Lalilo’sScope & SequenceOur Scope & Sequence lists all the lessons that are currently onLalilo. We are always publishing new lessons, so be sure to checkback often for updates. Click the links below to jump to your gradelevel. Use the color key to find the content area for each lesson.Jump toKindergartenJump toFirst GradeJump toSecond GradeColor KeyPhonicsPhonologySight WordsWord FamiliesIndependent ReadingListening ComprehensionGrammar & Conventions
KindergartenKINDERGARTENThe lessons below are ordered chronologically.- Each student will start at a different lesson, based on their placement test results.- The very first lesson will not depend on the class grade. A First Grade student can start with a Kindergarten lesson or a Second Grade lesson, as Lalilo will adapt to their needs.- Students will automatically move on to the next lessons, you do not need to assign them. They will study up to 5 lessons simultaneously.Lesson name#1Training LessonWhere to find it?Training LessonColor Key2 letter "m"Consonants-1Phonics3Sight Word: theSight Words-1Phonology4letter "t"Consonants-1Sight Words5 short "a"Word Families-1Word Families6Word Family: -atLC-K1Independent Reading7Independent Reading: What Do I See? (Level A)Consonants-1Listening Comprehension8 Sight Word: ISight Words-1Grammar & Conventions9 letter "s"Short Vowels10 Word Family: -amWord Families-111 Listening Comprehension: On My Way to KindergartenIR-Level A12 Letter Review 1: MSTAConsonants-113 letter "f"Consonants-114 Sight Word: aSight Words-115 letter "d"Consonants-116 short "i"Word Families-117 Listening Comprehension: See, Hear, Smell, Taste, TouchLC-K118 Word Family: -itConsonants-119 Sight Word: canSight Words-120 letter "r"Short Vowels21 Distingushing Letters and WordsPrint Concepts22 Word Family: -adWord Families-123 Independent Reading: I Can (Level A)IR-Level A24 Letter Review 2: FDRIConsonants-125 hard "c"Consonants-126 Sight Word: weSight Words-127 letter "b"Consonants-128 Listening Comprehension: Harvest TimeWord Families-129 hard "g"LC-K130 Word Family: -agConsonants-131 Sight Word: mySight Words-132 short "o"Short Vowels33 Word Family: -otWord Families-134 Directionality of PrintPrint Concepts35 Independent Reading: We Can GoIR-Level A36 Count and Blend SyllablesPhonology-K37 Letter Review 3: CBGOConsonants-138 letter "n"Consonants-139 Sight Word: atSight Words-140 letter "l"Consonants-141 Sight Word: isSight Words-142 Capitalization of word: ICapitalization & Punctuation-K43 Independent Reading: Colors (Level A)IR-Level A44 Sight Word: seeSight Words-145 letter "p"Consonants-146 Word Family: -opWord Families-147 Listening Comprehension: How to Plant a SeedLC-K148 short "u"Short Vowels49 Sight Word: likeSight Words-150 Capitalization-Beginning of SentenceCapitalization & Punctuation-K51 Independent Reading: In the Sky (Level A)IR-Level A52 Word Family: -ipWord Families-153 Onsets and RimesPhonology-K54 Letter Review 4: NLPUConsonants-155 letter "h"Consonants-256 Sight Word: meSight Words-257 letter "k"Consonants-258 Sight Word: itSight Words-259 letter "w"Consonants-260 Sight Word: andSight Words-261 Punctuation ( . )Capitalization & Punctuation-K62 Independent Reading: I Like Me (Level A)IR-Level A63 Word Family: -ugWord Families-21
Kindergarten64 Listening Comprehension: The Story of a SeedLC-K265 letter "j"Consonants-266 Sight Word: toSight Words-2Phonics67 Punctuation ( ? )Capitalization & Punctuation-KPhonology68 Independent Reading: Mom and I (Level A)IR-Level ASight Words69 Word Family: -utWord Families-2Word Families70 Letter Review 5: HKWJConsonants-2Independent Reading71 short "e"Short VowelsListening Comprehension72 Sight Word: inSight Words-2Grammar & Conventions73 letter "v"Consonants-274 Sight Word: goSight Words-275 Punctuation ( ! )Capitalization & Punctuation-K76 Independent Reading: My Pet (Level B)IR-Level B77 Sight Word: amSight Words-278 letter "z"Consonants-279 Word Family: -etWord Families-280 Listening Comprehension: Who Am EYE?LC-K281 letter "y"Consonants-282 Sight Word: youSight Words-283 Capitalization ReviewCapitalization & Punctuation-K84 Independent Reading: I Can Do It! (Level B)IR-Level B85 Word Family: -edWord Families-286 letter "x"Consonants-287 Sight Word: onSight Words-288 Independent Reading: Cars (Level B)IR-Level B89 Word Family: -apWord Families-290 Sight Word: heSight Words-291 Punctuation ReviewCapitalization & Punctuation-K92 Independent Reading: Let's Get Ready (Level B)IR-Level B93 letter "q"Consonants-294 Sight Word: upSight Words-295 Independent Reading: Up in the Sky (Level B)IR-Level B96 Word Family: -anWord Families-297 Sight Word: forSight Words-298 Nouns-Instructional BookParts of Speech-K99 NounsParts of Speech-K100 Independent Reading: For You (Level B)IR-Level B101 Letter Review 6: EVZYXQConsonants-2102 Consonant Digraph "sh"Digraphs103 Sight Word: noSight Words-2104 Word Family: -inWord Families-3105 Consonant Digraph "ch"Digraphs106 Sight Word: anSight Words-3107 Verbs-Instructional BookParts of Speech-K108 VerbsParts of Speech-K109 Consonant Digraph "th" (Voiceless)Digraphs110 Sight Word: areSight Words-3111 Word Family: -igWord Families-3112 Consonant Digraph "th" (Voiced)Digraphs113 Sight Word: haveSight Words-3114 Nouns and VerbsParts of Speech-K115 Consonant Digraph "wh"Digraphs116 Sight Word: soSight Words-3117 Word Family: -unWord Families-3118 Listening Comprehension: Be an Earth Champion!LC-K2119 Consonant Digraph "ph"Digraphs120 Sight Word: comeSight Words-3121 Simple PluralsParts of Speech-K122 Consonant Digraph "ck"Digraphs123 Sight Word: doSight Words-3124 Independent Reading: Animal Ears (Level C)IR-Level C125 Word Family: -ogWord Families-3126 Consonant Digraph "ng"Digraphs127 Sight Word: hasSight Words-3128 Prepositions (Kindergarten)Parts of Speech-KColor Key2
First GradeFIRST GRADEThe lessons below are ordered chronologically.- Each student will start at a different lesson, based on their placement test results.- The very first lesson will not depend on the class grade. A First Grade student can start with a Kindergarten lesson or a Second Grade lesson, as Lalilo will adapt to their needs.- Students will automatically move on to the next lessons, you do not need to assign them. They will study up to 5 lessons simultaneously.Lesson name#1Sight Word: thisWhere to find it?Sight Words-3Color Key2 Consonant Blend "st"S-BlendsPhonics3Word Family: -imWord Families-3Phonology4Sight Word: lookSight Words-3Sight Words5 Independent Reading: Wheels (Level C)IR-Level CWord Families6Sight Word: didSight Words-3Independent Reading7Consonant Blend "sp"S-BlendsListening Comprehension8 Word Family: -idWord Families-3Grammar & Conventions9 Independent Reading: They are a Family (Level C)IR-Level C10 Proper Nouns-Instructional BookParts of Speech-Gr1a11 Proper NounsParts of Speech-Gr1a12 Sight Word: sheSight Words-313 Consonant Blend "sk"S-Blends14 Sight Word: withSight Words-315 Independent Reading: Where is Kit? (Level C)IR-Level C16 Sight Word: daySight Words-317 Capitalization of DatesCapitalization & Punctuation-Gr 118 Listening Comprehension: The Owl and the MouseLC-1a19 Word Family: -abWord Families-320 Sight Word: wentSight Words-321 Consonant Blend "sm"S-Blends22 Word Family: -ibWord Families-323 Consonant Blend "sn"S-Blends24 Capitalization of NamesCapitalization & Punctuation-Gr 125 Sight Word: gotSight Words-326 Independent Reading: Snack Time (Level C)IR-Level C27 Sight Word: beSight Words-428 Consonant Blend "sw"S-Blends29 Word Family: -egWord Families-430 Independent Reading: Math Munchies (Level D)IR-Level D31 Sight Word: allSight Words-432 Possessive Nouns InstructionParts of Speech-Gr1a33 Possessive NounsParts of Speech-Gr1a34 Consonant Blend "sc"S-Blends35 Sight Word: goodSight Words-436 Independent Reading: Helping in the Kitchen (Level D)IR-Level D37 Word Family: -obWord Families-438 Listening Comprehension: What Do You Eat?LC-1a39 Sight Word: hadSight Words-440 Sight Word: putSight Words-441 Consonant Blend "fl"L-Blends42 Word Family: -ubWord Families-443 Consonant Blend "sl"L-Blends44 Sight Word: getSight Words-445 Independent Reading: What Are They Doing? (Level D)IR-Level D46 Sight Word: saidSight Words-447 Consonant Blend "bl"L-Blends48 Mixed NounsParts of Speech-Gr1a49 Word Family: -umWord Families-450 Independent Reading: An Hour At the Park (Level D)IR-Level D51 Sight Word: notSight Words-452 Consonant Blend "cl"L-Blends53 Sight Word: hereSight Words-454 End Punctuation ReviewCapitalization & Punctuation-Gr 155 Independent Reading: It Snowed (Level D)IR-Level D56 Word Family: -enWord Families-457 Sight word: thatSight Words-458 Sight Word: bySight Words-459 Consonant Blend "gl"L-Blends60 Word Family: -udWord Families-461 Consonant Blend "pl"L-Blends3
First Grade62 Sight Word: ofSight Words-463 Independent Reading: Letter Bump (Level D)IR-Level D64 Sight Word: oneSight Words-4Phonics65 Capitalization Review Gr1Capitalization & Punctuation-Gr 1Phonology66 Consonant Blend "frR-Blends (and tw)Sight Words67 Word Family: -ayWord Families-4Word Families68 Independent Reading: One Day (Level D)IR-Level DIndependent Reading69 Sight Word: momSight Words-4Listening Comprehension70 Consonant Blend "br"R-Blends (and tw)Grammar & Conventions71 Sight Word: playSight Words-472 Independent Reading: The Milk We Drink (Level D)IR-Level D73 Featurues of a SentenceCapitalization & Punctuation-Gr 174 Word Family: allWord Families-575 Sight word: runSight Words-476 Sight Word: wasSight Words-477 Consonant Blend "cr"R-Blends (and tw)78 Word Family: -ellWord Families-579 Consonant Blend "dr"R-Blends (and tw)80 Sight Word: todaySight Words-481 AdjectivesParts of Speech-Gr1a82 Sight Word: fromSight Words-583 Consonant Blend "gr"R-Blends (and tw)84 Word Family: -illWord Families-585 Independent Reading: To Build a Bike (Level E)IR-Level E86 Sight Word: goingSight Words-587 Consonant Blend "pr"R-Blends (and tw)88 Sight Word: littleSight Words-589 Word Family: -ullWord Families-590 Listening Comprehension: Sniff, Bark, WagLC-1a91 Sight word: usSight Words-592 Sight Word: sawSight Words-593 Consonant Blend "tr"R-Blends (and tw)94 Word Family: -ackWord Families-595 Consonant Blend "tw"R-Blends (and tw)96 Sight Word: downSight Words-597 Complete SentencesSentence Work-Gr 198 Sight Word: dadSight Words-599 Short Vowel ReviewLong Vowels 1100 Word Family: -eckWord Families-5101 Independent Reading: Max is Angry (Level E)IR-Level E102 Verbs & Verb Tenses (Instruction)Parts of Speech-Gr1a103 Verbs: Present TenseParts of Speech-Gr1a104 Sight Word: thenSight Words-5105 Vowel: Short/Long ALong Vowels 1106 Sight Word: loveSight Words-5107 Independent Reading: Back to School (Level E)IR-Level E108 Word Family: -ickWord Families-5109 Listening Comprehension: All About PenguinsLC-1a110 Sight word: orSight Words-5111 Sight Word: bigSight Words-5112 Vowel: Short/Long ELong Vowels 1113 Word Family: -ockWord Families-5114 Vowel: Short/Long ILong Vowels 1115 Sight Word: yesSight Words-5116 Verbs: Past TenseParts of Speech-Gr1a117 Sight Word: ifSight Words-5118 Vowel: Short/Long OLong Vowels 1119 Word Family: -uckWord Families-5120 Independent Reading: A Frog's Life (Level E)IR-Level E121 Sight Word: babySight Words-5122 Vowel: Short/Long ULong Vowels 1123 Sight Word: whatSight Words-5124 Verbs: Future TenseParts of Speech-Gr1a125 CVCe Spelling PatternLong Vowels 1126 Word Family: -ankWord Families-5127 Listening Comprehension: Earth, Sun, MoonLC-1a128 Sight word: becauseSight Words-5129 Long Vowel ReviewLong Vowels 1130 Sight Word: verySight Words-5131 Ending Consonant Blend "nt"Ending Blends132 Word Family: -entWord Families-5133 Ending Consonant Blend "lf"Ending BlendsColor Key4
First Grade134 Sight Word: liveSight Words-5135 Verbs: Mixed TensesParts of Speech-Gr1a136 Sight Word: whereSight Words-5Phonics137 Ending Consonant Blend "nk"Ending BlendsPhonology138 Word Family: -ingWord Families-5Sight Words139 Independent Reading: Which One? (Level E)IR-Level EWord Families140 Sight Word: eatSight Words-5Independent Reading141 Ending Consonant Blend "mp"Ending BlendsListening Comprehension142 Sight Word: butSight Words-6Grammar & Conventions143 Subject/Verb AgreementParts of Speech-Gr1a144 Word Family: -umpWord Families-6145 Ending Consonant Blend "ld"Ending Blends146 Listening Comprehension: All About African ElephantsLC-1a147 Sight word: himSight Words-6148 Suffix: s (non-changing root)Suffixes 1149 Sight Word: wantSight Words-6150 Word Family: -ashWord Families-6151 Suffix: es (non-changing root)Suffixes 1152 Sight Word: hisSight Words-6153 Independent Reading: Rio and His Bone (Level F)IR-Level F154 Sight Word: girlSight Words-6155 Word Family: -estWord Families-6156 Suffix: ing (non-changing root)Suffixes 1157 Sight Word: makeSight Words-6158 Independent Reading: Off to Grandma's (Level E)IR-Level F159 Suffix: ed (non-changing root)Suffixes 1160 ConjunctionsParts of Speech-Gr1b161 Sight Word: knowSight Words-6162 Word Family: -unkWord Families-6163 Sight word: useSight Words-6164 Independent Reading: A Baby Fish is Called a Fry (Level F)IR-Level F165 Long A Vowel Pattern "ai"Long Vowels 1166 Sight Word: cameSight Words-6167 Word Family: -yWord Families-6168 Sight Word: willSight Words-6169 Types of SentencesSentence Work-Gr 1170 Sight Word: thinkSight Words-6171 Word Family: -oldWord Families-6172 Long A Vowel Pattern "ay"Long Vowels 1173 Sight Word: saySight Words-6174 Sight Word: funSight Words-6175 Listening Comprehension: VolcanoesLC-1b176 Word Family: -ightWord Families-6177 Sight word: readSight Words-6178 Independent Reading: Wake Up! It's Nighttime (Level F)IR-Level F179 Long E Vowel Pattern "ee"Long Vowels 1180 Sight Word: jumpSight Words-7181 Word Family: -aceWord Families-7182 Sight Word: asSight Words-7183 Sight Word: howSight Words-7184 Word Family: -iceWord Families-7185 Long E Vowel Pattern "ea"Long Vowels 1186 Sight Word: nowSight Words-7187 Independent Reading: Where Do We Get Our Food? (Level G)IR-Level G188 Sight Word: theySight Words-7189 Word Family: -adeWord Families-7190 Prepositions-Gr 1Parts of Speech-Gr1b191 Listening Comprehension: The Wonderful World of WhalesLC-1b192 Sight word: boySight Words-7193 Independent Reading: What's in the Ocean? (Level G)IR-Level G194 Long O Vowel Pattern "oa"Long Vowels 1195 Sight Word: awaySight Words-7196 Word Family: -ideWord Families-7197 Sight Word: herSight Words-7198 Long O Vowel Pattern "ow"Long Vowels 1199 Sight Word: whenSight Words-7200 Word Family: -akeWord Families-7201 Sight Word: whoSight Words-7202 Independent Reading: Working Dogs (Level G)IR-Level G203 R-influenced vowel "ar"R-Controlled Vowels204 Sight Word: themSight Words-7205 Word Family: -ikeWord Families-7Color Key5
First Grade206 DeterminersParts of Speech-Gr1b207 Independent Reading: The 4 R's (Level G)IR-Level G208 Sight word: wereSight Words-7Phonics209 R-influenced vowel "or"R-Controlled VowelsPhonology210 Sight Word: aboutSight Words-8Sight Words211 Word Family: -okeWord Families-8Word Families212 R-influenced vowel "er"R-Controlled VowelsIndependent Reading213 Sight Word: underSight Words-8Listening Comprehension214 Pronouns [temporary]Parts of Speech-Gr1bGrammar & Conventions215 Independent Reading: A Cub's First Year (Level H)IR-Level H216 Sight Word: whySight Words-8217 Word Family: -aleWord Families-8218 R-influenced vowel "ir"R-Controlled Vowels219 Sight Word: thereSight Words-8220 Independent Reading: Our Solar System (Level H)IR-Level H221 R-influenced vowel "ur"R-Controlled Vowels222 Sight Word: fastSight Words-8223 Word Family: -ileWord Families-8224 Independent Reading: Why Do We Need Math? (Level H)IR-Level H225 Sight word: yourSight Words-8226 Listening Comprehension: To the MoonLC-1b227 Long I Vowel Pattern "ie"Long Vowels 2228 Sight Word: couldSight Words-8229 Word Family: -oleWord Families-8230 Sight Word: overSight Words-8231 Independent Reading: Building Beavers (Level H)IR-Level H232 Long U Vowel Pattern "ue"Long Vowels 2233 Sight word: ourSight Words-8234 Word Family: -ameWord Families-8235 Sight word: moreSight Words-8236 Independent Reading: What If the Earth Could Talk? (Level H)IR-Level H237 Long U Vowel Pattern "ui"Long Vowels 2238 Sight word: afterSight Words-8239 Word Family: -imeWord Families-8240 Sight word: outSight Words-8241 Independent Reading: Leaf, Stem, Root (Level H)IR-Level H242 Long E Vowel Pattern "y"Long Vowels 2243 Sight word: tooSight Words-9244 Word Family: -aneWord Families-9245 Simple & Compound SentencesSentence Work-Gr 1246 Sight word: ballSight Words-9247 Independent Reading: Fred the Cat (Level I)IR-Level I248 Sight word: bookSight Words-9249 Word Family: -ineWord Families-9250 Long I Vowel Pattern "y"Long Vowels 2251 Sight Word: anySight Words-9252 Independent Reading: Forces and Motion at the Playground (Level I)IR-Level I253 Sight Word: favoriteSight Words-9254 SyllablesLong Vowels 2255 Counting Syllables with VowelsLong Vowels 2256 Word Family: -oneWord Families-9257 Revieiw: Parts of Speech-Gr 1Parts of Speech-Gr1b258 Sight Word: thanSight Words-9259 Listening Comprehension: Sunday with Grandpa - The Story of WaterLC-1b260 Contractions with "not"Contractions261 Sight word: justSight Words-9262 Word Family: -apeWord Families-9263 Sight Word: funnySight Words-9264 Contractions with "will"Contractions265 Sight word: homeSight Words-9266 Word Family: -opeWord Families-9267 Commas in Dates & ListsCapitalization & Punctuation-Gr 1268 Sight word: sameSight Words-9269 Independent Reading: Weather Patterns (Level I)IR-Level I270 Contractions with "would"Contractions271 Sight word: kindSight Words-9272 Word Family: -areWord Families-9273 Sight word: endSight Words-9274 Sight word: letSight Words-9275 Word Family: -ateWord Families-9276 Review: Punctuation-Gr 1Capitalization & Punctuation-Gr 1277 Sight word: tellSight Words-9Color Key6
First Grade278 Contractions with "be"Contractions279 Sight Word: can'tSight Words-9280 Word Family: -iteWord Families-9PhonicsColor Key281 Sight Word: I'mSight Words-9Phonology282 Independent Reading: The Search for Mr. Bear (Level I)IR-Level ISight Words283 Contractions with "have"ContractionsWord Families284 Sight word: don'tSight Words-9Independent Reading285 Word Family: -oseWord Families-9Listening Comprehension286 Sight word: firstSight Words-9Grammar & Conventions287 Contractions with "had"Contractions288 Expanding SentencesSentence Work-Gr 1289 Sight word: againSight Words-9290 Word Family: -ove (love)Word Families-9291 Sight word: helpSight Words-9292 Sight word: someSight Words-9293 Word Family: -ove (stove)Word Families-9294 Sight word: offSight Words-97
Second GradeSECOND GRADEThe lessons below are ordered chronologically.- Each student will start at a different lesson, based on their placement test results.- The very first lesson will not depend on the class grade. A First Grade student can start with a Kindergarten lesson or a Second Grade lesson, as Lalilo will adapt to their needs.- Students will automatically move on to the next lessons, you do not need to assign them. They will study up to 5 lessons simultaneously.Lesson name#1Long O vowel pattern "oe"Where to find it?Long Vowels 3Color Key2 Sight Word: giveSight Words-10Phonics3Sight Word: doneSight Words-10Phonology4Sight Word: waySight Words-10Sight Words5 Long U vowel pattern "ew"Long Vowels 3Word Families6Sight Word: walkSight Words-10Independent Reading7Sight Word: weekSight Words-10Listening Comprehension8 Sight Word: addSight Words-10Grammar & Conventions9 Independent Reading: Willow and Joy-Backyard Chickens (Level J)IR-Level J10 Short U vowel pattern "oo"Long Vowels 311 Sight Word: alsoSight Words-1012 Sight Word: nameSight Words-1013 Sight Word: schoolSight Words-1014 Sight Word: knewSight Words-1015 Listening Comprehension: Plastic at the PicnicLC-2a16 Long U vowel pattern "oo"Long Vowels 317 Sight Word: needSight Words-1018 Collective NounsParts of Speech Gr219 Sight Word: soonSight Words-1020 Sight Word: onceSight Words-1021 Independent Reading: Leo and His Squeak (Level J)IR-Level J22 Sight Word: everySight Words-1023 Sight Word: askSight Words-1024 Sight Word: backSight Words-1025 Long E Vowel Pattern: ieLong Vowels 326 Independent Reading: HICCUP! (Level J)IR-Level J27 Vowel Diphthong "oi"Diphthongs and Other Vowels28 Sight Word: beforeSight Words-1029 Sight Word: doesSight Words-1030 Sight Word: careSight Words-1031 Sight Word: onlySight Words-1032 Listening Comprehension: Happy Hannah Does It AgainLC-2a33 Vowel Diphthong "oy"Diphthongs and Other Vowels34 Sight Word: takeSight Words-1135 Sight Word: stopSight Words-1136 Sight Word: timeSight Words-1137 Vowel Diphthong "aw"Diphthongs and Other Vowels38 Sight Word: drawSight Words-1139 Capitalization: HolidaysCapitalization & Punctuation-240 Sight Word: maybeSight Words-1141 Sight Word: bestSight Words-1142 Vowel Diphthong "au"Diphthongs and Other Vowels43 Sight Word: beginSight Words-1144 Sight Word: rightSight Words-1145 Sight Word: prettySight Words-1146 Sight Word: coldSight Words-1147 Vowel Diphthong "ow"Diphthongs and Other Vowels48 Sight Word: openSight Words-1149 Sight Word: twoSight Words-1150 Sight Word: skySight Words-1151 Independent Reading: Rocks and Minerals (Level J)IR-Level J52 Vowel Diphthong "ou"Diphthongs and Other Vowels53 Sight Word: nextSight Words-1154 Sight Word: animalSight Words-1155 Sight Word: friendSight Words-1156 Inconsistent Vowel TeamsLong Vowels 357 Capitalization: GeographyCapitalization & Punctuation-258 Word Ending "le"Word Endings59 Sight Word: intoSight Words-1160 Sight Word: trySight Words-1161 Sight Word: storySight Words-118
Second Grade62 Sight Word: staySight Words-1163 Soft CSoft C/G64 Sight Word: citySight Words-12Phonics65 Sight Word: lastSight Words-12Phonology66 Sight Word: lifeSight Words-12Sight Words67 Soft GSoft C/GWord Families68 Sight Word: smallSight Words-12Independent Reading69 Sight Word: beenSight Words-12Listening Comprehension70 Sight Word: bothSight Words-12Grammar & Conventions71 Irregular PluralsIrregular Plurals72 Sight Word: newSight Words-1273 Sight Word: nightSight Words-1274 Sight Word: fourSight Words-1275 Sight Word: fiveSight Words-1276 Homophones: Long AHomophones77 Sight Word: motherSight Words-1278 Sight Word: fatherSight Words-1279 Sight Word: sisterSight Words-1280 Irregular Past TenseParts of Speech Gr-281 Homophones: Long EHomophones82 Sight Word: brotherSight Words-1283 Sight Word: familySight Words-1284 Sight Word: beingSight Words-1285 Homophones: Long IHomophones86 Sight Word: lessSight Words-1287 Sight Word: mightSight Words-1288 Sight Word: lightSight Words-1289 Sight Word: manySight Words-1290 Homophones: Long OHomophones91 Sight Word: teachSight Words-1392 Sight Word: teacherSight Words-1393 Adjectives ReviewParts of Speech Gr-294 Sight Word: suchSight Words-1395 Homophones: Long UHomophones96 Sight Word: happySight Words-1397 Sight Word: carrySight Words-1398 Sight Word: betterSight Words-1399 Double Consonants-End of Word (ff, ss, ll, zz)Double Consonants100 Sight Word: muchSight Words-13101 Sight Word: sleepSight Words-13102 Sight Word: showSight Words-13103 Sight Word: fewSight Words-13104 Double Consonants-Middle of WordDouble Consonants105 Double Consonant to Add SuffixDouble Consonants106 Sight Word: gradeSight Words-13107 Sight Word: classSight Words-13108 AdverbsParts of Speech Gr-2109 Sight Word: childrenSight Words-13110 Drop the E to Add Suffix (spelling rule)Suffixes 1111 Long Vowel 2-Syllable WordsDiphthongs and Other Vowels112 Sight Word: reallySight Words-13113 Sight Word: oldSight Words-13114 Prefix: rePrefixes115 Sight Word: shouldSight Words-13116 Independent Reading: CHOMP! (Level K)IR-Level K117 Prefix: unPrefixes118 Sight Word: planSight Words-13119 Sight Word: mustSight Words-13120 Sight Word: gaveSight Words-13121 Sight Word: houseSight Words-13122 Prefix: misPrefixes123 Sight Word: highSight Words-14124 Sight Word: growSight Words-14125 Sight Word: greatSight Words-14126 Adjectives and AdverbsParts of Speech Gr-2127 Prefix: disPrefixes128 Sight Word: lunchSight Words-14129 Sight Word: seenSight Words-14130 Sight Word: shortSight Words-14131 Prefix: nonPrefixes132 Sight Word: snowSight Words-14133 Sight Word: darkSight Words-14Color Key9
Second Grade134 Sight Word: eachSight Words-14135 Sight Word: easySight Words-14136 Listening Comprehension: All About LegoLC-2bPhonics137 Prefix: prePrefixesPhonology138 Sight Word: aboveSight Words-14Sight Words139 Sight Word: acrossSight Words-14Word Families140 Sight Word: ownSight Words-14Independent Reading141 Y to iesSuffixes 1Listening Comprehension142 Sight Word: readySight Words-14Grammar & Conventions143 Sight Word: rideSight Words-14144 Reflexive PronounsParts of Speech Gr-2145 Sight Word: threeSight Words-14146 Y to iedSuffixes 1147 Sight Word: evenSight Words-14148 Sight Word: storeSight Words-14149 Sight Word: untilSight Words-14150 Sight Word: yearSight Words-14151 Listening Comprehension: Jackie Robinson Rides the BusLC-2b152 Sufix: ySuffixes-2153 Sight Word: writeSight Words-15154 Sight Word: wroteSight Words-15155 Sight Word: startSight Words-15156 Suffix: ishSuffixes-2157 Sight Word: thingsSight Words-15158 Sight Word: togetherSight Words-15159 Sight Word: catchSight Words-15160 Gr 2 Capitalization ReviewCapitalization & Punctuation-2161 Independent Reading: Happy Birthday Around the World (Level L)IR-Level L162 Suffix: ableSuffixes-2163 Sight Word: goesSight Words-15164 Sight Word: goneSight Words-15165 Sight Word: largeSight Words-15166 Sight Word: streetSight Words-15167 Suffix: lySuffixes-2168 Sight Word: insideSight Words-15169 Sight Word: insteadSight Words-15170 Sight Word: becomeSight Words-15171 Suffix: fulSuffixes-2172 Sight Word: betweenSight Words-15173 Sight Word: personSight Words-15174 Sight Word: almostSight Words-15175 Suffix: lessSuffixes-2176 Sight Word: alwaysSight Words-15177 Sight Word: watchSight Words-15178 Sight Word: bringSight Words-15179 Sight Word: specialSight Words-15180 Suffix: erSuffixes-2181 Sight Word: secondSight Words-16182 Sight Word: thirdSight Words-16183 Sight Word: someoneSight Words-16184 Commas in LettersCapitalization & Punctuation-2185 Suffix: estSuffixes-2186 Sight Word: somethingSight Words-16187 Sight Word: everyoneSight Words-16188 Sight Word: answerSight Words-16189 Suffixes with words that end in eSuffixes-2190 Sight Word: dreamSight Words-16191 Sight Word: beautifulSight Words-16192 Sight Word: hourSight Words-16193 Sight Word: myselfSight Words-16194 Listening Comprehension: Traveling SeedsLC-2b195 Blend "str"3-letter blends/trigraphs196 Sight Word: questionSight Words-16197 Sight Word: yourselfSight Words-16198 Sight Word: pictureSight Words-16199 Sight Word: you'reSight Words-16200 Blend "scr"3-letter blends/trigraphs201 Sight Word: warmSight Words-16202 Sight Word: closeSight Words-16203 Sight Word: duringSight Words-16204 Blend "spr"3-letter blends/trigraphs205 Sight Word: differentSight Words-16Color Key10
Second Grade206 Sight Word: listenSight Words-16207 Sight Word: slowlySight Words-16208 Sight Word: nothingSight Words-16Phonics209 Listening Comprehension: RainforestsLC-2bPhonology210 Blend "spl"3-letter blends/trigraphsSight Words211 Sight Word: workSight Words-17Word Families212 Sight Word: worldSight Words-17Independent Reading213 Sight Word: placeSight Words-17Listening Comprehension214 Blend "thr"3-letter blends/trigraphsGrammar & Conventions215 Sight Word: laughSight Words-17216 Sight Word: finallySight Words-17217 Sight Word: sinceSight Words-17218 Independent Reading: What's the Matter (Level L)IR-Level L219 Blend "shr"3-letter blends/trigraphs220 Sight Word: doingSight Words-17221 Sight Word: throughSight Words-17222 Sight Word: behindSight Words-17223 Sight Word: earthSight Words-17224 Listening Comprehension: Julia and NanLC-2b225 Blend "squ"3-letter blends/trigraphs226 Sight Word: peopleSight Words-17227 Sight Word: thoseSight Words-17228 Sight Word: theseSight Words-17229 Independent Reading: A Salty Story (Level M)IR-Level M230 Trigraph "dge"3-letter blends/trigraphs231 Sight Word: whileSight Words-17232 Sight Word: numberSight Words-17233 Sight Word: anotherSight Words-17234 Trigraph "tch"3-letter blends/trigraphs235 Sight Word: partSight Words-17236 Sight Word: changeSight Words-17237 Sight Word: importantSight Words-17238 Sight Word: wouldSight Words-17239 Listening Comprehension: Catch Some Zzz'sLC-2b240 Trigraph "igh"3-letter blends/trigraphs241 Sight Word: theirSight Words-17242 Sight Word: they'reSight Words-17243 Sight Word: whichSight Words-17244 Independent Reading: Stinging Pollinators (Level M)IR-Level M245 Silent Letter Pairs (mb, kn, gn, wr)Silent Letters246 Sight Word: aroundSight Words-17247 Sight Word: pleaseSight Words-17248 Sight Word: thankSight Words-17249 Sentences: Expand & RearrangeSentence Work - Gr 2250 Vowel: or as in workR-controlled vowels251 Sight Word: neverSight Words-17252 Sight Word: outsideSight Words-17253 Sight Word: oftenSight Words-17254 Sight Word: withoutSight Words-17255 Listening Comprehension: Rise and FallLC-2bColor Key11
57 Sight Word: by Sight Words-4 58 Consonant Blend "gl" L-Blends 59 Word Family: -ud Word Families-4 60 Consonant Blend "pl" L-Blends 61 Sight Word: of Sight Words-4 62 Independent Reading: Letter Bump (Level D) IR-Level D 63 Sight Word: one Sight Words-4
Introduction to PYP social studies scope and sequence 2 Social studies scope and sequence Developing a school's social studies scope and sequence Unless a school has adopted the PYP sample programme of inquiry, the social studies content in its own scope and sequence will be different from the sample provided here. Some schools may need to .
Chapter 5 Project Scope Management Chapter 5 Project Scope Management 5.1 Plan Scope Management 5.1 Colect Requirements 5.2 Collect Requirements 5.2 Define Scope 5.3 Define Scope 5.3 Create WBS 5.4 Create WBS 5.4 Verify Scope 5.5 Validate Scope 5.5 Control Scope 5.6 Control Scope PMBOK 5th Edition
The Enhanced NYC Science Scope & Sequence is a revision of an earlier Scope & Sequence published in 2008. The Enhanced NYC Science Scope & Sequence includes the current NYS MST standards that all schools should continue to fo
AFWA Scope and Sequence Page 4 of 105 AFWA K-12 Conservation Education Scope and Sequence Overview The AFWA K-12 Conservation Education Scope and Sequence is a detailed list of what all students are expected to know and be able to do at each level of our educational system in the areas of science, social science, and health and fitness.
Master Syllabi for Grade 6 Courses 1 Grade 6 Math: TX Fundamentals of Geometry and Algebra Scope & Sequence: Scope & Sequence documents describe what is covered in a course (the scope) and also the order in which topics are covered (the sequence). These documents list instructional objectives and skills to be mastered. K¹² Scope & Sequence
Scripture Press scope and sequence - May 2019.indd 2 6/11/19 11:38 AM. SCRIPTURE PRESS SCOPE & SEQUENCE Primary Two-year scope and sequence for children in grades 1 and 2. Fall Winter Spring Summer Year 1 Unit 1: Knowing God Cares for Us Exodus Unit 1: Knowing Jesus Matthew, Luke
Notes for the Teacher - Tips on Teaching the Scope and Sequence This Scope and Sequence is very ACTIVITY focused. The activities are used to make learning fun, but are also intended to help children learn the skill, attitude and information in ways that enhance learning. The Scope and Sequence is organised into units and lessons.
An example of the type of information needed prior to developing a Scope & Sequence for a school focused on the media & design industry is included in the following table: 3. What is the process for developing the first draft of the Scope & Sequence? In constructing the first draft of the scope and sequence, begin by gathering the following .