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CATALOGUE Methodist Episcopal Church, principally New York and vicinity Official Manuscripts Records The records have been placed on indefinite deposit in the New York Public Library by the Methodist Historical Society, and the Methodist Book Concern 193 1

Methodist Episcopal Church Records Microfilm Reel List

United States: General Recorde Connecticut: Bartford Vethersfield New Jereey: Newark Northern New Jeremy New Yerk Journal. State Amnia . JlrOfJklJn Iang Inland M t . Vernon Nawburg New Rochelle U.I.C. General Recordm N.I.C. Churchen ' b e e pg. B c ) Oneida Conference Poughkeepmie WI8trA.k Suatoga Circuit Africa: Liberia Europe : Bulgaria & Romania Mino. Records & F i l e e Supplement Note6 ( d d o n d d

Alanson Church ( l a t e r Hadieon St. Hission) Allen St. Church Allen St. Manorial Church s h b Church y Attorney S t r e e t Chapel hlk St. nissio. Bedford St. Church Peekvm E l l 1 Church Bethany Church Boston Road Church Bowery Village Church Bronxdale Church Centary Church Chelsea M.E. Church C b r r r St. Cham1 city kssion Cornell Memorial Church Dry Dock Kieoien hane St. Church East 18th 11th 15th 56th Side P w i s h St. Church St. Kiwien Chap01 St. Church St. 1 Centennial Church (see notes p. 40) German Church n Iluiner'sChurch Forsyth St. Church Franklin St. Church 2nd. Geman Methodist Church Greene St. Church Greenvich Village Church Hulem Mission Heeding Mission b p e hp.1 n u w church JOIU st. Church Lexington Ave. Church k d i e o n St. Church Hadison St. niseien Il.riner'8 Church n i s s i q n Howe lbtt S t r e e t llount Hope Church 9 t h St. Chwch Norfolk St. Chwch 123rd. St. Church Perry St.

People's Yore Church Perry St. Church F r o s p o c t sAre. Church Eirington St. Church S t . M e ' s Church Seaman Chepel 2nd. Ave. Church 2nd. St. Church 17th S t . Church II 7th 'I 13th St. Church Trinity Church 24th St. Church Van Nest Church Washington Baighto Church h@&b Ch?p&l Weat 43rd. St. Church Willett S t . Church Woodetock Church

vw i. . Church Note: 1. 2. revised 10/79 Arrangement within the group is a s follows: Those r e g i s t e r s which contains name-lists only, o r thoae volumes l a r g e l y made up of such lists, precede other material rminutes[ etc.1 & have t h e i r own alphabet. ,, d n i n u t e s frequently include attendance records of board members. 3. 4. Burial8 of dependent members a r e noted i n the Poor Fund Accounts. 5. Classbook & Classes sheuld not be confused. C l s b o o kis an attendance reBord of one o r two classes. Claeses is a list of nares of those comprising the s a v e r a l c l a s s e s of a church. 6. C l a w Records, usually wanting dates, a r e dated from external evidenca only & auch dating is not assumed t o be exact. 7. E u l y Registers vill ale.* be found under the heading: Church Bistary has not been attempted & information concerning the formation, pastors & h i s t o r y of NYC churches w i l l be found i n the following: Hew York City, General Records Methodist Episcopal Church of New Yark In t h e e a r l y days, records were a l s o kept f o r the e n t i r e church i n the c i t y . lowever, i n agreement with paragraph X1. these s p e c i f i c records preceded t h e General Records. 0. Obituaries rill occasionally be found i n those volumes containing an h i s t o r i c a l o r p a s t o r i c a l record. 9. O f f i c i a l s , being appointed by tha proper Quarterly Conference, may ba found i n the Minutes of the body, i f no separate list i a available. 10. d l p p w r d r r e r f c 4 , i w i nt og t h e popularity of s t a r t i n g a new volume with a new pastor o r a new recorder, and thus the r e s u l t i n g necessity of copying the old records i n t o the new. ll. W e C i r c u i t s were created i n 1832, hmfwhkch before t h e r e were no record. f o r e i t h e r Eaet o r West Circuit. Later separate records appeared, although some of the bodies (see # 9B p. 9 ) continued meeting j o i n t l y f o r some years a f t e r the division.

Methodist Episcopal Chursh ( p r i n c i p a l l y N . Y . & Vincit ) O f f i c i n l Manuscripts Iiecords Placed on i n d e f i r A t e d e p o s i t i n t h e R.Y.P.L. by the Methodist H i t o r i c a lS o c i e t y and t h e Methodist Book Concern UNITED STATES L. C u r t i s . ( e n d i x ) 1. Manual of h t h o d i s t Church History, by George 2. Methodist Episcopal Church. C o n s t i t u t i o n a l Commission. Proceedings, 1890-91 3. P a s t o r s of t h e M.E. Church i n t h e United S t a t e d , l e t cen. By S.A. Seaman. S e c t i o n A-C 4. 5. 6. 7. . " . . . Sec. D-G H-K l LO II A s h o r t e r list A-Z 7a P a s t o r s a p p o i n t e d 1783-1886. 4 c h r o n o l o g i c a l list. (N.Y. C i t y & Long 1 e l a n d ) Connecticut Bartford 8. J u v e n i l e Mission Society. C o m p o i t i o nw r i t t e n f o r and spoken b e f o r e by t h e members, 1838-39 pet,hersfield 9. H i s t o r y of t h e Wethersfield, Conn., by George L. Coburn qa Goshe* t W 6 M GDshe-) C T W T O \ U C , New J e r s e r Methodist Episcopal Church Newark 10. Newark Wesleyan I n s t i t u t e . W u a t e e s . Minutes, 1846-57 New J e r s e y . by Mwin M. G r i f f i t h . H i s t o r i c a l Society. Receipt from Dr. James Mar. 2 8 , 1944 New York J o u r n a l and, appointments of t h e N.Y. Annual Conference h e l d i n t h e Methodist Episcopal Church, 1846-48. published i n : New York Annual Conference.Bthh Methodist Church, Year Book and Minutes, 1963. p. 314 f f .

New York *qL10 STATE - 5 . 4 . 12. 13. 14. Methodist EpisCopd Church. Annual Conference. Journal 1-02. kith Index .* Journal 1821-29. . Journal II 1830-39 " 11 ( F i h e d t o r N.Y. Conference of M.E. Church, Rev. C.Y. C h r i e t o nJr., Exec. Secy-, AFr. 1963 11 -6.; 1 pos. (reg.) 1 pos. perforated) 15. 1 17 18 . Amnia Seminary. .Ledger . 1839-42 1842-45 n It L . xwp hshwick Station 19. P a c l t l& students 1851-74 - see Ccok Street Church Cedar Street Church a p t i e s 1873-99 78 Classes Warriagee " 79 Members 78 Probationers 79 " 20. . Bap t i m a Classes 1880-85 1878-85 Ihrriages 1880-85 Members 1878-" Oif i c i a l s 1872-84 81 Paator. Probationus 1879-85 21. . Baptisl.s Ilrrriagas Membors ,O f f i c i d a Pas t o m Probationers 22. 1-93 1886 1883 lr 1889-91 1887-92 1885-95 Cook Street Church (Bushwick Station) Bmpt-s 1842-62 Ilrrriagoa 1846-57 Probationers 1842-56 23. . Marriages hmbers 1862-64 1842- I' Probationers 1862-6 J

Brsoklyn Cook S t r e e t Church 24 25. . Baptisms Classes History kriagesMembers Off i c i a l s Pastors Probationers (Bushwick S t a t i o n ) 1866-80 1866-77 1833-76 1870-78 1866-78 1873-79 1841-78 1864-80 Baptisms Classlead e r s History Marriages Members Officials Pastors Probationers Sundry Committee and membership lists e t c . , contained i n e n elope i n back. e k e \ 6-- s e e 6 lt.r F i r s t Place Church, Sinking Fund Association. Minutes - Ser P a c i f i c S t r e e t Church Marriages &(SO 1857-61 @4Y0 1846-74 . Baptisms Classes Members Probationers 1862-73 1858-72 1858-72 Baptisms Marriages Members Officials Pastors Probationers 1872-90 1872-88 1872-91 .Board . of . 1857-71 1888 1845-91 1872-90 Stewards. Minutes 1844-59 Board of Stewards. Micutes 1859-63. Included is a l i s t O# members of t h e b a r d & i t s by-laws. . Boards of Stewards & Leaders. Minutes 1844-50

Brooklyn -- -- P a c i f i c S t r e e t Church . . . . . . . . . . Board of Stevards and Leaders. Minutes 1850-59. Board of st " 11 tt 1859-65. Board of Trustees. Minutes 1844-93. Includes a b r i e f H i s t o r i c a l sketch of the church i n 1844. Board of Trustees. Leaders and Stewards. Poor Fund. Accounts 1844-60. Poor Fund. Accounts 1860-90. w a r t e r l y Conferenca. Minutes 1845-55 Quarterly Conference. Minutes 1867-86 Quarterly Conference. Minutes 1886-90 43 45 46 47 Treasurer. . Treasurer. Accounts 1844-60 Accounts 1860-77 Baptisms Classleaders Fujnerals History Marriages Members Of f i c i a l s Pastors Probationers . Board of Trustees. . . Minutee 1888-94 Epworth League. Recorde 1891-94 48 49 Off i c l a l Board. Minutes 1887-92 . 1892-94 . Quarterly Conference. Minutes 1887-90 11 50 11 te Hinutea 1865-93.

BROOKLYN 52 53 . . Sunday School Attendance 1890-91 Sunday School Attendence 1891-9fJ 54 Sunday School. Officials. Minutes 1886-90 56 . . 11 57 91 Treasurer. Treasurer. Accounts Accounts 1888-94 1887-94 481 Treasurer, Accounts 1865-76 482. Treasurer. Accounts 1876-79 - 483 484 485 . . . ,I ,, 1879-82 1 I( 1882-85 . Diary by member of the congregation 1874-75

LONG ISLAND Lake Grove Church -- 59 'Quarterly Conference Minutes 1873-1902. Also records f o r 1795-1817, transcribed from vol. 60 (q.v.) and those f o r 1853-45 a l s o transcribed. Long Island C i r c u i t 60 a a r t e r l y Conference. Minutes 1795-18W Uethodist Preachers 61 Autograph s i g n a t u r e s collected by A. Warriner. MT. VERNON 9 : - North Church 62 Saptiems 1891-97 " 94 History hrriages 1893-1900 Members 1891-99 11 11 Officials Pastors F r o L 2 1. ;d898-94 Probationers 1891-99 NEWBURGH Newburg C i r c u i t 63 Sermons preached 1803 NEW ROCHELLE 64 History of Methodism i n t h e New Rochelle C i r c u i t , by Daniel DeVinne. Also two sermons by him. 65 New Rochelle C i r c u i t Classes, Sermons preached 1807

NEW YORK CITY [General 2ecordsI Methodist Episcopal Church of N.Y. Classes 1813 s e e # 80 . 67 . Classes 66 68 Classes 1825 ( F i l e d i n oversize Box # I , Watercolour. 1st H.E. Church. 1768. Drawn by J . B . Smith) . 1826. Classes . Arranged by Churches. 1329-32. Deaths 1795-1815. 70 Deaths 1822-1. " II I) Evidently transcribed from a l a r g e r record. An Index of the Register of names of members vol. 17 Sec. A-K of t h e M.E. Church i n N.Y., (see #76) . 1822-? Sec. L R of above Index - . Exhorters 1813 (see#80) . Exhorters 1818-35 ( s e e tY79) . Exhorters 1825 ( s e e #2&) .Leaders . 1813 (see 480) 71 . ,, Deaths . . . . . Leaders 75 ( s e e #79) Local Preachers 1813 Local Preachers 1818-35 Local Preachers 1825 ( s e e #80) (.X e * '7 ( s e e 4204) . . Membait1 r!2822-5& 1 6S! Members 76 1818-35 1816. A p a r t i a l list only index see 70 & 71) Probationers 78 , . Bobationera 1821-32 -. 1831-32 (same vol. ( s e e #76)

N.Y .C. (General Records) l b t h o d i s t Episcopal Church of N.T. k t Circuit C h e a 1840-47 Probationers 1832-35 . Preachera 79. - App'ta (WC & Long Island) U.E. Churrh of N.T. Quarterly bnference. - U.E. Enat C i r a u i t Chureh of N.T., - U.E. Church Stewnrdn 1818-35. . (In the .cue vol.) Ibmbers. 1818-32. Quarterly Cenference. 80. see # 7a Members 1832-35 (nee #'79) Trueteeis, Local Presshere, Exhortera, b a d e r e & C l s e a 81. 82. 82. 83 84. 1813t17 M.E. Church e f N.Y., East Circuit Classee 182-37 . . . II (see # 78) 1840-46 Uembers 1832-37 Probationers 1832-35 (see #78) Quarterly Cenference. Uembers 1832-35 Assistance Society. II 11 . Trea8ur.r. Minutes. 1808-22 Treasurer. Account. Acceunts 1826-33. (1. ((see # 7 9 ) 1809-26 the b e v.1.) -N.Y. Porsyth Church. Treasurer. Accounts 1879-82. 85. .a. Visitere. Reports. 1809-26. H l s t o r i a a l Notes on R.T.C. Hethodim. Ino. transcript. from the 1st. J o b S t r e e t Record Book and the two f o l l e w i q : e x t r a c t s from old records [returned t o M.E. Society. Receipt publications eta., by S.A. Sesigned Dr. Joy 3/28/1944. Literary Society. Uinutes 1828-29. Ino. the constitution, by-lawe 81 list of member. "\ - 87. 88. Local R e a c h e r Assea. Mnutes 1842-43 -

- (General Records? N.Y.C. Methodist Branch of t h e N.Y. Minutes 1816-18 School Society. Methodist C h a r i t y School. T r e a s u r e r . Accounts 1796-1820. M.E. Church of N . Y . Board of Leaders. Camp-meeting Committee. Minutes 1811-23 Minutes 1818-21 M.E. Church of N . Y . Board of Stewards. h e a s u r e r . AccountslF(27-31 . Board of Stewards. T r e s s u r e r . Accounts 1831-32. Iri same v o l : M.E. Church of N . Y . East C i r c u i t Eoard of Stewards, T r e a s u r e r . Accounts 1832-37. M.E. Church of N.Y. Board of T r u s t e e s . Minutes 1 8 2 0 - 9 *.Camp-meeting Committee. .Poor Fund. T r e a s u r e r . . T r e a s u r e r . . I, Accounts ,, Minutes 1818-21. Accounts ( s e e # 90a) 1795-1820 1808-27 1827-32. I n t h e same vol.: M.E. Church of N.Y., West C i r c u i t . 'J!reasurer. Accounts 1832-37 M.E. Church of N . Y . , E a s t C i r c u i t . Board of Stewards, T r e a s u r e r . Accounts .Board o f T r u s t e e s . Minutes 1835-61 M.E. Church of N.Y., West C i r c u i t Bo d of Stewards. M i r a t e s 1832-38 .@ s r t e r l y Conference. Minute6 1832-38 . Q e a s u r e r . Accounts 1?32-37. ( s e e # 98) 1832-37. ( s e e #92)

N.Y .C. (General e c o r d s 2 102. Methodist Wssion Society. Treasurer. Accounta 1866-71. 103. Methodist Mutual Benefit Society. Members and dues paid 182349. 104. Methodist Tract Society. Anniversary Exercises held a t Broafield S t r e e t Church, Boston llay 24-26, 1902. 105. 106. 107 108. . x e c u t i v eCornittee. Minutes 1852-54. Contains a l s o some transcribed correapondance, index of corres., clippings, some sample tracta. and a b r i e f h i s t o r i c resum& of the Seciety. . . . . Executive Committea. log. 110. Foreign Granta. subscribers. ll1. . Tremurar 112. 114. 115. 116. 118. Accounta Accounta 1900-08 1817-32 1818-32 PI Preachers Meeting. Minutes 1817-19. Contains a l s o an account of the organization of the meeting and signatures of the c h a r t e r members. . Minutes 117. Accounts 1853-1907 190-04 Yew York Eaet Conferenoe Centenary W i t t e e . Wnutes 1866-71 New Pork Enst Conference H i s t o r i c a l Society. Minutes 1876. Contains d a 4 the by-lava, constitution. 11 113. . Minutea 1824-31. Preaehers Meeting. Minutea 1831-37. . Minutes 1857-61 119. 120. 121. .Minutea 1866-72 . .i n u t t s 1873-81. / C N O found 3/8/734 not a t Annex o r l i s t , e f H.E. Vols., brought from St:k 6.d--

N.Y .C. 122. 122a. 122b. 1220. (General Records) Preachers Meeting. Minutes 1881-87 . . . . Minutes 1903-13 (Jan. ) Mnutes 1913-35 Organization, r u l e s and attendance r o l b 1877; 81;87 O r g a n i z a t i o ,r u l e s 1893 Attendance 1907-08;14 a . . . Questions discussed 1865-81 . Stenographic r e p o r t of speeches 1869-73 V i s i t o r s list 1869-1910 Sunday School Society Minutes 1835-44 Vesleyan Seminary. Board of 'l'rustees. . .Treasurer. . Treasurer. 127. N.Y.C. 128. 1818-32. Accounts 1818-3 Day book 1820-25. Young Hen's Missionary Society. Board of Managers. Minutes 1830-39. Churches Alanson Church, Norfolk S t r e e t . [Later Madison St. M i s s i o l Baptisms Classes Marriages Probationers Members Stewards Trustees 129. Minutes .Baptisms Classes arriages Members Probationers 1860-66 1862-66 1860-67 1860-66 1865, etc. 1866 1866 1866-73 Ir 76 1867-73 1866-72 " 73 ;C S l u l s o YJ

N.Y.C. Churches N-on Church, Norfolk S t r e e t [Later Uadison St. Uissioa] Baptiga.9 Classes Marriages bobera Off i c i a l e Pastors Probationers . e'lalues 1tions) . Board of Stewarb. Minutes 1861,67-69 . [soe Y 2001 and Leaders. Uinutee 1869-77. N s o c e n t a i m a f i n a n c i a l record of the c o n t r i b u t i o of t h e Classea 1874-76. tt II TI . . . . b a r d of Stewards and Leadera. Board of Trustees. Minute. Quarterly Conference. . Sunday Schod. 11 II Minutes 1858-72. Minutea 1861-66. Attondanae s t a t i s t i c s , Library record ( * i n a box with 1 4 - 4 9 ] 1861-67. [see # 2021 1880-86. [ m e #2021 1873-85

N.I.C. Churches Allea Street Chureh. Clusbook 185559 . 186564 11 . . Uarriages . . .,. . (a 144-49 i n box with 141-43) 1837-66 1866-89 II Probationers 1837-89 Board of Stewarb. Mnutes 1865-74 b a r d of Trustees. Uinutaa 1836-58 n II II II 1858-78 II I) II 11 187689 . .,. Home . . . Maaianary %muittee. Treasurer. Poor Fund, ka-er. II II II Sunday School. Account6 1874-85 Accounts 1837-61 II 1861-72 Attendance 1873-79

N.Y.C. Churches Allen Street Churck. Treasurer. c c o u a t s 1836-43 . . I1 Accounts paid out !I Ledger a . . . . Youag People I II 1836-64 Reoeipts 11 s 1841-58 Bible C 11 I, 1841-51 h Associatiea. , II I! Hinutee 1867-71 Treamrer. c c o u n t s 1877-78 Young's People9s Rayer h a d . Minutee 1877-78. Allea Street Hernorial Churoh. (on Bivingtea St.) (, hptimcs 1890-1901 Ibrriagos 1889-1902 I' 1901 Members Off i c i l l a 1894 Probationers 1890-190). Asbury Church. (Norfolk S t r e e t ) 5ee Bapttavs 1843-1860 . . . . Claseea hriagaa SO I 4 5 3 1844-60 1842-60 Robationers 1842-60 Quarterly Coaference 1844-48 b e e # 3 7 1 Attorney Street Chapel (see Wesley Chapel) Bank Street Mieaioa Sunday School, Offieisre. 182. Minutaa 1865-68 Bodford S t r e e t Church (.H Greenwich Village) also: #20h R i l l Churak. 'hweteae. Minutea. 1860-85. Contains also a brief stafemaat of the organization of the Church. B a p t i s 1882-96 h r i a g e e 1890-96 Menbere 1882-96 Officials 1890-95 Pastor. 1882-96 Probationera 1889-96

( 17901906 r \ , ,*,, BiETHODIST EPISCOPAL CIIURCH, West Goshe. Connecticut. Hecords. Lists of preachers and presiding elders, 1790-1906; members, 1835-19013; niarriages, 1867-1890; baptisms, 1852-1890. lvol. 4O. Cross refs.: Connecticut-West Goshen 41L.172 Connecticut-Goshen

N.Y.C Churches Additions: Boston Road Church Baptismn 1903-26 kriagea " 24 Members 1883-1926 Pastors 1902-26 Probationers 1897-1923 . l4embers 1918-29 Off i c i a l s Probationers 1917-20 hptisrs 1919 [with addresses of a l l ] . O f f i c i a l Board. Mnutea 1911-22 183. (can't) Bowery Village Church s e e Seventh S t r e e t Church. Broadway & 68 St. aee # 486 Broom St. Bronxdale Church s e e Van Neet Church Centenary Churah sea: " " see # 486 )I note: Centenary Church is not t o be confused with the 1st. Centenniel Church, o Jh -* n S t r e e t Church. Chelsea U.E. Church records in custody of Broadway Temple of W.E. Church 1934. Cherry S t r e e t Chapel eee: F i r s t Mariner's Church City Missiom see: People's Home Church ----------------------------------------- &y?tieIM: 477. 478. Cornell Memorial Church Uembers Robationere Marriages hptiamf 1869-77 1869-76 1871-77 iiiders Classes Robationers Members Uarriage Bapti- 1883-90 . II 18-a I* . Hietory 1868-1923 Officers 1897-1904 Probationers 189-1936 kmbers 1897- I* Bapt i a 1896-1920 Marriages 1897 tt 1876-OP.'.t 1879-97 I# 479. 480. . Paptitma hrriages 1920-19s " 1937

N.Y.C. Churches r Dock y Mission. (9th S t r e e t Church) see n\ba . . classes -6'-4.c3 1848-56 hptiara Classes Marriages Members Pastors Probationers 1860-64 1861-62 1860-64 1861-69 1845-64 1861-62 ., , Also i n vol : 7th S t r e e t Church Marriages 1886-87 nsjoocl: M. SIOJI Sunday School Association. Minutes 1847-50 Duane S t r e e t Church see: # 204 Duane S t r e e t Church . Ashbury Sacred Music Society. Minutes I1 11 It It I, 1824-29 1829-30 Duane St. see also: Hudson # 232 k t Side Parish Bapt iavl 1902-06 Marriages 1905-08 1875-1907 Uembers Probationers 1900-07 13th 1 8 t h S t r e e t Church Classes 1850-54 (Attendance Record.) j l t h S t r e e t Hisoion C h a w 1 6ee: People's Home Churah 1 5 t h S t r e e t Church aee: Lexington Ave. Church 56th S t r e e t Church 5cc hptislls Classm Marriages Members Off i c i P l s Paators Probationers . . 1884-1902 1884 1885-191 1884-1901 1884-1900 1884-87 1884-1900 O f f i c i a l Board. Hinutea Treasurer. (50 f# r3 Accounts 1893.1902 1900-01

N.Y.C. Churches 1st. Centennial Church see John S t r e e t Church 1st. German Church. Sunday School. Attendance 1841-43 l a t . Hariner's Church. [Which went t o Alanson Church i n 1861 . . Robationera 1844-58 F a r d of Leadsrs (see P 201) 4 "' I . b a r d of Stewards. Minutes 1858-61. i n vol. d s o : . . Alumon Churoh Board of Stewards. Uinutes 1861;67-69 Board of Stewards and Leaders. Minutes 1846-58. Also: Boud of Leadere. Minutes 1844-46 Board of Stewards and Leaders. Minutea 1858-61 Quarterly Conference. Minutes 1858-61 Also i n vol. Alanson Church Board of Stewards and Leaders. Minutes 1861-67 Quarterly Conference. Minutes 1861-66 - sce &\So Fersyth S t r e e t Church . Classes 1822-25 tk 4 5 4 Also i n vol. : - N.Y.C. General Records. Local R e a c h e r s and Exhorters - 1825 W.Y.C. Churcheo. Clasaleaders from the following Churchee: Allen S t r e e t Bowery Villpgs Duane S t r e e t Greenwich Village John S t r e e t Missior House CWillett S t r e e t ] Seventh S t r e e t Bedford S t r e e t Church? h b e r . 1835-39 1825

N.Y.C. Church?Forsyth S t r e e t Church. Classes. Attendance 1831-9. Classes 1842-54 O f f i c i a l s 1842-54 Probationers 1837-75 Memorials of deceased members Baptism Classes krringes Members Off i e i a l s Probationers 1875-76 1860-62 1852-56 1860-62 1852-56 It I, 185364 Baptisur Classes Eietory Hprriage Members Off i c i p l s Pastor Probationers Board of h a d e r s . Minutes 1825-32. Board of Leaders. Minutes 1837-56. Board of Stewards, Treasurer. Accounts Board of Trustees. Minutes 1837-67 1861-1900 Board of Trustees, Treasurer. Accounts 1856-82 J o i n t O f f i c i a l s Boards. Minutes 1867-80 Junior Epworth League. 1890-94; 1902-04. Poor f i n d , Treasurer. F&ertY. Psstor. Minutes Accounts Accounts Quarterly Conference. 1837-74. 1879-83. Minutes 1837-44;48

N.Y.C. Churches Forsyth S t r e e t Church. Sinking f i n d Assoc., ------Treasurer. Treasurer. Accounts Accounts 1860-63 1878-92 Sunday School U n i o Society, h a r d of Uanagers. Minutes 1827-33 [The minutes f o r 1827-28 a r e covered, those pages of the record having been used as misc. Scrapebook] Clippings removed Jan. 1970. Treasurer. Accounts 1878-92. II 1879-82 18 ( s e e # 224) (nee # 84) Young Uen'n Bible Society. Board of Uanagers. K n u t e s 1828-35. s e e : # 486 Franklim S t r e e t Church German S t r e e t Church Quarterly Conference. Minutes . Sunday School Attendance 1844-81 (see # 487 q66 Female Benovelent Society. w) 354 Green* S t r e e t Church. 'see. U\SQ C u e s 1832-39 . (see # 195) 1841-43 Second G e m Methodist Church. (see # 317) Accounts, Minutes 1840-45 Oreenwich Village Church. Clasaleadera 1825. (see # 204) . Treasurer. Collections ( q u a r t e r l y ) 1820-27. i \la gr@tWs be4 i h c.i.- Harlem uissio. Treasur*r. Beeding Mission e &UV * 5kccounts 1 31-40. See: 17th S t r e e t Church Hudson Church. . bptiw 1810-20 Marriage8 " II See a l s o Duane St. Church John S t r e e t Church. "SeL-UIJb sL Ba tii3.a 1784' Y5 Members 1785-90 . . . uriala 1785-87 aee # 66 (waterchlor drawer) Classee II II Oversize box #l E r p u l s i o 1787-1791 kriages 1785-98 s e e a l s o #249, : John S t r e e t Records. (Photo. neg. ) / Book 1 - A Cold]

N.Y.C. 23b. 235. 2%. Churches John Street Church. Baptisms 1796-1819 . . Baptisms 1840-57 Marriages 56 Also contains memorials of certain members Baptbu, 1859-61 Classes kriages Of f i c i a l a 1859-61 CAlso George G. (born Sept. 30, 1854) and Bna Evans Fuller (or Teller) born Jan. 3, 1857. Both were baptised &Y . . . . . . . . " 1840-41 3, 1863. 60 1860-61 Classes 1802 Erpuleiona 1802-04 Robationers 1802-u Also: contains a list of furnishings purchased for the parsonage. Accounts of the Cocke b t a t e 1789-91; and the subscription l i s t 6 for 1789-90. Ch6ses 1826-32 Claeses 1833-40 Classes 1842-54 Officials 1848-52 Probationers 1848-50 Admissions 1791-94 " 96 Classes Classleaders 1795-96 1791-93 Expulsions Lcl. Freachers 1795-96 Probationer. 1791-94 Stewarda 1795-96 tt tt Trusteea This is book 1-1) of the old John S t r e e t Records. (Photo. neg. ) Claeoleaders (see # 204) &833?-56 Robationers 18 -22

N.Y.C. Churches John S t r e e t Church Board of Trustees. Minutes 1859-63 m e # 249 10 11 233 II II 241 Book 1. [Records of John S t r e e t ] )I n II ] Book 1-A C " n II II ] Book 1-8 0. " John St. Branch of N.Y. *arterly Conference. Bible Society. Minutes Minutes 1828-38. 1804-24 Treasurer. Account. 1768-96 This is Book 1 known a s the "Old Book" of the old John S t r e e t Records. OPhotostat neg.1 Trea u r e r Subscription l i s t a La-bc c. U Cknys-\Lexington Are. Church Baptism C1arc.e Marriage. Member. Robationera . . . . - 1817. eyyg 5,, aUo 1848-66 1847-64; 74 1850-64 1847-65 ;74 1849-65 1884-86 Uarriagee solemniwd by R. Vheatley, pastor Membership c e r t i f i c a t e s issued by Llheatley o a r dof Trustem. Minutes h s i o n a r y Society, Minutes . . Quarterly Conference. .Sunday School. 11 II 1885-87 1876-86 1880-87 Ilinutes 3861-87 Attendance r e g i s t e r Secretary. Record 1861-62 1879-83.

N.Y.C. Churches Madison s t r e e t Church Baptism 1855-56 Classes 1843-54 Local h e a c h e r s 1844-54 I, II Leaders I, Stewards II .Classbook 1888-89 Marriages 1844-55 Probationers 1843-55 . . . . . . . . .Treasurer. King's Daughters. Minutes 1891-92. Quarterly Conference. Minutes Sunday School. Attendance 1888-92. 1883 Sunday School, Board of Officers. Sunday School, Secretary. Record Treasurer. Uinutes 1888-89 1886-68 c c o u n t s 1887-92 . . Accounts Treasurer. 1892-94 Off e r i e g s 1887-92 Worker's R a y e r Becord. n.d. Mudison d t r e e t Niseioa s e e Alanson Church Mariner's Church see: l a t Mariner's Church IUsaion House. Classleaders die ( s e e # 204) 1825. k t t S t r e e t see # 486 Uount Hope Church. Treasurer. Cash book 1913-18 9 t h S t r e e t Church see: Dry Dock Mission Norfolk S t r e e t Church see: Alamon Church 123rd. S t r e e t Church Perry S t r e e t see: see: Bethany Chapel 1 486 h a l s o Willett S t r e e t Church

N.Y.C. Churches People's Home Church Baptisms Classes History Warriages Members Offi c i d s Past ore Probationers . Baptiams Classes History Marriages Ihmbers Officials Pastors Probationers . Transfers 188&%;99 1883-90 Cone e n t r y f o r 19013 1882-90 1882-95 1871-96 1883-90 1882-91 1881-96 1914-16 ;1924-28 .a. Dispensary Record . Pap tisma Marriages Members Probationers . Baptiame Ilarriagea Members Officers Probationers 1901-04. ( P a r t l y used f o r scrapehook 1913-18) 1913-16 1912-15 1884--1916 1912-16 1915-14 II II 1885-1929 1916 1914-29 Parry S t r e e t Church s e e # 486 Respect's Avenue Church Bee: Woodstock Churoh Rivington S t r e e t Church. s e e : Wesley Chapel - aea a l s o : Allen St. Memorial Church which waa on Rivington St. It was n o t , however known aa Rivington St. Church. s e e d i r e c t l y above.

N.Y.C. Church St. Luke's Church Baptism Classes ( 2 ) Marriages Uembers Officials Probationers . Baptism Marriages Members Pas t o r s Probationers . . . . Board of Trustees. Minutes 1868-99. Home U s i o n . Hinutes 1870-95. Constitutiom. Hone Missiom, Treasurer. 1869-70 .Journal Quarterly Conference. . Treasurer. Accounts Also Constitution. Accounts Hinutes 1871-99. 1881-98 1869-99 For a d d i t i o n a l inforaatiom concerning St. L S e 9 s M.E. Church see card i n Speranra Coll. [Has. & Arch. catalogue] For information concerning St. Paul's H.E. Church of N.Y.C. card in S p e r a n u Coll. Cks. & Arch. cat.] 800 Seaman Chapel see: F i r s t Mariner's Church Second Ava. Church see: T r i n i t y Church Second S t r e e t Church. . . Baptism kriages 1837-71 s e e # 290 Baptiems kriages 1871-1911 . Clasaes Classes Officials Probationers 1837-71 )I I* 1838-60 1871-89 1876-77 1871-1910 Second German Methodist Church (see # 487-88) i n back of inventory)

N.Y.C. Church - see Second S t r e e t Church 4 ustory Hembere 1829-95 1871-1911 Uembers 1838-64 Officials 1882-96 Robationera 1837-91 vs'f 4. . . . . (see # 318) Board of Stewards. lllnutvs . . . . . . Board of Stewards and Laaders. Minutes b a r d of SLuateis. . . . 1817-75 18 9 11 II I II Minutes 1862-77 1861-87 1887-99 11 , Treasurer. Accounts 1883-1900 Epvorth League. ninutea 1891-96 tt II 11 1896-1902 ,I It II 1902-08 Female Benovelent Society, Board of Planagere. Minutes 1838-46 Female Benevolent Society. Board of bnaprs. minutes 1858-72 Jhnior Epvorth League. Minutes 19'32. (sea #

N.Y.C. Churches Second S t r e e t Church Juvenile Missionary Society, Amual Meeting. Minutes 1858-79. Also the Constitution of t h i s Society. . Juvenilm Missionary Society, Trmasurer. Accounts 1869-79. Also Junior Epworth Lecrgue. Minutes 1902. . Juvenile Missionary Society, b n t h l y meeting. Minutes 1850-54. . Juvenile Wesionary Society. Uonthly meeting. Hinutee 1854-65 Aas't : . . . . . . O f f i o i d Board. Minutes 1910-13. @ a r t e r l y Conference. Minutes 1844-81. [The e a r l y meetings were held with Asbury & German Churches.] II II II Quarterly Conference. Minutes officials . . . 1, 1881-96 1882-96 Sundny School. 9 1837-44. Attendance , Board of Uinutes 11 tt , Board 11 11 , Board 1868-74 OfficJers and Teachera. 1867-72. of Officers and Teachers Hinutea 1872-86. of Officers and Teacherol Minutee 1886-1906

N C . Churches Second S t r e e t Church. Sunday School. New Scholars . . . . . . II II II II Treasurer. . . . Accounte Record Receipt. 1877-79 1897-1909 1900-10 Women's Foreign Missionary Society. Minutes C o n s t i t u t i o a Plao. Y .M. .A Minutes . 11 Seventeenth . . , Secretary. , R.easurer. 1891-99 1867-70. Church stc ,\A, II s. B a p t h Haxria&es bmbers Probationers Baptisms kripgee Bppt i m a Classes Marriagee Members Off i c m Probationers BaptiEM C1Pss.s Histery Marriages Members Of i i c i a l s &riagee Members 0fficiAI.n P tora Robationera Cla6s.s baths 1866. & wCC- 1885-1901.

N.Y.C. Churches Seventeenth S t r e e t Church Members officials lE53-81 1856-66 Robationere (sea J 344) 1852-57 Board of Stew

Bedford St. Church Peekvm Ell1 Church Bethany Church Boston Road Church Bowery Village Church Bronxdale Church Centary Church Chelsea M.E. Church Cbrrr St. Cham1 city . Conference.Bthh Methodist Church, Year Book and Minutes, 1963. p. 314 ff. New York - STATE - 5.4. *qL10 12. Methodist EpisCopd Church. Annual .

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