Bachelor Of Technology (Biochemical Engineering) Program .

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UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGYSCHEME OF EXAMINATION B.TECH (BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING)Bachelor of Technology (Biochemical Engineering)Program: BCEProgram Code: 004Duration – 4 Years (Full time)Program Scheme and Syllabus(1st to 8th semester)University School of Chemical TechnologyGGS INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITYSECTOR 16C, DWARKA, NEW DELHI-1100781

UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGYSCHEME OF EXAMINATION B.TECH (BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING)Table of ContentsFIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATION . 5BA-109 Mathematics I. 6BA-111 Physics I . 7BA-117 Organic Chemistry . 8HS-101 Communication Skills I . 9HS-119* Impact of Science & Technology on Society . 10IT-105 Introduction to Computers . 11IT-107 Electrical Science . 12BA-163 Organic Chemistry Lab . 13BA-153 Physics I Lab . 13IT-155 Computer Programming Lab . 13IT-157 Engineering Graphics I . 14IT-159 Electrical Science Lab . 14SECOND SEMESTER EXAMINATION . 15BA-108 Mathematics II . 16BA-116 Physics II . 17BA-118 Physical Chemistry . 18EM-112 Environmental Studies. 19IT-104 Engineering Mechanics. 20HS-102 Communication Skills II. 21HS-126* Impact of Science & technology on Society. 22BA-156 Physics II Lab. 22BA-160 Physical Chemistry Lab . 22IT-154 Engineering Graphics II Lab . 23THIRD SEMESTER EXAMINATION. 24EM-211 Introduction to Life Sciences . 25BA-213 Applied Mathematics I . 26BCT-201 Biochemical Process Calculations . 27BCT 203 Fluid Mechanics . 28BCT-205 Unit Operations . 29BCT-207 Transport phenomenon . 30BCT-251 Workshop . 31BCT-253 Fluid Mechanics Lab . 31BCT-255 Unit Operations Lab. 31FOURTH SEMESTER EXAMINATION . 322

UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGYSCHEME OF EXAMINATION B.TECH (BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING)BA-212 Applied Mathematics II . 33BCT-214 Biochemistry . 34BCT-202 Eng. Thermodynamics . 35BCT-204 Mass Transfer I . 36BCT-206 Microbiology . 37BCT-208 Biochemical Reaction Engineering. 38BCT-252 Biochemistry Lab . 39BCT-254 Microbiology Lab . 39BCT-256 Unit Operation lab . 40FIFTH SEMESTER EXAMINATION . 41BCT-301 Protein Science & Engg . 42BCT-303 Bio Reaction Engg. . 43BCT-305 Heat Transfer . 44BCT-307 Mass Transfer II . 45BCT-309 Molecular Biology . 46BCT-311 Immunology . 47BCT-351 Heat & Mass Transfer Lab. 48BCT-353 Bio -Reaction Engg. Lab. 48BCT-355 Molecular Biology Lab . 49SIXTH SEMESTER EXAMINATION . 50BCT-302 Instrumentation & Control . 51BCT-304 Bioprocess Equipment Design . 52BCT-306 Computational Methods for Biochemical Engineers . 53BCT-308 Environmental Biotechnology . 54BCT-312 Biosafety, Hazards & IPR issues . 55MS-312 Organization Behavior & Industrial Management . 56BCT-352 Instrumentation & Control Lab . 57BCT-354 Minor computational project. 57BCT- 356 Seminar* . 57SEVENTH SEMESTER EXAMINATION. 58BCT-401 Modeling and Simulation of bioprocess . 59BCT-403 Process Engineering . 60BCT- 405 Enzyme Technology . 61BCT-407 Biochemical Processes . 62HS-411 Introduction to Economics . 63BCT-451 Modeling and Simulation Lab . 643

UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGYSCHEME OF EXAMINATION B.TECH (BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING)BCT-453 Project Work I . 64BCT-455 Summer Training/Project . 64EIGHTH SEMESTER EXAMINATION . 65BCT-422 Bioinformatics . 66BCT-424 Tissue Engineering . 67BCT-426 Bio Chemical Separation Engineering . 68BCT-428 Food Biotechnology . 69CT-424/EM-612 Environmental Impact Assessment & Risk Analysis . 70HS-412 Project Writing . 71BCT-452 Project Work II . 724

UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGYSCHEME OF EXAMINATION B.TECH (BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING)FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATIONLTPCredits1751128Theory PapersPaper ID99109PaperCodeBA-109TileLTPMathematics I310Credit499111BA-111Physics I210399117BA-117Organic Chemistry310498101HS-101Communication Skills I2103001HS-119*Impact of Science &19811915105IT-105Introduction to Computers300315107IT-107Electrical Science3104Technology on SocietyPractical/Viva Voce99163BA-163Organic Chemistry Lab003299153BA-153Physics I Lab002115155IT-155Computer Programming Lab002115157IT-157Engineering Graphics I002115159IT-159Electrical Science Lab0021Total17511528

UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGYSCHEME OF EXAMINATION B.TECH (BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING)Paper IDPaperL99109BA-109 Mathematics I3Unit IT1PCredit0414 HrsCalculus of functions of one variablei. Successive Differentiation, Leibnitz's theorem (without proof). Lagrange's Theorem,Cauchy Mean value theorems, Taylor's theorem (without proof), Remainder term,Asymptotes, Curvature, Curve Tracing.ii. Infinite Series: Convergence, divergence, Comparison test, Ration Test, Cauchy n th roottest, Leibnitz's test (without proof), Absolute and Conditional Convergence, Taylor andMeclaurin series, Power Series, Radius of Convergence.iii. Integral Calculus: Reduction Formulae of trigonometric functions, Properties of definiteIntegral, Applications to length, area, volume, surface of revolution, Definition ofimproper integrals, Beta-Gamma functionsUnit IICalculus of Functions of several variables14 HrsPartial derivatives, Chain rule, Differentiation of Implicit functions, Exact differentials.Maxima, Minima and saddle points, Method of Lagrange multipliers. Differentiation underIntegral sign, Jacobians and transformations of coordinates. Double and Triple integrals.Simple applications to areas, Volumes etc.Unit IIIVector Calculus14 HrsScalar and vector fields, Curves, Arc length, Tangent, normal, Directional Derivative,Gradient ofscalar field, divergence and curl of a vector field. Line integral (independent of path), Green'stheorem, Divergence theorem and Stoke's theorem (without proofs), Surface Integrals.Text Books1. Calculus and Analytic Geometry by G.B. Thomas and R.L. Finney, AddisonWesley/Narosa. publications2. Higher Engineering Mathematics by Grewal B.S., Khanna PublicationsReference Books1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by E. Kreyszig, Wiley Eastern Ltd.2. Theory and Problems of Vectors Analysis by Murray R. Spiegel, Schaum's OutlineSeries, Mc Graw Hill.3. Mathematical Analysis by S.C. Malik, Wiley Eastern Ltd.4. Advanced Calculus, Schaum's Outline Series, Mc Graw Hill5. Advanced Calculus by Widder, Prentice Hall Publishers.6. Shanti Narayan, "Differential Calculus", S. Chand & Co.7. Shanti Narayan, "Integral Calculus", S. Chand & Co.6

UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGYSCHEME OF EXAMINATION B.TECH (BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING)Paper IDPaperL99111BA-111 Physics I2UNIT IOpticsi.ii.iii.ii.1PCredit0310 HrsPolarization:Types of polarization, elliptically and circularly polarized light Brewsterslaw, Malu's law, Nicol prism, double refraction, quarter-wave and half-wave plates,optical activity, specific rotation, Laurent half shade polarimeter.Interference: Coherence and coherent sources, interference by division of wave front(young's double slit experiment, Fresnel's biprism), interference by division ofamplitude (thin films, Newton's rings, Michelson's interferrometer, Fabry Perotinterferrometer)Diffraction: (Fresnel and Fraunhofer types of diffraction) Fraunhofer difraction:Single slit, double slit, circular aperture and N-slit, diffraction grating wavelengthdetermination, resolving power and dispersive power, Fresnel Diffraction: Zone plate,circular aperture, opaque circular disc, narrow slit.UNIT IILaser and Fibre Opticsi.T10 HrsLasers : Introduction, coherence, Einstein A and B coefficients, population inversion,basic principle and operation of a laser, type of lasers, He-Ne laser, Ruby laser,semiconductor laser, holography-theory and applications.Fibre Optics: Introduction to optical fibre, types of optical fibres and theircharacteristics, (Attenuation and dispersion step index and graded index fibres, principleof fibre optic communication-total internal reflection, numerical aperture, fibre opticalcommunication network (qualitative)-its advantages.UNIT IIITheory of relativity8 HrsAbsolute and Inertial frames of reference, Galenlian transformations, Michelson-Morleyexperiment, the postulates of the special theory of relativity, Lorentz transformations, timedilation, length contraction, velocity addition, mass energy equivalence.Text Books1. Concept of Modern Physics: A. Beiser2. Optics by GhatakReference Books1. Modern Physics: Kenneth Krane2. Fundamentals of Optics: Jenkins and White3. Fundamental of Physics by Resnick and Halliday7

UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGYSCHEME OF EXAMINATION B.TECH (BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING)Paper IDPaperL99117BA-117 Organic Chemistry3UNIT IClassification of Organic CompoundsT1PCredit0412 HrsIUPAC nomenclature, structural isomerism, Cis-trans isomerism, shapes and molecular orbitalstructures of compounds containing C,N and O conformation of alkanes, structures of dienes,pyridine, pyrrole, aromatic compounds, delocalization, concept of aromaticity, stability ofcycloallanes, resonance concept, inductive and mesomeric effects, directive effects, activatingand deactivating group, hydrogen bonding, organic reagents and reaction intermediates.UNIT IIChemistry of hydrocarbons12 HrsHouse synthesis halogenations of alkanes, free radical mechanism, cracking effect of structure onphysical properties of compounds, alkenes catalytic hydrogenation, dehydration of alcohols,dehydrogenation, Sayteff rule, electrophillic addition reactions, peroxide effects, mechanism ofallylic substitution, acidity of 1-alkynes conjugated dienes, 1,2 and 1,4 additions, free radical andionic mechanisms of addition polymerization reactions. Ring opening reactions of cyclopropaneand cyclobutane, chemistry of benzene and alkyl benzenes. Aromatic electrophillic substitutionreaction Friedel-Crafts reaction.UNIT IIIChemistry of functional groups10 HrsAlkyl and aryl halides, nucloephilic substitution, synthetic utility of Grignard reagents andalkallithiums, mechanism of Gringartion of alcohols, Benzyl alcohol, Benzaldhyde, Acetophene,benzophenone, aldol condensation, acidity of acids, alkyl and aryl aminesUNIT IVSynthetic utility of diazonium salts8 HrsBasicity of amines, multistep synthesis.Text Books1. Text book of organic chemistry by B.S.Bahl and Arun Bahl, S.Chand and companyLTD. Delhi2. Fundamentals of organic chemistry by T.W.G.Solomons, John Wiley and sons, Inc.NewYork.Reference Books1. Text book of organic chemistry by Girijesh Dubey2. Organic Chemistry by Leroy G. Wade, Prentice Hall3. Organic Chemistry, Fourth Edition : Structure and Function by K. Peter C. Vollhardt, NeilE. Schore, Publisher: W. H. Freeman8

UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGYSCHEME OF EXAMINATION B.TECH (BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING)Paper IDPaperLTPCredit98101HS-101 Communication Skills I2103UNIT IRemedial English6 Hrsi. Parts of speech; Tense and concord; Conditional clauses; Question tags & short responses;Punctuation; Common errors.ii. Vocabulary and Usage: Synonyms & Antonyms; One word substitutions; Words oftenconfused; Idioms / Idiomatic expressions.UNIT IIWriting6 Hrsi.Technical Information: Technical description of simple objects, tools, appliances;processes and operations; scientific principles; Definitions ; Interpretation of VisualData (graph, charts etc)ii. Writing of: Paragraph; Summary and Abstract; Taking and Making Notes.i

SCHEME OF EXAMINATION B.TECH (BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING) 1 Bachelor of Technology (Biochemical Engineering) Program: BCE Program Code: 004 Duration – 4 Years (Full time) Program Scheme and Syllabus (1st to 8th semester) University School of Chemical Technology GGS INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY SECTOR 16C, DWARKA, NEW DELHI-110078

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engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems. PO-2 . J.E. Bailey and D.F. Ollis, Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals, McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2nd edition, 1986 4. James M. Lee, Biochemical Engineering. Prentice Hall.

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