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1970 MODELT2431 15 5 1970 OLYMPIQUESPECIFICATIONS9 ,L ,.1198ITEMENGINEOLYMPIQUE12/3335335/E399No. of CylindersBoreONEONEONETWO7678 M.M,78 M.M.Stroke2x64.566 M.M.299,4c.c,70 M.M.334.5c,c.70 rFUELTankTankCapacityCapacityMixing295Ratio(Gap)-- Imp.-- .014"-.018".020".014"-.018'".020".014"-.018"3 gal.3 gal.3 gal.3.75gal.20:13.7520:1DrumDrumDrum3.7520:1gal. 020".014"-.018"3 270(P.S.I.)(Gap)PointsM.M.in.'
1970 MODEL1970NORDICSPECIFICATIONSF-./.U---//D. AiI i i l i ii i i ii li I t iI.L li /'pfp,,Tpp16\\7/J/// /////L/---/.tI-4972-1 -ITEMNORDIC399399/E640/EENGINENo. of 2x64.5M.M.2x61 M.M.398.6 c.c.8.75:1TWO2x64.5 M.M.2x61 M.M.398.6 c.c.8.75:1TWO2x76 M.M.2x70 M.M.635.1 und97-112"34"33"3601242 sq. in.29097-1/2"34"33"3951242 sq. in.31997-1/2"34"36"4301242 sq. in.34518"16/3418"16/3418"20/34StartingLighting Coil (Watts)Spark Plug(s) BoschSpark Plug (Gap)Breaker Points (Gap)Manual75WW-240-T-1 '.020".014"-.018'"Electric75WW -240-T-1 '.020'".014"-.018"Electric75WM -280-T-31.020".014"-.018""FUELTank Capacity-Imp.Tank Capacity--U.S.Mixing Ratio (Gas/Oil)5 gal.6.25 gal.20:15 gal.6.25 gal.20:15 gal.625 thW/O Windshield(Lbs.)AreaPressure (P.S.I.)Track ecifvnumbershownabove.*J.,/
1970 --971/2ITEMT'NT292340399640ENGINENo. of 75 M.M.66 M.M.291.6 c.c.10:1ONE78 M.M.70 M.M.334.5 c.c.10:1TWO2x64.5 M.M.2x61 M.M.398.6 c.c.10:1TWO2x76 M.M.2x70 M.M.635.1 c.c.CHASSISOverall LengthOverall WidthHeight W/O WindshieldWeight (Lbs.)Bearing AreaGround Pressure .309POWERTRAINTrack (Width)Standard Gear15"10/2515'"16/3418"16/3418"20/34IGNITIONSta rti ngLighting Coil (Watts)Spark Plug(s) BoschSpark Plug (Gap)Breaker Points 31*.018"-.022".014"-.018"FUELTank Capacity--Imp.Tank Capacity-U.S.Mixing Ratio (Gas/oil)3 gal.3.75 gal.20:13 gal.3.75 gal.20:15 gal.6.25 gal.20:15 gal.6.25 gal.20:1BRAKETypeDrumDrumDrumDrumACCESSO R I nc]replacementRatiospark plug(s), specifyin.numberin.shown above.in.in.
1970 MODEL .!!i--I35Ii i'i :'t;tHN!ill /t5 8rlIli,ili'./ll'I I l.-.---1970 ALPINE/INVADERSPECIFICATIONSLI /,IF . 9/RALPINE321/4399/ERENGINENo. of 2x64.5 M.M.2x61 M.M.398.6 c.c.8.75:1TWO2x64.5M.M.2x61 M.M.398.6 94POWERTRAINLengthWidthW/O Windshield(Lbs.}AreaPressure (P.S.I.)in.in.INVADERTWO2x76 M.M.2x70 M.M.635.1 c.c.9:1103"35"37"5501756 /25StandardStartingLighting Coil (Watts)Spark Plug(s) BoschSpark Plug (Gap)Breaker Points tric75WW-240 8"-.022".014"-.018"FUELTank Capacity - Imp.Tank Capacity - U.S.Mixing Ratio (Gas/Oil)5 gal.6.25 gal.20: l5 gal.6.25 gal.20:15 gal.6.25 rN/AOptionalN/AOptionalN/AStandardIGNITIONTrack (Width)Standard GearReverseRatio640/ER.j'J.7rACC fynumbershownabove,
1971 MODELT1971ELANSPECI FICATIONSt77 rl1,248[l311ITEMELANELANENGINENo. of CylindersBoreStrokeDisplacementONE69 M.M.66 M.M.247 c.c.7.5:1ONE69 M.M.66 M.M.247 c.c.7.5:1Overall LengthOverall WidthHeight W/O WindshieldWeight (Lbs.)Bearing AreaGround Pressure (P.S.I.)88.5"29-1 / 8"33.5"2461070 sq. in.0.23088.5"29-1/8"33.5"2821070 sq. in.0.263Track (Width)StandardGear Ratio15"10/2515"10/25IGNITIONStartingLighting Coil (Watts)Spark Plug (Bosch)Spark Plug (Gap)Breaker Points LTank Capacity-- Imp.Tank Capacity-- U.S.Mixing Ratio (Gas/Oil)3.5 gals.4.38 gals.20:13.5 gals.4.38 gals.20:1B RAKETypePivoti ngPivotingAC CESSO R I 50Eabove.5
1971 MODEL11971 OLYMPIQUESPECI FICATIONS1'55L--.-IllustratedMODEL335,-3 i 3418i-48. .ITEMII".13aJ--OLYMPIQUE300335335E399399EENGINENo. of 76 M.M.66M.M.299 c.c.7:1ONE78 M.M.70M.M.335 c.c.8:1ONE78 M.M.70M.M.335 c.c.8:1TWO2x64.5M.M.2x61 M.M.399 c.c.8.75:1TWO2x64.5 M.M.2x61M.M.399 c.c.8.75:1CHASSISOverall LengthOverall WidthHeight W/O WindshieldWeight (Lbs.)Bearing AreaGround Pressure /834-3/42821092sq.0.350POWERTRAINTrack (Width)StandardGear IONStartingLighting Coil (Watts)Spark Plug (Bosch)Spark Plug (Gap)Breaker Points 22".014"-.018"FUELTank Capacity--Imp.Tank Capacity--U.S.Mixin l Ratio (Gas/Oil)5 gals.6.25 gals.20:15 gals.6.25 gals.20:15 gals.6.25 gals.20:15 gals.6.25 gals.20:15 gals.6.25 berin.shownabove.in.in.in.JJ
1971 MODEL1971 ORDIC640ESKANDICNo. of CylindersBoreStrokeDisplacementTWO2x64.5 M.M.2x61 M.M.399 c.c.TWO2x64o5 M.M.2x61 M.M.399 c.c.TWO2x76 M.M.2x70 M.M.635 c.c.ONE78 M.M.30 M.M.335 2 sq. in.291100-3/434333951242 sq. in.318100-3/434334301242 sq. in.34698-3/434333351242 sq. gGroundPOWERTRAINTrack (Width)Standard Gear ingLighting Coil (Watts)Spark Plug (Bosch)Spark Plug (Gap)Breaker Points (Gap)Manual75WW-240-T-1 014"-.018"Manual40WM-240-T-1 *.018"-.022".014"-.018"FUELTank Capacity-Imp.Tank Capacity-U.S.Mixing Ratio (Gas/Oil)5 gals.6.25 gals.20:15 gals.6.25 gals.20:15 gals.6.25 gals.20:15 gals.6.25 gals.20:1BRAKETypeDrumDrumDrumDrumACCESSO R I ionalStandardStandardOptionalOptionalI"( -"WhenorderingLengthWidthW/O Windshield(Lbs.)AreaPressure (P.S.i.)repl'acementspark plug(s),specifynumbershown*above.
1971 MODEL,1971 T'NTSPECIFICATIONSiI872--441!-22r381 .99ITEMT'NT292340440640775ENGINENo. of E75 M.M.66M.M.292 c.c.10.5:1ONE78 M.M.70M.M.335 c.c.10.5:1TWO2x67.5 M.M.2x61 M.M.437 c.c.10,5:1TWO2x76 M.M.2x70M.M.635 c.c.10.0:1TWO2x82 M.M.2x73 M.M.771 10034364301242sq.0.346LengthWidthW/O Windshield(Lbs.)AreaPressure (P.S.I.)in.in.in.in.in.j./POW E RTRAINTrack (Width)StandardGear IONStartingLighting Coil (Watts)Spark Plug(s) (Bosch)Spark Plug (Gap)Breaker Points 022".014"-.018"FUELTank Capacity-Imp.Tank Capacity-U.S.Mixing Ratio (Gas/Oil)5 gals.6.25 gals.20:15 gals.6.25 gals,20:15 gals.6.25 gals.20:15 gals.6.25 gals.20:15 gals.6.25 "When8orderin9 replacementspark plug(s),specifynumbershownabove.y
1971 MODEL351971 ---31IMODEL2431/ri1! No. of M.399 c.c.8.75:1TWO2x64.5M.M.2x61M.M.399 c.c.8.75:1TWO2x76M.M.2x70M.M.635 montBearingArea-Alpine--Valmont"2160sq.in.1756 sq. ightingCoil (Watts)Spark Plug(s)(Bosch)Spark Plug UELTank Capacity-Imp.Tank Capacity-U.S.MixingRatio(Gas/Oil)5 gals.6.25 gals.20:15 gals.6.25gals.20:15 gals.6.25 tionatStandardGrd.POWERTRAINTrack ss tiosloecifynumbershown*in.in.*2160sq.in.1756 sq. in.0.2670.296*above.9
1972 MODELr. L.77---JITEMI LAN250250EENGINENo. of SOverallOverallRatioLengthWidthHeight w/o WindshieldWeight (lb.)Bearing AreaGround Pressure (P.S.I.)Max.POWERTRAINLoad Capacity29-1/8"33-1/2"2521070 q. in.0.236200 Ibs.Track (Width)Standard Gear Ratio15'"10/2515"10/25ELECTRICALSYSTEMLighting Coil (Watts)Spark Plug (Bosch)Spark Plug (Gap)Breaker Points (Gap)40WM-240-T-1.020".014"' - .018""75WM-240-T-1.020".014" - .018'"FUELTank Capacity3.5 gals.4.38 gals.3.5 gals.4.38 g- Imp.- U.S.Ratio (Gas/Oil)'.1070 sq.in.0.269200 Ibs.jj,JBRAKEACCESSORiOTypeIESSpeedometer- Tachometer
1972 MODELi!4,; I11lco o, onoj@ho . .41[[3 -41lOOITEMOLYMPIQUE30033833EE3993 EENGINENo. of 00"30-5/8"Height w/o WindshieldWeight (Ibs.)Bearing AreaGround Pressure rtingCHASSIS100"100"100"34-3/4"33330 070 sq.in0.2991070 sq.in.0.3051070 sq.in.0.3321070 sq.in.0.3201070 sq.in.0.352Track (Width)Standard Gear RICALSYSTEMLighting Coil (Watts)Spark Plug (Bosch)40WM-240-T-1.020".014" - .018"40WM-240-T-1.020".014" - .018"75WM-240-T-1.020".014" - .018"75WM-240-T-1.020".014" - .018"75WM-240-T-1.020".014" - .018"FUELTank Capacity5 gals.6.25 gals.20/15 gals.6.25 gals.20/15 gals.6.25 gals.20/15 gals.6.25 gals.20/15 gals.6.25 gals.20/1POWE RTRAINOverallOverallLengthWidth2x61 mm399cc9:1ElectricSpark Plug (gap)Breaker Points (gap)MixingRatio-- Imp.-- onal11
1972 DIC440ENGINENo. of 61 cc9:1ElectricNORDIC640ERTwo2x76mm2x70mm635.1 /2"36"47498-3/4"34"33"3351242 sq.in.0.3261242 sq.in.0.3541242 sqJn.0.3821242 sq.in.0.270Track (Width)StandardGear Ratio18"16/3418"16/3418"19/3318"12/33Lighting Coil (Watts)Spark Plug 240-T-1Spark Plug (gap)Breaker Points 5.5 gals.6.875 gals.20/15.5 gals.6.875 gals.20/15.5 gals.6.875 gals.20/15 gals.6.25 gals.20/1LengthWidthMixingCapacityRatio- Imp.- U.S.(gas/oil)- .018"-.018"- rallOverallHeight w/o WindshieldWeight (Ibs.)Bearing AreaGround Pressure (P.S.I.)12J440EITEMPOWERi- rdStandardOptionalOptionalY'i
1972 MODEL119ILLUSTRATEDMODEL440 mm2x61 /4"5961756 sq.in.0.2821756 sq.in0.3022160 sq.in.0.2772 x 15"13/39Standard2 x 15"13/39Standard2 x 15"13/29StandardLighting Coil (Watts)Spark Plug (Bosch)Spark Plug (gap)Breaker Points (gap)75WM-240-T-1.020".014" - .018"75WM-240-T-1,020".014" - .018"120WM-280-T-31.020".014" - .018"Tank Capacity5 gals.6.25 gals.20/15 gals.6.25 gals.20/15 gals.6.25 gals.20/1ITEMENGINENo. of HASSISRatioOverallOverallLengthWidthHeightw/o WindshieldWeight (Ibs.)Bearing AreaGround PressurePOWERTRAINELECTRICALSYSTEMFUELTrack (Width)Standard GearReverseMixingRatio(P.S.I.)Ratio- Imp.-- U.S.(gas/oil)2x67.5mm2x61 mm436.6cc2x70mm635.1 meterStandardStandardOptional 13
1972 MODELT NT ,lr---"lI!22I99ITEMT'NT292ENGINENo. of CylindersBoreStrokeOne75mm66mm291 cc11.8:1ManualTwo2x76mm2xTOmm635.1 cc10.0:1ManualTwo2x82mm2x72mm771 34-1/2"36-1/2""400101"34-1/2""36-1/2""440Two' "Height w/o WindshieldWeight (Ibs.)Bearing AreaGround Pressure (P.S.I.)35-1/2"31630-5/8'"35-1/2"3281092 sq.in.0.2891092 sq.in.0.3001092 sq.in.0.3261242 sq.in.0.3222142 sq.in.0.354POWERTRAINTrack (Width)Standard Gear TRICALSYSTEML!ghting Coil (Watts)Spark Plug (Bosch)75WM-280-T-31.020"75WW-260-T-1.020 ' 0".014"-.018".014"-.018".014"-.018".014".014'"5 gals.6.25 gals.20/15 gals.6.25 gals.20/15 gals.6.25 gals.20/15.5 gals.6.875 gals.20/15.5 gals.6.875 gals.20/1FUELSpark Plug (gap)(except pre-gapped plug)Breaker Points (gap)Tank CapacityMixing-- Imp.-- U.S.Ratio (gas/oil)1- - .018'
1973 MODEL1543L Ji31 ,88 76MODELENGINEit:LAN250250E250T250SSNo. of c247.3cc"7.5:11 X HR7.5:11 X HR1 1.2:11 X HR1 1.8:12 X HR88 1/2"29"88 1/2'"29"88 1/2"32 1/2"88 1/2"32 1/2"43"43"43"'43"34"34"34"34"Weight (Ibs.)265301270Bearing Area1070 sq.in.1070Ground0.2480.2810.2520.262200 lbs.200 Ibs.200 Ibs.200 lbs.Track Width15"15"15"15'"Std. G ear Ratio10/25t 0/2514/3514/34Brake Light Coil Output23 Watts23 Watts18 Watts18 WattsLighting Coil OutputHeadlamp (Watt)75 Watts60/6075 Watts35/3555 Watts45/4555 Watts45/45Tail/StopLightSpark Plug -260-T-1Spark Plug Gap.020".020".020"Breaker Points Gap.014"VoltageNoNoYesYes3.5 gels.4.38 gels.3.5 gals.4.38 gels.3.5 gels.4.38 gels.3.5 gets.4.38 otingPivotingDiscCompression gthWidthHeightHeightw/oPressure hieldLoad CapacityRegulatorTank n.1.020"- .018"1Pivoting.014"- .018"1070.014"280 approx.sq.in.- 018"1070 sq.in.014"approx.- 018"15
1973 MODELSpecifications 400E440No. wo64,5mmTwo67.5mmStroke66ram70ram6 lmm61 mm61ram61ram61 cCompression7:19:19:19:110:110:110:1CarburetorH RH RH RH RH RH RH geRegulatorNoNoYesNoYesNoCapacity- Imp.- U.S.4.7 gats.6 gals.4.7 gals.6 gals.4.7 gals.6 gals.4.7 gals.6 gals.4.7 gals.6 gals.4,7 gats.6 gals.4.7 gals.6 umDrumTypeRatio, Drum- .018".020".014"- .018".020".014"'- .018"'.020".014"'.020".014"'-.018"SparkPlug rakeSYSTEMCyL- .018"- ,018- .016"Yes.JJ
1973 MODELSpecificationsSKAN43,.D IC" roke335of rburetor(Tillotson)335cc9:1H ualOverallOverallTRAINI.ILengthWidth10234 1/2"HeightHeight w/o WindshieldWeight (Ibs)46"38 1/4"390Bearing AreaGround Pressure (p.s.i,)1242.314Track WidthStd. Gear Ratio18"12/33Brake Light Coil OutputLighting Coil OutputHeadlamp(Watt)23W75W60/60Tail/StopLightSpark Plug (Bosch)Spark Plug GapBreaker Points Gap8/23WM-225-T1.020".014".018"Tank5.16.4Capacity- Imp.- U.S.GasolineGas/Oil RatioRegular40:1TypeDrum17
1973 MODELSpecificationsNO R D ICr3446r1--- IOf-.9OMODELNORDIC640ERENGINENo. of s
Manual Manual Electric Manual 40W 40W 75W 75W M-240-T-1 * M-240-T1 ' M-240-T-1 ' W-240-T-1 '.020" .020" .020" 020".014"-.018" .014"-.018'" .014"-.018" .014"-.018" 3 gal. 3 gal. 3 gal. 3 gal. 3.75 gal. 3.75gal. 3.75 gal. 3.75 gal. 20:1 20:1 20:1 20:1 BRAKE Type Drum Drum Drum Drum ACCES-SORIES Speedometer Tachometer Optional Optional Optional .
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