Asset Pricing Solutions

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Asset Pricing SolutionsStill missing 1624th November 20061Problem 1This is the most basic of asset pricing questions.1.1Part AYou can just remember the asset pricing equation from the lecture notes:σb,s (rs rf ) σs2 (rb rf )wb wsσb,s (rb rf ) σb2 (rs rf )and plug in the values given:0 1(.1)wb ws0 .5(.1)T 2wb 2wsWeights must sum to one, therefore:wb ws 12ws ws 11ws 3Or you can do it the long way if you forgot the formula. Start with the return of the portfoliorp (1 w)rb wrs (1 w)(.1) w(.10) .1And the variation of the portfolio:σp2 var((1 w)b ws) (1 w)2 σb2 w2 σs2 2σs,b (1 w)2 (.5) w2 (1) .5 w .5w2 w2 .5 w 1.5w2Now, minimize the variation subject to the above return:min σp2 1.5w2 w .5 s.t. rp .10L 1.5w2 w .5 λ(rp .1)1

The FOC with respect to w is:3w 1 0w 13Which is the same answer that we had from above. Note that the constraint doesn't enter in theFOC because regardless of the weights the return will always be .10.1.2Part BIn order to draw the picture in return-variance space, we must calculate the variance of the optimalmutual fund.313 11 13691 σp2 w2 w ( )2 222 33 218 18 1831 1Therefore, if we invest in 100% of the mutual fund, then we will be at a point (r, σ 2 ) ( 10, 3 ). If12we invest 100% in the riskless asset, then we will be at a point (r, σ ) ( 20 , 0). Draw a straightline between the two, which represents the return/variance tradeo for combinations of the mutualfund and the riskless asset. If there is an interior solution, the solution will occur at wherever thetangency of the line between the two assets and the indi erence curve. Otherwise, the optimalportfolio will be a corner solution of 100% mutual fund, or 100% riskless asset.2Problem 2Remember that in general, with two risky assets we have:rp (1 ws wb )rf ws rs wb rbσp2 wb2 σb2 ws2 σs2 2ws wb σs,bIn this case we have σs2 σb2 σ 2 and σs,b 0. So if we knowwbws α wb αws then:σpσp2 (1 α2 )ws2 σ 2 ws p(1 α2 )σAnd so:σpασp(rs rf ) p(rb rf )2(1 α )σ(1 α2 )σrp rf pIf we have positive cash balances then:wb0.42 ws0.63so: wb 23 ws and rp 0.03 σpq2(1 23 )σ(0.06) q2σ3 p2(1 32 )σ(0.04) 0.03 0.26σp 13σIf we were to spend all our income in bonds and stocks we would get ws σp 513 σ 0.72σ and rp 0.082. If we have negative cash balances then:wb0.21 ws0.4235 0.03 and wb 250.072σp.σand so:

so: wb 21 ws and rp 0.05 σpq2(1 12 )σ1σ2 p(0.04) q2(0.02) 0.05 (1 12 )σ0.1σp 5σ 0.05 0.045σp.σIf we were to spend all our income in bonds and stocks we would get ws 32 and wb 13 and so:σp 35 σ 0.74σ and rp 0.083.So what have we found out? Well, the slope of the rp line is larger when you are a lender thana borrower. Furthermore, when you stop lending at an interest rate lower and with less risk thanwhen you start borrow (the rst line is tangent to the CAPM e cient frontier at a lower point thanthe second line of portfolio, so there must be some points you are on the CAPM e cient frontier).3Problem 3We want to show thatcov(ki , p) nXwj cov(ki , kj )j 1where p nj 1 wj kj , or the whole portfolio; kj indexes assets, and wj are weights correspondingto the fraction of the portfolio each assets holds.Notice thatPcov(ki , p) cov(ki ,nXwj kj ) E(kinXwj ki kj ) E(ki )E(j 1nXwj kj ) j 1 nXwj kj ) E(ki )E(nXwj E(ki kj ) j 1wj [E(ki kj ) E(ki )E(kj )] j 14nXwj kj ) j 1j 1j 1 E(nXnXwj E(ki )E(kj )j 1nXwj cov(ki , kj )j 1Problem 4Let the payo to a portfolio beP nX1i 1nxi ,where xi is the payo to asset i. Thereforevar(P ) varnX1i 1n!xinX1 2 varxini 1 4.1! nn Xn1 X1 Xvar(x) cov(xi , xj ) in2 i 1n2 j 1 i6 j1n2 n2·nσ cov(xi , xj )n2n2Part AIf cov(xi , xj ) 0, thenvar(P ) σ2 lim var(P ) 0n n

4.2Part BIf cov(xi , xj ) σ 2 , thenvar(P ) 55.1n 2 n2 n 2 n2 2σ σ 2 σ σ 2 lim var(P ) σ 2n n2n2nProblem 5U ln(C)Case 1:Portfolio 1E(U ) 111ln(100) ln(200) ln(300) 5.202333Portfolio 2E(U ) 111ln(85) ln(248.5) ln(266.5) 5.181333There is a di erence of 0.405% between the two numbers, with the utility being higher the rstportfolio.5.2U C 0.001C 2Case 2:Portfolio 1E(U ) 111(100 .001(10, 000)) (200 .001(40, 000)) (300 .001(90, 000)) 333 1111(90) (160) (210) 1533333Portfolio 2E(U ) 1 1 1 85 .001 · 852 248.5 .001 · 248.52 266.5 .001 · 266.52 333111(85 7.225) (248.5 61.752) (266.5 71.022) 153.3335333There is a di erence of 0.0001%, with the utility being higher for second portfolio. However,as we will show in the next problem, the di erence only occurs because of the slight variation invariance between the two portfolios. If they had the exact same variance, then the agent would gainthe same level of utility from both bundles.6Problem 6Let the utility be quadratic, orU C αC 2Let there be n posible outcomes of consumption, where outcome Ci occurs with probability πi .ThennE(U ) Xi 1πi (Ci αC 2 ) E(C) αE(C 2 )

Since var(C) E(C 2 ) E(C)2 , we haveE(U ) E(C) αvar(C) αE(C)2Notice that E(U ) α 0, var(C)which implies that an increase in variance reduces utility. Also E(U ) 1 2αE(C) E(C) E(U )1If E(C) 2α, then E(C) 0, and the expected utility depends positively on the return. Remember,the assumption we made when we postulated quadratic utility was that it valid only for a rangewhere utility was increasing with C , or where U 1 2αC 0, C11or C 2α. If E(C) 2α, then at least one outcome of consumption has C invalid. Therefore, the result holds for all appropriate values of C .712α ,and therefore isProblem 7When ever people are identical, the equilibrium is one in which people just stick with their endowments. If one person wanted to trade, then everyone would want to trade in the same direction, andthere would be no one with whom to trade. Other than that, this is very much like a consumptionquestion with uncertainty.This is a one period model, so consumption endowment - assets purchased return on assetsPeople are endowed with one unit of A and one unit of B , so that: e pA pB . Individuals'budget constraint in the good state is: c pA A pB B e A B , and in the bad state isc p A A p B B e A.Since A pays one with certainty, we can make it the numeraire with price 1. In this case thebudget constraint in the good state can be re-written as c 1 pB (1 pB )B and in the badstate c 1 pB pB BExpected utility is then:1 (1 pB (1 pB )B)1 σ1 (1 pB pB B)1 σE(u) [] []21 σ21 σMaximize WRT B:11(1 pB (1 pB )B) σ (1 pB ) (1 pB pB B) σ ( pB ) 022All people are identical, the price must be set so that everyone demands one unit of B, the oneunit that they are endowed with:(1 pB (1 pB )) σ (1 pB ) (1 pB pB ) σ ( pB ) 02 σ (1 pB ) pB 0

(2 σ 1)pB 2 σ2 σ2 σ 1pB So the derivative of pB with respect to σ is: pB 2 σ ln 2(2 σ 1) 2 σ ( 2 σ ln 2) 0 σ(2 σ 1)2if σ 1 thenpB 123213The easiest way to see the e ect of raising σ , is to try σ 2,pB 1454 15Intuition: σ is a measure of a person's risk aversion. As σ increases, this person is more riskaverse and would be willing to pay more for a certainty asset, asset A. As a result the amountthat a person can sell their B for must decrease so that they cannot purchase any A. When σ 1,selling 3 B could get your one A. When σ 2, you have to sell 5 B to get one A.88.1Problem 7.5Part ASince everyone is identical, no one will trade in the bond and we will have ct 1 yt 1 . Supposethat an individual buys units of the asset in period t. The price is p, so she gives up p units ofconsumption. The marginal utility of consumption is U e αct e α cSo the price in utility is:M C pe αThe gain is times the marginal utility in period t 1:M B E e αct 1 eE( αct 1 ) 2 Var( αct 1 ) e α 1 Setting the marginal bene t and cost equal, we have pe α e α α2 σ 22 p eα2 σ 22α2 σ 22

8.2Part BNotice that α 2σ 0 p 1. The reason this occurs is because even though expected consumptionin period t 1 is the same as in t, the expected marginal utility is higher. To see this:2 2E(Ut0 ) e α0E(Ut 1) E(e αct 1 ) e αE(ct ) σ22 e α σ22 e αThis is just like precautionary saving. The bigger is σ 2 , the more uncertain is ct 1 , and thus higherexpected marginal utility. Higher α also raises p because it means more risk aversion and moresensitivity of U 00 to c.9Problem 7.6In this problem, we have1 U CctSo if you buy units, the cost in utility isMC pctThe bene t is ct 1 units of extra consumption, the value of which isct 1 E ct 1 U (ct 1 ) Ect 10 Setting cost and bene t equal10 p ctp ctProblem 8The optimal consumption is provided for us. This consumption satis es the FOC. We can use thisfact to solve for the price. People will buy the security when the marginal utility forgone when theypurchase it equals the expected marginal utility gain when they purchase it.u0 (100)p .5u0 (50) .5u0 (150) 2100 4 p .5(50 4 ) (150 4 )p 10041004 2 504 150424 504 24 504 42 5043 50416 8 81

11Problem 9Similar to problem 7, people are identical so the equilibrium will be where no one wants to trade,or in this case not save.For an individualc1 1 sbut there is uncertainty about the second period consumption:c2 1 s(1 r)2with probability 1/2, andc2 3/2 s(1 r)with probability 1/2.The utility maximization ismax E(u) ln(1 s) u1113ln( s(1 r)) ln( s(1 r))2222FOC:(1 r) 1(1 r) 3 0 11 s 2( 2 s(1 r)) 2( 2 s(1 r))In equilibrium there is no saving b/c aggregate consumption in one period equals aggregateoutput in that period. Therefore, 1 (1 r) 1 r 3 02( 12 )2( 2 ) 1 (1 r) 1 r 034(1 r) 13(1 r) 3/4r 14A negative interest rate. This makes sense as without the constraint that s 0, people wouldwant to save. A negative interest rate forces people to pay to save, making it a less attractivealternative, and forcing s 0.12Problem 10Both the Red and Green people will optimize their consumption treating the interest rate as anotherparameter.Red:FOC:U 0 (ct )1 r 0U (ct 1 )1 θ

c2 1 rc1c2 c1 (1 r)BC:c1 c2y2 y1 1 r1 r11 r2 r2c1 1 r2 rc1R 2(1 r)c1 c1 1 therefore,c2R 2 r2 r (1 r) 2(1 r)2Green:FOC:c2 1 rc1BC:c1 y2c2 y1 1 r1 rc1 c1 12c1 11c1G 2and1c2G (1 r)2Notice that the consumption choice of Greens does not depend on the interest rate. The interestrate must be set so that Greens can consume 1/2 in the rst period. Because is no storage, thetotal consumption in period one must be less than or equal to the total income. This is macro sowe ignore the less than part, and say that total consumption in period one total income in periodone. Since the populations are equal, the exact sizes are irrelevant.c1R c1G y1R y1G2 r1 1 12(1 r) 22 r 31 r2 r 3 3r

r 1/2This negative interest rate will force Red to borrow from Green, allowing green to consume inperiod 2.c1R 3/22(1/2) 3/2Red borrows 1/2 from Green (s1R 1 3/2 1/2).c1G 1/2c2R 3/22 3/4c2G 1/2(1/2) 1/413Problem 11Identical people, therefore in equilibrium everyone consumes their endowment.The returns of B and C are uncorrelated; there is just as likely a chance of them both returning 0, both returning 0, B returns while C doesn't, and C returns while B doesn't. If they wereperfectly correlated then either both would return 0 or neither would. If they were perfectlynegatively correlated, then one would return when the other didn't.This is an uncertainty problem with four di erent states of the world; it's expected utility time.L ln c1 1111ln A ln(A B) ln(A 2C) ln(A B 2C) 4444 λ(c1 pA A pB B pc C 1 pA pB pC ){E(u) -λ(expenditures-income-endowment)}Where capital letters denote the number of a given asset held.FOCs:WRT c11 λ 0c1WRT A:1111 λpA 04A 4(A B) 4(A 2C) 4(A B 2C)WRT B:

11 λpB 04(A B) 4(A B 2C)WRT C:22 λpc 04(A 2C) 4(A B 2C)Identical people consume endowment:c1 y1 1A B C 1Plug these values into the FOCsλ 11111 pA 04 4(2) 4(3) 4(4)pA 25/4811 pB 04(2) 4(4)pB 31611 pc 02(3) 2(4)pc 7/24And as expected pA pc pB .14Problem 12(A)Uncertainty, RBC, and asset pricing. The triple wammy!De ne: a amount of asset held; f amount of risk free asset held.She will choose the portfolio that maximizes her expected utility subject to her budget constraints.11max E(u) (ln cs ln ns ) (ln cr ln nr )22subject to

a f 1cs 4(1 ns ) fcr 2(1 nr ) f 2aThese three constraints can be combined into 2:cs 4(1 ns ) 1 acr 2(1 nr ) 1 aPlugging the BC back into the E(u):max E(u) ns ,nr ,a1111ln[4(1 ns ) 1 a] ln ns ln[2(1 nr ) 1 a] ln nr2222FOCs:WRT ns :1 4 02(4(1 ns ) 1 a) 2ns12 4 4ns 1 a2ns4ns 4 4ns 1 a5 ans 8WRT nr : 21 02[2(1 nr ) 1 a] 2nr11 2 2nr 1 a2nr2nr 3 2nr a3 anr 4WRT a: 11 02[4(1 ns ) 1 a] 2[2(1 nr ) 1 a]11 4 4ns 1 a2 2nr 1 a2 2nr 1 a 4 4ns 1 a3 (3 a)(5 a) a 5 a22a 1Plugging this back into the above FOC:

ns 4/8 1/2nr 4/4 1f 0(B)This part of the question was only worth ve points, and the calc-algebra gets a bit tedious, soit might just be an intuition question, but let's math it up anyway.Still uncertainty, still expected utility:max E(u) 1β11ln cs ln ns ln cr ln nr2222subject toa f 1cs w(1 ns ) fcr w(1 nr ) f 2aWhere β is some parameter value greater than 1.These three constraints can be combined into 2:cs w(1 ns ) 1 acr w(1 nr ) 1 aPlugging the BC back into the E(u):max E(u) ns ,nr ,a1β11ln[w(1 ns ) 1 a] ln ns ln[w(1 nr ) 1 a] ln nr2222FOCs:WRT ns : wβ 02(w(1 ns ) 1 a) 2nswns βw βwns β β a(w βw)ns βw β βans βw β βaw(β 1)WRT nr : w1 02(w(1 nr ) 1 a) 2nr

nr w 1 a2wWRT a:1 1 02(w(1 ns ) 1 a) 2(w(1 nr ) 1 a)w wns 1 a w wnr 1 awns wnr 2a 0βw β βa w 1 a 2a 0β 12(2 (β1w 1 βw β )a β 1 222β 1w 1 β(w 1)3β 3 2β)a 2(β 1)2β 1(β 3β 1 2β)a (w 1)()2(β 1)2(β 1)a (w 1)(1 β)β 3Great, so what does this mean?We know that regardless of the value of w, this expression will be negative because β 1 byde nition. Therefore, she will hold a negative amount of a, and more than one of f since a f 1.This all happens because leisure is more valuable in the sunny state when the asset doesn't pay o .She'd like to transfer earnings to the sunny state so that she could work less. This transfer occursthrough holding a negative amount of a.15Problem 13 - This solution is WRONG. Why?Each individual must choose n1 , c1 , and s before θ2 is revealed based on E(u) maximization. Keepin mind that once θ2 is revealed people can choose c2 and n2 as they want.E(u) ln[w(1 n1 ) s] ln n1 ln[w(1 n2 ) s(1 r)] 11ln n2 (2) ln n222FOCs:WRT n1 : w1 0w(1 n1 ) s n1These people are identical, therefore people must consume their endowments. s 011 1 n1n1n1 WRT n2 :12

w11 0 w(1 n2 ) s(1 r) 2n2 n2s 013 1 n22n22n2 3 3n2n2 3/5WRT s: 11 r 0w(1 n1 ) s w(1 n2 ) s(1 r)s 0, n1 1/2, n2 3/511 r w(1/2)w(2/5)r 1/4With an interest rate 0 people would want to save so that they can work less in the future ifthey like tomorrow lots (θ2 2). Therefore, a negative interest rate makes sense as it makes savingsless attractive.NOTE: if the individuals observe θ2 before choosing e ort and consumption in period 2, thenthere is no reason why the consumption and leisure choices should be the same in both states ofnature, i.e.independent of θ2 . The above solution is only true if the individual rst chooses c2 andn2 , and after that observes θ2 . (Svetla ).16Problem 14Individuals will consumec yx x y z zwhere yi is the return on asset i. Since each individual is endowed with one unit of x, and two unitsof z, and x is numaraire,1 2p x pzis the budget constraint.We want to maximizeU E( ec ) eE(c) 2σc2Therefore, we need to nd the expected value and variance of c.E(c) E(yx x yz z) xE(yx ) zE(yz ) x zV ar(c) V ar(yx x yz z) x2 V ar(yx ) z 2 V ar(yz ) (x2 z 2 )σ 2Plugging these in, we haveU E( ec ) eE(c) 2σc2 e (x z) (x2 z 2 )σ 22

Forming the LagrangeanL e (x z) (x2 z 2 )σ 22 λ(x pz 1 2p)FOC(xσ 2 1)e (x z) (zσ 2 1)e (x z) (x2 z 2 )σ 22(x2 z 2 )σ 22 λ λpxσ 2 11 2zσ 1pSince everyone is identical, the demand for z and x should equal the endowment of x and z :σ2 112σ 2 1σ2 σ2 1σ2 p 1 2σ 2 1pσ2 1σ2 11 σ217Problem 1517.1Part AIn this case each individual can only maximize their utility in each state, can cannot insure againstuncertainty. So the problem is:max ln ni ln cini ,cis.t ci wi (1 ni )The FOC are: L1 λ 0 cici L1 λwi 0 nini L ci wi (1 ni ) 0 λSo:ci wi niAnd replacing this in the budget constraint we get ni 1 and so blues are better o .cBlue117.212for both agents and so cRed 1Part BNow by their agreement agents can insure against uncertainty. the problem is tomaxcRed,nRed,cBlue,nBlueiiii11[ln cBlues ln nBlue] [ln cRed ln nRed]iiii22s.t. cRed cBlue wiRed (1 nRed) wiBlue (1 nBlue)iiiiThe FOC are:12and

L1 Red λ 0Red cici1 L Red λwiRed 0Red nini L1 Blue λ 0Blue cici L1 Blue λwiBlue 0Blue nini L cRed cBlue wiRed (1 nRed) wiBlue (1 nBlue) 0iiii λAnd so we get: wiRed nRed wiBlue nBlue, cBlue wiBlue nBlueand cRed wiRed nRedwhich impliesiiiiiithat:wiBlue BluenwiRed inRed icRed wiBlue nBlueiiFrom the budget constraintwiBlue nBlue wiBlue nBlue wiRed (1 iiwiBlue Bluen) wiBlue (1 nBlue) 0iwiRed i4wiBlue nBlue wiRed wiBlueinBlue iwiRed wiBlue4wiBluenRed iwiRed wiBlue4wiRedAnd so:cRed cBlue iiSo in state 1:cRed 1wiRed wiBlue46 cBlue18386 8nBlue 1nRed117.3Part CIn state 1 Red people are better o , while Blue people are worse o . To see this compare totalutility with and without the agreement. For Red people: ln 12 ln 12 ln 68 ln 68; and for Bluepeople: ln 1 ln 12 ln 38 ln 68.

17.4Part DA simple problem of hedging. Red people will hold 2/8 of asset 1 while Blue people will sell 2/8 ofthis same asset. Red people will sell 2/8 of asset 2 and Blue will buy 2/8 of asset 2.18Problem 15.5Since type A and type B people have the same preferences, we know that they will hold the twoassets in the same ratio as each other. Further, since there is twice and much of asset 1 as there isasset 2, we know that the ratio will be two units of asset 1 for each unit of asset 2. Finally sinceeveryone is holdingt more than half of their portfolio in asset 1, we expect that the price of asset 2in terms of asset 1 will be greater than 1 (to induce them to hold this portfolio).We can solve for the price that will induce someone to hold a portfolio in this ratio, then oncewe know it we can solve for the actual portfolios. Let p be the price of asset 2 in terms of asset 1.Consider a person allocating a portfolio of value w among the two assets. She maximizesE(U ) 111ln(x1 ) ln( (w x1 ))22pwhere x1 is her holding of asset 1.1 E(U ) 2 x1x11 12 · pw x1p 011w x1 x1w x12From her budget constraintx2 w x1wx1 pp2px2Now we impose xx12 2 (given in problem) to get p 2, the equilibrium price.A type A person has no endowment of 1 unit of asset. He will purchase asset 2 at price p tohold a portfolio in a ratio of 2 to 1, so he will sell half a unit of asset 1 and buy a fourth a unit ofasset 2. His portfolio will thus be x1 21 , x2 41 . These will alse be his consumption in each stateof the world.A type B person will sell some of his endowment of asset 2 to buy asset 1 so that he holds aratio of 2 to 1. He will sell a half a unit of asset 2 and buy 1 unit of asset 1. His portfolio will thusbe x1 1, x2 21 . This will also be his consumption in each state of the world. Remember thatthere are twice as many type 1 people, so these trades net out to zero.Type A Type BSo values of consumption are: State 10.51State 20.250.5Note that average consumption in state 1 is212 1 12c̄1 cA cB · ·1 3 12 13 2 33which is equal to avergae output from asset 1 (i.e. 23 of people are endowed with asset 1).Note: You can also solve this problem by nding the demand for asset 2 by each type of personas a function of price, then setting excess demand to zero to nd the equilibrium. But you have tobe careful to account for the fact that there are twice as many type 1 people.

19Problem 16

Asset Pricing Solutions Still missing 16 24th November 2006 1 Problem 1 This is the most basic of asset pricing questions. 1.1 Part A ouY can just remember the asset pricing equation from the lecture notes: w b w s σ b,s(r s r f) σ2s(r b r f) σ b,s(r b r f) σ2 b (r s r

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