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\.lttJfri11l lRIC ([))r,YKPl eS.liiPs6JI. Topic AreaEstimating and measuring in metric units.II. Introductory StatementStudents will become familiar with metric units byestimating and measuring in a "Metric Olympic"setting.IIIrv,Math SJdDaa. Measuring in MetricUnits.Scienco Proce.aesa. Estimatingb. PredictingIX. What the Studeata WUl DoAfter all the stations have been completed by allteams, each student should find the score, which isthe difference between the estimates and the actualmeasurement for each event. This should be enteredin the last column. Then each student totals the num bers in the score column. The winner is the one withthe lowest score. You may wish to discuss how a lowscore shows accuracy.Awards may be presented to the winners. Thereare forms in the student worksheet section which maybe duplicated for this purpose.Materials (per cIau)2-3 paper plates or pie pans3-5 paper or plastic drinking straws2 bags of marbles3 meter sticks and meter tapescotton puff ballslarge spongelarge mixing bowl or bucketliter measuring setcentimeter graph paperbalance scale with weightsStudent WorksheetsXI. ItzteDalODYou may wish to use one or both of the self-expIan atory extended activities: Metric Scavenger Hunt orMini-Metric Olympics II. Mini-Metric Olympics IIrequires the computation of percent of error and isappropriate for the upper grades.Following are other investigations that requireestimation and measurement:a How many liters of water wiJJ fiU your bathtub?Draw a cartoon and record your data.b. Select five or more containers of assorted sizesand shapes. Can you arrange them in order fromleast to greatest and preilict their volume accu rately? Make a diagram and table of your results.c. Select five or more objects of various sizes andshapes. Can you arrange them from lightest toheaviest and estimate their mass accurately? Or ganize and illustrate your data.d. Estimate the distance of a trip to school and backhome in metric units. Draw a map to scale thatillustrates how far you walk or ride to school. Youmay choose to do this with a partner and do acombined map so that you can make comparisons.V. Key Question"How closely can you match your estimate andyour actual measurement in metric units?"Vll. Memog.meDl8'lIgeatioDa1. Establish fair ground rulesahead of time.2. Be consistent in guiding rules that determinefairness in measurement. For Example: Do I geta practice tum?3. Measure to the nearest whole unit.4. Teacher needs to announce when tearns will rotateto the next station.5. Estimated time to complete activity is two (2) fiftyminute class periods.VIII. Procedure1. Work in small groups (5) including a team captain.2. There are a total of six stations with a differenttask at each station. Each station should have atask card with complete instructions and materialsavailable. Each group is assigned to one station. MATH SCIElICB:A SOLUTION3. Each captain may read the instructions to his team.It is extremely important that before each activitybegins, each student estimates and records his/herestimate on his/her student score sheet. Captainsshould check all members on the team beforebeginning any actiVity.4. After each team member performs the activity,he/ she measures and records his/ her actual length.mass, volume or area19e1987 AIMS Education Foundation

.Olympic Symbol.tII 'FI'v interJo klnq n qs representthe f,'ve rn'!Jor nnnen15 of 1he world.Their colors in order from leFt to r are: blue, yel JaJ1 bJ k, green, and. red.These spe iaJ be e at least one of 1hem t!PpetJrS inthe -PJaJ af ellery' l1t1tiof1 of the World. 7/lese &:JIorful rinss Qf'e./joined tz,gether m remind us of th sp'rting friendship Of allmankind.History:Rncient Gomes-the aa. epted dtlte of the -firstOIVrnpltul is 77{q B.C!. but there IS re.asonableo.ertainhl, fhaf- heJt U'ef'e heJq .t!.O.nsiduahJ earlier -Than -that. These festiVIties WG fieldTra. itiono.llyin Of fHpia, 6reet!e where, 0- Stadliux. om a krnpJe,to Zeus built. On selet!ted OC!l!tiSions Ill. do/!oF .qames was held -kJ honer a tpd or a dead. hem.(JiI1 males ere alTOuJed fo parfi(! tud venfs on9;f1ILllq in t!Juded a. foof el also t!fllled he stadium raae, a loYlJ disfQllaelfoar ra e, wrestlin.g, and he m:fhlon whim kk'lS a C!bfYIbiflQ. tion of fiv6 evenrs. The aneiUl t games C!1!LJ.Sed fa fake plCM. a.ffeY' 3rZ fI.[J. hU!lllLS fheJf k) v/ewetL bf ehrisfitU15 as a.pagan r/ TUlLi.II'-.fMATH SCIENCE: A SOLUTION21e1987 AIMS Education Foundation

. The Olympic motto:--- --Gifius ,Rl1il1S,Forfiusfro -the La.tin meQ. ir1j sWifter; highefj stYYJ Thes wo:1s used -h b.IJJld 'health,! aHitudes CJJ'Id winnIngSpIrits In preparation for t!Ornpetition.TheOl mpic Flame"IThe Olyrnpi Flameis It!Jhted by, -!he Olympi torahdurinJ the opening eeremonie.s. The flame is (L mboJ ofpe.aee and is lit first in -the temeJe ofZaAS in OIVmpia. thousanas of f'f/rJyrunners from many COu.rrfrie.S -Ih01carry iT -to f he sta.dium of 1 e cifyhoG1ing-fhe gt:dntS. The flame IS pas'sd.oy hand from one runner 10 1he nOd.1MATH SCffiNCE:ASOLUTION22e1987 AIMS Education Foundation.

·1i. modernOlympic GamesCredit for the revival of the Olympic Games90es to Ple.rre, de Cou.bertin, a. Fren h baronwho felt strongJy abDut bringing togetnfrmany nations For theRur-pose oF peaeeFal (!ompefition He posed/these words that now make, L!P the Olympi {!reer;i:"The most intpcrfunr thing in the Olympi C!Jatlesis not to win bu fu take pari; just Qs the mostiWt{bt'tanr -fhi!'tLln lite ;s not ft1e tniJmph but r.::.1.7f"- 1Rl1he struggle. fl7e essential fnin9 is not 0have f!./)nruered but to have fought we/I." Withr spe t and honor -to Gree(!e, ti?e land. rf . he ortginal games,-thef,rst modern games were held In flthens In 189ro where, n;n rep""ese.nt-af,·ves frbrtJIIIcountrie.s t0geJ r:The /1(88 OJy mpic (James were held in Set:xJ.lSouth--4 k'orea. iJJheye I/,/ t!aUl1ries (!{}lYIpefed in ,23 Ol'lmpi sports.Winners in eaeh event earned qold, silver awl bronze. medalsfor fheirperf'orman es. a&7 athlete made -this pler1Be:rf in these O/lImn'1pake.// fal' r CuJlh' tftl f weof srJDrfsrnons Ip am /hQte swearjritr-.toeG . ih {rtie 5p J.ho ('Iile s /JJh/eh govern th,%es m/' e 'btl II/V btdttv.!1f (ld af/d fbe hOflor of OUr r respec a {he sport (].Vtlnf'J.'-' fa" the g/or of TH SCIE: A SOLUTIONe 1987AIMS Education FOWldation

COMPCTirOR-rEM CAPTAINJEVIEN'lJeMil'/ArEACTUAl-SCOREP'FFERSNCE)L ttPE/l f1.Are. DltSCusc :2:, ;. ;(Rf /'APE/( ST AW JAVElI"fIJI2 Z10112:b3. Co1'flJN BAtLSHOT T.Cf»t.(.)If; RiQlr HAAlDEJ HAt 93.9 LeFf-!lANber 5 quEUE. , . - o b.Bib FOOT"CoA/rEsrcmr.,2.J(l:-iY TH SCIENCE: A SOLUTIONC/J'If.,z'fOTJlL24C 1987 AIMS EducaIion FouudaDon

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1P lP[RSTlR.AW JAVrElLm lr1HliROW1.2,.Pla.ce f et on 5tar it'l lifle.Tn row((javel if) (0 (le -tnrow on/ .)Est; rnat -the. d i st()j1ce Linyou. -t hrtw -the. 'Javel in."emJ thrlReLord.3. Mea.surG di6tance frcYt1 startingline to the pOSitiofl of the'Ja.velin.1I Re.c.ortL.MINI- P4 ETJ(1c OlV'" PIGSTASK CARl lPAlPlEJR lPLAllEpAP&5cPI-All 1. Place. feet 0t1 '5tartinq lifle.Throw the IIdl I'(one1YlrroJ onl )2-. Estimate -the d istanc.e, (in em) -tm-tyou. tnrew th It d i5CUS. Record.3. Maourz d;sta frorfl artiV\f11It'l -to 1YIe it i on 0( th-t.,plper plafe. ReCDY7i.14INI-MnR1cOLYrrlPICSTASK CARbMATIl SCIENCE: A SOLUTION26 1987 AIMS Education Foundatione·

([,(fi)II(l)N BAllL IHl(Q)I lPUJJT 1. PIau feet on ?tartlVl I,rle. ThmD-the. llco tOYl ?flof-. "(Ont.-#lrnu onll1J2. Estimate. -the, dl ta.nce (in tm)-tho.t otJ. pv.t 1VJ.e. "'5not. IIl econI.3. Mf{J5 tt ( -tnnee. .fr:om artlVltfJline, to 1YJe. JX)Slflon of the,cottOr1 boU.Record.MINI- ETR\C OLYMPICS-rASK CARD1. Wrtn -tt\e, right hand. on[ J gra.b 0.fistful of mdrble5 -(run contCti ntr.Pl (j L, mar b le OYl a. ootl1nCL scale.2. E tirntrle (in 9rarn ) fflC65mor 9 'lYl our right hll1\tA. RecortJ. .of3. M -l,ful., marlot .of tl1l.Recorti.,,,. - ME"OOC Ol '" Pies. lAs" CARDMATH . SCIENCE: A SOLUTION27 1987 AIMS Education Foundation

·,( J.Have.spo eblltKef of5OlltiV'l9wat lrllar9e.OtJSuve.2. u.e.e;l- 5 l. irrlv r1l1e.,containa-. ( :,q.Uff.u" C»1'W3. E.5timu-te. the. a.mount of woJtr(in rnl) CXJ. 5q,lAte-ud out of"' he, sportge. nt.4: Me.a5Uit. wafer",- TR\C OLYMP,C5" K CARD1. Renw ve one, oe. I ,L100r .foot on5 U.l'Jn. fU'Vl-l,tdpaper.erd.pVIl. E:fJtimat!. ',V1 5'J.lAllr-l. ern llr of,f- -print.Rec.orti.3 Fiq!Ue t11!. area of bJt pnr1t. ReCCWli.MATH SCIENCE: A SOLUTION28 1987 AIMS Education Foundation

"MATH SCIENCE: A SOL.,UTION29e1987 AIMS Education Foundation

#,fI EvE. NT 'b ACTUAL,. f{AN MN/1'MVtJ1l.ARM 5PANOWV(fip 'to ti p) 3. PENCIL\I)V) EsT. MAT "P P.SDNALII- SooYPOI""J. WEIGHTI.CAPUJ . PAPER ClAP :s 3. fOUR f/sr ". SLoc#( OF%eR.ROR.ScOR rl'IUf . ITEltfrfUt ERROR. nJnJ i.sHEET of. PIIPERtmfC/11L1.t:'LN6Roor-'.t 'CEIUN6IJ" 5 FtX1r8ALL.FI Ln'I. DE:5#(.,-"p.TIl SCIENCE: A SOLUTIONcJnt,zzI»L(/II4Jl.e1987 AIMSonFoundatioo

"1''1 to .findob cts Df -theseleng-ffaSI. o(;1m,z. g7CIWL3.3C11ft,JI-.5 I/WV3/ CD.1.5 ft,5h11/WVB.2J/{)AWWV'1.2S CIJ'7\.IIa.ZIINWVName0;Objec-tMATIl SCIENCE; A SOLUfJONAC1-(AQ(Itfeasure3]e1987 AIMS Education Foundation

Estimating and measuring in metric units. II. Introductory Statement Students will become familiar with metric units by estimating and measuring in a "Metric Olympic" setting. III Math . SJdDa . Scienco Proce.aes . a. Measuring in Metric a. Estimating Units. b. Predictin

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