TW - Reading Notes TREBLE

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Name:Date:Reading Treble Clef NotesMUSIC THEORY WORKSHEETName the notes below.'& w t { x } v u z .'& x s y } z u y .'& x y z s x u .'& r t y w z w x .'& z t { x } w s .'& t y r { x u . 2014 Lacie Bowman Find more theory worksheets at

2Lesson 11: Time Signatures - 4An eighth note has a value of one half of a beat. When by itself, an eighth note looks like a quarter note witha flag. When with other eighth notes, the notes eighth notes are connected together with a beam.eœ œ œ œflag42beam1 2 say: one and two and2In 4 time there are two beats in each measure.The quarter note gets one beat.A quarter note ( q ) 1 beatA half note ( h ) 2 beatsAn eighth note ( e ) 1/2 beat1. Practice drawing eighth notes in the following boxes. An example of each is given.e42 œ2. Count the beats out loud, then tap the rhythm.œ œ12 42 œ œ œœ œ œ1 1 2œ œ œ œ21 2 œ1œ 123. Write the beats below the notes. Then count the beats out loud while tapping the rhythm.2 œœ œœœœ œ œ œ2 4. Write a 4 time signature after the treble clef. Write the beats below the notes. Then count the beats outloud while tapping the rhythm.&œœ œœ œ œ œ2œ œ œœœœ œ œ5. Write a 4 time signature after the treble clef. Write the beats below the notes. Draw the missing bar lines.&œ œ œ œœ œœ œ œœ œ œ œ œ œ œ This music is intended for educational and personal use only. Any distribution outside these means is prohibited.Copyright Theresa Chen

Level 1 Theory Assessment #1Name:Name these notes: CFFWrite these notes: GADBBBb/20/20E/10CADEGGBBbAF/10What is the name for the small lines notes above or below the staff are placed on?Draw a treble clef on this staff:/5Draw a bass clef on this staff:/5/5What is the correct term for the two staff music that is used for the piano?Draw a sharp on the topline of this treble staff: /5Draw a flat on the middleline of this treble staff: /5/5What does a sharp do to a note?/5What does a flat do to a note?/5Total Marks/100Printable Music Theory Books - Section Assessment i 2009 The Fun Music Company Pty Ltd

Level 1 Theory Assessment #2Name:Name the following as a half step or a Whole step: /8What note is a half step higher than D?What note is a Whole step lower than B?What note is a fifth higher than C?What note is a fouth lower than F?What note is a Whole step higher than E?/8What does “unison” mean?/6Write these intervals above the given note:4th6th5th2nd /16Name these intervals:/32What is another name for a Whole step?/10What is another name for a half step?Circle the half steps in this melody /20Total Marks/100Printable Music Theory Books - Section Assessment ii 2009 The Fun Music Company Pty Ltd

Level 1 Theory Assessment #3Name:Where do the Half steps occur in a major scale?/12Mark the half steps in this scale with a slur: /15Write the scale of C major in the treble staff, one octave ascending, and markthe half steps with slurs:/20Name the following key signatures: /8Write the scale of G major in the bass staff, one octave ascending, and mark thehalf steps with slurs:/20Write the key signatures and tonic triads of the following keys:F majorC majorG major/15Name the key of each of these examples: Printable Music Theory Books - Section Assessment iii /10Total Marks/100 2009 The Fun Music Company Pty Ltd

Name:Level 1 Theory Assessment #4wComplete the “note tree”,then write the name of each notealongsidehdrawing/20names/8Circle the incorrect measure below: /6Draw one appropriate note to complete the following measures: /15Complete this piece of music with an appropriate rest under each * ** * * ** ** /24What is the difference between a dot placed on the right hand side of a note head anda dot placed above or below a note head?/12Add barlines to these rhythms: Printable Music Theory Books - Section Assessment iv/15 Total Marks/100 2009 The Fun Music Company Pty Ltd

Level 1 Theory Assessment #5Name:Write the meaning of the following italian terms:Allegro:Andante:Crescendo:mezzo forte:/20Write the Italian term for the following:Moderately Soft:Very Fast:Gradually becoming Faster:Slowly:/20Draw the following symbols:SegnoFermatacrescendoaccent/20Carefully examine this piece of music and answer the questions below:Andante mfpoco a poco crescendo What does the term in measure one mean?How loud should the opening notes be played?What is the symbol under measure four?What does the instruction under measure five mean?What are the curvy lines above the music called?What does the “C” symbol at the start mean?/20In what key is this piece?Circle the six notation errors in this piece of music, number and explain them: Music Theory Books - Section Assessment v /20Total Marks/100 2009 The Fun Music Company Pty Ltd

Name: _ Name these notes: Write these notes: What is the name for the small lines notes above or below the staff are placed on? _ Draw a treble clef on this staff: Draw a bass clef on this staff: What is the correct term for the two staff music that is used for the piano? _ Draw a sha

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