Networking 101: Practical Networking Strategies For

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Networking 101:Practical Networking Strategies forCareer SuccessHIMSS Early Careerists Webinar SeriesMa iko Mina miSenior Manager, Strategy and Implementation, HLN ConsultingDISCLAIMER: The views, opinions and images expressed in this presentation are those of the author and do not necessarily represent official policy or position of HIMSS.1

Meet Our SpeakerMa iko Mina mi2

Background Background in Public Health, Healthcare, Technology, Consulting In July 2019, started Executive MBA at Cornell University Began focusing on identifying specific networking strategies Project: Interviews with beginning, intermediate, advanced networkers toidentify on-the-field, tangible networking strategies and techniques3

Agenda Fundamental Concepts of Networking Network Strategy Framework: Goal, Plan, Action Networking Strategy Toolbox Networking mindset Networking tools Network analysis Scenarios4

Learning Objectives1. Mindset: Outline the mindset behind successful networking, along with anunderstanding of human behavior related to networking2. Analysis and Toolbox: Analyze how to apply fundamental and practical strategiesto real-world scenarios3. Your Strategy and Action Plan: Illustrate how to develop an action plan for how togrow your network5

FundamentalsConcepts of Networking6


Why network?Practical reasons Looking for a new job / career Business development Establish relationships to get your current work done more effectivelyBut why is it effective? Fundamental human behavior to place more trust in things that are familiar to us. Unknowns are risks8

We already know this. So why don’t we prioritizeit?“I thinknetworking isimportant” Actions takentowards prioritizingnetworking9

Reasons Why We Don’t Prioritize NetworkingTa ke s t oo much t ime or e ne rgyUnple a s a ntNot s ure how t o ne t working e ffe ct ive ly“I’m a n int rove rt ” “I don’t likepe ople ”And ma ny more 10

GoalWhat are you trying to achieve with yournetwork or connections?NetworkingStrategyPlanNetworking Strategy Toolbox Networking mindset Networking tools Network analysisWhat is a Networking Strategy?Action Pick your tools Establish a plan Execute!11

A few guidelines Build your ne t work be fore youFocus on cont e nt , not jus t s izene e d itTa ke a long-t e rm vie wBe s ys t e ma t ic wit h e xe cut ion ofyour pla nRe fe re nce : Duguid, Miche lle . “Ma na ging a nd Le a ding Orga niza t ions ”12

Networking Goals13

GoalWhat are you trying to achieve with yournetwork or connections?NetworkingStrategyPlanNetworking Strategy Toolbox Networking mindset Networking tools Network analysisWhat is a Networking Strategy?Action Pick your tools Establish a plan Execute!14

Goals: Why do you want to build your network?What are you trying to achieve with your network or connections?Where would stronger relationships help? A new job or career Career mentorship Business development, more clients Establish relationships to get your current work done more effectivelyYou will likely have multiple goals, professional and socialWrite them down and revisit regularly.15

Networking Plan16

GoalWhat are you trying to achieve with yournetwork or connections?NetworkingStrategyPlanNetworking Strategy Toolbox Networking mindset Networking tools Network analysisWhat is a Networking Strategy?Action Pick your tools Establish a plan Execute!17


Some t ime s t his :It ’s ma ra t hon, not a s print .“19

Ot he r t ime s t his :It ’s ma ra t hon, not a s print .“20

Things t o work on for t he long run Assessing yourArt of ConversationPersonalityNetworkingMindsetAttitude about NetworkingPrepare, Practice & Resilience21

Assess Yourself in Social SituationsGet to know yourself and be specific. Take an honest inventory of yourself in social situations so you can tailor yournetworking approach and still get the outcome you want1Type of Socializer2Types of Scenarios3Types of People22

What’s YourPerspective onNetworking?Do you have a negative connotationabout networking? Transactional Inauthentic Manipulative Intimidating Uncomfortable Boring Hate asking for favors I’m wasting their time It’s a waste of time23

The more I help out, the moresuccessful I become.Adam Grant, Give and Take: A RevolutionaryApproach to Success“24

The Art of Conversation25

How Well Do You wledgeOne-on-oneflowingthe iceIn-depthconversationRa t e yours e lfin t he s es ce na riosStrangersvs.familiarIn agroupWorld andSmalltalkSocial Events.News26

Do not be a conve rs a t ion dud!ConversationSkills TakePreparation,Practice, andPracticeAdd hooks t o your conve rs a t ionPre pa re in a dva nce 5 s pe cific t opics a bout youPre pa re in a dva nce 5 ge ne ra l-int e re s t t opicsDon’t forge t t o t urn t he conve rs a t ion ba ck27

Be pre pa re d for uncomfort a ble mome nt sBe pre pa re d t o re ly on coura ge a nd re s ilie nceConversationMind SetPra ct ice s pe a kingDo not look a t your phone28

Additional Networking Tools29

Ene rgy Le ve lENERGY!AdditionalNetworkTools30

Finding a nd Cre a t ing Ne w Opport unit ie sAdditionalNetworkToolsFollow-t hroughKe e ping Your Conne ct ions Act ive , Sys t e ma t ize

Analyze Your Network32

For your ne t working goa ls ide nt ifie d e a rlie r1.2.Analyze YourNetwork3.4.33

Networking Action34

GoalWhat are you trying to achieve with yournetwork or connections?NetworkingStrategyPlanNetworking Strategy Toolbox Networking mindset Networking tools Network analysisWhat is a Networking Strategy?Action Pick your tools Establish a plan Execute!35

The Act ion Pla n ide nt ifie s a roa dma p a nd s che dule for how youwill build your ne t work ove r s hort , mid, long-t e rm.1. Pick it e ms from t he Ne t working St ra t e gy ToolboxNetworkingAction PlanDon’t try to do everything at once. Start small to build the habit toincorporate networking in your life.2. Bre a k down la rge r it e ms int o de t a ile d a ct ions3. Sche dule a ct ivit ie s int o your ca le nda r4. Exe cut e t he pla n36

Action Plan for Your Networking StrategiesExample of a high-level 3-year plan (It doesn’t have to look like this. Yours can be a simple list)37


Conferences, SeminarsNew Job orWorking a Room at ReceptionsScenariosBusiness DevelopmentOne-on-one39

Ide nt ify a n e nd goa l s pe cific t o t he e ve ntConferences,SeminarsIde nt ify t he pe ople you wa nt t o conne ct wit hBe pre pa re d wit h que s t ions , t opicsFollow-up!40

Acknowle dge t ha t it will be uncomfort a bleRe vie w your Ne t working Minds e tWorking a Roomat ReceptionsIde nt ify a n a pproa ch a nd goa ls41

Ta ke s t ock of t he roomSe le ct whom t o s pe a k t oWorking a Roomat ReceptionsWhe n t o le a ve a group42


Apr 02, 2020 · 1 Networking 101: Practical Networking Strategies for Career Success Maiko Minami Senior Manager, Strategy and Implementation, HLN Consulting DISCLAIMER: The views, opinions and images expressed in this presentation are those of the author and do not nec

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