SIMATIC Automation Tool V3.1 SP1 User Guide - Siemens

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PrefaceDownloading, licensing, andinstalling the SIMATICAutomation Tool1SIMATICSIMATIC Automation Tool2overviewS7/HMISIMATIC Automation ToolV3.1 SP1 User GuidePrerequisites and3communication setupManualGetting started with the4SIMATIC Automation Tool5Device operations6Managing project files7Menu, toolbar, keyboardshortcuts and referenceinformationSIMATIC Automation Tool8API for .NET frameworkSIMATIC Automation Tool9device supportV3.1 SP1, 05/2018A5E43616265-AA

Legal informationWarning notice systemThis manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to preventdamage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alertsymbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below aregraded according to the degree of danger.DANGERindicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.WARNINGindicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.CAUTIONindicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.NOTICEindicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger willbe used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating toproperty damage.Qualified PersonnelThe product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by personnel qualified for the specifictask in accordance with the relevant documentation, in particular its warning notices and safety instructions.Qualified personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying risks andavoiding potential hazards when working with these products/systems.Proper use of Siemens productsNote the following:WARNINGSiemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technicaldocumentation. If products and components from other manufacturers are used, these must be recommendedor approved by Siemens. Proper transport, storage, installation, assembly, commissioning, operation andmaintenance are required to ensure that the products operate safely and without any problems. The permissibleambient conditions must be complied with. The information in the relevant documentation must be observed.TrademarksAll names identified by are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this publicationmay be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owner.Disclaimer of LiabilityWe have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and softwaredescribed. Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, theinformation in this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequenteditions.Siemens AGDivision Digital FactoryPostfach 48 4890026 NÜRNBERGGERMANY 04/2018 Subject to changeCopyright Siemens AG 2018.All rights reserved

PrefaceSecurity informationSiemens provides products and solutions with industrial security functions that support thesecure operation of plants, systems, machines and networks.In order to protect plants, systems, machines and networks against cyber threats, it isnecessary to implement – and continuously maintain – a holistic, state-of-the-art industrialsecurity concept. Siemens' products and solutions constitute one element of such a concept.Customers are responsible for preventing unauthorized access to their plants, systems,machines and networks. Such systems, machines and components should only beconnected to an enterprise network or the internet if and to the extent such a connection isnecessary and only when appropriate security measures (e.g. firewalls and/or networksegmentation) are in place.For additional information on industrial security measures that may be implemented, pleasevisit ns' products and solutions undergo continuous development to make them moresecure. Siemens strongly recommends that product updates are applied as soon as they areavailable and that the latest product versions are used. Use of product versions that are nolonger supported, and failure to apply the latest updates may increase customers' exposureto cyber threats.To stay informed about product updates, subscribe to the Siemens Industrial Security RSSFeed under ce and supportIn addition to this user guide, Siemens offers technical expertise on the Internet and on theSiemens automation Web site ( and the SiemensIndustry Online Support Web site ( Contact yourSiemens distributor or sales office for assistance in answering any technical questions, fortraining, or for ordering S7 products. Because your sales representatives are technicallytrained and have the most specific knowledge about your operations, process and industry,as well as about the individual Siemens products that you are using, they can provide thefastest and most efficient answers to any problems you might encounter.Document source languageThe English version of the SIMATIC Automation Tool user guide is the authoritative (original)language for SIMATIC Automation Tool information. Siemens identifies the English manualas the authoritative original source in the case of discrepancies between the translatedmanuals.SIMATIC Automation Tool V3.1 SP1 User GuideManual, V3.1 SP1, 05/2018, A5E43616265-AA3

PrefaceSIMATIC Automation Tool V3.1 SP1 User Guide4Manual, V3.1 SP1, 05/2018, A5E43616265-AA

Table of contentsPreface . 312345Downloading, licensing, and installing the SIMATIC Automation Tool . 111.1About installation.111.2Installing from the TIA Software Updater .121.3Downloading from Siemens Industry Online Support .131.4Purchasing, licensing, and downloading from the Siemens Mall .141.5Installing from the self-extracting .exe file.191.6Installing from the .iso file .201.7Optional automated install .20SIMATIC Automation Tool overview . 212.1Managing networks .212.2Network access .252.3Network options .282.4.NET API (application interface) .dll file .30Prerequisites and communication setup . 313.1Installing the SIMATIC Automation Tool .313.2Starting the SIMATIC Automation Tool.313.3Configuration requirements .313.4Communication setup .34Getting started with the SIMATIC Automation Tool . 414.1Working with the Device table .414.2Working with the Event Log .454.3CPU passwords .464.4Multi-threading process options .49Device operations . 515.1Scanning a network .515.2Inserting a device .575.3Updating IP, subnet, and gateway addresses .585.4Updating PROFINET device names .605.5Setting CPUs to RUN or STOP mode .625.6Identifying devices .63SIMATIC Automation Tool V3.1 SP1 User GuideManual, V3.1 SP1, 05/2018, A5E43616265-AA5

Table of contents675.7Updating device programs from the SIMATIC Automation Tool . 655.8Uploading, adding, replacing, and deleting Recipes in CPUs . 725.9Uploading and deleting Data Logs in CPUs . 755.10Installing new firmware in devices . 775.11Backing up and restoring CPU or HMI data . 835.12Performing a memory reset on CPUs . 885.13Resetting CPUs and modules to factory default values. 895.14Formatting a memory card . 915.15Retrieving Service Data from CPUs. 935.16Setting time in CPUs to current PG/PC time . 955.17Showing a CPU diagnostic buffer . 96Managing project files . 996.1Saving and opening .sat project files . 996.2Importing and exporting a project file in open .csv format . 101Menu, toolbar, keyboard shortcuts and reference information menu . 105File menu . 105Edit menu . 106Operations menu. 107Options menu . 109Options menu . 109SIMATIC Automation Tool pathnames . 110General settings . 111Communications settings . 112Projects settings . 113Firmware update settings . 114Program update settings . 115Service Data settings . 115Backup/Restore settings . 116Recipes settings . 117Data Logs settings . 117Event Log settings . 118Import / Export settings . 119SNMP Profiles . 120Tools menu . 123Help menu . 1237.2Toolbar icons. 1247.3Keyboard shortcuts . 1257.4Safety program definition . 1267.5SIMATIC Automation Tool program failures . 126SIMATIC Automation Tool V3.1 SP1 User Guide6Manual, V3.1 SP1, 05/2018, A5E43616265-AA

Table of contents8SIMATIC Automation Tool API for .NET framework . 1278.1Introduction to the API .1278.2API software license and version compatibility a user interface application for Fail-Safe devices and safety-relevantoperations .128API support for safety-relevant operations and Fail-Safe devices .128User interface programming guidelines for safety-relevant operations .129Color coding safety fields in your user interface .132Coloring a CPU device icon .133Coloring device data .134Coloring a CPU password .135Coloring a program folder .136Coloring a program password .138Hamming codes .1398.4Architectural overview .1398.5Referencing the API in a user interface application.1428. support classes .143EncryptedString class .143Result class .144Diagnostic class .146DataChangedEventArgs class .147ProgressChangedEventArgs class mon support interfaces .148IRemoteFile interface .148IRemoteFolder interface .148IRemoteInterface interface .149IHardware interface.149IModule interface .150IBaseDevice interface .150IHardwareCollection interface .151IModuleCollection interface .9Network class .151Network constructor .151QueryNetworkInterfaceCards method .152SetCurrentNetworkInterface method .153CurrentNetworkInterface property .153ScanNetworkDevices method .154SetCommunicationsTimeout method.155GetCommunicationsTimeout method .156CheckValidLicense method .156GetEmptyCollection method inetDeviceCollection class .157Iterating items in the collection .158Iterating items in the collection .158GetEnumerator method .159Count property .159[ ] property .159Filtering items in the collection .160SIMATIC Automation Tool V3.1 SP1 User GuideManual, V3.1 SP1, 05/2018, A5E43616265-AA7

Table of items . 160FilterByDeviceFamily method . 160FilterOnlyCPUs method . 161Finding a specific device in the collection . 162FindDeviceByIP method . 162FindDeviceByMAC method . 163Serialization. 164Transferring a collection to/from an external data file . 164WriteToStream method . 164ReadFromStream method . 165Manually adding items to the collection . 166InsertDeviceByIP method . 166InsertDeviceByMAC method . 167Copying data from a collection. 168CopyUserData method . 168Removing devices from the collection . 169Clear method. 169Remove method . 0.3.2IProfinetDevice interface . 170IProfinetDevice properties . 170IProfinetDevice methods . 174RefreshStatus method . 174FirmwareUpdate method . 175Identify method. 177Reset method . 178SetIP method . 179SetProfinetName method . 181ValidateIPAddressSubnet method . 182ValidatePROFINETName method . 183IProfinetDevice events . 184DataChanged event . 184ProgressChanged event . 1858. class and module properties . 186Modules property and IModuleCollection class . 186IModule interface. interface . 189Identifying CPU devices in an IProfinetDeviceCollection . 189ICPU properties. 190ICPU flags . 191Program Update flags . 191Restore flags . 192Feature flags . 193ICPU methods . 193Protected CPUs and passwords . 193SetPassword method . 193SetProgramFolder method . 194SetProgramPassword method . 196ProgramUpdate method . 197SetBackupFile method . 199SetBackupFilePassword method . 202Restore method (ICPU interface). 203SIMATIC Automation Tool V3.1 SP1 User Guide8Manual, V3.1 SP1, 05/2018, A5E43616265-AA

Table of method (ICPU interface) .204DownloadRecipe method .205DeleteDataLog method .206DeleteRecipe method .208GetCurrentDateTime method .210GetDiagnosticsBuffer method .211MemoryReset method.

_SIMATIC Automation Tool _ SIMATIC S7/HMI SIMATIC Automation Tool V3.1 SP1 User Guide Manual V3.1 SP1, 05/2018 A5E43616265-AA Preface Downloading, licensing, and installing the SIMATIC Automation Tool 1 SIMATIC Automation Tool overview 2 Prerequisites and communication setup 3 Getting started with the SIMATIC Automation Tool 4

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