65102-ENV-RPT-0033 DT1432 Rev0

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Australia Pacific LNGSustain PhaseEcological Assessment ReportLot 26 on Plan FTY548 - DT 1432Document No. 65102-ENV-RPT-003325 July 2014

Austrralia Pacific LNGLEccological Asssessment RepportLot 26 on Plan FTY548F– ieweedStudyManagerrSign-offA21/05/14Issued for ReviewwHBCCCCJC025/07/14Issued for UseHBCCCCJCItemPaageSectionnCommentsC* Use afteer Rev. 0432 REV0.DOCX65102-ENV--RPT-0033 DT14Documment No: 65102-ENV-RPT-0033Page iClienntCD

Austrralia Pacific LNGLEccological Asssessment RepportLot 26 on Plan FTY548F– DT1432DisclaimerThis Ecological AssessmentAReportR(Repport) has beeen prepared forf Australia Pacific LNGG Pty Limitedd(Austtralia Pacific LNG) by AMMEC Enviroonment & Inffrastructure AustraliaAPtyy Ltd (AMECC), based onnassummptions as iddentified throoughout the ttext and upon informationn and data ssupplied by others.The RReport is to beb read in thhe context off the methodoology, procedures and teechniques ussed, AMEC’ssassummptions, andd the circumsstances and constraints under which the Report wwas written. The Reporttis to bbe read as a whole, andd sections or parts thereoof should therefore not bee read or reliied upon outtof conntext.AMEC has, in prreparing the Report, folloowed methoddology and procedures,pand exercissed due careeconsiistent with thhe intended level of accuuracy, usingg its professioonal judgmeent and reasoonable care.Howeever, no warranty shoulld be impliedd as to the accuracy of estimates or other values and alllestimmates and othher values arre only valid as at the datte of the Repport and will vvary thereaftter.Partss of the Reeport have beenbpreparred or arranged by Auustralia Pacicific LNG orr third partyycontrributors, as detaileddin thhe documennt. While thhe contents of those parrts have beeen generallyyreviewed by AMEEC for inclussion into thee Report, theey have nott been fully aaudited or soughtsto beeverifieed by AMECC. AMEC is notn in a posittion to, and doesdnot, verrify the accurracy or comppleteness of,,or addopt as its owwn, the informmation and ddata suppliedd by others anda disclaimss all liability, damages orrloss wwith respect to such inforrmation and data.In reespect of alll parts of thhe Report, wwhether or notn preparedd by AMECC no expresss or implieddrepreesentation orr warranty is made by AMMEC or by anny person accting for and//or on behalff of AMEC tooany tthird party thhat the contents of the RReport are veerified, accuraate, suitablyy qualified, reeasonable orrfree ffrom errors, omissions oro other defeects of any kindkor naturre. Third paarties who reely upon theeRepoort do so at theirtown riskk and AMECC disclaims alla liability, daamages or looss with resppect to suchhreliannce.AMEC disclaims any liability, damage andd loss to Ausstralia Pacificc LNG and tto third partiees in respecttof thee publication, reference, quoting or didistribution off the Report or any of its contents to and relianceethereeon by any thhird party.This disclaimer mustmaccomppany every ccopy of this Report,Rwhicch is an integgral documeent and musttbe reead in its entiirety.432 REV0.DOCX65102-ENV--RPT-0033 DT14Documment No: 65102-ENV-RPT-0033Page ii

Austrralia Pacific LNGLEccological Asssessment RepportLot 26 on Plan FTY548F– DT1432CONTENTS1. . . 11.1SSCOPEOF WORKSW. . 11.2DDEFINITIONSS, ABBREVIAATIONS AND DOCUMENT REFEREENCES . 21.2.1Defiinitions . . 21.2.2Abbbreviations. . 21.2.3Doccument Referrences. . 3SITE CONTTEXT . . 5METHODOOLOGY . . 73.1DDESKTOPANND LITERATTURE REVIEEW . . 73.2FFIELDSURVEY . . 83.2.1Veggetation Commmunity Survvey. . 83.2.2Habbitat Surveyss . . 83.2.3Threeatened Florra and Faunaa Survey . . 83.2.4Exootic Flora andd Fauna Survvey . . 93.2.5Distturbance Surrvey . . 93.2.6Wattercourses a nd Wetlandss Survey . . 93.2.7Survvey Limitatioons . . 9RESULTS AND DISCUUSSION . . 104.1DDESKTOPANND LITERATTURE REVIEEW . . 104.2FFIELDSURVEY . . 104.2.1Commmonwealth Environmenntal Matters . . 104.2.2Queeensland Envvironmental Matters . . 124.2.3Wattercourses a nd Wetlandss . . 244.2.4Weeeds and Pessts . . 244.2.5Fauna Habitat FFeatures. . 254.2.6Distturbance . . 25CONCLUSSIONS . . 27TABLESTable 1.1 Definitionss . . 2Table 1.22 Abbreviatioons . . 2Table 1.33 Associatedd Document References . . 3Table 2.1 Site Conteext . . 5Table 3.1 Associatedd Document References . . 7Table 4.1 Commonwwealth Enviroonmental Mattters – Field Survey Resuults . . 11Table 4.22 State Environmental MattersM– Fiel d Survey Reesults . . 133 Ground-truTable 4.3uthed Regionnal Ecosyste ms . . 16Table 4.44 Pest Species Recordedd During the Survey . . 24ATTACHMENTSAttachmment 1 – Sitee Location annd Survey PPointsAttachmment 2 – EPBBC Act Proteected Matterrs Search ResultsRAttachmment 3 – Wilddlife Online Database SSearch432 REV0.DOCX65102-ENV--RPT-0033 DT14Documment No: 65102-ENV-RPT-0033Page iii

Austrralia Pacific LNGLEccological Asssessment RepportLot 26 on Plan FTY548F– DT1432Attachmment 4 – DNRRM Regulated Vegetatioon Managemment MappingAttachmment 5 – EHPP ESA Deskktop ResultssAttachmment 6 – Wattercourses anda WetlanddsAttachmment 7 – Florra and Fauna Species LListAttachmment 8 – Groound-truthed Threatenedd Ecological CommunitiesAttachmment 9 – Groound-truthed Regional EEcosystems and Regrowwth VegetatioonAttachmment 10 – Grround-trutheed Threat-listted SpeciessAttachmment 11 – Grround-trutheed Pest Speccies432 REV0.DOCX65102-ENV--RPT-0033 DT14Documment No: 65102-ENV-RPT-0033vPage iv

Austrralia Pacific LNGLEccological Asssessment RepportLot 26 on Plan FTY548F– DT14321.INTRODDUCTIONThis report provides a descriptiion of the ecologicalevaluesvfounnd within Loot 26 on PlanPhreferrred to as ‘the Site’. The results are bassed on an initial desktopFTY548 hereinassessmeent followedd by a field survey to confirm thee vegetationn communities, flora andafauna speecies, habitaat values annd areas of disturbancee.This report has beenn complied by AMEC Environment & Infrasttructure Australia Pty Ltd(AMEC). TheT field suurveys weree conductedd by ecologists Richardd Floyd (appproved by theofCommonwwealth Deppartment off the Environment (DDoE) (formmerly the DepartmentDSustainabbility, Enviroonment, Waater, Popullation and Communitiees) on 31 March 20111),Trevor Meeers and JamesJGubbby (both approvedaono 13 Septtember 20112) and ChhrisBeavon.1.1Scope off WorksAn ecologgical assesssment survvey was reequired to be carried out on Loot 26 on PlanPFTY548. The surveey was condducted oveer an area of 163 ha ccontained withinwa bufffer3 m in wwidth, centreed on proposed gatheering infrasttructure witthinarea apprroximately 300the Site (ssee Attachmment 1).432 REV0.DOCX65102-ENV--RPT-0033 DT14Documment No: 65102-ENV-RPT-0033Page 1

Austrralia Pacific LNGLEccological Asssessment RepportLot 26 on Plan FTY548F– DT14321.2Definitions, Abbreeviations aand Documment Refeerences1.2.1DefinitionssTable 1.1 DefinitionsDTermDefinition1.2.2Declared plant oranimalPest flora o r fauna speccies as defineed by the Lannd Protectionn (Pest ande Managemeent) Act 20022 and listed uunder the schhedules of thheStock RouteLand Protecction (Pest and Stock Rooute Managemment) Regullation 2003.ProjectAustralia Paacific LNG Project.Special LeeastConcern PlantPA Special L east Concerrn plant is a protectedpplaant as listed byb the Naturereon (Administrration) Regulation 2006ConservatioThe SiteLot and Pla n 26FTY5488The surveey areaA buffer areea approximaately 300 m in width, centtred on proposed well anndgathering innfrastructure.Threat-listtedFlora or fau na species listed as threatened by thhe Environmeent ProtectioonBiodiversityy and Conserrvation Act 1999 and/or thhe Nature Conservation(Wildlife) Reegulation 20006.Trimble The name uused to refer to the data capturecand GPS positioning deviceutilised duri ng the reporrted ecology survey.AbbreviatiionsTable 1.2 ian HHeight DatummBoMBureau of MMeteorologyDMEDepartmentt of Mines annd Energy (QQueensland GGovernment))DNRMThe Departmment of Natuural Resources and Minees (QueenslaandGovernmennt)DoEDepartmentt of the Envirronment (Ausstralian Goveernment)DSEWPaCDepartmentt of Sustainaability, Environment, Wateer, Populatioon andCommunitiees (Australiann Government)EHPDepartmentt of Environmment and Herritage Protecction (QueenslandGovernmennt) (formerly DERMDand EPA)EEPBC ActtEnvironmennt Protection Biodiversity and Conserrvation Act 19999(Australian))ESAEnvironmenntally Sensitivve AreaGTREGround-trutthed Regionaal EcosystemmHaHectaresLNGLiquefied N atural GasLP ActLand Protecction (Pest and Stock Rooute Managemment) Act 20002(Queenslannd)MNESMatters of NNational Environmental SignificanceS432 REV0.DOCX65102-ENV--RPT-0033 DT14Documment No: 65102-ENV-RPT-0033Page 2

Austrralia Pacific LNGLEccological Asssessment RepportLot 26 on Plan FTY548F– DT14321.2.3AbbreviaationDescriptionnNC ActNature Connservation Acct 1992 (Queensland)RERegional EccosystemSLCSpecial Leaast ConcernTECThreatened Ecological CommunitiesCsWoNSWeed of Naational SignifficanceDocumentt ReferencessTable 1.3 AssociatedAReferencesDocument RDocumenntTittleNumber oroshort refeerenceQ-LNG01-15MP-0109.Auustralia Pacifific LNG Envirronmental Coonstraints Pllanning and FieldFDeevelopment PProtocol.BoM (2014)Buureau of Meteeorology - Cllimate statisttics for Austraalian Locatioons. AustraliaanGoovernment, s/tables/cw 042023.shtml. Lastacccessed 31/033/2014.Cropper, S.S C.1993.Maanagement oof endangereed plants. CSSIRO Publishhing, MelbourneDME (20008)Quueensland Geeological Maapping (polyggonised vectoor) Data: Regional & 1:100000 Sheet areass (DVD). Deppartment of MinesMand Ennergy, Queeensland.DNRM (20014)Reegulated Veggetation Management Maap— for the ppurpose of thhe VegetationnMaanagement AAct 1999. Thee Departmennt of Natural Resources anda Mines,Briisbane. nagement/vvegetation-maps/vegetation-map-requuest. Last acccessed31/03/2014.DSEWPaC(2009)Sppecies Profilee and Threatss Database (EPBC(Act LList of ThreattenedEccological Commmunities). DepartmentDofo the Enviroonment, Wateer, Heritageand the Arts, CCanberra. publiclookuupcommunitiees.pl. Last acccessed 17/004/2014.binDoE (2014)Prootected Mattters Search Tool.TDepartmment of Susttainability, Ennvironment,Waater, Populattion and Commmunities. /index.htmml. Last acceessed26/03/2014.EHP (2012)Landzone definnitions. Depaartment of Ennvironment aand Heritage y/regionalBriisbane, Qld. http://www.eecoosystems/lannd zone definitions.html. Last accesssed 31/03/2014.EHP (2014a)Wildlife Online. Department of Environmment and Heeritage Protecction, Brisbane.p.qld.gov.au/wwildlife/wildlife-online/. Laast accessedd 26/03/20144.http://www.ehpEHP (2014b)Maaps of Enviroonmentally Sensitive Areaas. Departmeent of Enviroonment andHeeritage Protecction, Brisbaane, Qld. of environmmentally senssitive areas.php Last acccessed21/05/2014.EHP (2014c)Maap of Referabble Wetlandss. Departmennt of Environnment and ReesourceMaanagement, BBrisbane.432 REV0.DOCX65102-ENV--RPT-0033 DT14Documment No: 65102-ENV-RPT-0033Page 3

Austrralia Pacific LNGLEccological Asssessment RepportLot 26 on Plan FTY548F– DT1432DocumenntNumber oroshort tems//wetlands/refferable-wetlaandsmaaps.html. Lasst accessed 1/04/2014.EHP (2014d)WeetlandMaps – Version 2.00. Department of Environnment and HeritageProotection, Brissbane, Qld. http://wwwhw.ehp.qld.govv.au/wetlandmaps/ Lasttacccessed 01/044/2014.EHP (2014e)Reegional Ecosyystem Descrription Databbase odiversity//regionalecoosystems/inddex.php. Lasst accessed 17/04/2014.Ennvironment PProtection andd Biodiversity Conservatition Act 19999, Departmenntof the Environmment. html.Last accessed 17/04/2014.EPA (2005)etland Mappiing and Classsification Meethodology – Overall Framework – AWeMeethod to Provvide Baselinee Mapping annd Classificaation for Wettlands inQuueensland, VVersion 1.2, EnvironmentaEal Protectionn Agency, QuueenslandGoovernment. tic//pdf/factsmaaps/mappingg-method/p011769aa.pdf. Last accesseed 26/03/20114.Neldner ete al.(2012)Neeldner, V.J., WWilson, B. A., Thompson, E.J. and Diillewaard, H.A. (2012).Meethodology foor Survey annd Mapping ofo Regional EEcosystems anda VegetationCoommunities inn Queenslannd. Version 3.2.Updated3AAugust 20122. QueenslanndHeerbarium, Envvironmental Protection Agency,ABrisbbane.128 pp.Land Protectionn (Pest and Stock Route Managemennt) Act 2002, Queenslandovernment, BBrisbane.Gohttp://www.legi slation.qld.gov.au/legisltnn/current/l/la ndprpsrma02.pdf. Lastacccessed 17/044/2014.Naature Conserrvation (Wildllife) Regulatiion 2006, Quueensland Goovernment,Briisbane.http://www.legi iR066.pdf. Last accesssed 17/04/20014.Sattler andWilliams(1999)Saattler, P.S. annd Williams, R.D. (1999). The Conserrvation Statuus ofQuueensland's BBioregional Ecosystems.EQueenslandd Environmeental ProtectioonAggency, Brisbaane Qld.Waater Act 20000, Queenslannd Government, Brisbanee.http://www.legi dff. Lastacccessed 17/044/2014.432 REV0.DOCX65102-ENV--RPT-0033 DT14Documment No: 65102-ENV-RPT-0033Page 4

Austrralia Pacific LNGLEccological Asssessment RepportLot 26 on Plan FTY548F– DT14322.SITE COONTEXTThe Site is located 717 km northh-east of RomaRand 858 km northh-west of MilesMin centralQ. The Site iis identifiedd as Lot 26 on Plan FFTY548 occcupying a tootaleastern Queensland.area of 4115 ha, 163 hah of whichh was subjeect to the eccology surveey. Further descriptionn ofthe site coontext is proovided in Taable 2.1 andd is shown in Attachmment 1.Table 2.1 SiteS ContexttDescriptionBioregionThe Site iss located in thet Brigalow Belt bioregioon, which coovers an areaaof approxi mately 36,4000,000 ha annd incorporattes much of the landand-New Souuth Wales boorder and Toownsville thattbetween t he Queensla500-750 mm rainfall per annuma(Sattl er and Williaams, 1999).receives 5Although nnot predominnant throughout the entiree area, the bioregionbischaracteri sed by Acaccia harpophyllla (brigalow)) forests andd woodlandsoils (Sattler anda Williams, 1999). Thesse vegetationn communitieeson clay soare estimaated to have covered between 4.7 annd 6 million ha prior toEuropean settlement (Sattler(and Williams,W19999). Other eccosystemswidespread thhroughout thee bioregion innclude eucalypt forest anndthat are wwoodland,, grassland, dry rainforesst, cypress piine woodlandd and ripariaancommunit ies (Sattler anda Williams, 1999).Site descrription andcurrent land useThe Site iss located off Clifford Road, Clifford annd is approxiimately 37 kmmnorth of Y uleba and 533 km south-wwest of Wanddoan. Topography withinn Australian HeightHDatumm (AHD) rangging from 3550the Site iss hilly with anes.370 metreThe Site iss almost entiirely mappedd as remnantt vegetation (DNRM,2014). Sevveral 1st and 2nd order strreams, tributtaries of Kangaroo Creekk,traverse thhe Site.The Site iss a State Forrest that is leeased for graazing activitiees.Soils and geologyBased on the DNRM RegionalREcoosystem (REE) mapping, laand zones 5M, 2014). Lannd zone 5 is describeddassand 9 occ ur within the Site (DNRMearly Quaternnary extensivve, uniform nnear level or gently“Tertiary-eundulatingg plains with sandy or loaamy soils. Inccludes disseccted remnanntsof these s urfaces. Alsoo includes plains with sanndy or loamyy soils ofpremnants with mooderate to deeep soilsuncertain origin, and plateaucrust. Excludees recent Quuaternary alluuvial systemsusually ovverlying duric(land zonee 3), exposedd duricrust (land zone 7),, and soils deerived fromunderlyingg bedrock (laand zones 8 tot 12). Soils are usually TenosolsTanddKandosolss, also minorr deep sandyy surfaced Soodosols and Chromosolss.There mayy be a duricrrust at depth”” (EHP, 20122).mentary rockLandzonee 9 is described as “Fine grainedgsedimks, generallyyor no deformation and ussually formingg undulatingwith little olandscapees. Siltstoness, mudstoness, shales, callcareous seddiments, andlabile sanddstones are typical rock typestalthouggh minor inteerbeddedvolcanics may occur. IncludesIa diverse range o

TEC WoNS Document Table 1.3 A Documen Number o short refe Q-LNG01 MP-0109. BoM (201 Cropper, S 1993. DME (200 DNRM (20 DSEWPa (2009) DoE (201 EHP (201 EHP (201 EHP (201 EHP (201 32_REV0.DOCX tion References ssociated t r rence Tit-15-Au De 4) Bu Go htt acc. C. Ma 8) Qu 00 14) Re Ma Bri ma 31

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