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REVIEW OFAUTOMOBILE INSURANCE RATES40 Canadian Cities10 ProvincesSeptember 2003Provincial Capitals: Auto Insurance Rates (Highest) 20,000 18,000 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 -Toronto, ONHalifax, NSEdmonton, ABSt. Johns, NFFredericton, NBCharlottetown, PEQuebec City, PQVictoria, BCWinnipeg, MBRegina, SK

Consumers’ Association of Canada Auto Insurance Rates Study – September 2003This Consumers’ Association of Canada study on autoinsurance rates answers the following question:How much would the same driver pay for autoinsurance if they had the same vehicle, samedriving record and same claims history, and livedin each of the 40 cities surveyed in this study?22003 Consumers Association of Canada

Consumers’ Association of Canada Auto Insurance Rates Study – September 2003TABLE OF CONTENTSExecutive Summary . 51.0OVERVIEW . 71.1Study Focus. 71.2Study Methodology. 71.3Study Assumptions . 82.0AUTO INSURANCE RATES & SYSTEMS. 92.1Common Factors That Affect Rates . 92.2Different Types of Auto Insurance Systems . 93.0KEY FINDINGS. 1032003 Consumers Association of Canada

Consumers’ Association of Canada Auto Insurance Rates Study – September 2003SERVICE TO CANADIAN CONSUMERSThe Consumers’ Association of Canada is a national non-profit organization that has servedthe interests of consumers for over 50 years. A network of volunteer members supports theAssociation across Canada. In addition to its national office in Ottawa, Ontario branchesof the Association are active from Nova Scotia to British Columbia and focus their work onlocal or regional issues.The Association provides an independent consumer voice when government and industrymake decisions about products, policies or programs. The Association has worked withthousands of individual consumers in resolving disputes with product and service providers.The Association also advocates solutions to issues that are clearly in the consumer’s interesteven when these solutions are in conflict with Government or industry positions.Auto insurance is one of these issues.All comments, analysis, findings and conclusions in this Study are the sole responsibility ofthe Association.NOTEThis Study and earlier releases of portions of this study may also be found at the followingweb site 2003The Consumers’ Association of Canada copyrights this study and all its contents. Materialfrom this study may be used for research purposes and the media may freely quote from anypart of the study. This study may not be used for any commercial or other purpose withoutthe express authorization of the Consumer’s Association of Canada.42003 Consumers Association of Canada

Consumers’ Association of Canada Auto Insurance Rates Study – September 2003EXECUTIVE SUMMARYAuto insurance has historically been a contentious issue across Canada. For most of 2003consumers have expressed their displeasure with skyrocketing auto insurance rates in allprovinces that have private auto insurance systems. Governments in Newfoundland, NovaScotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Ontario and Alberta have promised or takeninitiatives to mitigate rates. At the same time, while Statistics Canada reported that rates hadescalated by up to 70% in those six provinces other consumers in a province like Manitoba,with a public auto system, experienced rate increases of only 7.2%.The purpose of this study is to inform consumers about the auto insurance issue by providingan independent source of information about auto insurance rates across Canada. This studyexamines and compares rates in 40 cities in 10 provinces. The same 34 different driverprofiles, reflecting a cross-section of vehicle types, driver history, driver ages and gender,claims and marital status, were used in each city to illustrate how much consumers’ pay forauto insurance.This study answers the following important question:How much would the same driver pay for auto insurance if they had the samevehicle, same driving record and same claims history but lived in each of the 40cities surveyed in this study?The key findings and conclusions of this study are:Finding #1 – Public Auto Insurance Systems Offer The Lowest Rates For ConsumersFinding #2 – Toronto Consumers Pay The Highest Rates In CanadaFinding #3 – Winnipeg Has Lowest Rates Of Canada’s Capital CitiesFinding #4 – Canada’s Largest Cities - Toronto and Calgary Have The Highest RatesFinding #5 - Western Provinces Have Much Lower Rates Than The MaritimesFinding #6 – Alberta Consumers Pay Much Higher Rates Than In Neighbouring ProvincesFinding #7 - Ontario’s Rates Are Much Higher Than In Western Public Auto ProvincesFinding #8 - Quebec’s Rates Are Much Lower Than Ontario’s RatesFinding #9 – Rates Are Consistent Between Canada’s Public Auto SystemsFinding #10 - Under Private Auto Systems, Good Young Male Drivers Pay More Than BadOlder Drivers With High Priced Vehicles52003 Consumers Association of Canada

Consumers’ Association of Canada Auto Insurance Rates Study – September 2003List of Cities Used in StudyProvinceCityCorner BrookNewfoundland & LabradorGanderSt. John’sHalifaxNova ScotiaNew GlasgowSydneyYarmouthCharlottetownPrince Edward IslandSummersideBathhurstNew BrunswickFredrictonMonctonSt. JohnHullQuebecMontrealQuebecSherbrookeTrois RivieresBarrieOntarioLondonOttawaSt. Catherine’sThunder terSaskatchewanPrince AlbertReginaYorktonCalgaryAlbertaEdmontonFt. McMurrayLethbridgeLloydminsterNelsonBritish ColumbiaPentictonPrince GeorgeVancouverVictoria62003 Consumers Association of Canada

Consumers’ Association of Canada Auto Insurance Rates Study – September 20031.0OVERVIEW1.1 STUDY FOCUSThe purpose of this study is to provide an independent source of information for consumersabout auto insurance rates across Canada. Recently, auto insurance has emerged as asignificant consumer and political issue in those provinces where rates have increaseddramatically over the last year.Each province has its own system of auto insurance. Canadian consumers face a variety ofsystems such as: Nova Scotia’s private insurer tort-based system Quebec’s mixed public insurer no fault injury based system with a private insurerbased vehicle damage system Ontario’s private insurer threshold no-fault injury based system Manitoba’s public auto based pure no-fault injury system Saskatchewan’s choice model, where a consumer can purchase either tort or no-faultinjury coverage under that province’s public auto insurance systemIrrespective of these differences consumers want to know, and this study focuses ondelivering answers to a key question:How much would the same driver pay for auto insurance if they had the samevehicle, same driving record and same claims history but lived in each of the 40 citiessurveyed in this study?1.2 STUDY METHODOLOGYThis study examines and compares auto insurance rates in 40 cities in 10 provinces inCanada. A total of 34 different rating profiles is used which reflects a wide cross-section ofvehicle types, families, families with multiple drivers, single parent families and singles,from young drivers to seniors, both genders, from clean driving records to not so perfect, anda variety of claims histories.In effect, this study provides a snapshot comparison of Canadian drivers.72003 Consumers Association of Canada

Consumers’ Association of Canada Auto Insurance Rates Study – September 2003In the summer of 2003 the Association compiled over 7,000 auto insurance rate quotes fromsources across Canada. In the case of those provinces in which private insurers provide autoinsurance the study ensured that the rate quotes obtained reflected the range of prices likelyto be found in those markets. In those provinces ten different rate quotes for each driverprofile for each city was obtained representing those insurers that have significant marketshares in those provinces.In the four provinces with public auto systems rate information was obtained directly fromeach public auto insurer.Auto insurance rate information was obtained from the following sources: Newfoundland and Labrador - CompuQuote*Nova Scotia - CompuQuote*Prince Edward Island - CompuQuote*New Brunswick - CompuQuote*Quebec – SAAQ and CompuQuote*Ontario - CompuQuote*Manitoba - Manitoba Public InsuranceSaskatchewan- Saskatchewan Government InsuranceAlberta – CompuQuote*British Columbia - Insurance Corporation of British Columbia* CompuQuote is an independent rate quotation service that obtains information directlyfrom private auto insurers across Canada.1.3 STUDY ASSUMPTIONSThe following criteria were used for all rate quotes: Liability Coverage - 2 millionCollision Deductible - 500Comprehensive Deductible - 300 ( 350 in Saskatchewan, 500 in Manitoba)82003 Consumers Association of Canada

Consumers’ Association of Canada Auto Insurance Rates Study – September 20032.0AUTO INSURANCE RATES & SYSTEMS2.1 COMMON FACTORS THAT AFFECT RATESIn both private and public auto systems there are a number of factors that directly affect howmuch a consumer pays for their auto insurance. These are: Vehicle make, year and model – rates will be higher for more expensive vehiclesUse of vehicle – commuter rates will be higherClaims history – the more claims the higher the insurance rateLocation – city locations with more crashes, theft, and vandalism will likely havehigher ratesDriving record – the greater the number of infractions the higher the insurance ratesIn addition to the factors cited above private insurance systems use a number of other factorsin determining rates that are not used in public auto systems. These factors are: Driver age - drivers under 25 are deemed higher risk and will pay moreGender – male drivers under 25 are deemed high risk and have dramatically higherratesMarital Status – single people may pay more2.2 DIFFERENT TYPES OF AUTO INSURANCE SYSTEMSThere have been competing views about the nature of auto insurance and how it should bedelivered to consumers. Private auto insurance systems were the only type of insuranceschemes available for many years. In response to public demands for stable rates, universalcoverage and enhanced fairness Governments in four provinces have implemented publiclyowned auto insurance systems.Type Of Auto Insurance System By ProvinceProvinceNewfoundland &LabradorNova ScotiaPrince Edward IslandNew ritish ColumbiaPrivatePublic92003 Consumers Association of Canada

Consumers’ Association of Canada Auto Insurance Rates Study – September 20033.0KEY FINDINGSThe key findings of this study are as follows:Finding #1 – Public Auto Insurance Systems Offer The Lowest Rates For ConsumersFinding #2 – Toronto Consumers Pay The Highest Rates In CanadaFinding #3 – Winnipeg Has Lowest Rates Of Canada’s Capital CitiesFinding #4 – Canada’s Largest Cities - Toronto and Calgary Have The Highest RatesFinding #5 - Western Provinces Have Much Lower Rates Than The MaritimesFinding #6 – Alberta Consumers Pay Much Higher Rates Than In Neighbouring ProvincesFinding #7 - Ontario’s Rates Are Much Higher Than In Western Public Auto ProvincesFinding #8 - Quebec’s Rates Are Much Lower Than Ontario’s RatesFinding #9 – Rates Are Consistent Between Canada’s Public Auto SystemsFinding #10 - Under Private Auto Systems, Good Young Male Drivers Pay More Than BadOlder Drivers With High Priced Vehicles102003 Consumers Association of Canada

Consumers’ Association of Canada Auto Insurance Rates Study – September 2003FINDING #1 - Public Auto Insurance Systems Offer Lowest Rates For ConsumersThe chart below shows the average annual rates paid by consumers in every province in Canada based on over 7,000 rate quotesobtained for this study.Auto insurance rates in British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Quebec, provinces with public auto insurance systems, arethe lowest in Canada, in some cases dramatically lower.Comparison of Average Auto Insurance Rates by Province 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 BCABSKMBONPQNBNSPENF11

Corner Brook, NFSt. Johns, NFSum merside, PECharlottetow n, PEYarmouth, NSNew Glasgow , NSSydney, NSHalifax, NSBathurst, NBFredericton, NBMoncton, NBSt. John, NBHull, PQSherbrooke, PQTrois Rivieres, PQQuebec City, PQMontreal, PQBarrie, ONSt. Catherine's, ONThunder Bay, ONLondon, ONOttaw a, ONToronto, ONThompson, MBBrandon, MBWinnipeg, MBYorkton, SKLloydm inster, SKPrince Albert, SKRegina, SKFt. McMurray, ABLloydminster, ABLethbridge, ABEdm onton, ABCalgary, ABNelson, BCPrince George, BCPenticton, BCVictoria, BCVancouver, BCConsumers’ Association of Canada Auto Insurance Rates Study – September 2003FINDING #2 – Toronto Consumers Pay The Highest Rates In CanadaConsumers in Canada’s largest city pay the highest average auto insurance rates in Canada.Average Annual Insurance Cost by City 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 -City12

Consumers’ Association of Canada Auto Insurance Rates Study – September 2003Provincial Capitals: A Comparison of Median Auto Insurance RatesWinnipeg, MBRegina, SKVictoria, BCQuebec City, PQCharlottetown, PESt. Johns, NFFredericton, NBEdmonton, ABHalifax, NSToronto, ON 10,000 9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 -3431Winnipeg, M B2825Rating Profile #2219Regina, SK1613107Victo ria, B C41To ro nto , ONHalifax, NSEdmo nto n, ABFredericto n, NBSt. Jo hns, NFCharlo tteto wn, PEQuebec City, P QPrimary DriverAgeClaim(s) orConviction(s)Primary DriverGenderMake & ModelVehicle YearThe chart below shows a consumer's costs of obtaining insurance in each of the capital cities in tenprovinces. Winnipeg has the lowest rates of Canada’s capital cities. Regina followed very closelywith the next lowest rates and Toronto has the highest.Rating Profile ListRating ProfileFINDING #3 – Winnipeg Has Lowest Rates Of Canada’s Capital Cities1234567891011121314151617181995 Chrysler Intrepid Male581996 Dodge Caravan Female 1997331993342001Toyota 4RunnerFord WindstarToyota CamryFord TaurusHonda CivicFord ExcursionDodge SpiritGMC SonomaMazda ProtégéSaturn SL1Plymouth ColtVolvo V70Toyota CorollaPontiac SunbirdDodge RamJeep CherokeeChevroletCavalierGMC K1500Dodge NeonToyota PickupLexus ES 300VolkswagenVanagonHonda OdysseyChevy AstroSuzuki SwiftBMW 323Mazda MiataFord ExplorerChrysler NewYorkerFord F-150Buick le 70Male42NoNoMale75YesMale27No13

Consumers’ Association of Canada Auto Insurance Rates Study – September 2003FINDING #4 – Canada’s Largest Cities - Toronto and CalgaryHave The Highest RatesA Tale of Large Cities: A Comparison of Median Auto Insurance RatesWinnipeg, MBMontreal, PQVancouver, BCCalgary, ABToronto, ON 9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000Toronto, ONCalgary, ABVancouver, BC 1,000333129272521Winnipeg, MB23Rating Profile #1917151311975Montreal, PQ31 -Primary DriverAgeClaim(s) orConviction(s)Primary DriverGenderMake & ModelVehicle YearThe chart below shows a consumer's costs of auto insurance in five of Canada’s largest cities. Whatdifferentiates the cities with the highest rates, Toronto and Calgary, from Vancouver, Winnipeg andMontreal, is the latter three cities have public auto insurance systems.Rating ProfileRating Profile List1234567891011121314151617181995 Chrysler Intrepid Male581996 Dodge Caravan Female 1997331993342001Toyota 4RunnerFord WindstarToyota CamryFord TaurusHonda CivicFord ExcursionDodge SpiritGMC SonomaMazda ProtégéSaturn SL1Plymouth ColtVolvo V70Toyota CorollaPontiac SunbirdDodge RamJeep CherokeeChevroletCavalierGMC K1500Dodge NeonToyota PickupLexus ES 300VolkswagenVanagonHonda OdysseyChevy AstroSuzuki SwiftBMW 323Mazda MiataFord ExplorerChrysler NewYorkerFord F-150Buick le 70Male42NoNoMale75YesMale27No14

Consumers’ Association of Canada Auto Insurance Rates Study – September 2003East vs West: Median Ratesfor the Maritimes and the Four Western ProvincesManitobaSaskatchewanBritish ColumbiaPrince Edward IslandNewfoundlandNew BrunswickAlbertaNova Scotia 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000Nova ScotiaA lbertaNew BrunswickNewfoundlandP rince Edward Island 3,000 2,000 1,000B ritish Columbia3325M anitoba29Rating Profile #211713Saskatchewan951 -Primary DriverAgeClaim(s) orConviction(s)Primary DriverGenderMake & ModelVehicle YearThe chart below shows a consumer's costs of obtaining insurance in the four western provinces andthe four maritime provinces. The three western provinces with public auto systems deliver thelowest rates for their consumers.Rating Profile ListRating ProfileFINDING #5 - Western Provinces Have Much Lower Rates Than The Maritimes1234567891011121314151617181995 Chrysler Intrepid Male581996 Dodge Caravan Female 1997331993342001Toyota 4RunnerFord WindstarToyota CamryFord TaurusHonda CivicFord ExcursionDodge SpiritGMC SonomaMazda ProtégéSaturn SL1Plymouth ColtVolvo V70Toyota CorollaPontiac SunbirdDodge RamJeep CherokeeChevroletCavalierGMC K1500Dodge NeonToyota PickupLexus ES 300VolkswagenVanagonHonda OdysseyChevy AstroSuzuki SwiftBMW 323Mazda MiataFord ExplorerChrysler NewYorkerFord F-150Buick le 70Male42NoNoMale75YesMale27No15

Consumers’ Association of Canada Auto Insurance Rates Study – September 2003Finding 5 continued: Halifax vs. VictoriaA Comparison of Annual Auto Insurance:Victoria, BC vs the Median Rate in Halifax, NSVictoria, BCHalifax, NS 10,000 9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 135791113Rating Profile #15171921232527293133Primary DriverAgeClaim(s) orConviction(s)Primary DriverGenderMake & ModelVehicle YearAn example of two cities on each side of Canada that are comparable in size is Victoria, BritishColumbia and Halifax, Nova Scotia. The rates in the west coast city are much less than whatconsumers pay in Halifax.Rating ProfileRating Profile List1234567891011121314151617181995 Chrysler Intrepid Male581996 Dodge Caravan Female 1997331993342001Toyota 4RunnerFord WindstarToyota CamryFord TaurusHonda CivicFord ExcursionDodge SpiritGMC SonomaMazda ProtégéSaturn SL1Plymouth ColtVolvo V70Toyota CorollaPontiac SunbirdDodge RamJeep CherokeeChevroletCavalierGMC K1500Dodge NeonToyota PickupLexus ES 300VolkswagenVanagonHonda OdysseyChevy AstroSuzuki SwiftBMW 323Mazda MiataFord ExplorerChrysler NewYorkerFord F-150Buick le 70Male42NoNoMale75YesMale27No16

Median Rates: Four Western ProvincesManitobaSaskatchewanBritish ColumbiaAlberta 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000AlbertaBritish ColumbiaSaskatchewanManitoba33312927252123Rating Profile #191715131197531 -Primary DriverGenderMake & ModelVehicle YearAlbertans enjoy many benefits from their healthy economy but low auto insurance rates are notamong them. Compared to its neighbours, rates in Alberta are much higher.Rating ProfileFINDING #6 – Alberta Consumers Pay Much Higher Rates Than In Neighbouring Rating Profile ListProvincesPrimary DriverAgeClaim(s) orConviction(s)Consumers’ Association of Canada Auto Insurance Rates Study – September 20031234567891011121314151617181995 Chrysler Intrepid Male581996 Dodge Caravan Female 1997331993342001Toyota 4RunnerFord WindstarToyota CamryFord TaurusHonda CivicFord ExcursionDodge SpiritGMC SonomaMazda ProtégéSaturn SL1Plymouth ColtVolvo V70Toyota CorollaPontiac SunbirdDodge RamJeep CherokeeChevroletCavalierGMC K1500Dodge NeonToyota PickupLexus ES 300VolkswagenVanagonHonda OdysseyChevy AstroSuzuki SwiftBMW 323Mazda MiataFord ExplorerChrysler NewYorkerFord F-150Buick le 70Male42NoNoMale75YesMale27No17

Consumers’ Association of Canada Auto Insurance Rates Study – September 2003Finding 6 continued: Alberta Cities vs. Cities In Other Western ProvincesMedian Rates in Western Cities 7,000C a lga ry, A BE dm o nt o n, A BLe t hbridge , A BLlo ydm ins t e r, A BF t . M c M urra y, A BV a nc o uv e r, B CN e ls o n, B CP rinc e G e o rge , B C 6,000 5,000 4,000P e nt ic t o n, B C 3,000Vic t o ria , B CT ho m ps o n, M B 2,000B ra ndo n, M BWinnipe g, M B 1,000Y o rk t o n, SKLlo ydm ins t e r, S K332925Rating Profile #R e gina , S K2117139P rinc e A lbe rt , S K51 -18

Consumers’ Association of Canada Auto Insurance Rates Study – September 2003Finding 6 continued: Lloydminster vs. LloydminsterLloydminster, AB vs. Lloydminster, SKMedian Annual Auto Insurance RatesLloydminster, SKLloydminster, AB 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,00033312725232129Rating Profile #19171513119753 -1 1,000Primary DriverAgeClaim(s) orConviction(s)Primary DriverGenderMake & ModelVehicle YearPerhaps the most fascinating example in Canada of the differences in auto insurance rates exists inthe City of Lloydminster. This city is unique in that the Alberta/Saskatchewan boundary divides thecity into two halves with residents living on either side of the city. From the perspective of autoinsurance risk the conditions faced by a driver living on the Alberta side of the street are notdifferent than experienced by someone living on the Saskatchewan side of the same street. Butwhat is different is that Alberta drivers pay much higher rates.Rating ProfileRating Profile List1234567891011121314151617181995 Chrysler Intrepid Male581996 Dodge Caravan Female 1997331993342001Toyota 4RunnerFord WindstarToyota CamryFord TaurusHonda CivicFord ExcursionDodge SpiritGMC SonomaMazda ProtégéSaturn SL1Plymouth ColtVolvo V70Toyota CorollaPontiac SunbirdDodge RamJeep CherokeeChevroletCavalierGMC K1500Dodge NeonToyota PickupLexus ES 300VolkswagenVanagonHonda OdysseyChevy AstroSuzuki SwiftBMW 323Mazda MiataFord ExplorerChrysler NewYorkerFord F-150Buick le 70Male42NoNoMale75YesMale27No19

Consumers’ Association of Canada Auto Insurance Rates Study – September 2003Ontario vs. the West (Median Rates)ManitobaSaskatchewanBritish ColumbiaAlbertaOntario 9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000OntarioAlbertaBritish ColumbiaSaskatchewanManitoba 1,00033312927232125Rating Profile #191715131197531 -Primary DriverAgeClaim(s) orConviction(s)Primary DriverGenderMake & ModelVehicle YearOntario’s rates are much higher than those in the four western provinces, except for Alberta.Rating Profile ListRating ProfileFINDING #7 – Ontario’s Rates Are Much Higher Than In WesternPublic Auto Provinces1234567891011121314151617181995 Chrysler Intrepid Male581996 Dodge Caravan Female 1997331993342001Toyota 4RunnerFord WindstarToyota CamryFord TaurusHonda CivicFord ExcursionDodge SpiritGMC SonomaMazda ProtégéSaturn SL1Plymouth ColtVolvo V70Toyota CorollaPontiac SunbirdDodge RamJeep CherokeeChevroletCavalierGMC K1500Dodge NeonToyota PickupLexus ES 300VolkswagenVanagonHonda OdysseyChevy AstroSuzuki SwiftBMW 323Mazda MiataFord ExplorerChrysler NewYorkerFord F-150Buick le 70Male42NoNoMale75YesMale27No20

Consumers’ Association of Canada Auto Insurance Rates Study – September 2003Finding 7 continued: Ontario Cities vs. Western CitiesFive Ontario vs. Four Western Cities (Median Rates) 9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000Ottaw a, ONBarrie, ONSt. Catherine's, ONThunder Bay, ONLondon, ONOttaw a, ONEdmonton, AB 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,0003431Brandon, MB2825Rating Profile #221916Regina, SK131074Prince George, BC1 -Primary DriverAgeClaim(s) orConviction(s)Primary DriverGenderMake & ModelVehicle YearIn western cities with public auto systems consumers consistently pay much less than in Ontario.Rating ProfileRating Profile List1234567891011121314151617181995 Chrysler Intrepid Male581996 Dodge Caravan Female 1997331993342001Toyota 4RunnerFord WindstarToyota CamryFord TaurusHonda CivicFord ExcursionDodge SpiritGMC SonomaMazda ProtégéSaturn SL1Plymouth ColtVolvo V70Toyota CorollaPontiac SunbirdDodge RamJeep CherokeeChevroletCavalierGMC K1500Dodge NeonToyota PickupLexus ES 300VolkswagenVanagonHonda OdysseyChevy AstroSuzuki SwiftBMW 323Mazda MiataFord ExplorerChrysler NewYorkerFord F-150Buick le 70Male42NoNoMale75YesMale27No21

Consumers’ Association of Canada Auto Insurance Rates Study – September 2003Finding 7 continued: Toronto vs. VancouverToronto vs. Vancouver (Median Rates)Vancouver, BCToronto, ON 9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,00033312725232129Rating Profile #19Toronto, ONVancouver, B C171513119753 -1 1,000Primary DriverAgeClaim(s) orConviction(s)Primary DriverGenderMake & ModelVehicle YearBoth Toronto and Vancouver are large metropolitan areas with millions of vehicles and congestedtraffic conditions, yet rates in Vancouver are lower, in some cases by thousands of dollars per year.Rating ProfileRating Profile List1234567891011121314151617181995 Chrysler Intrepid Male581996 Dodge Caravan Female 1997331993342001Toyota 4RunnerFord WindstarToyota CamryFord TaurusHonda CivicFord ExcursionDodge SpiritGMC SonomaMazda ProtégéSaturn SL1Plymouth ColtVolvo V70Toyota CorollaPontiac SunbirdDodge RamJeep CherokeeChevroletCavalierGMC K1500Dodge NeonToyota PickupLexus ES 300VolkswagenVanagonHonda OdysseyChevy AstroSuzuki SwiftBMW 323Mazda MiataFord ExplorerChrysler NewYorkerFord F-150Buick le 70Male42NoNoMale75YesMale27No22

Consumers’ Association of Canada Auto Insurance Rates Study – September 2003FINDING #8 – Quebec’s Rates Are Much Lower Than Ontario’s RatesToronto vs. Montreal (Median Rates)Montreal, PQToronto, ON 9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000

In the summer of 2003 the Association compiled over 7,000 auto insurance rate quotes from sources across Canada. In the case of those provinces in which private insurers provide auto insurance the study ensured that the rate quotes obtained reflected the range of prices likely to be found in those markets.

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