the hospitalizationBecause the outside world is busy, crowded, andof loved ones, these visitors need a place to staystressful, the inside of this hotel will provide anthat provides rest for the body and soul, supportingopen, spacious and calming contrast to its gueststhem in their caretaker roles. This design creates aoutside lives. The space will have clean geometrichotel space particularly for their needs.lines and a well-defined circulation path that is easyto negotiate.The focus of the public space is agarden, which is located at the center of the buildingwith a glass ceiling that opens up to the roof level inorder to bring in natural light.Each of theguestroom floors will have an unobstructed viewbelow to the garden.This interior space serves toconnect the guests to the environment surroundingthem.
Introducing Feng ShuiFengShuiisanAsianartofarranginganenvironment. Feng Shui works on the principle t was first used to determine thebest position for burial sites, but was graduallyextended to other spaces, and can, in fact, be t, or car, to name only a few examples.Number of Feng Shui articles searched in InfoTracPeople in America started to hear and read moresearch2003conducted in April 2006 using a keyword “Feng2002Shui” the total number of articles and publications2001found has increased from less than 10 in the early20001990s to over 150 in recent years.1999decade.AccordingtoInfoTraconlineThere wereabout 244 articles and publications found in all ofthe 1990s, but the total number of articles 9315personal and house trigrams to create harmonic and19927balanced19917thisa119ofInis97evaluating the components of Yin and Yang, Qi ications found has increased to over 800 sinceFeng1642004the subject has dramatically increased in the past41502005about Feng Shui around 1990 and information onproject,theapplication of Feng Shui principles will be used to41990create a hotel environment that encourages healthand harmony in its occupants.050100Articles150200
Understanding Feng ShuiFeng Shui has been practiced over thousands ofIn Chinese medicine, Yin and Yang are terms used toFeng Shui is harmonizing the flow of Qi by arrangingyears by primarily Asian cultures for the purpose ofdescribe the natural balance of the body.the environment in a manner that is most favorablebringing prosperity, health benefits, and well-beinghuman body has too much or too little Yin or Yang itto peoples’ lives. The most important concept ofbecomes ill. Balance and health is regained byFeng Shui is “Qi” – the energy and vital force inregulating the 'Qi', via the moisture and blood innature that is a mechanism of life.human internal organs.for its positive flow.In ChineseChinese medicine alsomedicine, Qi is the life force that is believed to flowidentifies five vital organs in relationship to the Fivealong a network of meridians in a person’s body andElements. The heart, kidneys, spleen, liver, andis vital to their physical and spiritual health.Fenglungs share a one-to-one relationship with water,Shui harmonizes the flow of Qi by arranging thefire, metal, earth and wood. The interaction andenvironment in a manner that is most favorable forbalance among these five organs and the fiveits positive flow, thus allowing people to be inelements are seen as important for creating healthharmony with nature and their surroundings.and balance in the human body.Theories of Yin and Yang and the theory of the FiveChinese internal martial arts such as Tai Chi andElements of matter are also incorporated into theBagua Zhang also focus on the flow of Qi throughoutstudy of Feng Shui and the basics of Qi in a way thatthe body by massaging internal organs by means ofis similar to Chinese medicine and martial arts.stretchingChinese medical practices such as acupuncture andcultivate deep relaxation, greater body coordination,herbal therapy work to balance the flow of Qi withinand centering in order to increase one’s internalthe flow.Yin and Yang are two opposing andcounterbalancing forces in nature. Yin and Yang arethought to reside in varying proportions in all thingsin the universe. Under this theory, within theuniverse, earth is Yin and heaven is Yang; within theearth, ocean is Yin and land is Yang; within land,environment is Yin and humans are Yang; and withinhumans, woman is Yin and man is Yang. This theorytells us that every two things in the Cosmos have aand5compression. These martial artsSince Feng Shui has been practiced over thousand ofyears it has been influenced by many forces fromreligion to fortune telling. This research will limititself to approaches to Feng Shui that have had aproven benefit to interior design.Health benefitshave been proven by Chinese medicine and internalmartial arts using the same philosophy.relationship whether they are linked directly orindirectly.AcupunctureIf theFeng ShuTai Chi
Understanding the Principles of Feng ShuiInitially, Feng Shui was practiced to choose a goodIn Chinese medicine, the Yin and Yang theoryWater nourishes wood by moistening it and restrainssite for houses and graves, but its application hasdescribes human processes. The internal organs arefire by quenching it. Wood generates Fire byextended to include other areas including interiorYin and the skin and muscles that protect theproviding fuel for combustion and inhibits earth bydesign. The application of the practices of Feng Shuiinternal organs are Yang. Water and blood in thecovering it. Fire generates earth by reducing matterto interior space can provide an environment thatbody is Yin, but the Qi to move the blood is ash. This, in turn, forms soil. Fire restrains metalsimulatesThe sucking and squeezing action of the lungs areby burning and melting it. Earth supports metal byunderstand this relationship, it is necessary tocaused by Qi.When we fill our lungs with air, weforming and bringing minerals to the surface. It alsounderstand Feng Shui principles and related theoriesare in the Yang stage of respiration, when wecontrols water by damming and absorbing it. Metalin greater depth.breathe out, we are in the Yin stage (Beinfield andvitalizesKorngold, 1991).substances and restrains wood by cutting it.are two of the most fundamental forms of life’sThe Yin and Yang theory was further refined into theThese same processes are carried over into Chineseenergy. Feng Shui shares the same principle assystem of the Five Elements in order to gain amedicine where the Five Elements are associatedChinese medicine, especially the concept of Yin anddeeper understanding of how the body, mind andwith specific internal organs: Water to the Kidney;Yang theory and Five Element Theory. Yin and YangspiritWood to Liver, Fire to Heart; Earth to Spleen; andtheory first immerged in the Chou dynasty (403-221structural relationship of the natural world bothMetal to Lung.BCE). Because Feng Shui is primarily based onconceptually and physically. The Five Elements arekidney generates the blood, which is stored by theYin/Yang theory, many people believe Feng Shui wasWood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. These elementsliver. As Wood feeds Fire, the liver provides blood todeveloped during that same period (Sang, 1995).aretheFeng Shui began to be recognized as an independentDomination Cycles. In the Productive Cycle onesupportspractice during the early Han period (200 BCE). Theelement produces or generates the next element asmetabolic energy to support the digestion of food.first written record of Feng Shui is in the book titled,part of a balancing process. In the Domination CycleAs Earth gives rise to Metal, the spleen supports theShin-Chi written by Ssu-ma Chien (Lee, 1986). Yinone element destroys the other to reduce anlung by raising food nutrients to combine with air.and Yang are interrelated and interdependent. Theyimbalance of the Five Elements.As Metal vitalizes Water, the lung nurtures thethehealingofitsoccupants.ToFeng Shui literally means “wind and water,” yuniverse, which continually change rather thancollected there.Just as Water nourishes Wood, thebyspleensendingbymoistprovidingQiwarmth anddownwardremain static.Productive Cyclerefinedheart. As Fire generates Earth, the heartare the two primal energies and opposites of theYin / YangwithProductive Cycletobe
Interior Design with Feng hitecturalfeaturescanpromoteorThe Eight Trigramsclassification branch and the building characteristicimpede the flow of positive energy and introduce orbranch. The landform classification branch studiesneutralize negative energy. Internal features includeThe ancient Chinese followed how Qi navigateshowthroughthe shape of the house, the floor plan, the interiorthrough the cycles of Yin and Yang. Studying themountains, rivers, and valleys, and how the energystructures, the front and back yard, the driveway,movement pattern, transformation, and evolution ofconnected with nearby landforms, as well as roadsbuilding materials and interior decorations.Qi through nature's elements was considered farenergyflowsover,around,andand buildings, can affect a building or burial site.more important than studying particular elementsThe building characteristics branch studies the flowalone. These events or patterns were correlated intoof energy within a structure and how it affectsaoccupants. This branch includes the study of interiorcosmic and human situations. This model is calleddesign. The building characteristics branch of Fengthe principle of the Eight Trigrams. In the trigramsShui studies the patterns of energy as they flowthe solid lines represent Yang, and the broken linesthrough exterior and interior portions of a structure.represent Yin.The Feng Shui practitioner evaluates a building'sgenerate various results that represent good or badoverall exterior shape using three main criteria:aspects.Stability: Generally, a building's shape is thought ofas stable if none of the levels are significantly largerthan others and if the structure does not rest onpillars.Balance: A building is said to be balanced if it has aregular shape.Smoothness: A building is said to be smooth if it hasno harsh, protruding features, whether vertical orhorizontal. Houses shaped like triangles and thosewith knife-like edges also lack smoothness.The esentingallpossibleCombinations of each trigram could7
The East/West TheoryThe East/West theory, also known as the EightHouse Theory, states that both people and housesPersonal Trigram ChartYeargroup. Matching East with East or West with Westcreates favorable design arrangements. People areassigned personal trigrams based on their year ofbirth and sex. A house is assigned a trigram basedon the sitting direction of the house. Harmonically8matching Personal Trigrams with House Trigramscreates positive living situations.Feng Shui in interior design, then, is a process ofevaluating the components of Yin/Yang, Qi andPersonal and House Trigrams to create harmonic ion of Feng Shui principles will be used tocreate a hotel environment that encourages healthand harmony in its 3119321933Zhen (Wood)Kun (Earth)Kan (Water)Li (Fire)Gen (Earth)Dui (Metal)Qian (Metal)Kun (Earth)Xun (Wood)Zhen (Wood)Xun (Wood)Gen (Earth)Qian (Metal)Dui (Metal)Gen (Earth)Li (Fire)Kan (Water)Kun (Earth)193419351936193719381939194019411942Zhen (Wood)Kun (Earth)Kan (Water)Li (Fire)Gen (Earth)Dui (Metal)Qian (Metal)Kun (Earth)Xun 1954195519561957195819591960belong to one of the Trigrams. Each of the Trigramsfalls into two distinct categories: either east or 96119621963196419651966196719681969Zhen (Wood)Kun (Earth)Kan (Water)Li (Fire)Gen (Earth)Dui (Metal)Qian (Metal)Kun (Earth)Xun (Wood)Zhen (Wood)Xun (Wood)Gen (Earth)Qian (Metal)Dui (Metal)Gen (Earth)Li (Fire)Kan (Water)Kun (Earth)199719981999200020012002200320042005Zhen (Wood)Kun (Earth)Kan (Water)Li (Fire)Gen (Earth)Dui (Metal)Qian (Metal)Kun (Earth)Xun (Wood)Zhen (Wood)Xun (Wood)Gen (Earth)Qian (Metal)Dui (Metal)Gen (Earth)Li (Fire)Kan (Water)Kun (Earth)Zhen (Wood)Xun (Wood)Gen (Earth)Qian (Metal)Dui (Metal)Gen (Earth)Li (Fire)Kan (Water)Kun (Earth)197019711972197319741975197619771978Zhen (Wood)Kun (Earth)Kan (Water)Li (Fire)Gen (Earth)Dui (Metal)Qian (Metal)Kun (Earth)Xun (Wood)Zhen (Wood)Xun (Wood)Gen (Earth)Qian (Metal)Dui (Metal)Gen (Earth)Li (Fire)Kan (Water)Kun (Earth)200620072008200920102011201220132014Zhen (Wood)Kun (Earth)Kan (Water)Li (Fire)Gen (Earth)Dui (Metal)Qian (Metal)Kun (Earth)Xun (Wood)Zhen (Wood)Xun (Wood)Gen (Earth)Qian (Metal)Dui (Metal)Gen (Earth)Li (Fire)Kan (Water)Kun (Earth)Zhen (Wood)Kun (Earth)Kan (Water)Li (Fire)Gen (Earth)Dui (Metal)Qian (Metal)Kun (Earth)Xun (Wood)Zhen (Wood)Xun (Wood)Gen (Earth)Qian (Metal)Dui (Metal)Gen (Earth)Li (Fire)Kan (Water)Kun (Earth)197919801981198219831984198519861987Zhen (Wood)Kun (Earth)Kan (Water)Li (Fire)Gen (Earth)Dui (Metal)Qian (Metal)Kun (Earth)Xun (Wood)Zhen (Wood)Xun (Wood)Gen (Earth)Qian (Metal)Dui (Metal)Gen (Earth)Li (Fire)Kan (Water)Kun (Earth)201520162017201820192020202120222023Zhen (Wood)Kun (Earth)Kan (Water)Li (Fire)Gen (Earth)Dui (Metal)Qian (Metal)Kun (Earth)Xun (Wood)Zhen (Wood)Xun (Wood)Gen (Earth)Qian (Metal)Dui (Metal)Gen (Earth)Li (Fire)Kan (Water)Kun (Earth)Zhen (Wood)Kun (Earth)Kan (Water)Li (Fire)Gen (Earth)Dui (Metal)Qian (Metal)Kun (Earth)Xun (Wood)Zhen (Wood)Xun (Wood)Gen (Earth)Qian (Metal)Dui (Metal)Gen (Earth)Li (Fire)Kan (Water)Kun (Earth)198819891990199119921993199419951996Zhen (Wood)Kun (Earth)Kan (Water)Li (Fire)Gen (Earth)Dui (Metal)Qian (Metal)Kun (Earth)Xun (Wood)Zhen (Wood)Xun (Wood)Gen (Earth)Qian (Metal)Dui (Metal)Gen (Earth)Li (Fire)Kan (Water)Kun (Earth)202420252026202720282029203020312032Zhen (Wood)Kun (Earth)Kan (Water)Li (Fire)Gen (Earth)Dui (Metal)Qian (Metal)Kun (Earth)Xun (Wood)Zhen (Wood)Xun (Wood)Gen (Earth)Qian (Metal)Dui (Metal)Gen (Earth)Li (Fire)Kan (Water)Kun (Earth)
For centuries, people have traveled away from theirThe objective of this chapter is to understand hotelhomes for business and pleasure, and hotels havedesign by identifying issues that are involved in theprovided lodging for them. The first form of hotelhotel design process. This will be done by studyingwas the inn or tavern that provided shelter and foodthe major types of hotels, taking into account thefor traders and temporary workers. The first motelsdesigns and services they offer, and giving a briefgrew strategically along roads or between towns.overviewMotels were built along major highways as peopleregulations. This research is a study of existing hotelwere required to travel more often on roads. Astypes in the Richmond area, supported by a reviewtravelers’ incomes grew, luxury hotels developed.of published books and articles on hotel wledge,expectations.Designers need to have an understanding of thoseexpectations and incorporate them into their hoteldesigns. Successful hotels give a positive lastingmemory to guests. Owners, architects, and interiordesigners must work together to provide that g online publications. This research does notcover all the details of how to design a hotel. It will,however, explore the common issues consideredwhen designing a hotel from an interior designer’spoint of view and may exclude some facts that areimportant to others involved in the hotel designprocess.
Hotel Building Types and historyThe earliest form of hotel goes back to ancientHotels can be categorized into five major types:civilization’s expansion across the globe. As early asluxury;1800 B.C, the Code of Hammurabi outlined the firstservice; and casinos. In order to be successful, hotelrules for tavern owners. The first forms of motelprojectswere built up along the China silk route in first American hotel, City Hotel in New York, wasdifferentbuilt in 1794. The late 1800’s were the Golden Ageexpectations and the services gnputsbasedonandinguestof hotels in America with the building of suchfamous hotels as New York’s St. Regis and the Plaza.When it first opened in 1904, the St. Regis wasconsidered the ultimate New York City grand hotel inthe European tradition, offering to its guests thecomfort and luxury found in the most elegantaristocratic homes of the era.The economicprosperity of the 1920s created the first hotel boomin America. Grand Central station in New York Cityhad its complex connected to five hotels.Thesecond hotel boom appeared in the 1950s, helpedby expanded education and mass travel.HolidayInn was the first motel with large rooms, and motelchains grew across America.In the 1980s, a thirdhotel boom was generated by innovative marketingand the development of specialized types of xes such as airports, conference centers, andvacationvillages.Inthe1990s,themed hotels boomed in Las Vegas.Mega-casino11
12Luxury hotelsResort HotelsAs travelers’ incomes grow, they are willing to pay aResort hotels give lasting memory to guests byLimited service hotels focus on lodging. They arehigherincorporatingintegratinginexpensive and provide a clean and well-lit space.guests expect to get personal attention and servicelocal construction materials and finishes. LobbiesBecause the guest rooms are the main source ofduringprice for luxury accommodations. TheseLimited Service Hotels / Motelslocalsurroundings andincludeand public areas provide easy access to outdoorincome in these hotels, the guest room area makespersonal butlers, bartenders, and business cards. Foractivities. An example of this type of easy access isup about 80 percent of the total building services, the guest may expect toevidenced by the Walt Disney Resort Hotel inLimited service hotels are simple in design andbelineOrlando, Florida. Resort hotels emphasize the site,construction. Roadside motels such as Motel 6 aretelephones, and state-of-the-art conference rooms.public areas, and guest rooms. The resort hotelgood examples of this hotel type.Luxury hotels are usually located in ether an urbandesigner needs to provide guests with an experienceor resort setting and provide the guest with the bestthat is both comforting and unique while remainingservices the area has to offer. A successful urbanparticular to the local sk,maydirectluxury hotel conveys the best aspects of the city andCasino hotels work to attract guests and keep themcaptures the essence of the metropolitan location.For example, the Jefferson Hotel in Richmond,CasinosBusiness / Convention Hotelsin one place to make them feel good while spendingmoney. Gambling has long been a part of humanVirginia invites guests to experience the city’sBusiness/convention hotels need to mix businesssociety limitedhistoric heritage in a luxurious upscale setting.with pleasure, making guests feel they have escapedtwenty-eight states in the United States. Some sortfrom their normal office routines while still workingof gambling is legal in all states except Utah andand attending meetings. These hotels make work aHawaii. Casinos designers need to provide manypleasurable experience. To do this, they mustamenities and good security. A good example of thispromote a sense of well-being and productivity.type of hotel is the Mirage Hotel and Casino in LasBusiness/convention hotels emphasize lobbies andVegas, Nevada, which provides many different typesfood and beverage service. These hotels provideofelegance and comfort while incorporating high-techgambling. Casinos emphasize the design of publicamenities—all in a resort-like setting.areas and food and beverage service.In order to fulfill guest expectations, luxury hotelsput emphasis on sections of the hotel like the lobby,the food and beverage area, and the guest rooms.The key component of luxury hotel design is itsquality and attention to detail. The use of finebathroom fixtures and expensive materials such asnatural stone, marble, and wood are examples ofthis component.attractionscasino gambling is allowed inandentertainmentaswellas
Interior Hotel DesignTo build a successful hotel, owners and hotelA hotel contains two distinct areas called the “frontmanagers need to work together with architects andof the house” and the “back of the house.” The frontinterior designers. In their book, Building Typeof the house is the area that guests see and interactBasics For Hospitality Facilities, Mcdonough, Glazier,with the hotel staff. The back of the house is whereLindsaythe support services take place. In order to provideandSykesoutlinesomeoftheresponsibilities of interior designers as:excellent services to hotel guests, the back of the Provide model room design for presentation tohouse is crucial to the design plan. Because the backowner which include lighting and paint colorsof the house is often not perceived as producing Develop or review typical room type configurations Develop color scheme13 Case-good selectionOther responsibilities of interior designers are tothefederalADA/code,process, but the decision is directly related to whatkind of service a hotel guest receives. Approve colors and finishesfollowrevenue, it may get ignored in the hotel designlocalcodesregulations, and develop case works and details.and
Front of the HouseIn the front of the house, guests will see andinteract with the hotel staff. Therefore, the front ofthe house traditionally gets the greatest amount ofthe owner’s, hotel operators’ and design team’sattention.14Guest RoomsGuest BathroomsThe guest room is the main product sold by theThehotel. The length and width of the guest room iscombination tub-shower, a lavatory, and a waterdetermined by the amount of furniture that needs tocloset. Two lavatories in one bathroom may allowgo in it and the degree of luxury the hotel wishes totwo persons to use bathroom at the same time. Mostachieve. The most common hotel room today is thehotels use a silent tank-type of toilet as a watertwin-bedded room. The headboard in the guest roomcloset. It is preferable to have a ledge for toiletriesmay be one of the most important features of therather than a medicine cabinet because a guestroom. The headboard will be subject to heavy wearoften places shaving materials, lotions, and otherand soiling, so it will need to be sturdy and easilytoiletries in a medicine cabinet, forgetting to look incleaned.The bed should be movable, also toit before leaving the hotel. Good lighting is anfacilitate cleaning. A dresser or cupboard withessential to hotel design, but bright lighting in thedrawers is most likely placed opposite the bed. Theguest bathroom is required for men to shave andguest room also often provides two armchairs with awomen to apply makeup.cocktail table near the window wall. Another piece offurniture that is often found in the guest room is theluggage stand. It is far more desirable to have apleasant piece of furniture here than a foldingluggage rack. The longer a guest stays in the hotel,the larger the closet space that is needed. Mosthotels only need a small closet or clothes-hangingspace, but resort hotels must consider a large walkin closet in the design of their rooms.mostbasicguestbathroomwillhavea
Guest Floor CorridorsLobbiesRestaurant FacilitiesGuest floor corridors are transitional spaces betweenHotel lobbies set the mood in a hotel. This spaceEvery hotel needs to consider providing some sort ofthe public space and the guest room. An adequategenerates the single greatest impact on the to its guests, though needs vary. Small hotelscorridor width is six feet. The elevator foyer isFurnishings, color, finishing materials, lighting, andmay just have a pleasant coffee shop restaurant, butslightly wider than the corridor itself and a smalldecorations must carefully balance the lobby’s visualconvention hotels need a bar located next to thebench or other type of seating for guests waiting forimpact with its functions. Every hotel must have aconvention facilities so that guests may enjoy athe elevator is often placed in this area. Guestspublic lobby regardless of its size. Lobbies arecocktail before or after meetings. The bar should beappreciate a full-length mirror in the elevator foyerusuallyplacedto check their appearance before descending to thebecause people often gather there. The spaceadvantagemain lobby floor.program for the lobby must recognize the type ofseminars.The lower portion of the corridor wall w
Department of Interior Design, School of the Arts Dr. Sharran F. Parkinson, Department Chair Department of Interior Design, School of the Arts Dr. Richard Toscan, Dean School of Graduate Studies Dr. F. Douglas Boudinot, Dean School of Graduate Studies H e a l i n g I n t e r i o r : Using Eastern Design Principles in Hotel Design YunJu Lee Koh
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