Ipsos Automotive Center Of Excellence

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Ipsos Automotive Center of Excellence- Actionable insights for the global motor industry 2014

Global automotive markets at a glanceCurrently an estimated 1 billion light vehicles are circulating globally, production volume forecastfor 2013 is 83 million units. While globally the sector is slightly growing, the speed of marketdevelopment in the main regions shows different World average:125 passenger cars per 1,000 peopleMODERATEMODERATE250 passenger cars per 1,000 people100-249 passenger cars per 1,000 people 100 passenger cars per 1,000 peopleGROWTHGROWTHFLATSource: World Bank, LMC, just-autoSOLID GROWTHFLATMODERATEGROWTHA shift in needs assessment and expectations towards vehicles in all markets!In essence, consumers become increasingly critical towards the value proposition ofcars, and expect better offerings to match their individual needs.Global Automotive Center of Excellence -2014Ipsos Automotive3

Underlying global changes affecting the auto industryStructuralChange ofneeds,behavioursSocialEvolving attitudesand expectations towards carsThe car as integral part of modern alThe new mobility‘usage’ vs. ‘ownership’THE CONCEPTOF CAR TCARSHARINGDRIVERLESSHOW TO REMAIN RELEVANT ANDBETTER ENGAGE WITH CONSUMERS? Product offer (vehicle type, -size,technology, on-board functionality,etc.)CARNEWPLAYERSETC. Brand perceptionGlobal Automotive Center of Excellence -2014Ipsos Automotive4

Consumers demand accompany throughouttheir journeyThe intensified competitive landscape, demand sophistication, and technologicaldevelopments has transformed the simplified ‘marketing funnel theory’ into theconcept of a ‘consumer journey’.Evolution of communicationShift of requirementsAppearance of moreindividualistic needsand ‘micro-targetsNew channels; micro-targetingNotion of relevance and benefitTransformation of POSRole of digitalRelationship dealer-/customerImportance of post-purchase phaseEssential role of ‘feature usage’Amplification of word of mouthGlobal Automotive Center of Excellence -2014Ipsos Automotive5

Global coverage, local expertiseIpsos Automotive operates in all majorvehicle markets, with auto researchactivities in 50 countriesGlobal Automotive Center of Excellence -2014Ipsos Automotive6

Six research specializationsSpecialists for all relevant areas of research work with industry experts who understand theparticular challenges in the automotive sector to provide service excellence for our clients.IpsosAutomotiveResearch specializationsAuto sectorknowledgeGlobal Automotive Center of Excellence -2014Ipsos Automotive8

Automotive Center of ExcellenceAs global automotive markets get more sophisticated, they require vehicle manufacturersto offer the most relevant market propositions to match consumer needs.There is greater value than ever before for a global research partner, who understandsthe requirements of the industry, has mastered innovative research techniques, andknows the specifics of the local clientele.The Ipsos Automotive Center ofExcellence with specialist teams in therelevant markets will ensure that ourorganization is perfectly aligned for aconsistent delivery of accurate,innovative, and actionable service toour clients.Our ambition is to help you to be successful in your business!Global Automotive Center of Excellence -2014Ipsos Automotive9

Full service along the life stomer ExperienceSpaceGlobal Automotive Center of Excellence -2014Product QualitySpaceIpsos Automotive10

exploreSupporting your strategies for market growthTo support new market entry or expansion our Automotive Research practice will join forceswith Ipsos Business Consulting, our strategic business unit specializing in market andcompetitive challenges through a combination of fact-based market analysis and strategyconsulting.Areas of specialism include: Market sizing andopportunity assessment Competitive analysis Distribution channel andvalue chain analysis Market entry strategy andpartner diligenceGlobal Automotive Center of Excellence -2014Ipsos Automotive11

exploreUnderstand market forces and consumer needsUnderstanding consumers within the driving forces ofthe local automotive market is the basis for sustainablebusiness growth.Factors of success range from identifying new businessopportunities to (re-) positioning brands and optimizingmarketing investments with winning strategies.EthnoGlobal Automotive Center of Excellence -2014Ipsos Automotive12

exploreDeliver brand relevanceAutos respond to people’ needsfor independence, freedom,status, and family harmony, andhold specific meanings accordingto the cultural contextconsumers live in.“Censydiam” deliversa framework to guideour thinking abouthuman motivations.Understand consumermotivations, and the role carsare playing in people’s livesPRODUCT ADVERTISINGTESTING EVALUATIONUnderstand the perceivedbrand positioning in thecompetitive contextUnderstand the perception of anew vehicle proposition, andcomprehend motivationsdelivered in the communication,and its impact on AttitudinalEquityEvaluate the model marketingmix, and understand the productfit with the brand positioningGlobal Automotive Center of Excellence -2014Ipsos Automotive13

developRespond to global requirements and local needsStyling and exterior appearances shape brand perception and are critical factors in thevehicle purchase decision process.Thinking AloudThe challenge is to respond to consumer expectations inlargely diversified market places, while benefiting fromglobal manufacturing processes.Our broad offer of Concept Laband Car Clinics covers all stagesof product ative ClinicEarly esearchDrive TestPost-LaunchResearchFirst onceptResearchPRE LAUNCHGlobal Automotive Center of Excellence -2014POST LAUNCHIpsos Automotive14

developUnearth the subconsciousIpsos has been developing and using new techniques driven by advances in Neurosciencethat have strong potential application for the Automotive industry. Mobile Eye Tracking,Facial Coding, Biometrics and Implicit Association Testing (IAT) will be integrated in futurecar clinics.We already successfully use Neuroscience toolsin brand and advertising research.Global Automotive Center of Excellence -2014Ipsos Automotive15

developDiagnose impact of new conceptsVantis is a specialist unit within Ipsos that evaluates new business opportunities byassessing attitudinal equity towards a brand/model, and measuring the underlyingconsumer perceptions that drive desirability. With our proprietary Vantis*MVP for Auto,sales potential simulations can also be provided for vehicle categories and/or customersegments. Validate new ConceptAcceptance (early stage) Optimize features, bundles& pricing strategy Estimate sales volumesunder alternative scenarios Emerging/convergingcategory modelingGlobal Automotive Center of Excellence -2014Business casevalidationPropositionoptimizing Sales forecastestimationIpsos Automotive16

launchMeasure brand desire through Attitudinal EquityAttitudinal Equity focuses on holistic brand assessment and give you the strengths of therelationship the target audience have with the brand.ATTITUDINAL EQUITYThe ability to createstrong brand resonancewith target audience1. PERSONAL RELEVANCEHow well the brand meets personal needs2. PERSONAL CLOSENESSHow close people feel to the brandA true assessment of brand value in the market requires an understanding of drivers thatinfluence (attitudinal) brand equity as well as (physical) factors that impact the purchasedecision.Effective EquityMarket EffectsAttitudinal Equity /Strength of the relationshipwith the car brandGlobal Automotive Center of Excellence -2014 Factors impacting whichbrands we end up buyingReal world behaviour andestimated market shareIpsos Automotive17

launchCapture consumers’ in-the moment reactionsAlways-on mobile app lets you read how people react, respond, and interact withyour brand in the real world.Brand Shout OPTIMIZE YOURTOUCHPOINTSPLAN MEDIA1Inventory of touchpoints –Understand where and howconsumers experience thecar brand, and improvewhere underperformance isidentifiedReal timeEthnographyMORE EFFECTIVELYUnderstand howeach media isresponded to and ifit is generating thedesired consumerreactionRESPOND TOCOMPETITIVE4INITIATIVESCollect rich datacombining verbatim,emotion, locationand picturesGlobal Automotive Center of Excellence -20142DRIVE AND3INFLUENCE WORDOF MOUTHDrive word-of-mouthby nurturing positiveinfluence andaddressing negativereactionsIpsos Automotive18

launchGrow the brand through greater brand resonancePeople are on a personal journey to satisfy needs and fulfill aspirations, surrounded bycommunications. To connect with consumers, communications must resonate withintheir purchase journey.PLANCatch their attention with anengaging, relevant , distinctand credible storyAddress relevant productbenefits and consumer needsthat best benefit the brandWhich contact points worked,which need to be revised, andwhat is the learning for the futureGlobal Automotive Center of Excellence KINGUncover the best contentopportunities to createconsumer connectionsCREATEIpsos Automotive19

launchFocus on what matters at every stageMonitor &MaximizeCreate Big Ideas(media agnostic) Media Receptivity Many early stageideas or creative A few nearfinished creativePlanQualifyARE FUNDAMENTALS SOUND?Resonance withBrand roleConsumer JourneyComprehension,Engagement,Relevance ofidea/execution In marketevaluationARE OUTCOMES THERE?Social valueDistinctiveness,Advocacy,Credibilityand Fitstory tellingcapabilityGlobal Automotive Center of Excellence -2014ConsiderationActionBrand EquityIpsos Automotive20

post-launchPut customers at the heart of considerationsA successful organization is like a successful community. Both have relationships at their heart,both thrive on mutually beneficial relationships. The improvement of business performancepasses therefore by a proactive management of customer relationships:Customer Understanding: What do consumers expect from the vehiclemanufacturer and/or car dealers, and what istheir ideal customer experience?Performance Measurement: How well do automotive brands servetheir clients, and are they deliveringagainst expectations?Organizational Alignment: Does the dealer network and the serviceorganization have to be aligned to be ableto build stronger relationships?Global Automotive Center of Excellence -2014Ipsos Automotive21

post-launchMeasure performance across brand experienceCustomer satisfaction measurements extend to several touch points along their brand experience: In the pre-purchase phase During the purchase- and after-sales service experience Throughout the vehicle usageMystery Shoppingmeasures whether thesales and –after-salesprocesses matchcustomer expectationsand –requirements.Also: Transaction priceauditSales- and Servicesatisfaction surveysmeasure the brandperformance atdealerships and salescenters.Also: Dealersatisfaction surveysGlobal Automotive Center of Excellence -2014Quality Audit Surveys (QAS)provide product qualitybenchmark data at differentvehicle ownership dates (3, 6,12, 36, 60 months)New Car Buyer Surveys (NCBS)Early Buyer/Rejecter SurveysIpsos Automotive22

post-launchEnterprise Feedback Management (EFM)To ensure customer experience, the task cannot stop at obtaining client feedback and identifyingcritical issues for improvement, but needs to embrace the entire organization to act immediatelyon the reports from the market place.– The requirement is to provide the right information, to the right person, at the right time,to empower all staff and quickly act to resolve client issues.– Need for a single platform that can perform many functions:Surveyset-up anddeploymentSamplemanagementDatacleaningand processingAnalytics:Structured andUnstructuredDataDatavisualizationand reportingat multiplelevelsResponseand actionmanagementMultiple data sources including social media and other listening sourcesFinancial, Operational and CRM database integrationMobile data collection and reporting – including geo-localizationGlobal Automotive Center of Excellence -2014Ipsos Automotive23

post-launchListen to the customerViewsCast is our proprietary, automated customer feedback system that uses a combinationof IVR (Interactive Voice Response), SMS, online, and mobile interviews to capture the Voice ofthe Customer across multiple touch-points.Capture the customer experience at the key touch-pointsdirectly after the experience through the use of convenient,multi-modal data collection techniques: SMS Mobile Online1. Receive your datain real-time2. Take actionstraight-away Online IVR3. Close theFeedback Loop24Global Automotive Center of Excellence -2014Ipsos Automotive24

Full service across the product-/ sales and service cycleExploration-PhaseMarket Understanding Trend & Market insight Market exploration Ethnographic research Expert insights Consumer behaviour Need based clientsegmentation Market strategies Business Consulting IOTX Social ListeningDevelopment-PhaseClinic/Concept Lab Virtual Clinic Concept Clinic Product Clinic MarketingClinic Feature Clinic Drive Test Alt Fuel Surveys Show CarBenchmarking New serviceconceptsLaunch-PhasePricing &PositioningCommunication VolumeForecasting Price-DemandSimulation Marketsegmentation Advertising- Pre-test- Post-test Brand (Re-)positioning Ad tracking FinancialServices Fleet market Product Valueanalysis price/features Exhibitionresearch Marketentry-survey AftersalesQualityAssurance NCBS / UCBS QAS (Quality Early buyer surveyAudit Survey) Acceptor/Rejecter NEVQS Retail Quality Clinics /PerformancePerceived Quality(Shopper Engage) Longterm-Test Mystery Shopping Mystery Shopping- Sales Quality– Workshop tests- Transaction Call CenterPriceMonitoring per ConsumerInteractive Voicedecision journeyRespond (IVR) Sales & Service CRM Online-Portal, Hot Benchmark-StudyAlerts, 24h Reporting, etc. Dealership Systems (Tactix) IOTX Social Spaces Brand CommunitiesIpsos Open Thinking IOTXIpsos Marketing Science & Advanced AnalyticsGlobal Automotive Center of Excellence -2014Ipsos Automotive25

Embrace the digital world as the new normalAutomotive is importantly exposed in today’s social media age. Connecting with consumersin the digital space is no longer an option, but a vital requirement for sustainable success.Early Buyer SpaceNew car owners participatein social spaces and discusslikes and dislikes with focuson quality issues with theirbrand new vehicle.Structured questions areasked and VIN-No. matchingis possible.&My Car QualityUsing a mobile phone App,new car owner will capturelikes and dislikes (e.g. failures)directly whilst at the car andwill answer several briefquestions once in a while.Car Usage DiariesCar Brand CommunitiesDiscussion boards, blogs,quick polls, idea exchange,co-creation, live-chat, etc.Journey ResearchA new understanding of theecosystem that surrounds andinfluences people’s paths.Awareness and reception/reach of brand advertising,Touchpoint Analysis,Internet usage behaviorplus Geo-localisation26Ipsos Automotive26

TextminingExtracting usable knowledge from unstructured text data, through identification of coreconcepts, opinions and trends.Use of natural language processing to identify repeat themes and concepts, from varioustext sources:1. Exploration2. Categorization3. Review Creation of project-specific resources(e.g. synonym dictionaries). Creation of categorisation rules andstructure. Human review of structure andcategorization.Results:14Cost of minutes211617Minute expiration16146Cost of voicemail69Segment 1Segment 2Segment 33Plan range21Webs: explore and display thestrength of relationshipsbetween re-occurringconcepts, themes andsentiment.Concept clouds: display thefrequency of re-occurringand meaningful concepts.Quantification: Hierarchicalcoding enables us to look atcategories and subcategoriesIpsos Automotive27

Your contactPaul YaoExecutive Director 852 2830 2521paul.yao@ipsos.comGlobal Automotive Center of Excellence -2014Thankyou!Ipsos Automotive28

Global Automotive Center of Excellence -2014 Ipsos Automotive 9 Automotive Center of Excellence As global automotive markets get more sophisticated, they require vehicle manufacturers to offer the most relevant market propositions to match consumer needs. There is greater value than ever before for a global research partner, who understands

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