How To Run A Process Improvement Workshop

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WWW.COMHow to Run a ProcessImprovement Workshop1

WWW.Process ImprovementWorkshop1.2.3.4.Set UpCurrent ProcessRedesignGetting Agreement.COM

WWW.COMSet Up Which process?Who should be involved?Sponsor briefingAttendee briefingLogisticsFamiliarisation3

WWW.COMWhich process? Who thinks it is a problem and why dothey believe that? What about the data? What is its purpose? Where does it start and finish?Not all processes are equal4

WWW.COMWho should be involved? People who work with the processCustomers of the processSuppliersKey opinion formersProject managerSponsorPeople who know, not those who think they know5

WWW.COMSponsor briefing Agreement on the aims of the session Provision of resources– Facilities– Staff– Time Debrief hour Ongoing supportSponsorship is everything6

WWW.COMAttendee briefing: Aim of the eventHow much time they will need to spareWhat the workshop entailsCommitments after the eventWho and what are you missing?This is not a surprise exercise7

WWW.COMLogistics: Room Materials– Brown paper– Flip charts– Maker pens– Post it notes (2 colours)– Pritt stick (stops post it notes dropping off) Refreshments8

WWW.COMFamiliarisation: Observe the process Existing process documentation Readily available data.Ignorance is not bliss9

WWW.Process ImprovementWorkshop1.2.3.4.Set UpCurrent ProcessRedesignGetting Agreement.COM

WWW.COMScope Purpose Start and end pointsMake sure everybody is in the same place11

WWW.COMFlow Chart Long brown paperFirst pointWhat happens next?Tricks of the trade– Note disagreements then park them– Biggest outcomes first– Note the branchesNot an exercise in perfection12

WWW.COMAreas that could be better Different colour Different colour Waste Waste– Transport– Intellect– Motion– Waiting– Over-processing– Over-production– Defects– Stock Identify the opportunities to improveStrive to find the ideal world13

WWW.COMConstraints Targets Bonuses Functional requirementsWhy is the process the way it is?14

WWW.Process ImprovementWorkshop1.2.3.4.Set UpCurrent ProcessRedesignGetting Agreement.COM

WWW.COMThe Cardinal Rule Redesign your process to give thecustomer what the customer wants.– Designing for cost will only make youexpensive– The cheapest place is when you give thecustomer exactly what they wantOnly a customer can tell you what they need16

WWW.COMRedesigned Process Same starting point Clarify principles not details Does each step help deliver yourpurpose? Use a car park and come back to it Capture the actions and ownersDoes each step help?17

WWW.COMCompare before and after StepsHandoffsTimeErrorsQuantify the benefit18

WWW.Process ImprovementWorkshop1.2.3.4.Set UpCurrent ProcessRedesignGetting Agreement.COM

WWW.COMAgenda Ask the team to present Purpose and scope Current process– Post it note rash– 4 or 5 key issues New process– Address the same key issues– Highlight the impact on the measures– ResourcesDo you have their support?20

WWW. . .COM Process Improvement Workshop 1. Set Up 2. Current Process

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