Rev. 09/13/07 (Blue) Rev. 10/02/07 (Pink) Rev. 11/06/07 .

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Rev. 09/13/07 (Blue)Rev. 10/02/07 (Pink)Rev. 11/06/07 (Yellow)HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCEscreenplay bySteve Klovesbased on the novel by J.K. RowlingThis script is the confidential and proprietaryproperty of Warner Bros. Pictures and no portion ofit may be performed, distributed, reproduced, used,quoted or published without prior written permission.WARNER BROS. PICTURES INC.4000 Warner BoulevardBurbank, California 91522August 28, 2007 2007WARNER BROS. ENT.All Rights Reserved

HARRY POTTER. HALF-BLOOD PRINCE - Rev. 11/6/071.DARKNESS.THUNDER -- or something like it -- sounds in thedistance.BOOM.Then again.BOOM.We GLIDE THROUGH the inky blackness. Ambient flashesilluminate the silhouette of the WB LOGO. We PASSTHROUGH.INTO more darkness.Lost.More FLASHES.And we -CUT TO:A SINGLE EYEBlank behind glasses.we --FLASH!The PUPIL CONTRACTS andCUT TO:1INT. MINISTRY OF MAGIC - ATRIUM - WIDER ANGLE - DAY1To find. HARRY POTTER, standing numbly beside ALBUSDUMBLEDORE amidst a MOB of REPORTERS. CAMERAS FLASH.Dumbledore’s hand finds his shoulder and Harry is moving,drifting through the chaos, Dumbledore protective,graceful, dignified.CLOSEUP - HARRY’S GLASSESHis eyes dart from side to side.abstraction. We --The lenses glimmer withDISSOLVE INTO:2EXT. LONDON OFFICE BUILDING - CONFERENCE ROOM - DAY2. glass, a window, its surface prickling with anotherkind of ambient light. We are looking INTO a conferenceroom where office workers sit around a table. But thelight has caught one worker’s eye, then another, and soonthey are all rising, stepping to the window, mesmerizedby what lies beyond.(CONTINUED)

2HARRY POTTER. HALF-BLOOD PRINCE - Rev. 11/6/07CONTINUED:2.2WORKERS’ POV - LONDON SKYLINEBlood-red and stormy. A VORTEX of CLOUDS -- strangelyominous -- hangs high in the sky, flashing from within,as if about to rain blood over the city. We -CUT INTO:THE STORMitself and. PLUMMET, London expanding, stretching out on allsides. We SWEEP madly OVER Charing Cross, leaving theMuggle world behind and SWOOP INTO.3EXT. DIAGON ALLEY - DAY3. Diagon Alley just as the front window of OLLIVANDER’SWAND SHOP EXPLODES. Witches and wizards flee. In thedrifting smoke, DEATH EATERS appear, accompanied by atall, sinewy beast of a man, FENRIR GREYBACK. With acasual sweep of his hand he sends a wizard flying and awitch screams. In deep b.g., two Death Eaters abduct aSHROUDED FIGURE (Ollivander). Greyback grins, thenAPPARATES, along with the others. leaving Diagon Alley behind. The streets of Londonappear below once more, and then the river. Black trails-- the Death Eaters -- streak across the sky and thenturn TRANSLUCENT as they encircle the MILLENNIUM BRIDGE.Pedestrians peer upward, bewildered, sensing a shift inthe atmosphere. And then.The BRIDGE CRUMBLES into the THAMES, the imagehorrifyingly beautiful, as is the SOUND of it, a ROAR, awail, the last cry of a lion. Then the image begins toFADE and all goes slowly SILENT, until only a WHISTLINGWIND is heard and.4EXT. MILL TOWN - LATE AFTERNOON. tall grasses toss dreamily in a SLANTING RAIN. AnOLD MILL lists like an ancient ruin against a charcoalsky. A DARK FIGURE (NARCISSA MALFOY) MATERIALIZES. Asshe turns for the town in the distance, another witchmaterializes: BELLATRIX LESTRANGE.BELLATRIXNarcissa!4*

HARRY POTTER. HALF-BLOOD PRINCE - Rev. 11/6/0753.EXT. SPINNER’S END - LATE AFTERNOON (MOMENTS LATER)5Like a rat in a maze, Narcissa makes her way through alabyrinth of dilapidated brick houses. Bellatrix trails.BELLATRIXCissy! You mustn’t do this.can’t be trusted.HeNARCISSAThe Dark Lord trusts him.BELLATRIXThe Dark Lord is mistaken.Narcissa turns, shocked. Bellatrix looks shockedherself, rain running down her cheeks.*BELLATRIXOr so I believe.NARCISSAWell, who can one trust thesedays?6INT. MILL HOUSE - SAME TIME - LATE AFTERNOON6Grim and dark, lit by guttering candles. RAIN drums theroof eerily. A KNOCKER CLANGS. A SQUAT MAN SHUFFLESforth, something familiar in his gait.7EXT. HOUSE (SPINNER’S END) - SAME TIME - LATE AFTERNOON**7The door cracks, spilling sallow light onto Narcissa andBellatrix. A face: WORMTAIL.8INT. HALLWAY - LATE AFTERNOON (MOMENTS LATER)8The sisters follow Wormtail down a narrow hallway.BELLATRIXHe lives in this Muggle dunghill?Wormtail glowers over his shoulder at her.into.9They passINT. MILL HOUSE - SITTING ROOM - LATE AFTERNOON (MOMENTSLATER)9. a room where a MAN sits by the window running withRAIN, his face hidden by the Daily Prophet.(CONTINUED)**

9HARRY POTTER. HALF-BLOOD PRINCE - Rev. 11/6/07CONTINUED:4.9On the front page is a PHOTOGRAPH of the MILLENNIUMBRIDGE CRASHING INTO THE THAMES. But even more prominentis the SILHOUETTE of a YOUNG WIZARD and a HEADLINE:HARRY POTTER: THE CHOSEN ONE?Young Wizard Destined to Kill You-Know-Who?The paper drops and SEVERUS SNAPE eyes the womencuriously.SNAPERun along, Wormtail.10INT. MILL HOUSE - SITTING ROOM - LATE AFTERNOON (MOMENTSLATER)10Snape fills the last of three goblets with wine.NARCISSAI’ve nowhere else to turn,Severus.Snape hands her a goblet, extends one to Bellatrix.BELLATRIXYou must be joking.Snape smiles faintly, brings the goblet to his own lips.NARCISSAI know I ought not to be here.The Dark Lord himself hasforbidden me to speak of this -SNAPEIf the Dark Lord has forbidden it,you ought not to speak.(eyes shifting)Put it down, Bella. We mustn’ttouch what isn’t ours.Bellatrix, DARK CURIO in hand, glowers, sets it backdown.SNAPEAs it so happens I’m aware of yoursituation, Narcissa.You?BELLATRIXThe Dark Lord told you?SNAPEYour sister doubts me, Narcissa.Understandable.(MORE)(CONTINUED)

10HARRY POTTER. HALF-BLOOD PRINCE - Rev. 11/6/07CONTINUED:SNAPE (CONT'D)Over the years I have played mypart well. So well I’ve deceivedone of the greatest wizards of alltime.Bellatrix makes a scathing sound.hard.5.10Snape turns, eyesSNAPEDumbledore is a great wizard.Only a fool would question it.NARCISSAI. I don’t doubt you, Severus.BELLATRIXYou should feel honored, Cissy.As should Draco -NARCISSAHe’s just a boy!SNAPEI can’t change the Dark Lord’smind. But it might be possiblefor me to help Draco. To providesome. protection.Bellatrix eyes Snape keenly.NARCISSADo you mean it, Severus?I can try.SNAPENARCISSAOh, Severus, please, if youwould. (I would be forever inyour debt.)Swear to it.**BELLATRIXSnape’s eyes shift, meet Bellatrix’s challenging gaze.BELLATRIXMake the Unbreakable Vow.(as Snape looks away)You see. It’s just empty words.Oh he’ll try. He’ll give it hisbest effort. But when it mattersmost he’ll slither back into hishole. Bloody coward.(CONTINUED)

10HARRY POTTER. HALF-BLOOD PRINCE - Rev. 11/6/07CONTINUED: (2)6.10Bellatrix goes on MUTTERING as she splashes some wineinto a goblet. Snape turns back, anger flashing in hiseyes.SNAPETake out your wand.Bellatrix freezes, goblet to her lips. As she lowers it,a rivulet of red runs out of the corner of her mouth.NEW ANGLE - MOMENTS LATERSnape faces Narcissa. Bellatrix, hand faintly trembling,places the tip of her wand over their LINKED hands.BELLATRIXWill you, Severus Snape, watchover Draco Malfoy as he attemptsto fulfill the Dark Lord’s wishes.I will.SNAPEA SINGLE STRAND of LIQUID FIRE issues from Bellatrix’swand and wends its way around their hands.BELLATRIXAnd will you, to the best of yourability, protect him from harm?I will.SNAPEA SECOND STRAND of FIRE intertwines with the first.BELLATRIXAnd should it prove necessary, ifit seems Draco will fail. willyou yourself carry out the deedthat the Dark Lord has orderedDraco to perform?Snape’s hand TWITCHES within Narcissa’s.waits.I will.11BellatrixSNAPEEXT. LONDON UNDERGROUND - NIGHTA TRAIN blasts through the station.11

HARRY POTTER. HALF-BLOOD PRINCE - Rev. 11/6/07127.EXT. “TREATS” FOOD STAND - SAME TIME - NIGHT12Late. Lonely men and women loiter on the platform. At afood stand, patrons grimly read their TABLOID of choice.CAMERA TRACKS PAST The Daily Mail, The Sun, The Mirror -LANDS ON. the Daily Prophet. The SILHOUETTE. TheHEADLINE: “HARRY POTTER: THE CHOSEN ONE?”But the (unseen) reader is fixated on atucked at the bottom corner of the backSentenced to Azkaban.” TWO PHOTOGRAPHSpiece, one of LUCIUS MALFOY, another ofDRACO MALFOY as they exit a courtroom.distant, haunted.Harry Potter.SMALLER ITEM,page: “Malfoyaccompany theNarcissa andDraco’s eyes lookWAITRESS (O.S.)Who’s Harry Potter?The paper drops, reveals. Harry. He glances up at theYOUNG WAITRESS who stands over him. Pretty. Verypretty.Oh. Um.tosser.HARRYNo one. Bit of aAs she leans over to clear his chips wrappings, Harry’sgaze drifts over the smooth skin of her neck, the sprayof freckles across one cheek.WAITRESSFunny that paper of yours. Couplenights ago, I could swear I sawone of the pictures move.Really.HARRYWAITRESSThought I’d gone round the twist.She makes a face, smiles.go.Hey.A smile to die for.Starts toHARRYI was wondering.WAITRESSEleven. That’s when I get off.(the smile)You can tell me all about thattosser Harry Potter.Harry watches her go, then quickly reaches into his coatand fumbles out a S’Mints container. Just then.(CONTINUED)

12HARRY POTTER. HALF-BLOOD PRINCE - Rev. 11/6/07CONTINUED:8.12. a LIGHT on the opposite PLATFORM FLICKERS. Harrylooks. It FLICKERS again and this time a small cloud ofGLITTERING DUST dances over the opposite platform. As aTRAIN ROARS past, Harry squints through the flickeringwindows and watches the dust transform into. ALBUSDUMBLEDORE. Leveling his glasses, he peers across theplatform, smiles and gives Harry a wave.13EXT. OPPOSITE PLATFORM - NIGHT (MOMENTS LATER)13As Harry arrives, he finds Dumbledore studying a PERFUMEADVERTISEMENT which shows a MODEL with a WAND in herteeth: “Tonight Make a Little Magic With Your Man.”DUMBLEDOREI once knew a Muggle girl fromLiverpool with hair like spunsilk. No light could resist it.(turning)You’ve been reckless this summer,Harry.HARRYI like riding round on the trains.It takes my mind off. things.Harry hesitates, notices Dumbledore’s hand is ASH BLACK.DUMBLEDORERather unpleasant to behold, isn’tit? The tale is thrilling if I dosay so myself, but I’m afraid nowis not the time to tell it. Takemy arm.(extending it)Do as I say.Harry glances across the platform, sees the freckledWaitress appear, eye his empty table. Slowly, he reachesout and -- instantly -- all goes BLACK in a RUSH of SOUNDand FURY, as if Harry had been pitched headlong into atornado. Seconds later.14EXT. VILLAGE SQUARE - NIGHT (MOMENTS LATER)14. he re-emerges into the world, reeling, eyes stingingwith tears. Slowly, his planet stops spinning.HARRYI just Apparated, didn’t I?(CONTINUED)

14HARRY POTTER. HALF-BLOOD PRINCE - Rev. 11/6/07CONTINUED:9.14DUMBLEDOREIndeed. And quite successfully Imight add. Most people vomittheir first time.HARRYCan’t imagine why.NEW ANGLE - MOMENTS LATERDumbledore leads Harry up a steep narrow street linedwith darkened houses.DUMBLEDOREWelcome to the charming village ofBudleigh Babberton, Harry. Iassume right about now you’rewondering why I’ve brought youhere, am I right?HARRY(glancing about)After all these years, I just sortof roll with it, sir.Dumbledore smiles mildly, then pauses, his facedarkening. Before them stands a SMALL STONE HOUSE.something is wrong about the place.ButDUMBLEDOREWand out, Harry.15INT. SLUGHORN’S HOUSE - SAME TIME - NIGHTTHROUGH a crack in the front door: Dumbledore and Harrymove swiftly up the walk and enter.DUMBLEDORELumos.The tip of Dumbledore’s WAND BLAZES.shadows. CALLS OUT.He sweeps theDUMBLEDOREHorace!Nothing. Dumbledore points his wand down a NARROWHALLWAY. Motes of dust dance in the wandlight, butnothing else. He starts down the hallway, toward theOPEN DOORWAY at its end. Slowly, the room beyond comesINTO VIEW:15

HARRY POTTER. HALF-BLOOD PRINCE - Rev. 11/6/071610.INT. SLUGHORN’S HOUSE - SITTING ROOM - NIGHT16Utter devastation. A GRANDFATHER CLOCK lays upon thefloor, its face cracked. A PIANO sags in the corner,keys strewn like teeth upon the rug. A copy of the DailyProphet trembles in the breeze from a half-open window.As Harry looks, a DROP of something WET strikes the word“CHOSEN.” His gaze rises.He GASPS. A substance DARK and GLUTINOUS is spatteredupon the ceiling. Dumbledore raises his wand. Theceiling SCREAMS RED. Another drop falls and this onestrikes Harry’s SCAR. As Harry moves to wipe it away,Dumbledore grabs his hand.Training his light on Harry’s forehead, Dumbledore flicksa blackened finger over the scar. Brings it to histongue. Reacts. Turning, his eyes narrow on anOVERSTUFFED ARMCHAIR. Moving to it, he JABS his wandinto the plump seat cushion.ARMCHAIRMerlin’s Beard!Instantly, the Armchair mutates into HUMAN FORM, thoughbriefly gets caught inbetween. After a bit of GRUMBLING,SEAM-SPLITTING and the POPPING of a cushion button ortwo, a FAT OLD MAN (HORACE SLUGHORN) in a pair of WELLWORN lilac pajamas appears.SLUGHORN(rubbing his rump)There’s no need to disfigure me,Albus!DUMBLEDOREI must say, you make a veryconvincing armchair, Horace.SLUGHORNIt’s all in the upholstery.(patting his stomach)I come by the stuffing naturally.What gave me away?DUMBLEDORE(nodding to theceiling)Dragon’s blood.SLUGHORNYes, well, I couldn’t very welluse wizard’s blood, could I? Oho!(CONTINUED)

16HARRY POTTER. HALF-BLOOD PRINCE - Rev. 11/6/07CONTINUED:11.16Slughorn takes a step back, having spotted Harry. Theblood on Harry’s forehead only serves to highlight hisscar.DUMBLEDOREAh yes. Introductions. Harry,this is an old friend andcolleague of mine, HoraceSlughorn. Horace, this is, well,you know who this is.(a droll whisper)Apparently there’s some thought hemay be the Chosen One.Slughorn stares at Harry as if hypnotized.DUMBLEDORESo why all the theatrics, Horace?You weren’t perhaps expectingsomeone else, were you?SLUGHORN(blinking)S-someone else? I’m sure I don’tknow what you mean.Dumbledore raises an eyebrow.Slughorn caves.SLUGHORNOh all right! The Death Eatershave been trying to recruit me forover a year. Do you know whatthat’s like? One can only say noto these people so many timesbefore they.DUMBLEDORETake matters into their own hands?Slughorn eyes Dumbledore miserably, gestures.SLUGHORNI never stay anywhere more than aweek. The Muggles who own thisplace are in the Canary Islands.DUMBLEDOREWell, I think it should be putback in order for them, don’t you?Mind?(CONTINUED)

16HARRY POTTER. HALF-BLOOD PRINCE - Rev. 11/6/07CONTINUED: (2)12.16Dumbledore raises his wand. Instantly, the grandfatherclock resumes its rightful place, shattered lanterns reignite and the blood on the ceiling evaporates -- just asthe piano keys tumble back into place with a pleasantMUSICAL run.That was fun.DUMBLEDOREMay I use the loo?As Dumbledore heads down the hall, Slughorn calls after.SLUGHORNDon’t think I don’t know whyyou’re here, Albus! The answer isstill no! Absolutely,unequivocally no!Dumbledore doesn’t respond. Slughorn glances at Harry.The silence is palpable. Awkward. A beat. Then:SLUGHORNYou look very like your father.Except for your eyes. You’vegot -HARRYMy mother’s eyes, yeah.SLUGHORN(smiling softly)Lily. Lovely Lily. She wasexceedingly bright -- your mother.Even more impressive when oneconsiders she was Muggle-born.HARRYOne of my best friends is Muggleborn. She’s the best in our year.SLUGHORNOh, but you mustn’t think I’mprejudiced! No, no, no! Yourmother was one of my absolutefavorites! Look, there she is.Right up front.Slughorn waves to a dresser crowded with PHOTOGRAPHS.SLUGHORNAll mine, each and every one. Exstudents, I mean. You recognizeBarnubas Cuffe, of course, editorof the Daily Prophet.(MORE)(CONTINUED)

16HARRY POTTER. HALF-BLOOD PRINCE - Rev. 11/6/07CONTINUED: (3)SLUGHORN (CONT'D)Always takes my owl should I wantto register my opinion on the newsof the day. And there’s AmbrosiusFlume of Honeydukes. Sends ahamper of chocolate to the houseeach birthday. That is, when Ihad a house. And Gwenog Jones,captain of the Holyhead Harpies -free tickets whenever I want them.Of course, I haven’t been to amatch in some time.13.16Harry steps forward, takes a picture of one particularBOY, a boy who resembles. Sirius. Seeing Harry thusdistracted, he studies him intently, like a rare object.SLUGHORNAh yes. Regulus Black. You nodoubt know of his older brotherSirius. Died a few weeks ago. Itaught the whole Black familyexcept Sirius. Shame. Talentedboy. I got Regulus when he camealong, of course, but I’d haveliked the set.DUMBLEDOREMind if I take this? I do loveknitting patterns.Slughorn blinks, looks away from Harry and findsDumbledore standing there, clutching a MUGGLE MAGAZINE.Of course.leaving?SLUGHORNBut you’re notDUMBLEDOREI think I know a lost cause when Isee one. Regrettable. I wouldhave considered it a personaltriumph had you consented toreturn to Hogwarts, Horace. Youare, like my friend Mr. Potter -one of a kind.17EXT. SLUGHORN’S HOUSE - NIGHT (MOMENTS LATER)17Dumbledore HUMS placidly as he and Harry make their waydown the walk. Seconds later, the front door swingsopen.(CONTINUED)

17HARRY POTTER. HALF-BLOOD PRINCE - Rev. 11/6/07CONTINUED:14.17SLUGHORNAll right! I’ll do it. But I’llbe wanting ProfessorMerrythought’s old office, notthat water closet I had formerly.And I expect a raise! These aremad times we live in! Mad!DUMBLEDOREIndeed they are.18EXT. STREET (BUDLEIGH BABBERTON) - NIGHT (MOMENTS LATER)18Dumbledore leads Harry back toward the Village Square.HARRYSir, exactly what was that all -DUMBLEDOREYou are talented, famous andpowerful -- everything Horacevalues. Professor Slughorn isgoing to try to collect you,Harry. You would be his crowningjewel. That is why he isreturning to Hogwarts. And it iscrucial he return.Harry looks intrigued by this last statement, but beforehe can pursue it, Dumbledore glances ruefully at themoon.DUMBLEDOREI fear I may have stolen awondrous night from you, Harry.She was, truthfully, very pretty.The girl.HARRYIt’s alright, sir. I’ll go backtomorrow, make some excuse -Harry stops.Dumbledore is shaking his head.DUMBLEDOREYou’ll not be going back to LittleWhinging tonight, Harry.HARRYBut, sir. What about Hedwig?there’s my trunk --And(CONTINUED)

18HARRY POTTER. HALF-BLOOD PRINCE - Rev. 11/6/07CONTINUED:15.18DUMBLEDOREBoth are waiting for you.Dumbledore extends his arm. Mystified, Harry reachesout. As his fingers touch the silk of Dumbledore’scloak, he.19EXT. THE BURROW - NIGHT (SECONDS LATER)19. APPARATES INTO VIEW, stumbling to one knee andwincing.HARRYSir?Dumbledore is gone. Harry rises, glances about. In thedistance a CROOKED HOUSE shimmers. A PRETTY GIRL withRED HAIR flits briefly past an upstairs window. GINNYWEASLEY.20INT. WEASLEY HOUSE - STAIRCASE - SAME TIME - NIGHT20Ginny DASHES down a vertiginous staircase, flies into thekitchen and finds.21INT. WEASLEY HOUSE - KITCHEN - CONTINUOUS ACTION - NIGHT21. a LARGE TRUNK and an OWL CAGE. Curious, she cocksher head to one side. The owl does the same in return.Hedwig.?22GINNYMum!INT. WEASLEY HOUSE - DOWNSTAIRS HALLWAY - SAME TIME - NIGHT22GINNY’S POV, looking up -- a dizzying perspective oftwisting railings and crooked bedroom doors. A CLOCKhangs IN VIEW, bearing NINE HANDS, each inscribed with aWeasley name, each pointing to MORTAL PERIL. MRS.WEASLEY appears, looks down.MRS. WEASLEYWhat is it, Ginny? Is it yourfather? Has something happened atthe Ministry? Has he beenkidnapped? Is it the DeathEaters?Exactly.GINNYHow’d you guess?(CONTINUED)

22HARRY POTTER. HALF-BLOOD PRINCE - Rev. 11/6/07CONTINUED:16.22Mrs. Weasley throws her hands up over her face.GINNYI’m joking, Mum.MRS. WEASLEYYou’re worse than Fred and George.GINNYNow you’re joking. I was onlywondering when Harry got here.Harry who?MRS. WEASLEYGINNYHarry Dimpleton. Harry Potter, ofcourse.MRS. WEASLEYI think I’d know if Harry Potterwas in my house, wouldn’t I?GINNYWell his trunk’s in the kitchen.And his owl.MRS. WEASLEYI seriously doubt that.Just then, HEDWIG SCREECHES O.S. Ginny gives her an Itold-you-so when another door opens and RON WEASLEY looksdown.Harry?RONDid someone say Harry?Me, he up there withRON‘Course not. Think I’d know if mybest friend was in my room,wouldn’t I?Another door opens:hand.HERMIONE, in a robe, TOOTHBRUSH inHERMIONEWas that an owl I heard?(CONTINUED)

22HARRY POTTER. HALF-BLOOD PRINCE - Rev. 11/6/07CONTINUED: (2)17.22GINNYHarry’s. Haven’t seen him, haveyou? Apparently, he’s wanderingabout the house.Really?Really.Ginny!HERMIONEHARRY (O.S.)Standing in the doorway of theRON/HERMIONE/MRS. WEASLEYAs the others rocket downstairs, Ginny gives Harry agreat grinning hug. There is something oddly charged inthe moment, a surprise to both of them. The othersarrive. More hugs.MRS. WEASLEYBut why didn’t you tell us youwere coming?HARRYDidn’t know.(a shrug)Dumbledore.*MRS. WEASLEYThat man. But then, what would wedo without him? Ron!Ron is about to touch Hermione.She retracts her neck.RONYou’ve a bit of.He gestures to the stray lace of toothpaste on Hermione’schin. Quickly she wipes it off, gives him an odd look.23EXT. THE BURROW - ATTIC - NIGHT (LATER)23The Daily Prophet tumbles within a makeshift campfire ofBLUE FLAMES, but magically doesn’t disintegrate. Harryteases the fire with the tip of his wand, where TheChosen One? mingles with Draco’s haunted face in theflames.HARRYWhen’d you get here?(CONTINUED)

23HARRY POTTER. HALF-BLOOD PRINCE - Rev. 11/6/07CONTINUED:18.23HERMIONEA few days ago. Though. for abit, I wasn’t sure I was coming.Harry looks up, sees her glance at Ron.RONMum sort of lost it last week.Said Ginny and I had no businessgoing back to Hogwarts. That it’stoo dangerous.Oh come on.HARRYHERMIONEShe’s not alone. Even my parents-- and they’re Muggles -- knowsomething bad is happening.RONAnyway, Dad stepped in, told hershe was being barmy. Took a dayor two, but she came round.HARRYBut we’re talking about Hogwarts.Dumbledore. What could be safer?Hermione and Ron exchange another glance.HERMIONEThere’s been a lot of chatterlately. That he’s gotten. old.Rubbish.HARRYHe’s only -- what?RONA hundred and fifty.a few years.Give or takeSilence. Nods. Then the three break out laughing. Growquiet again. Harry takes another poke at the Prophet.Draco’s haunted face appears briefly, then is gone.24INT. WEASLEY’S WIZARD WHEEZES (DIAGON ALLEY) - CLOSE ON A 24SHOPPING BAG - DAYbearing Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes clutched in the hand ofa boy being pulled by his mother through the throngpacked sardine-tight in the store.(CONTINUED)

24HARRY POTTER. HALF-BLOOD PRINCE - Rev. 11/6/07CONTINUED:19.24It’s utter madness: Ever-Bashing Boomerangs whip throughthe air, Dr. Filibuster’s Fabulous Wet-Start No-Heatfireworks spit sparks, and Nose-Biting Teacups bare tinyporcelain teeth. FRED & GEORGE WEASLEY, in SCREAMINGMAGENTA, stand upon a counter, selling to the masses:Step up!FRED/GEORGEStep up!GEORGEWe’ve got Fainting Fancy.FREDNosebleed Nougats.GEORGEAnd just in time for school.FREDPuking Pastilles!A BOY stops chewing, turns PALE GREEN -- literally.FRED/GEORGEInto the cauldron, handsome.Together, with the tips of their toes, Fred and Georgelaunch a SLOSHING CAULDRON down the counter, drop down oneither side of Harry, begin to steer him through thestore.FREDWhat’d you think, Harry?Amazing.HARRYGEORGE(to a browsing boy)Pocket that and you’ll pay in morethan Galleons, my friend.FRED/GEORGEWe’ve got eyes in the back of ourheads.The boy, working a SCREAMING YO-YO, blanches as Fred andGeorge turn, reveal they do in fact have EYES IN THE BACKOF THEIR HEADS -- phony, but unnerving. As the EYESWINK, the tiny boy bolts.GEORGEBloody urchins.Harry eyes a display of ORANGE AND BLACK LUMPS.(CONTINUED)

24HARRY POTTER. HALF-BLOOD PRINCE - Rev. 11/6/07CONTINUED: (2)19A.24HARRYPeruvian Instant Darkness Powder?FREDA real money spinner that.FREDHandy if you need to make a quickescape. Hello, ladies!George drops one of the lumps in Harry’s hand, turns toGinny and Hermione, who peruse a display of “Wonder WitchLove Potions.”GEORGEYes, they do really work.FREDThen again, the way we hear it,sis, you’re doing just fine onyour own.Meaning?GINNYFREDAre you not currently dating DeanThomas?(CONTINUED)

24HARRY POTTER. HALF-BLOOD PRINCE - Rev. 11/6/07CONTINUED: (3)20.24Harry pretends to consider a rack of “Ten-Second PimpleVanisher,” but secretly eavesdrops.GINNYNone of your business.HERMIONEThese are adorable.Inside a cage, small round BALLS of FLUFF roll about,SQUEAK.FREDAren’t they now. Pygmy Puffs.Can’t breed them fast enough.Just then a HUGE BOY (CORMAC McLAGGEN) passes behindHermione and, with his eyes, takes the full measure ofher. Noticing, she turns, receives a faint smile as hemoves on.RONHow much for this?A TINY WOODEN MAN ascends a TINY GALLOWS and. DROPS.George rides a rolling ladder INTO FRAME, drops next toFred.Five Galleons.FRED/GEORGERONHow much for me?Five Galleons.FRED/GEORGERONBut I’m your brother!Ten Galleons.C’mon.FRED/GEORGERONLet’s go.The trio head for the door, passing LAVENDER BROWN, whosmiles flirtatiously at an oblivious Ron.Hi, Ron.Hi.LAVENDER BROWNRON**

HARRY POTTER. HALF-BLOOD PRINCE - Rev. 11/6/072521.EXT. DIAGON ALLEY - LATE AFTERNOON (MOMENTS LATER)25The sun fades over an IRON ARCHWAY -- Welcome to DiagonAlley! -- as Harry, Ron and Hermione pass beneath. Allaround them, SHOPS sit silent, windows BOARDED-UP orSHATTERED. People scurry by, avoiding the SCARY FACES ofthe witches and wizards who peer out from the SECURITYPOSTERS plastered to every LAMP POST. Bellatrix isthere: “KNOWN DEATH EATER,” And Greyback: “WEREWOLF.”And LUCIUS MALFOY: “CAUGHT.”HERMIONEHow is it Fred and George aredoing it? Half the alley’s closeddown.RONFred reckons people need a laughthese days.HARRYReckon he’s right.Harry eyes the poster of Bellatrix, her mocking halfsmile.Oh no.Look.HERMIONEHarry and Ron follow her gaze to the wreck that isOllivander’s Wand Shop.HERMIONEBut everyone got their wands fromOllivander. Young. Old.Good.Bad.HARRYSpeaking of which.Across the avenue, DRACO MALFOY and Narcissa pause,glance around, then slip quickly down an alley.RONIs it just me? Or do Draco andmummy look like two people whodon’t want to be followed?26EXT. VARIOUS STREETS - DIAGON ALLEY - LATE AFTERNOON26The trio trail Draco and Narcissa, who navigate thesedark streets with ease. Hermione, lagging a bit, glancesup at the darkening sky. When she looks back, she seesRon and Harry far ahead. They turn a shadowy corner,vanish.(CONTINUED)

26HARRY POTTER. HALF-BLOOD PRINCE - Rev. 11/6/07CONTINUED:22.26NEW ANGLE - SHOP FRONT - MOMENTS LATERHarry and Ron duck inside a shop front. At the end ofthe alley, a single shop glimmers dully: Borgin &Burkes. Narcissa and Draco enter, greet a STOOPED MAN(BORGIN). He POINTS. Draco walks to a LACQUEREDCABINET, plays his fingers over its glassy surface.Narcissa speaks and Draco turns, finds Borgin holding thecurtain to the back room aside. Draco hesitates, thenfollows his mother through.RONWhat’re they playing at?Dunno.HARRYLet’s get closer.RON(a nod; stopping)Hey. Where’s Hermione?NEW ANGLE - ANOTHER ALLEY - DUSKHermione moves through the shadows, alone, peering downside streets, each darker than the next, lost, butholding it together, when. a SHADOW FLICKERS overhead.She looks up, sees a FIGURE (Greyback) leap from one roofto another. She stands perfectly still, then. hearsVOICES.NEW ANGLE - OTHER ALLEYS - DUSKHarry and Ron race down one passage then another.Stop.RONHarry, where is she?I don’t know.HARRYI’m turned around.NEW ANGLE - BORGIN & BURKES - BACK COURTYARD - DUSKHermione creeps to the end of a narrow passage, towardthe VOICES, and finds herself. behind Borgin & Burkes.FIGURES encircle an old cauldron, among them Greyback,Bellatrix, Narcissa, and in the very center. Draco.Hermione squints against the brilliance of the FIRE, theFIGURES twisting like Giacomettis. Draco extends hisleft arm. when a SHADOW falls over Hermione, fingersfind her arm. She wheels, terrified.(CONTINUED)

26HARRY POTTER. HALF-BLOOD PRINCE - Rev. 11/6/07CONTINUED: (2)23.26Ron.Bloody hell.HERMIONERONSorry.Just then, the cauldron EXPLODES with light.the group, including Draco, disperses.Instantly,HARRYWhat just happened?I don’t know.HERMIONEHarry stares at the SMOKE drifting from the cauldron. ASOUND RISES, growing more powerful and the ROAR of a.27EXT. HOGWARTS EXPRESS - MOVING - LATE AFTERNOON27. TRAIN overtakes us, the scarlet stack of the HogwartsExpress churning furiously towards the horizon.Quibbler.?28LUNAQuibbler.?INT. HOGWARTS EXPRESS - AISLE - SAME TIME - LATE AFTERNOON 28LUNA LOVEGOOD moves down the aisle wearing a pair of REDand BLUE CARDBOARD GLASSES (SPECTRESPECS) identical tothe ones modeled by a witch on the cover of the currentissue of The Quibbler, a stack of which Luna clutches toher chest.LUNAThere’s an article on Wrackspurtsthis month. Quibbler.?The loitering STUDENTS ignore her, including DEAN THOMAS,currently WHISPERING to Ginny, who smiles mildly, moreinterested in the PURPLE PYGMY PUFF perched on hershoulder.LUNAHe’s lovely. They’ve been knownto sing on Boxing Day, you know.Quibbler?Please.GINNYWhat’s a Wrackspurt?(CONTINUED)

28HARRY POTTER. HALF-BLOOD PRINCE - Rev. 11/6/07CONTINUED:24.28LUNAThey’re invisible creatures thatfloat in through your ears andmake your brain go fuzzy.(moving off)Quibbler? Quibbler?29INT. COMPARTMENT - SAME TIME - DUSK29Harry, Ron and Hermione sit together. Hermione has abook entitled Advance Rune Translation open on her lap,while Ron lets Harry’s INVISIBILITY CLOAK play throughhis fingers.HARRYDon’t you see, it was a ceremony.An initiation.HERMIONEStop, Harry, I know where you’regoing with this -It’s happened.One of what?HARRYHe’s one of them.RONHERMIONEHarry is under the impression thatDraco Malfoy is now a Death Eater.RONYou’re barking. What would YouKnow-Who want with a sod likeMalfoy?HARRYSo what’s he doing in Borgin andBurke’s? Browsing for furniture?RONIt’s a cree

Rev. 09/13/07 (Blue) Rev. 10/02/07 (Pink) Rev. 11/06/07 (Yellow) HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE screenplay by Steve Kloves based on the novel by J.K. Rowling

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