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Animals ClassificationByPiyush & IlaxiGrouping & IdentifyingLiving Things 2015 by Brilliant Classes2

Classifying Living ThingsClassifying Living Things Biological Classification is the way in whichscientists use to categorize and organize allthe life.It can help to distinguish how similar ordifferent living organisms are to each other.Thus living things are put into two largegroups, such as:AnimalsPlants 2015 by Brilliant Classes3

AnimalsAnimals Animals are divided into two majorgroups: Vertebrates Invertebrates 2015 by Brilliant Classes4

VertebratesVertebrates Vertebrates are animals that have abackbone or spinal column, also calledvertebrae. These animals include fish, birds,mammals, amphibians, and reptiles. There are currently around 65,000 knownspecies of vertebrate animals. This soundslike a lot, but vertebrates are only around3% of all the animals on Earth. Most of theanimal species are invertebrates. Vertebrates tend to be muchintelligent than invertebrates. They can be found just about everywhere inoceans, rivers, forests, mountains, anddeserts. 2015 by Brilliant Classesmore5

Cold-blooded and Warm-bloodedCold-blooded and Warm-blooded Vertebrate animals can be either warmblooded or cold-blooded. A cold-blooded animal cannot maintain aconstant body temperature. The temperatureof their body is determined by the outsidesurroundings. Reptiles, amphibians, and fish are all coldblooded. Warm-blooded animals are able to regulatetheir internal temperature. They can sweat or pant to cool off and have furand feathers to help keep them warm. Warm-blooded animals are called endothermic,meaning "heat inside". Only birds andmammalsarewarm-blooded. 2015 by Brilliant Classes6

VertebratesVertebrates These are animals with a backbone. There are five groups of vertebrates:AmphibiansBirdsFishMammalsReptiles 2015 by Brilliant Classes7

AmphibiansAmphibians Have moist skin Lay jelly coatedeggs in water Lives on land andwater 2015 by Brilliant Classes8

AmphibiansAmphibiansCharacteristics: The word "amphibian" means two-lives, onein the water and one on land. They live the first part of their lives in thewater and the last part on the land. They also have fins to help them swim, justlike fish. Later, their bodies change, growing legs andlungs enabling them to live on the land. 2015 by Brilliant Classes9

AmphibiansAmphibiansCharacteristics: Amphibians have adapted to live in a number ofdifferent habitats including streams, forests,meadows, bogs, swamps, ponds, and lakes. Most of them like to live in or near water and indamp areas. Adult amphibians are carnivores and predators.They eat a variety of food including spiders,beetles, and worms. The largest amphibian is the Chinese GiantSalamander. It can grow to 6 feet long and weigh140 pounds. The smallest amphibian is a frog called thepaedophryne amauensis. It is also the world'ssmallest vertebrate animal. It is about 0.3 incheslong. 2015 by Brilliant Classes10

BirdsBirds Have feathers andhollow bones Lay hard shelledeggs Warm blooded 2015 by Brilliant Classes11

BirdsCharacteristics: The main characteristic of a bird is feathers,wings and hollow bones. No other animal hasfeathers.Birds Birds also lay eggs, however they are warmblooded, like mammals. Many, but not all, birds can fly. Feathers are made of keratin. Hummingbirds are some of the smallestbirds, while ostriches are some of the biggest. Feathers are important to birds because theykeep them warm, help them to fly, andprovide camouflage. Hollow bones also help in flying because theyhelp make the bird light enough to fly. 2015 by Brilliant Classes12

Fish Fish Have wet scalesLay eggs in waterLives in water 2015 by Brilliant Classes13

FishCharacteristics: Fish are animals that live in the water with largestgroup of vertebrates.They come in many sizes and shapes. Many fish are covered with scales that protectsthem. They have fins that help them to steer and balance inthe water. Fish Their body temperatures vary in the water.They breathe through gills. Some fish eat plant life. They may scrape algae offrocks or eat plants that grow in the ocean or sea. Some fish, called predators, prey on other fish andanimals. There are three major types or classes of fishincluding jawless, cartilaginous, and bony fish. An example of a jawless fish is the lamprey eel.Sharks are cartilaginous fish and the blue marlin is abony fish. Fish can be as large 40 ft long to 1/2 inch long. 2015 by Brilliant Classes14

Mammals Havehairproduce milkandMa Give birth to liveoffspring (no eggs)mm Warm bloodedals 2015 by Brilliant Classes15

MammalsCharacteristics:Mammals What makes an animal a mammal are severalthings. First, they must have glands that give milk.This is to feed their babies. Second, they are warm-blooded. Third, all mammals have fur or hair. Humans aremammals and so are dogs, whales, elephants, andhorses. Most mammals have teeth with the exception ofthe ant eater which doesn't have any teeth. Mammals live in all sorts of environments includingthe ocean, underground, and on land. Some mammals, bats for example, can even fly. 2015 by Brilliant Classes16

MammalsCharacteristics:have unique brains and are often veryM Mammalsintelligent. Humans are the most intelligent.a Mammals that eat meat are called carnivores.m Mammals that eat only plants are calledm herbivores.a Mammals that eat both meat and plants arecalled omnivores.l Mammals are sometimes divided into threes types based on how they give birth and take care of their young.The largest mammal is the Blue Whale whichlives in the ocean and can grow to over 80 feetlong. 2015 by Brilliant Classes17

ReptilesReptiles Have dry scales Lay leathery shelledeggs Cold blooded 2015 by Brilliant Classes18

ReptilesReptilesCharacteristics: Reptiles are cold-blooded animals. Most reptiles lay eggs and their skin is coveredwith hard, dry scales. There are many types of reptiles. The maincategories are snakes, crocodiles and alligators,turtles, and lizards. Reptiles can be found on every continent exceptfor Antarctica. Lizards and snakes smell with their tongues. The biggest reptile is the salt water crocodile.These reptiles can grow to 2,000 pounds and 12 ½feet long. The smallest reptile is thought to be the minichameleon from Madagascar which only grows tojustoveraninchinlength. 2015 by Brilliant Classes19

InvertebratesInvertebrates Invertebrates are animals that do not havebackbones, also called vertebrae or spinalbones. 97 % of the animal kingdom is made up ofinvertebrates. Some can be found in ponds, oceans, andother water environments. Insects and some other invertebrates haveexoskeletons. There are eight groups of invertebrates. 2015 by Brilliant Classes20

InvertebratesInvertebratesEight groups: rmsCnidariansArthropods 2015 by Brilliant Classes21

1.MolluscsMolluscs Crawl on a singlefleshy pad.Can have a shell 2015 by Brilliant Classes22

MolluscsCharacteristics:Molluscs There are 3 classes: Gastropods, Bi-valves,and Cephalopods. They have an external shell with bi-lateralsymmetry. Cephalopods are extremely intelligent. A snail is a mollusk with a single hard shell. Squids and octopuses are also mollusk. ex.- squid, octopus, cuttlefish, nautilus 2015 by Brilliant Classes23

2.FlatwormsFlatworms Have flat wormlike bodies 2015 by Brilliant Classes24

3.AnnelidsAnnelids Haveroundworm like bodies Havebodiesdividedintosegments 2015 by Brilliant Classes25

3.AnnelidsAnnelids They are Segmented worms. Each segment has a nervous, circulatory,excretory, muscular system. They are Bilateral symmetrical. They are First organism with complexbody systems. 2015 by Brilliant Classes26

4.RoundwormsRoundworms Have long thinround worm likebodies Have bodies withno segments 2015 by Brilliant Classes27

5.SpongesSponges Have bodies madeof loosely joinedcells 2015 by Brilliant Classes28

5.SpongesCharacteristics:Sponges They are ‘Pore- Bearing”, Sessile andAsymmetrical. Their bodies are full of holes and theirskeleton is made of spiky fibers. Water flows through the holes of theirbody which enables them to catch food. Ex.- sponges 2015 by Brilliant Classes29

Echinoderms6.Echinoderms Havebodiesdivided into fiveparts Have spiny outercovering 2015 by Brilliant Classes30

6.EchinodermsEchinodermsCharacteristics: They have spiny bodies. They have Radial symmetry. They are Benthic- bottom dwellers. They have Central mouth on ventral surface. ex.- sea urchin, sea star, sea cucumber, sanddollar. 2015 by Brilliant Classes31

Cnidarians7.Cnidarians Have thin sack likebodies Have tentacles 2015 by Brilliant Classes32

7.CnidariansCnidariansCharacteristics: They have soft tubelike bodies with a singleopening surrounded by armlike parts calledtentacles. They feed by catching tiny animals in theirtentacles. Hydras have tentacles that catch their food. They move from place to place. Jellyfish catch shrimp, fish and other animalsin its tentacles also.EXAMPLES:CORAL, JELLYFISH,SEA ANEMONE 2015 by Brilliant Classes33

8.Arthropods Arthropods ArthropodsareAnimalswithjointedappendages.They have lots of legs and segmented bodies.There are four group of arthropods: Arachnids Centipedes & Millipedes Crustaceans InsectsArthropods are a group of invertebrates withjointed legs and hard exoskeleton that protectthe arthropod. As it grows, it molts, or sheds its old exoskeleton. Then it grows a new exoskeleton that allows itsbody to continue to grow. The largest group of arthropods are insects. 2015 by Brilliant Classes34

Arthropods - ArachnidArthropods - Arachnid Have four pairs oflegs. Havebodiesdivided into twosections 2015 by Brilliant Classes35

Arthropods:Centipedes & Millipedes Have long thinbodies and pairs oflegs on each oftheir many bodysections 2015 by Brilliant Classes36

Arthropods:Arthropods:Insects, Spiders and Centipedes/MillipedesInsects, Spiders, andCentipedes/Millipedes They are the only invertebrates that can fly. Insects have bodies divided into three partsand six legs. Spiders have jointed legs (eight legs), jawsand fangs. Centipedes andarthropods. Centipedes uses its many legs to run fromenemies. Millipedes roll up their bodies when theysense danger approaching.millipedes 2015 by Brilliant Classesarealso37

Arthropods - CrustaceanArthropods - CrustaceanHave five-seven pairsof legs First pair often usedas pincers Bodies covered inshell 2015 by Brilliant Classes38

Arthropods - InsectsArthropods - Insects Have three pairsof legs Bodiesdividedinto three sections Often have wings 2015 by Brilliant Classes39

Worksheet-1 Prepare Animal ClassificationK W L chart.KWhat do youknow about theanimalclassification ?lWhat do youwant to knowabouttheanimalclassification?WWhat did youlearn about theanimalclassification ? 2015 by Brilliant Classes

Worksheet-2 Write as many words or phrases about the animalclassification.Animalclassification 2015 by Brilliant Classes

Worksheet-3 Write the characteristics of following alsReptiles 2015 by Brilliant Classes

Worksheet-4 Write the characteristics of following dsRoundwormsSpongesEchinodermsCnidariansArthropod 2015 by Brilliant Classes

Worksheet-5 Write the characteristics of following groups.Warm Blooded AnimalsCold BloodedAnimals 2015 by Brilliant Classes

Worksheet-6 Write the examples of following sBirdsFishMammalsReptiles 2015 by Brilliant Classes

Worksheet-7 Draw a picture of animals on the basis of how theymove.An Animal That RunsAn Animal That SwimsAn Animal That CrawlsAn Animal That Flies 2015 by Brilliant Classes

Worksheet-8 Draw an animal in each of the boxes below.An Animal With FeathersAn Animal With SkinAn Animal With FurAn Animal With Scales 2015 by Brilliant Classes

Worksheet-9 Put the animals listed below in the right sDuckLizardFurFeathersScalesSkin 2015 by Brilliant Classes

Worksheet-10 Name or draw animals with hair/fur, feathers, scales or skin.FurFeathersScales 2015 by Brilliant ClassesSkin

Worksheet-11 Pick two different animals. Show differences between them oneach side and show similarities between them inthe middle. 2015 by Brilliant Classes

Worksheet-12 Write the answer of following questions. What is the difference between cold-blooded and warmblooded animals?Are bats mammals or birds? Explain your answer. “Most warm-blooded animals take care of their young.Most cold-blooded animals do not.” Is it correct? Explain. Is a dolphin a fish, amphibian or a mammal? Explain. Why isn't a frog a reptile? Give specific reasons. 2015 by Brilliant Classes

Worksheet-13 Tell whether each sentence is true or false.1. Reptiles are warm-blooded.2. All birds can fly.3. All birds have a beak or bill.4. All birds have two feet.5. All birds have feathers.6. All mammals have hair or fur.7. Dolphin is a fish.8. Bat is a bird. Write the name of vertebrate group for each animal belowto which they lephantg)Salamanderh)Penguini)Sharkj)Lizard 2015 by Brilliant Classes

Worksheet-14 Match A with B.Have hair or furBreath under waterHave feather and wingHave scalesWebbed feetInsectReptileAmphibianBirdFishMammal 2015 by Brilliant Classes

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rocks or eat plantsh that grow in the ocean or sea. Some fish, called predators, prey on other fish and animals. There are three major types or classes of fish including jawless, cartilaginous, and bony fish. An example of a jawless fish is the lamprey ee

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