Mjvgx E VsK Evsjv‡ K Wjwg‡UW - Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd

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Bmjvgx e vsK evsjv‡ k wjwg‡UWIslami Bank Bangladesh LimitedBmjvgx kixÔAvn †gvZv‡eK cwiPvwjZgy vivev mÂqx wnmve †Lvjvi digMudaraba Savings Account Opening Forme w³K wnmveIndividual Accountgy vivev mÂqx wnmve (MSA-General)Mudaraba Savings Account (MSA-General)gy vivev mÂqx wnmve (MSA-Staff)Mudaraba Savings Account (MSA-Staff)gy vivev mÂqx wnmve (MSA-RDS)Mudaraba Savings Account (MSA-RDS) z‡W›U gy vivev mÂqx wnmve (SMSA)Student Mudaraba Savings Account (SMSA)gy vivev we‡kl †bvwUk mÂqx wnmve (MSNA)Mudaraba Special Notice Savings Account (MSNA)gy vivev dvg vim mÂqx wnmve (MFSA)Mudaraba Farmer Savings Account (MFSA)gy vivev ˆe‡ wkK gy ªv Rgv wnmve (MFCDA)Mudaraba Foreign Currency Deposit Account (MFCDA)gy vivev BÛvw ªqvj G újwqR mÂqx wnmve (MIESA)Mudaraba Industrial Employees’ Savings Account (MIESA)F-2 (Revised)

MÖvnK‡ i Rb cÖ‡qvRbxq KvMRcÎ (Documents Required for Customers)1.wnmve †Lvjvi Av‡e b cÎ hv cÖ‡Z K Av‡e bKvix‡K c iY I v¶i Ki‡Z n‡e 2.cwiPq cÖ vbKvix KZ „K mZ vwqZ cÖ‡Z K Av‡e bKvixi m cÖwZ †Zvjv 2 ( yB) Kwc cvm‡cvU mvB‡Ri Qwe 3.RvZxq cwiPq cÎ/ˆea cvm‡cvU /WªvBwfs jvB‡mÝ/A ev Ab vb Qwe m wjZ cwiPq c‡Îi Abywjwc 4.Bmjvgx e vs‡Ki †h †Kvb mÂqx A ev PjwZ wnmveavix KZ „K cwiwPwZ cÖ vb [cwiPq vbKvixi wnmvewU wbqwgZ n‡e Ges Kgc‡¶ 6 gvm a‡i wnmve cwiPvjbvKi‡Z n‡e] (AOF to be filled in and signed by each applicant)2 (two) copies of passport size recent photograph attested by the introducer for each applicant.Copy of National ID Card/Valid Passport/Driving License/ or any other photo paste ID card .Introduction by any Savings or Current Account holder of IBBL [who has been maintaining regular account for at least 6 months].5.bwgbx ev bwgbxM‡Yi we ÍvwiZ weeiY I Av‡e bKvix KZ „K mZ vwqZ cÖ‡Z ‡Ki 1 (GK) Kwc cvm‡cvU mvB‡Ri Qwe 6.bvevj‡Ki wnmv‡ei †¶‡Î Rb mb c‡Îi Abywjwc Ges AwffveK KZ „K mZ vwqZ m cÖwZ †Zvjv cvm‡cvU mvB‡Ri Qwe 7.wnmve wVKvbvi c‡¶ mv cÖwZK BDwUwjwU wej (M vm, we y r, Iqvmv, †Uwj‡dvb) Gi Abywjwc (hw v‡K) 8.nvjbvMv wU.AvB.Gb mvwU wd‡K‡Ui Abywjwc (hw v‡K)9.Av‡e bKvix c vbkxb wkw¶Z gwnjv n‡j e vs‡Ki wbKU cwiwPZ Ggb MÖvnK KZ „K cwiwPwZ cÖ vb Ki‡Z n‡e wbi¶i gwnjv Av‡e bKvixi †¶‡Î †Pnviv D §y³Qwe cÖ vb Ki‡Z n‡e Ges cÖ‡Z K †jb‡ ‡bi mgq †Pnviv D §y³ ivL‡Z n‡e Nominee’s(s’) details & 1(one) copy of passport size photograph for each nominee to be attested by the applicant.In case of Minor Account, photocopy of the birth certificate and recent passport size photograph duly attested by the guardian.Copy of recent utility bill (Gas, Electricity, WASA, Telephone) as a proof of mailing address (if any).Photocopy of up-to-date TIN certificate (if any)A Pordanshin woman, if educated, has to be introduced by the client known to the Bank and if illiterate, has to submit face exposed photograph and keep herface open at the time of each transaction.10. bvevjK wnmv‡ei †¶‡Î Av‡e b cÎ wnmve cwiPvjbvKvix AwffveK KZ „K v¶wiZ n‡Z n‡e In case of Minor Account, the application to be signed by its operator(guardian). ªóe (Notes)1.hvPvB Gi v‡ cÖ‡qvR‡b Dc‡ivwjø wLZ KvMRc‡Îi g j Kwc Dc ’vcb Ki‡Z n‡e (Original copy of above documents to be presented for verification).2.NlvgvRv/KvUvKvwUi †¶‡Î Av‡e bKvixi c Y v¶i w ‡q cÖZ vwqZ Ki‡Z n‡esignature)(In case of overwriting/cutting,it will be authenticated by the applicant’s fullAwbevmx MÖvnK‡ i Rb cÖ‡qvRbxq AwZwi³ KvMRcÎ (Additional Documents required for Non-Resident Customers)1.we‡ kx bvMwi‡Ki †¶‡Î cvm‡cvU , ˆea wfmv I IqvK cviwgU Gi Abywjwc (we‡ kx cvm‡cv‡U i †¶‡Î Óevsjv‡ ‡ki Rb wfmv cÖ‡hvR bqÓ) c„ôvwU mshy³Ki‡Z n‡e Copy of passport along with valid VISA/Work permit to be enclosed (in case of foreign passport, the page sealed with “no visa is required forBangladesh” to be attatched).2.PvKzixi cÖgvYcÎ, DcvR b mb cÎ, †c-wmøc, PvKzixi wb‡qvMcÎ hv‡Z evrmwiK ev gvwmK Avq ewY Z v‡K ev me ‡kl AvqKi wiUvb dig Gi Abywjwc Proof ofemployment /income (employment certificate /pay slip /employment contract mentioning annual income/Bank statement mentioning monthly salary or latesttax return) ªóe (Notes)mKj KvMRcÎ Bs‡iRx ev evsjv fvlvq n‡Z n‡e Ab †Kvb fvlvi †Kvb KvMR ev bw vK‡j Zv Aby‡gvw Z Abyev Kvix KZ „K Bs‡iRx ev evsjv fvlvq Abyev K‡i Rgvw ‡Z n‡e (All the above documents submitted must be in English or Bangla.If the documents are in other language, it has to be translated into English or Bangla)by the authorised Translator.)Page : 2 of 8

.kvLv (Branch)ZvwiL:.e w³K wnmve (Individual Account)e e ’vcK,BDwbK MÖvnK AvBwW b i:.evsjv‡ k e vsK †m i †KvW: .The ManagerBmjvgx e vsK evsjv‡ k wjwg‡UW(e vs‡Ki e env‡ii Rb )Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited. kvLv (Branch)wcÖq g‡nv q (Dear sir),Avm mvjvgy AvjvBKzg (Assalamu Alaikum.),Avwg/Avgiv Avcbvi kvLvq GKwU wnmve †Lvjvi Rb Av‡e b KiwQ Avgvi/Avgv‡ i wnmve msµvšÍ I e w³MZ we ÍvwiZ Z wb‡ œ cÖ vbKiwQ:e w³ msµvšÍ Z vw 1 (Customer Information)1 wnmveavixi/cwiPvjbvKvixi bvg (evsjvq) :.In English (Block Letter) :.2 Rb ZvwiL :. Rb ’vb :. m ‡Zvjv cvm‡cvU 3 wcZvi bvg :.4 gvZvi bvg :.mvB‡Ri mZ vwqZ QweRecent passport sizephotograph(Duly attested bythe Introducer)5 vgx/ ¿xi bvg :. ˆeevwnK Ae ’v:.6 RvZxqZv :. 7 wj½: [wUK ( ) w b(wnmve cwiPvjbvKvix we‡ kx bvMwiK n‡j wfmvmn cvm‡cv‡U i Kwc Avewk Kfv‡e MÖnY Ki‡Z n‡e)8 †iwm‡W›U vUvm [wUK ( ) w b]†iwm‡W›UcyiælgwnjvZ Zxq wj½bb-†iwm‡W›U(cÖ‡qvRbxq †ÿ‡Î e vsK KZ K MvBWjvBbm di d‡ib G‡·‡PÄ Uªvb‡RKkÝ-Gi wb‡ kbv AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e)9 10 11 12 †ckv (we ÍvwiZ) :. cÖwZôv‡bi mv‡ m úK .gvwmK Avq : (we ÍvwiZ wjjvw mn cÖ‡hvR †ÿ‡Î).A‡ i Drm : (we ÍvwiZ).U v· AvBwW (eTIN) hw v‡K :.13 MÖvnK FATCA cwicvj‡bi Rb †hvM wK bv [wUK ( ) w b]n uvbv DËi nu v n‡j FATCA cwicvjb Aek B wbwðZ Ki‡Z n‡e MÖvnK/wnmve cwiPvjbvKvixi Proof of Address Gi c‡ÿ WKz‡g›Um msMÖn Ki‡Z n‡e 14 (K) eZ gvb wVKvbv (Avevm ’j): moK/MÖvg:. †cv:. vbv:.†Rjv:. †dvb/†gvevBj b i:. B-‡gBj:.(L) ’vqx wVKvbv: moK/MÖvg:. †cv:. vbv:.†Rjv:. †dvb/†gvevBj b i:. B-‡gBj:.15 cwiwPwZ c‡Îi Abywjwc :RvZxq cwiPqcÎcvm‡cvU Rb wbeÜb m bcÎ2Ab vb (wbw ófv‡e b imn D‡jøL Kiæb) : .* cwiwPwZ cÎ hvPvB Kiv n‡q‡Q wK bv [wUK ( ) w b]n uvbv 16 cwiPq vbKvixi Z (RvZxq cwiPqcÎ e ZxZ Ab vb cwiwPwZcÎ cÖ v‡bi †ÿ‡Î):bvg :.wnmve/ RvZxq cwiPqcÎ/Ab vb cwiwPwZcÎ b i (Rb ZvwiLmn D‡jøL Kiæb): . vÿi (ZvwiLmn) :.1.2.wnmveavix/cwiPvjbvKvix GKvwaK n‡j cÖ‡Z ‡Ki Ges wnmveavix bvevjK n‡j wnmveavixi AwffveK (evev A evgv A ev Ab †Kvb AvBbMZ AwffveK) Gi e w³ msµvšÍ Z vw c„ Kfv‡e msjMœx wn‡m‡e hy³ Ki‡Z n‡e ïaygvÎ dvBb vwÝqvj BbK zkb †cÖvWv‡ i †ÿ‡Î e vs‡Ki wbKU MÖnY‡hvM †Kvb cwiwPwZcÎ wnmve †Lvjvi mv‡ mswkøó Kg KZ vi vÿi/Aby vÿiPage : 3 of 8

.kvLv (Branch)gy vivev mÂqx wnmve †Lvjvi dige w³K wnmve (Individual Account)wnmve msµvšÍ Z vw (Accounts Information)ZvwiL:.wnmve b i:.BDwbK MÖvnK AvBwW b i:.(e vs‡Ki e env‡ii Rb )1 wnmv‡ei wk‡ivbvg (evsjvq) : (Title of Account) .Bs‡iRx‡Z (In English Block Letter) :.2 wnmv‡ei cÖK wZ (wUK ( ) w b):Nature of Account (please tick):gy vivev mÂqx wnmve (MSA-General)gy vivev mÂqx wnmve (MSA-Staff)Mudaraba Savings Account (MSA-General) Mudaraba Savings Account (MSA-Staff)gy vivev mÂqx wnmve AviwWGm (MSA-RDS) z‡W›U gy vivev mÂqx wnmve (SMSA)Mudaraba Savings Account (MSA-RDS) Student Mudaraba Savings Account (SMSA)gy vivev we‡kl †bvwUk mÂqx wnmve (MSNA)Mudaraba Special Notice Savings Account (MSNA)gy vivev dvg vim mÂqx wnmve (MFSA)gy vivev ˆe‡ wkK gy ªv Rgv wnmve (MFCDA)Mudaraba Foreign Currency Deposit Account (MFCDA)gy vivev BÛvw ªqvj GgcøwqR mÂqx wnmve (MIESA)Mudaraba Farmers Savings Account (MFSA)Mudaraba Industrial Employees’ Savings Account (MIESA)3 gy ªv (Currency) [wUK ( ) w b] :UvKvWjviBD‡iv4 wnmve cwiPvjbv c wZ [wUK ( ) w b] :GKKfv‡e†hŠ fv‡e†h †Kvb GKRb†h †Kvb GKRb A ev RxweZRb5 AvaywbK e vswKs myweav [wUK ( ) w b].(Modern Banking Facility)Online ServiceATM ServicecvDÛAb vb .Ab vb .i-BankingSMS ServiceOthers6 cÖv wgK Rgvi cwigvY (As‡K).(K vq).7 we‡kl wb‡ kbv (hw v‡K).wnmve †Lvjvi mv‡ mswkøó Kg KZ vi vÿi/Aby vÿiPage : 4 of 8

.kvLv (Branch)bgybv vÿi KvW (Specimen Signature Card)A/C No :Title of Account : . vÿiKvixi c Y bvg (Full Name of the Signatory)bgybv vÿi (Specimen Signature)1.m ‡Zvjv cvm‡cvU mvB‡Ri mZ vwqZ Qwe2.Recent passportsize photograph(Duly attestedby the Introducer)3.we‡kl wb‡ kbv (hw v‡K) Special Instruction (if any) :Signature Admitted byAuthorized Officer / ManagerDate : .†jb‡ ‡bi AbywgZ gvÎv (Transaction Profile)wnmv‡ei bvg (Title of Account) : .ZvwiL:w b(Day)gvm(Month)eQi(Year)Datewnmv‡ei bsAccount No :m ve Rgv (Probable Deposit)Rgvi cÖK wZgvwmK Rgvi msL v(Nature of deposit)(No. of monthly deposit)GKK Rgvi m‡e v”P cwigvY(Maximum amount of a single deposit)†gvU gvwmK Rgvi cwigvY(Total Monthly Deposti)bM Rgv (wb‡R/ A‡b i Øviv) (Cash deposit by self/ others)†PK/Bb ªy‡g›U Gi gva ‡g UªvÝdvi (Transfer by cheque/others Instrument)B‡j ªwbK Ges B›Uvi‡bU e vswKs Gi gva ‡g Rgv (Deposit through Electronic & i-banking)ˆe‡ wkK †iwg‡UÝ/Avg vbx/ißvbx/ cuywRevRvi n‡Z Rgv(Deposit from F. Remittance Import/Export/Capital MarketAb vb Drm † ‡K Rgv (wbw ó Kiæb) (Deposit from other sources specify)†gvU m ve Rgv (gvwmK) Total probable Deposit (Monthly)m ve D‡Ëvjb (Probable Withdrawal)D‡Ëvj‡bi cÖK wZ(Nature of Withdrawal)gvwmK D‡Ëvj‡bi msL v(No. of monthly Withdrawal)GKK D‡Ëvj‡bi m‡e v”P cwigvY †gvU gvwmK D‡Ëvj‡bi cwigvY(Maximum amount of a single Withdrawal)(Total Monthly Withdrawal)bM D‡Ëvjb wb‡R/A‡b i Øviv) (Cash Withdrawal by self/others)†PK/Bb ªy‡g›U Gi gva ‡g UªvÝdvi (Transfer by cheque/others Instrument)B‡j ªwbK Ges B›Uvi‡bU e vswKs Gi gva ‡g D‡Ëvjb (Withdrawal through electronic & i-banking)ˆe‡ wkK †iwg‡UÝ/Avg vbx/ißvbx/cuywRevRvi n‡Z D‡Ëvjb(Withdrawal from F. Remittance Import/Export/Capital MarketAb vb Dr‡mi gva ‡g D‡Ëvjb (wbw ó Kiæb) (Withdrawal through other media Specify)†gvU m ve D‡Ëvjb (gvwmK) Total Probable Withdrawal Monthly)Avwg/Avgiv wb œ v¶iKvix (MY) G g‡g wbðqZv cÖ vb KiwQ †h, m ve †jb‡ ‡bi AbywgZ gvÎv Avgvi/Avgv‡ i vfvweK/cÖK Z †jb‡ b Avwg/Avgiv Av‡iv wbðqZv cÖ vb KiwQ †h,cÖ‡qvRb‡ev‡a Avwg/Avgiv m ve †jb‡ ‡bi AbywgZ gvÎv ms‡kvab/nvjbvMv Kie I/We, the undersigned, confirm that the above transaction profile is my/our normal/real transactions.I/We, further assure that I/we will update the same from time to time, if required.m ve †jb‡ ‡bi AbywgZ gvÎv MÖnYKvix e vsK Kg KZ vi bvghy³ mxj I c exmn vÿiMÖvn‡Ki bvg (Customer’s Name) : v¶i (Signature) :ZvwiL (Date) :Page : 5 of 8

[bwgwb msµvšÍ Z vw 3 (Information of Nominee)]wnmve b i:.(e vs‡Ki e env‡ii Rb )1 bwgwb msµvšÍ Z vejx : (Nominee Information)Avwg/Avgiv G wnmv‡ei A Avgvi/Avgv‡ i g„Zz i ci wb‡ œ ewY Z e w³/e w³MY‡K cÖ v‡bi Rb g‡bvbxZ Kijvg Avwg/AvgivDwjøwLZ g‡bvbqb †h †Kvb mgq evwZj ev cwieZ ‡bi AwaKvi msiÿY Kwi Avwg/Avgiv GB g‡g Av‡iv m §wZ Ávcb KiwQ †h, Avgvi/Avgv‡ i G wb‡ kbv †gvZv‡eK e vsK A cÖ vb Ki‡e Ges A cwi‡kva Kiv n‡j mswkøó AvgvbZ m úwK Z hveZxq vq cwi‡kvan‡q‡Q e‡j MY n‡e K) bwgwbi bvg : .Rb ZvwiL :.Rb ’vb.L) ’vqx wVKvbv :. wnmveavix KZ „KmZ vwqZM) eZ gvb wVKvbv :.bwgwbiN) kZKiv nvi (bwgwb GKvwaK n‡j) : .QweO) wnmveavixi mv‡ m úK :.P) RvZxq cwiPqcÎ b i/cvm‡cvU b i/Rb wbeÜb b i/Ab vb (wbw ófv‡e b imn D‡jøL Ki‡Z n‡e) : .2 bwgwb bvevjK n‡j Zvi/Zv‡ i bvevjK vKv Ae ’vq wnmveavix/wnmveavixM‡Yi g„Zz i †ÿ‡Î e vsK †Kv úvbx AvBb 1991 Gi 103(2)aviv Abyhvqx bwgwbi c‡ÿ Avgvb‡Zi A MÖnYKvixi Z :K) bvg :.L) ’vqx wVKvbv :.M) RvZxq cwiPqcÎ b i/cvm‡cvU b i/Rb wbeÜb b i/Ab vb (wbw ófv‡e b imn D‡jøL Ki‡Z n‡e) : .N) bwgwbi mv‡ m úK : .[†NvlYv I vÿi (Declaration and Signature)]Avwg/Avgiv mÁv‡b †NvlYv KiwQ †h, DwjøwLZ Z vw mZ Avwg/Avgiv e vs‡Ki Pvwn v †gvZv‡eK cÖ‡qvRbxq Z / wjjvw mieivn Kie Av‡e bKvix(MY)4 Gi bvg, vÿi I ZvwiL1 . 2 . 3 . 4 .[ e vs‡Ki e env‡ii Rb (For Bank’s use only) ]gšÍe :.wnmve †Lvjvi mv‡ mswkøó Kg KZ v(bvghy³ mxjmn vÿi I ZvwiL)3.4.bwgwb GKvwaK n‡j di‡gi GB Ask d‡UvKwc K‡i g j As‡ki mv‡ mshy³ Ki‡Z n‡e wnmveavix bvevjK n‡j Av‡e bKvixi vÿ‡ii ’‡j wnmveavixi AwffveK vÿi Ki‡eb Page : 6 of 8Aby‡gv bKvix Kg KZv i(bvghy³ mxjmn vÿi I ZvwiL)

cÖ‡hvR wbqgvejx (Applicable Rules)kZ vejx (Conditions)1.GwU wnmveavix MÖvnK Ges Bmjvgx e vsK evsjv‡ k wjwg‡U‡Wi g‡a m úvw Z Bmjvgx kixqvn wfwËK GKwU gy vivev Pyw³(This is a Mudaraba contract based on Islamic Shariahaccomplished between the account holder and Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited)K.GLv‡b wnmveavix MÖvnK n‡”Q Òmvwne Avj-gvjÓ (A‡ i gvwjK) Ges e vsK n‡”Q Ògy vwieÓ (Kvievi msMVK) [In the contract, the account holder is called “ Shaheb Al Maal”(Owner of the fund) and the Bank is “ Mudarib”(Entrepreneur/Business Organizer)L.Bmjvgx kixqvn ewY Z bxwZgvjvi wfwˇZ e vsK GB A RgvMÖnY K‡i Ges RgvK Z A kya gvÎ Bmjvgx kixqvn& m §Zfv‡e wewb‡qvM K‡i (Bank receives the fund based onIslamic Principle and invests the same in accordance with the guidance of Islamic Shariah).M.e vsK gy vivev Znwej wewb‡qvM K‡i cÖvß Av‡qi Kgc‡¶ kZKiv 65 fvM gy vivev wnmveavix‡ i g‡a I‡q‡UR wfwˇZ e›Ub K‡i wewb‡qvM †jvKmvb n‡j gy vivevwnmveavixMY Zv enb K‡i (Bank distributes minimum 65% of its earned income based on weightage to the Mudaraba account holders through the investment of Mudarabafund. Loss will be born by Mudaraba account holders).N.O.e vsK wb‡ œ ewY Z wbq‡g RgvK Z A I gybvdv †dir cÖ vb Ki‡e (Bank will return deposited fund and profit in the ways stated below).GQvov Bmjvgx kixqvn& ewY Z gy vivev Pzw³i Ab vb kZ vejx cÖ‡hvR n‡e (The other conditions of Mudaraba principle stated in the Islamic Shariah will also be applicable inthis contract).2.wnmve cwiPvjbvi wbqgvejx (Operational rules for Accounts) MSA, MSNA, SMSA, MFSA, MFCDA:b b Zg w ’wZ, cÖv wgK Rgv I cÖ‡ q jv‡fi kZ (Conditions for Minimum balance, initial deposit as well as distributable profit):welq(Particular)gy vivev mÂqx(Mudaraba Savings)gy vivev we‡kl †bvwUk(Mudaraba Special Notice)me wb œ cÖv wgK Rgv500 UvKvcÖ‡ q jv‡fi Rb †hvM w ’wZ6 ZvwiL † ‡K me ‡kl†bvwUk mv‡c‡¶ ‰ wbKZvwiL ch šÍ me wb œ w ’wZ w ’wZ(Minimum initialdeposit)(Required balancefor distributableprofit)D‡Ëvj‡bi Rb †bvwUk(Notice forwithdrawal)(Tk.500)25000 UvKv(Tk.25,000)(Minimum balance fromthe 6th to the last day ofthe month)(Daily balance as pernotice)4 evi ev w ’wZi 1/4Ask ev 50,000 UvKviAwZwi³ n‡j7 w ‡bi †bvwUk jvM‡e †h†Kvb cwigv‡Yi Rb (4 times or 1/4 forth ofthe balance or more thanTk.50,000) z‡W›U gy vivev mÂqx(Student Mudaraba Savings)(gy vivev dvg vim mÂqx)(Mudaraba Farmers Savings)gy vivev ‰e‡ wkK gy ªv Rgv(Mudaraba Foreign CurrencyDeposit)100 UvKv10 UvKvBDGmwW 10006 ZvwiL † ‡K me ‡kl ZvwiLch šÍ me wb œ w ’wZ, Z‡e 2000/Ges Z a UvKv D‡Ëvjb Kiv n‡jH gv‡m jvf cÖ vb Kiv n‡e bv ‰ wbK w ’wZ 100/UvKvi Kg n‡j Zv jvfcÖ v‡bi Rb we‡eP n‡e bv 30 w b w ’wZ n‡Z n‡e4 evi ev w ’wZi 1/4Ask ev 50,000 UvKviAwZwi³ n‡j2 evi ev w ’wZi 1/4 AskZvi †ewk n‡j 7 w ‡bi†bvwUk jvM‡e (7 days notice(Tk.100)(Minimum balance from 6th to thelast day of the month, but in caseof withdrawal of Tk. 2000 andabove will not be considered fordistribution of profit)(7 days notice is requiredfor any amount)(Tk.10)(USD 1000)(It has to be maintained for30 days)(Daily balance willnot be considered fordistribution of profit, ifthe balance is less thanTk.100/-)(4 times or l/4th of thebalance or more thanTk.50,000)applicable for withdrawl ofmore than 2 times or morethan l/4th of the balance) ªóe : cÖ‡hvR nv‡i b b Zg miKvix ï‡éi mgcwigvY UvKvi w ’wZ msi¶Y Ki‡Z nq, Ab vq e vsK †PK †dir † qvi AwaKvi msi¶Y K‡i (N.B: Customer has to maintain aminimum balance with the required amount of govt. tax, otherwise, Bank reserves the right to return the cheque) 3.4.ïaygvÎ my ’ gw Í ‹ I cÖvßeq ‹ †Kvb e w³ ev e w³eM GKK ev †hŠ bv‡g G wnmve Lyj‡Z cv‡ib bvevjK/bvevwjKvi bv‡gI Zvi wcZv/gvZv/AvBbMZ AwffveKMY GB wnmve Lyj‡Zcvi‡eb (An adult person or persons having sound mind individually or jointly can open this Account. Legal guardian or parents can also open this account in the name of the minor).D³ wnmvemg ‡n eQ‡i yBevi (Ryb Ges wW‡m i gv‡m) mvgwqK nv‡i jvf cÖ vb Kiv nq, hv evwl K P ovšÍ jvf/‡jvKmvb wnmv‡ei wfwˇZ mgš q/wb úbœ Kiv nq (Profit is distributedtwice in a year (June and December) at the provisional rate, which is adjusted based on annual profit/loss of the Bank).5.evwl K jvf †jvKmvb wnmve PzovšÍ nIqvi c ‡e wnmve eÜ Ki‡j mvgwqK nv‡i jvf cÖ vb Kiv nq, cieZ xKv‡j gybvdvi P ovšÍ nvi †NvlYvi c‡i †NvwlZ PzovšÍ nvi mvgwqK nv‡ii †P‡q‡ekx n‡j wnmveaviK‡K Zv cÖ vb Kiv nq (If any account is closed before finalization of annual profit-loss of the bank, profit is distributed at higher rate to the account holder whenfinal declared profit rate would be greater than provisional rate).6.D³ wnmvemg ‡ni †¶‡Î gv‡mi †h †Kvb Zvwi‡L †jb‡ b PjvKvjxb mg‡q A Rgv Kiv hvq Z‡e gv‡mi 6 ZvwiL † ‡K †kl Zvwi‡Li g‡a msiw¶Z me wb œ w ’wZ jvf cÖ v‡biwbwg‡Ë †m gv‡mi Rgv wn‡m‡e we‡ewPZ n‡e (Fund can be deposited at any date of the month in the Accounts. But the lowest of the balance kept/maintained from 6th to the last dayof the month, will be considered for distribution of profit).7.wnmv‡ei gvwjK‡K Pvwn v †gvZv‡eK wnmve weeiYx cÖ vb Kiv nq 30 (wÎk) w ‡bi g‡a wjwLZ †Kvb Awf‡hvM bv †c‡j wnmv‡ei w ’wZ mwVK Av‡Q e‡j a‡i †bqv n‡e (Accountstatement will be provided as per demand of the Account holder. The balance of the account will be considered correct, if no written complaint is lodged within 30 days).8.e vsK KZ „K Bmy K Z (Cheque/ATM Card/ i-Banking & Online/m-Cash Service/Cellfin Gi gva ‡g UvKv †Zvjv/ ’vbvšÍi Kiv hvq ZvQvov SMS/Online/m-cash Service Gi gva ‡gwewfbœ Z Rvbv hvq (Money can be withdrawn/transferred by cheque/ATM Card/i-Banking/Cellfin and Online/m-Cash service issued by Bank. Besides, customer can get access tovarious information related to banking through the SMS/Online/m-cash Service .9.wnmveaviK Ae eüZ †PK eB †dir w ‡q h vh fv‡e Av‡e b K‡i wnmve eÜKiY eve wba vwiZ wdm w ‡q wnmve eÜ Ki‡Z cv‡ib (Account holder can close his account applyingin prescribed application form as well as returning unused cheque book and paying required fees for closing the Account).10. e vsK †Kvbiƒc KviY k v‡bv e ZxZ †h †Kvb wnmve eÜ Ki‡Z cvi‡e Ges G Rb †Kvb †bvwUk cÖ vb Kiv nq bv (Bank can close any account without showing any reason to theAccount holder, in this regard Bank is not required to issue any notice).11. wnmveavi‡Ki wVKvbvi †Kvb cwieZ b n‡j Awej‡ Zv e vsK‡K Rvbv‡Z n‡e e vsK mvaviYZt WvK/Kzwiqvi †hv‡M wnmve gvwj‡Ki mv‡ †hvMv‡hvM i¶v K‡i WvK/Kzwiqvi †hv‡M†cÖwiZ †Kvb wPwVcÎ h vmg‡q ev Av‡ Š wewj bv n‡j e vsK vqx vK‡ebv (The customer must inform the Bank immediately, if any change occurs in the address of the account holder.Bank generally communicates with the Account Holder through postal/courier service. Bank will not be held responsible, if no letters/documents are delivered in time or at all throughpostal/courier service).Page : 7 of 8

12. wnmve †Lvjvi mgq yB Kwc cvm‡cvU mvBR Qwe, cvm‡cvU /RvZxq cwiPqcÎ/IqvW KvDwÝji wKsev BDwbqb cwil †Pqvig vb KZ „K cÖ Ë bvMwiKZ¡ mb (Qwehy³) ev wb‡qvMKZ vKZ „K cÖ Ë cwiwPwZcÎ (Qwehy³) A ev e vsK/Avw K cÖwZôv‡bi wbKU MÖnY‡hvM e w³ KZ „K cÖ Ë cÖZ qbcÎ (Qwehy³) cÖ vb Ki‡Z n‡e (Account holder is required to submittwo copies of passport size photograph, Passport/National ID Card/Nationality certificate (with photograph) issued by Ward councilor or Chairman of Union Council or Identity card(with photograph) issued by employer or certificate (with photograph) issued by a person acceptable to the Bank/Financial institution).13. D³ wnmve † ‡K miKvix wbqg Abyhvqx f vU, Ki ev ïé Ges e vs‡Ki wbqgvbyhvqx lvb vwmK wfwˇZ cwiPvjbv wd Ges Ab vb cÖ‡hvR wd/PvR KZ b Kiv nB‡e (VAT/Tax or tariffand operating fees as well as other charges/fees of the Bank will be realized on half yearly basis as per Govt. rules and rules of the Bank).14. 1991 mv‡ji e vsK †Kv úvbx AvBb Abyhvqx 10 ( k) eQi I Z yaŸ †gqv ch šÍ †Kvb wnmv‡e †jb‡ b bv n‡j mswkøó wnmvewU A vweK Z (Unclaimed) wnmv‡e MY K‡i D³ wnmv‡eiw ’wZ evsjv‡ k e vs‡K ’vbvšÍi Kiv nq (No transaction is seen in an account for 10 years or more than that, then the account will be treated as an unclaimed Account as per BankCompany Act-1991 and the balance of that particular Account will be transferred to the Bangladesh Bank).15. †Kvb Rgvi Dci MÖvn‡Ki wnmve † ‡K e vsK hvKvZ cÖ vb K‡i bv MÖvnK‡K wbR vwq‡Z¡ hvKvZ cÖ vb Ki‡Z n‡e (Bank does not pay “Zakat” from any customer’s deposit Account.The customer himself will be responsibile for payment of “Zakat” from his/her Account).16. †hŠ wnmv‡ei †¶‡Î hw GKR‡bi g„Zz nq Ges wnmvewU we‡kl wb‡ kbvq D‡jøL v‡K †h, †h †Kvb GKRb ev RxweZ e w³ wnmvewU cwiPvjbv Ki‡Z cvi‡e, Zvn‡j RxweZ e vw³mswkøó wnmvewU cwiPvjbv Ki‡Z my‡hvM cv‡e Ges RxweZ e w³ B”Qv Ki‡j mvK‡mkb mvwU wd‡KU QvovB D³ wnmv‡e Mw”QZ A D‡Ëvjb Ki‡Z cvi‡eb (In case of death of anyconstituents of joint Account and if it is mentioned in the special instruction that “Either or survivor can operate the account”, in such situation, survivor can operate the account andhe/she can withdraw the remaining balance from the account without succession certificate).17. GKK bv‡g cwiPvwjZ wnmv‡e we‡kl wb‡ ‡k hw bwgbx wnmv‡e †Kvb e w³‡K g‡bvbxZ Kiv nq, Z‡e H e w³ wnmvewU cwiPvjbvKvix e w³i g„Zz i ci mswkøó wnmv‡e Mw”QZ A h vixwZ mbv³KiY mv‡c‡¶ wbqgvbyhvqx D‡Ëvjb Ki‡Z cvi‡e Z‡e UvKv D‡Ëvj‡bi mv‡ mv‡ wnmvewU eÜ n‡q hv‡e bwgbx wnmve cwiPvjbv Ki‡Z PvB‡j Zv‡K wbqgvbyhvqxbZzb wnmve Lyj‡Z n‡e (If any person is nominated as nominee as per special instruction of the account, operated as individual account, the nominee can be allowed to withdraw theremaining balance of the account as per rules assuring proper identification. But the account will be closed after withdrawal of the remaining balance. If nominee intends to continuethe account, he/she is required to open a new Account).18. †hŠ wnmv‡ei †¶‡Î hw †hŠ v¶‡i cwiPvjbvi wb‡ k v‡K A ev we‡kl wb‡ kbvq ejv v‡K †h, †h †Kvb GKRb wnmve cwiPvjbv Ki‡Z cvi‡e (Any one operate the Account) ZLb†h †Kvb GKR‡bi g„Zz i mv‡ mv‡ mswkøó wnmvewU‡Z †jb‡ b eÜ n‡q hv‡e G‡¶‡Î IqvW KvDwÝji/BDwbqb cwil †Pqvig vb KZ „K cÖ Ë Iqvwikvb mb‡ i gva ‡g Av vj‡Ziwb‡ k QvovB D³ wnmv†e Mw”QZ A RxweZ e w³ g„Z e w³i Iqvwik‡ i mv‡ †hŠ fv‡e Av‡e b Kiv mv‡c‡¶ D‡Ëvjb Ki‡Z cvi‡eb (If there is any instruction to operate a jointaccount in joint signature or it is said in the special instruction that ‘ Any one can operate the account’ in such case the transaction will be stopped instantly after getting the news ofdeath of the account holder. In that case, survivor as well as successor of the deceased person can withdraw the remaining balance through submitting a joing application along withsubmission of succession certificate issued by Ward Councilor/Chairman of Union Parishad without court order).19. wnmveavix KZ „K Zvi g„Zz i ci RgvK Z UvKv cÖ v‡bi Rb bwgbx g‡bvbxZ Ki‡Z cvi‡eb wnmveavi‡Ki g„Zz i ci mswkøó wnmv‡ei RgvK Z A D‡Ëvj‡bi Rb bwgbx KZ K ZviAv‡e b c‡Îi mv‡ g‡bvbq‡bi c‡¶ cÖgvY iƒc wb œwjwLZ KvMRcÎ/ wjjvw vwLj Ki‡Z n‡e G‡¶‡Î bwgbx KZ „K †KvU cÖ Ë DËivwaKvi mb vwLj Kivi cÖ‡qvRb †bB (K) wnmveavixi g„Zy RwbZ mb cÎ cÖev‡m g„Zz n‡j mb cÎ mswkøó † ‡k Aew ’Z evsjv‡ k Zvevm KZ „K cÖwZ v¶wiZ n‡Z n‡e (L) bwgbxi cwiwPwZi c‡¶ e vs‡Ki yBRbm §vwbZ MÖvnK A ev e vs‡Ki yBRb Kg KZ v A ev ’vbxq BDwbqb cwil †Pqvig vb/wmwU K‡c v‡ikb ev wgDwbwmc vwjwUi IqvW KvDwÝji KZ „K cÖ Ë mb cÎ (M) bwgbxicvm‡cvU AvKv‡ii mZ vwqZ Qwe (N) bwgbx KZ „K B‡ÛgwbwU eÛ cÖ vb (The Account holder can nominate a nominee to withdraw the remaining balance of those Accounts afterthe death of the constituent(s). The following documents as well as application as per nomination must be submitted by the nominee at the time of withdrawal of the remainingbalance of the concerned account. In such case, the nominee is not required to produce succession certificate issued by the Court (a) Death certificate of the Account holder. In case ofdeath in the foreign land, Death Certificate signed by the Bangladesh Embassy of the concerned country must be produced) (b) Certificate in favour of nominee issued by two valuedcustomers or two officials of the Bank or Chairman of Union Parishad/City Corporation or Ward Councilor of Municipality) (c) Attested passport size photograph of nominee) (d)Indemnity Bond to be signed by the nominee).20. gvwbjÛvwis cÖwZ‡iva AvBb 2012(2015 Gi ms‡kvabxmn), mš¿vm we‡ivax AvBb 2009 (2012-2013 Gi ms‡kvabxmn)I wewagvjv 2013 I ‡ kx-we‡ kx dvBb vwÝqvj B‡›Uwj‡RÝBDwbU (GdAvBBD), evsjv‡ k e vsK KZ „K mg‡q mg‡q RvixK Z mvK yjvi/bxwZgvjv Abyhvqx MÖvnK e vs‡Ki Pvwn v †gvZv‡eK †h †Kvb Z mieivn Ki‡Z eva vK‡eb e vsK†h †Kvb †i ‡jUix A wiwUi Pvwn v Abyhvqx Z cÖ vb Ki‡Z cvi‡e (Customer is obliged to submit any information as per demand of the Money Laundering Prevention Act2012(amended 2015), Anti Terrorism Act-2009(amended 2012-2013),Rules -2013, Local/Foreign Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) and Circulars/Rules issued time to time byBangladesh Bank) The Bank can provide the account information to the Regulary Authority, on demand.21. e v

Mudaraba Savings Account (MSA-RDS) Student Mudaraba Savings Account (SMSA) gy vivev we‡kl †bvwUk mÂqx wnmve (MSNA) gy vivev dvg vim mÂqx wnmve (MFSA) Mudaraba Special Notice Savings Account (MSNA) Mudaraba Farmers Savings Account (MFSA) gy vivev ˆe‡ wkK gy ªv Rgv wnmve (MFCDA) gy vivev BÛvw ªqvj GgcøwqR mÂqx wnmve (MIESA)

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3 www.understandquran.com ‡m wQwb‡q †bq, †K‡o †bq (ف ط خ) rُ sَ _ْ یَ hLbB َ 9 آُ Zviv P‡j, nv‡U (ي ش م) اْ \َ َ hLb .:اذَإِ AÜKvi nq (م ل ظ) َ9َmْ أَ Zviv uvovj اْ ُ Kَ hw ْ َ Pvb (ء ي ش) ءَ Cﺵَ mewKQy ءٍ ْdﺵَ bِّ آُ kw³kvjx, ¶gZvevb ٌ یْ"ِKَ i“Kz- 3

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Speaker Biographies Event Organizers István Székely, Principal Advisor, DG ECFIN, European Commission Istvan P. Szekely is currently a Principal Adviser in the European Commission, Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs. Previously he was a country director in DG ECFIN. He is