SHOW DATES: June 20-29 Auditions

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The Tony-Award Winning Best Musical arrives this summer in Roxy Theatricals sparkling new production!It’s the Roaring Twenties, and youngMillie Dillmount has just stepped offthe train in New York City: a “thoroughly modern” place filled withfrisky flappers, dapper gents, and adragon-lady villianess. As kicky as abottle of bathtub gin, we’re sureyou’ll agree: this silly song-anddance extravaganza is thoroughlymarvelous!“A frisky, fresh-faced throwbackwith a lovely mad streak all itsown.” – Newsday“As welcome as a gooey ice-creamsundae after a week-long fast.”– USA TodaySHOW DATES: June 20-29Rehearsals for Principals begin in late April.Rehearsals for The Moderns begin mid-May.auditionsAuditions for Roxy Theatricals production ofThoroughly Modern Millie will be held atThe Legacy Theatre, 101 East Lawrence Ave.,Springfield, IL, on the following dates:Saturday, January 4 10 amSunday, January 5 2 pmAuditions are open call, no advance registrationrequired. Auditons are vocal only, there will beno dance audition. Performers auditioning for aprincipal role are encouraged to sing from theshow; selections follow. Performers auditioningfor “The Moderns” may sing from the show or anyselection that shows your vocal talents.Please print out and bring your audition form(included in this packet) with you.For more

CHARACTERSMILLIE DILLMOUNT:Female, 20-25 yrs old Range: G#3 - E5Newly arrived from Kansas, Milly is a spunky young woman hoping to make it in New York City. She sets outto marry for money instead of love, because that’s “modern.” This being amusical comedy, hilarity ensues, and she falls in love with Jimmy. SONG: Gimme Gimmejimmy smith:Male, 20-30 yrs old Range: C3 - A4A 1920’s man-about-town and paperclip salesman who unexpectedly becomes the story's hero.He falls in love with Millie. SONG: What Do I Need With Lovemiss dorothy brown:Female, 20-25 yrs old Range: B3 - C6A naive, wealthy girl who has moved to New York to change her lifestyle. She becomes Millie's roommateand confidant. SONG: How The Other Half Livesmrs. meers: Female, 45-60 yrs old Range: E3 - Bb4A former actress masquerading as the kindly Chinese woman who oversees a hotel for women.Her secret identity conceals her role as a human traffcker who secretly sells her tenants into white slavery.No tap. SONG: They Don’t Knowmuzzy van hossmere: Female, 35-55 yrs old Range: G#3 - D5A glamorous actress and nightclub singer. She becomes Millie's friend and mentor. Like Mrs. Meers, Muzzyalso has a secret. No tap. SONG: Long As I’m Here With Youtrevor greydon: Male, 35-45 yrs old Range: A2 - G4An executive at the Sincere Trust Insurance Company. He is sharp, ambitious, unwittingly hilarious, and a secret romantic. SONG: Ah! Sweet Mystery of Lifemiss flannery: :Female, 30-45 yrs old Range: Bb3 - D5The stern office manager who runs the stenographer pool at Sincere Trust Insurance Company.Featured role and specialty tap.SONG: Any of the above or a song of your choice that shows your vocaltalents.bun foo: :Male, 16-30 yrs old Range: E3 - E4A Chinese immigrant working to bring his mother to the United States. Older brother of Ching Ho andhenchman to Mrs. Meers. Sings and speaks in chinese. SONG: Any of the above or a song of your choicethat shows your vocal talents.ching ho: :Male, 16-30 yrs old Range: Bb2 - E4A Chinese immigrant working to bring his mother to the United States. Younger brother of Bun Foo andhenchman to Mrs. Meers. Sings and speaks in chinese. SONG: Any of the above or a song of your choicethat shows your vocal talents.the moderns: : Ages 16-40’s All ranges6 frisky flappers and 6 dapper gents who portray the denizens of New York City in 1922.Lots of singing and dancing! SONG: Any of the above or a song of your choice that shows your vocal talents.

AUDITION NUMBERA U D I T I O Nf o r mName n Femalen MaleEmail: School GradeAddressCity / State / ZipHome Phone Cell PhoneVocal Range: n Sopranon Alton Tenorn BassCan you read music? n Yesn NoAge Height Weight Hair ColorPlease list any specific role you are interested inIf you are not cast in a principal role, will you accept a role in the Ensemble? n Yesn NoList any dates you will not be available April 1 - July 1, 2013:If not cast as a performer, would you be interested in working on the production crew? n YesIndicate your area of interest: n Sceneryn Costumesn Technical/Run Crewn Propsn Non Makeup/HairPlease list any previous theatrical experiences, special training, etc.IF UNDER AGE 18Parent / Guardian NameParent / Guardian EmailAddress City / State / ZipHome Phone Work PhoneCell PhoneCOMMITMENTI understand that participating in the audition for this show is a sign of my commitment to the production.The production staff will provide a clear rehearsal schedule, will be prepared to teach the material and execute the creative vision for the production,and will respect each performer’s time, talent, and contribution to the whole.If I am cast as a member of the production, I understand that I am joining a team and others depend on me. I understand that I must arrive on timeand be present at rehearsals and all performances. I understand that I must be prepared for rehearsals and will be required to learn and memorizemusic, lyrics, dialogue and choreography on my own time. I understand that repeated absences may cause me to be dismissed from the cast.I release Roxy Theatricals and The Legacy Theatre to use my image, with no compensation, in any photographic or film media in any and all mannerof promotion for the show and the theatre in perpetuity.I understand that my commitment to this production extends beyond my onstage peformance. As a teammate, I agree to spend some time helpingwith production work days, as well as helping to promote the show by distributing promotional materials, spreading the word via social mediaplatforms, and striving on all levels to help make our show a success.My signature below, and the signature of my parent/guardian below if I am under age 18, indicates my acceptance of these terms.Signature of AuditioneeSignature of Parent / Guardian

—258—Thoroughly Modern MillieGIMME GIMME21Music by Jeanine TesoriLyrics by Dick ScanlanCue:(Muzzy)"Love has everything to do with it"(From a distance)&## C&## C1 -## C œ .&œœ .P œœ .? ## C&3&####Tpt—Harmon? # # œ .œTbn 1&##.Œ? ## œœ.Œ-jœœœ ‰œœ. œ SoloClar. 2 clar1,clar.3,tpt.1,tbn.1,vln.1œœœœœœœœ# œœ. ‰ œjbœ.œŒœœœ Œ # œœœœ.# œ.Œ #œŒ# œ. œ .ŒœŒŒnn œœœœ.œ Œ œœ.œ.bœœ. œœ 5œŒœœœœ.Œ- 258 -œ.œœ œ.Œœœ.Œn bœ.Œœœœ Œ # œœœœ.# œ.Œ #œŒ# œ.bœœœ 44 6.jœ b œ œ ‰ œœŒœœ 3œœœœœœŒ.jœ œ ‰ œb œ.œ- œ œ.Fœœœœ. œ4.œ œn 2 44 œ. œŒ44œœœœ.Œ44ŒŒŒnn œœœœ.œ Œ œœ.œ.44

—259—## 4& 47 ## 4 .& 4 œClar solo? # # 44.œ Pœ.œ ‰œœn œœŒb& b bbbbb& b b b b b ww 11bw& b b b b b wwwThis or that,b& b bbbb wwŒ‰w18bb& b b bb15œ œ .16ei - ther or.ww j.œœœœ œ œbb& b b bb wwbb w& b b b b wwwwThoroughly Modern Milliejœ12aŒœœ n b 13 .Più mossoœ œ œ-œœPœœœPœœœnœœœ œ œ ‰ œjgreen glass love,What20œ œ œ n - 259 -17so - cial whirl,bœ œ œ . œœb œœœœœœœ-cle - ver girl,Rit.œ œ dream- ing of?b n n n -œœœœœ Fluteœ œ œ. œœœbœœœ21Rall.bus' - ness man,-kind of life am In bbbbbbno - thing more. œ œ bœ œ œ &wwwwœœœ bbbbbbœœsim - ple choice,Mar - ry well, n 19pin my fu - ture onŒjœwwwwClars.b& b b b b b wwwœœœbœn wwwwStringsb& b bbbb œ œ .Óœ.œ ‰bbbbbb 9- n ww 14.œATpt 2-3 .œjœŒB.C10 8-StringsGIMME GIMMEœœœnœœ22ÓorœœœU U ####nœ œIsay #### ####

—260—In 4# # # # SlowŒ&#œ. nœ œ.23 24œ œGIMME GIMME25Œœ. œ œ.Gim - me gim - me.#### œœ&Strings, Clar 1-327&p####œ-œ&####Œ#### œ&œ31œ-œ&####&####&####&# # # # -œ&#### -̇œ. œ œ. œ œn œœœ-œ œn œœœ-œ32ŒGim - me gim - meœœœ-œœœœ-œThoroughly Modern Millie œœœœ-œÓthat-n œœœ-œ œœthing calledn œœœ-œœœœ-œ-̇Ó- 260 -?œŒœ œ œ. # P 34love.HornSoloCelloŒÓ œ. œ œIwantŒÓit. wVlnsŒ Œ nœ 33œ30love. --̇Ón œœœ-œœœœ-œ thing calledŒ -̇ œ. œ œ. œ œ- 29 Œœœœ-œÓthatœœœ-œ-̇ŒŒ28Gim - me gim - me œ œGim - me gim - me.œœœ-œ 26jœœ œ œIneedit.œœ œ#œ nœ .#

—261—35&&&########con motoŒœ œ œŒ36Highs and lows,‰www.b œœ . œ.&&# # # # wwœ œ.40œ œ& .b œœ.####Œœœ . .41n ww # .RubatoŒœ-œ. œ œ. œ œ44ŒGim - me gim - mewwwwStringsFœŒ ‰ J ##### # œœœ. .? #### # œœœœ.œnœ ŒBassThoroughly Modern Millieœ . œ œ. ‰Jœœœ.œnœœœœ.œŒœ œthat thingœcalledœœ .J œ . œJ ‰œ nœJn œœœ.nœœœœ œœœœ. . .œ œŒœœœœ.œ-love.Œ- 261 -œœœœ ‰-œœœœœb n œœœIœœ.Œ ‰ J œ . œJ ‰œœœ.œœ Œœœœ.œœœœœ.œŒœœœœ Œ nœ- love.wwww 46œœ#œ #œ œ .# œœœ.#œœ42 .‰œœJ45n wwwwpœœœJaf - ter.ẇœœ .Œev - er thing calledb .A tempoœ œ œ œhap - pyTpts, Tbn 1Clar 2-3, B.C&œ œ38nwnwthatw? ####œœ .wwwGim - me gim - me#w####‰n n www? #### w&Gim- mebwnwŒ####43and laugh - ter.ww? # # # # # # ww&nœ.Œ #œ œ Œ37Clar.2, Clar. 3########jœ œj œ .tearsdiv.39GIMME GIMMEœ. œ œcraveit.n wwww. œ œ œ n œ œ.nœ. œ œJ ‰n œœœ.nœœœœœ.œŒœœœ.œœœœœ.œœ

—262—#### Œ&47Œ48œ. œ œ. œ œ49œGim - me gim -me&# # # # ww? #### Œ&œœœ.œœœ . œ œ. ‰Jœœœ.œœœ Œœœœ.œœ52Thick 'n thin,w# # # # ww&####calledwœœ œ.J œ.J ‰&œ nœJClars.Ówwww. .? #### # œ œœŒThoroughly Modern Millie- b . .œ œœŒŒn œ ‰ œj œrichFlute inœœœ.œœœœœ.œœœœœ.œœœor poor time.Œww-. .# œœ œœ.n œœœ ŒÓw#wb www#w. .nœ œŒ.œ.œnœ Œand- 262 -54ww. . .œœ œœ œœ.œœœ ŒŒI'll want moreŒ. .œ œœŒ.œœ#œ #œtime.œœ.œœ.œœb n .# ww#œ.œœŒœœœ.œœj jœ œ œ.jœ œŒ# ww œœn œœœ .w w# w . .#œ œœnœjœit.- (to St. Mute)œœ . nn œœœœ œœœœ . œœœ œœœ. nœœœ .Tpts, Tbn 1wwwŒ n .b ww b .œ# œww n # Gim - me yearsn n wwwnœw Œ #œ œ œ.53Œ œ œI'll bravewwŒœ50love.Violinsn œœœ.# n œœœŒœ#### Œ&œ œ &thingœAccel. poco a pocoCellos########œwn wwwwœ‰ J&thatwww# œœœ.? # # # # # œœ51GIMME GIMME#œ #œ

—263—55#### Œ&œ. œ œ. œ œ56Gim - me gim - me#### &&&########.œb œœww.œœœ.œœœ# ww. .#? ## # œ œœ ŒIn 2#C F&œœGim - me&#CTpt. 2-3, Tbn 1?# Cœœœ.Tuba, Bassœ.Fjœ œ.œ60Œgim- meœ.œœ# œ.Œ.œ# C œœ .n œœ œ œœ .œœ .#.nœ&. œ œ œFœœn œœ?# CnœœœSolo!Thoroughly Modern Millie.œœŒ.œœœœ. œ œ‰Œjœœœ.œœ .œœ .-.ŒPœcalledÓœ.Œœ- 263 -œœœœ # œœœœ # œœ- .fn œœœ.# œœœ.nœœ.œœ Œ61œœ .œœ . œœœ. .œ œœœœœ .œœ.œœœœœn œœn œœ-œœœ.œœŒthat thing‰ œj Óœœ.Œ.nœœŒœ59nww58love.Tpts, Tbn.œœœAccel.œ .œ Œ b nw w.œ57that thing called-.œœœ.œœœ # ŒGIMME GIMME.œwŒFœœœ. .œ œœ Œ62love.œ.œœ .œœ .-.œœœ.wFŒœœœ.#Cn œœn -œœœœ .œœ . n œœœ.œœ # œœœ œ-œ # œ.# œœœ.n œœ.œœ#C?ƒ#C#C#CŒ b œ œj œ .I'm free now. œ . œ œ œ . œ œ . œ b œœ Œ‰ œœ Ó#œJ.Tpt 1Solo:"Louis"Œœ.ŒÓÓœ. œ. n œ.# œ.œ œ #œœœœ .œœ œ œœ .œ.œœœ # œœœ Œ Óœ. œœœœœœ

—264—&63&#Œ#&&&‰ ŒŒ Soloœœœ ‰ œ.Œœ.œœœ#œœœ œFly,ŒwAltos, BariŒœœ b œœ n œœ n œ . œœ ‰œ œ b œ # œœ . œ3.# # œœœœ& Œ?#Tubaœ.b ŒThoroughly Modern MillieÓœ.Œjœœœjœœ œ œ . œ œœœ ‰œ ŒœJ.jœGim-meœœnœœ œ.JŒb œ.ŒÓ .# .œœœœ.Œ Ón œ œ œ œJ œ .fam - ous ar - rowwwœœœ b œœ n œœ n œœ . œœœ ‰œ # b œœ n œœ n œœ . b œ3Œ.n nn œœœœ.œŒ- 264 -Óœ #œ nœ #œ70Cu - pid'ssee now.SaxesŒ &ßn œ.œœœSaxes.b b b œœœœ Œ Ó.j ‰ Œ# œœœœŒ.œœ .œœ .œœœ.œœœœ # œœ.œ.‰ nœŒœ œ œŒIwwŒ Óbb œœœ.b œ.69spar - row!bwbwStrings#œŒœ.œœjœ œ.Sing,# wFœ68dove!œœ66love.‰ œj Óœœ.œœ# œ.Œœ65# œ .œ œ œ . œœ . œ œœ . œ # œœ . œ œ . œœ . œ œœ . œœœ?#67œ. œ œ. œ œGim - me gim - me?#&64GIMME GIMMEÓœ.Œjœœn œœ# œœœ Œœ.# œœœœŒn œ.ŒÓÓ# œ. # œ.

—265—&71&#Œ#Œ?#&#œ.œœœ. #œ œœ . # œ œ.ŒŒŒœ.#œœdon't&?#Œ.œ76# . FÓŒSaxes3bœ nœ œbœ nœ œPŒhe's# # # œœœ.# œ.œ.œ. n œ # œ.œ .74love.Œa .Œ # # œœ . œœ ‰ œœ œœJPjœ‰ œ Œ.Œ œœ.#w78no-œœœ.œœœ.œœœ.œ. œ. œ.- 265 -Óœ# # œœ.œœ. ‰ œ œœ.œJfjœ ‰ œ Œœ.œ.jœ #œ.œbo - dy.ww## ww#wœœœœ. # œ .# œ.Tpt 1-2, AltosŒ77w œœœœœ.b .b .œœ n n œœœ. n œ 73thing called# ## wwww# wœœœ.Thoroughly Modern Millieœjœ ‰ #œ œ œ# # œœœ.Bassœœœ.œŒ œifn nn œœœnœnœ Strings#œœ.œnœcare# # # .& # .& . . .œœœ.œ œthatPoco più mossomarcatoI#Œ72Gim - me gim - me.# # n œœœœ&75œ. œ œ. œ œGIMME GIMMEœœ.ŒwwwwwTpts, Tbn 1œœœ.#œ# œ.œœ.œœœ.œœœ.#œ œ œ œ. . . .-# ‰ #œ.# # œœœ .œ# # œœœœ . œ œ . œœ œ#œ.œ.œ.œ.

—266—79&&&&#&&&&œ JIn my###?#83bœ œJ#heartn b .b .b .ÓŒSaxesnœb œœ.œœœ.b œ.##?#-w# ww#wwß p œ.Œ # œœœP# n # œœœ.bœ œ bœbœ œ bœ384œœœ.œœ.œœœœœ.œœœ. . . .#œ œ œ œThoroughly Modern Milliesome-jbœ œ.œb bb wwww bœw b b œœ .œœ . œ œœœ . b œœ œbo - dy,bwb b wwbwbwn .n .nœb œœ.œœœ.b œ.jœ #œ.wwww b œœw œP .# œœœœ# �œœœ.œœœ.œœŒœœœ.b b b œœœ.85bœbœœœœ.w86œ.Œ œœ . œœ œœ . œœœ.b b b œœœb œ.œ.œ.œ. wbme! Œœœœ.œœœJjb œœœœbœ.b b b œœœ .jœ bœ.œ bœ.œœœ.loveœœœ.œœ.œœTpts, Tbnb œ. œ. œ.œ. œ. œ.Œ œbo - dyœœ.œœa82Alto's, Tenorœ. œ fnwbebw81n b wwwbwbwœœ # œœœ. œ œ.œ ‰ bœ œ œJhe'llœ# œœœœ some#80GIMME GIMME--œœœœ œœ œ #œ œœ œ #œ œ œ bœ œœ bœ œ33.œ œœ . œœ œœ . œœ œœœ . œœœ œœ.œœ. œ œ. œ œ. œb bŒ-œœ . œœ œœ . œœ œœ . œœ.f œ. œ œ. œ œ œ œœœ. . .œ œ œ - 266 -Œƒ5StringsSaxes Bi b . . bissg gl

—267—ƒ&b wPiù mosso8788(me) œ .&bƒœœ.œœ&bƒœœ.œœœ.œœœ&b ŒƒSaxes?b Bassf ?bfff œ. œ œœ.œ œ .Tbn. 2œ92ŒTœ.bœ.j‰ œœœœŒ œœœœœ.3Thoroughly Modern Millie#œœbœ.# œœnœœwœ.œœœ œœœœ.Œœœœœ thingœcalled œ œ . b œ œJ T # œœœ œ.œ œ. #œ nœœ.#œœ œ. bœ œœ. œ. œ #œ. œŒœœœ . œ b œœ . œœ ‰ œœœJShakeœœœœœ- 267 -œœ œ œ œ5 . . .Œ Œ b œ œœœ œ œ œI .œJ ‰-œ œ.œ. œ ‰œœ- . œ. œJ .n œ .ß p ‰Pullback94love.Œœ . b œ œœjœœœ œ #œœ œ #œœœwŒit. .Rit.93need -œ . œ.œœfœ bœ œ. œ ŒI œ .bœœœ.œœœœœœœ90(3) .b -œœ œ.œœ bœœ ‰ œ œœJthatœ œ œœ #œ œ œ #œ .œœ. bœ œ- .b œœ . œœGim- me .&b ŒŒœ œœ œj nœ œ. Tpts, Tbn 1&bœ.œœœb œœœœ&b Ó œJbœ. œ œœ œ.91&bw89GIMME GIMME b Óœœ œ#œƒ œœ# œœwan - nit!œœ œ œ œ œœ œ œ œŒŒ5Ó . iss ƒgl gBi Œ œ ŒÓ

—268—j b œjœœBring it home! DixielandIn 49695& b Œ œ. œ œ.&bfwwHereœ.Œ n œœœ .Saxes&bI amœœœœ- -œœ œœ œœœœ. œœbnœœŒ&fn œœ?bœSt.Œœ œœœœœœF& b ‰ œ œj œ œwwœŒœ.Tpts, Tbn 1œŒ b b œœ .bœ.&b œœœœFŒ & b œœœœŒœŒ?bŒŒŒThoroughly Modern Millie-100-œœœ.‰œœœœœJŒb œœjœ œ‰ bœdon'tfor - getœœœœœœœœ b b b œœœœŒœnœŒŒŒŒŒ œ Œœœ œœÓ œŒ n n œœœŒnœœ101me.-œœœœ-œœœœœ- 268 -œœfirst inŒœœœœœœ œœœœ œœRo - me - oŒŒŒŒline! . .# .- Œn n n œœœœœœ œ œ 3I'mœ‰ n œ œj œ œ œœœœAccel.98œœœœŒ œœœœ‰ œjare packed;wwœœ.œœœ œbagsœœœ bœb n œœœ-My œ97bœ. bœ œbœ. bœ œ œŒ b b œœœ(Accel.)A - phro - di - te,œVal - en - tine!bœ99jœ œGIMME GIMMEand-œœœœ-œœœœœœ102Juœ-li‰ œj # œ.# œœœœ œ # œ .SaxesStringsw# ww# œœœ .ßpœ#œœœœœœ.Œ-œœetme!œ œj œ.œ œ œ.œœœ.œœœœ.œ

—269—f A tempo In 2& b 103Fly,104dove!. .3 .œ œ œ œ .3 . . .3 . œ œ œœ nœ œ œ œŒ n œœœœŒ œœœœf. Œ Saxes .3&b?b œœŒœ&b Œ 107Gim&bŒ-meœwwwwnwœœœ.& b Œ nœAdd Alto?b Œœœœ.‰ œ ŒJœ. #œ œ. œ œ. nœœ. #œ œ. œ œ. œThoroughly Modern Milliejœ œSing,‰spar - row!.b wwwwœœœœœœ.nœthatœœœ.‰ œ ŒJœœ œœ.œœœœœ.ŒŒœ. œ œœ.œ.œ ‰ œ ‰ œ. œ œJJ- 269 -.œœœœŒ b œœ ‰ œœ ŒJœ œ . œ.œœ œ bœ œ. nœ ‰ œ-Jar- row. ÓÓ œœœwŒTpts, Tbn 1œ . .œœ .œœœœÓ œœœBari, TenorÓcalledwwwwwŒÓ110 œ œ œ œ.Jfam - ousŒ Óthingœœœ.œfat boy's106Œ Ów109 œ œ œ.jœ ‰ Œ.Œ œgim - me. . . .3 .b œ œ œ œ .3 . . .3 . . n œ œœ œ bœ bœ œ œœœœœœœŒ Œ b œœ wwwww1053gim - me Strings&b108b GIMME GIMME-œ . œ. b -œ œ.œœ . œœ ‰ œœ œœœ. œ œ œJjœ œ . b œ œœjœœœ ‰.j‰ œœœ Œœœ. œ ‰ JHorn.œœœœ œœ ‰J

—270—&b Ó112love!b b œ.œ.&b w116Œjbœ œbœ œ117&bŒŒŒ &b w?b œœ‰b œ bœJThoroughly Modern Millie‰- .n œ b œ nœ bœ œ. œ . æ. .Œœ.b œœœ . æ. œ . ŒœJ-jœ.b b œœ ‰ b œœœœ bœœœ.œœÓbœ œ.J?jœ ‰œœœ œJ.- 270 -Uw‰Ó.UwUÓ.UÓ.b œ. œ- . œ. œjœœ b œœ . b b œœ ‰ b œœœ œ. œ b œ .œœ n œ .bœ œ.œ œ . n œ b œ œ . b œ œ œ. œb œ œ. æ. œ . Œnœœ œœœœŒÓ œ œ ŒÓœ œœœœœœ.œœœœ.jœ ‰œ œ bœ œ. œ œJJ.Óon upbeatœœ.œœœ ‰ œJ ‰ ŒƒHornŒjœ. ‰ bœ œ118UwAll# wwn wwwwßp.œb œ œ . œ œœb œ œ . œ œ.jœ. ‰ bœ œnœ . œ . # œ œ.œ. #œ œ. œœœTbn. 2wb œ.œœœ . œ . # œ œ œ œ.œ. #œ œ. œœ. Œ-œ.œœœjæœ ‰ Œ .œw œ Œœ‰ b ‰œœœ bœœœJJŒ œ. œœ œŒw114œ.Œ œœœœœ.œœœbœb œœœ . b œœ ‰ b b œœœ. æ. œ .115&b Œ-j.œ- . œ. .œ .b œ œ . b œ œ . œ œœb œ œ b œ œ . œ œ. ?b œ Œœw113b œ.œœœ Tœœœ& b Œ œ.ƒ .Œ .œ. #œ œ. œ œ. nœ&bŒ œ. #œ œ. œ œ. nœSaxes æ.Œ .b& wƒw ƒ 111GIMME GIMME œœŒÓApplause segueŒÓŒÓ

—196—Thoroughly Modern MillieAH SWEET MYSTERY/FALLING IN LOVEMusic by Jeanine TesoriLyrics by Dick ScanlanTREVOR:"Got to work up a good sweat.Edgy in the gut, tight in the."#c Ó#### c& #ßp Ah!œ . œ œ . œ œ . œ œ . œ1Sweet-œ-œf--mys - ter - yœßp œœUJ ‰ Œ-F œ ‰ UŒJ#U? #### c# 3&&#########œ .-œknow#&#####&#####? ####F 7Œ#œœœœœ-ŒŒwwUÓœ œ .-œat lastœœ œœœœœœŒwwœ œ .-œthe seœœœœœœœœof life-œ I've-œœUœ -œcret of-œœœœœŸ -# œit all.-̇ œœœœŸ -œœœœœœ- 196 - DOROTHY:Œ " œœJ jœœœœJ œJB6 U‰ Œf U œ .MILLIE:"Handball"4IJ ‰ UŒC m7œ-Ah!U œœœ œ œ œ jœœU‰ŒœœJ œœ U œ . œ"found thee.œ œœœœœ2-œœ œ .-at last-œœœœœœ ar p egg. #### c& # U Vlns fU œ . œ ar pe gg. &#####c ÓUŒMILLIE: "A handballcourt for 6:15"Grand & Romantic arp e gg. &####ATREVOR:16All‰UŒ‰UŒ‰UŒ‰UŒœthe

—197—5&####&####&#####&##### Œ? ####Œ# ww7&# œ .long####&####&#####-œ-ing, seek--# # œœœœ-#Bass Thoroughly Modern Millieœjoyand-œn n œœœ-œting,yearn-œœ œœœœn œœœœ -œœi - dle‰œ-ing,Fœtearsœ #œburn - ingœœœn œœœœœœœF#n œœœ#œjœœ ‰œ P œJthe n œœn n œœ-œ6nœ n œœœ# # œœœing, wait-œœœhopes, theœ œ .-œœœœœ--œ--#ing, strivœPœœœœœœ œ .--œœ##& # ##? ####œ œ .AH SWEET MYSTERY/FALLING IN LOVEœœœJUb Ó‰ŒŒU F esp.Œœ œMILLIE: "Can't you do better than that?" "I'll hold." TREVOR:8œthatÓ9fall. # # # # œ œ œ œœœ jœœ ‰ ŒœœJp p - 197 -j ‰ ŒœbUb pU I'vea4343U U 43Ub ÓUÓ43Ub ÓUÓ43bp

—198—In One& b 43 œ10ver& b 43 .11-œœyfeelVlns.P& b 43 . .HarpP? b 43 . .&b14n œkindœofaIœheart'sœact . .&b& b gg .ggg .gggggggggggggg . . .Thoroughly Modern Millie-œingjœœ.ne'erfeltbeœ-fore,# .# . .# .# . . .16œœofdeœ-presŒ# .-17 Œ n œ .# .n œœ ggg # .ggggggggg .gggg .bœstrangeœ- ly,œ20itœnœfeels# .# . . .# .n .œ# .œœ- 198 - .n . .œ œ'tisF CelloœŒœœrathaœDOROTHY:PœMyœ̇ .œ .Œsion.# . .# .19œ .grindgggggg .gggggg n .g18?bingœ13# .#œ& b g n .ggg .g&b-œ15& b n .?b12#œstrangeAH SWEET MYSTERY/FALLING IN ŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒ&

—199—&b22œleastFlute solo&bœitœ23gives . Horn (muted)&b œ&b?b&b30&b-œsesleap27œœlieveme,I'mpggg .& b gggggPLAY gg ggggg .& b gggg .Thoroughly Modern Milliepres31sion.œ28œlywith- œtel-jœ œ.œoutan - y # œ . # .gggggggggggggggggg29nœœlingyoutru .# .ggg b b .ggggggggggggggg b b .gggg n n .ggggggggggggggg n .gn - 199 -- ly.Œ Œ33œ?BejœœœJjœœœJœ‰pœŒ œœœ œœœ‰sub.cause. œœ œ .32fjœœJ œggg # .ggggggggggggggg n .g ŒPiù mossoTREVOR:Myœ# .- œ . œ - .œ .œmadBassIn 3-ggg .ggggggggggggggg .œ Vlnsœ # . Clarsf Cello ( Tbns)œ .pulimŒ25œ .ggg .& b gggggggggg pggg .b& gg .con passionethat24 .CELESTE Solo26œ.œme .jœAH SWEET MYSTERY/FALLING IN �œœœJœœœœœœJ‰Œ‰Œ‰Œ?

—200—.&b œœ œJ34gaywith- out Vlns œ .#œ.&b&bf# œ .Vlns&b Œ?b&b38pause,-?b jœœ ‰Œj ‰œ . nœœitsareœ .39œtru-#œly6œunœœœThoroughly Modern Millieœœœ#œn œ .#œnœ .œoutœ# F-œœœœ3œru- - 200 -jœœ ‰J jœœ ‰ œ ‰JUœForU#œ‰UŒUŒ.œJ‰UŒUŒ .œœJ.b œ.œJUUUŒUŒGlock soloœ-œ œ œœœœœjœœ- .jœœJ.bœ 6jœ ‰41ly.œMyœ œ œ œœœœœœ# F40FœTREVOR:cause.-7œb .n .œ œ. œ. œ. œ. . .œ œ œ. œ. . .œ œ œ. œ. .œœŒ -œ37Solo "Gypsy time"œ ‰J .Harpwithn .&b Œsadœ œJ& b .&bjœœœ ‰J . spirthenœ. n Bass, Clar, Bassœ36œ œœ œJClarsfFœ Œ œPoco rit.35AH SWEET MYSTERY/FALLING IN LOVE‰‰ŒI'mŒ?

—201—42&bA tempo (rubato feel)œfal-œbœlingin43love? b .&b ŒFŒœHarp&bBasssomeŒ?b .&bŒ Œœ47-48 .œ-œ œ3œŒ ŒŒŒ49œ.œœœ.œ.œœœ.œœ . ŒThoroughly Modern MillieŒŒœŒ ŒŒœ- 201 -œœœŒœŒI'mœœ.œœ.œœ.3 .œ ŒŒœ .girl.-œ ŒœŒonebœ œ œ œF .one,œ œ œ nœŒb ŒŒ .&b?b Œ-Flute solo .Œ n .Œ .F45some Clar, Cello46with &b?bnœ 44AH SWEET MYSTERY/FALLING IN LOVEœœ.œœ. .œ œŒŒŒœœ ŒœŒ.œœ

—202—&b œ50fal -&b# .ŒPFlutes?b Œ&b Œ?bœœœling 51inloveœœ Œ œœVlnsŒŒ# ŒŒ& b .5455œwithœjœ ‰œ œœŒ ?b Œœœ#œœœ# œœ&b œ œ j#œ?bsomeŒ̇ŒThoroughly Modern MillieŒ.bœ56-œn œœ# œœœœ .b .œjœjnœ œŒŒœ- 202 -œœœjœœ ‰Œœ œœœŒœœŒœŒ-œœ# n œœnœœœŒœœŒœœŒœ57# œœœnœwhirl.œœœnœ ŒŒ .# œœœœPoco rit.n œœ .one,nœœœœœ nœj œœ-Œa(Vlns)Œ̇ . .Œhead&b53œ nœ œ52AH SWEET MYSTERY/FALLING IN LOVEœŒœAccel. DOROTHY:œYes-œœjœ ‰#œI'm# -œ#œŒ &Hornn -œ-œœj ‰œ# -œŒ

—203—A tempo&b58œfal&b Œ&bVlns-&b62œœinœœloveœœwith.œœ plain . .&bŒŒCelloœ .œ.œœ.œœ.œœFlutes ŒœœŒ ŒŒœ Thoroughly Modern MillieŒ.œœ.œœ.œœœ .ŒŒœ65see.ŒœBass- 203 - Œ . œ .œœone,Poco rit. . œ.œœ œœ.œœ to.œœ 64 .-.œœ.œœ.œœ . .Œb œ.œœ . . . . . .FœœsomeŒ 63 .&bbœbœ61 . . n Harp&bblingnœ P n FŒ?bœ60Clars&b Œ?bœ59AH SWEET MYSTERY/FALLING IN LOVEœ# œœ œ œ#œœ œœ œœœ #œŒ œ œœ œ œ œ œ# œœJ œJŒœTREVOR:I'm‰ŒŒ‰ŒŒ j ‰œœ ‰J ŒŒŒŒ

—204—&b œ œ œ66sureI67couldlove some - one.&b WWs&b&b?b .FŒ Vlns . œFœ œ œ68œ b œ .œb œœœœ .œ . .œœ . . P .PIANO&b œ Œ Œ7273Poco rit. . bb74œly,if# n œœjœœ ‰ Œ# œœjœœ ‰ Œ jggg # œœœ œœœ ‰ Œggggggggg n œ œg œ œ ‰ ŒJ - œ œ œp ,œ Œ69madAH SWEET MYSTERY/FALLING IN LOVETea Dance (slow and gentle) 75 70œ#œœ71some - one wouldœ.#œ#œœ. œœBass76 on - ly loveœn œ.œœ.&bœb œ # œœ b œœnœ bœ œ&b Cellobb bb -œ -œ -œSolopœ CELESTE?b Thoroughly Modern Millie bb Harp, Strs pizz- 204 - # -œ -œ -œœ # -œ -œ -œ œ ŒŒ Œggg gggggggggggg b Œwarmlywarmlyœ77Œ œ œ#œ œŒ(giggle)me.Œ #œ nœnœ bœŒ œ bœnœ œ œRit.HarpŒœ œ#œ œggg œœ.ggg # œ Œggggggg # œ.œœŒŒŒ

—205—b&b78—. —. —. ‰JwoodblockŒ79b&b ‰ jCello arcoleggiero ? bb &bb&bb -œœFb&b ŒBass3œ.œ‰‰œœJJj ‰ Œœœœ.FHn, Tbns, Cello Thoroughly Modern MillieŒœœ-n œœœŒ œ.œœ‰ œJj ‰ Œœb œœ.Œ - 205 -œ‰œ œ nœœnœFluteœ œJ ‰ œœJ ‰ b j ‰œœœ6j ‰œœœœœ.-œŒŒœ85-œœ. œ. œ.œ œ œ ‰ œJ jœœœ ‰œJ ‰œ bœ œn n Œ#-œ‰ #œJ -œ. œ. œ.J.œœ œœ ‰ ŒbœJœœ œbœbœ 843 81œ œœœœœ b ŒŒ 83œœ. ‰ Œœœœ œœ œ JFClarsb? bb#œœŒVlns arco. . .jœ œ œ ‰# œœœœ ‰JPoco rit. 80jj ‰œ. œ. œ.#œViennese Waltz (poco più mosso)In 1(Vlns)&b-. . .jœ œ œ ‰n œœœœ ‰Jb nœ&bœ82‰j ‰œ. œ. œ.œ-—. —. —. ‰JŒAH SWEET MYSTERY/FALLING IN LOVEœœbœœ œ œœœœ

—206—86&bb &bb&bb œœœ -œœ-œbb--? bb Œœ&œŒ 90&bbœœœJ‰œ-ŒœTango (dramatico!)Più mosso - in 1 &bbPIANO? bbf#œ#œ 5 # œœœThoroughly Modern Millieœœ‰œŒœœœ‰‰ jœ œœœœJœ-œœJ Skitternœ #œœœ#œ -jœ‰œŒ‰Œ jœ œœŒœœ - 92 Œœ-ŒŒ- 206 -œœ Xylo j jœ œ#œ ‰œœ œœœœ œ. vœ # œœœ J ‰jœœœœœŒ# œœœTpts. œ œœ5j ‰ œJ ‰œ œ œ œ œ œ. œœœ89 œœ b& b œ œ œ œ œ œj ‰ œj ‰. fœ88œœ91 Vlnsœœœœœœœb&b 87AH SWEET MYSTERY/FALLING IN LOVEœœ œœœœ œœJ‰ j ‰œœ ‰œJœ œœœ j jœ œœœœ ‰œœv œœJ ‰.# œœ ‰ œœœ ‰JJ œœœœŒœ 93jœ# œœœ In 3 jœ#œœ nœœœœœ ‰ŒœœœJ ‰œv œ-œœJ ‰œŒœœ œœ œœœœœ ŒŒŒŒŒ

—207—94&bbMeno mossoIn 3b&b Œ&b&b (WWs)œœ.(Vlns)œ-œœ-œœœ.œœ.bb 95AH SWEET MYSTERY/FALLING IN LOVE96. . .n œœ # œ#œœnœœb œœb œœœn n .n . # œ.nœ.#œn œ n œœ œ œ œb œœœœ In 1&bb&bb .n .bb œ&&bb Œ? bb Cutsœœ99Œn œœ.œJœœ nœ n- -̇ Thoroughly Modern MillieœœCastenets3nœ Œ-œ¿ ¿ ¿ �œ.œœœœ.œ ‰J œœnœ ‰ ŒJ- 207 - œœœœœ.œœJœœ œœœn œœœn œœœ 101œœ œœœ #œœ #œœœ‰ŒŒjœœœ ‰ ŒŒœœŒŒ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿œœ. ‰œJœœ œœŒ # Œœœœ# -œœœœJ ‰ Œn œœœ# .‰ n #n œœœ œœJœœœœœ 100 97 . .Œœbœ nœnœœ? b b Celloœœœbœnœœnœ 98Poco rit.3œ.œJŒ‰Œ œœœœ ‰ ŒJ n œœœœ ‰ ŒJ

—208—&bb&bb&bb102poco a poco accel e cresc œ Pnœœ&bb (turn under)œnœ œœœŒœœœœn œœn œœœŒ œœœœœœœ . . . . 108109Rall.In 3 106œ œ œbœ œ œœ œœ œ œœ œ œœœbœœ cresc.107105 bœ Tpts&(pull open)WWsnœ œb& b Œ n œœœ œœœP cresc.? b .b .bb 104œ œ œ œ œ œœ œœ œ œœ œ n œœœœœP Vlns 103AH SWEET MYSTERY/FALLING IN LOVEŒ œœ œœœn œœœŒb œœœœœœœœ œnŒ # œœœœœœœœœ . . fDictated 110 ŒDOROTHY:œ #œYes, œœ œœœ . . œb Œ n œœœb&# œœœœb&b Œ&bb œ? b œ œ œœbœ œ œ œ œœThoroughly Modern Millie œ #œ œ #œ œœœœ # œ œ # œ#œ œ #œ œœœ #œ œ œœ # œ œœœœ b œœœ œœœ œœœb œbœ œœ œœb œn b œœœ œœœœ œœœœœœ œb œœb œœœ- 208 - œ œ œ œ b œnn œœ ‰J œn œ œ œœ b œœœ ‰ #œ nœJœ œn œœ ‰ ŒJjœ ‰ Œœ ŒTREVOR:I'mœ #œ-œ # -œ œJ ‰Yes, . bI'm-œ #-œ œnœ ‰ œ #œJŒŒfbbbb .b

—209—Grande Valse112&b œœfal -&b œfaln linginœ- lingin(Vlns)&bœœ&b Œ?b&bœ œ116&b&b&b&b?bfwithsome nœ .bœbœn Œn œœ117 . .Œ . .Œœœœœ Thoroughly Modern MillieœœœtoœœœœœŒFb n ŒFb œ 118œœœœœF-one,- .one,œœœœœœœœœœœœ œ .Rit.Œ119Œ œœ- 209 -œœœ œŒ œ œ # œ# œœœœ œ œœœœ œ œœ œ#œJ œ#œJœI'mœ# . œœœ Œsee.œœœœœœ . .œœœœœœŒsee. . .Œœœœ . . .115someŒ .toœœœ plainplainwith‰ . .114loveloveœJœœnœ bœ(WWs)&bbœ113AH SWEET MYSTERY/FALLING IN LOVEŒœI'm‰ŒŒ‰ŒŒ# œ œœ ‰ (toŒ CELESTE)Œ#œJ œ ‰ ŒJŒ

—210—120Slowly&b œœœsureI&b œsureœœcouldlovesomeœœbœœIcouldlovesome &b&b?b . .pCelloœ& b #œsome& b #œsome# -œœ--WWs, VlnsF& b # œœœ-Tpts, Tbn?bF-œBass arcoœb .œœŒonewouldonœœnœonewouldonœn # œœ--œThoroughly Modern Millie-122,one .sub.-œnœn œœn -œ-œ125nœ-œœœœ-œœ-- . -œ.œœpœ.œœœœCELESTE&Uœ ,lovelyŒly,œ.œœpœ. œ. œ. œ.( œ .)(opt.)126Uœme.loveme.‰UŒ‰UŒ‰UŒ- 210 - . . .ßp . . ßp æ. , sub. f# -œ.œœ, sub. f ly, . . . .œœŒ œ œœ œ œœlyUjœWWsSoliSoliUœUjœœœ123sub.madUœ ,UœœJ madŒœœ#œoneœœœ-œ-œ, Vlns124&b121AH SWEET MYSTERY/FALLING IN LOVEœmarcatoifœmarcatoifggg # n ggg n ggg # ggpŒ # Œ Œ Hp soli127?œJ ‰ ŒŒœ ‰ ŒJŒ œœJ‰ŒŒjœœ ‰œ ŒŒPIANOfj ‰ Œœœ Œ

—99—Thoroughly Modern Millie9THEY DON'T KNOW(2/11/02 down half step w/corr.)(4/02)Music by Jeanine TesoriLyrics by Dick ScanlanCUE: RUTH: "Don't wait up Meersie (doors slam)A#### 4 Œ& #4q 113Œ#### 4 Œ& #4 1Think "Grinch," slinkyŒ? # # # # 44 j#œ #œ?‰ Strs pizzBs Clar solo2A&####&####&####3&####? ####œ.jœ œ ‹œ.#œœœnœœ œJ# œœœŒœ.jœ #œ œ.œœœ#œœœjœ œ ‹œ.#œœœœœ œœ.œŒœ œŒÓ‰œ #œ œ ‹œJ . . .3 2Bœ.Fjœ nœ.œ œ.(triplet feel) ? #### ‰#? ####œœœ ‹œf#œJFClar solo 2œ.jœ #œ œ.œœœ#œœœœ(To 3)œŒ.#œœJ‰&œ. ‹ œ.3MRS. MEERS:# ‰# ‰##Theydon'tjœPœ.Clars(Strs pizz)œPœ(Bs Clar)œœœœœknowœj ‰œjœ nœ.nœœœœ.‰jœmyœ œ4œ.flairn nœ? # œœŒœJ- 99 -# œ œ œ œ œ.3fortheŒdra - majœn œ.n œœœœ.œ-Œtic.‰?ŒŒœ # œ.œ. ‹ œ.3

—100—#### ‰ j& ##œ nœ.j ‰œ5Not? #### ‰#? ####? ####œaclue,œ.œJ# œœœ# œœœ‰ jœœ œ œ œPret - ty girls,&&œ&####&####10&####? ##### Œ#‰ jœ‹ œœ ‰ ŒTpts—Cups# j ‰ Œ‹ œœœClars# œœ Bs Clar,Bass pizz Œœ.ŒThoroughly Modern Millie#œœjœ œ.and they'll ne - verÓ ÓÓtaœ œŒœn œœ-lentIpos - sess.inŒ9‰Ó? .Faceœ œ œ3Óto faceœŒœ- 100 --œœœ # œœœ & Œœœœœœwith gen - ius,-œœ. œ nœ. œj‰œœœ.œ.œœ # œœœ œ &œ œne - ver‰ j œ . œj ‹ œ. œ œœœœœ‹ -œ&3 b (They'llj‰œœœ.Œ. .œ #œ ‹œTpt soloœœ-œ&12guess. BanjoŒœ. œ œ. œ œ ? b # n œœ.œJœ. .at - tic.11Ón œœœŒœ. œ bœ. œ œ. œnot muchœ œ œ œ3 # œJ(Spoken)3œ. n jœ86# wwwœ œ# œœœnœ? nœbutjœ œ bœ.œœœjœ nœ.œ.3‰ j nœ.œjœthenœœ7& Œ‰THEY DON'T KNOW ‹ œ-œ œnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn################Œguess) j ‰œœœ3‰ jœœ #œ ‹œnn####

—101—#### ‰j& ##œ nœ.j ‰œ13&####? ##### Œ#### ‰& #&don't‰? ####j‹œj#œ nœ.#### Œ& #trained Œ‰# œj‹œ& ‰ œj œ . œ œ17Skill&&?- ‰ Œjœ .# Strs arcoŒnœ‰œœœ.‰ # œj(Bs Clar, Bass pizz)Thoroughly Modern MillieœjnœandÓ # Œœœ‹ œ.‰œful mime(Clars)j ‰ ‰œœœ# œ.‰18star-jœ œ œ œ.3ingat‰#œtotakeœ œ œ œ3on an - y‰‰nœŒ‰jœ19œ ‹œ3œÓHorn solon œœœ.Œjœœ‹ œ.œrole.ÓŒjœart - istjœ16œ.an‰n œœœ.œ. œ bœ. œ œ. œœ #œ. çjœœ‹ œ.œ#œ ‹œ3œ. œ œ. œ œ œseek - ing re - tri - bu - tionw# ww b œœ # œœœ œœœœ. b œ #œ. œn œœ # œœ-œ -œnœœœ# œ.‰Œj#œ- 101 -#œ.nnnnnnnnnnnnnnŒbril - liant laun - dry car - tist.Œjœœ.jœj#œ‰œŒœœ‹ œ.‰œœœœœ.jœ14they'reŒhigh - ly#‰knowœœœ.# œ15####TheyœTHEY DON'T KNOWœœnnnnnn####################

—102—&####&##### ‹ œœœ&#####? � œjœ œ.Œ21#œfor the life theyTptsStrs, Clars? ####26# Œ3Œ‰ jœj ‰œHorn . ßj ‰# œœ‹œF #œ ŒÓŒÓœ nœ. œ #œ #œ.œ.al - mostact - ed Chek - hov, Cellonœ# œœœœ# œ.œ.FBs Clar, Bassœœœ.œœœ.# œ.œ.œ.œF œœœ n n œœœ œœœ œœœfPLAY Strs tremCELESTEŒ22Istole.ÓTHEY DON'T KNOWClars œ.j r‰ j‰ jnœ ¿ ¿. ¿ nœ #œœ œ œ nœ. œ . œ #œ#œ #œ. œ nœ. œ #œ24Ib - sen, Shaw,Mo - liere.jnœœ.Iœœœ.œœ œœœ. œ.œ.œ.œ. œ .Straight 8'sœ# ‰j# n œœœP-al - most-? # # # # n œ#œ#œœœ-œœœ-œtack - ledClarsBs Clar, BassThoroughly Modern MillieŒnœ#œœœ# œ.nœal - most starred as# œi# œœœ.œœœ.œ.œ.œ.œ.‰jnn œœœ-‰Shake - speare,jœaœœ-œ-œœ-œŒ- 102 -27ma - gine moinœœ‰j# n œœœ-n œggg # # œœœŒ gg œPLAY HarpŒÓ‰3œ #œ œJu - li - et,œœ-œŒIÓÓ‰‰ jœSoli# ‹# œœœflœ.blush - ing-mid - air!Œ#œflœœœ.œnœPe - ter Pan;œœ# œ.œ-̇253œœœ-œ‰-̇nœjœSwingandjn‹ œœœ-œœ-œŒœœ-œ

—103—28&&########? ##### bœ.œ œ.if##34& ‰the houseœœjœ bœ.don't& œœœ‰F-Fœ‰ # œj& Œ& ‰ œj b œ .-& Œ?œjœœœ.œHayes‰œœœ.‰ # œjThoroughly Modern Milliejœœœ.œ# œœ.‰œ.j ‰ ‰œœœ# -œŒœ.jœjœandj ‰œœœ.œ# œœ.‰jœ29Inœ.œ œstillnœœ.œœœœhot - ter‰Œœ.œnewsjœœœ.b œœ-œŒjœŒ# œœœ.‰# œ.Œœ œ.than Du‰Bern -jœœ.b œœ-œŒn œ.- 103 -b œœœ.‰inœ# n œœ.n‰œ œ œ #œ3bbbbbbbbbbÓbbbbbÓjœnŒone.‰nnnnœŒœ œ œ œ œjœœœ.nnnnjœœœ.Œ3hardt all œ# œœf nœœse,œ# -œœ37œ.-œn(To 34) TptsPIANO35œyet!Œ(To 34)PLAYÓœ3hernnnnŒ œ œcould playÓœœœ-œI'mŒ36Hel - en‰œœ# -œœœœ. Bs Clar, Tuba, Bass& œœœj ‰œknowjœœœ.e - nough,Œœjœ‰œŒŒ TbnClars?were bigŒœœ‹Fœ.Theyœ œ œ3THEY DON'T KNOWœ œœ #œ œ œ33bbbbb

—104—bb&b b b‰ œj œ . œ œ ‰ ‰ œ38bb&b b bbb&b b bThey're onœœn -œŒ? bb bbb bœHorn, Cellonœ.41&bbbb&jbœ n œ‰ n Jœmy.nœŒF& ‰ jnœ#œ nœ. œSo wel- come allClars, Hn, Tbnœœœœ.œœ-œœœ342œœplayis‰ jœ44yeœœœ.œœ-œn nœœœœn œP-œœbright, young lad - ies,b œœœ-œœœœ œœœ. -œœœœœ.œb œ œ œ œ . œ œJJ J‰œb œœœœœœœ- 104 -œœbœbœœœœœ.œ-œ Œ.jœœœœœœJ.œœœœœœ- nn œœœJF œjœŒŒœjœœ œ œœ-œœœ-œœœtoœœœœ.œ nœ œ œ. œ Œœœ ##œHo - tel Ha - des.œœ Œ Œ# œ.œœ n œ . œ œ œ œ . # œ # n œœœ‰JŒ Œœœœœwho's stand - ingœœ-you're check - ing inœœœ-œ ṖœCello (pizz), Bassœ3and seeŒ-Óœ œj œ ‰jœœ ‰œ.œœœœœœÓœ. œ œ. œWait-done.4540Œ . TptsŒœœœ. ‰ œJÓœœœœ.œ#œœ. œ‰J&3F œœœœ?#œœœœThoroughly Modern MillieŒÓŒ43œœ-œœ œ bœ bœ# œœœœFœn œœ.Óbthe los - uh.jœœ ‰œ.Œ‰ Jœœœ.look liken œœ-œœn b œœ.Œ? bb bb b bœ&Œœ. œ bœ. œ œ. œIj ‰œœœ.œœn -œwhenb& b bb

Millie Dillmount has just stepped off the train in New York City: a “thor-oughly modern” place filled with frisky flappers, dapper gents, and a dragon-lady villianess. As kicky as a bottle of bathtub gin, we’re sure you’ll agree: this silly song-and-dance extravaganza is thoroughly marvelous! “A frisky, fresh-faced throwback

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