Metasys UI Custom Symbols Technical Bulletin - Johnson Controls

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Metasys UI Custom Symbols Technical Bulletin Building Technologies & Solutions LIT-12013054 2020-02-24 Release 10.1

Contents Contents Document introduction. 3 Summary of changes. 3 Metasys UI Custom Symbols overview. 3 Custom Symbols creation workflow. 4 Folder structure. 4 Custom Symbols package structure. 7 Custom Symbols – file details. 7 Symbol package JSON. 10 Creating a new symbol. 11 Exporting a symbol to SVG. 11 Refining SVG for use as a Custom Symbol. 11 Creating thumbnails. 13 Creating supporting data for the symbol library. 14 Custom Symbol Library JSON (mandatory step). 14 Creating language support. 16 Creating language JSON. 16 Creating the property panel integration. 17 Creating a JSON entry (mandatory step). 17 Sample JSON for different property types. 19 Creating dropdown property JSON. 21 Custom Behavior. 23 Creating JSON for Custom Behavior – csEditorMetaData.json. 23 Creating JSON for Custom Behavior – csSymbolMapData.json. 24 Sample csSymbolMapData.json. 25 Symbol animation. 26 Adding animation logic. 26 Two-state animation. 27 Multistate animation. 28 Metasys UI Custom Symbols Technical Bulletin i

Contents Multistage animation. 29 Fill and stroke color animation. 33 Importing Custom Symbols into Metasys UI. 34 Metasys UI Custom Symbols Technical Bulletin ii

Document introduction This document describes how to create Custom Symbols, which you can import in Metasys UI Online and Metasys UI Offline. The document outlines a step-by-step procedure to create new symbols, including the configuration of Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) and JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) layouts of the symbols, the creation of a mandatory folder structure, and the setting of the necessary boundaries and protocols for the folder structure. It also covers the basic Metasys UI Online import steps. This document is intended for Metasys UI users who are familiar with symbol creation, and it assumes a working knowledge of web services and any applications you intend to interface with in the Metasys network. Follow the process outlined in this document before you import Custom Symbols in Metasys UI Online and Metasys UI Offline. Refer to the Working with Symbols section in Metasys UI Online Help (LIT-12011953) or Metasys UI Offline Help (LIT-12012116) for more information about how to import symbols. Summary of changes The following information is new or revised: Updated Folder structure with figures. Provided additional examples throughout. Added Importing Custom Symbols into Metasys UI. Metasys UI Custom Symbols overview The following is an overview of the steps required to generate Custom Symbols: 1. Create the Folder structure. 2. Create a new symbol. 3. Create supporting data for the symbol library. 4. Create language support. 5. Create the Property panel integration. 6. Create Custom Behavior. 7. Create the Default Animation. 8. Importing Custom Symbols into Metasys UI The following sections outline these steps in detail with examples and a sample structure creation. Metasys UI Custom Symbols Technical Bulletin 3

Custom Symbols creation workflow Complete the following workflow to create Custom Symbols for a Metasys UI import. Folder structure The current implementation of Custom Symbols supports a three-level folder structure. The following image provides an overview of the folder structure. Figure 1: Folder structure overview Root folder: When you import the Custom Symbols .zip package in the Metasys UI, it is listed as Custom Symbols underneath Basic Symbols in the Symbols pane of the Graphics Editor. Upon drill-down, further layers of Custom Symbols open up. Level 1: This level contains folders and symbols such as region name folders, the Symbols folder, and several .json files, amongst others. In the Metasys UI, expand the Custom Symbols accordion to open the first level folders along with the symbols consistent with the zipped package that you imported. 4 Metasys UI Custom Symbols Technical Bulletin

Figure 2: Level 1 Metasys UI Custom Symbols Technical Bulletin 5

Level 2: Expand the region name folders and the Symbols folder to see the Level 2 content. In the Metasys UI, expand the Level 1 folders to open the Level 2 folders along with the symbols consistent with the zipped package that you imported. Figure 3: Level 2 6 Metasys UI Custom Symbols Technical Bulletin

Custom Symbols package structure Create a Custom Symbols package structure as follows: Create under the root folder: symbol-packs.json: This JSON defines the first category level that you want to create. See Symbol package JSON for more details. Note: Creating the symbol-packs.json is a mandatory step, but it is optional to define region folders, or any other / Level 1 folders, in symbol-packs.json. / Level 1 : Make sure that the name of this Level 1 folder is identical to the name defined in symbol-packs.json. Symbol data : This is the list of files required for you to integrate Custom Symbols into the system directly under the root folder: - /symbol/thumbnail/.png - /symbol/.html - Supporting JSON files for symbol library, property panel, language, and custom behavior. - Supporting .js. for animation Create under Level 1: Symbol data : This is the list of files required for you to integrate Custom Symbols into the system directly under Level 1 : - /symbol/thumbnail/.png - /symbol/.html - Supporting JSON files for symbol library, language, property panel, and custom behavior for all the symbols in the current level and all levels under it. - Supporting .js. for animation for all the symbols in the current level and all levels under it. / Level 2 : The name of this Level 2 folder should be the name that the user wants to display in the Symbol Library. - .html – for symbol SVG - .png – for thumbnail Custom Symbols – file details The following table describes the files that are required for Level 1 and Level 2 folders: Table 1: File details File name Description csAnimations.js Used to apply animation to Custom Symbols. csEditorMetaData.json Used to configure Custom Behavior in the Graphics Editor. csPropertyLibrary.json Used to configure symbol properties. Metasys UI Custom Symbols Technical Bulletin 7

Table 1: File details File name Description csSVGModification.json Used to apply the Property panel configuration to the symbol. csSymbolMapData.json Used to apply fill/stroke-related Custom Behavior effects in the Graphics Viewer. customSymbolLibrary.json Used for symbol display in the Graphic Editor library. language .json Used for language strings. Each language has separate JSON files. See Creating language support for more details. The following is the sample file structure of Level 1 and Level 2 folders: regionName/ - symbolsCategoryFolder/ - Symbol/ - thumbnails/ symbol1.png symbol2.png symbol3.png - symbol1.html - symbol2.html - symbol3.html - csAnimations.js - csEditorMetaData.json - csPropertyLibrary.json - csSVGModification.json - csSymbolMapData.json - customSymbolLibrary.json - en-us.json - ja.json 8 Metasys UI Custom Symbols Technical Bulletin

Figure 4: Sample file structure Metasys UI Custom Symbols Technical Bulletin 9

Symbol package JSON After you create your symbols and region folders, create the symbol-packs.json file. This file acts as a registry of the region folders that contain your Custom Symbols. Only folders listed in this file are inspected for Custom Symbols that you want to make available in the Graphics Editor library. The structure of this file is an array of strings, where each entry is one of the region folder names. For example, if region folders for Europe and Asia are defined in this package, the contents of this file should be: ["Europe", "Asia"] 10 Metasys UI Custom Symbols Technical Bulletin

Creating a new symbol Exporting a symbol to SVG Create your graphic in any tool that supports an SVG export, such as Adobe Illustrator , Microsoft Visio , Google SVG editors, or CorelDRAW . To export a symbol to SVG, complete the following steps: 1. Use shapes or images to create your graphics. 2. Export the graphics. 3. Select SVG as the file format. 4. If you used any images while creating the SVG, click the Embed option when a prompt displays. 5. Click Export. 6. Select a folder location to save the file. 7. Click Save. Refining SVG for use as a Custom Symbol After you create the SVG file, complete the following steps to refine it: 1. Open the SVG file in any text editor, such as Notepad , and remove all lines that contain commented code, that is blocks beginning with !-- and ending with -- , to optimize the symbol size. Use the following checklist to refine your SVG file in Notepad : - Does the symbol contain CSS style data? - Yes: Convert style data to SVG attributes. See Table 2 for details. - No: No action required - Does the symbol contain width, height and viewBox attributes in an svg tag? - Yes: No action required - No: Add attributes (width “WIDTH px” height “HEIGHT px” viewBox “0 0 WIDTH HEIGHT”, where WIDTH and HEIGHT are the required width and height of the symbol in pixels) - Does the symbol contain an overflow attribute? - Yes: Remove the attribute and its value - No: No action required - Does the symbol contain title tags? - Yes: Remove all title tags - No: No action required Metasys UI Custom Symbols Technical Bulletin 11

2. Complete the sub-steps in the following table to convert inline CSS styles to SVG attributes, if the styles are stored in this format: style classname { property : value } /style Table 2: Convert inline CSS styles to SVG attributes Step Description Example 1. Convert properties into SVG attributes CSS : property : value Search: class ”classname” in the entire document and replace it with converted SVG attributes Example: 2. SVG : property ”value” CSS: style type "text/css" ![CDATA [ .st1 ke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:0.75} ]] /style SVG: Before: ellipse cx "15.7586" cy "826.131" rx "15.7586" ry "15.7586" class "st10" / After: ellipse cx "15.7586" cy "826.131" rx "15.7586" ry "15.7586" fill ”#febd21” stroke ”none” strokelinecap ”round” stroke-linejoin ”round” strokewidth ”0.75” / 3. Complete the sub-steps in the following table to add different required attributes in the JSON directory: Table 3: Add Attributes in the JSON Directory Step Description Example 1. Jci-id: Add jciid ”symbolname” in main svg tag.# jci-id "battery electrical" 12 Metasys UI Custom Symbols Technical Bulletin

Table 3: Add Attributes in the JSON Directory Step Description Example 2. Create a g tag to complete data inside main svg tag, and add class ”symbolname” Example: svg g class "battery" graphics content /g /svg 3. Add fill ”#ffffff” stroke ”#ffffff” attributes on g tag. Note: This applies only if fill and stroke properties need to be controlled from Property panel and Custom Behavior. Example: g class "battery batteryGTag" fill "#D3D3D3" background-color "#D3D3D3" style "pointerevents:none" 4. Change the extension of the file from .svg to .html. Creating thumbnails To create the thumbnails for the required SVGs in the UI, complete the following steps: 1. Export the symbol as a PNG from the source software. 2. Open Adobe Photoshop , Snagit , or any other graphics tool. 3. Create a new file with the dimensions 280 px x 280 px. 4. Import the image into the graphics tool. 5. Resize the image to fit the page. 6. Remove the background layers with white background. 7. Save or export the file as a PNG image. 8. Click Done. Metasys UI Custom Symbols Technical Bulletin 13

Creating supporting data for the symbol library Custom Symbol Library JSON (mandatory step) This section describes the structure of customSymbolLibrary.json. This JSON is required to show the symbol in the Graphics Editor library. Create a JSON file named customSymbolLibrary.json. Ensure that the file name remains the same. Figure 5: customSymbolLibrary.json in the folder structure The following table displays all the attributes with their required details. Table 4: Attributes for Custom Symbol library Attribute name Value Datatype I18N Dependency SVG Required Description title Symbol Category Folder Name String N/A No Yes Category Name is required. Without it, you cannot show the symbol within a category. 14 Yes Metasys UI Custom Symbols Technical Bulletin

Table 4: Attributes for Custom Symbol library contentList Collection Array of symbols that belong to this current category No Name No should be "contentList" Yes Collection of same category symbols. name Any symbol name String Yes N/A No Yes Name is used as a unique identifier for the entire functionality. url Relative URL of thumbnail image String N/A Image should No exist in the same location Yes Thumbnail image displays in the library through this URL. svgURL Relative URL String of SVG symbol N/A HTML should exist in the same location. Yes Yes Same SVG is used when you drag symbols on the canvas. symbolType numeric / String binary / multiImageSy mbol / patch /”” N/A Use given options only Yes Yes dragType Symbol String N/A Use given options only Yes Yes Used for drag and drop functionality of symbols. pointBinda ble True/false Boolean N/A Use given options only Yes Yes Used for binding option available from layover panel. keyData Collection Default point binding to symbol Array N/A Name should N/A be "keyData" Yes Only this point will be available for binding in the panel. KeyName Any Name String Yes N/A Yes Key name will be displayed in panel. KeyPoint Only 1 Point short name Array N/A N/A No Used to bind any default point to a symbol. Metasys UI Custom Symbols Technical Bulletin Point Short Name 15

Sample JSON { "symbolCategoryContent": [ { "title": "", "contentList": [ { "name": "HumidityValve", "url": "Symbols/Thumbnail/Humidity Valve.png", "svgURL": "Symbols/Humidity Valve.html", "symbolType": "numeric", "dragType": "symbol", "pointBindable": "true", "keyData": [ { "KeyName": "ValveOutputValue", "KeyPoint": [ "MA-D" ] } ] } Note: The "title" key is required, but its value is optional. If you want to show a custom symbol within any of the categories, leave the title value empty. Creating language support Creating language JSON You need the language JSON to add a new language string to a Custom Symbol. If you want to support several languages, you have to create a separate JSON for each language. Name your file using the ISO 639-1 language code for the language or region your file is for. See the following table for the recommended file name format: Table 5: ISO 639-1 Code.json Language ISO 639-1 code File name English En Czech Cs en-us.json cs.json JSON Structure { "key1": "value1", "key2": "value2" } The structure of the file is a set of key and value pairs. The key for any entry should be the key name that will be referred to in the code for your Custom Symbol (typically in English). The value should be the translated value of that key in the language that the file applies to. For example: { 16 "RoundDamper": "cs-RoundDamper", "RoundDamperTest": "cs-RoundDamperTest" Metasys UI Custom Symbols Technical Bulletin

} Sample JSON for English user { } "BasicSymbols": "Basic Symbols", "FloorPlan": "Floor Plan", "LinearGaugeVertical": "Linear Gauge" Sample JSON for Czech user { } "BasicSymbols": "Základní symboly", "FloorPlan": "Půdorys podlaží", "LinearGaugeVertical": "Lineární měřidlo" Creating the property panel integration Creating a JSON entry (mandatory step) You need this JSON to add the Property panel to a symbol. To control symbol attributes from the Property panel, enter the symbol and its properties into csPropertyLibrary.json. Ensure that the file name remains the same. csPropertyLibrary.json structure The following sample JSON is for a given property that creates the check box or radio button in the property panel. { } "label": "propertyNameShowBorder", "inputType": "checkBox", "keyName": "ShowBorder", "defaultOffValue": "0", "defaultOnValue": "1", "selector": ".Border", "attr": "stroke-opacity", "defaultValue": "checked", "svgAttr": "isbordershown" The property has two default states, namely On and Off. The value for On is 1 and the value for Off is 0. The following table illustrates the relationship between the State and the Value of the property. Table 6: State and Value of the property key Property key State Value defaultOffValue Off 0 defaultOnValue On 1 The following table displays all the attributes along with their required details. Table 7: Attributes for Property Panel Integration Property type Attribute name Value colorPicker label KeyPropertyName String Datatype Yes inputType colorPicker No String Metasys UI Custom Symbols Technical Bulletin I18N Dependency Name should be "inputType":? SVG Required Description No Yes KeyPropertyName is required. Without it, you cannot show the symbol within a category. No Yes Collection of input types. 17

Table 7: Attributes for Property Panel Integration textBox dropDown checkBox selector Class Name String No Name should be "selector":? See JSON sample above for more details. Yes Yes Class name is used to search for particular html elements in SVG where properties were applied. attr Fill/stroke String No Yes Yes Yes Display fill/stroke attributes for which you want to change the value. defaultValue color property example #FFFFFFF hex N/A Yes Yes Yes Default values displayed are: true, false, 0,1, label, any color value. snd selector Class Name String No Name should be the same as class in SVG Yes No Class name is used to search for particular html elements in SVG, where properties were applied. snd attr Fill/stroke String No Yes Yes No Display Fill/Stroke attributes for which you want to change the value. label KeyPropertyName String Yes N/A No Yes KeyPropertyName is required. Without it, you cannot show symbols within a category. inputType inputType String No Name should be same No Yes Collection of input types. selector Class Name String No Name should be same as class in SVG Yes Yes Class name is used to search for particular html elements in SVG, where properties were applied. defaultValue text String/Number Yes Yes Yes Default values displayed are: true, false, 0,1, label. svgAttr Label or anyattribute String No Yes Yes No Any attribute for which you want to change the value. label KeyPropertyName String Yes N/A No Yes KeyPropertyName is required. Without it, you cannot show symbols within a category. inputType dropDown String No Name should be the same No Yes Collection of input types. Value [‘Hot’,’Cool’] Array Yes No Yes Yes Collection of values to be displayed in dropdown. svgAttr Label or anyattribute String No Yes Yes No Any attribute for which you want to change the value. label KeyPropertyName String Yes N/A No Yes KeyPropertyName is required. Without it, you cannot show symbols within a category. inputType checkBox String No Name should be the same No Yes Collection of input types. selector Class Name String No Name should be the same as class in SVG Yes Yes Class name is used to search for particular html elements in SVG, where properties were applied. attr Display/fillopacity/strokeopacity String No Yes Yes Yes Display/fill-opacity/strokeopacity attribute for which you want to change the value. defaultOffValue None/block/0 String/number N/A Yes Yes No Default values displayed are: true, false, 0,1, label. String/number N/A Yes Yes No Default values displayed are: true, false, 0,1, label. /1/true/false defaultOnValue None/block/0 /1/true/false 18 defaultValue text String/Number N/A Yes Yes Yes Default values displayed are: true, false, 0 ,1, label. svgAttr Label or any attribute String Yes Yes No Any attribute for which you want to change the value. No Metasys UI Custom Symbols Technical Bulletin

Sample JSON for different property types 1. Fill color (background color) "SymbolName": [ { "label": "propertyNameBackgroundColor", "inputType": "colorPicker", "keyName": "Background Color", // Background color is the title displayed in property panel "selector": ".ClassName", // ClassName on g tag "attr": "fill", "snd selector": ". ClassName", "snd attr": "background-color", "defaultValue": "#D3D3D3", "colorComparisionAttr": "stroke", "colorComparisionSelector": ".rgb" } ] 2. Stroke color "SymbolName": [ { "label": "propertyNameBorderColor", "inputType": "colorPicker", "keyName": "Border Color", "selector": ".ClassName", "attr": "stroke", "defaultValue": "#DFDEDE", "svgAttr": "borderColor" } ] 3. Stroke width (border thickness) { } 4. "label": "propertyNameBorderThickness", "inputType": "textBox", "keyName": "Border Thickness", "required": true, "defaultOffValue": "0", "defaultValue": 1, "type": "border", "svgAttr": "border-thickness", "svgAttrValue": "data-border-thickness", "selector": ". ClassName", "attr": "stroke-width" Stroke show/hide (show border) { "label": "propertyNameShowBorder", "inputType": "checkBox", "keyName": "Show Border", "defaultOffValue": "0", "defaultOnValue": "1", "selector": ". ClassName", Metasys UI Custom Symbols Technical Bulletin 19

} 5. Dropdown property sample { } 20 "attr": "stroke-width", "defaultValue": "unchecked", "svgAttr": "isbordershown", "type": "borderbvb" "label": "propertyPipeType", "inputType": "dropDown", "keyName": "Pipe Type", "values": [ "chilledWaterSupplyKey", "chilledWaterReturnKey", "condenserWaterSupplyKey", "condenserWaterReturnKey", "hotWaterSupplyKey", "hotWaterReturnKey", "condensateKey", "steamKey", "gasKey" ], "defaultValue": "chilledWaterSupplyKey", "svgAttr": "selectedshape", "mainSvgAttr": "mainselectedshape", "selector": "path[bas-symbols 'pipCol']", "attr": "stroke", "snd selector": "path[bas-symbols 'pipCol']", "snd attr": "background-color" Metasys UI Custom Symbols Technical Bulletin

Creating dropdown property JSON csSVGModification.json is a JSON that supports dropdown property change, as it stores data of SVG with the respective dropdown list items. The JSON stores different data for circleKey, squareKey, and triangleKey items. When you change the dropdown item, you have to specify which values have to be changed. To define the values for a dropdown, you must first define the symbol in the csPropertyLibrary.json file with an appropriate name. Using the name, the values for the dropdown can be defined in csSVGModification.json using the structure described in Table 9. The structure starts with the symbol ID, which you specified in customSymbolLibrary.json. Table 8: Definitions Name Definition SymbolName Symbol name same as mentioned in csPropertyLibrary.json dropdownKey1 Key name same as described in csPropertyLibrary.json selector Value of ‘bas-symbols’ attribute on the tag to apply value of ‘attribute’ attribute Attribute and selector to be updated Metasys UI Custom Symbols Technical Bulletin 21

Table 9: JSON reference syntax and examples Syntax for reference Corresponding examples SymbolName,dropdownKey1, selector, and attribute SymbolName,dropdownKey1, selector, and attribute "SymbolName": { // same as mentioned in csPropertyLibrary.json "dropdownKey1": { "selector": {//bassymbol ”selector” in html "attribute": "value to be assigned" }, further selectors and attributes under dropdownKey1 "selector2": {//bassymbol ”selector” in html "attribute": "value to be assigned" }, "selector3": {//bassymbol ”selector” in html "attribute": "value to be assigned" } }, dropdownKey2 with selector and attribute "dropdownKey2": { "selector": {//bassymbol ”selector” in html "attribute": "value to be assigned" }, further selectors and attributes under dropdownKey2 "selector2": {//bassymbol ”selector” in html "attribute": "value to be assigned" }, "selector3": {//bassymbol ”selector” in html "attribute": "value to be assigned" }, }, } 22 "TempratureSensorAverageType": { "averagingKey": { "asTempJcid": { "jci-id": "temp sensor avg" }, further selectors and attributes under dropdownKey1 "asTempImg": { "xlink:href": "img/AHU/HVACAirSensors/AirSensors refs/ Tempratur e-Sensor-(Average-Type).png" }, "asTempPath": { "d": 391,31.119h2.729v10.686lz" } }, dropdownKey2 with selector and attribute "bulbKey": { "asTempJcid": { "jci-id": "temp sensor bulb" }, further selectors and attributes under dropdownKey2 "asTempImg": { "xlink:href": "img/AHU/HVACAirSensors/AirSensors refs/ Tempratur e-Sensor-(-Bulb-type-).png" }, "asTempPath": { "d": "M46,1c6.611,0.553,13.217,1.198,19.836,1 .638c12.9 41,0.858,25.898,1.487,38.828,2.495c2.451 ,0.19,6.3 93-0.644,6.535,3.618c0.137,4.051,1.832,8 .979z" }, }, } Metasys UI Custom Symbols Technical Bulletin

Custom Behavior To support Custom Behavior, enter the symbol and its configuration into csSymbolMapData.json and csEditorMetaData.json. Use the same symbol name in both locations. Creating JSON for Custom Behavior – csEditorMetaData.json There are 19 Custom Behavior options. You can select the required options for a particular symbol. If the behavior is required, assign binary 1 to the behavior. If the behavior is not required, assign binary 0 to the behavior. Convert the binary values to hexadecimal values, and copy the converted values to the csEditorMetaData file. The following section illustrates the binary to decimal conversion. Table 10: Custom Behavior properties Serial number Behavior name 1 "Show", 2 "Hide", 3 "ChangeColorFloodColor", 4 "ChangeColorFill", 5 "ChangeColorStroke", 6 "ChangeColorText", 7 "FlashFill", 8 "FlashStroke", 9 "FlashTextColor", 10 "FlashFloodColor", 11 "SpanColorFill", 12 "SpanColorStroke", 13 "SpanColorText", 14 "RotateSpan", 15 "RotateSpin", 16 "RotateNormal", 17 "ToolTip", 18 "TextChange", 19 "SpanColorFloodColor" If a symbol supports Custom Behavior, the count value is 1, otherwise the count value is 0. Example: If a symbol supports Custom Behaviors 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 and 8, illustrated in the previous table, then the value for these Custom Behaviors is 1. To create and convert a binary value, complete the following steps: 1. Generate the binary value for the Custom Behavior as follows: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Binary value 1101101100000000000 Metasys UI Custom Symbols Technical Bulletin 23

2. Convert the binary value to a decimal value with a binary to decimal converter. Decimal value 448512 3. Set the value as “All”: 448512 Sample csEditorMetaData.json: { "CS AsiaHumidityValve": { "All": 448512 } Creating JSON for Custom Behavior – csSymbolMapData.json You need the csSymbolMapData.json to define which SVG element the Custom Behavior effect applies to. Complete the following steps to assign an effect to an SVG element. 1. Create a new entry and insert the jci-id of the Custom Symbol. 2. Insert the Custom Behavior effect data. "jci-id of the symbol": { CB effect json data } The following table lists all Custom Behavior effects along with their properties and respective JSON template changes, which a

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DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY Telangana University Dichpally, Nizamabad -503322 (A State University Established under the Act No. 28 of 2006, A.P. Recognized by UGC under 2(f) and 12 (B) of UGC Act 1956)