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CompassSmart logistics to grow your businessISSUE 2016MCI (P) 154/08/20164 Simplifying theImport Supply Chain7 Doing Business withthe U.S. is Now Easier12 Asia Industrial SectorBuying ChallengesThe closer wework togetherthe more yousucceedOvercome challenges and grow your business with close collaborationSubscribe to UPS email. Get the next copy of Compass straight to your in-box and keep up with all the latest promotions, news and announcements.To select your email preferences, go to and follow the instructions to subscribe. Of course, you’ll have the option to opt out whenever you want.Follow us @ UPS AsiaMCI (P) 154/08/2016

2UPS Compass Issue 2016Smaller worldBiggerpotentialHi there anda big welcometo your latestedition ofCompass.Whether you’re building upyour sales volume in the U.S.,improving your supply chainacross Asia Pacific or connectingwith new customers in Europe– we’ve lots to share with you.Like exploring how the pace ofchange is driving new solutions,to new shipping challenges formany small to medium-sizedbusinesses. We’ll show you howfully integrated services maketotal sense for importers – andwhy optimised technology toolsare the new ‘must-haves’.UPS has recently been investingheavily in creating customisedsupport for fast-growingspecialist sectors – from hightech industrial manufacturingand automotive to retail. Andit’s this kind of change thatdrives and excites us to help youconnect with more customersaround the world.The Editors - Customer Communications,UPS Asia Pacific RegionUPS Worldwide Express is nowavailable across 117 countriesworldwide, bringing a higherlevel of service to more of yourcustomers.Small businesses are now thinking big. Andwith UPS Worldwide Express, so are we.In fact we’ve now expanded our middaydelivery service to 117 countries. Whichmeans higher standards of fast, reliable andtime-sensitive deliveries to more countriesthan ever before. And that means morebusiness potential for you.Opening up more of the world’sbusiness to you.As one of the world’s largest carriers, weserve a great number of small to mediumsized businesses, and we understand whatsmall businesses need to help them succeed.Five features that we bring to ourcustomers: Liberating time and resources Knowing when a shipment will arriveenables a business to plan its time andresources efficiently. UPS WorldwideExpress provides the certainty of time- andday-definite delivery. Helping businesses connect withmore customers by midday - being ableto deliver shipments to more customersacross 117 countries by midday helpsa business grow - by gaining greatercustomer trust.i Making shipping quick and easy When a small business has the support ofthe world’s largest transportation network,logistics needs can be met with ease. Withkey hubs in the Asia Pacific, Europe andthe U.S. region - UPS can help deliver yourshipments quickly and smoothly. Providing a choice between speed andeconomy - We provide businesses withthree guaranteed time-of-day deliveryoptions: UPS Worldwide Express Plus - forearly morning delivery to 27 countries UPS Worldwide Express - for middaydelivery to 117 countries UPS Worldwide Express Saver - forend-of-day delivery to 220 countries andterritories Guaranteed service you can rely on With UPS Worldwide Express there areno ‘ifs’, ‘buts’ or ‘maybes’ . If it needs to bethere it will be there. That’s what keepscustomers happy and businesses busy.Opportunities for freight customersjust got biggerWith the expansion of UPS WorldwideExpress Freight services to new countries,our customers who ship palletised shipmentsover 70Kg can now benefit from servicequality across 66 origin and 64 destinationcountries. This means time-definite door-todoor delivery, guaranteed, supported by allthe latest technology and logistics expertise.Learn more at: TO A WORLD OF POTENTIAL. To find out how you can reach more customerswith better service, visit

UPS Compass Issue 2016Improvedservices forbusinessesacrossAsia Pacific.Asia Pacific enhancement and expansionCHINA 23 cities with improved transit times forexport shipments by up to 2 daysUPS's recent expansion is great news for businesses that arelooking to expand their products and services, and provide anenhanced customer experience. It will also benefit businesses thatare seeking to optimise their operations to be more competitive. Extended pickup times by up to 4 hoursPHILIPPINES Expansion to over 60 new postal areas in3 provinces with improved transit timesfor export shipments by 1 day Extended pickup times by up to 2 hoursSOUTH KOREA 13 cities with improved transit times byup to 1 day Extended pickup times by up to 5 hoursINDONESIA Expansion to over 60 new postal areas in 5cities and 1 regency with improved transittimes for export shipments by up to 1 dayFrom pickup to delivery - advantages for youGeographical expansion of UPS's delivery services means that you cangain access to more destinations across the Asia Pacific to boost yourbusiness growth.Improvements in delivery times offer a competitive advantage to businesses wholook to encourage repeat purchase by improving customer satisfaction. Fasterdelivery is also important for importers whose business continuity relies on timecritical supplies.With extended pickup times, there is less pressure on resources and time allocatedfor shipping preparation can be planned around other activities. More shipmentscan be processed and dispatched in one day, which speeds up fulfillment of orders.The improvements have been made possible by combining the reach andexperience of the UPS global network with carefully selected logistics partners.All import and export services, performed by our representatives adhere to ouroperations standards and procedures.For you, this means that you can better manage your customers’ expectations byoffering more options and greater service quality.TAIWAN 16 townships in Changhua with same dayexport service Improved transit times by up to 1 day More flexible pickup timesiFaster deliverytimesMore flexiblepickup timesGreater coverageacross regionsFOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT HOW OUR SERVICE IMPROVEMENTS CAN HELP YOUR BUSINESS, please contact 1800 738 33883

4UPS Compass Issue 2016When you think supplychain, think today.In the past, it seemed that only huge corporations had the scale and scopeto go global. Today, this has changed and we’re seeing more and more smallbusinesses becoming successful global traders too.The Chinese-led consumer boom andthe rise of Asia Pacific’s middle incomegroup has fuelled strong import growthin the Asia Pacific. In fact, China hasalready succeeded the U.S. to become theworld's largest automotive market*, andthere is good reason to believe that thesepowerful consumer trends will continue.We live in exciting times and growth cancome rapidly to many smaller companies.Yet what’s vitally important here is how tomanage that growth and to make sure thesupply chain can flex, adapt and gear upquickly to meet new demands.For smaller importer businesses, that canbe challenging. For one thing, managing anefficient and sophisticated logistics operationsounds complicated and time consuming.Common challenges faced include languageand cultural misunderstandings whendealing with foreign suppliers, or a lack ofknowledge about the regulations that existin different countries. Smaller businessessuffer financial constraints too, where thecosts of creating a new logistics warehousingand technology infrastructure just wouldn’tbe affordable.What these smaller dynamic importers needis a capable, reliable logistics partner. One thatcan help them plan for growth and create anintegrated logistics system that efficientlycopes with growth when it comes.At UPS we understand the dilemma of smallbusinesses that want to grow, but are hesitantto take the giant leap. And that’s why we seeourselves as a bridge to growth for many ofthese smaller global importers.Your bridge to growthWhether you’re importing finished goodsinto Asia Pacific or raw materials formanufacturing products that sell globally,UPS has the reach and capability to meetyour needs. Here are some ways we can help:3. Improved supplier management withaccurate inventory tracking to helpmanage and control the growingcomplexity of shipping4. UPS expertise across different time zonesand different languages to help youcommunicate accurately withsuppliers5. Up to date cross-border knowledge oncustoms compliance and trade regulations6. Connectivity in 220 countries andterritories worldwide7. A range of services to give you theoptimum time and cost options8. Consolidating shipments efficiently toreduce costs, ship faster and clear customsquicker1. Warehousing isn’t a problem - we alreadyhave storage facilities in 360 locationsacross more than 20 countries in theAsia Pacific region9. Quicker, more sustainable paperlessdeliveries2. We make sure you’ve got total visibilityacross your entire supply chain11. Efficient and effective control over yourlogistics operation10. A one-stop source for all your logisticsrequirements*Source: d-economy-consumption-china-resilientiIF YOU’VE GOT A QUESTION ABOUT YOUR IMPORTS: visit

UPS Compass Issue 2016But also think tomorrow.Having a logistics partner that’s alreadygeared up for your future growth is a goodmove. It can make the whole processof upgrading your supply chain muchsmoother. So give it some thought.We’re here to meet your needs regardless ofthe size of your business.We believe in working closely with youto help improve your businessAt UPS we’re always discussing new ways toimprove on what we do. In fact, some of themost productive chats we have are with ourcustomers. Our conversations often result innew ideas and ways in which UPS solve theirproblems.We listen carefully and many of theseinsights end up shaping our new services andnew ways of doing things for you. Keepingclose to your needs is important to us, so wedo a lot of listening and we are also commitedto helping advise you where we can. At thesame time, we guide you through the processof meeting your logistics needs.Three things about logistics you need toknow, to help you grow.We’re constantly being asked how we canhelp smaller businesses be more efficientwhen it comes to logistics. And we love that,because it prompts us to push harder and bebetter for you. Keep the questions coming.1. How can I ensure the value of mygoods remain confidential to shipper orthird party receivers?With UPS Commercial Invoice Removal,we’ll separate the invoice from the shipmentimmediately after customs clearance – thatway confidential price-sensitive informationisn’t seen by customers. When makingshipments with UPS Import Control , simplyselect the Commercial Invoice Removal (CIR)option and we’ll remove the invoice.2. How can UPS help us to improve costefficiency and productivity?There are many ways we can help reducecosts and raise productivity and efficiency.One way is through expert consolidationto ensure your shipments gain customsclearance as one unit instead of individualshipments. This simplifies and shortensyour supply chain, avoids the need forwarehousing and speeds your delivery timeto market. It also avoids multiple shipmentcosts and storage charges.3. How can UPS help us to stay aheadof competition and venture into newmarkets?As the world changes and demands shiftfor raw materials and finished goods alike,you need a partner like UPS that knows howto make those moves swiftly, efficiently.Delivering advanced, highly efficient logisticssolutions for importers combined withover 80 years of experience in cross-borderregulations and customs compliance meansyou’re working with a team that already hasthe knowledge and capabilities in the newmarkets you want to break into.5

6UPS Compass Issue 2016You have enough challenges to face in businessWHAT IF CROSS BORDERSHIPPING WASN’T ONE OF THEM?Sending shipments across international borders has its challenges, especially for smaller businesses. Whether you’rean importer or an exporter, you might feel unfamiliar with the differing customs regulations that are out there.You could also be unsure about tariff codes and how to meet yourcustoms compliance needs - and be worried over the risk of fines,penalties and shipment delays. As for making sense of those bafflingcustoms forms, let’s not go there. But with the right knowledge andexpertise on your side, the whole process of cross border shippingcould be much simpler and more hassle-free.Achieving customs compliance and hasslefree shipments for youCustomers today are constantly seeking out the best deals, the bestproducts and the best levels of service. They need things done fast.High standards are the new standard. Everyone has to up their game.Any small increment helps them gain an edge over the competition.Like having the right systems in place to begin customs clearanceearlier whilst your shipments are still in transit – that way, you’realready fast-tracking your documentation before your shipments haveeven arrived.The benefit of having one point of contactHaving a single point of contact can explain de minimis or the TransPacific Partnership (TPP) in a way that helps you take advantage ofthem. Having that kind of service would help free you up from thehassle and complexity surrounding international shipments and alsohelp streamline your growing business.In the face of customer demands and complex cross-border business,you require a global partner with strong customs knowledge andexpertise to rely on.iRaising standards, removing barriers,Inbound, Outbound, No boundsAs the largest customs broker in the world, UPS deals with issues atborder crossings, while you focus on growing your business. We wantto use our customs knowledge, skills and experience to navigate youthrough any obstacles you might face when entering new markets.This way, you get to tap into one integrated system, one single sourceteam with over 80 years of expertise in customs brokerage.“Whether it’s maintaining complianceacross a range of customs regulationsor offering clear guidance overcomplex trade agreements, you’llfind we smooth the way and removethe complication and challengescross border trading can bring.”Bruce KidwellVice President, Customs Brokerage, UPS Asia Pacific Region.TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT UPS BROKERAGE SOLUTIONS VISIT

UPS Compass Issue 2016A higher de minimis inthe U.S. means one thing:Greaterpotentialfor youFor smaller value shippers,doing business with theU.S. is now easier and moreaffordable than ever.The de minimis is the minimum dollarvalue of qualifying* goods below which noformal customs procedures are requiredand no duties or taxes are collected. TheU.S. increased the de minimis thresholdto US 800. For smaller to medium-sizedbusinesses shipping lower value items,it makes trading with the U.S. easier, moreaffordable and potentially, more profitable too. Cost savings - more goods exemptfrom U.S. duties and taxesCustomer satisfaction shipments that arrive on timeA higher de minimis could benefit yourbusiness by: Lowering end costs to U.S. customers Making access easier to the U.S. marketTeam up with a strongnetwork with unparalleledlocal market intelligenceBy partnering with UPS you’ll have theglobal reach that makes it easier to navigatethe new U.S. de minimis regulations. You’llhave access to our vast U.S. network, buteven more valuable, you’ll benefit from ourdeep understanding of the domestic U.S.consumer market.* Some U.S. government agencies may require formalcustoms entries on all goods, regardless of value.E-commerce - more responsive Accelerating customs procedures Lowering compliance costs Speeding up shipment deliveries Reducing documentationShipments - no need toconsolidate low value shipments Improving customer satisfactionShaping your businessstrategyThe recently increased U.S. de minimis valuewill have a positive and influential effect inthe marketplace – so make sure to leverage itsbenefits into your future business strategy.iMore than 900daily domesticflights within theU.S.Production cycles - greater accessto goods and fewer delaysSupply chain - faster cash flowand inventory turnsMore than 24,000UPS AccessPoint locations804,400 UPS storelocations acrossthe U.S.80 years ofbrokerageexperienceTO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THE NEW U.S. DE MINIMIS, speak to your UPS representative today or simply call us on 1800 738 33887

8UPS Compass Issue 2016Solving unique challenges for unique customersThe closer we work togetherthe moreyou united problem solvers UPS believes that smart people working together can solve any problem. And it’s thisclose collaboration and focus that enables us to create specialist solutions for specialistsectors. Ours is a uniquely human logistics network that transforms lives and industriesthrough teamwork and the relentless application of innovation and ingenuity.At UPS we’re here to help businesses like yours connect with your global markets,to import and export with ease and to make those innovative leaps that enable yourbusiness to achieve more.AdonitThere’s an art to keeping ahead in thefast-paced world of the stylus industry.Adonit’s secret is to team up with UPS –using our scale and flexibility to get theirproduct to market fast, efficiently andahead of their competitors.Adonit designs, manufactures and sells jotstyluses and innovative tools across theU.S., Europe and Asia. Faced with growingshipment numbers and a lack of awarenessof the many regulations across multiplemarkets, they turned to UPS.‘When interest in the company started tointensify, we had to tackle the demand surgefrom stakeholders and consumers, and stillget samples and new products to marketsin time for a launch,’ said Louis Chen, GlobalSales Director of Adonit.So Adonit teamed up with UPS. Thisimmediately gave them access to UPS’s rangeof innovative tools including UPS WorldShip which went on to streamline Adonit’soutbound order process – saving over 67hours every month.Results included: A three-fold increase in productivity forAdonit’s logistics operations Expedited orders brought a 75% reductionin order processing time 30% reduction in time spent trackingshipments Combined annual savings of 940 workinghoursHaving started out in 2010 off a crowdfunding platform, Adonit now operates fromthree offices and four warehouses across fivecontinents.

UPS Compass Issue 2016CSTOWNEZshopnetVPPCSTOWN Co. Ltd. is a specialist accessorymanufacturer that exports a range ofshirt accessories to Europe and the U.S.Its vision is to become the industry smallscale specialist within three to five years.EZshopnet is in the business of sellingfootball jerseys. They provide ane-commerce platform for all the majorEuropean football teams for their AsiaPacific markets – so they need to be ableto react as quickly as a top striker canturn on a ball.Video Plus Print (VPP) is a fast-growing,highly successful business that needs torespond to the fast-changing demands ofglobal marketing campaigns.Being in the ever-changing retail sector,CSTOWN’s main challenge is its shortproduction cycle and incredibly tightproduction turnarounds. They need efficientlogistics that is responsive, accurate andflexible – and offer multiple choices too.When UPS was asked to help, we respondedby customising our Retail solution aroundCSTOWN’s unique needs. CombiningShipping API and UPS My Choice helpedthem to respond to key market changesand shifts in customer needs. At the sametime we integrated UPS technology intoCSTOWN’s business systems to help themhandle shipping with greater ease andefficiency.After teaming up with UPS, CSTOWN’slogistics efficiency improved by 11%. Thiscollaboration between CSTOWN and UPScontinues to be strong and f

Compass. UPS Worldwide Express is now available across 117 countries worldwide, bringing a higher level of service to more of your customers. With the expansion of UPS Worldwide Express Freight services to new countries, our customers who ship palletised shipments over 70Kg can now benefit from service quality across 66 origin and 64 destination

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