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April 3, 20222119 Stillwater Ave E St. Paul, MN 55119 651-738-0677 church@blessedsacramentsp.orgDaily, T-F 8:30amMass Times: Saturday Anticipatory: 4 pm Sunday: 8:30 am & 11 :00 am

Church of the Blessed SacramentGOSPEL MEDITATION ENCOURAGE DEEPER UNDERSTANDING OF SCRIPTUREWe love to make examples out of those who have erred and donewrong. Publicly punishing others serves as a means ofdemonstra!ng the consequences for what is deemedinappropriate or wrongful behavior. While this may appear aneffec!ve way of achieving conformity to established rules, it runsthe real risk of distor!ng mo!va!on. Obviously, we want people todo what is right and pursue healthy, virtuous behaviors and ideals.But is fear of punishment ever the best mo!va!on for avoidingone ac!on in favor of another?Doingsomethingout of fear isneverhealthy.Focusingexclusivelyon ourbehaviorand whatothersexpect orthink, leads to living life with a self-focused superficiality. Webecome more concerned about protec!ng ourselves fromsomething nega!ve and unpleasant, than inves!ng ourselves inthe freedom, wonder and awe of being human! We can s!ll findour way to the unacceptable or inappropriate behavior as long aswe do not get caught! Being a whole, focused, and God-centeredhuman being requires more. It demands an investment of theheart. Virtuous, moral, and mature lifestyles reflec!ve of theGospel necessitate love.When we experience and recognize love, God’s uncondi!onallove, in the depth of our soul, we fall in love with what we havefound. We then find ourselves leaving destruc!ve and sinfulac!ons behind in search of something more holy, dignified, true,integral, and loving. This is really “mercy realized.” God’stremendous, loving, eternal forgiveness and willingness to bring usback to something more real and tender is transforma!onal. Therespect for myself that I receive from God is so life changing that itcauses me to run quickly away from anything sinful and selfdestruc!ve to things that are whole and holy.There are many people who want nothing more than to judge orcri!cize us. What would actually stoning the woman caught inadultery really accomplish? Nothing more than the infla!on of thealready self-righteous egos of a few men who think they havepower. They have no power because they are sinners too, just likeeveryone else. What all of us have is the humble ability to expresssorrow for pursuing destruc!ve thoughts and ac!ons and receivethe power of God’s mercy. Then, Jesus’ request to “go and sin nomore” will be one we proudly heed and follow. LPiDivine Mercy Celebra!onApril 24 2:00-3:00pmWhy a feast of Divine Mercy? Whynow? Is it not on every page of thebible? What about the feast of theSacred Heart? “Don’t we alreadyhave a feast of Divine Mercy?” asone priest said to St. Faus!na.The mercy of God will not beunderstood un!l we understand thedepth and damage of our sins. OnceGod gives this grace of selfknowledge, and we begin to see andaccept the self-centered a&tudesand mo!ves behind our ac!ons, webegin to be amazed at the grandeur of His forgiveness. It makesno sense. It's beyond fair, beyond jus!ce. The immensesufferings of Jesus, God’s only Son, pays the debt of ourungrateful, and o(en, thoughtless lives.In this !me of war and pandemic it is urgent to accept God’smercy and become what He created us for. Jesus said to St.Faus!na, “Souls perish in spite of My bi)er Passion. I am givingthem the Feast of My mercy. If they will not adore My mercy,they will perish for all eternity.” (Diary 965)“My daughter, tell the whole world about My inconceivablemercy. I desire that the Feast of Mercy be a refuge and shelterfor all souls, and especially for poor sinners. My mercy is so greatthat no mind, be it of man or of angel, will be able to fathom itthroughout all eternity It is my desire that it be solemnlycelebrated on the First Sunday a(er Easter. Mankind will nothave peace un!l it turns to the fount of My mercy.” (699)

Fifth Sunday of Lent 4/3/2022O %'()* - R*/% B It’s not too late to s!ll make a almsgiving dona!on for Lent, we are called to give special a)en!on to our rela!onship with God. Through opportuni!es to deepen our prayer, prac!cefas!ng and give alms, we meet our Lord andencounter our sisters and brothers around theworld.Make a dona!on to CRS Rice Bowl to help communi!es in Guatemala, Bangladesh, Rwanda and other countries overcome hunger and malnutri!on. Your almsgiving will make a differencefor families trying to escape poverty and thrive.STAFFDIRECTORYDivine Mercy Cenacle"O my Jesus, I know that, in order to be useful tosouls, one has to strive for the closest possible unionwith You, who are Eternal Love."St. Faus"na, 'Divine Mercy in My Soul'.Prayer cards are on the table to take. Look for a newmessage from St. Faus!na’s Diary weekly.55 Club LuncheonWe will be hosting our monthly 55 Club Luncheon onTuesday, April 19 at 12 Noon. Beef Ravioli , Salad andItalian Bread, with cake for dessert will be served. Wewill be playing Bingo for our entertainment. Please callthe parish office by Wednesday, April 13 if you would like to attend.Memorials for Easter Flowersand Liturgical ArticlesIf you would like to make a contribution towards purchasing flowers for Easter in memory of a loved one, pleaseplace your contribution in the envelopes we have providedIn the pews marked “Flower Offering” and put it in the Sunday collection. Any money not used for flowers will be used to purchase anyneeded liturgical articles. Be certain to include BOTH the name of yourloved one you wish remembered AND your name as the donor alongwith your contribution. DEADLINE IS EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 17.We are seeking individuals or teams that would like to volunteer tochair the various ac!vi!es such as Silent Auc!on, Take-A-Chance, KidsGames, etc. and work at our annual FunFest. We need people to comeforward to take on these tasks. Please no!fy Joy or John in the parishoffice if you are interested in volunteering in any capacity. Remember,many hands make light work!! Expect blessings!651-738-0677Rev. Jimmy Pu"ananickal, Pastor . . ext. 11John Florin, Business Administrator . ext. 10Joy Hoffman, Administra!ve Coordinator . . ext. 12Deacon Jerry Saladin . . 952-607-9636Carol McKenna, . . .ext. 15FAITH FORMATION & SAFE ENVIRONMENT 651-738-0677Connie Hill, Director . . . ext. 14MUSICJan Meulemans, Director . .651-307-7865PRAYER LINEPlease call Carol McKenna .612-594-1290You’ll find Rice Bowl informa!on and materials on the table outside ofthe parish offices.In addi!on to the evening Sta!ons of the Cross, the E Team willlead the Sta!ons of the Cross a(er daily Mass every Friday inLent except on Good Friday. Please join us if you are unable toa)end the evening Sta!ons of the Cross.PARISH ADMINISTRATIONCHURCH EMAIL: Church@blessedsacramentsp.orgPARISH COUNCIL: BAPTISM - Par!cipa!on in the Bap!sm prepara!on program is aprerequisite for Bap!sm. Schedule with the; Parish Office.RECONCILIATION– Saturday 3:00-3:45pm; 8:00-8:20 am on Tuesday andFriday, 30 minutes prior to weekend Masses or by appointment.MATRIMONY- Make arrangements with the pastor at least sixmonths before the date.ANOINTING OF THE SICK - Please call the parish office if you or afamily member is going to be hospitalized. Also, if you are homebound and wish to receive the Eucharist or a friendly visit, pleasecall the parish office.LOW-GLUTEN HOSTS ARE AVAILABLE- Please come to the Sacristybefore Mass to arrange to receive one.· Blessed Sacrament Adoration, M-Sa, Please see signage for hours.· The Rosary is said just prior to all weekend Masses.Sunday, April 3Fi!h Sunday of LentIs 43:16-21/Phil 3:8-14/Jn 8:1-118:30am11amAvery RasmussenParish MassMonday, April 4Lenten Weekday/Saint Isidore, Bishop & Doctor of the ChurchDn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 or 13:41c-62/Jn 8:12-20MASSREADINGSTuesday, April 5Lenten Weekday /Saint Vincent FerrerNm 21:4-9/Jn 8:21-30† Lyle & Eleanor HartmanWednesday, April 6Lenten WeekdayDn 3:14-20, 91-92, 95/Jn 8:31-42† Helene Elaine Lynch MorganThursday, April 7Lenten Weekday/Saint John Bap"st de la Salle, PriestGn 17:3-9/Jn 8:51-59† John LarsonFriday, April 8Lenten WeekdayJer 20:10-13/Jn 10:31-42† Joseph ReinardySaturday, April 9Lenten WeekdayEz 37:21-28/Jn 11:45-56(Morning Readings)4 pm† Huey HenriksenSunday, April 10Palm Sunday of the Passion of the LordLk 19:28-40/Is 50:4-7/Phil 2:6-11/Lk 22:14-23:56 or 23:1-498:30am11amParish Mass† Melvin Houle

Church of the Blessed SacramentSCHEDULE FOR THE WEEKApril 3—April 10Sun, April 3:Mon, April 4:Wed, April 6:Fri, April 8:Sun, April 10:9:30-10:45 Coffee & Donuts9:30-10:45 Praying with Pretzels9:45-10:45am Faith Forma!on & Pivotal Players6:30pm Movement & Christian MeditationYoung at Heart a er Mass9:00am Divine Mercy CenacleSta!ons a er Mass5:30pm Sta!ons followed by Soup SupperSponsored by Faith Forma!on9:30-10:45 Coffee & Donuts9:45-10:45am Faith Forma!on & Pivotal PlayersF*-(-/%Gifts of TreasureMarch 19/20, 2022Sunday Envelopes & Plate:Building Maintenance:Social Concerns:Additional Operating Revenue:TOTAL 4,152.76 10.00 10.00 65.00 4,237.76F' X )Q% BZ[*-%[[ A\X*-*[)'() 'Additional cameras neededOur work continues on investigating the addition of more sophisticated cameras to watch over our facilities in lieu of the increasedcrime in the area. Right now, we are contemplating adding 2 additional high-end cameras at a cost of 1,000 for each camera. If you(or any group) are so drawn to help defray these one-time expenses to the parish, we welcome any financial help you can give.Simply write “camera” on the memo line of your contribution andwe will be sure it goes for this project. Expect blessings!Adoration Chapel access changes are coming.Watch for improvements coming to add additional security to ourAdoration Chapel area, especially during the evening hours. Anaccess code will be required when entering the Adoration Chapelarea during the evening hours. God bless.Spring-O Bingo!Saturday, April 305:05:00 pm 10 to play all nightSpring--O BingoSpring-OBingBingongo timetiis drawindrawing near! The Women’s Club iseach jackpot or make a donaseeking people to sponsor eation. You could sponsor it as a memorial for a loved one or anevent like a birthday or anniversary and we will announce thatsponsorship with each game. The Women’s Club is trying to get8 jackpots of 25, 2 jackpots at 50 and 1 jackpot at 75. Wewill be collecting sponsorships and donations after all weekendMasses the weekends of April 9/10 and April 23/24. Please callJoy in the parish office if you have any questions.All proceeds from this event will go to the Blessed SacramentCatholic Education Fund.Fifth Sunday of LentFAITH FORMATION: P%%? () )Q% W%%?Fully Man, Fully God“As a man like us, Jesus wept for Lazarus His friend. As eternalGod, He raised Lazarus from the dead. In His love for us all,Christ gives us the sacraments to li! us up to everlas"ng life.”Source: pIn our Faith Forma!on classes, students ponder the great mystery that Jesus is fully man and fully God. Just like the waterand wine mingled at Mass cannot be separated, so it is withJesus. His humanity is never separated from His divinity. He isnever not both Man and God. He did walk on earth and die inthe city of Jerusalem; and, He does come to us in the gi( ofHoly Eucharist at every Mass. What a Mystery! Thank you,Lord, for the gi( of faith to profess our unworthiness and yetreceive You so completely!Please con!nue to pray for our students, especially those whoare preparing for First Holy Communion and Confirma!on.May the sacraments bring an outpouring of grace into thesouls of our youth.Adult Faith Forma!onSunday mornings are for worship, discussion, and learning forall ages. Our Lenten small group is mee!ng 9:45 – 10:45 amon Sundays. All adults are welcome to join at any !me. Watcha 30-minute video about a “Pivotal Player” in the Catholicfaith. Engage in lively discussion and leave recharged for yourweek ahead. Be thinking about the next Adult Forma!on opportunity!Pretzel Sunday TODAYDonut Sunday goes sweet and salty with aspecial treat and ac!vity about Praying withPretzels. Enjoy a warm treat right out of theoven. Learn why pretzels remind us thatLent is a sacred season of penance andprayer. And, enjoy the usual donuts and fellowship of our Sunday morning tradi!on!UPCOMING CALENDARApril 3- Children’s Choir sings at 8:30 am MassApril 3- Mass, Praying with Pretzels, and classApril 3- First Sunday Family Mass MinistryApril 10- Mass and class (and First Communion retreat)Become a Knight!Knights of ColumbusMembership DriveA er All Masses 4/2-4/3

Church of the Blessed SacramentSCHEDULE FOR THE WEEKApril 3—April 10Sun, April 3:Mon, April 4:Wed, April 6:Fri, April 8:Sun, April 10:9:30-10:45 Coffee & Donuts9:30-10:45 Praying with Pretzels9:45-10:45am Faith Forma!on & Pivotal Players6:30pm Movement & Christian MeditationYoung at Heart a er Mass9:00am Divine Mercy CenacleSta!ons a er Mass5:30pm Sta!ons followed by Soup SupperSponsored by Faith Forma!on9:30-10:45 Coffee & Donuts9:45-10:45am Faith Forma!on & Pivotal PlayersF*-(-/%Gifts of TreasureMarch 19/20, 2022Sunday Envelopes & Plate:Building Maintenance:Social Concerns:Additional Operating Revenue:TOTAL 4,152.76 10.00 10.00 65.00 4,237.76F' X )Q% BZ[*-%[[ A\X*-*[)'() 'Additional cameras neededOur work continues on investigating the addition of more sophisticated cameras to watch over our facilities in lieu of the increasedcrime in the area. Right now, we are contemplating adding 2 additional high-end cameras at a cost of 1,000 for each camera. If you(or any group) are so drawn to help defray these one-time expenses to the parish, we welcome any financial help you can give.Simply write “camera” on the memo line of your contribution andwe will be sure it goes for this project. Expect blessings!Adoration Chapel access changes are coming.Watch for improvements coming to add additional security to ourAdoration Chapel area, especially during the evening hours. Anaccess code will be required when entering the Adoration Chapelarea during the evening hours. God bless.Spring-O Bingo!Saturday, April 305:05:00 pm 10 to play all nightSpring--O BingoSpring-OBingBingongo timetiis drawindrawing near! The Women’s Club iseach jackpot or make a donaseeking people to sponsor eation. You could sponsor it as a memorial for a loved one or anevent like a birthday or anniversary and we will announce thatsponsorship with each game. The Women’s Club is trying to get8 jackpots of 25, 2 jackpots at 50 and 1 jackpot at 75. Wewill be collecting sponsorships and donations after all weekendMasses the weekends of April 9/10 and April 23/24. Please callJoy in the parish office if you have any questions.All proceeds from this event will go to the Blessed SacramentCatholic Education Fund.Fifth Sunday of LentFAITH FORMATION: P%%? () )Q% W%%?Fully Man, Fully God“As a man like us, Jesus wept for Lazarus His friend. As eternalGod, He raised Lazarus from the dead. In His love for us all,Christ gives us the sacraments to li! us up to everlas"ng life.”Source: pIn our Faith Forma!on classes, students ponder the great mystery that Jesus is fully man and fully God. Just like the waterand wine mingled at Mass cannot be separated, so it is withJesus. His humanity is never separated from His divinity. He isnever not both Man and God. He did walk on earth and die inthe city of Jerusalem; and, He does come to us in the gi( ofHoly Eucharist at every Mass. What a Mystery! Thank you,Lord, for the gi( of faith to profess our unworthiness and yetreceive You so completely!Please con!nue to pray for our students, especially those whoare preparing for First Holy Communion and Confirma!on.May the sacraments bring an outpouring of grace into thesouls of our youth.Adult Faith Forma!onSunday mornings are for worship, discussion, and learning forall ages. Our Lenten small group is mee!ng 9:45 – 10:45 amon Sundays. All adults are welcome to join at any !me. Watcha 30-minute video about a “Pivotal Player” in the Catholicfaith. Engage in lively discussion and leave recharged for yourweek ahead. Be thinking about the next Adult Forma!on opportunity!Pretzel Sunday TODAYDonut Sunday goes sweet and salty with aspecial treat and ac!vity about Praying withPretzels. Enjoy a warm treat right out of theoven. Learn why pretzels remind us thatLent is a sacred season of penance andprayer. And, enjoy the usual donuts and fellowship of our Sunday morning tradi!on!UPCOMING CALENDARApril 3- Children’s Choir sings at 8:30 am MassApril 3- Mass, Praying with Pretzels, and classApril 3- First Sunday Family Mass MinistryApril 10- Mass and class (and First Communion retreat)Become a Knight!Knights of ColumbusMembership DriveA er All Masses 4/2-4/3

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they will perish for all eternity." (Diary 965) "My daughter, tell the whole world about My inconceivable mercy. I desire that the Feast of Mercy be a refuge and shelter for all souls, and especially for poor sinners. My mercy is so great that no mind, be it of man or of angel, will be able to fathom it throughout all eternity

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