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TURKISH GRAMMARin practiceA self-study referenceand practice bookfor learners of TurkishYusuf BuzCEFR A1-B1 114 two-page units 3000 practice questions Over 2000 sentencesand dialogues Full key to exercises

ContentsTurkish Grammar in PracticeYusuf BuzFirst published 2016by Foxton Books, London, UKOverview of Turkish Grammar in Practice. 8Introduction .10 Yusuf Buz 2016UNITSISBN: 978-1-911481-00-3ÜNİTE-1Illustrations: Hilmi Simsek and Senol GunesCover Design: Erdal AkcayAll rights reserved. No part of this publication may bereprinted, reproduced or utilized in any form or by anyelectronic, mechanical, or other means, now known orhereafter invented, including photocopying and recording,or in any information storage or retrieval system, withoutpermission in writing from the publishers.A catalogue record for this book is availablefrom the British Library.Printed and bound in Turkey by Ertem Printing and Binding.Printing press certificate number: 26886About the authorYusuf Buz has taught English as a second language forabout 10 years, developing extensive experience assessingand preparing candidates for various proficiency Englishexams in Turkey. Since he moved to the UK in 2004, hetaught Turkish for around 5 years, during which he startedwriting this book. Yusuf is also the author of one of thebestselling books on English Grammar in Turkey. His othertitles include: YDS Exam Pack, Test Your Comprehensionand Vocabulary and Advanced English Learners’ Tests.Author’s acknowledgementsThe author would like to thank Erdal Akcay for hisassistance in the internal design and layout of the book.Thanks are also due to Erhan Ergenler, for his valuablefeedback about the �TE-3ÜNİTE-4Türk Alfabesi. 12Turkish AlphabetSesli Uyumu-1.14Vowel Harmony-1Sesli Uyumu-2.16Vowel Harmony-2Sesli Uyumu-3.18Vowel Harmony-3ÜNİTE-5Sessiz Harflerde Dönüşüm-1 .20ÜNİTE-6Sessiz Harflerde Dönüşüm-2 .22ÜNİTE-7‘olmak’ fiili (geniş zamanda) .24ÜNİTE-8Consonant Mutation-1Consonant Mutation-2the verb ‘to be’ in the present tense‘olmak’ fiili (geçmiş zamanda) .26the verb ‘to be’ in the past tenseÜNİTE-9‘olmak’ (geniş zamanlı koşul cümlesinde -(y)se/-(y)sa).28ÜNİTE-10okula, işe, vs. (to school, to work, etc.).30ÜNİTE-11okulda, işte, vs. (at school, at work, etc.)ÜNİTE-12okuldan, işten, vs. (from school, from work, etc.) .34ÜNİTE-13ÜNİTE-14ÜNİTE-15. var. / . yok. (There is/are ., There isn’t/aren’t . .) .36Bir arabam var./yok. (I have/don’t have a car.) .38Geliyorum. (I am coming.) .40ÜNİTE-16Gelmiyorum. (I am not coming.).42ÜNİTE-17Geliyor musun? (Are you coming?) .44ÜNİTE-18iste- (want), bil- (know), sev- (love).46the verb ‘to be’ in the present conditional tensedative case.32locative caseablative casepresent continuous positivepresent continuous negativepresent continuous questionnon-action verbs

ContentsContentsÜNİTE-19sıfatlar .48ÜNİTE-20sayma sayıları .50ÜNİTE-21adjectivescardinal numberssıra sayıları .52ordinal eri (inside, interior) dışarı (outside, exterior) .92aşağı (down) yukarı (up) .94çok (very, much, many, alot of, too, so)biraz (some, a little, a bit) .96-ce/-ca/-çe/-ça .98adverb-making suffixÜNİTE-22Gelirim. (I come.) .54ÜNİTE-45Geleceğim. (I will come.)ÜNİTE-23Gelmem. (I don’t come.) Gelir misin? (Do you come?) .56ÜNİTE-46Gelmeyeceğim. (I won’t come.) .102ÜNİTE-24Konuşuyordum. (I was talking.) .58ÜNİTE-47Gelecek miyim? (Will you come?) .104ÜNİTE-25Konuşmuyordum. (I wasn’t talking.)Konuşuyor muydun? (Were you talking?) -29bazı (some,certain) bütün (all)hiçbir (no, none of, not . any) çoğu (most) .62hiçbir (no, none of, not . any)hiçbir şey (nothing) herhangi bir (any) .64tane (piece) .66tuzlu (salty) şanslı (lucky) .68ÜNİTE-30tuzsuz (unsalted) şanssız (unlucky) .70ÜNİTE-31yazıcı (printer) koşucu (runner) .72ÜNİTE-32gazeteci (journalist) futbolcu (football player) -60önce (before) şimdi (now) sonra (after) .106hala, daha, henüz (still, yet)artık (no longer, not any more; from now on) .108daima, hep, her zaman, sürekli (always)asla, hiçbir zaman, katiyen, hiç (never).110hiç (never, not . at all) .112saniye (second) dakika (minute) saat (hour) gün (day).114hafta (week) .116sabah (morning) öğle (noon) .118akşam (evening) .120gündüz (daytime, daylight) gece (night-time, night) .122dün (yesterday) bugün (today) yarın (tomorrow).124Saat kaç? (What time is it?) .126Saat kaçta? (What time .?, When . ?) .128iyelik durumu-1 .130ÜNİTE-33çağdaş (modern) Dilekgil (Dilek’s house) bilimsel (scientific) .76ÜNİTE-61iyelik durumu-2 .132ÜNİTE-34arkadaşlık (friendship) kardeşlik (brotherhood) .78ÜNİTE-35ÜNİTE-36-ki (as an adjectival suffix) .80sıfatlarda karşılaştırma ve en üstünlük .82ÜNİTE-62ÜNİTE-63için (for) .134ettirgen çatı-1.136ÜNİTE-64ettirgen çatı-2.138ÜNİTE-37Geldim. (I came.) .84ÜNİTE-38Gelmedim. (I didn’t come.) .86ÜNİTE-39Geldim mi? (Did I come?) .88ÜNİTE-40olarak (as) -69ÜNİTE-70ÜNİTE-71ve (and) de/da (and, also, too, as well) .140hem . hem de (both . and).142ya . ya da (either . or), veya, ya da, yahut, veyahut (or) . 144ne . ne de (neither . nor) .146ile, -(y)le/-(y)la (with, by, and).148ama, fakat, lakin, ne var ki (but) ancak, yalnız (but, only) .150buna rağmen, (ama) bununla birlikte (despite this, nevertheless).152ÜNİTE-26ÜNİTE-27present simple positivepresent simple negative and questionpast continuous positivepast continuous negative and questionthe suffix -li/-lı/-lu/-lüthe suffix -siz/-sız/-suz/-süzthe suffix -ici/-ıcı/-ucu/-ücüthe suffix -ci/-cı/-cu/-cü/-çi/-çı/-çu/-çüthe suffixes -daş, -gil, -selthe suffix (-lik/-lık/-luk/-lük)comparatives and superlativespast simple positivepast simple negativepast simple question.100future tense positivefuture tense negativefuture tense questionthe genitive case-1the genitive case-2the causative case-1the causative case-2

ntentsne var ki, gelgelelim (however), halbuki, oysaki (whereas, though)ne yazık ki, maalesef (unfortunately) güya (allegedly, supposedly) .154ise (whereas, as for, however).156meğer, meğerse (apparently, it seems that .)yoksa (otherwise, if not, I wonder if ) .158çünkü, zira (because, for)bu yüzden, bu nedenle, bu sebeple, bundan dolayı (so, therefore).160hani (you said that, you promised that, you know that)hele (especially, in particular).162nitekim (just so, just as, likewise, as a matter of fact)sakın (don’t you dare).164demek (it means, that is to say) .166diye (so that, as, in case) .168-dığında (when) .170-(y)ince (upon doing somehing, when).172iken, -(y)ken (while, when, as) .174ki (that) as a conjunction-1 .176ki (that) as a conjunction-2 .178ki (as a pronominal suffix – benimki, seninki, onunki, etc.) .180possessive pronounsmadem (ki) (seeing that, now that, considering that) .182-den beri (since, for) .184-den dolayı/ötürü (because of, due to, thanks to).186-dığından dolayı, -dığı için (because, since, as) .188-den yana (as regards)-den başka (apart from)-den itibaren (with effect from) .190ÜNİTE-91 -a/-e doğru (towards)-a/-e karşı (against)-a/-e göre (according to) .192ÜNİTE-92 kadar (about, as . as, until, by, as far as).194ÜNİTE-93 altında (under, below)üstünde (on, over, above) .196ÜNİTE-94 ön (front) arka (back) önünde (in front of) arkasında (behind).198ÜNİTE-95 yanında (beside, next to) .200ÜNİTE-96 karşısında (opposite) .202ÜNİTE-97 içinde (inside) dışında (outside) .204ÜNİTE-98 . hoşuma gidiyor. (I like . .). hoşuma gitmiyor. (I don’t like . .) .206ÜNİTE-99 -meli/-malı (must, should, have to).208ÜNİTE-100 -meliydi/-malıydı (should have) .210ÜNİTE-101 edilgen çatı (geniş zaman – olumlu cümle) .212the passive voice in the present simple positiveÜNİTE-102 edilgen çatı (geniş zaman – olumsuz ve soru cümleleri) .214the passive voice in the present simple negative and questionsÜNİTE-103 edilgen çatı (şimdiki zaman – olumlu cümle).216the passive voice in the present continuous positiveÜNİTE-104 edilgen çatı (şimdiki zaman – olumsuz ve soru cümleleri) .218the passive voice in the present continuous negative and questionsÜNİTE-105 edilgen çatı (geçmiş zaman – olumlu cümle) .220the passive voice in the past simple positiveÜNİTE-106 edilgen çatı (geçmiş zaman – olumsuz ve soru cümleleri) e passive voice in the past simple negative and questions-se/-sa (real conditional) .224-se/-sa (unreal conditional).226-seydi/-saydı (expressing past unreality with the conditional) .228-ebil-/-abil- (can, be able to) .230expressing ability in the present simple tense positive and negativeÜNİTE-111 -ebil-/-abil- (can, be able to) .232expressing ability in the present simple tense questionÜNİTE-112 -ebil-/-abil- (can, be able to) .234expressing offers, requests and permission in the present simple tenseÜNİTE-113 -miş/-mış/-muş/-müş .236reported/heard past tense positiveÜNİTE-114 -memiş/-mamış-miş mi?/-mış mı?/-muş mu?/-müş mü? .238reported/heard past tense negative and questionGRAMMAR ESSENTIALSÜNİTE-1burada (here) şurada (there) orada (over there).242ÜNİTE-2İşte! (There it is!) .243ÜNİTE-3bir (one; only; once) .244ÜNİTE-4birkaç (a few, several) .245ÜNİTE-5gibi (as, like) .246ÜNİTE-6göre (according to) .247ÜNİTE-7ne (what) .248ÜNİTE-8nasıl (how) .249ÜNİTE-9fiiller (verbs) .250ÜNİTE-10 -men/-man gerek(ir) (You need to/should )-men/-man gerekirdi (You should have ) .251ÜNİTE-11 arasında (between, among) .

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