Geological And Operational Summary ST. GEORGE BASIN COST .

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Geological and Operational SummaryST. GEORGE BASIN COST NO. 1 WELLUnited Stat

GEOLOGICAL AND OPERATIONAL SUMMARYST. GEORGE BASIN COST NO. 1 WELLBERING SEA, ALASKARonal d F. Turner ( E d i t o r )Colleen M. McCarthyC. Drew ComerJohn A. LarsonJ. G. BolmArthur C. Banet, J r .A l l e n J. AdamsOCS Report MMS 84-0016March 1984Repri nted September 1985UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIORMINERALS MANAGEMENT SERVICEAny use o f trade names i s f o r d e s c r i p t i v e purposes o n l y and does n o tcons ti t u t e endorsement o f these products by t h e M i neral s Management Service.

CONTENTSPage1Introductionoperational SummaryShall ow geologic s e t t i n gSeismic r e f l e c t i o n c o r r e l a t i o n andvel o c i t y analysi s3rnPal eontol ogy and b i os t r a t i g r a p h yL i tho1 ogy and we1 1 1og i n t e r p r e t a t i o nOrganic geochemi s t r yEnvi ronmental NSFigure 1.Location map2.Final l o c a t i o n p l a t3.Graph showing d a i l y d r i l l i n g progress4.Schematic diagram showing casing s t r i n g s ,plugging and abandonment program5.Changes w i t h depth o f d r i l l i n g mud p r o p e r t i e s86.Location map o f S t . George Basin, COST-wells,and U.S. Geological Survey seismic l i n e s127.Synthetic sei smogram158.Time-stratigraphic column and s e i m i c p r o f i l e179.I n t e r v a l v e l o c i t i e s and time-depth curvefrom t h e sonic l o g10.Comparison between time-depth curves f o r t h e COST No. 1and No. 2 w e l l siii519

ILLUSTRATIONS (cont.)Page-11.Compari son between i n t e r v a l v e l o c i t i e s f o r theCOST No. 1 and No. 2 w e l l s12.U.S. Geological Survey seismic 1i n e s 16and 1713.S t r a t i g r a p h i c summary, paleobathymetry , andc o r r e l a t i o n o f COST No. 1 and No. 2 we1 1s14.D e s c r i p t i o n o f conventional core 115.Description o f conventional core 216.Description o f conventional core 417.Description o f conventional core 518.D e s c r i p t i o n o f conventional core 619.Description o f conventional core 720.D e s c r i p t i o n o f conventional core 821.Description o f conventional core 922.Description o f conventional core 1023.P l o t o f average p o r o s i t y against depth f o rsandstone sampl es from conventional cores24.P l o t o f average p o r o s i t y against averagepermeability f o r sandstone samples fromconventional cores25.Temperature l o g data26.Analysis o f walnut h u l l and gas chromatogram o fwalnut h u l l C15 e x t r a c t showing a1kanedistribution27.Van Krevelen diagram (atomic r a t i o s ) f o r kerogens28.Chromatograms from extracted CSI f r a c t i o n showingchanges i n p a r a f f i n d i s t r i b u t i o n and naphthenesfrom c u t t i n g s samples20

PLATESP l a t e 1.2.Stratigraphic column and summary chart o f geologic dataOrganic geochmi stryTABLESTab1 e 1.Conventional coresI2.Basalt chemistry data3.Potassium-argon ages o f b a s a l t samples4.Porosity and pemeabil i t y5.Comparison o f organic richness6.Elemental analyses and atomic r a t i o s o f kerogen samples7.61% compositions

Figure i. Location map showing St. George Basin Sale 70 a'rea and-COST No. I and No. 2 Wells.

Geological and Operational SummarySt. George Basin COST No. 1 We11Bering Sea, AlaskaRonald F. Turner, E d i t o r.JINTRODUCTIONTi tl e 30, Code o f Federal Regulations (CFR) , paragraph 251.1 4 s t i p u l atest h a t geological data and processed geological information obtained from DeepStratigraphic Test wells d r i l l e d on the Outer Continental She1f (OCS) be madeavailable for public inspection 60 calendar days a f t e r the issuance o f thef i r s t Federal lease w i t h i n 50 nautical miles o f the well s i t e o r 10 years a f t e rcanpletion o f the w e l l i f no leases are issued. Tracts w i t h i n t h i s distance o fthe f i r s t St. George Basin Deep Stratigraphic Test well (designated the ARC0S t . George Basin COST No. 1 Well by the operator and hereafter referred to asthe well o r the No. 1 well) were offered f o r lease i n Sale 70 on A p r i l 12,1983. One hundred-fifty bids on 97 t r a c t s were received w i t h the t o t a l highbids amounting t o 427,343,829.68.Ninety-six bids were accepted and one wasrejected. The e f f e c t i v e issuance date o f the leases i s March 1 , 1984.The S t . George Basin COST No. 1 we1 1 was completed on September 22, 1976,i n Block 459, 1ocated approximately 105 miles southeast o f S t . George Island,Alaska ( f i g . 1). The well data l i s t e d i n the appendix are available f o r publicinspection a t Mineral s Management Service, Fie1d Operations, 1ocated a t800 "A" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501.A l l depths are measured i n f e e t from the K e l l y Bushing (KB), which was 98f e e t above sea level. For the most part, measurements are given i n U.S.Customary Units except where s c i e n t i f i c convention dictates metric usage. Aconversion c h a r t i s provided. The i n t e r p r e t a t i o n s contained herein are c h i e f l ythe work o f Minerals Management Service (MMS) personnel, although substantialcontributions were made by geoscience consulting companies.t1EQUIVALENT MEASUREMENT UNITS1111inch 2.54 centimetersf o o t 0.3048 meters t a t u t e m i l e 1.61 k i l m t e r snautical m i l e1.85 kilometers 1.15 s t a t u t e miles 6,080 f e e t1 knot 1 nautical milelhourTemperature in degrees Fahrenhei tless 32, divided by 1.8 degrees Cel s i us1 pound 0.45 kilogram1 poundlgallon 119.83 kilograms/cubic meter1 poundlsquare inch 0.07 kilogram/square centimeter1 gallon 3.78 l i t e r s (cubicdecimeters)1 barrel 42 U.S. gallons 0.16-cubic meter

OPERATIONAL SUMMARYbyColleen M. McCarthyThe S t . George Basin COST No. 1 well was d r i l l e d by t h e Ocean Ranger, asel f-propel l e d semi submersible d r i l l i n g r i g . The Ocean R a n g e n O D E C O ,Inc., was b u i l t i n 1976 by HI Hiroshima Shipyard a n d n ? j E - R o r k s and wasgiven the c l a s s i f i c a t i o n ABSAMS A - 1 (M), column-stabilized mobile d r i l l i n gu n i t . The r i g was designed f o r d r i l l i n g i n water up t o 3000 f e e t deep, 100knot winds, and 110-foot waves w i t h a corresponding wave p e r i o d o f 15 secondsand a surface c u r r e n t o f 3 knots. The Ocean Ranger was inspected before d r i l l i n gbegan, and operations were observed by U . S . G c a 1 Survey (USGS, now Mineral sManagement Service) personnel throughout the d r i l l i n g p e r i o d t o ensure compliancew i t h Department o f I n t e r i o r regul a t i o n s and orders.-Cold Bay and Dutch Harbor, Alaska, were used as operational bases. ColdBay, approximately 170 miles from t h e we1 1 l o c a t i o n , was t h e a i r base. Twoseagoing supply vessels transported d r i l l ing m a t e r i a l s and suppl i e s , i n c l u d i n gf u e l , from Dutch Harbor to the r i g . A t l e a s t one standby vessel was w i t h i n a1-mile radius o f the r i g a t a l l times. The supply vessels were a l s o used f o rtowing and anchor handling. Depending on weather, t i m i n g , and a v a i l a b i l ity ,m a t e r i a l s and equipment were transported between Dutch Harbor and the Alaskamainland by these supply boats, barges, o r other sui tab1 e vessels.Helicopters c e r t i f i e d f o r instrument f l i g h t were used t o t r a n s p o r t personnel,groceries, and l i g h t w e i g h t equipment between the r i g and Cold Bay. Personnel,equipment, and supplies were transported t o and from t h e shore base and Anchorageby b o t h chartered and commercial a i r c a r r i e r s .The No. 1 we1 1 was spudded a t 1630 hours Alaska Standard Time, J u l y 2,1976. D r i l l i n g was completed 83 days l a t e r on September 22, 1976, a t a t o t a ldepth (TO) o f 13,771 feet. A f t e r logging and c o r i n g operations were completed,t h e we1 1 was plugged and abandoned on October 2, 1976, and the r i g was released.A t l a n t i c R i c h f i e l d Company (ARCO) acted as t h e operator f o r i t s e l f and thef o l lowing nineteen petroleum companies t h a t shared expenses f o r the we1 1 :Arnerada Hess CorporationAMOCO Production CompanyB r i t i s h Petroleum, Inc.C i t i e s Service CompanyContinental O i l CompanyExxon Company, U.S.A.Getty O i l CompanyG u l f Energy and Mineral s Company, U.S.A.Marathon O i l CompanyMobil . O i l CorporationPennzoil CompanyP h i l 1i p s Petroleum CompanytI

GEODET lC POSI T I ONL AT. 55O 32' 3 4.64" N. 0 . 1 6 6 17.50" 5 7 'W.U N I V E R S A L TRANSVERSE MERCATORCOORDINATES, ZONE 3, in M E T E R S .y 6,156,734.6x 376,648.8Figure 2. Final location plat showing the position of the COSTNo. 1 Well, St. George Basin, Alaska

She11 O i l CompanySkel l y O i l CompanyStandard O i l o f C a l i f o r n i aSun O i l CompanyTenneco O i l CompanyTexaco, Inc.Union O i l Company o f Cal i f o r n i aThe No. 1 w e l l was located a t l a t 55 32'34.6437" N., long 166 57'17.5001nW., o r UTM coordinates (zone 3) X 376,648.83 m and Y 6,156,734.57m. Thef i n a l we1 1 s i t e i s shown i n f i g u r e 2. Water depth a t the l o c a t i o n i s 442feet. A l l measurements were made from the K e l l y Bushing, which was 98 f e e tabove the water l i n e and 540 f e e t above the mud l i n e . The maximum deviationfrom v e r t i c a l was 2 3/4 degrees, and the well was d r i l l e d , f o r the most part,w i t h l e s s than 1 degree deviation.ID r i l ling s t i p u l a t i o n s requi red the operator t o provide the M i neral sManagement Service (formerly USGS) with a11 well logs, samples, core slabs,geologic information, and operational reports.DRILLING PROGRAMThe No. 1 we1 1 was d r i l l e d using two 17 1/2-inch d r i l l b i t s t o a depth o f1600 feet, and deepened w i t h twenty-seven 8 1/2-inch b i t s t o TD. Additionalb i t s were used f o r hole opening, t o d r i l l through cement, f o r clean-out t r i p s ,and f o r the conventional coring program. D r i l l i n g rates ranged from 3 t o 2700feet/hour. The r a t e gradually decreased from an average o f 1600 feet/hour a t2600 f e e t t o 100 feet/hour a t 5700 feet. A t t h i s depth s o f t e r sediments wereencountered and the d r i l l i n g r a t e increased t o 200 feet/hour down t o 6500feet. From t h i s depth, the r a t e again gradually decreased t o an average o f 10feet/hour a t TD. The d a i l y d r i l l i n g progress i s shown i n f i g u r e 3.Three s t r i n g s o f casing were s e t i n the well as shown i n f i g u r e 4. The30-inch casing was s e t a t 642 f e e t w i t h 776 sacks o f cement; the 20-inch casingwas s e t a t 1556 f e e t w i t h 1950 sacks o f cement; the 13 3/8-inch casing was s e ta t 4833 f e e t w i t h 1900 sacks o f cement. Class G cement was used f o r a l l casings.While cementing the 13 3/8-inch casing, l o s s o f c i r c u l a t i o n problems wereencountered. Penni ssion was received from t h e USGS t o d r i l l out the 13 3/8-inchcasing shoe, and two Cement Bond Logs were run w i t h no i n d i c a t i o n o f cementbonding. A f t e r squeeze cementing t o ensure proper bonding o f the casing w i t hthe formation, and running a leak-off t e s t , d r i l l i n g was continued w i t h nof u r t h e r problems.The abandonment procedure i s also shown i n f i g u r e 4. A cement r e t a i n e rwas s e t between 4,730 and 4,780 f e e t w i t h cement 70 f e e t above and 200 f e e tbelow the retainer. The 13 3/8-inch casing was c u t a t 740 feet; both the 30inch and 20-inch casings were c u t a t 555 feet. A t the surface, a cement plugwas s e t between 630 and 840 feet.L

D a y o f MonthFigure 3. Graph showing daily drilling progress for t h eSt. George Basin COST No. 1 Well.

-Kelly Bushing,Mean0'Sea L e v e l 9 8 'Mud L i n e 5 4 0 'I/3 0 " Cut a t 5 5 5 '2 0 " Cut a t 5 5 5 '1 3 / Cut" a t 740'30" Casing a tCementSurface Plug630'-840'20'' Casing a t 1,556'Estimated Cement T o pCement R e t a i n e rSet between4 , 7 3 0 ' - 4,780'1378" Casing a t 4 , 8 3 3 'Cement P l u g2 0 0 ' below r e t a i n e r7 0 ' above r e t a i n e rFigure 4. S c h e m a t i c d i a g r a m showing c a s i n g strings, plugging,a n d abandonment program, St. G e o r g e B a s i n C O S T No. 1 Well.

DRILLING MUDChanges i n selected d r i l l i n g mud properties a r e shown i n f i g u r e 5. Seawater and spotted viscous gel p i l l s were used as d r i l l i n g f l u i d down to 1580f e e t . A t t h i s depth, fresh-water d r i l l i n g mud w i t h a weight of 8.6 pounds/gallonand a v i s c o s i t y o f 43 seconds displaced t h e seawater. Mud weight was increasedt o 9.0 pounds/gallon a t 4200 feet, reached 9.6 pounds/gallon a t 10,300 feet,and remained a t t h a t weight to TD. The v i s c o s i t y o f the mud f l u c t u a t e d between35 and 60 seconds i n t h e f i r s t 5400 f e e t and averaged about 45 seconds f o r t h eremainder o f t h e we1 1. h d pH averaged 11.0 w i t h m i nor f l u c t u a t i o n s . Chlorideconcentrations began w i t h 3200 ppm, decreased t o 1400 ppm a t 8950 feet, and2000 ppm a t TD. Mud logging services were provided by The Analysts.SAMPLES AND TESTST h i r t e e n conventional cores were obtained and analyzed f o r p o r o s i t y ,permeability , g r a i n density , paleontology , depositional environment, andlithology.Table 1 Conventional CoresCore No.Interval (feet)Recovered ( f e e t )-12345678910111213473003018.5184145122142399Three series o f sidewall cores were taken. A t 4921 feet, 150 cores wererecovered i n f o u r runs w i t h 12 m i s f i r e s , 11 empty b u l l e t s , and one l o s t b u l l e t .A t 10,217 feet, 363 cores were recovered i n 435 attempts, l e a v i n g 16 b u l l e t s i nt h e hole. A t 13,006 feet, 49 cores were attempted, 37 recovered, and 12 b u l l e t swere l o s t . F i v e hundred and f i f t y successful cores were obtained.There were no d r i l l stem t e s t s made on t h i s we1 1.The types o f l o g s and t h e i n t e r v a l s logged are as follows:

MUD WEIGHT-(Ibs/ al)0.5IS.00.5 10.0IMUD VISCOSITYCHLORIDES(seconds)( X 1,000 ppm1.0I1.6 L O L.6 3.0 1.8IIMUD pH10I1I tI14,000Figure 5. Changes with depth o f drilling mud properties, includingmud weight, viscosity, t o t a l chlorides, and pH, St.George B a s i n C O S T No. I Well.

4921 f e e t t o 1553 f e e tDual Induction Laterol og/Spontaneous Potenti a1Compensated Formation Density Sonic LoglNeutron Gamma RayMicro-Lateral LoglCal i p e r and Spontaneous Potenti a1Vel oci t y SurveyHigh Resolution Continuous D i pmeterRepeat Formation TesterHigh Resolution Temperature SurveyCement Bond Log10.217 f e e t t o 4921 f e e tDual Induction Laterol og/Spontaneous Potenti a1Borehole Compensated Sonic LogSonic LogDensity Neutron LogVel oci t y SurveyLong-Spaced Sonic LogMicro- Lateral LogCement Bond LogHigh Resolution Continuous DipmeterICa1i p e rHigh Resolution Temperature LogRepeat Formation Tester13,006 f e e t t o 10,217 f e e tDual Induction LaterologBorehol e Compensated Sonic LogVel oci t y SurveyCompensated Neutron Log Compensated Formation Density Log/GammaRay/Cal iperLong-Spaced Sonic LogMicro-Lateral LogHigh Resolution Continuous D i pmeterTemperature SurveyRepeat Formation Tester-13.771 f e e t t o 13.006 f e e tDual Induction LaterologBorehol e Compensated Soni c/Gamma Ray/Cal iperVel oci t y SurveyHigh Resolution Temperature SurveyWEATHERWeather conditions were monitored from l a t e June through the end o f September1976. During t h i s period, waves o f 10 f e e t o r more occurred on 10 days, w i t h amaximum wave height of 16 f e e t i n September. Wind speeds reached 53 miles perhour on August 30, b u t were n o t above 40 miles per hour on any other day. Thetemperature was never below 40" F o r higher than 53O F.

SHALLOW GEOLOGIC SETTINGbyC. Drew ComerThe shallow geologic c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of the d r i l l s i t e were i d e n t i f i e d bya high-resolution geophysical survey (BBN-Geomarine Services Company, 1976) anda 236-foot-deep geotechnical corehol e ( Woodward-Clyde Consultants, 1976a). Thesestudies eval uated potential shal low d r i l l i ng hazards. A more d e t a i l ed discussionof the regional environmental geology may be found i n the Final EnvironmentalImpact Statement (U .S. Mineral s Management Service, 1982), Gardner and o t h e r s(19791, and Comer ( i n press).REGIONAL ENVIROElMENTAL GEOLOGY.3The S t . George basin i s located on the Outer Continental She1 f of theBering Sea i n water depths ranging from 340 t o 530 f e e t . The sea f l o o r ise s s e n t i a l l y f l a t and f e a t u r e l e s s w i t h an average regional slope of less thanone degree. According t o Gardner and o t h e r s (1980), the s u r f i c i a l sedimentsc o n s i s t mostly of unconsol i d a t e d s i l t and s i l t y sand w i t h 1ow concentrationsof volcanic ash and diatoms and a r e mostly r e l i c t f r a n a period of low s e al e v e l . Very l i t t l e recent sediment i s being transported i n t o the area.Glacial a c t i v i t y i n the Pleistocene caused lower sea l e v e l s and exposedmuch of the shel f. The o u t e r Bering Sea shelf probably f l u c t u a t e d betweensedi ment-starved condi ti ons , a s a t present, and sediment-enriched condi t i o n s ,when lower sea 1eve1 s made more sediment a v a i l a b l e by exposing the inner andmiddle shel f to subaerial erosion. Shall ow s t r a t a seen on high-resol utionseismic p r o f i l e s appear a s rhythmically interbedded l a y e r s of continuous,horizontal refl e c t o r s between incoherent, poorly refl e c t i v e zones. Thissequence may r e p r e s e n t the low-standlsediment-rich and high-standlsedimentstarved re1 a t i o n s h i p of Pleistocene deposi t i o n .The main s t r u c t u r a l f e a t u r e i n the basin i s the S t . George graben, al a r g e , faul t-bounded depression located north of the No. 1,well. Numerousf a u l t s occur i n the a r e a , mostly along the margin of the graben. These f a u l t sa r e high-angle, down-to-the-basin normal f a u l t s t h a t usual l y c o r r e l a t e w i t hacoustic basement o f f s e t s (Marl ow and Cooper, 1980). Many of the faults r u p t u r ethe near-surface sediments and some c u t the sea f l o o r (Comer, i n p r e s s ) .Surface o f f s e t s of 3 t o 6 feet a r e apparenl on some seismic r e f l e c t i o n p r o f i l e s .Some o f f s e t s may be due to d i f f e r e n t i a l sediment c m p a c t i o n r a t h e r than t orecent t e c t o n i c movement. The area i s seismically a c t i v e , however; Davies(1982 reported three earthquakes i n the range of 6.5 t o 7.5 on the Richters c a l e and numerous smaller events s i n c e 1925. He c a l c u l a t e d a 10 percentp r o b a b i l i t y f o r ground acceleration to exceed 0.2 g a t an a r b i t r a r y site withinthe basin i n a 40-year period.a

The presence o f shal low gas i n the St. George basin i s i n f e r r e d from acousticanomalies oh seismic r e f l e c t i o n p r o f i l e s . These anomalies may be due t o e i t h e rgas-charged sediment o r confined gas accumul ations. Shall ow, gas-chargedsediment i s under normal t o near-normal pressure and poses l e s s o f a r i s k t od r i l ling operations than confined gas accumulations, which may occur i n zonesw i t h abnormal pressure.SITE-SPECIFIC ENVIRONMENTAL EOLOGY-The s i t e survey performed by BBN GeomarineServices Company i n d i c a t e d t h a tt h e sea f l o o r a t t h e w e l l s i t e i s smooth and g e n t l y slopes to the southwest.It i s underlain by f l a t - l y i n g s t r a t a and i s f r e e o f f a u l t i n g . Acousticananal ies on sei smic r e f l e c t i o n p r o f iles suggest the presence o f s h a l l ow gas,and a geotechnical corehole d i d encounter dispersed gas i n t h e sediments from67 t o 236 f e e t below mudltne. This gas was normally pressur

Geological and Operational Summary St. George Basin COST No. 1 We1 1 Bering Sea, Alaska Ronald F. Turner, Editor . INTRODUCTION Ti tl e 30, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) , paragraph 251.1 4 stipul ates J that geological data and processed geological information obtained from Deep Stratigraphic Test wells drilled on the Outer Continental She1 f (OCS) be made

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