AFFILIATE MEMBERS DEPARTMENT REPORT AFFILIATE MEMBERS ACTIVITIESExecutive SummaryIn November 2020, the UNWTO Affiliate Members Department (AMD) submitted for theconsideration and debate of the 42nd Plenary Session of the Affiliate Members its proposalfor Affiliate Members Department Programme of Work for 2021 (PoW2021), previouslycoordinated with the Board of Affiliate Members. Said document defined the priority linesof action of the Affiliate Members Department for 2021, in full alignment with UNWTO’sManagement Vision, Objectives and Priorities, as well as detailed the main activities to becarried out in order to achieve the established objectives.Given the extraordinary circumstances created by the unprecedented health crisis of theCOVID-19, particularly the constantly changing conditions, the PoW 2021 was constantlyupdated, mainly through incorporation of new and valuable ideas and proposals receivedfrom the Affiliate Members, last important update being shared and debated with the Boardin May 2021, on the occasion of the 54th Board Meeting.While the strategic objectives and priorities of the Affiliate Members Department (AMD)have remained unchanged, its main focus during this period has been to reinforce thepartnership between the UNWTO and its Affiliate Members, ensuring that the UNWTOreceived the strongest contributions from the private sector, while offering full support tothe Affiliate Members in a joint effort to mitigate this crisis, propel tourism recovery andrestore confidence.The present document gives an overview of the main lines of work and achievementsduring last 12 months. Detailed information on the activities and projects carried outbetween November 2020 – November 2021 are provided in the following Annexes:Annex I:Main UNWTO activities and events with Affiliate Membership participationAnnex II:Activities and initiatives proposed by Affiliate Members and carried outwith UNWTO - AMDsupport / participationAnnex III:MembershipThe ongoing Reform of the Legal Framework of the UNWTO AffiliateAnnex IV:List of publications with Affiliate Members involvementAnnex V:List of agreements signed between UNWTO and Affiliate MembersAnnex VI:Elections process for the 2022- 2025 Board of the Affiliate MembersAnnex VII:Evolution of the UNWTO Affiliate Membership2
AFFILIATE MEMBERS DEPARTMENT REPORT AFFILIATE MEMBERS ACTIVITIESIntroduction: 2021a challenging contextAt its 42nd Plenary Session of Affiliate Members, held on 5-6 November 2020 in Madrid, the UNWTO AffiliateMembers Department (AMD) submitted to debate and consideration of the Affiliate Membership its proposal ofProgramme of Work for 2021 (PoW 2021), which settled out the priority lines of action for the coming year, infull alignment with UNWTO’s strategic objectives and priorities.The PoW 2021 has been defined under extremely challenging circumstances. The world was facing anunprecedented global health emergency, with huge impact on societies and livelihoods. On the socio-economicfront, the travel and tourism sector was one of the most affected by the global recession, with jobs at riskthroughout the entire travel and tourism value chain, affecting in particular the most vulnerable groups of thepopulation, such as women, youth and rural communities.Since the start of the pandemic, the UNWTO has worked closely with its Members –both Members Statesand Affiliate Members– to ensure a coordinated and effective global response. The Affiliate Membershipwas strongly engaged in this joint effort during the period of these Report. The Affiliate Members continuedto have an active participation in the Global Tourism Crisis Committee meetings, through the institutionalrepresentation of the Chair of the Board of the Affiliate Members (Ms. Ana Larrañaga / Director of IFEMA /Spain), as well as through the direct participation of some of the AMs with relevant expertise in their sectorsuch as the International Air Transport Association (IATA).The Committee worked tirelessly to evaluate the situation and advance recommendations to mitigate theimpact of COVID-19 crisis on the tourism sector and to stimulate recovery. The recommendations elaboratedwere aimed at providing an actionable framework to assist governments and the private sector to effectivelytackle the immense challenge the tourism sector is facing and to ensure that tourism will continue to be amajor economic and development driver. The effective contribution of the private sector, through the UNWTOAffiliate Members, to the development of recommendations to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 crisis on thetourism sector and to stimulate recovery has been decisive and widely recognized.The UNWTO’s response to COVID has also been channelled by other important and ground-breaking initiativesin a wide spectrum of areas, including: gathering information from across the globe on travel restrictions andtourism recovery; elaborating impact assessments; providing courses, webinars and resources for tourismprofessionals to improve their knowledge and skills; and making available for Member States and other eligibleinstitutions the Tourism Recovery Technical Assistance Package, among others.3
AFFILIATE MEMBERS DEPARTMENT REPORT AFFILIATE MEMBERS ACTIVITIESAffiliate MembersDepartment specificobjectives and prioritiesThe AMD’s specific objectives and priority lines of action are fully aligned with UNWTO’s management visionand the strategic objectives and priorities of the Organization. At the same time, they reflect the outcomes ofthe permanent dialogue and consultations of the Organization, through AMD, with the Affiliate Members.AMD strategic objective. The activities included in the PoW for 2021 were oriented on achieving the strategicobjective established by the Secretary General for this Department: strengthen UNWTO’s capacity to delivervalue, through the contribution of its Affiliate Membership.AMD priority lines of action. In line with this approach, AMD activity in 2021 have been oriented by thefollowing priority lines of actions: Deliver value for UNWTO Members, through permanently incorporating projects, contributions andsupport from the Affiliate Members, to strengthen the capacity of the Organization to deliver value for itsMembers and to achieve its leading mission. Expand and reinforce the Affiliate Membership. Provide modernized and efficient management for the Affiliate Membership network.AMD s goal is to continuously develop UNWTO’s Affiliate Membership as a robust pillar of the Organisation,capable to strengthen the capacity of the Organization to achieve its important objectives, through a strongpartnership with the private sector.With this goal in mind, AMD prioritize its efforts toward deliver to the Affiliate Members the services, supportand opportunities they expect from the Organization, as part of the value of the Membership. This was alsoconsidered an appropriate approach towards the goal of attracting new quality members worldwide that canenrich the robust network of AMs. Since offering a unique space for dialogue and information sharing betweenthe Affiliate Members and the UNWTO is at the core of the activities, AMD focused also on permanently improveand modernize the management and daily operation of the Affiliate Members network.4
AFFILIATE MEMBERS DEPARTMENT REPORT AFFILIATE MEMBERS ACTIVITIESAdapting AMD action to the changing context created by the COVID-19 PandemicUnder the well-known unprecedented circumstances created by the COVID-19 pandemic, AMD has beenconstantly updating and adapting its specific activities established through the 2021 Programme of Work tocontribute to an effective response to the crisis.We permanently adapted and updated AMD’s agenda of planned activities and events, to respond in real time tothe challenges imposed by the evolution of the crisis.To this end, numerous regular bilateral and multilateral meetings with the Affiliate Members were organized, toguarantee a fast and efficient exchange of information and best practices between the Affiliate Members and theOrganization. AMD promoted and shared with the Affiliate Members the most relevant initiatives through thededicated AMConnected Portal, AMNewsletter, social media and mailings, to ensure the UNWTO and AMs arepermanently updated about each other’s activities.5
AFFILIATE MEMBERS DEPARTMENT REPORT AFFILIATE MEMBERS ACTIVITIESMain activities carriedout since November2020In order to achieve the objectives established through PoW 2021, AMD focused its efforts on the following mainlines of activities.1.Deliver value for UNWTO MembersAn important pillar of AMD initiatives were oriented towards continuously improving our capacity to attractvaluable ideas and innovative projects from the affiliated tourism private stakeholders, by providing aconsistent framework for a reinforced interaction and collaboration between the UNWTO and the AffiliateMembers, aimed at mitigating the negative consequences of the crisis and consistently contributing to supportthe restart and recovery of the tourism sector.1.1 Calls for contributions & projects.AMD launched various ‘’Calls for submission of projects’’, proactively inviting the Affiliate Members, as astrategic approach, to gather solid proposals and best practices on specific sectors addressing the followingtopics: Call for proposals for the Programme of Work 2021, carried out prior to the 42nd UNWTO PlenarySession of the Affiliate Members, with the aim of enriching PoW for 2021 with fresh and innovative ideasand to make sure that 2021 AMs agenda of activities will be adequately aligned also with the priorities andneeds of the Affiliate Membership. The Thematic Sessions “Recovering Tourism. Rebuilding Trust. Reinforcing Partnerships” sessionscarried out in November 2020 offered the perfect framework to capture best practices of some AffiliateMembers, under three sections: UNWTO’s response to the crisis and the public-private partnership schemes Best practices: adaptation and mitigation - roadmap to new business models Best practices: the 2030 Agenda, universal goals, practical solutionsThe Affiliate Members and the COVID-19 response: call for contributions to proposals to face the COVID-19challenges. AMD continued to work to obtain valuable inputs from the Affiliate Members on COVID-19response, to facilitate a consistent involvement of the Affiliate Members in the common effort to mitigatethe negative consequences of the crisis and to contribute to the restart of the tourism sector.6
AFFILIATE MEMBERS DEPARTMENT REPORT AFFILIATE MEMBERS ACTIVITIESAMD’s approach was to build a win-win scheme of collaboration: to ensure that the UNWTO receives all therelevant input from the affiliated private sector, on the one hand; and to facilitate the involvement of the AffiliateMembers and offer them full support in a joint effort to deal with the negative impact of the COVID-19 crisis, onthe other.Under this approach, Affiliate Membership provided the UNWTO, through the established mechanism, withrelevant information on the initiatives, re-opening protocols and guidelines prepared by the Affiliate Members,contributing consistently to the Organization s permanent work of the mitigation of the impact of the crisis andstimulate recovery.UNWTO-IATA Destination Tracker is an illustrative example of such valuable contribution and collaboration:UNWTO in collaboration with our Affiliate Member The International Air Transport Association (IATA) developedthe first global dashboard on Air Travel Restrictions and Health-related Travel Requirements at the destination.With a phased relaxation of restrictions, it is difficult for travellers, airlines or other stakeholders to find thecurrent status of destinations (cities, attractions or resorts) relating to COVID-19 without searching manydifferent sources. Available for free, this central source of information available online, it aims to buildconfidence among travellers and business and support policy making by providing a global overview of travelrestrictions worldwide. The tool contains useful and up-to-date information by country on: COVID-19 indicators, such as positivity and infection rates and vaccination roll-outs. Air Travel regulations, including test and quarantine requirements. Destination measures, such as the use of face masks, transit through countries, curfew, or regulationsrelated to restaurants, services, and tourist attractions.The calls for proposals and for contributions to our POW 2022 launched in recent days, opened to allour Affiliate Members, as preparatory process of this Plenary Session, in order to make sure that theProgramme of Work 2022 will be aligned with the priorities of the entire Affiliate Membership.The balance of the mentioned calls for contributions/projects has been excellent, numerous of our AffiliateMembers submitting solid and valuable proposals to the Organization for consideration as contributions tothe efforts to mitigate the negative consequences of the crisis and to the restart of the tourism, as well as forincorporation into the future Programs of Work.7
AFFILIATE MEMBERS DEPARTMENT REPORT AFFILIATE MEMBERS ACTIVITIESSpecifically, during the last year more than 90 initiatives and projects were received in response to thementioned calls for proposals, in areas and topics on which the Affiliate Members have proved they have thecapacity and experience to support the activities of UNWTO and its Member States. These proposals havebeen used by the Organization in different ways, including through the incorporation in all the documents andproducts that UNWTO have been developed during this period.1.2 Boost the visibility of inputs received from the Affiliate MembersWithin the aforementioned approach, AMD placed a special emphasis on providing higher visibility for thecontributions and projects received from the Affiliate Members.Once the critical phase of the pandemic was left behind and the agenda of in-person activities was resumed,we organized dedicated activities aiming to offer to our Affiliate Members opportunities to showcase theirrelevant projects and innovative products within relevant international events, big International Tourism Fairsand similar events.a. We reinforced and intensively used the concept the “Corner of the Affiliate Member” – through which theAffiliate Members Department is providing a visibility framework for presentations of projects on prioritytopics delivered by Affiliate Members.Main occasions in which events of this type have been organized: AMCorner organized within the 42nd Plenary Session 2020, with the theme “Recovering Tourism.Rebuilding Trust. Reinforcing Partnerships”. The event, divided in three sessions focused on the privatesector’s response to Covid-19, roadmap to new business models, and best practices towards thefulfillment of the 2030 Agenda saw the presentation of initiatives by some of the most valued AffiliateMembers, such as Turisme de Barcelona, TripAdvisor, Hotel Business Association of Madrid, ChameleonStrategies, Atrevia and many more. Affiliate Members Corner on the occasion of FITUR2021, on 21st of May – organized as a meeting spacefor the Affiliate Membership to share and showcasetheir latest projects. This edition was focused on themuch-needed “Recovery of Tourism” and offered theframework for presentations delivered by of 16 AffiliateMembers such as, among the others, Necstour, AllianzPartners, Quintana Roo Tourism Promotion Council,Expedia Group and the Catalan Tourism Board.8
AFFILIATE MEMBERS DEPARTMENT REPORT AFFILIATE MEMBERS ACTIVITIES Affiliate Members Corner on the occasion of Iberseries Platino Industria (30 September, Madrid)aimed to foster the synergies between the tourism and audiovisual industries, where localadministrations, destination management organizations, tourism boards and other private entitiespresented their offer in terms of facilities and conditions attracting the shooting of movies, series andother audiovisual contents.b. UNWTO Affiliate Members Distinction Awards. Given the consistent and generous contributions, projectsand proposals received from our affiliates, that have supported the effort of the UNWTO to lead the globalresponse of the Tourism sector to the pandemic have significantly contributed to strengthen public-privatecollaboration, the UNWTO has considered it important to give a deserved recognition to such relevantinitiatives.UNWTO Affiliate Members Distinction Awards in November 2020 - organized against the backdrop of the42nd Affiliate Members Plenary Session boosted visibility of those Affiliate Members who best embeddedthe spirit of solidarity and determination that underlined the sector’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.The UNWTO Affiliate Members Distinction Awards 2020 went to: CNN International - best ‘’Inspirational Communication Campaign’’ for its work bringing the UNWTO’s#TravelTomorrow campaign to a global audience of millions. Chameleon Strategies - best ‘’Promotion of the UNWTO Affiliate Membership in Asia’’ for their excellentwork in promoting the Membership in the region. Facility Concept and Africa Tourism Partners Company - both recognized with best ‘’Promotion of theUNWTO Affiliate Membership in Africa’’ for their initiatives and work in the African region. XCaret Group - best ‘’Contribution to the Reopening of Tourism: Attraction and Thematic Parks’’ fortheir guidelines to safely reopen the global attraction industry. IATA - best ‘’Contribution to the Reopening of Tourism: Air Transport Sector’’ for their protocols tosafely restarting aviation. IFEMA - ‘’Solidarity towards the community’’ for its response to the crisis and, in particular, forallowing its exhibition space to be repurposed as the largest hospital in Spain attending almost 4,000coronavirus patients.9
AFFILIATE MEMBERS DEPARTMENT REPORT AFFILIATE MEMBERS ACTIVITIES CAIXABANK - best ‘’Contribution to support the tourism private sector’’ for its contribution and support totourism companies through its business line specialized in the sector «CaixaBank Hotels and Tourism”. EGEDA - best ‘’Promotion of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)’’ for their work in promotingthe SDGs and, in particular, the organization of the Platino Awards for Iberoamerican Cinema ‘’17Awards, 17 Sustainable Development Goals”. Madrid City Hall - best ‘’Commitment with the Public-Private Partnership in Tourism sector’’ for leadingby example in fostering public-private partnerships for response and recover. Seoul Tourism Organization - best ‘’Promotion of Tourism as Tool for Peace and Reconciliation’’ fortheir work on sustainable tourism based on peace and fairness and, in particular, the organization ofthe Seoul International Fair and Sustainable Tourism Forum in 2019. Royal Commission for Al Ula - best ‘’Promotion of Inclusive Community Development through Tourism’’.UNWTO have accompanied our Affiliate Members who have promoted initiatives to highlight the commitmentof the tourism sector with society during this period marked by the harsh impact of the pandemic, through thedeserved recognitions of innovative projects: CETT Alimara Awards, Travelling for Happiness awards, CaixaBank & Hotels Awards.c. Consistent engagement in Executive Councils and Regional Commissions. AMD was continuously workingon promoting a more consistent and visible participation of our Affiliate Members in UNWTO StatutoryEvents - Executive Councils and Regional Commissions, not only for the visibility opportunities, but alsoas an effective way of improving the effective integration of the Affiliate Membership in the overall activityof the Organization, to generate more collaboration opportunities with the Member States and, as aconsequence, to increase the prestige and the value of the Membership.The most recent Executive Councils (held in Tbilisi, in September 2020 and in Madrid, in 2021) and theannually Regional Commissions organized between June and September 2021 constituted illustrativeexamples of the positive and fruitful involvement of the Affiliate Membership. All these statutory meetingshave included in the agenda a consistent part regarding Affiliate Membership: Adoption of important in initiatives, like the launching of the Legal Reform Process Reports of the Chair of the Board Progress Report on the ongoing activities Approval of new candidaturesAlso in the 2021 Regional Commissions, the agenda has included consistent presentations on the situationand evolution of the Affiliate Membership in the respective regions of each Regional Commission, as wellas, in some cases, the intervention of an institutional representative of the Affiliate Members, as it was thecase of the with interventions from Chameleon Strategies, JATA (Japan Association of Travel Agents) andJTB Corporation. It should be underlined that the new legal framework proposed to be adopted duringthe 24th general assembly will provide us with very important mechanisms to strengthen the integrationof the Affiliate Membership with the UNWTO agenda, through the creation of a specialized Committee onMatters related to Affiliate Membership to serve as a much necessary institutional vehicle for an effectiveintegration of the Affiliate Members with the Governments and within UNWTO.10
AFFILIATE MEMBERS DEPARTMENT REPORT AFFILIATE MEMBERS ACTIVITIESd. Co-organize UNWTO-AM International Conferences. AMD supported the organization of conferences andevents with the Affiliate Members on topics of common interest that are in line with UNWTO’s mandate,contributing to strengthening cooperation with the Affiliate Members while helping them enhance theirvisibility internationally through UNWTO’s global network.International Astrotourism Conference (Evora Portugal8-9 September 2021): the first International AstrotourismConference by Starligh, co-organized by UNWTO andour Affiliate Members Starlight Foundation and Dark SkyAssociation was held in Évora, Portugal, and served asmajor a platform to discuss the potential of this modality oftourism and move forward with initiatives that contributeto generate knowledge about it.The Working Group on Scientific Tourism came togetherduring the event in the format of a roundtable, wherethe participants discussed several topics relatedto astrotourism: certification, case studies, productdevelopment, attraction of astrotourists and promotion,among others. Organizing Affiliate Members included,while SODEPAL was also part of the discussion during theroundtable.Iberseries Platino Industria (28 September – 1 October,Madrid, Spain). UNWTO, EGEDA and Netflix have partneredto explore insights into changing trends in screen tourism,its positive impacts on strengthening cultural affinityand the role of online streaming services in promotingtourism and cultural affinity between people, cultures andcountries in line with the 2030 Agenda. The event alsoserved to underline how public-private partnerships cansupport destinations to promote themselves as attractivelocations for audio-visual producers. Affiliate Memberswere invited to attend Iberseries Platino Industria andsome of them directly got involved through presentationsor exhibition spaces (Turisme de Barcelona, MallorcaTurisme foundation and Turisme de Tenerife).World Sports Tourism Congress (25-26 November, LLoretde Mar/Spain): organized in collaboration with the AffiliateMember Catalan Tourist Board, the event explored therelationship between sports tourism and sustainableand inclusive development and how sports tourism canserve as a tool for tourism dispersal, differentiationand deseasonalization. In line with this, the congresschallenged all participants to further explore these topicsand discuss innovation and current and future trendsin the sector, as well as successful governance andprivate sector strategies. UNWTO offered facilities for theattendance of the Affiliate Members and opportunities tobe part of the sessions.11
AFFILIATE MEMBERS DEPARTMENT REPORT AFFILIATE MEMBERS ACTIVITIES1.3 Further develop the priority topics directly managed by AMD.a. Tourism and the Audio-visual IndustryThe audio-visual sector plays a vital role in supporting the promotion of tourism, especially in a contextmarked by its recovery. The Affiliate Members Department continued to develop this line of activity throughincreased participation in projects and initiatives carried out by some of our Affiliate Members.Iberseries Platino Industria (Madrid, 27 September - 2 October) – the largest international event forprofessionals linked to the audiovisual industry in Spanish and Portuguese provided the excellent spacefor a specialized AM Corner aimed to facilitate DMOs to present their offer for audiovisual production,highlighting their work being done to keep receiving major productions with the highest standards ofsafety and promote their destination to producers by providing a wide range of services, from grantingfilming permits to finding locations and local providers, among others.Platino Award for Cinema on Education & Values. With UNWTO also focusing this year on Education,UNWTO Secretary-General presented for the second time the prestigious Platino Award for Cinema onEducation & Values with the goal to efficiently promote the SDGs and the UNWTO’s 2030 Agenda within theoutstanding visibility platform given by the huge media coverage of such events.Global Report on Cultural Affinity and Screen Tourism. Affiliate Members Department continued to explorein depth all aspects of the link between tourism and audiovisual. A first chapter focused on the segment ofcontent distribution platforms, on how audiovisual content can generate cultural affinities that can determinefuture knowledge decisions through travel was presented on 1 October 2021 through the launch of theUNWTO-NETFLIX Global Report on Cultural Affinity and Screen Tourism, within the framework of the event“Beyond the traditional concept of Screen Tourism”, organized at Iberoseries Platino Industria in Madrid.This joint study and publication look at the role of film and series as drivers for tourism and culturalaffinity. Its ultimate goal is to support policymakers and key stakeholders within the tourism sector toimplement policies that make their destinations attractive for audio-visual producers. At the same time,it aims to help in the building of focused strategies to promote tourism and consumption of local culture,investing in skills and training to develop the local film and creative sectors, and integrating tourism atfilm festivals to deepen the global audiences’ knowledge. The Affiliate Members department will continueto continue deepening this study, adding knowledge and experience of other Affiliate Members in order tomake strategies available to interested destinations to take advantage of the potential of the productionand distribution of audiovisual content to enhance the tourism sector.b. Sports tourismBased on inputs and proposals received from the AMs, Sports Tourism became a priority area for UNWTO,placed under direct responsibility and coordination of AMD. For the first time, UNWTO organized a World Sports Tourism Congress in collaboration with the AffiliateMember the Catalan Tourism Board (25-26 November 2021, Lloret de Mar, Spain). The event alsoserved for other Affiliate Members to showcase their work in this field through intervention as panelistsduring the sessions, namely: George Washington University, SKAL International, Thessaloniki TourismOrganization, Tourism Kwazulu Natal Convention Bureau, International Motorcycling Federation (FIM),Cluster Montagne and FC Porto Museum. The affiliate Members Department participated in other sport events like football competition MadCup(26-30 June 2021), launched in collaboration with Affiliate Members, targeting to connect sport, tourism,education in values and promotion of SDGs.12
AFFILIATE MEMBERS DEPARTMENT REPORT AFFILIATE MEMBERS ACTIVITIES1.4 Expand and support the activity of Working Groups (WG) Working Group on SDGs Support, led by Hostelling International: within the framework of PoW 2021, theWorking Group discussed how promote the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in the privatesector, how to develop a toolkit/training material for tourism stakeholders on implementing the SDGs:Online course “Sustainable Development and Images of the Future”, including an unit “UN SDGs andtourism”. Working Group on Accessible Tourism, led by Red Estable: aimed at promoting more accessible tourismpractices among entities of the private sector. During the last year, the members of the Working Groupparticipated in an Expert Meeting organized in the framework of FITUR 2021. During the event, thepublication “Accessibility and Inclusive Tourism Development in Nature Areas – Compendium of BestPractices” was launched, and some of the Affiliate Members and organizations which contributed to it hadthe opportunity to present their projects. This was a great platform to promote the report and boost thevisibility of outstanding projects on accessibility in nature areas. Working Group on Scientific Tourism, led byStarlight Foundation: the working group was launched withthe rational raising awareness about this tourist productand is potential to diversify the offer in destinations.The members of the working group have participatedin the organization of the I International AstrotourismConference, held in Portugal, 8-11 September 2021. Theworking group is currently exploring the possibility todevelop a guide on the creation of the astrotourismproducts in destinations.1.5 Provide increasing opportunities for networking and information-exchangeIn line with the objectives and concrete proposals of activities established through the PoW2021, AMDsupported the implementation of a consistent agen
In November 2020, the UNWTO Affiliate Members Department (AMD) submitted for the consideration and debate of the 42nd Plenary Session of the Affiliate Members its proposal for Affiliate Members Department Programme of Work for 2021 (PoW2021), previously coordinated with the Board of Affiliate Members. Said document defined the priority lines
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