Hymns For Harmonica

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Selected Hymnsfor HarmonicaAdapted for the HarmonicaBy Joe Rowley

Selected Hymnsfor HarmonicaAdapted for the HarmonicaBy Joe Rowley

Copyright 2008, Joe Rowley

About This BookThis book contains many popular Christian hymns, thoughsome of your favorites may be missing. Some hymns includeaccidentals (extra sharps and flats that are not normally part ofthe song’s key), which are difficult to play on the harmonica.Some hymns that are considered essentials, but have accidentals, have been adapted through minor note changes for playingon the harmonica. These versions are included in a separate section at the end of the book.The notes used for these adaptations are only those of the melody. The melody is usually the top line of notes, and is what youhear most often when the congregation sings in unison. Theindividual parts (soprano, alto, tenor and bass) are not included,nor are many of the supplemental notes that would be playedon the piano.Harmonicas have two reeds in each hole. One reed is the blowreed, while the other is the draw reed. In other words, each holeplays two different notes depending on whether you are blowing or drawing.Each harmonica can only play the notes that are included in itskey. For example, a C harmonica will have no flats or sharps.An F harmonica will have a B-flat, but no B-natural, and so

forth. That means that if a song is written in the key of G, it isbest played on a G harmonica.Nevertheless, the great thing about the harmonica is that therelative note layout is the same on every harmonica. On an Fharp, the transition from 7 blow to 7 draw is the half step downfrom F to E. On a C harp that same transition is the half stepdown from C to B. Another example is the transition from 6blow to 6 draw: a full step up from C to D on the F harp, and afull step up from G to A on the C harp.What that means in simple terms is that any song can be playedon any key harmonica without going through the process oftransposing the music. Simply follow the numbers and blowor draw.That means that if you only have one harmonica – the mostcommon is C, for example – you can still play all of the hymnsincluded in this book.

How to use this bookEach hymn includes the lyrics for only the first verse, with anumber and an arrow above each syllable:#1 Redeemer of IsraelKey: Dhh i h  ih i h i h i i h  h44 455 6 6 655 4446Re - deem - er of Is - rael, our on - ly de - light, OnThe number relates to the hole to be played on the harmonica.The arrows above the numbers tell you whether to play a blownote or a draw note. The up arrow (h) means blow, while thedown arrow (i) means draw.The key in which the song was written appears below the titleof the hymn. That means the hymn is best-played on that keyharmonica, but it can be played on any harmonica by followingthe same notation.Harmonica music does not use the quarter notes, half notes andwhole notes that normal musical notation uses to communicatetiming. Therefore, it helps to be familiar with the tune so youcan play the proper length on each note.

Hymns for theHarmonica

#1 Redeemer of IsraelKey: Dhh i h  ih i h i h i i h  h44 455 6 6 655 4446Re - deem - er of Is - rael, our on - ly de - light, Onh h h77 7whom for ai h i  i  h h hh i i  h7 6666677 7 6 6bless - ing we call, Our shad - ow by dayh h  i i hi h i h h5666 65 5445And our pil - larbynight, ouri ih444‘rer, our all!h i  h h h6 664 5king, our de - liv -

#2 Battle Hymn of the RepublicKey: B Flath h h h6666Mine eyes have seeni5theh7ofi  hh888the com - ingh  i h h i i   i i88777666of the Lord;Heis tram - pling outi hi777the vin - tageh i   h   i h76666where the grapes of wrathh   hi   hh66556thefate - fullight - ningh h   i778sword. His thruthh h5 6glo - ryh h   h h   h56666are stored. He hath loosedh i   h h h i788 8 88ofhister - ri - bleswifti h i877is march - ingh h i   h76 55on.Glo - ry,glo -h hi h h i i    h i h i h67 8 8 76 77 77 6 6ry,Hal - le - lu - jah!Glo - ry,glo - ry,Hal - le - lu h h i   h h h i h h h56 55 67 8 8 77jah!Glo - ry,glo - ry,Hal - le - lu - jah!Hisi   hi877is march - ingh7on.i8truth

#3 Come, Come, Ye SaintsKey: GHighh h i h h77887Come, come, ye saints, noi7toilh7norh   ih  ih    h   h7877777with joy wend your way. Though hardh   i78ney mayh h9 9bet - terh8fromi h8 8la - bori8toi h98fear; Buthh87you thisi7jour -hi h h   i  h   i   h   h i89878 7778 9ap - pear grace shall be as your day. ‘Tishi99fari i8 8us toh    h98swell Allh   i89for usi h86drive; Doh7isi   i h    i99 88tostriveOurh7this,i   h77and joyi h87well! Allih77is well!hh h i889 9use - less caresi h i889your hearts will

#3 Come, Come, Ye SaintsKey: GLowh h i h4445Come, come, ye saints,h4noi   h   i h344 5toil nor la - borhih  ih h h   i44434444with joy wend your way. Though hard toh i44ney mayh h6 6bet - terh5fromh   i h   h5554ap - pear grace shallhi65fari i4 4us tohh65swell Allh   i55for usi5toi h h434drive; Do this,i  h4 4be asi h5 5strivei4Ouri h34and joyh   i h  i444 3is well! All ish4well!i h55fear; Buthhi543you this jour -ih34your day.h i5 5‘Tishh h i556 5use - less caresi h i455your hearts will

#4 Lead Me Into Life EternalKey: Gh   h77Lead mehih777ho - lyih   h868in - to lifei hh876e - ter - nali h h  ih89998call. Let thy prom - iseh i66Grant meh h h i7788read - y strength fori6byi8resti7thehh77gos - pel’shi89up - oni6me;h7all.#5 Praise Ye The LordKey: Fh7Praisei8yeh  i h898the Lord! Myh   i h98 7pleas - ant,ih87myi h8 9hearti9shallh8joini h   i h i    h776698sodi - vine, now, whilei h h   i8889a - bode, And wheni hih8 8 9 8mysouli8thei ii888in work soh9fleshh8isih   i h8887as - cends to god.

#6 Come, Ye Children of the LordKey: B Flath h77Come, yei h87with oneh8toi h77chil - dreni   h h h   h67687ofthe Lord,Let usih h777ac - cord.Leth7usi   h77raise ai h   h676joy - ful strainhi i h   i   h   h7987778ourLord who soon will reignOnh8wheni9ith8shallh7whenh   i   h777all men fromh i   h777love and peace.i8bei9singh   i88this earthh   h   i   h i h i8888 9 8 8cleansed fromallin - iq - ui - ty,i   h h h h67687sin will cease, And willi9livei8in

#7 Raise Your Voices to The LordKey: GHighh h87Raise youri8heardh h98voic - esh   i78to theh i h898Lord, Ye whoh  i i i h   h779889His word.As we part, Hisi h88here havei   h   i988praise pro - claim,h h   i h   i   i h8798887shout thanks - giv - ing to His name.Key: Gh   h54Raise youri4heardh  h65voic - esh4toi4theLowh i h   i5554Lord, Ye who hereh5haveh i i i h   h   i   h   i435456554His word.As we part, His praise pro - claim,h h   i h   i   i   h5455444shout thanks - giv - ing to His name.

#8 All Creatures of our God and KingKey: E Flath4Allhi44crea - turesh   h h545voice and withh5ofi5ush4ourh5Godi   h h564and King,Lifth4upi4yourh h ii h hi6776677sing,Al - le - lu - ia!Al - le -i h h h   h   h6 67766lu - ia! Thou burn - ing suni  hi555with gold - enh   h67beam, Thouh h h   i h i   h i hi h76655 565544sil - ver moon with soft - er gleam,Al - le - lu - ia!ihih hiih55447766Al - le - lu - ia!Al - le - lu - ia!h ihih65544Him!Al - le - lu - ia!h i i7 76Oh,praise

#9 On This Day of Joy and GladnessKey: Gh7Oni7thish i8 9praiseh9thyi h98place ofh7claim!h8Brightii6 7dayh7ofi h   i i h i h   h8 899 8888joyandglad - ness, Lord, Wehih h i   h i9988 866ho - lyname;Inihi   h i8 788 9wor - ship,Weh i9 10Al ih8 8andh   h i98 9le - lu i h9 9cleari h ih7788thissa - credh i h i910 9 9thy glo - riesh i88loud pro -h i hii h99 9 1010 9ia,Al - le - lu -i   h i h109 98ourvoic - esi9ia,h i h i   i8 86 67ring,sing - ingh i   h   i h h i h i   h i    h i7 889 988 8989910songsofex - ul - ta - tiontoourmak h i h i9 988er,Lord, andh7king!

#10 All Glory, Laud, And HonorKey: Ch4Allh  h   i   i6 667glo - ry, laud, andh h77hon - orh i   hh8877to thee,Re - deem -i   h   h h   h i   i7746667er,king,to whom the lipsofi   h  hi   h h87 7777sweet ho - san - nasring. Thouh8arth   h h778chil - dren madeh8thei8kingh7ofi i7 6Is -h i   h   ii i h h  h i67776 66655rael, ThouDa - vid’sroy - alson,whoinh6thei   h h ih   h   i666 5565Lord’s namecom - est,the kingh4one.h i   i544and bless - ed

#11 Glory to God on HighKey: FHighh h9 8Glo - ryh i h78 7toGodh i   h8 89re - ply.Praisei h   h i   h77788on high! Let Heav’n andh  h87yeHisih i   hi87889a - dore, who all ourh i   h688name.His lovei   h98and graceh   i    h   h8877sor - rows bore.Singh ih i h i    h9 1099887ev - er - more:wor - thytheLamb!i h i9 9 9Earthh   h89a - loud

#11 Glory to God on HighKey: FLowh h6 5Glo - ryh4toih4 4Godi3onh   h i    h4445high! Let Heav’n andhi h   h h54654re - ply.Praise yeHisi h    i444a - dore, whoh5alli5ouri h i5 6 5Earthh i   h   i   h34555name.His love and gracehi    h   h5444sor - rows bore.Singh i h i h i h6 665544ev - er - more:wor - thytheLamb!h h56a - loud

#12 Praise to The Lord, The AlmightyKey: Gh h77Praise toh h   i h   ii h9887766the Lord, the Al - might - y, theh i h h   h7 8777cre - a - tion!O myh   i   i667thy health andi i67king ofh   h   i h   i98877soul,praise him,for heh  i h h7 879sal - va - tion!Joinh   h i9910the great throng,hi h h i h i   h i   i89 99988667Psal - ter - y,or - gan,and song,sound - ing ini h i h8 8 87ad - o - ra - tion!i6ish7glad

#13 Praise The Lord With Heart And VoiceKey: B Flath   h56Praise theh7onh   i77Lord withi   i   h h7665heart and voice.Leti i h i7667Earth re - joice. Praisei8Truthh7toi8Himh6forh7lifeh   h67all meni8andh8light,h i i h i h h i h   h8998 8 7 8856re - vealed insplen - dorbright!Praise theh i77Lord withih77re - joice.i i   h h   h76656heart and voice.Letallh8menh7oni8Earth

#14 Guide Us, O Thou Great JehovahKey: Gh6Guidei   hh667us,O thouh i7 7greath i h i   h78 888Je - ho - vah,guideih i h  h i h   h h i988766677 7the prom - ised land. We are weak, butthoui   h88ble Holdi h99us withi   h i88 9it,Ho - lyi i hi9877thypow’r - fulh h   h   h9 899spir - it,feed ush h h hi   h h9999989sav - ior comes.Feed ustillhi7 8arth i h788hand. Ho - lyih9    8till theh7ush7toh8a-i9spir -i h h879sav - ior comes,i i h i h9 8777thesav - ior comes.

#15 Faith of Our FathersKey: Gh i h887Faith of ourh i  h i i ih7 7 78 6 7    7fa - thers,liv - ing still,h h   h i677 7dun - geon,fire,h7beath   i h   i7888and sword;Oh, howi i  i h h i8 67777highwith joy when - e’eri h   i879rious word.Faithh   i h887We will bei9ofi   h67true toi9ouri   h66we hearh i   i776In spite ofh7ourh8thath i7 7heartsih8 8glo -hh ii   h88888fa - thers,Ho - lyfaith,i i h887thee till death!

#16 How Great Thou ArtKey: B Flath h66O Lordh6myh h h566God,when Ih6ini i i   i6656awe - some won - derii i h h h   h i   i h    h66 665665556con - sid - er all the worlds thy hands have made,Ih6seeh h   h h h   i i i i i6566666566the stars,I hear theroll - ingthun - der,thyi   ih666pow’rthru - outh  h67sings myh   h hi i h h56 65556theu - ni - versedis - played;Thenh i88soul,myh i   h777Sav - ior God,h   i i i   i77456great thou art!How greath i88soul,myh i77Sav - iori h   i i8897art!How great thouh6thouh   i76God,toh7art!i6toh   h67thee,Howh h   h   h5667art! Then sings myh h   ih6777thee,How great thou

#17 God is LoveKey: Gh   h67Earth, withih76her tenih i h877 7its beamsi   h   h h6687and show’rs, heav - en’si h i76 5panse, sea’siii h i6 8778thou - sand flow’rs, air,h8allii7 6ex -ih   h h i ih   h6667 7878re - splen - dentcoun - te - nance — Allhhi h i   h h766 7987a - roundandalli h i888ord:God isi h ih9 8 8 7in - fi - nitei8withh7love.i h   i i   i889 87a - bovebearthishh6 7rec -

#18 The Lord is my LightKey: Gh6Theh6Lordh7ish8Byhi89dayi6andh6Heh6ish7myi h h888my light; Theni i h78 7bynighth   i ii77 86Hispres - encei hh h8 888sal - va - tion fromh i   h8 89bless - edi ihi   h9    9 887as - sur - ancetheh h68The Lordi8ishh h8 76song. Byh8dayh i97leads mei h87a - long.h7myi h i h  h7 7 6 66light;Hei h87and byh i   h   i9 978whyshould Ihi h99 7sor - rowi8andi8ish8fear?h6near.h   h88sin; Thisi i i i h8 6 787spir - itdothbring.h7ish8myh9joyi i h i   i h7 8 7 666nightHe leads,i8andhh78hei8my

#19 From All That Dwell Below The SkiesKey: Dh4Fromh   i   h   i i h5566 7 7all that dwellbe - lowh i  h   i   h i h6 6 655 45cre - a - tor’spraisea - rise;Leti h6 6nameh4tongue.ih55bei i   h h7666theskies,leth6theh   i h hhh544 56 7there - deem - er’si h ii h i466775sung through ev - ‘ry land,byh   i54ev - ‘ry

#20 For The Beauty of The EarthKey: Gh7Forh6ofih77theh6theih87beau - tyh   h67skies,Fori  i   h6 77O - verandh9theei9ofi9theh   i86earth,fori7theh   i76beau - tyi h   i   h ii77879    9thelove which from ourih   h666a - round ush   h i688lies,Lord ofh8birthh   h78all,toi   h   i i   h i   h i    h986779887we raise this our hymn ofgrate - fulpraise.

#21 Lead, Kindly LightKey: Gh hi678Lead,kind - lyh h i h   ih   i h88 87676 6light,a - midth’en - cir - cling gloom;h   i77Lead thoui h h867on!The nighth7mei8ish h i  h88 8 7dark,and I ami6farh i h h   h i76 6677fromhome;Lead thou mei h    i i7788on!Keep thoui8myi i88feet;Ih h77scene —Onei8doh   i h887notaskii76toh6seeh   ih887thedis - tanti   i h h   i i h766 777 7stepe - noughforme.

#22 I Need Thee Every HourKey: Gh7Ih   i88need theeh i h   h7 777ev - ery hour,Mosth i h i h7 8 7 66gra - ciousLord.h   i h i6888Notend - ervoiceh  h   h   i h   i i h6877 776 6like thine canpeaceaf - ford.h h h   i8879I need thee,oh,h h  i   i h   h888878I need thee;Ev - eryhouri h   h h   i87778need thee!Oh,bless meh h i8 78cometoh7thee!i8Ih    i  hh   i76678now,mysav - ior;I

#23 Nearer, My God, To TheeKey: Fhi88Near - er,h   h i776my God,toh i h h8877E’en thoughitbeh9Stilli10allh   i88to thee!i   i   h h ii   h666 7787acrossthatrais - ethme.h   h h998my song shalli h i888thee, near - er,i hh667thee,Near - erh9behi   h9109near - er,myh h   i i   h h i77666 77my God, to thee,near - erh9God,h8toi   h87to thee.

#24 Jesus, Savior, Pilot MeKey: B Flath i h i8 877Je - sus, Sav - ior,i h   i876Pi - loth i h   h i69 888meo - verlife’stem -h i h   ii i   h i77788866pes - tuous sea;Un - known wavesbe - foreh6meh7roll,ii i hi   h h    h   i888666788Hid - ing rockandtreach - ‘rousshoal.Chart andh i i h   i h    i h    hi778 7669888com - passcamefromthee:Je - sus,Sav - ior,h i h7 77pi - lotme.

#25 God Speed The RightKey: Ch6Nowh h   h   h    hh   h h  i676556544to heav’n our prayeras - cend - ing,God speedi   h h456the right;Ini4speedi4theh6ah h h   hh   h    h7 655654no - ble cause con - tend - ing,Godh h57right.Bei i76our zealh    i    hi6665inheav’nre - cord -h i h   i i   h ih   i h5455465547ed,withsuc - cessonearthre - ward - ed.Godi8speedi8theh   h   i   i8444right.God speed theh5right.

#26 The Lord is my ShepherdKey: Gh   h68The Lordh i i699I feed inh8ish8myhh87shep - herd;h7noh   h88want shalli iii   ii999999green pas - tures;Safe fold - edh   h   h h688    8He lead - eth myh h   h   h8768soul where the stillh8Ii9know.i   i h998Irest.h h88wa - tersii   i   i   i   h   hi h61010    10109698Re - stores me when wan - d’ring, re - deems whenh i8 8flow,i8op -h   h i   i   i   i h h i7710101010969pressed,Re - stores me when wan - d’ring,re - deemsh   i    h887whenop - pressed.

#27 The Lord My Pasture Will PrepareKey: Ch   h65The Lordi5myhh67pas - turei h8 7willih hi h776    6 7pre - pare, Andfeedi6meh   h65with ah7myi h8 7wantsih55fuli   h ih    h  hh i   h h i46767    6    8 877 7eye.My noon - day walks hewillat - tend,i7Andhi77allh ihi h6 5546shep - herd’s care.Hisih   h776sup - ply,andi6myi h   i6 76guard meh i   h556pres - ence willh6withh5ai h6 6watch -h h   i hi h   i   h6 5665544si - lentmid - night hours de - fend.

#28 Rock of AgesKey: B Flath6Rocki6ofh h   h   i6 576a - ges, cleft fori   hi h i i77778 8in thee;Let the wa - terh  h67me, Leti7andi h88me hideh hi677the blood, Fromii i   h h h i  h887676    6 6wound - ed side which flowed, Be of sinh h   i   h   i67888cure, Save from wrath andh7makeih87my - selfi7meh5theh7pure.h7thyh i76dou - ble

#29 Come Unto JesusKey: B Flath i h55 5Come un - toi  i66worn andi h66guide youi i67Him mayi h h   h i i h i6 6687876Je - sus,Yeheav - yla - den,care -h h i677faint - ing, bei i6 6un - toi6thath i i75 4rest,mayi5sinih   h665op - pressed. He’lli i    h998ha - ven whereh5rest.i h55safe - lyh h i688all who trust

#30 Come, We That Love The LordKey: FHighh   h h677Come, we thath8loveh   i   h889be known. Joinh8inih i109 9wor - shiph8atih8 7theh4thath   i h546be known. Joinih i66 5wor - shiph i8 9Andh9letih9 8ouri9joysh   i   h h   h h   h7867899a song with sweet ac - cord, Andi   h87His throne.Key: Fh   h34Come, wei8Lord,Lowh i h i h i   h54 445 56lovetheLord, Andletih5 5ouri5joysh  hi  h   h h h h5 4434566in a song with sweet ac - cord, Andh i   h544at His throne.

#31 How Gentle God’s CommandsKey: Fh8Howh h h   i i   i h   h h i h8 788 78777 67gen - tleGod’scom - mands! Howkindhish h h   i   i i i7 67788 7pre - cepts are!Come,casti8yourhhh   h i7 8998bur - densoni   h h   i   h h i h hi h98 9109 898787theLordAndtrustHiscon - stantcare.#32 My Redeemer LivesKey: Fi6Ii i99know thath   i   h887Sav - ior,soni10myi   ih   i i hi98899 99re - deem - erlives,Tri - um - phanti7ofi   i hh   h i   i66 887 68God,Vic - to - riouso - verpainh i i   h   i891099and death,My king,myh i i h   i88878lead - er,and my Lord.

#33 Be Still, My SoulKey: FHighh8Bei h ih8898still, my soul: Theih i889pa - tience bearh   i910thy Godh h87change Heh8Thyh i88thy crossh8ish7onh h   i878of grief ori8thyi h h8 88side; Withh h h899pain. Leave toh h  h h   ii i   i h i88 9988 9988toor - derandpro - vide;Inev - ‘ryh   i   i   hh   hhhi7888899910faith - ful will re - main. Be still, my soul:h   h hi8998best, thy Heav’n - lyh h77Leadstoi8Lordi i   i   hi8 9988friendthru thorn - yi i h h8877ajoy - fulend.h8ways

#33 Be Still, My SoulKey: FLowh5Bei h45still, myi h55soul: Thei4Lordh4griefh4oni4ori4thyi h h4 55side; Withi h   i455pa - tience bearh i54thy crossh   i66thy Godh  h   h ii i   i5 6644 55or - derandpro - vide;Inh5toh5ofh5ish    h h566pain. Leave toh i54ev - ‘ryh   h   h i   i   hh h   hhi54444556666change He faith - ful will re - main. Be still, my soul:h5Thyh  h hi i i i   hi56644 5554best, thy Heav’n - lyfriendthru thorn - yh   h44Leadstoi   i h h4444ajoy - fulend.h5ways

#34 Be Thou HumbleKey: Ch5Bei ih444thou hum - bleh6ini   ih   h5    554thy weak - ness, andhii   i h   h   ih77666666thy God shall lead thee, Shall lead theei   i   i565and give theei h   h446hum - ble inhi   h544an - swertoi h h556by the handi   h   h   i4554thy prayers.Be thoui ih   h5555thy plead - ing, andi   i   h   h i   h666665shall bless thee,shall bless theeh   i  hi    h i54 4354calmas - sur - ancethat Heh   h47the Lordh4cares.h   i68the Lordi h56with ahi77thy Godh   i65sweet and

#35 Father In HeavenKey: Fii88Fa - theri   h   h888inheav - en,i9ini   i88thyloveh   ih887a - bound - ing,i   i   i   i hh i   i    h    i9999 888888Hear these thychil - drenthrutheworldre ih i i i87988sound - ing, Loud in thyh i h i i9 9899prais - es. Thanks fori h i i i i   h i h i8 7 769 88 8 78a - bid - ing,Ev - era - bid - ing.h8peace

#36 I Know That My Redeemer LivesKey: Ghh   h i6667I know that myiiih6766re - deem - erh h   hh7666lives. What com -

An F harmonica will have a B-flat, but no B-natural, and so . forth. That means that if a song is written in the key of G, it is best played on a G harmonica. Nevertheless, the great thing about the harmonica is that the relative note layout is the same on every harmonica. On an F

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the harmonica. The last point of contact is the webbing of your left hand (B). Having the left, back corner of the harmonica nestled into the webbing of your left hand will also help the harmonica to not move away from you as you play. A B PLAYING THE HARMONICA HOLDING THE HARMONICA ABOUT HARMONICA NOTATION

George Winston Harmonica Tunings 6 . 3. Positions. on the harmonica are defined like this (on a standard diatonic harmonica that is. not . retuned): the 1st position is the key stamped on the harmonica, and each successive 5th interval up is the next position – for example, in a harmonica coming from the factory in the key of D

Sep 19, 2020 · Here’s the hole layout for the 12-hole chromatic harmonica I use to create this sheet music. If you are just starting out in harmonica, you should master the diatonic stuff first. It’s quite a bit more work to play a chromatic harmonica. The 16-hole harmonica has another octave on the low end, and the 10-hole is missing the upper notes. Key Out

An F harmonica will have a B-fl at, but no B-natural, and so . forth. That means that if a song is written in the key of G, it is best played on a G harmonica. Nevertheless, the great thing about the harmonica is that the relative note layout

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Hymns Made Easy presents 60 standard hymns in simplified form. The hymns are written in two or three parts or voices, rather than the usual four. Some of the hymns have been transposed into keys with fewer sharps or flats to make them easier to read and easier to play. These hymn arrangements provide an intermediate step between easier hymn

The Marine Band 1896 is the archetypal blues harmonica. Almost unchanged since it was patented in 1896, this harmonica embodies the real blues like no other. Initially designed for European folk music, it quickly found a promi - nent role in the American blues of the early 20th century, and was played by all harmonica players of this era. It’s

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