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Annual ationalheadquartersExperian plcNewenham HouseNorthern CrossMalahide RoadDublin 17D17 AY61IrelandExperianCardinal Place80 Victoria StreetLondonSW1E 5JLUnited KingdomExperianThe Sir John Peace BuildingExperian WayNG2 Business ParkNottinghamNG80 1ZZUnited KingdomExperian475 Anton BoulevardCosta MesaCA 92626United StatesSerasa ExperianAlameda dosQuinimuras, 187CEP 04068-900Planalto PaulistaSão PauloBrazilT 353 (0) 1 846 9100F 353 (0) 1 846 9150T 44 (0) 20 304 24200F 44 (0) 20 304 24250T 44 (0) 115 941 0888F 44 (0) 115 828 6341T 1 714 830 7000F 1 714 830 2449T 55 11 3373 7272F 55 11 2847 9198Annual Report 2016Experian, what we doWith 17,000 employees in37 countries, we are theworld’s leading informationservices provider, helpingmillions of people andorganisations every day toprotect, manage and makethe most of their data.Year ended 31 March 2016Annual Report 2016www.experianplc.com/annualreportDiscover ate Responsibility Report 2016www.experianplc.com/crreportCompany websitewww.experianplc.com

Experian Annual Report 2016We believe that datahas the potential totransform lives.Shareholder and corporate informationExperian Share PortalManage your shareholding wherever,whenever, on the Experian Share PortalThe Experian Share Portal is a secure online site where you can Sign up for electronic communications View your holdings and get an indicative valueData is fundamental to the world we live in.We help create clarity from complexity,giving people and businesses the powerto achieve their goals.We do this by using data, analytics andtechnology to help our customers andclients to protect, manage and make themost of their data. View your dividend payment history Get copies of your dividend tax vouchers Choose to receive your dividend direct to your bank account Update your address details Buy and sell shares Register your AGM proxy votes.It only takes a few minutes to register, just visitwww.experianplc.com/shares and have your11-digit Investor Code to hand.Contact detailsVisit the Experian Share Portalwww.experianplc.com/sharesBy emailexperian@capitaregistrars.comBy postExperian Shareholder ServicesCapita Registrars (Jersey) Limited,PO Box 532, St Helier, Jersey,JE4 5UW, Channel IslandsBy telephoneCall 44 800 141 2952 (or 0371 664 9245 for calls within the UK).Calls are charged at the standard geographic rate and will vary byprovider. Calls from outside the UK are charged at the applicableinternational rate. Lines are open between 9.00am and 5.30pm,Monday to Friday excluding public holidays in England and Wales.Printed and bound by Empress Litho.This document is printed on paper produced at a mill that is FSC and EMAS certified.FSC – Forest Stewardship Council. This ensures there is an audited chain of custody fromthe tree in the well-managed forest through to the finished document in the printing factory.ISO 14001 – A pattern of control for an environmental management system againstwhich an organisation can be credited by a third party.ISO 9001 – A pattern of control for quality management againstwhich an organisation can be credited by a third party.Carbon Balancing by the World Land Trust tackles climate change through projects that bothoffset carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and conserve biodiversity.185

Experian Annual Report 2016Our stories2330Opening thedoor to creditfor smallbusinessownersEmpoweringyou to takecontrol ofyour credit32Sharingknowledge tohelp a businessand a 36A simplebankingproductmaking a bigchange tolivelihoods51Bringingtransparencyto yourhealthcare billsProtectingyour identityonline53Making adifference withmicrofinance54CreditEducator inpractice –feedback froma customer inthe USA55Bringingbusinessideas to life01

02Experian Annual Report 2016At a glanceSee pageSee pageOUR BUSINESSMODELOUR BUSINESSACTIVITIES04How we deliver a powerful rangeof services and create value0608Our business is organised acrossfour groups of business activitiesOur strategy maximises ourcore strengths in data, analytics,software and our expertiseSee pageSee pageCHIEF EXECUTIVE’SREVIEWOUR PEOPLE26Brian Cassin’s review of theyear ended 31 March 2016ContentsSee pageOUR STRATEGY46We aim to create a great placefor our people to workSTRATEGIC REPORT04Our business model38Financial review06Our business activities46Our people08Our strategy52Corporate responsibility10Key performance indicators12Principal risksGOVERNANCE22Viability statement58Chairman’s introduction24Chairman’s statement60UK Corporate Governance Code26Chief Executive’s review62Board of directors30North America64Corporate governance report32Latin America82Report on directors’ remuneration34UK and Ireland103 Directors’ report36EMEA/Asia Pacific

Experian Annual Report 2016See pageSee pageCORPORATERESPONSIBILITYGOVERNANCE52How we help people to gain accessto essential, everyday services58An insight into our governanceframework and the Board’s activitiesSee pageSee pageBOARD OFDIRECTORSFINANCIALSTATEMENTS62107An overview of our directors’skills and experienceFINANCIAL STATEMENTS108 Independent auditor’s reportCompany financial statementsGroup financial statements170 Company financial statements113 Group income statement172 Notes to the Companyfinancial statements114 Group statement ofcomprehensive income115 Group balance sheetSHAREHOLDER INFORMATION116 Group statement of changesin total equity183 Shareholder and corporateinformation117 Group cash flow statement118 Notes to the Groupfinancial statementsp00To help you get the most from this report,we have used this page reference symbolto indicate where additional informationcan be found.RoundingsCertain financial data have been roundedin this report. As a result, the totals of datapresented may vary slightly from the actualarithmetic totals of the data.03

04Strategic report Our business modelOur business modelWhat we doWe bring together people, data, analytics and software to deliver a powerfulrange of services for consumers and clients. In doing so, we help them torealise their ambitions, and create significant value for society. Our businessmodel is based on a set of substantial competitive SWE ARE AFFECTED BY AND RESPOND TO THE WORLD AROUND USWE TAKE THESE INPUTS:AND COMBINE THEM WITH OUR STRENGTHS IN:Demographic information RentalIdentity Utility Public recordsKnown fraud Eligibility RetailAutomotive Tradeline data InsuranceHealthcare payments Online and socialDATAWe hold and manage powerful data setsincluding credit data on 918 million peopleand 107 million businesses, and marketingdata on 700 million peopleANALYTICS & SOFTWAREClient conversations Industry insightData laboratories Predictive modelsMathematics Computer scienceCreativity AlgorithmsWe design and build cutting-edgesoftware and models which interpretdata and, by creating insights, enableit to be acted onDiversity and inclusion policiesRecognising and rewarding performanceLearning and development Career progressionLeadership programmes Global mobilityopportunities Community involvementOURCOMPETITIVEADVANTAGESUNDERPIN OURBUSINESS:PEOPLEWe have 17,000 people working togetheraround the world, including industryexperts, consultants, data modellers,engineers and scientistsWe organiseourselves acrossfour MARKETINGSERVICESCONSUMERSERVICESAn integrated approachGlobal reachWe combine our expertise and capabilitiesin data, analytics and software to developsophisticated, innovative solutions for ourclients that are market-driven and givethem a rapid return on their investment.We support and service both localand global clients, and our peopleshare best practice and innovationacross our regions to better servethem and better serve consumers.Operating within a strict data security and risk management framework:

Strategic report Our business modelOur strategy builds on and reinforces these advantages, so we canmaximise the value we create for our shareholders in the long term.A full description of our four business activities is on the following pages.TO UNLOCK OPPORTUNITIES FOR:IndividualsFamiliesSMEsFinancial institutionsInsurance tive industryCar buyersCREATING SIGNIFICANT VALUE ACROSS SOCIETY:Credit reportsdeliveredHelped clientsprevent fraudworth over1.7bnUS 500m 5.4m peopleBenchmarkearningsper rns89.1UScUS 8mUS 972m 38,000Reach of our socialinnovation productsVolunteeringhoursOne-on-one conversationswith consumersSupportedfraud victimsReducedtotal carbonemissions by7,775,00045,0006%ScaleRobust financialsWe invest in new products, buildingthem centrally to be deployed locally,reducing cost and allowing our clientsto standardise their operations withour products.We are a highly cash-generative business withlow capital intensity. We carefully manage ouroperations with a focus on resource allocationand reinvestment, in order to generate andpreserve value for our shareholders.policies, processes and controls, monitoring and testing05

06Strategic report Our business activitiesOur business activitiesCredit ServicesWe manage data that helpsbusinesses and organisations to lendfairly, consistently and responsibly,and prevent fraud.50%This includes information on how peopleand businesses have repaid credit inthe past and the details of their previousapplications for credit.Contribution toGroup revenueLenders use this data to make informedcredit decisions, from setting termsfor new accounts, through to effectivemanagement of existing customer andsupplier relationships.REVENUE BY REGIONNorth AmericaLatin AmericaUK and IrelandEMEA/Asia Pacific55%26%12%7%Decision AnalyticsContribution toGroup revenueOur sophisticated technology helpsour clients to access, understand andinterpret the vast quantities of data thatthey generate and are exposed to. Itallows them to make fast and efficientdecisions, provide their customers withgreat service, improve performance andgrow their business.REVENUE BY REGION29%6%41%24%Although the laws governing datahosting and access vary by country,access to our data is strictly controlled.To check the credit history of a personor business and to store data with us, acompany must have a legitimate reasonfor doing so and applicants are notifiedin markets when required.Market position – we are the numberone or two in most of our markets.Competitors – include Equifax,TransUnion and Dun & Bradstreet.Financial characteristics – primarilytransactional, pricing is volume-tiered,per report delivered.Decisions are based on factualinformation, helping to ensure thatcustomers are treated more fairly whenWe use expertise, science andanalytics to unlock the potentialof data, so that people andbusinesses may act on theknowledge held within.13%North AmericaLatin AmericaUK and IrelandEMEA/Asia PacificThey can quickly assess whether a creditproduct is suitable for an individual orbusiness and whether they can afford torepay it, helping to ensure that credit isextended responsibly.applying for credit and widening accessto credit across society, by providing anobjective basis for assessing risk.For example, our software automatesand drives the process when a personapplies online for a bank loan. Thisincludes checking the person’s creditstatus and their ability to repay the loan,applying the bank’s lending criteria,running anti-fraud checks and giving ananswer – all within a matter of secondsfor a process that previously took days.We help our clients do this for hundredsof millions of applications every year.By bringing together our expertise, data,analytics and software platforms, weprovide a powerful range of services: We combine our data with clientand other third-party data, thenapply analytical models to transformit into meaningful information,helping our clients find answersto their questions. Our platforms help clients carry outeverything from the simple to thecomplex: from managing day-to-dayactivities, such as compiling,standardising and retrieving data, tomanaging workflows and strategicdecision making. Our industry experts workcollaboratively with our clients. Theylisten to them, identify issues andfocus on the wider context of theirbusiness, so as to provide solutionsthat add value to their business andimprove performance.Market position – we are a marketleading provider in our major regions.Competitors – include Fair Isaac, IBM,SAS and smaller niche providers.Financial characteristics – scoresand checks are sold on a transactional,volume-tiered basis. Software and systemsales include implementation fees,recurring licence fees and transactions.

Strategic report Our business activitiesMarketing ServicesWe help brands around the worldto connect with people, wheneverthey communicate and engage withthem and on whatever device theyare using.sets, linking records at the customeraccount level and enhancing them withthird-party data. This helps to ensuredata is accurate, up-to-date and providesa holistic picture of a customer.Contribution toGroup revenueWe use our strengths in datamanagement and analytics to create apicture of who our clients’ customersare, pulling together data from manysources. This helps our clients toidentify their best customers andbetter understand their interests andmotivations so that they may createoffers which are relevant.REVENUE BY REGIONUsing this information, our clients canincrease customer retention by rewardingcustomer loyalty. They can also find newcustomers to interact with, and increaseengagement by developing the mostappropriate and personalised offers.Our marketing platform helps clientsto plan, manage and execute theircampaigns quickly and efficiently.It allows them to communicatewith their customers, with the rightmessage, through their preferred pointof contact, whether by post, email orsocial media, as well as measure thesuccess of a campaign and the returnon their investment.16%North AmericaLatin AmericaUK and IrelandEMEA/Asia Pacific52%3%27%18%High-quality, accurate data is crucialto a brand’s ability to connect withcustomers and deliver the products andservices they want. We help our clientsto verify, validate and cleanse their dataConsumer Services21%Contribution toGroup revenueA credit report includes how a personhas repaid their credit in the past, suchas credit cards, car loans, utility billsand mortgages, and forms the basisfor their credit score. This measuresthe likelihood that they will repay whatthey owe and is used by lenders tounderstand the risk of lending to them.REVENUE BY REGIONNorth AmericaUK and IrelandWe provide online access to aperson’s credit report and score,giving them the tools to understandand improve their financial status,and helping to protect against fraudand identity theft.73%27%Using our online services, people canmonitor their credit score, learn aboutmanaging their finances and find waysto improve it themselves. They can callour helplines and speak directly with usfor extra support and information. Animproved credit score may help a personto negotiate better rates for loans, creditcards and mortgages.Market position – we hold leadingpositions in our three focus areas:data, data quality and crosschannel marketing.Competitors – include Acxiom, Adobe,Epsilon, IBM, Oracle, Salesforce.comand Teradata.Financial characteristics –transactional, volume-tiered charges,data licences and subscription fees.Our identity protection services givepeople peace of mind, by helping toprotect their identity and detect whenthis may have been compromised orstolen. Every day we check a person’scredit report for changes that mightindicate identity theft and, in the eventof fraud, give people access to ourdedicated fraud resolution experts. Wescan the wider web and social networksin real time for the unauthorisedpresence of personal, contact andfinancial information, to help preventidentity fraud before it happens.Market position – a market leader inthe USA and the UK.Competitors – include CallCredit, CreditKarma, Noddle, Equifax, Fair Isaac,TransUnion and other niche providers.Financial characteristics – monthly feefor direct-to-consumer subscriptions or afree base with pay-as-you-consume addons, and revenue or profit share basis foraffinity partnerships.07

08Strategic report Our strategyOur strategySummaryOur strategy is centred on delivering world-class expertise toorganisations, transforming our relationship with consumersand delivering growth consistently, underpinned by foundationscrucial to our success.Our growthagendaStrengthen our position asthe market leader incore ersat the heart ofwhat we doBroaden our relationshipswith consumers and diversifyproduct offeringsOur goalsConsumerServicesA cultureof winningtogetherShape the future of healthcarewith data-driven products thatimprove outcomes for providers,payers and consumersHealthDisciplinedcapitalallocation

Strategic report Our strategyTogether, these will help us become the world leader in poweringdata-driven opportunities so we can create a better tomorrowfor our people, our customers and society. Here we outlinewhat we aim to achieve in our growth agenda.p26 lease see the Chief Executive’s review for more onPhow we have implemented our strategy this year.Businessinformation Be a dynamic,positive force inconsumers’ livesGreatclientoutcomes Be first forclient excellence Grow strongly byinvesting in ourbusiness and peopleApowerfulbrandMove beyond the core commercialcredit market with innovativeproducts and analyticsMarketingServicesEnhance our data and audiencesolutions to help clients improvetheir marketing activitiesLeading,innovativeproductsSoftwareand fraudMeet the growing demand fromclients to address their complexdecision-making and fraudprevention needs09

10Strategic report Key performance indicatorsKey performance indicatorsSummaryMeasuring our business, whether in financial, employee-related orenvironmental terms, allows us to assess how well we have performedrelative to our strategic and operational plans over the past year.Our key performance indicators show how we have delivered on ourcommitments, so that we can build on that success and shapeour future strategy.Organic revenue growth (%)EBIT (US m) and EBIT margin (%)Aim: To deliver mid single-digit organic revenuegrowth consistently2016151413125%5%1%5%8%10%We are focused on driving organic revenue growth to deliverstrong growth in Benchmark EPS. This year we have achievedour aim and organic revenue growth at constant exchangerates was 5%, which is within our target mid single-digit range.See the Chief Executive’s review for the main drivers of ourimproved performance.US 1,195mAim: T o operate our business efficiently andcost 16926.7%27.3%27.4%27.1%26.2%We measure EBIT and EBIT margin as they show how wellwe turn revenue growth into profitability and help us allocateresources. This year, EBIT was US 1,195m, down 6% at actualexchange rates and up 5% at constant rates. EBIT margin fromcontinuing activities was 26.7%, flat year-on-year before theimpact of foreign exchange rates, down 60 basis points overall.Both EBIT and EBIT margin relate to continuing activities only, with numbersreported for 2015 restated to reflect discontinuing activities arising in 2016.Return on capital employed (‘ROCE’)Benchmark PBT per share (US cents)UScAim: To generate good returns and deliver long-termvalue for shareholdersAim: T o deliver profit growth, while balancinginvestment in the business andshareholder 5.1%ROCE measures the return generated on the capital we haveinvested in the business, whether through internal investmentor externally through acquisitions, and reflects our ability to addshareholder value over the long term. This year ROCE increasedto 15.4%, up 0.5 percentage points on the prior year.p90ROCE is a directors’ remuneration measure201615141312118.6126.0125.7120.3114.1This is one of the measures we use to track how we are growingvalue for our shareholders. This year, Benchmark PBT per sharewas 118.6 cents, down 6% at actual exchange rates and up 5%at constant rates.p89Benchmark PBT per share from continuing activitiesat constant rates is a directors’ remuneration measureSee note 6 to the Group financial statements for definitions of: organic revenue growth, EBIT, ROCE, Benchmark PBT per share, and operating cash flowand cash flow conversion. Further information is given in the Financial review.

Strategic report Key performance indicatorsRevenue by customer segmentFinancial ve31%19%8%6%5%Telecoms and utilitiesInsuranceMedia and technologyGovernment and public sectorOther5%4%3%2%17%Operating cash flow (US m) and cash flow conversion (%)US 1,270mAim: To convert at least 90% of EBIT into operating cash 5%104%101%94%96%Cumulative operating cash flow is a directors’ remuneration measureWe have again generated strong operating cash flow as apercentage of EBIT. The conversion of EBIT into operating cashflow was strong this year at a rate of 105%. Operating cashflow, although down on the prior year due to foreign exchangemovements and business divestments, remains strong atUS 1.3bn.Sustainable engagement (%)Aim: To ensure Experian is a great place to work, attracting and retaining the best people20151478%Experian Group employee engagement78% 86%79% 86%Willis Towers Watson Global High Performing Companies Norm¹We survey our employees to understand how they feel about working at Experian. Our Global People Survey measures sustainableengagement levels and gathers feedback. From this, we can address concerns, shape future plans and make sure our people play a partin how the business develops. Our most recent survey showed that employee engagement remains fairly stable at 78%.1 There was a change in the 2015 survey methodology, and the comparative 2014 results have been retrospectively recalculated to account for this change.Greenhouse gas emissions (000s CO2e tonnes¹)Aim: To minimise as far as possible our impact on the ildingsTravel39.814.7 CO2e emission perUS 1,000 of revenue(kilogrammes) CO2e emission per full-timeequivalent employee (tonnes) Total CO2e emission (000s tonnes):BuildingsTravelWe want to take care of the environment and one way we can do this is to reduce the energy use at our offices and data centres, andfrom employee travel. We measure energy use through carbon dioxide emissions, which we are committed to steadily reducing. Thisyear we reduced our total carbon footprint by 6% to 54,503 tonnes of CO2e, exceeding our short-term 2016 reduction target of 5%.The reduction was predominantly due to more efficient equipment at a data centre and office consolidation. By 2018, we are aimingto reduce our CO2e emissions per US 1,000 of revenue by 5%.For further information please refer to the Corporate Responsibility report at www.experianplc.com/crreport.1 CO2 equivalent tonnes.11

12Strategic report Principal risks – identifying and managing riskPrincipal risks – identifyingand managing riskIntroductionRisk management is an essential element of how we run Experian,to help us deliver long-term shareholder value and to protect ourbusiness, people, assets, capital and reputation.Successful management of existingand emerging risks is critical to thelong-term success of our business andto achieving our strategic objectives.To seize the opportunities in frontof us, we must accept risk to areasonable degree and manage thatrisk appropriately. Risk management istherefore an integral component of ourcorporate governance.Our risk and control governanceBoard – The Board has overallresponsibility for determining, andkeeping under review throughoutthe year, the nature and extent of theprincipal risks it is willing to take withinour strategy, setting our overarchingrisk appetite and ensuring that risksare appropriately managed across theGroup. The Board delegates oversightof certain risk management activitiesto the Audit Committee.Audit Committee – The AuditCommittee regularly monitors theprincipal risks and uncertaintiesidentified by the Group’s risk assessmentprocesses, along with strategiesdeveloped and actions taken, wherepossible, to mitigate them. It alsoreviews the effectiveness of the Group’ssystem of risk management and internalcontrols that supports the identification,assessment and reporting of risk.Executive committeesThe Executive Risk ManagementCommittee comprises senior Groupexecutives, including the executivedirectors and the Company Secretary.Its primary responsibility is to overseethe management of global risks. Theregional risk management committeesoversee the management of regionalrisks. The Tax and Treasury Committeeoversees the management of financialrisks, including tax, credit, liquidity,funding, market and currency risks.Each committee is responsible forensuring these risks remain consistentwith Experian’s risk appetite, strategiesand objectives.The Group Operating Committeecomprises the Group’s most seniorexecutives. Its remit includes identifying,debating and achieving consensus onissues involving strategy, risk, growth,people and culture, and operationalefficiency. It also focuses on ensuringstrong communication and co-operativeworking relationships among theexecutive team. Its meetings tend to beissues oriented and focus on selectedGroup issues worthy of discussion.The global and regional strategicproject committees comprise the mostsenior global and regional executives.Their remit is to oversee a process toensure that all strategic projects areappropriately resourced, risk assessedand commercially, financially andtechnically appraised. Depending onthe outcome of their discussions, thecommittees’ conclusions are thenconsidered by the Board or relevantGroup Principal Operating Subsidiaryfor approval.Executive managementExecutive management implementsand takes day-to-day responsibility forBoard policies on risk managementand internal control. In doing so,management designates internalresponsibilities and accountabilitiesthrough the design and implementationof necessary systems of internal control.Risk and control governance structureBoardAudit CommitteeExecutive Risk Management CommitteeTax onal riskmanagementcommitteesExecutive managementGroup OperatingCommittee

Strategic report Principal risks – identifying and managing riskRisk managementOur risk management frameworkThe Board is responsible for maintainingand reviewing the effectiveness ofour risk management activities froma financial, operational and strategicperspective. These activities aredesigned to identify and manage,rather than eliminate, the risk of failureto achieve business objectives or tosuccessfully deliver our businessstrategy. Our risk managementframework supports the successfulrunning of the business, by identifyingand where possible managing risksto an acceptable level and deliveringassurance on these.Tone at the topSustaining acultureof integrity andethical valuesOur risk identification processes followa dual approach, seeking to identifyrisks using: A bottom-up approach at abusiness unit or country level.This approach identifies those riskswhich threaten an individual businessunit activity and are managedby the business unit. To providevisibility of wider issues within thebusiness, these are consolidatedConsumers at theheart of what we doA culture ofwinning togetherCommitmentto maintaining astrong risk andcontrol cultureCommitmentto competencyRisk managementMonitorDisciplined capitalallocationA powerfulbrandThe risk management framework hasbeen built to identify, evaluate, analyse,mitigate and monitor those risks thatthreaten the successful achievement ofour business strategy and objectives,within our risk appetite. More detailregarding the specific actions andprocesses underlying each element ofthe risk management process can befound in the Governance section.IdentifyRiskappetiteMitigateAnalyseGreat clientoutcomesEvaluateLeading, innovativeproductsPrincipal risk profile Business conduct risk Non-resilient IT/businessenvironment Undesirable investmentoutcomes Loss or inappropriateuse of data and systems New legislation or changes inregulatory enforcement Increasing competition Dependency on highlyskilled personnelIMPACTRisks are owned and managed within thebusiness, and formally reviewed at leastevery quarter. To supplement businessself-assessments, global governanceteams form a second line of defence,executing information security, regulatorycompliance and business continuityrisk and control reviews. Internal Auditprovides a third line of defence, byexecuting independent and objective riskand control assessments. The resultsof these reviews feed into the quarterlyreporting cycle. Risks are overseen andsupervised through the Executive andregional risk management committees.Business strategy Data ownership,access and integrity Failure to comply with lawsand regulations Adverse and unpredictablefinancial markets or fiscaldevelopmentsLIKELIHOODat the regional and global level.Higher rated risks are escalatedto the regional and Executive riskmanagement committees. A top-down approach at theglobal level. This approachidentifies those principal risks whichthreaten delivery of our strategyand objectives. The diagram abovesummarises our principal risk profile.During the year under review, we begandeployment of a global issue trackingsystem tha

Experian Share Portal Manage your shareholding wherever, whenever, on the Experian Share Portal The Experian Share Portal is a secure online site where you can Sign up for electronic communications View your holdings and get an indicative value View your dividend p

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