Dyna-flo Replacement Parts For Dyna-flo & Fisher Control .

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Parts listed in this bulletin are manufactured byDyna-Flo for use in Dyna-Flo Models 360, 361, &362 and Fisher Design ED, ET, and ES ControlValves. All parts are 100% interchangeable betweenthese series of Dyna-Flo and Fisher valves.Similarly, parts listed for the Dyna-Flo DF2000series and the Fisher D series are interchangeable,as are the actuator parts for the Dyna-Flo DFO/DFCseries and the Fisher 657/667 series.Dyna-Flo 360 Control ValveThis bulletin includes only common parts for E bodyvalves and actuators. For other materials and parts,including parts for DF363/Fisher EZ, the Dyna-Flo390 & 560 series, and Fisher HP and V100/200series, contact your Dyna-Flo sales office.Fisher ET Control ValveFisher is a registered trademark of Fisher Controls International, Inc.Fisher is not associated with Dyna-Flo in any way, nor has Fisher approved or otherwise reviewed any products made by Dyna-Flo.

Manufactured Replacement PartsFor Fisher E Body &DYNA-FLO 360 Series ValvesPacking StudQty. 2 RequiredPacking NutQty. 2 RequiredUpper Stem WiperPTFE SEAT DETAILSPacking FlangePacking FollowerDisk (Key #3)Packing SetQty. 2 required for NACEDisk Retainer (Key #2)Packing Spacer/ Spring WasherDisk Seat (Key #1)Lower Wiper (Included in Packing Set)Packing Box RingBonnet StudGasket Set (Key #4)Bonnet NutSeal Ring(Key #5)BonnetBack-up Ring(Key #6)Plug-Stem Assembly(Key #9)Cage (Key #7)Seat Ring Gasket(Included in Set)Seat Ring(Key #8)BodyFor pricing see following pageSpecialists in Fisher Process Control EquipmentEdmonton, Alberta, CanadaPasadena, Texas, USA

Manufactured Replacement Parts360 & E Body Disk SeatKey #1Material - 316 SSTSizePart #1”1V71023507D1 �1V71173309D6”1V71203309D8”20A4467X01D360 & E Body Disk RetainerKey #2DISKDISK SEATDISK RETAINERMaterial - 316SSTSizePart #1”1V71003507D1 �1V71153309D6”1V71183309D8”10A4466X01D360 & E Body DiskKey #3SizeMaterial - PTFEPart A4468X01DSpecialists in Fisher Process Control EquipmentEdmonton, Alberta, CanadaPasadena, Texas, USA

Manufactured Replacement Parts360 & E Body Gasket SetKey #4Material - 316 SST/GraphiteTemperature 450 oFSizePart #1”RGASKETX31D1 �RGASKETX36D6”RGASKETX37D8”RGASKETX23D360 & E Body Seal RingKey #5Material - Carbon Filled PTFESizePart #1”1V65910509D1 �1V65990509D6”1V66010509D8”10A3261X01D360 & E Body Back-up RingsKey #6Material - Fluoroelastomer Std.Optional materials availableSizePART#1”1V65900529D1 �1V65980529D6”1V66000529DSpecialists in Fisher Process Control EquipmentEdmonton, Alberta, CanadaPasadena, Texas, USA

Manufactured Replacement Parts360 & E BodyPlug/Stem AssemblyKey ��1V6571X003D1V6571X005D1 5356X02DAvailable to NACE specification360 & E Body Plug or Stem OnlySizeMaterialMaterialMaterialMaterial416SST PLUG316SST PLUG1”1V65714617D1V65713507D316SST STEM1U38883516DNITRONIC 50 STEM1U3888NT50D1 s in Fisher Process Control EquipmentEdmonton, Alberta, CanadaPasadena, Texas, USA

Manufactured Replacement Parts360 & E Body CageKey #7Size17-4PH SST316 ID2U74104893DMost other sizes and flow characteristics are availableSpecialists in Fisher Process Control EquipmentEdmonton, Alberta, CanadaPasadena, Texas, USA

Manufactured Replacement Parts360 & E Body Metal Seat RingsKey #8SizeMaterial416 SSTMaterial316 SST1”1U22254617D1U22253507D1 3260X02DSpecialists in Fisher Process Control EquipmentEdmonton, Alberta, CanadaPasadena, Texas, USA

Manufactured Replacement PartsFor Fisher D Body &DYNA-FLO DF2000 Series ValvesStem Wiper (Key #6)NutQty. 2 RequiredPacking FlangeStudQty. 2 RequiredPacking FollowerBonnet/Bushing Assembly (Key #7)Packing Spacer/ Spring WasherPacking SetQty. 2 required for NACE (Key #5)Bonnet Gasket (Key #4)Plug-Stem Assembly (Key #2)Seat Ring (Key #1)Seat Ring Gasket (Key #3)Specialists in Fisher Process Control EquipmentEdmonton, Alberta, CanadaPasadena, Texas, USABody

Manufactured Replacement PartsFisher D Body Valve PartsKey #4Key #3Key #6Key #5D Body Repair KitKey #2Includes keys: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5(1 only) & 6Material - 316 SST/Alloy 6Key #1Body/Port SizePart 8”RDX00TRM22DBody SizePart TRM26DD Body Packing & Gasket KitIncludes keys: 3, 4, 5(1 only) & 6Material - SST/TFE2” D Body Bonnet/BushingAssemblyKey #7Material - SA350 - LF2/17-4 H1150Body SizePart #2”2F14322409D1”2F1383000ADSpecialists in Fisher Process Control EquipmentEdmonton, Alberta, CanadaPasadena, Texas, USA

Manufactured Replacement PartsFor FISHER 657/667 Spring &Diaphragm Actuator& DYNA-FLO DFO/DFC actuatorsActuator Vent (Key #6)Travel StopCap ScrewActuator Diaphragm(Key #4)LowerDiaphragm PlateUpperDiaphragm PlateActuator Gasket (Key #1)(part of Actuator Repair Kit)O-Ring (Key #2)O-Ring (Key #3)ActuatorBushing, Seal (Key #5)O-Ring (Key #2)(all included in Actuator Repair Kit)Actuator Stem (Key #7)Actuator Spring (Key #8)Spring SeatAdjusting NutYokeTravel ScaleSpecialists in Fisher Process Control EquipmentEdmonton, Alberta, CanadaPasadena, Texas, USA

Manufactured Replacement PartsDFC & 667 Actuator VentKey #6Part #Material - PlasticY602-ID 27A5516X01DDFO & 657 Actuator StemSizePart #30IE79272410D34IE87292410D40IE80712410D45 - 46IJ33292410D50 - 60IE83242410D70IN12942410DDFC & 667 Actuator StemKey #7Material - Steel/Chrome PlateSizePart #302E8016X002D343E8847X001D402E8209X004D45 & 462J3328X004D50 & 602E8461X004D702N13172422DDFO/DFC & 657/667Actuator SpringsKey #8For pricing see following pageSizePart 4-401E80582708D701N12872708DSpecialists in Fisher Process Control EquipmentEdmonton, Alberta, CanadaPasadena, Texas, USA

Manufactured Replacement PartsKey #1667 Actuator Repair KitKey #2 (2)Includes Keys: 1, 2 (2) & 3Key #3SizePart #30R667X00030D34 & 40R667X00040D45 through 60R667X00050D70R667X00070D657 Actuator DiaphragmKey #4SizePart #302E79190220D34 & 402E67000220D45 & 502E85950220D46 & 602585970220D702N12690220D667 Actuator DiaphragmKey #4SizePart #302E80000220D34 & 402E66990220D45 & 502E85960220D46 & 602E85980220D667 Actuator Bushing, Seal702N13090220DKey #5SizePart #34 through 4045 through 601E68281401D1E84571401D701 N1316X005DSpecialists in Fisher Process Control EquipmentEdmonton, Alberta, CanadaPasadena, Texas, USA

SALES OFFICESCVI Solutions. Ltd.11001 S. Wilcrest DriveSuite 125Houston, Texas, USAPhone: (281) 988-0400Fax: (281) 988-0500Email: sales@cvisolutions.comCVI Solutions. Ltd.225 NE 38th TerraceOklahoma City, Oklahoma, USAPhone: (405) 521-0701Fax: (405) 521-0704Email: FLO.COM

Dyna-Flo 360 Control Valve Fisher ET Control Valve This bulletin includes only common parts for E body valves and actuators. For other materials and parts, including parts for DF363/Fisher EZ, the Dyna-Flo 390 & 560 series, and Fisher HP

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Fisher is not associated with Dyna-Flo in any way, nor has Fisher approved or otherwise reviewed any products made by Dyna-Flo. Dyna-Flo 360 Control Valve Fisher ET Control Valve This bulletin includes only common parts for E body valves and actuators. For other materials and parts, including parts for DF363/Fisher EZ, the Dyna-Flo

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process control applications where a high level of quality, reliability and delivery are required. With over 100 years of Fisher factory trained experience, Dyna-Flo can size, select, and service a Control Valve for most any application. DYNA-FLO TODAY

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