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Licensed to DELTA AIR LINES INC, . Printed from JeppView disc 19-05. Notice: After 13/10/2005 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. NADI, FIJI IS JEPPESEN NADI INTL 10-3 31 DEC 04 .SID. Trans level: FL 130 Trans alt: 11000' 1. Continue climbing throughout SIDs unless otherwise cleared. 2. Level restrictions at or above quoted minima may be imposed by ATC for aircraft separation purposes. Apt Elev 59' 3400' 180 NFFN/NAN 090 5100' 270 3100' 360 ALFA DEPARTURE 4700' MSA VK NDB TUTRI 5100' S16 01.1 E177 46.7 within 10 NM KABAR 10 0 NN NADI 112.5 NN 023060 D 100 S16 14.5 E178 20.1 S17 39.3 E177 23.7 NOT TO SCALE At or above 3000' Direct distance from Nadi Intl to: NN 7 NM 260 RWY 270 02 At or above 270 2000' At 2500' VK 09 NAVAKAI 20 S17 47.1 E177 25.2 27 405 VK INITIAL CLIMB Turn LEFT, track 260 climbing to 2000' or above, then RIGHT turn, track to NN. NOTE: LEFT turn to 260 shall commence no later than Rwy 02 end. High terrain NORTHEAST of airport. Turn RIGHT, track 270 climbing to 2000' or above, then RIGHT turn, track to NN. MAINTAIN runway heading to 2500', turn RIGHT, track to NN. Climb on track 270 to 2000' or above, then RIGHT turn, track to NN. BRAVO DEPARTURE S16 01.1 E177 46.7 S15 58.8 E177 17.7 S16 14.1 E176 28.5 NOT TO SCALE TUTRI PUNIX GUSMA KABAR S16 14.5 E178 20.1 Minimum set heading altitude PACKO S16 47.0 E178 53.3 3000' RWY 02 20 27 CHANGES: New format. 260 270 0 14 320 09 INITIAL CLIMB Turn LEFT, track 260 to intercept 320 bearing from AL climbing to minimum set heading altitude 3000'. NOTE: LEFT turn to 260 shall commence no later than Rwy 02 end. High terrain NORTHEAST of airport. Turn RIGHT, track 270 to intercept 320 bearing from AL climbing to minimum set heading altitude 3000'. MAINTAIN runway heading to 2500', turn RIGHT to intercept 320 bearing from AL climbing to minimum set heading altitude 3000'. Climb on track 270 to intercept 320 bearing from AL climbing to minimum set heading altitude 3000'. 270 VK NAVAKAI 405 VK AL MALOLO 385 AL At 2500' S17 47.1 E177 25.2 S17 49.5 E177 23.2 JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Licensed to DELTA AIR LINES INC, . Printed from JeppView disc 19-05. Notice: After 13/10/2005 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. NADI, FIJI IS JEPPESEN NADI INTL 10-3A 31 DEC 04 .SID. Trans level: FL 130 Trans alt: 11000' 1. Continue climbing throughout SIDs unless otherwise cleared. 2. Level restrictions at or above quoted minima may be imposed by ATC for aircraft separation purposes. Apt Elev 59' 090 5100' 3100' 270 4700' 360 CHARLIE DEPARTURE 3400' 180 NFFN/NAN MSA VK NDB PACKO 5100' S16 47.0 E178 53.3 within 10 NM GODAP S17 12.8 E179 04.9 NOT TO SCALE D 100 At or above 5000' NN 100 100 NADI 112.5 NN 046 06267 086 0 S17 39.3 E177 23.7 RWY 270 09 405 VK VK 20 S17 47.1 E177 25.2 27 NAVAKAI 2500' INITIAL CLIMB Turn LEFT, track 260 climbing to 2000' or above, then RIGHT turn, track to NN. NOTE: LEFT turn to 260 shall commence no later than Rwy 02 end. High terrain NORTHEAST of airport. Turn RIGHT, track 270 climbing to 2000' or above, then RIGHT turn, track to NN. MAINTAIN runway heading to 2500', turn RIGHT, track to NN. Climb on track 270 to 2000' or above, then RIGHT turn, track to NN. DELTA DEPARTURE At or above 2000' Direct distance from Nadi Intl to: VK 2 NM 260 At or above 101 101 270 05 8 62 082 0 109 090 67 VK NAVAKAI GODAP S17 12.8 E179 04.9 270 2000' NOT TO SCALE EXORA S17 54.8 E179 07.6 02 At 7 NM 100 270 2000' S17 20.7 E179 06.9 Direct distance from Nadi Intl to: NN 260 At or above LUPLO At or above At RWY 02 09 20 27 2500' 5000' S17 20.7 E179 06.9 EXORA 98 51 S17 54.8 E179 07.6 D 405 VK S17 47.1 E177 25.2 LUPLO NA 307 NANA NAUSORI 112.2 NA S18 02.5 E178 33.7 NV NAVUA 281 NV S18 02.9 E178 33.5 S18 14.2 E178 10.1 INITIAL CLIMB Turn LEFT, track 260 climbing to 2000' or above, then LEFT turn, track to VK. NOTE: LEFT turn to 260 shall commence no later than Rwy 02 end. High terrain NORTHEAST of airport. Turn RIGHT, track 270 climbing to 2000' or above, then LEFT turn, track to VK. MAINTAIN runway heading to 2500', turn RIGHT, track to VK. Climb on track 270 to 2000' or above, then LEFT turn, track to VK. CHANGES: DELTA departure, new format. JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Licensed to DELTA AIR LINES INC, . Printed from JeppView disc 19-05. Notice: After 13/10/2005 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. .SID. JEPPESEN 21 JUN 02 10-3B NADI, FIJI IS NADI INTL TRANS LEVEL: FL 130 TRANS ALT: 11000' ECHO DEPARTURE Continue climbing throughout SIDs unless otherwise cleared. Level restrictions at or above quoted minima may be imposed by ATC for aircraft separation purposes. TAKE-OFF Rwy 02: Turn LEFT, track to and cross MI NDB not below 3000'. LEFT turn shall commence no later than Rwy 02 end. Thence Rwy 09: Turn RIGHT, track to and cross MI NDB not below 3000'. Thence Rwy 20: Track to and cross MI NDB not below 3000'. Thence Rwy 27: Turn LEFT, track to and cross MI NDB not below 3000'. Thence DEPARTURE Climb on 115 from MI NDB to Minimum Set Heading Altitude 4000'. Direct distance from Nadi Intl to: MI NDB 11 NM Nadi Intl 59 Not below 11 NOT TO SCALE 5 MI D 3000' NA 307 N ANA NAUSORI 112.2 NA S18 02.5 E178 33.7 MOMI 364 MI S18 02.8 E178 33.8 S17 54.0 E177 19.5 Minimum Set Heading Altitude NV NAVUA 4000' 281 NV S18 14.2 E178 10.1 FOXTROT DEPARTURE Nadi Intl 59 Not below MI MOMI 364 MI S17 54.0 E177 19.5 Direct distance from Nadi Intl to: MI NDB 11 NM 85 172 3000' DEPARTURE Continue climbing throughout SIDs unless otherwise cleared. Level restrictions at or above quoted minima may be imposed by ATC for aircraft separation purposes. Rwy 02: Turn LEFT, track to and cross MI NDB not below 3000'. LEFT turn shall commence no later than Rwy 02 end. Rwy 09: Turn RIGHT, track to and cross MI NDB not below 3000'. Rwy 20: Track to and cross MI NDB not below 3000'. Rwy 27: Turn LEFT, track to and cross MI NDB not below 3000'. AGTOS S19 19.0 E177 12.5 QNE (FL 130 OR ABOVE) QNH (11000 OR BELOW) NOT TO SCALE QNE CHANGES: Rwy 20 departure text. JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1985, 2002. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Licensed to DELTA AIR LINES INC, . Printed from JeppView disc 19-05. Notice: After 13/10/2005 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. .SID. JEPPESEN 21 JUN 02 10-3C NADI, FIJI IS NADI INTL TRANS LEVEL: FL 130 TRANS ALT: 11000' GOLF DEPARTURE DEPARTURE Continue climbing throughout SIDs unless otherwise cleared. Level restrictions at or above quoted minima may be imposed by ATC for aircraft separation purposes. Rwy 02: Turn LEFT. Set Heading Direct. LEFT turn shall commence no later than Rwy 02 end. Rwy 09: Turn RIGHT. Set Heading Direct. Rwy 20: MAINTAIN runway heading to 2500', turn RIGHT, Set Heading Direct. Rwy 27: Set Heading Direct. Direct distance from Nadi Intl to: Albab Int Beach Int Tepek Int Vipob Int 100 NM 103 NM 98 NM 97 NM Set heading direct BEACH QNE (FL 130 OR ABOVE) QNH (11000 OR BELOW) S17 41.3 E175 39.3 QNE At Nadi Intl 59 2500' ALBAB S18 19.9 E175 48.1 Set heading direct TEPEK S18 43.3 E176 03.2 VIPOB S19 01.4 E176 23.7 NOT TO SCALE CHANGES: Rwy 20 departure. JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1985, 2002. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Licensed to DELTA AIR LINES INC, . Printed from JeppView disc 19-05. Notice: After 13/10/2005 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs.

Licensed to DELTA AIR LINES INC, . Printed from JeppView disc 19-05. Notice: After 13/10/2005 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs.

Licensed to DELTA AIR LINES INC, . Printed from JeppView disc 19-05. Notice: After 13/10/2005 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs.

Licensed to DELTA AIR LINES INC, . Printed from JeppView disc 19-05. Notice: After 13/10/2005 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs.

Licensed to DELTA AIR LINES INC, . Printed from JeppView disc 19-05. Notice: After 13/10/2005 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs.

Licensed to DELTA AIR LINES INC, . Printed from JeppView disc 19-05. Notice: After 13/10/2005 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. INTERNATIONAL TERMINAL NADI INTL GATE 3 5 STAGE 8 STAGE 4 10-8D CHANGES: New chart. GATE 8 TAXIWAY GOLF TAXIWAY ALFA DIAGRAM 1 1 7 6 8 2 GATE 7 3 4 STAGE 7 STAGE 6 STAGE 2 NADI, FIJI IS JEPPESEN 9 SEP 05 STAGE 3 STAGE 5 STAGE 1 NFFN/NAN JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2005. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


Licensed to DELTA AIR LINES INC, . Printed from JeppView disc 19-05. Notice: After 13/10/2005 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. NFFN/NAN 59' NADI, FIJI IS JEPPESEN Apt Elev 142.6 /6.7 From NN 112.5 NADI INTL 10-9 12 SEP 03 S17 45.4 E177 26.6 *ATIS NADI Ground 127.9 121.9 Tower 1800-0800Z 177-26 Elev 41' 17-45 G 6998' 21 A B 115' 33m 09 091 Elev 17' B 98'30m Stopway F ARP 0m 32 0 H 27 D 271 C Control Tower 150' 145' Elev 59' 168' Feet 0 1000 Meters 0 99' 10, 4 02 024 20 20 4 A Pilots and operators are advised that due to high terrain to the North and Northeast of the aerodrome, aircraft departing from Rwy 02 must commence a LEFT turn onto heading 260 magnetic no later than Rwy 02 end. 17-46 119.1 177-27 Night landing not permitted on Rwys 20 and 27. Night take-off not permitted on Rwy 09. All turn maneuvers on runway restricted to the turning node provided. Rwy 09/27 provided with turn alignment poles. Rwy 09 Right traffic. 13 E 17-45 0800-1800Z 118.1 200 2000 400 600 3000 800 4000 1000 1200 NADI INTERNATIONAL GROUND MOVEMENTS PUSH BACK GATE 17-46 Aircraft pushing back from gates which are not visible from the Control Tower will be instructed by ATC to push back at their own discretion. However, to protect ground personnel from jet blast, ground engineers will be responsible for push back operation prior to starting up of engines until receiving advice from the pilot to disconnect. Elev 26' PARKING STAND COORDINATES STAND NO. COORDINATES 1 S17 45.2 E177 27.2 S17 45.2 E177 27.1 2, 3 S17 45.1 E177 27.1 4 5L, 5R, 6, 7 S17 45.1 E177 27.0 S17 45.2 E177 27.0 8 thru 11 S17 45.3 E177 27.0 12A, 12B 13 thru 15 S17 45.3 E177 27.0 16 S17 45.3 E177 27.1 285'87m Stopway STANDS UNRESTRICTED Stand Nos. 1, 2, 3, 7, & 8 177-27 STAND RESTRICTIONS Stand 4 for use by acft with wingspan not exceeding 95' (29m). 17-47 Stand 5 available only when 6 is not occupied & may be used by acft with wingspan not exceeding 95'(29m). Stands 9LA, 9LB & 13 for use by acft with wingspan not exceeding 65' (20m). Stand 9R available only when 9LA & 9LB are not occupied & may be used by acft with wingspan not exceeding 100' (30m). Stand 10 reserved, may be used by acft with wingspan not exceeding 100' (30m) Stand 11 primarily for jet acft parking between 0300-0530 daily & may be used by acft with wingspan not exceeding 100' (30m). Stands 12A & 12B are available for use by acft with wingspan not exceeding 50' (15m). Stands 14, 15, & 16 for use by acft with wingspan not exceeding 76' (23m). Note: Aircraft on stand nos. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, & 16 should park tail to Terminal to AVOID Propeller accidents. 177-26 CHANGES: Notes. 177-26.9 17-45 177-27 A 17-45 AIR PACIFIC HANGAR A G 6 5R/L 17-45.1 4 7 B 3 8 17-45.2 17-45.3 17-45.1 2 1 9R/LA/LB 10 TERMINAL 11 OPERATIONS 12A/B 13 14 15 16 B 177-26.9 177-27 H 177-27.1 JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2003. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Licensed to DELTA AIR LINES INC, . Printed from JeppView disc 19-05. Notice: After 13/10/2005 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. NFFN/NAN NADI, FIJI IS JEPPESEN 12 SEP 03 10-9A NADI INTL GENERAL CAUTION: Birds feed on grass areas. Light aircraft operations by prior permission only. Operations by non-radio aircraft not permitted. ADDITIONAL RUNWAY INFORMATION RWY 02 20 USABLE LENGTHS LANDING BEYOND TAKE-OFF Glide Slope Threshold DAY HIRL CL HIALS 1 HIRL 1 WIDTH 148' 45m (1.8 km) 2 RL ALS PAPI-L (angle 3.00 ) PAPI-L (angle 3.00 ) RL 2 NIGHT NA PAPI-L (angle 3.20 ) or less by smoke from cane field fires. 27 DAY 9532' 2905m 1 PAPI recognition and range may be reduced to 1 NM 09 NIGHT PAPI-L (angle 3.00 ) NA NA 2 PAPI recognition and range may be reduced to 1 NM or less by smoke from cane field fires. 148' 45m (1.8 km) TAKE-OFF Rwys 20, 27 DAY Rwy 02 NIGHT DAY Rwy 09 NIGHT DAY NIGHT 500'-1500m NA 1 Eng 2 Eng 300'-1500m 500'-1500m 3&4 Eng DEPARTURE PROCEDURE Rwy 02, Left turn onto a 260 heading should commence no later than Rwy 02 end. Rwy 09, Make Right turn through 180 after take-off. FOR FILING AS ALTERNATE Precision C NDB Rwy 02 LOC Rwy 02 800'- 4000m A B Twin NDB 600'-3000m D CHANGES: Rwy 02 usable length, take-off minimums. 800'-5 km 1000'-6 km NA 1100'-7 km JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2003. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Licensed to DELTA AIR LINES INC, . Printed from JeppView disc 19-05. Notice: After 13/10/2005 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. NADI INTL NADI Approach 1800-0800Z 119.1 LOC INN Final Apch Crs 109.9 024 118.1 GS LOM (1309') Ground 119.1 ILS DA(H) (204') 230' 1335' 121.9 Apt Elev 59' RWY 02 26' 3400' 204 50 00 024 NN 204 204 224 M 120 5000' C MM 024 140 TCH 53' 920' 3.1 HIALS 160 02 LOC (GS out) 0.8 0.5 3.9 PAPI STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY LT A B 135 C 800m HIRL out 1200m D CHANGES: Procedure. HIALS out 1500m MDA(H) 400'(374') HIALS out 1900m 2800m RWY 02 0 26' 259 2500' hdg CIRCLE-TO-LAND Rwys 02, 09, 27 Circling Not Authorized North of Rwy 09/27 Max Kts MDA(H) 100 230' (204') 00 VK NDB 224 or204 LOM GS1335' 5.7 274 MI NDB HOLDING 177-20 MI NDB ILS ' 1243' 02 4 1086' 094 1000 30 00 1792' MOMI 3000 177-30 1127' 3000' 100 3528' 20 30 00 204 0 N AL 024 I109.9 N N INN 364 MIMI GS 3.00 377 484 538 646 753 861 MAP at MM or LOM to MAP 3.5 3:00 2:20 2:06 1:45 1:30 1:19 FULL 00 10 MALOLO ILS 9.6 DA(H) 1849' 385 AL 024 90 360 VK 069 70 1000 405 VK 249 Gnd speed-Kts (IAF) NAVAKAI 1 MI 36414 LEFT BASE or RIGHT PROCEDURE TURN WITHIN 25 NM from NN VOR 2840' 204 024 5 MM 177-10 200 0 2028' 1000 50 00 10 314 259 hdg 17-55 5100' D 112.5 NN 17-45 D 17 . VO 0 R 1800' 024 134 N MSA VK NDB Trans alt: 11000' NADI VK NDB and NN VOR HOLDING 17-50 4700' within 10 NM NOT TO SCALE Extend Procedural Track (R-204 NN VOR) to D17.0 NN VOR for base turn to intercept LOC at/or South of MI NDB. 270 3100' turn LEFT track to MI NDB climbing to 3000'. Await further instructions from ATC. Trans Level: FL 130 5100' 090 MISSED APCH: Turn LEFT, heading 259 . Climb to 2500'. At 2500', Rwy Elev: 1 hPa Alt Set: hPa 1. Max IAS missed approach turn 185 kt. 5 NADI Tower 0800-1800Z 204 TM 127.9 BRIEFING STRIP 11-1 11 FEB 05 *ATIS PANS OPS NADI, FIJI IS ILS or LOC Rwy 02 JEPPESEN 180 NFFN/NAN 1 Rwy 20 DAY ONLY Max Kts A 600'(541')-2400m 135 180 620'(561')-4000m 180 205 920'(861')-5000m 185 MDA(H) NA 1000'(941')-5 km 2100'(2041')-6 km 1 Cat C, D: Left hand circuits. JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2000, 2005. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Licensed to DELTA AIR LINES INC, . Printed from JeppView disc 19-05. Notice: After 13/10/2005 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. *ATIS NADI Approach TM 127.9 1800-0800Z 119.1 VOR NN Final Apch Crs 112.5 204 118.1 NADI Tower 0800-1800Z 119.1 121.9 MDA(H) No FAF Refer to Minimums Apt Elev 3400' 59' Trans level: FL 130 3100' 132 024 12 DME A 2900 rc 347 312 15 (IAF) 17-30 20 4 004 024 50 0 0 10 2209' 475' 3922' 087 1800' 004 2028' 360 00 20 2840' 5.8 097 204 1000 (IAF) 3200' 2177' 0 0 00 20 0 10 722' 1769' 2483' 20 4 D5.0 10 0 0 E Arc 12 D M 5100 060 D4.0 9 22 17-40 040 0 NN 112.5 NN 5100' within 10 NM 4 03 2900 D10.0 0 30 D NADI MSA VK NDB Trans alt: 11000' NN VOR HOLDING (IAF) 200 VK 200 405 VK 5 177-40 VOR 3.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 1.0 2.0 4.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 1100' 1420' 1740' 2060' 2375' 2695' 3010' 3330' 3650' 3965' 4285' VOR 5000' 59' 204 5.0 5.8 3 Min LEAD RADIALD12.6 D12.0 5100' D10.0 D4.0 2375' 097 11.0 12.0 12.6 4600' 4920' 5100' Start turn at 004 D5.0 APT. 1000 177-30 0 200 00 NN DME ALTITUDE 177-20 1849' 20 177-10 0 0 NAVAKAI 17-50 270 4700' Apt Elev: 2 hPa 5100' 090 MISSED APCH: Track NN VOR R-204, climb to 2500' and await instructions from ATC. Alt Set: hPa 5 Ground 014 BRIEFING STRIP 13-1 ACAT &B 11 FEB 05 180 NADI INTL 20 NADI, FIJI IS TWELVE NORTH VOR DME Arc JEPPESEN NFFN/NAN 204 3.00 MDA 4920' 4285' 2500' 6.0 4.0 Gnd speed-Kts 70 90 100 120 140 160 Descent angle 3.00 372 478 531 637 743 849 Lighting Refer to Airport Chart MAP at D5.0 NN 112.5 R-204 2500' CIRCLE-TO-LAND A Max Kts 100 PANS OPS B 135 CHANGES: Circling minimums. Rwys 02, 09, 27 Circling Not Authorized North of Rwy 09/27 MDA(H) 1100'(1041') -5000m C D Rwy 20 Max Kts A B 135 DAY ONLY MDA(H) NA 1000'(941') -5 km C NOT APPLICABLE D NOT APPLICABLE JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2000, 2005. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Licensed to DELTA AIR LINES INC, . Printed from JeppView disc 19-05. Notice: After 13/10/2005 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. NADI INTL NADI Approach 127.9 TM 16-1 13 AUG 04 *ATIS 1800-0800Z 119.1 LOM AL Final Apch Crs 385 024 118.1 NADI Tower 0800-1800Z 119.1 MDA(H) No FAF Ground 121.9 Apt Elev 59' RWY 02 26' 1300'(1274') 3400' Rwy Elev: 1 hPa Trans level: FL 130 5100' Trans alt: 11000' within 10 NM 475' 50 00 204 024 134 0 200 NN 0 300 2028' 1000 1800' NADI 2840' D 112.5 NN NOT TO SCALE 314 0 24 4700' MSA AL NDB 17-40 10 270 3100' MISSED APCH: Turn LEFT, track 259 . At 4500' turn LEFT, track to AL NDB. Await further instructions from ATC. Alt Set: hPa 5100' 090 360 BRIEFING STRIP NADI, FIJI IS NDB Rwy 02 JEPPESEN 180 NFFN/NAN 204 3. 259 17-50 0 M 364 I1 14 024 204 9 024 45 00 5 AL NDB and NN VOR HOLDING 1849' (IAF) 1000 AL MALOLO 224 Aircraft holding at AL NDB may descend to 4000' when established inbound for initial approach. 385 AL MI 00 10 MOMI 3528' 364 MI 5 02 4 177-30 LOM Start turn at CAT C & D 2 Min CAT A & B 3 Min 2000' M 1792' 00 10 177-20 00 20 00 177-10 10 1127' 224 4000' 024 3.9 0 RWY 02 26' HIALS PAPI 259 LT MAP at LOM STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY02 CIRCLE-TO-LAND 1300'(1274') MDA(H) A Max Kts 100 B 135 PANS OPS HIALS out C 3000m D CHANGES: None. 3900m Circling Not Authorized North of Rwy 09/27 MDA(H) 1300'(1241') -2400m 180 1300'(1241') -4000m 205 1300'(1241') -5000m 20 09 27 02 JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2000, 2004. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Licensed to DELTA AIR LINES INC, . Printed from JeppView disc 19-05. Notice: After 13/10/2005 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. *ATIS TM 16-2 NADI Approach 127.9 NDB VK Final Apch Crs 405 024 NADI Tower 0800-1800Z 1800-0800Z 119.1 Minimum Alt LOM 920' 118.1 (894') Ground 119.1 121.9 MDA(H) Apt Elev 59' 420'(394') RWY 02 26' MISSED APCH: Turn LEFT, track 259 . Climb to 2500'. At 2500' 180 NADI INTL BRIEFING STRIP NADI, FIJI IS TWIN NDB Rwy 02 JEPPESEN 13 AUG 04 3400' 090 3100' turn LEFT, track to MI NDB. Await further instructions from ATC. Trans level: FL 130 204 50 00 024 024 259 2028' 2840' 00 10 NN VK NDB and NN VOR HOLDING 1000 1800' D 112.5 NN 314 10 5100' within 10 NM 2000 NADI (IAF) VK 204 NAVAKAI 204 274 405 VK 204 094 MSA VK NDB Trans alt: 11000' 50 00 024 134 NOT TO SCALE 270 4700' 204 Alt Set: hPa Rwy Elev: 1 hPa 1. Max IAS missed approach turn 230 kt. 5100' 360 NFFN/NAN 1000 1849' 5 224 MI NDB HOLDING 114MI 364 17-50 0 100 AL MALOLO 385 AL 3528' 069 364 MI 249 1243' 1086' 5 1000 4 224 20 5000' or M LOM 024 920' 5.7 9.6 177-30 VK NDB MI NDB 2500' 1792' Aircraft holding at MI NDB may descend to minimum 2000' when established inbound for final approach. 177-20 LEFT BASE or RIGHT PROCEDURE TURN WITHIN 25 NM from NN VOR 2000 1127' 02 4 0 204 25 00 MI MOMI 024 3.9 RWY 02 3.1 HIALS 0.8 PAPI 0 LT 259 26' 2500' MAP at VK NDB CIRCLE-TO-LAND STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY02 MDA(H) 420' (394') PANS OPS HIALS out Max Kts A 100 B 135 C 2000m D CHANGES: Circling minimums. 2900m 1 Rwy 20 Rwys 02, 09, 27 Circling Not Authorized North of Rwy 09/27 180 205 MDA(H) 600'(541') -2000m 620'(561') -2400m 840'(781')-4000m 920'(861') -5000m 1 DAY ONLY Max Kts A 135 180 185 MDA(H) NA 1000'(941')-5 km 2100'(2041')-6 km Cat C, D: Left hand circuits. JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2000, 2004. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Licensed to DELTA AIR LINES INC, . Printed from JeppView disc 19-05. Notice: After 13/10/2005 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. *ATIS 127.9 TM 18-1 NADI Approach NADI Tower 1800-0800Z 0800-1800Z 119.1 GPS 118.1 Minimum Alt FNNSF Final Apch Crs 119.1 MDA(H) 121.9 59' Apt Elev 1910'(1884') 510' (484') 023 Ground 26' RWY 02 MISSED APCH: Turn LEFT, immediately track direct to FNNSH, then track 205 . Climb to 3400'. 3400' 270 3100' 4700' MSA VK NDB 5100' within 10 NM 163 FNNSH VK NAVAKAI FNNSM 405 VK 273 343 FNNSM to FNNSH 10.0 NM/269 205 10 5100' 090 Alt Set: hPa Rwy Elev: 1 hPa Trans level: FL 130 Trans alt: 11000' 1. Do not delay turn due to high terrain to the North and Northeast of the airport. 2. Max IAS initial 220 kt. Missed approach turn 190 kt. 722' 180 NADI INTL BRIEFING STRIP NADI, FIJI IS GPS Rwy 02 JEPPESEN 5 NOV 04 360 NFFN/NAN FNNSG HOLDING 1849' 2.5 NM 5 to FNNSM 17-50 100 4700 FNNSF 2 73 5.0 0 093 1127' FNNSI 00 20 350 FNNSG 30000T 4700 (IAF) 02 3 093 0 1792' 023 1000 5 ALTITUDE 5. 3 0 30 500 00 T 0 NM to NEXT WPT 177-20 (IAF) FNNSD 1248' 177-30 4700 1.0 FNNSF 4.0 4.0 3.0 3.8 FNNSI 3.0 2.0 4700' 3500' 3185' 2865' 2545' 2230' 1910' 1590' 1275' 3.8 NM to FNNSI 4700' FNNSI FNNSF 023 3500' 1600' 940' 5.0 Gnd speed-Kts 3.00 70 90 372 478 100 531 2.5 NM 2.5 120 637 140 743 MDA 2.0 955' MDA(H) PANS OPS A 160 849 PAPI LT C 1600m D CHANGES: New procedure. CIRCLE-TO-LAND 510' (484') 1600m B FNNSM 26' HIALS 02 HIALS out 0.6 510' RWY 02 0.8 2.5 MAP at FNNSM STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 1.0 635' FNNSM 3.00 to FNNSM 1115' 1910' Descent angle 0 5. 4700 30 18-00 177-10 35000T (IAF) FNNSE 1243' 313 1086' Max Kts 100 135 D FNNSH Circling Not Authorized North of Rwy 09/27 MDA(H) 760'(701')-2400m 2000m 180 1060'(1001')-4000m 2400m 205 1060'(1001')-5000m 20 09 27 02 JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Licensed to DELTA AIR LINES INC, . Printed from JeppView disc 19-05. Notice: After 13/10/2005 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. NADI INTL *ATIS TM 18-2 NADI Approach 127.9 BRIEFING STRIP NADI, FIJI IS CAT A, B, C GPS Rwy 09 JEPPESEN 5 NOV 04 NADI Tower 1800-0800Z 0800-1800Z 119.1 GPS 118.1 Minimum Alt FNNWF (1923') Final Apch Crs 1940' 091 Ground 119.1 121.9 MDA(H) Apt Elev 59' 360' (343') RWY 09 17' 3400' 5100' 090 MISSED APCH: Turn RIGHT, track direct to FNNWH, thence 252 . 270 360 3100' Climb to 3400'. Alt Set: hPa Rwy Elev: 1 hPa Trans level: FL 130 1. Max IAS initial 220 kt. Missed approach turn 200 kt. 180 NFFN/NAN 4700' MSA VK NDB Trans alt: 11000' 5100' within 10 NM 10 161 (IAF) FNNWC 5.0 3400 2600 T 091 5 1000 FNNWF 3400 to FNNWM VK NAVAKAI 405 VK 252 FNNWH 177-10 NM to NEXT WPT ALTITUDE 177-20 3.0 4.6 2.0 4.0 1.0 3400' 3215' 2895' 2575' 2255' FNNWI 3400' 4.6 NM to FNNWF 3.00 1600' 3.00 2.0 NM MDA 70 90 100 120 140 160 372 478 531 637 743 849 2.0 985' MDA(H) 17' PAPI RT PANS OPS B 1600m C D CIRCLE-TO-LAND 360' (343') A Max Kts 100 135 180 NOT APPLICABLE CHANGES: New procedure. FNNWM ALS 09 ALS out 0.0 360' RWY 09 0.9 2.0 MAP at FNNWM STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 1.0 665' FNNWM 985' 3.0 177-30 3.0 4.0 1620' 1300' to FNNWM 820' 5.0 Gnd speed-Kts FNNWF 1940' FNNWF 091 1940' Descent angle FNNWM 2.0 NM 5 FNNWA 2028' 1800' .0 3 26 400 021 00 T 0 (IAF) 2209' 475' FNNWI 091 722' FNNWC HOLDING FNNWM to FNNWH 7.0 NM/212 1 61 (IAF) FNNWB 5 5.0 3400 2600T 17-40 17-50 341 3400 3400 051 34 1 3 40 0 231 D D FNNWH Circling Not Authorized North of Rwy 09/27 MDA(H) 760'(701')-2400m 1060'(1001')-4000m 20 09 27 02 NOT APPLICABLE JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

1 4 0 Direct distance from Nadi Intl to: 7 NM CHANGES: JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Apt Elev 59' Trans level: FL 130 Trans alt: 11000' JEPPESEN 10-3 NFFN/NAN

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