101 Affirmations For Prosperity - Jolen Philbrook

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101Affirmations for ProsperityJolen Philbrook

Copyright 2018 Jolen PhilbrookAll rights reserved.All rights reserved. No part of the book may be used or reproducedin any manner without written permission for the author andpublisher.Jolen PhilbrookJolen@JolenPhilbrook.comDisclaimer: The information and recommendations in this book arepresented in good faith and for general information purposes only.Every effort has been made to ensure the materials presented areaccurate, current and up to date at the time, and web addresses wereactive at the time of publication. All information is supplied on thecondition that the reader or any other person receiving theinformation will do their own due diligence and make their owndetermination as to its suitability for any purpose prior to any use ofthis information. The purpose of this material is to educate andentertain. The author does not treat, heal or cure. The author, JolenPhilbrook, and any affiliated companies shall have neither liability norresponsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss ordamage caused or alleged to have been caused, directly or indirectly,by the information contained in this book.ISBN: 7154123ISBN-13: 978-1546565666


"How does one become a butterfly, "she asked pensively,"You must want to fly,so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar." Trina Paulus“The Butterfly gathers strength as it leaves the known cocoon.Spreading its wings flying into the unknown.Allowing its beauty to shine as it spreads its wings in glory.” Lorin Rose

IntroductionThis book came to be as I listened to my clients tell me all about theirproblems and what wasn’t working in their life. It seemed to me, as ifit was Divine inspiration, when an affirmation popped out of mymouth to assist my clients in turning their life around.I love hearing my clients say, “Wow! That was great.” “What was thatagain?” “Can you say it again?” What was hard for me wasremembering what I said. Funny thing about Divine guidance. Itreally touches your heart, when you hear it.These affirmations have been divinely channeled to me. As you readthese affirmations allow the words to sink in and feel them.There is no right way or wrong way to read this book. Start at thebeginning and read the book from cover to cover or ask forguidance. What I do is close my eyes and while holding the book inmy hands. I flip through the pages, back and forth a few times. Iquietly ask Spirit the question, “What do I need to know today?”Then open the book. Whatever page you open is exactly what youneed to know. It is the right message for you, today.EnjoyIn love and light,Jolen Philbrook

How To Use This Book101 Affirmations for Prosperity will assist you in shifting your mindtowards prosperity instead of lack and limitation. You can start at thebeginning of the book and read through the affirmations or use yourintuition and open the book to what you need to read for that day. Itis best to read them out loud with feeling.“Prosperity is the ability to do what you want to doat the instant you want to do it.” Anonymous

1o1 AffirmationsforProsperity

ONEI say, “Yes” to a bigger life of success,wealth, prosperity and abundance.I am prosperous and all is harmonies in my life.TWOI love the feeling of being abundant.Today, I feel successful in all that I do.The universe supports me in many ways andI am open to receiving gifts today.

THREELove is Spirits gift.Sharing love and joy with others is my gift.Today, I see love appear in my life in all I do or say.The more I share my joy the more wonderful things happen,including increase income.FOURAs I move in love, light and joy, more love, light and joy appearsin my life. My heart radiates the love I feel.My face shines brightly, as I smile with joy. I radiate love, lightand joy from my being and this brings me success.

FIVEProsperity is my Divine right.Today, I claim my right to be prosperous.Prosperity comes to me with ease and grace.I open my arms to receive.SIXToday I give myself permissionto be successful and competent in all that I do.

SEVENI give myself the gift of time to play,have fun, and laugh today.The joy of play opens me up to ideas that bring me success.EIGHTI am good enough, just as I am.I am enough, have enough and do enough.

NINEI am prosperous.I am abundant. I am financially secure.I allow myself to be prosperous, abundant and successful.TENI am open to the possibility that I am successful and prosperous.I don’t know how I became so prosperous.I just know I did and I love it.I am prosperous today and am attracting more and moreprosperity to me every day.

ELEVENMoney comes to me in expected and unexpected ways.Money is here to support me and my purpose.TWELVEI open myself up to more abundance.I allow myself to receive my good.Today, I am receiving abundance.

THIRTEENToday, I trust my life is getting better, better, better, andeven better, than I could have ever imagined.FORTEENDivine Source is supporting me todayin every area of my life, including my finances.I am now creating and manifesting miracles in my life.

FIFTEENMy wealth consciousness is expanding higher and higher as myincome constantly increasing.Great wealth in mine and I claim it today!SIXTEENI allow myself to be seen and heard.I practice being of service as I share my gifts with others.The more I share my gifts with other the money I make.

SEVENTEENI love many things, but today I choose I love me.As I love myself, my life becomes harmonies.EIGHTEENYou are a rock star! I knew you could do it.You are worthy and magnificent!You are powerful beyond measure.Embrace your light and shine brightly.

NINTEENToday, I release the struggle.All my learning lessons are easy this day forth.The Universe is abundant.Today, I accept my abundance and all theUniverse has to offer me.TWENTYDivine Source supports me in many extraordinary ways.I align to the energy of abundance, wealth, and prosperity.I allow prosperity and abundance to flow to me from manychannels. I have an consistent flow of money.

TWENTY-ONEI have fabulous work in a fabulous way.I give fabulous service for fabulous pay.I come from plenty and I have more than enough.

TWENTY-TWOGood is mine.I am open and receptive to all the good andabundance in the Universe.TWENTY-THREEI am capable of succeeding without feeling overwhelmed.I am worthy of great success. I feel rich and elegant.I feel lavished and abundant.

TWENTY-FOURI trust Spirit to supply me with everything I need,even before I know I need it.I am receiving all of life’s treasures, abundance and pleasures.I joyously accept the good I am receiving in peace and harmony.TWENTY-FIVEI deserve to live an abundant life.I believe I am worthy of financial abundance.I am worthy of wealth and prosperity.

TWENTY-SIXToday I receive my financial good of more than enough morethan enough income more than enough clients more thanenough money and I am grateful and happy.TWENTY-SEVENI am in the process of believing I am prosperous.I am worthy of receiving money, prosperity andabundance in my life today.

TWENTY-EIGHTI release the fears and limitations knowing thatDivine Spirit is supplying me with everything I need.I truly am grateful and trust Divine Spirit complete.TWENTY-NINEI am enough and more.I have enough and more than enough.I have more than enough money.I have more than enough love, joy and happiness.I have more than enough peace and harmony.

THIRTYI am in the process ofgrowing my income to a higher and higher level.I am grateful for the increased income.THIRTY-ONEI have a strength deep within me andI can pull on that strength.It is my time! I am strong and calm. I can do this.I’ve decided to be successful and prosperous.

THIRTY-TWOI know the Universe is an abundant andI am always provided for.I am excited for all the good that flows my way.THIRTY-THREEAll my concerns have been met andthey are now filled with peace and harmony.There is a perfect, harmonious solution. Congratulations!

THIRTY-FOURI more successful than I ever dreamed possible.I have opened the channel for money andsuccess to flow to me with ease and grace.I am grateful I am making large sums of money.THIRTY-FIVEWhen I change my thinking, change my feelingsand change my attitude. I change my life.

THIRTY-SIXMoney has energy of its own.I step into the energy of money and live life to its fullestknowing I am always supplied. All my needs are met.THIRTY-SEVENEven though I don’t believe I’ll ever be I financially secure. I amwilling to have success and be financially secure anyway.

THIRTY-EIGHTSomething exciting is about to happenfor my best and highest good!It’s just around the corner.I can feel it!I feel my heart full of joy and excitement!I am ready to accept it.THIRTY-NINEI give thanks for the good that I am receivingtoday and every day.

FORTYMy ideal (clients, customers, work)are magnetically attracted to me.I have many wonderful opportunities to share my gifts.FORTY-ONEThe more money I make the greater good I can do.Being rich gives me freedom, confidence andenergy to achieve my purpose.I am worthy of success.

FORTY-TWOI am seen, heard, valued, appreciated andcelebrated for who I really am.FORTY-THREEMy dream life is here right now.I am totally successful at all I do.

FORTY-FOURToday, I affirm my flow of abundance.I claim it!I know prosperity is flowing to me,as I open my arms to receive it.FORTY-FIVEI don’t know how I succeed in my career andlive a happy, rich life.I only know that I do and I am happy.

FORTY-SIXToday, I show up for success.I am visible and vibrant, attracting to methe right people and opportunities.FORTY-SEVENI feel confident, successful, worthy.I am loved, happy, rich and wise. I am grateful.

FORTY-EIGHTI am important and I have value.I take time for me!Today, I indulge in simple pleasures by serving myself.FORTY-NINEI am successful, because I have value.Others see my value and pay me well.I feel comfortable to charge money for the greatvalue I offer the world.

FIFTYIt is now safe for me to be in my power and strength.It is safe for me to be seen, stand up for myselfand speak my truth.I am now safe in all areas of my life.FIFTY-ONEPraise yourself You are doing a good job.Love yourself in every way. I am willing to be noticed andappreciated in the most positive ways.I am living a rich life.

FIFTY-TWOI am an unlimited, powerful, strong and courageous,as I move forward receiving today’s blessing and gifts.FIFTY-THREEI feel comfortable in my new lifestyle of prosperity,peace and harmony.I am living a life of abundance and wealth.

FIFTY-FOURI allow unconditional love and joy into my life.I open my heart to accepting my highest good.The fact that I am living, entitles me to have the best life possible.FIFTY-FIVEI am tuned into my inner source of direction.I confidently rely upon this inner source to guide me perfectly.I am completely protected at all times, as I am listening andfollowing my inner source.

FIFTY-SIXI am grateful money come easily and frequently to me.I am so grateful I am in to flow of money and success.FIFTY-SEVENToday is fun, easy and everything flowsfor my best and highest good as theUniverse showers me with an abundance of money.

FIFTY-EIGHTI am open and receptive to all the good andabundance in the Universe. I am a magnet for prosperity.Every kind of prosperity is drawn to me.FIFTY-NINEI open my arms to receive.All is right today and wealth is here to stay.I feel lavished in abundance. I feel rich and elegant.SIXTYI now have the desire, the energy, the confidence andthe ability to put my success into action.

SIXTY-ONEI am in alignment with my good.The doors of opportunity have opened andthey are bigger and better than I could have ever imagined.I feel my abundance. I feel my promotion.I feel my victory. This is a decade of increase!SIXTY-TWOI don’t know how a new opportunity appeared for methat is based in my line of work and it dropped into my lap.I only know it did and I am happy!

SIXTY-THREEInfinite Spirit open the way for great abundance in my life.Today is full of miracles and wonders.Pleasant surprises are in store for me as my abundance increases.SIXTY-FOURToday is amazing!I say yes as I expand in abundance, success and love.I am abundantly provided for.SIXTY-FIVEI have strength, courage and wisdom within me. I can do this! Mypositive vibrational energy attracts more and more abundanceinto my life today!

SIXTY-SIXYou are wonderful and I love you.This is one of the best days of your life.Everything is working out for your highest good.Whatever you need to know is revealed to you.Whatever you need comes to you.SIXTY-SEVENI am willing to change my perception.I now see good in all things.As I change my perception, the world around me changesto support me in abundance.

SIXTY-EIGHTDivine Order take charge of my life today and every day.I am divinely guided all day long andwhatever I do prospers.All things work together for my best andhighest good.SIXTY-NINEI am a spiritual and mental magnet attracting to meall things which bless and prosper me.I am successful in all my undertakings today.

SEVENTYIt’s okay to be successful. I love money.There is something happening through methat is bigger than me. All good things come through me.SEVENTY-ONEAs I celebrate the beauty of life.I attract even more beauty into my life.As I celebrate the prosperity of life.I attract even more prosperity into my life.As I celebrate the happiness of life.I attract even more happiness into my life

SEVENTY-TWOMy mind is full of peace, poise, balance and calmness.I now meet every situation with poise and calmness.My mind is full of inner peace and joy asI move though my life.I choose to fill my world with ease, light and joy.SEVENTY-THREEI have a magnetic personality.I have activated my magnetism.I am a magnet drawing my good to me.

SEVENTY-FOURI desire, deserve and welcome prosperity into my life.I have value. I am worthy of success today.I am creating prosperity in a fun way. I love my life!SEVENTY-FIVEDeep in the center of me flows an Infinite Source of success.This success fills my whole being andradiates out from me in all direction, returning to me multiplied.I am excited I’m attracting success and prosperity in my life.

SEVENTY-SIXSource has the power to restore, make things new andlift me to abundance and prosperityin all areas of my life, which meansI prosper where I turn and all is well in my world.SEVENTY-SEVENToday I have the mindset of a winner.I am successful. I can succeed at this.I did it! I am a rock star!

SEVENTY-EIGHTI don’t know how I became financially secure.I just know that I did andI am excited and happy I am financially secure.SEVENTY-NINEI am in the process of feeing abundant.I have more than enough income.I am grateful I feel financially secure.

EIGHTYDivine abundance is forever manifestingitself in all my affairs.I am abundantly provided for.Source loves to shower me with magical gifts.EIGHTY-ONESource gave me a purpose.I am worthy of success.I am destined for greatness.

EIGHTY-TWOI am willing to release whatever is stopping mefrom being successful.I now declare that I am worthy of success.I accept success and prosperity into my lifewith ease and grace.I am financially abundantly supported today.EIGHTY-THREEI graciously accept prosperity andabundance into my life right now.I am grateful abundance is appearing to me andis firmly established in my life.

EIGHTY-FOURI don’t know how to be a beacon of success,radiating fun while making money.I only know that I do now and I’m happy.EIGHTY-FIVEI am in the process of expecting a miraclein each and every moment.I expect magic to happen. I look for it and I see it.I am open to a world of unlimited possibilities.

EIGHTY-SIXI live in a state of bliss.I am naturally connected to my good,prosperity and abundance.I am open and accept it completely.EIGHTY-SEVENProsperity, I claim it! Abundance is mine.I am open to receive all my good. I can have it.I deserve it. I am ready to receive it.Abundance flows to me now!

EIGHTY-EIGHTI don’t know how I live in abundance today and every day.I just know that I do and I am happy.I am grateful I have money.EIGHTY-NINEDivine Substance is forever flowing to me.I accept all my good and abundance.I expect only the good and there is enough good to go around.

NINETYMoney comes to me easily and constantly.Good and more good is mine.An ever, increasing good is mine.I am achieving my financial goals.NINETY- ONEIt is safe to be successful, wealthy and have money.I deserve and expect the best in life.I accept all my success, wealth and money.I am grateful to be successful.

NINETY- TWOI am willing to surrender this situation to the Creator rightnow. Knowing that whatever I need is provide for me andeverything is working out for my best and highest good.I am at peace, as I trust the process of life.NINETY- THREEI am in the process of magnetizing my mind withthe intense desire for abundance and riches.I am now vibrating success and wealth.Opportunities are everywhere!

NINETY- FOURExcuse Me!I interrupt this broadcast from a message from my soul.I am a child of Spirit.I deserve to have everything I desire.I claim my prosperity! I claim my success!NINETY- FIVEI choose to feel more relaxed about money andtrust my ability to attract abundance.I have plenty in my life.

NINETY- SIXI have absolute certainty in my ability togenerate any amount of income I choose.I can do this! I’ve got this! Yes!NINETY- SEVENIt’s natural for me to be wealthy.I prosper where ever I turn and my income is constantlyincreasing. My good is comes to me in just the right way atjust the right time. I fill my being with love, beauty andabundance today.

NINETY- EIGHTI have an abundances of everything I need, including money.I am constantly rewarded.My income is constantly increasing. I am financially secure.NINETY- NINEI allow unexpected prosperity in unexpected waysfrom unexpected places in my life.I accept and receive unexpected good into my life today.I accept unexpected money, love and kindness to rush in withunexpected generous gifts and opportunities.

ONE HUNDREDI am boldly empowered to accept and receive the lavishabundance of the Universe!I accept the Principle that prosperity has already been givento me and I accept all my good.I have opened the doors of my consciousness to receiveunexpected good and as I give, more good comes to me. Iknow this is so and so it is.ONE HUNDRED-ONEToday, I am supported in aligningwith success, love, happiness and abundance.I let the natural well-being of prosperity to flow to mewith ease and grace.

Bio of Jolen PhilbrookIn 2008 Jolen Philbrook was diagnosed with a rare type of breastcancer. During that time she also went through a custody suit andhad no in-come. Then, in 2010 Jolen survived kidney cancer. Now,she shares her wisdom and experience through those challengingtimes.Jolen is known as an expert in inspiring women and men to findthe power within themselves to transform their life and integratea new way of being. She is gifted at helping you attract more joy,prosperity and success into your life by clearing your limitingbeliefs, and hurtful emotions, so that you can find your innerstrength, freedom and happiness to live your greatest life.Jolen is a speaker, transformational coach and #1 best-sellingauthor of the ‘Gratitude Book Project, Celebrating 365 Days ofGratitude’ and ‘Reflections’. Her latest book is ‘From Tears toTriumph’.She has studied with The California Institute of The Healing Artsand Science. Jolen holds a Behavioral Therapist degree, a CertifiedClinical Hypnotherapist and Certified Life Coach. She hascompleted her advance training for spiritual awareness andintuition with the Church of Essence. She is a licensed SpiritualPractitioner and has been studying the spirit, mind, bodyconnection since 1976.

101 Affirmations for Prosperity will assist you in shifting your mind towards prosperity instead of lack and limitation. You can start at the beginning of the book and read through the affirmations or use your intuition and open the book to what you need to read for that day. It

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