Brought to you byMake your nutritional choices count and take control ofyour digestive health today.QuickStart Guide toretteBDIGESTIVE HEALTH3 foods to include in your diet for improved digestion2 foods to avoid at all costs3 foods that can usually be included indiets in moderationHow to reduce or eliminate bloatingNext steps if you’re not getting the results you’relooking for2 healthy, easy, and IBS friendly recipes.
INTRODUCTIONIRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME, OR IBS, IS ADIGESTIVE DISORDER THAT IS CHARACTERIZED BYSEVERAL COMMON SYMPTOMS. These can includechanges in bowel movements such as constipationor diarrhea (or both!), abdominal pain, changesin stool appearance, abdominal bloating, gas orburping, nausea, heartburn, acid reflux, easilyfeeling full, or a loss of oughsimple dietary and lifestyle changes! IBS is different foreveryone and you will need to figure out what worksbest for you.Studies have shown that IBS causes are complexand unique to every person. There are many factorsthat can affect digestion and there is no diagnostictest that can confirm or deny IBS, rather, doctorscan diagnose IBS after numerous symptoms occurfor an extended period of time and other probablecauses have been eliminated.This eBook will help guide you through your IBSjourney by examining: Three foods to include in your diet for improved digestion Two foods to avoid at all costs Three foods that can usually be included in diets inmoderation How to reduce or eliminate bloating Next steps if you’re not getting the results you’relooking for Two healthy, easy, and IBS friendly Bookisintendedforinformationalpurposesonly.It is not the intention of this book to diag-2 WWW.DIGESTIVECENTER.COMQUICKSTART GUIDE TO BETTER DIGESTIVE HEALTH
THE 3 BEST FOODS TOIMPROVE DIGESTIONThere are many foods that are healthy and beneficial to include in your diet to help manage your IBS. Below are my top three foods to ensure you eatregularly to help manage symptoms, improve health, and look and feel your best!1HOMEMADE BONE BROTHBone broths and stocks have been used for centuries as both a mealtime staple and a nourishing powerhouse. Making bone broth helped our ancestors ensure that no part of a hard-earned meal went to waste.Bones, marrow, tendons, ligaments, even the feet of the animal were boiled then simmered over a periodof days to make broths.The extended simmering allows collagen, proline, glycine, gelatin, and glutamine are all stored within these inedible parts to be released into delicious, healing bone broth. Bone broths are also a great source of necessary minerals such as calcium, magnesium,phosphorus, silicon, sulphur, chondroitin, and glucosamine.Regular consumption of bone broth is incredibly beneficial to IBS patients. Bone broth is valuable for your gut because of the easily digestible gelatin present. Your body uses gelatin and collagen to replenish the strength ofyour gut lining and fight food sensitivities. It also helps your gut grow good bacteria and supports healthy levels of inflammation within your digestive tract. Additionally, bone broth and stock is very easy to digest and thenutrients found within it are highly bioavailable. That means they are easy to absorb and be put to use by your body. Having a healthyintestinal lining will reduce permeability and help heal your digestive system.In general, store-bought broths and stocks do not have the same nourishing and healing properties. This is due to the fact that mostROAST CHICKEN BROTHPrep Time: 5 mins Cook Time: 24 hours Yields: 1 large potDirections1. Add the chicken carcass, vegetables, andbay leaves to a large crockpot2. Pour filtered water over the carcass untilcovered3. Add the apple cider vinegarINGREDIENTS1 Chicken Carcass, organic is betterVegetables or vegetable scraps such as: celery,onion, carrot, garlic, etc.4. Cook over low heat for at least 24 hours,adding water to keep the carcass covered asnecessary. You know your bone broth is donewhen the bones are flexible and rubbery.5. Strain the bone broth through a fine meshsieve and then store in glassFresh broth can be stored in a refrigerator upto 1 week. Frozen broth will keep for 6 months.2 Bay Leaves1 TBSP Apple Cider Vinegar (I use Braggs)3 WWW.DIGESTIVECENTER.COMQUICKSTART GUIDE TO BETTER DIGESTIVE HEALTH
THE 3 BEST FOODS TOIMPROVE DIGESTION( continued )2Steamed vegetables that areeasy for you to digest are incredibly important to includein your diet. Vegetables arepacked with nutrition and fiber;both will help you manage yourIBS. Finding the right vegetables for you can be a bit trickythough.4 WWW.DIGESTIVECENTER.COMSTEAMED VEGETABLEScarrots, spinach, sweet potato,zucchini, and squash.Certain vegetables such asbroccoli, cauliflower, cabbage,brussels sprouts, onions, leeks,and asparagus can be moredifficult to digest and can causeunpleasant symptoms in somepeople. If that’s the case, try toincorporate vegetable such aseggplant, green beans, celery,Eating a variety of different, welltolerated, vegetables will helpkeep you healthy and providean array of nutrients that yourbody can use. Over time, youwill figure out what vegetables you tolerate well and whatQUICKSTART GUIDE TO BETTER DIGESTIVE HEALTH
THE 3 BEST FOODS TOIMPROVE DIGESTION( continued )3HEALTHY FATSSome people with IBS will have a difficult time digesting fats, especially harmful fats (liketrans fats,vegetable oils, etc.). This difficulty can lead to deficiencies because fats are a necessary partof our diet.Consuming healthy fats in moderation provides essential nutrients and can promote gutSALMONAVOCADOCOCONUT OILGHEEWild-caught salmon is agreat choice due to the highlevels of Omega 3 fattyacids. Increasing you intakeof Omega 3’s has manybenefits including reducinginflammation, promotinggut health, promoting brainhealth, heart health, andmore.Avocados are a great sourceCoconut is remarkablybeneficial to peoplesuffering from IBS becauseof its natural anti-microbialproperties (meaning ithelps kill off bad gutbacteria).Ghee, also known as clarifiedbutter, is made by removing themilk solids found in butter (lactose and casein) and has beenused in Indian and SoutheastAsian cuisine for centuries.It is important to eat onlywild and sustainably caughtsalmon as farm-raisedsalmon are generally fed adiet of inflammationpromoting grains and themeat is not as high in vitalnutrients, including Omega3’s.of B vitamins, magnesium,potassium, and Vitamin C.One avocado also containsup to 40% of your dailyfiber needs! They are a greatsource of plant-based fat andprotein and help you absorbmore nutrients when eatenwith other vegetables.Individuals with IBS are usually fine with avocado oil and5 WWW.DIGESTIVECENTER.COMsmaller servings of avocado(approximately1/8 th of a fruit). If toleratedwell, you can increase theserving size to reap morebenefits of this great plant!Coconut oil is also highlystable and can be used forall types of cooking andbaking. Try using a bit ofcoconut oil on steamedvegetables instead ofbutter or dab some in a paninstead of olive oil or canolaoil for cooking.Ghee supports a healthy digestive tract due to the presenceof butyrate, a short-chain fattyacid. It reduces inflammationand is beneficial for digestiveand colon health. Ghee derivedfrom grass-fed butter is high innutrients and helps your bodyabsorb the fat-soluble vitaminsA, D, E, and K. Ghee is great forcooking and baking. It can beheated to 485 degrees beforereaching its smoke point. Enjoyghee in place of butter inrecipes and get the benefits.QUICKSTART GUIDE TO BETTER DIGESTIVE HEALTH
2WORST FOODSFOR INDIGESTIONIf you’ve been monitoring your IBS symptoms for some time, you’ve probably becomeaware of what foods will trigger problems and what foods are safe. Food tolerancevaries by person, and what you can handle will be different from what someone elsecan. Still, avoiding the most common IBS triggers will help you have fewer problems,xCONVENTIONAL DAIRYDairy has two major problems. First, it contains difficult to digest fat, whichcan cause problems within your digestive system. Second, many peoplewith IBS tend to be lactose intolerant. Studies have also shown dairy topromote inflammation within the body and cause negative hormonalresponses in some people.Fortunately, there are tons of dairy alternatives on the market now! Nutmilks like almond and cashew are found in almost any grocery store. Thereare also cheese substitutes, dairy free ice creams, and more! Cutting dairyxSPICY FOODSpicy foods can cause IBS symptoms to appear or worsen, often quickly. Interestingly, a study published in the British Medical Journal found that thecapsaicin receptor (TRPV1 nerve fibers) in IBS patients is hypersensitive andwhen exposed to the chemical, responds with more severe abdominal pain.Capsaicin is the compound that makes chili peppers hot and is present inmost spicy foods. Due to the predisposition for spicy foods to aggravate yourgut more than others, it is best to just omit spicy foods altogether.6 WWW.DIGESTIVECENTER.COMQUICKSTART GUIDE TO BETTER DIGESTIVE HEALTH
3FOODS TO HAVEIN MODERATION(You decide what moderation means to you! )In our modern world, there are many foods that are less than ideal to consumeregularly. For your health, and your IBS, it is best to use thoughtful moderationwith the following foods:1.SugarLimiting your intake of sugar has many benefits for your overall health and wellbeing. Specifically when talking about IBS, it is important to limit sugar intake because excess sugarcan cause a myriad of problems in your GI tract. When you ingest more sugar than yoursmall intestine can absorb at once, some of it is passed to your large intestine. The bacteriain the large intestine has a great time feasting on all that sugar, which leads to fermentationin your intestine. As a result of this fermentation, you’ll experience gas, bloating and abdominal pain. Excess sugar also causes inflammation throughout your body and weakens yourimmune system.Watching your sugar intake can be tricky. Begin to familiarize yourself with reading labelsand looking for hidden sugars. There are at least 61 different names for added sugar thatcan be used on labels including:galactose, malodextrin, dextran, high-fructose corn syrup, agave nectar, and fruit juice concentrate. An easy way to decrease your sugar intake is to cut sweet beverages out of yourdiet completely such as soda, lemonade, energy drinks, and juices.The World Health Organization recommends no more than 10% of daily calories, and2.Gluten Containing FoodsGluten is a protein found in many cereal grains such as wheat, rye, and barley. Many peoplewith IBS are also intolerant or gluten sensitive to this protein, meaning they cannot digestit properly. Some studies have even shown that gluten sensitivity might be involved in thedevelopment of IBS! Even if you think you handle gluten well, you may benefit from moderating it in your diet.7 WWW.DIGESTIVECENTER.COMQUICKSTART GUIDE TO BETTER DIGESTIVE HEALTH
Not all gluten is created equal though! Many IBS patients are able to tolerate some grainsand cereals, depending on how they were grown and their preparation. Organicallygrown wheat that is free from commercial pesticides could be more tolerable to yourdigestive system as could traditionally made sourdough breads thanks to the fermentation process used to make the breads. If you’re not ready to remove gluten from your dietcompletely, this is a great place to start.If you still find that gluten-containing foods are a trigger for you, there are a variety of gluten free options from breads and pastas to flour and pastries in nearly every grocery store.Today more than ever, it is easy to find products to suit your individual dietary needs.3.Coffee / AlcoholCoffee and alcohol are both irritating to the gut, which can lead to IBS flare- ups. If either,or both, of these are triggers for your IBS symptoms, you could see increased cramping,bloating, indigestion, reflux, diarrhea, or constipation after even small amounts. Reducing your consumption of either or both of these drinks can significantly improve your IBSsymptoms.The caffeine in coffee is the root cause of problems for most IBS patients. Caffeine canincrease stomach acid production, causing indigestion or reflux and abdominal pain andcan stimulate the motor activity of the colon-causing diarrhea. If you have diarrhea-predominant IBS, you are more likely to be affected by caffeine than if you have constipation-predominant IBS. Some IBS patients have found relief simply by brewing decaffeinated or half strength coffee instead of full strength coffee, while others have found thatcutting down their coffee consumption has improved their symptoms dramatically.When considering alcohol, it is important to take note how different drinks affect you orcould affect you. Many IBS patients find that beer worsens their symptoms significantlyas do liquors mixed with carbonated beverages (suchas a rum and Coke). Distilled alcohol, such as gin, vodka, and whiskey tend to be moretolerable for some, however it is important to note that all alcohol can act as an irritant soit is best to limit consumption until you find a level that works for you.8 WWW.DIGESTIVECENTER.COMQUICKSTART GUIDE TO BETTER DIGESTIVE HEALTH
HOW TO REDUCEBLOATINGBloating is one of the most common and annoying symptoms of IBS. Many people wake up with a flat stomach, only tohave bloating and abdominal distention progress throughout the day. There is no immediate cure for bloating, however itcan be prevented or reduced through some dietary and lifestyle changes. Experiment with the following tactics and seeif your bloating is improved:ENJOY SMALL ANDSLOW MEALS.Smaller meals may be easier for your body to digest and ensuring plenty of time to thoroughly chew and digest your food beforemoving on to your next task may help reduce bloating.STAY HYDRATED.Hydration tackles bloating on two fronts: proper hydration is vitalto digestion and elimination and when you are dehydrated, yourbody will attempt toretain water as a protection mechanism. Aim for half your bodyweight in ounces every day (for example, if you weigh 150 pounds,you should aim for 75 ounces of water daily). Don’t forget to adjustEXERCISEREGULARLY.Exercise improves bowel function and reduces inflammation. Ensure that you are moving throughout your workday as well. Longperiods of sitting or littlemovement may make bloating worse. Making time for short walksduring the workday may help reduce or prevent bloating.Every person will have a different experience with IBS. For some, incorporating some or all of the tips in this guide willsignificantly improve their symptoms and overall quality of life. However, if these tips do not give you the results you werehoping for, or if you desire to learn more about your body’s functioning, talking to your doctor or nutritionist about conducting an elimination diet is a great next step9 WWW.DIGESTIVECENTER.COMQUICKSTART GUIDE TO BETTER DIGESTIVE HEALTH
A QUICK GUIDE TOELIMINATIONDIETSIn a 2006 study conducted by the University of Kansas, 20 IBS patients underwent elimination diets basedon food and mold panels that had been performed. One hundred percent of the patients in the study,experienced significant improvements in their digestive symptoms.AN ELIMINATION DIET IS SIMPLY A SHORT-TERM DIET THATREMOVES ALL SUSPECTED OR POTENTIAL ALLERGENS AND THENREINTRODUCES ELIMINATED FOODS ONE-BY- ONE TO SEE IF THEREARE ANY REACTIONS.As you know, there is no single food that causes IBS symptoms. A variety of different foods can trigger yoursymptoms and it can be frustrating to be unsure about what may cause problems. An eliminatio diet willidentify what foods are definite trigger foods for you, as well as what foods you can handle in moderation(and what moderation looks like to you).10 WWW.DIGESTIVECENTER.COMQUICKSTART GUIDE TO BETTER DIGESTIVE HEALTH
HOW TO CONDUCT ANELIMINATION DIETIt is always best to talk to your doctor or nutritionist before conducting an elimination diet. These professionals can help oversee your diet, ensure quality control measures are in place, and help you reintroduceyour eliminated foods safely. This section is meant as an overview of the elimination diet for informationalpurposes only.Elimination Diet Steps1.2.3.4.Identify all possible triggers for which you want to control. Make sure to includecommon allergens such as gluten, dairy, soy, refined/added sugar, legumes,and alcohol.Eliminate ALL foods from your list for AT LEAST 3 weeks. This is the minimumamount of time your body will need to clear the antibodies your immunesystem makes every time it negatively reacts to a food. Be careful to check allfood labels for hidden trigger foods and be very cautious when dining out, ifyou choose to do so during your elimination diet.After your elimination period, it’s time to start reintroducing foods into yourdiet. It is important to only introduce one food at a time. Pick the food youwould like to start with and eat it daily for 2-5 days, depending on if/when younotice any adverse reactions. If a reaction occurs, take note and discontinueeating that food. If your symptoms improve again after discontinuing that food,you know it is not a good food for you. If no reaction occurs, you are probablysafe to include that food in your diet!After your first reintroduction, return to your elimination diet for at least 3days to allow your body to clear any antibodies. After the three days, you canintroduce another food. Repeat these steps until you’ve tried all of the foods onyour list.Elimination diets are a lot of trial and error and generally take anywhere from 4-8 weeks to complete, depending on how manyfoods you desire to check. This may seem like a long time commitment, but in the context of your entire life, it is really only ashort time for which you receive a ton of valuable information.11 WWW.DIGESTIVECENTER.COMQUICKSTART GUIDE TO BETTER DIGESTIVE HEALTH
gluten-freeDIJON CHICKEN FINGERSThis is a great, IBS friendly, substitute for traditionally prepared chickentenders. Use this recipe when you’re in the mood for fried chicken tenders,but don’t want the uncomfortable consequences!INGREDIENTS3 cups gluten free cornflakes (preferably organic,non GMO)½ tsp paprika½ tsp sea salt or Himalayan pink salt1 TBSP olive oil2 eggs¼ cup Dijon mustard1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breast, cutinto stripsPreparation1. Preheat oven to 425 and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.2. Place cornflakes in a small foodprocessor with salt and paprika. Pulseuntil finely ground. Place groundcornflakes in a bowl and drizzle oliveoil. Whisk with a fork until the crumbsare coated and no longer stickingtogether.3. Place chicken strips in a plastic zipper bag with mustard. Toss to coat.4. Whisk eggs in a bowl until smooth.5. Working one by one, dredgechicken strips in the cornflake mixture then dip tenders in the egg andreturn once more to the cornflakesuntil coated. Arrange tenders on thebaking sheet.6. Bake until golden and internaltemperature of the chicken reaches165 degrees, approximately 15-20minutes.13 WWW.DIGESTIVECENTER.COMQUICKSTART GUIDE TO BETTER DIGESTIVE HEALTH
easySALMON BAKEThis recipe is full of healthy and nourishing Omega 3’s and easy-to- digestvegetables! Plus it’s quick and easy to make. Consider this your new weeknight staple.INGREDIENTS2 salmon fillets (4 oz each)1 yellow squash, sliced into rounds1 zucchini squash, sliced into rounds9 cherry tomatoes, sliced in halfPreparation1. Prepare two 9x9 pieces of aluminum foil by laying flat on a bakingsheet and preheat the oven to 375.2. Place zucchini and squash in evenlayers on the foil and top with tomatohalves.3. Place salmon fillet on top of vegetables. Drizzle with oil and sprinklesalt and pepper. Place 2-3 slices oflemon on top of each fillet.2 TBS avocado oil4. Roll ends of foil pack together,forming a sack.1 lemon, sliced into thin roundsSalt and pepper to taste5. Bake for 20-25 minutes until salmon is opaque and flakes easily with afork.Parsley, for garnish6. Remove from oven, garnish with14 WWW.DIGESTIVECENTER.COMQUICKSTART GUIDE TO BETTER DIGESTIVE HEALTH
1 TBSP Apple Cider Vinegar (I use Braggs) 1. Add the chicken carcass, vegetables, and bay leaves to a large crockpot 2. Pour filtered water over the carcass until covered 3. Add the apple cider vinegar 4. Cook over low heat for at least 24 hours, adding water to keep the carca
Label The Digestive System. 5. 6 . Kids Health Digestive System. 8 peristalsis major filter of body produces insulin stores bile filters absorbs food mechanical and chemical produces extra white blood cells absorbs water Name the organs in the Digestive System. 9
Digestive disorders behavioural in dogs and cats Digestive disorders are common in companion animals and cause stress to both pet and owner.3 Any condition that reduces the digestion or absorption of food, or alters its transit through the digestive tract can be considered a digestive disorder.4 In practice, veterinarians are most
LAB _. DIGESTIVE SYSTEM 1. Separate the papers with the illustrations of the human digestive system organs. 2. Color the parts of the human digestive system in the following way: a. BLUE — Mouth, Esophagus, Stomach, Small Intestines b. PINK or RED — Digestive Glands: Salivary Glands, Pancr
ruminant stomach occupies almost 75 percent of the abdominal cavity, filling nearly all of the left side and extending significantly into the right side. The relative size of the four compartments is as follows: the rumen and reticulum comprise 84 percent of the volume of the total stomach, the omasum 12 percent, and the abomasum 4 percent.File Size: 318KBPage Count: 8Explore further4 Grains You Can Feed Your Livestock - Hobby Farmswww.hobbyfarms.comUnderstanding the Ruminant Animal Digestive System .extension.msstate.eduHow the Digestive System Works in a Cow & Other Ruminants .proearthanimalhealth.comRuminant Digestive System - Basic Concept, Examples .www.vedantu.comThe ruminant digestive system - Extension at the .extension.umn.eduRecommended to you based on what's popular Feedback
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about the two main digestive systems of livestock animals: the monogastric or simple digestive sys-tem and the ruminant or complex digestive system. 2. Ask for volunteers to explain what the word “di-gestion” means. Record the answers on flipchart paper, then display the paper where every
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Digestive System Fauniflory Folivory Simple digestive system Complex digestive system Foods are easy to digest (60-90%) . Larger animals require more energy to maintain their . Microsoft PowerPoint